Example #1
def candlestick(ax, quotes, width=0.2, colorup="k", colordown="r", alpha=1.0):


    quotes is a list of (time, open, close, high, low, ...)  tuples.
    As long as the first 5 elements of the tuples are these values,
    the tuple can be as long as you want (eg it may store volume).

    time must be in float days format - see date2num

    Plot the time, open, close, high, low as a vertical line ranging
    from low to high.  Use a rectangular bar to represent the
    open-close span.  If close >= open, use colorup to color the bar,
    otherwise use colordown

    ax          : an Axes instance to plot to
    width       : fraction of a day for the rectangle width
    colorup     : the color of the rectangle where close >= open
    colordown   : the color of the rectangle where close <  open
    alpha       : the rectangle alpha level

    return value is lines, patches where lines is a list of lines
    added and patches is a list of the rectangle patches added

    OFFSET = width / 2.0

    lines = []
    patches = []
    for q in quotes:
        t, open, close, high, low = q[:5]

        if close >= open:
            color = colorup
            lower = open
            height = close - open
            color = colordown
            lower = close
            height = open - close

        vline = Line2D(xdata=(t, t), ydata=(low, high), color="k", linewidth=0.5, antialiased=True)

        rect = Rectangle(xy=(t - OFFSET, lower), width=width, height=height, facecolor=color, edgecolor=color)


    return lines, patches
Example #2
def candlestick(ax, quotes, width=0.2, colorup='k', colordown='r',


    quotes is a list of (time, open, close, high, low, ...)  tuples.
    As long as the first 5 elements of the tuples are these values,
    the tuple can be as long as you want (eg it may store volume).

    time must be in float days format - see date2num
    Plot the time, open, close, high, low as a vertical line ranging
    from low to high.  Use a rectangular bar to represent the
    open-close span.  If close >= open, use colorup to color the bar,
    otherwise use colordown

    ax          : an Axes instance to plot to
    width       : fraction of a day for the rectangle width
    colorup     : the color of the rectangle where close >= open
    colordown   : the color of the rectangle where close <  open    
    alpha       : the rectangle alpha level
    return value is lines, patches where lines is a list of lines
    added and patches is a list of the rectangle patches added

    OFFSET = width/2.0

    lines = []
    patches = []
    for q in quotes:
        t, open, close, high, low = q[:5]

        if close>=open :
            color = colorup
            lower = open
            height = close-open
        else           :
            color = colordown
            lower = close
            height = open-close

        vline = Line2D(
            xdata=(t, t), ydata=(low, high),

        rect = Rectangle(
            xy    = (t-OFFSET, lower),
            width = width,
            height = height, 
            facecolor = color,
            edgecolor = color,            


    return lines, patches
Example #3
class Figure(Artist):
    The Figure instance supports callbacks through a *callbacks*
    attribute which is a :class:`matplotlib.cbook.CallbackRegistry`
    instance.  The events you can connect to are 'dpi_changed', and
    the callback will be called with ``func(fig)`` where fig is the
    :class:`Figure` instance.

    The figure patch is drawn by a the attribute

       a :class:`matplotlib.patches.Rectangle` instance

       for multiple figure images, the figure will make composite
       images depending on the renderer option_image_nocomposite
       function.  If suppressComposite is True|False, this will
       override the renderer
    def __str__(self):
        return "Figure(%gx%g)" % tuple(self.bbox.size)

    def __init__(
            figsize=None,  # defaults to rc figure.figsize
            dpi=None,  # defaults to rc figure.dpi
            facecolor=None,  # defaults to rc figure.facecolor
            edgecolor=None,  # defaults to rc figure.edgecolor
            linewidth=1.0,  # the default linewidth of the frame
            frameon=True,  # whether or not to draw the figure frame
            subplotpars=None,  # default to rc
            w,h tuple in inches
            dots per inch
            the figure patch facecolor; defaults to rc ``figure.facecolor``
            the figure patch edge color; defaults to rc ``figure.edgecolor``
            the figure patch edge linewidth; the default linewidth of the frame
            if False, suppress drawing the figure frame
            a :class:`SubplotParams` instance, defaults to rc

        self.callbacks = cbook.CallbackRegistry(('dpi_changed', ))

