def to_pdbfixer_PDBFixer(item, atom_indices='all', structure_indices='all', check=True): if check: digest_item(item, 'molsysmt.MolSys') atom_indices = digest_atom_indices(atom_indices) structure_indices = digest_structure_indices(structure_indices) try: from pdbfixer.pdbfixer import PDBFixer except: raise LibraryNotFound('pdbfixer') from . import to_string_pdb_text from io import StringIO tmp_item = to_string_pdb_text(item, atom_indices=atom_indices, structure_indices=structure_indices, check=False) tmp_item = StringIO(tmp_item) tmp_item = PDBFixer(pdbfile=tmp_item) return tmp_item
def configureFiles(): fileType = session['fileType'] if fileType == 'pdb': if 'file' not in request.files or request.files['file'].filename == '': # They didn't select a file. Send them back. return showConfigureFiles() saveUploadedFiles() session['forcefield'] = request.form.get('forcefield', '') session['waterModel'] = request.form.get('waterModel', '') session['cleanup'] = request.form.get('cleanup', '') file, name = uploadedFiles['file'][0], 0) session['pdbType'] = _guessFileFormat(file, name) if session['cleanup'] == 'yes': global fixer if session['pdbType'] == 'pdb': fixer = PDBFixer(pdbfile=file) else: fixer = PDBFixer(pdbxfile=StringIO( return showSelectChains() elif fileType == 'amber': if 'prmtopFile' not in request.files or request.files[ 'prmtopFile'].filename == '' or 'inpcrdFile' not in request.files or request.files[ 'inpcrdFile'].filename == '': # They didn't select a file. Send them back. return showConfigureFiles() saveUploadedFiles() elif fileType == 'charmm': if 'psfFile' not in request.files or request.files[ 'psfFile'].filename == '' or 'crdFile' not in request.files or request.files[ 'crdFile'].filename == '': # They didn't select a file. Send them back. return showConfigureFiles() saveUploadedFiles() elif fileType == 'gromacs': if 'topFile' not in request.files or request.files[ 'topFile'].filename == '' or 'groFile' not in request.files or request.files[ 'groFile'].filename == '': # They didn't select a file. Send them back. return showConfigureFiles() saveUploadedFiles() session['gromacsIncludeDir'] = request.form.get( 'gromacsIncludeDir', '') configureDefaultOptions() return showSimulationOptions()
def to_pdbfixer_PDBFixer(item, atom_indices='all', structure_indices='all', check=True): if check: digest_item(item, 'string:pdb_text') atom_indices = digest_atom_indices(atom_indices) structure_indices = digest_structure_indices(structure_indices) from io import StringIO from pdbfixer.pdbfixer import PDBFixer from . import extract tmp_item = extract(item, atom_indices=atom_indices, structure_indices=structure_indices, check=False) tmp_io = StringIO() tmp_io.write(tmp_item) tmp_io.close() tmp_item = PDBFixer(pdbfile=tmp_item) return tmp_item
def to_pdbfixer_PDBFixer(item, atom_indices='all', structure_indices='all', check=True): if check: digest_item(item, 'file:pdb') atom_indices = digest_atom_indices(atom_indices) structure_indices = digest_structure_indices(structure_indices) from pdbfixer.pdbfixer import PDBFixer from ..pdbfixer_PDBFixer import extract as extract_pdbfixer_PDBFixer tmp_item = PDBFixer(item) tmp_item = extract_pdbfixer_PDBFixer(tmp_item, atom_indices=atom_indices, structure_indices=structure_indices, copy_if_all=False, check=False) return tmp_item
