def test_dhms_from_sec(self): self.assertEqual(OrgFormat.dhms_from_sec(123), '0:02:03') self.assertEqual(OrgFormat.dhms_from_sec(9999), '2:46:39') self.assertEqual(OrgFormat.dhms_from_sec(99999), '1d 3:46:39') self.assertEqual(OrgFormat.dhms_from_sec(12345678), '142d 21:21:18')
def _generateOrgentry(self, e_time, e_name, e_batt, e_uptime, e_last_opposite_occurrence, e_last_occurrence, prev_office_sum, prev_office_first_begin, office_lunchbreak, battery_percentage_when_booting): """ takes the data from the parameters and generates an Org-mode entry. @param e_time: time-stamp of the entry @param e_name: entry name/description @param e_batt: battery level @param e_uptime: uptime in seconds @param e_last_opposite_occurrence: time-stamp of previous opposite occurrence (if not False) @param e_last_occurrence: time-stamp of previous occurrence @param additional_paren_string: string that gets appended to the parenthesis @param prev_office_sum: holds the sum of all previous working duration today @param prev_office_first_begin: holds the first time-stamp of wifi-office for today @param office_lunchbreak: array of begin- and end-time-stamp of lunch-break (if any) @param battery_percentage_when_booting: battery level of previous boot (only set if no charge event was in-between) """ assert e_time.__class__ == datetime.datetime assert e_name.__class__ == str assert e_batt.__class__ == str assert e_uptime.__class__ == str assert (e_last_opposite_occurrence.__class__ == datetime.datetime or not e_last_opposite_occurrence) assert (e_last_occurrence.__class__ == datetime.datetime or not e_last_occurrence) assert (not battery_percentage_when_booting or battery_percentage_when_booting.__class__ == int) last_info = '' in_between_hms = '' in_between_s = '' ignore_occurrence = False # convert parameters to be writable: office_sum = prev_office_sum office_first_begin = prev_office_first_begin if e_last_opposite_occurrence: in_between_s = (e_time - e_last_opposite_occurrence).seconds + \ (e_time - e_last_opposite_occurrence).days * 3600 * 24 in_between_hms = str(OrgFormat.hms_from_sec(in_between_s)) if e_name == 'boot': last_info = ' (off for ' elif e_name == 'shutdown': last_info = ' (on for ' elif e_name.endswith('-end'): last_info = ' (' + e_name[0:-4].replace('wifi-', '') + ' for ' else: last_info = ' (not ' + e_name.replace('wifi-', '') + ' for ' # handle special case: office hours additional_paren_string = "" if e_name == 'wifi-office-end': office_total = None # calculate office_sum and office_total if not office_sum: office_sum = (e_time - e_last_opposite_occurrence).seconds office_total = office_sum else: assert (office_first_begin) assert (office_sum) office_sum = office_sum + ( e_time - e_last_opposite_occurrence).seconds office_total = int( time.mktime(e_time.timetuple()) - time.mktime(office_first_begin.timetuple())) assert (type(office_total) == int) assert (type(office_sum) == int) assert (type(in_between_s) == int) # come up with the additional office-hours string: additional_paren_string = '; today ' + OrgFormat.hms_from_sec(office_sum) + \ '; today total ' + OrgFormat.hms_from_sec(office_total) if additional_paren_string: last_info += str(OrgFormat.dhms_from_sec( in_between_s)) + additional_paren_string + ')' else: last_info += str(OrgFormat.dhms_from_sec(in_between_s)) + ')' elif e_last_occurrence: in_between_s = (e_time - e_last_occurrence).seconds + \ (e_time - e_last_occurrence).days * 3600 * 24 in_between_hms = str(OrgFormat.hms_from_sec(in_between_s)) # handle special case: office hours if e_name == 'wifi-office': if not office_sum or not office_first_begin: # new day office_first_begin = e_time else: # check if we've found a lunch-break (first wifi-office between 11:30-13:00 where not office for > 17min) if e_time.time() > datetime.time( 11, 30) and e_time.time() < datetime.time( 13, 00) and e_last_opposite_occurrence: if == ) and in_between_s > (17 * 60) and in_between_s < (80 * 60): office_lunchbreak = [ e_last_opposite_occurrence.time(), e_time.time() ] # handle special case: boot without previous shutdown = crash if (e_name == 'boot') and \ (e_last_occurrence and e_last_opposite_occurrence) and \ (e_last_occurrence > e_last_opposite_occurrence): # last boot is more recent than last shutdown -> crash has happened last_info = ' after crash' in_between_hms = '' in_between_s = '' ignore_occurrence = True properties = OrgProperties() if in_between_s == 0: # omit in-between content of property when it is zero in_between_s = '' in_between_hms = '' properties.add("IN-BETWEEN", in_between_hms) properties.add("IN-BETWEEN-S", str(in_between_s)) properties.add("BATT-LEVEL", e_batt) properties.add("UPTIME", OrgFormat.hms_from_sec(int(e_uptime))) properties.add("UPTIME-S", e_uptime) if e_name == 'wifi-office-end' and office_lunchbreak: properties.add( "OFFICE-SUMMARY", e_last_opposite_occurrence.strftime('| %Y-%m-%d | %a ') + prev_office_first_begin.strftime('| %H:%M ') + office_lunchbreak[0].strftime('| %H:%M ') + office_lunchbreak[1].strftime('| %H:%M ') + e_time.strftime('| %H:%M | | |')) elif e_name == 'wifi-office-end' and not office_lunchbreak: properties.add( "OFFICE-SUMMARY", e_last_opposite_occurrence.strftime('| %Y-%m-%d | %a ') + prev_office_first_begin.strftime('| %H:%M | 11:30 | 12:00 ') + e_time.strftime('| %H:%M | | |')) elif e_name == 'shutdown': if battery_percentage_when_booting: batt_diff_from_boot_to_shutdown = battery_percentage_when_booting - int( e_batt) if batt_diff_from_boot_to_shutdown >= 20: # hypothetical run-time (in hours; derived from boot to shutdown) of the device for 100% battery capacity # Note: battery_percentage_when_booting is set to False when a "charge-start"-event is recognized between boot and shutdown # Note: only calculated when at least 20 percent difference of battery level between boot and shutdown runtime_extrapolation = 100 * int( e_uptime) // batt_diff_from_boot_to_shutdown // 3600 properties.add("HOURS_RUNTIME_EXTRAPOLATION", runtime_extrapolation) self._writer.write_org_subitem( timestamp=e_time.strftime('<%Y-%m-%d %a %H:%M>'), output=e_name + last_info, properties=properties) return '** ' + e_time.strftime('<%Y-%m-%d %a %H:%M>') + ' ' + e_name + last_info + \ '\n:PROPERTIES:\n:IN-BETWEEN: ' + in_between_hms + \ '\n:IN-BETWEEN-S: ' + str(in_between_s) + \ '\n:BATT-LEVEL: ' + e_batt + \ '\n:UPTIME: ' + str(OrgFormat.hms_from_sec(int(e_uptime))) + \ '\n:UPTIME-S: ' + str(e_uptime) + '\n:END:\n', \ ignore_occurrence, office_sum, office_first_begin, office_lunchbreak