        if figsize is None: figsize = rcParams['figure.figsize']
        if dpi is None: dpi = rcParams['figure.dpi']
        if facecolor is None: facecolor = rcParams['figure.facecolor']
        if edgecolor is None: edgecolor = rcParams['figure.edgecolor']

        self.dpi_scale_trans = Affine2D()
        self.dpi = dpi
        self.bbox_inches = Bbox.from_bounds(0, 0, *figsize)
        self.bbox = TransformedBbox(self.bbox_inches, self.dpi_scale_trans)

        self.frameon = frameon

        self.transFigure = BboxTransformTo(self.bbox)

        self.figurePatch = Rectangle(
            xy=(0, 0),

        self._hold = rcParams['axes.hold']
        self.canvas = None

        if subplotpars is None:
            subplotpars = SubplotParams()

        self.subplotpars = subplotpars

        self._axstack = Stack()  # maintain the current axes
        self.axes = []
        self._cachedRenderer = None

    def _get_dpi(self):
        return self._dpi

    def _set_dpi(self, dpi):
        self._dpi = dpi
        self.dpi_scale_trans.clear().scale(dpi, dpi)
        self.callbacks.process('dpi_changed', self)

    dpi = property(_get_dpi, _set_dpi)

    def autofmt_xdate(self, bottom=0.2, rotation=30, ha='right'):
        Date ticklabels often overlap, so it is useful to rotate them
        and right align them.  Also, a common use case is a number of
        subplots with shared xaxes where the x-axis is date data.  The
        ticklabels are often long, and it helps to rotate them on the
        bottom subplot and turn them off on other subplots, as well as
        turn off xlabels.

            the bottom of the subplots for :meth:`subplots_adjust`
            the rotation of the xtick labels
            the horizontal alignment of the xticklabels
        allsubplots = np.alltrue(
            [hasattr(ax, 'is_last_row') for ax in self.axes])
        if len(self.axes) == 1:
            for label in ax.get_xticklabels():
            if allsubplots:
                for ax in self.get_axes():
                    if ax.is_last_row():
                        for label in ax.get_xticklabels():
                        for label in ax.get_xticklabels():

        if allsubplots:

    def get_children(self):
        'get a list of artists contained in the figure'
        children = [self.figurePatch]
        return children

    def contains(self, mouseevent):
        Test whether the mouse event occurred on the figure.

        Returns True,{}
        if callable(self._contains): return self._contains(self, mouseevent)
        #inside = mouseevent.x >= 0 and mouseevent.y >= 0
        inside = self.bbox.contains(mouseevent.x, mouseevent.y)

        return inside, {}

    def get_window_extent(self, *args, **kwargs):
        'get the figure bounding box in display space; kwargs are void'
        return self.bbox

    def suptitle(self, t, **kwargs):
        Add a centered title to the figure.

        kwargs are :class:`matplotlib.text.Text` properties.  Using figure
        coordinates, the defaults are::

          *x* = 0.5
              the x location of text in figure coords
          *y* = 0.98
              the y location of the text in figure coords
          *horizontalalignment* = 'center'
              the horizontal alignment of the text
          *verticalalignment* = 'top'
              the vertical alignment of the text

        A :class:`matplotlib.text.Text` instance is returned.


          fig.subtitle('this is the figure title', fontsize=12)
        x = kwargs.pop('x', 0.5)
        y = kwargs.pop('y', 0.98)
        if ('horizontalalignment' not in kwargs) and ('ha' not in kwargs):
            kwargs['horizontalalignment'] = 'center'

        if ('verticalalignment' not in kwargs) and ('va' not in kwargs):
            kwargs['verticalalignment'] = 'top'

        t = self.text(x, y, t, **kwargs)
        return t

    def set_canvas(self, canvas):
        Set the canvas the contains the figure

        ACCEPTS: a FigureCanvas instance
        self.canvas = canvas

    def hold(self, b=None):
        Set the hold state.  If hold is None (default), toggle the
        hold state.  Else set the hold state to boolean value b.


            hold()      # toggle hold
            hold(True)  # hold is on
            hold(False) # hold is off
        if b is None: self._hold = not self._hold
        else: self._hold = b

    def figimage(self,
        call signatures::

          figimage(X, **kwargs)

        adds a non-resampled array *X* to the figure.