def test_build_and_simulate(): # DEBUG: These are tough PDB codes from pdbcodes_to_build = ['1AS5', '1CBN', '1DPO', '1IGY', '1HAG', '1IAO', '4CPA', '1QCQ'] # DEBUG: Small test cases. pdbcodes_to_build = ['110D', '116D', '117D', '118D', '134D', '135D', '136D', '138D', '143D', '148D', '151D', '152D', '159D', '177D', '17RA', '183D', '184D', '186D', '187D', '188D', '189D', '1A11', '1A13', '1A1P', '1A3P', '1A51', '1A60', '1A83', '1A9L', '1AAF', '1AB1', '1ABZ', '1AC7', '1ACW', '1AD7', '1ADX', '1AFP', '1AFT', '1AFX', '1AG7', '1AGG', '1AGL', '1AGT', '1AHL', '1AIE', '1AJ1', '1AJF', '1AJJ', '1AJU', '1AKG', '1AKX', '1AL1', '1ALE', '1ALF', '1ALG', '1AM0', '1AMB', '1AMC', '1AML', '1ANP', '1ANR', '1ANS', '1AO9', '1AOO', '1APF', '1APO', '1APQ', '1AQG', '1AQO', '1AQQ', '1AQR', '1AQS', '1ARD', '1ARE', '1ARF', '1ARJ', '1ARK', '1AS5', '1AT4', '1ATO', '1ATV', '1ATW', '1ATX', '1AV3', '1AW4', '1AW6', '1AWY', '1AXH', '1AY3', '1AYJ', '1AZ6', '1AZH', '1AZJ', '1AZK', '1B03', '1B0Q', '1B13', '1B1V', '1B2J', '1B36', '1B45', '1B4G', '1B4I', '1B4Y', '1B5N', '1B8W', '1B9G', '1B9P', '1B9Q', '1B9U', '1BA4', '1BA5', '1BA6', '1BAH', '1BAL', '1BBA', '1BBG', '1BBL', '1BBO', '1BCV', '1BD1', '1BDC', '1BDD', '1BDE', '1BDK', '1BDS', '1BE7', '1BEI', '1BF0', '1BF9', '1BFW', '1BFY', '1BFZ', '1BGK', '1BGZ', '1BH0', '1BH1', '1BH4', '1BH7', '1BHI', '1BHP', '1BIG', '1BJB', '1BJC', '1BJH', '1BK2', '1BK8', '1BKT', '1BKU', '1BL1', '1BM4', '1BMX', '1BN0', '1BNB', '1BNX', '1BOE', '1BOR', '1BPI', '1BPT', '1BQ8', '1BQ9', '1BQF', '1BRF', '1BRV', '1BRZ', '1BTI', '1BTQ', '1BTR', '1BTS', '1BTT', '1BUB', '1BUS', '1BVJ', '1BW6', '1BWX', '1BX7', '1BX8', '1BY0', '1BY6', '1BYJ', '1BYV', '1BYY', '1BZ2', '1BZ3', '1BZB', '1BZG', '1BZK', '1BZT', '1BZU', '1C0O', '1C26', '1C2U', '1C32', '1C34', '1C35', '1C38', '1C49', '1C4B', '1C4E', '1C4S', '1C55', '1C56', '1C6W', '1C98', '1C9A', '1C9Z', '1CAA', '1CAD', '1CAP', '1CB3', '1CB9', '1CBH', '1CBN', '1CCF', '1CCM', '1CCN', '1CCQ', '1CCV', '1CE3', '1CE4', '1CEK', '1CEU', '1CFG', '1CFH', '1CFI', '1CHL', '1CHV', '1CIX', '1CKW', '1CKX', '1CKY', '1CKZ', '1CL4', '1CLF', '1CMR', '1CNL', '1CNN', '1CNR', '1CO4', '1COI', '1CQ0', '1CQ5', '1CQL', '1CQU', '1CR8', '1CRE', '1CRF', '1CRN', '1CS9', '1CSA', '1CT6', '1CTI', '1CV9', '1CVQ', '1CW5', '1CW6', '1CW8', '1CWX', '1CWZ', '1CXN', '1CXO', '1CXR', '1CXW', '1CYA', '1CYB', '1CZ6', '1D0R', '1D0T', '1D0U', '1D0W', '1D10', '1D11', '1D12', '1D13', '1D14', '1D15', '1D16', '1D17', '1D1E', '1D1F', '1D1H', '1D26', '1D2D', '1D2J', '1D2L', '1D33', '1D35', '1D36', '1D37', '1D38', '1D54', '1D58', '1D5Q', '1D61', '1D62', '1D67', '1D6B', '1D6X', '1D78', '1D79', '1D7N', '1D7T', '1D7Z', '1D82', '1D8G', '1D93', '1D9J', '1D9L', '1D9M', '1D9O', '1D9P', '1DA0', '1DA9', '1DB6', '1DEC', '1DEM', '1DEN', '1DEP', '1DF6', '1DFE', '1DFS', '1DFT', '1DFW', '1DFY', '1DFZ'] # impossible cases pdbcodes_to_build = [ '1AO9', # contains residue DOP, which is not resolved in the ATOM records and does not appear to have a machine-readable definition anywhere ] # DEBUG: A few small test cases. pdbcodes_to_build = ['110D', '116D', '117D', '118D', '134D', '135D', '136D', '138D', '143D', '148D', '151D', '152D', '159D', '177D', '17RA', '183D', '184D', '186D', '187D', '188D', '189D', '1A11', '1A13', '1A1P', '1A3P', '1A51', '1A60', '1A83', '1A9L', '1AAF', '1AB1', '1ABZ', '1AC7', '1ACW', '1AD7', '1ADX', '1AFP', '1AFT', '1AFX', '1AG7', '1AGG', '1AGL', '1AGT', '1AHL', '1AIE', '1AJ1', '1AJF', '1AJJ', '1AJU', '1AKG', '1AKX', '1AL1', '1ALE', '1ALF', '1ALG', '1AM0', '1AMB', '1AMC', '1AML', '1ANP', '1ANR', '1ANS', '1AOO'] # Don't simulate any. pdbcodes_to_simulate = [] # Keep track of list of failures. failures = list() for pdbcode in pdbcodes_to_build: print("------------------------------------------------") print(pdbcode) output_pdb_filename = 'output.pdb' # PDB setup parameters. # TODO: Try several combinations? from simtk import unit pH = 7.0 ionic = 50.0 * unit.millimolar box = 10.0 * unit.angstrom positiveIon = 'Na+' negativeIon = 'Cl-' outfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False) output_pdb_filename = timeout_seconds = 30 watchdog = Watchdog(timeout_seconds) build_successful = False try: from pdbfixer.pdbfixer import PDBFixer from simtk.openmm import app stage = "Creating PDBFixer..." fixer = PDBFixer(pdbid=pdbcode) stage = "Finding missing residues..." fixer.findMissingResidues() stage = "Finding nonstandard residues..." fixer.findNonstandardResidues() stage = "Replacing nonstandard residues..." fixer.replaceNonstandardResidues() stage = "Finding missing atoms..." fixer.findMissingAtoms() stage = "Adding missing atoms..." fixer.addMissingAtoms() stage = "Removing heterogens..." fixer.removeHeterogens(False) stage = "Adding missing hydrogens..." fixer.addMissingHydrogens(pH) stage = "Writing PDB file..." app.PDBFile.writeFile(fixer.topology, fixer.positions, outfile) stage = "Done." outfile.close() build_successful = True except Watchdog: message = "timed out in stage %s" % stage print(message) failures.append((pdbcode, Exception(message))) except Exception as e: print("EXCEPTION DURING BUILD") #import traceback #print traceback.print_exc() print(str(e)) failures.append((pdbcode, e)) watchdog.stop() del watchdog # Test simulating this with OpenMM. if (pdbcode in pdbcodes_to_simulate) and (build_successful): watchdog = Watchdog(timeout_seconds) try: simulate(pdbcode, output_pdb_filename) except Watchdog: message = "timed out in simulation" print(message) failures.append((pdbcode, Exception(message))) except Exception as e: print("EXCEPTION DURING SIMULATE") #import traceback #print traceback.print_exc() print(str(e)) failures.append((pdbcode, e)) watchdog.stop() del watchdog # Clean up. os.remove(output_pdb_filename) print("------------------------------------------------") if len(failures) != 0: print("") print("SUMMARY OF FAILURES:") print("") for failure in failures: (pdbcode, exception) = failure print("%6s : %s" % (pdbcode, str(exception))) print("") raise Exception("Build test failed on one or more PDB files.") else: print("All tests succeeded.")