          figimage(X, xo, yo)

        with pixel offsets *xo*, *yo*,

        *X* must be a float array:

        * If *X* is MxN, assume luminance (grayscale)
        * If *X* is MxNx3, assume RGB
        * If *X* is MxNx4, assume RGBA

        Optional keyword arguments:

          =========   ==========================================================
          Keyword     Description
          =========   ==========================================================
          xo or yo    An integer, the *x* and *y* image offset in pixels
          cmap        a :class:`matplotlib.cm.ColorMap` instance, eg cm.jet.
                      If None, default to the rc ``image.cmap`` value
          norm        a :class:`matplotlib.colors.Normalize` instance. The
                      default is normalization().  This scales luminance -> 0-1
          vmin|vmax   are used to scale a luminance image to 0-1.  If either is
                      None, the min and max of the luminance values will be
                      used.  Note if you pass a norm instance, the settings for
                      *vmin* and *vmax* will be ignored.
          alpha       the alpha blending value, default is 1.0
          origin      [ 'upper' | 'lower' ] Indicates where the [0,0] index of
                      the array is in the upper left or lower left corner of
                      the axes. Defaults to the rc image.origin value
          =========   ==========================================================

        figimage complements the axes image
        (:meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow`) which will be resampled
        to fit the current axes.  If you want a resampled image to
        fill the entire figure, you can define an
        :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` with size [0,1,0,1].

        An :class:`matplotlib.image.FigureImage` instance is returned.

        if not self._hold: self.clf()

        im = FigureImage(self, cmap, norm, xo, yo, origin)
        if norm is None:
            im.set_clim(vmin, vmax)
        return im

    def set_figsize_inches(self, *args, **kwargs):
        import warnings
        warnings.warn('Use set_size_inches instead!', DeprecationWarning)
        self.set_size_inches(*args, **kwargs)

    def set_size_inches(self, *args, **kwargs):
        set_size_inches(w,h, forward=False)

        Set the figure size in inches


             fig.set_size_inches(w,h)  # OR
             fig.set_size_inches((w,h) )

        optional kwarg *forward=True* will cause the canvas size to be
        automatically updated; eg you can resize the figure window
        from the shell

        WARNING: forward=True is broken on all backends except GTK*
        and WX*

        ACCEPTS: a w,h tuple with w,h in inches

        forward = kwargs.get('forward', False)
        if len(args) == 1:
            w, h = args[0]
            w, h = args

        dpival = self.dpi
        self.bbox_inches.p1 = w, h

        if forward:
            dpival = self.dpi
            canvasw = w * dpival
            canvash = h * dpival
            manager = getattr(self.canvas, 'manager', None)
            if manager is not None:
                manager.resize(int(canvasw), int(canvash))

    def get_size_inches(self):
        return self.bbox_inches.p1

    def get_edgecolor(self):
        'Get the edge color of the Figure rectangle'
        return self.figurePatch.get_edgecolor()

    def get_facecolor(self):
        'Get the face color of the Figure rectangle'
        return self.figurePatch.get_facecolor()

    def get_figwidth(self):
        'Return the figwidth as a float'
        return self.bbox_inches.width

    def get_figheight(self):
        'Return the figheight as a float'
        return self.bbox_inches.height

    def get_dpi(self):
        'Return the dpi as a float'
        return self.dpi

    def get_frameon(self):
        'get the boolean indicating frameon'
        return self.frameon

    def set_edgecolor(self, color):
        Set the edge color of the Figure rectangle

        ACCEPTS: any matplotlib color - see help(colors)

    def set_facecolor(self, color):
        Set the face color of the Figure rectangle

        ACCEPTS: any matplotlib color - see help(colors)

    def set_dpi(self, val):
        Set the dots-per-inch of the figure

        ACCEPTS: float
        self.dpi = val

    def set_figwidth(self, val):
        Set the width of the figure in inches

        ACCEPTS: float
        self.bbox_inches.x1 = val

    def set_figheight(self, val):
        Set the height of the figure in inches

        ACCEPTS: float
        self.bbox_inches.y1 = val

    def set_frameon(self, b):
        Set whether the figure frame (background) is displayed or invisible