pdbfix_mutation = '{:s}-{:s}-{:s}'.format(orig, resno, final) pdbfix_mutations.append(pdbfix_mutation) return pdbfix_mutations input_pdbfile = 'cAbl.pdb' chain = "A" sequences = [ ['q252h'], ['y253f'], ['e255k'], ['f317i'], ['f317l'], ['m351t'], ] for mutations in sequences: mutation_list = convert_mutation_list(mutations) fixer = PDBFixer(filename=input_pdbfile) fixer.applyMutations(mutation_list, chain) prefix = os.path.splitext(input_pdbfile)[0] out_filename = "{:s}_{:s}.pdb".format(prefix, '-'.join(mutations)) outfile = open(out_filename, 'w') app.PDBFile.writeFile(fixer.topology, fixer.positions, outfile) outfile.close()
def test_build_and_simulate(): # DEBUG: These are tough PDB codes from pdbcodes_to_build = [ '1AS5', '1CBN', '1DPO', '1IGY', '1HAG', '1IAO', '4CPA', '1QCQ' ] # DEBUG: Small test cases. pdbcodes_to_build = [ '110D', '116D', '117D', '118D', '134D', '135D', '136D', '138D', '143D', '148D', '151D', '152D', '159D', '177D', '17RA', '183D', '184D', '186D', '187D', '188D', '189D', '1A11', '1A13', '1A1P', '1A3P', '1A51', '1A60', '1A83', '1A9L', '1AAF', '1AB1', '1ABZ', '1AC7', '1ACW', '1AD7', '1ADX', '1AFP', '1AFT', '1AFX', '1AG7', '1AGG', '1AGL', '1AGT', '1AHL', '1AIE', '1AJ1', '1AJF', '1AJJ', '1AJU', '1AKG', '1AKX', '1AL1', '1ALE', '1ALF', '1ALG', '1AM0', '1AMB', '1AMC', '1AML', '1ANP', '1ANR', '1ANS', '1AO9', '1AOO', '1APF', '1APO', '1APQ', '1AQG', '1AQO', '1AQQ', '1AQR', '1AQS', '1ARD', '1ARE', '1ARF', '1ARJ', '1ARK', '1AS5', '1AT4', '1ATO', '1ATV', '1ATW', '1ATX', '1AV3', '1AW4', '1AW6', '1AWY', '1AXH', '1AY3', '1AYJ', '1AZ6', '1AZH', '1AZJ', '1AZK', '1B03', '1B0Q', '1B13', '1B1V', '1B2J', '1B36', '1B45', '1B4G', '1B4I', '1B4Y', '1B5N', '1B8W', '1B9G', '1B9P', '1B9Q', '1B9U', '1BA4', '1BA5', '1BA6', '1BAH', '1BAL', '1BBA', '1BBG', '1BBL', '1BBO', '1BCV', '1BD1', '1BDC', '1BDD', '1BDE', '1BDK', '1BDS', '1BE7', '1BEI', '1BF0', '1BF9', '1BFW', '1BFY', '1BFZ', '1BGK', '1BGZ', '1BH0', '1BH1', '1BH4', '1BH7', '1BHI', '1BHP', '1BIG', '1BJB', '1BJC', '1BJH', '1BK2', '1BK8', '1BKT', '1BKU', '1BL1', '1BM4', '1BMX', '1BN0', '1BNB', '1BNX', '1BOE', '1BOR', '1BPI', '1BPT', '1BQ8', '1BQ9', '1BQF', '1BRF', '1BRV', '1BRZ', '1BTI', '1BTQ', '1BTR', '1BTS', '1BTT', '1BUB', '1BUS', '1BVJ', '1BW6', '1BWX', '1BX7', '1BX8', '1BY0', '1BY6', '1BYJ', '1BYV', '1BYY', '1BZ2', '1BZ3', '1BZB', '1BZG', '1BZK', '1BZT', '1BZU', '1C0O', '1C26', '1C2U', '1C32', '1C34', '1C35', '1C38', '1C49', '1C4B', '1C4E', '1C4S', '1C55', '1C56', '1C6W', '1C98', '1C9A', '1C9Z', '1CAA', '1CAD', '1CAP', '1CB3', '1CB9', '1CBH', '1CBN', '1CCF', '1CCM', '1CCN', '1CCQ', '1CCV', '1CE3', '1CE4', '1CEK', '1CEU', '1CFG', '1CFH', '1CFI', '1CHL', '1CHV', '1CIX', '1CKW', '1CKX', '1CKY', '1CKZ', '1CL4', '1CLF', '1CMR', '1CNL', '1CNN', '1CNR', '1CO4', '1COI', '1CQ0', '1CQ5', '1CQL', '1CQU', '1CR8', '1CRE', '1CRF', '1CRN', '1CS9', '1CSA', '1CT6', '1CTI', '1CV9', '1CVQ', '1CW5', '1CW6', '1CW8', '1CWX', '1CWZ', '1CXN', '1CXO', '1CXR', '1CXW', '1CYA', '1CYB', '1CZ6', '1D0R', '1D0T', '1D0U', '1D0W', '1D10', '1D11', '1D12', '1D13', '1D14', '1D15', '1D16', '1D17', '1D1E', '1D1F', '1D1H', '1D26', '1D2D', '1D2J', '1D2L', '1D33', '1D35', '1D36', '1D37', '1D38', '1D54', '1D58', '1D5Q', '1D61', '1D62', '1D67', '1D6B', '1D6X', '1D78', '1D79', '1D7N', '1D7T', '1D7Z', '1D82', '1D8G', '1D93', '1D9J', '1D9L', '1D9M', '1D9O', '1D9P', '1DA0', '1DA9', '1DB6', '1DEC', '1DEM', '1DEN', '1DEP', '1DF6', '1DFE', '1DFS', '1DFT', '1DFW', '1DFY', '1DFZ' ] # impossible cases pdbcodes_to_build = [ '1AO9', # contains residue DOP, which is not resolved in the ATOM records and does not appear to have a machine-readable definition anywhere ] # DEBUG: A few small test cases. pdbcodes_to_build = [ '110D', '116D', '117D', '118D', '134D', '135D', '136D', '138D', '143D', '148D', '151D', '152D', '159D', '177D', '17RA', '183D', '184D', '186D', '187D', '188D', '189D', '1A11', '1A13', '1A1P', '1A3P', '1A51', '1A60', '1A83', '1A9L', '1AAF', '1AB1', '1ABZ', '1AC7', '1ACW', '1AD7', '1ADX', '1AFP', '1AFT', '1AFX', '1AG7', '1AGG', '1AGL', '1AGT', '1AHL', '1AIE', '1AJ1', '1AJF', '1AJJ', '1AJU', '1AKG', '1AKX', '1AL1', '1ALE', '1ALF', '1ALG', '1AM0', '1AMB', '1AMC', '1AML', '1ANP', '1ANR', '1ANS', '1AOO' ] # Don't simulate any. pdbcodes_to_simulate = [] # Keep track of list of failures. failures = list() for pdbcode in pdbcodes_to_build: print("------------------------------------------------") print(pdbcode) output_pdb_filename = 'output.pdb' # PDB setup parameters. # TODO: Try several combinations? from simtk import unit pH = 7.0 ionic = 50.0 * unit.millimolar box = 10.0 * unit.angstrom positiveIon = 'Na+' negativeIon = 'Cl-' outfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False) output_pdb_filename = timeout_seconds = 30 watchdog = Watchdog(timeout_seconds) build_successful = False try: from pdbfixer.pdbfixer import PDBFixer from simtk.openmm import app stage = "Creating PDBFixer..." fixer = PDBFixer(pdbid=pdbcode) stage = "Finding missing residues..." fixer.findMissingResidues() stage = "Finding nonstandard residues..." fixer.findNonstandardResidues() stage = "Replacing nonstandard residues..." fixer.replaceNonstandardResidues() stage = "Removing heterogens..." fixer.removeHeterogens(False) stage = "Finding missing atoms..." fixer.findMissingAtoms() stage = "Adding missing atoms..." fixer.addMissingAtoms() stage = "Adding missing hydrogens..." fixer.addMissingHydrogens(pH) stage = "Writing PDB file..." app.PDBFile.writeFile(fixer.topology, fixer.positions, outfile) stage = "Done." outfile.close() build_successful = True except Watchdog: message = "timed out in stage %s" % stage print(message) failures.append((pdbcode, Exception(message))) except Exception as e: print("EXCEPTION DURING BUILD") #import traceback #print traceback.print_exc() print(str(e)) failures.append((pdbcode, e)) watchdog.stop() del watchdog # Test simulating this with OpenMM. if (pdbcode in pdbcodes_to_simulate) and (build_successful): watchdog = Watchdog(timeout_seconds) try: simulate(pdbcode, output_pdb_filename) except Watchdog: message = "timed out in simulation" print(message) failures.append((pdbcode, Exception(message))) except Exception as e: print("EXCEPTION DURING SIMULATE") #import traceback #print traceback.print_exc() print(str(e)) failures.append((pdbcode, e)) watchdog.stop() del watchdog # Clean up. os.remove(output_pdb_filename) print("------------------------------------------------") if len(failures) != 0: print("") print("SUMMARY OF FAILURES:") print("") for failure in failures: (pdbcode, exception) = failure print("%6s : %s" % (pdbcode, str(exception))) print("") raise Exception("Build test failed on one or more PDB files.") else: print("All tests succeeded.")
def run(options): fixer = PDBFixer(options['pdb']) fixer.addMissingHydrogens(7.0) fixer.addSolvent(boxSize=Vec3(2.62,2.62,2.62)*nanometers, padding=None, positiveIon='Na+', negativeIon='Cl-', ionicStrength=0.0*molar) PDBFile.writeFile(fixer.topology, fixer.positions, open(options['outfile'], 'w'))
def fix_complexes(self, complex_list): fixed_complexes = [] for complex in complex_list: for residue in complex.residues: atoms = residue._atoms for i in range(len(atoms) - 1, -1, -1): if atoms[i].molecular.is_het == True: del atoms[i]"tmp.pdb", pdb_options) fixer = PDBFixer(filename="tmp.pdb") fixer.findMissingResidues() fixer.findNonstandardResidues() fixer.replaceNonstandardResidues() fixer.findMissingAtoms() fixer.addMissingAtoms() fixer.removeHeterogens(False) fixer.addMissingHydrogens(7.0) (topology, positions) = self.delete_alternate_atoms(fixer.topology, fixer.positions) with open('tmp.pdb', 'w') as pdb_file: PDBFile.writeFile(topology, positions, pdb_file) fixed_complex ="tmp.pdb") fixed_complex.index = complex.index fixed_complex.position = complex.position fixed_complex.rotation = complex.rotation = fixed_complex.rendering.visible = True fixed_complexes.append(fixed_complex) return fixed_complexes