        ACCEPTS: boolean
        self.frameon = b

    def delaxes(self, a):
        'remove a from the figure and update the current axes'
        keys = []
        for key, thisax in self._seen.items():
            if a == thisax: del self._seen[key]
        for func in self._axobservers:

    def _make_key(self, *args, **kwargs):
        'make a hashable key out of args and kwargs'

        def fixitems(items):
            #items may have arrays and lists in them, so convert them
            # to tuples for the key
            ret = []
            for k, v in items:
                if iterable(v): v = tuple(v)
                ret.append((k, v))
            return tuple(ret)

        def fixlist(args):
            ret = []
            for a in args:
                if iterable(a): a = tuple(a)
            return tuple(ret)

        key = fixlist(args), fixitems(kwargs.items())
        return key

    def add_axes(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Add an a axes with axes rect [left, bottom, width, height] where all
        quantities are in fractions of figure width and height.  kwargs are
        legal Axes kwargs plus "projection" which sets the projection type
        of the axes.  (For backward compatibility, *polar=True* may also be
        provided, which is equivalent to *projection='polar'*).
        Valid values for "projection" are: %s.  Some of these projections
        support additional kwargs, which may be provided to add_axes::

            rect = l,b,w,h
            fig.add_axes(rect, frameon=False, axisbg='g')
            fig.add_axes(rect, polar=True)
            fig.add_axes(rect, projection='polar')
            fig.add_axes(ax)   # add an Axes instance

        If the figure already has an axes with key *args, *kwargs then it will
        simply make that axes current and return it.  If you do not want this
        behavior, eg you want to force the creation of a new axes, you must
        use a unique set of args and kwargs.  The artist "label" attribute has
        been exposed for this purpose.  Eg, if you want two axes that are
        otherwise identical to be added to the figure, make sure you give them
        unique labels::

            fig.add_axes(rect, label='axes1')
            fig.add_axes(rect, label='axes2')

        The :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance will be returned.

        The following kwargs are supported:
        """ % (", ".join(get_projection_names()), '%(Axes)s')

        key = self._make_key(*args, **kwargs)

        if self._seen.has_key(key):
            ax = self._seen[key]
            return ax

        if not len(args): return
        if isinstance(args[0], Axes):
            a = args[0]
            assert (a.get_figure() is self)
            rect = args[0]
            ispolar = kwargs.pop('polar', False)
            projection = kwargs.pop('projection', None)
            if ispolar:
                if projection is not None and projection != 'polar':
                    raise ValueError(
                        "polar=True, yet projection='%s'. " +
                        "Only one of these arguments should be supplied." %
                projection = 'polar'

            a = projection_factory(projection, self, rect, **kwargs)

        self._seen[key] = a
        return a

    add_axes.__doc__ = dedent(add_axes.__doc__) % artist.kwdocd

    def add_subplot(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Add a subplot.  Examples:

            fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)            # equivalent but more general
            fig.add_subplot(212, axisbg='r')  # add subplot with red background
            fig.add_subplot(111, polar=True)  # add a polar subplot
            fig.add_subplot(sub)              # add Subplot instance sub

        *kwargs* are legal :class:`!matplotlib.axes.Axes` kwargs plus *projection*, which chooses
        a projection type for the axes.  (For backward compatibility,
        *polar=True* may also be provided, which is equivalent to
        *projection='polar'*).  Valid values for *projection* are: %s.
        Some of these projections support additional *kwargs*, which may
        be provided to :meth:`add_axes`.

        The :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance will be returned.

        If the figure already has a subplot with key *args*, *kwargs* then it will
        simply make that subplot current and return it

        The following kwargs are supported:
        """ % (", ".join(get_projection_names()), "%(Axes)s")

        key = self._make_key(*args, **kwargs)
        if self._seen.has_key(key):
            ax = self._seen[key]
            return ax

        if not len(args): return

        if isinstance(args[0], SubplotBase):
            a = args[0]
            assert (a.get_figure() is self)
            ispolar = kwargs.pop('polar', False)
            projection = kwargs.pop('projection', None)
            if ispolar:
                if projection is not None and projection != 'polar':
                    raise ValueError(
                        "polar=True, yet projection='%s'. " +
                        "Only one of these arguments should be supplied." %
                projection = 'polar'

            projection_class = get_projection_class(projection)
            a = subplot_class_factory(projection_class)(self, *args, **kwargs)

        self._seen[key] = a
        return a

    add_subplot.__doc__ = dedent(add_subplot.__doc__) % artist.kwdocd

    def clf(self):
        Clear the figure
        self.suppressComposite = None
        self.callbacks = cbook.CallbackRegistry(('dpi_changed', ))

        for ax in tuple(self.axes):  # Iterate over the copy.
            self.delaxes(ax)  # removes ax from self.axes

        toolbar = getattr(self.canvas, 'toolbar', None)
        if toolbar is not None:
        self._seen = {}
        self.artists = []
        self.lines = []
        self.patches = []
        self.texts = []
        self.images = []
        self.legends = []
        self._axobservers = []

    def clear(self):
        Clear the figure

    def draw(self, renderer):
        Render the figure using :class:`matplotlib.backend_bases.RendererBase` instance renderer
        # draw the figure bounding box, perhaps none for white figure
        #print 'figure draw'
        if not self.get_visible(): return

        if self.frameon: self.figurePatch.draw(renderer)

        # todo: respect zorder
        for p in self.patches:
        for l in self.lines:
        for a in self.artists:

        # override the renderer default if self.suppressComposite
        # is not None
        composite = renderer.option_image_nocomposite()
        if self.suppressComposite is not None:
            composite = self.suppressComposite

        if len(self.images) <= 1 or composite or not allequal(
            [im.origin for im in self.images]):
            for im in self.images:
            # make a composite image blending alpha
            # list of (_image.Image, ox, oy)
            mag = renderer.get_image_magnification()
            ims = [(im.make_image(mag), im.ox * mag, im.oy * mag)
                   for im in self.images]
            im = _image.from_images(self.bbox.height * mag,
                                    self.bbox.width * mag, ims)
            if self.images[0].origin == 'upper':

            im.is_grayscale = False
            l, b, w, h = self.bbox.bounds
            clippath, affine = self.get_transformed_clip_path_and_affine()
            renderer.draw_image(l, b, im, self.bbox, clippath, affine)

        # render the axes
        for a in self.axes:

        # render the figure text
        for t in self.texts:

        for legend in self.legends:


        self._cachedRenderer = renderer


    def draw_artist(self, a):
        draw :class:`matplotlib.artist.Artist` instance *a* only --
        this is available only after the figure is drawn
        assert self._cachedRenderer is not None

    def get_axes(self):
        return self.axes

    def legend(self, handles, labels, *args, **kwargs):
        Place a legend in the figure.  Labels are a sequence of
        strings, handles is a sequence of
        :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` or
        :class:`~matplotlib.patches.Patch` instances, and loc can be a
        string or an integer specifying the legend location


          legend( (line1, line2, line3),
                  ('label1', 'label2', 'label3'),
                  'upper right')

        The *loc* location codes are::

          'best' : 0,          (currently not supported for figure legends)
          'upper right'  : 1,
          'upper left'   : 2,
          'lower left'   : 3,
          'lower right'  : 4,
          'right'        : 5,
          'center left'  : 6,
          'center right' : 7,
          'lower center' : 8,
          'upper center' : 9,
          'center'       : 10,

        *loc* can also be an (x,y) tuple in figure coords, which
        specifies the lower left of the legend box.  figure coords are
        (0,0) is the left, bottom of the figure and 1,1 is the right,

        The legend instance is returned.  The following kwargs are supported

            the location of the legend
            the number of points in the legend line
            a :class:`matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties` instance
            the fractional whitespace inside the legend border
            the relative size of legend markers vs. original
            if True, draw a shadow behind legend
            the vertical space between the legend entries
            the length of the legend lines
            the space between the legend line and legend text
            the border between the axes and legend edge

        handles = flatten(handles)
        l = Legend(self, handles, labels, *args, **kwargs)
        return l

    def text(self, x, y, s, *args, **kwargs):
        Add text to figure at location *x*, *y* (relative 0-1
        coords). See :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.text` for the meaning
        of the other arguments.

        kwargs control the :class:`~matplotlib.text.Text` properties:


        override = _process_text_args({}, *args, **kwargs)
        t = Text(

        return t

    text.__doc__ = dedent(text.__doc__) % artist.kwdocd

    def _set_artist_props(self, a):
        if a != self:

    def gca(self, **kwargs):
        Return the current axes, creating one if necessary

        The following kwargs are supported
        ax = self._axstack()
        if ax is not None: return ax
        return self.add_subplot(111, **kwargs)

    gca.__doc__ = dedent(gca.__doc__) % artist.kwdocd

    def sca(self, a):
        'Set the current axes to be a and return a'
        for func in self._axobservers:
        return a

    def add_axobserver(self, func):
        'whenever the axes state change, func(self) will be called'

    def savefig(self, *args, **kwargs):
        call signature::

          savefig(fname, dpi=None, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w',
                  orientation='portrait', papertype=None, format=None,

        Save the current figure.

        The output formats available depend on the backend being used.


            A string containing a path to a filename, or a Python file-like object.

            If *format* is *None* and *fname* is a string, the output
            format is deduced from the extension of the filename.

        Keyword arguments:

          *dpi*: [ None | scalar > 0 ]
            The resolution in dots per inch.  If *None* it will default to
            the value ``savefig.dpi`` in the matplotlibrc file.

          *facecolor*, *edgecolor*:
            the colors of the figure rectangle

          *orientation*: [ 'landscape' | 'portrait' ]
            not supported on all backends; currently only on postscript output

            One of 'letter', 'legal', 'executive', 'ledger', 'a0' through
            'a10', 'b0' through 'b10'. Only supported for postscript

            One of the file extensions supported by the active
            backend.  Most backends support png, pdf, ps, eps and svg.

            If *True*, the figure patch and axes patches will all be
            transparent.  This is useful, for example, for displaying
            a plot on top of a colored background on a web page.  The
            transparency of these patches will be restored to their
            original values upon exit of this function.

        for key in ('dpi', 'facecolor', 'edgecolor'):
            if not kwargs.has_key(key):
                kwargs[key] = rcParams['savefig.%s' % key]

        transparent = kwargs.pop('transparent', False)
        if transparent:
            original_figure_alpha = self.figurePatch.get_alpha()
            original_axes_alpha = []
            for ax in self.axes:
                axesPatch = ax.get_frame()

        self.canvas.print_figure(*args, **kwargs)

        if transparent:
            for ax, alpha in zip(self.axes, original_axes_alpha):

    def colorbar(self, mappable, cax=None, ax=None, **kw):
        if ax is None:
            ax = self.gca()
        if cax is None:
            cax, kw = cbar.make_axes(ax, **kw)
        cb = cbar.Colorbar(cax, mappable, **kw)

        def on_changed(m):
            #print 'calling on changed', m.get_cmap().name

        self.cbid = mappable.callbacksSM.connect('changed', on_changed)
        mappable.set_colorbar(cb, cax)
        return cb

    colorbar.__doc__ = '''
        Create a colorbar for a ScalarMappable instance.

        Documentation for the pylab thin wrapper:

        ''' % cbar.colorbar_doc

    def subplots_adjust(self, *args, **kwargs):
        fig.subplots_adjust(left=None, bottom=None, right=None, wspace=None, hspace=None)

        Update the :class:`SubplotParams` with *kwargs* (defaulting to rc where
        None) and update the subplot locations

        self.subplotpars.update(*args, **kwargs)
        import matplotlib.axes
        for ax in self.axes:
            if not isinstance(ax, matplotlib.axes.SubplotBase):
                # Check if sharing a subplots axis
                if ax._sharex is not None and isinstance(
                        ax._sharex, matplotlib.axes.SubplotBase):
                elif ax._sharey is not None and isinstance(
                        ax._sharey, matplotlib.axes.SubplotBase):

    def ginput(self, n=1, timeout=30, verbose=False, show_clicks=True):
        call signature::

          ginput(self, n=1, timeout=30, verbose=False, show_clicks=True)

        Blocking call to interact with the figure.

        This will wait for *n* clicks from the user and return a list of the
        coordinates of each click.

        If *timeout* is negative, does not timeout.

        If *n* is negative, accumulate clicks until a middle click
        terminates the input.

        Right clicking cancels last input.

        blocking_mouse_input = BlockingMouseInput(self)
        return blocking_mouse_input(n=n,