def test_box_product(self): a = Box(x=4) b = Box(y=3).shifted(math.wrap(1)) ab = a * b self.assertEqual(2, ab.spatial_rank) math.assert_close(ab.size, (4, 3)) math.assert_close(ab.lower, (0, 1))
def test_box_constructor_kwargs(self): b = Box(x=3.5, y=4) math.assert_close(b.lower, 0) math.assert_close(b.upper, (3.5, 4)) b = Box(x=(1, 2), y=None) math.assert_close(b.lower, (1, -math.INF)) math.assert_close(b.upper, (2, math.INF)) b = Box(x=(None, None)) math.assert_close(b.lower, -math.INF) math.assert_close(b.upper, math.INF)
def test_plot_scalar_2d_batch(self): self._test_plot( CenteredGrid(Noise(batch(b=2)), 0, x=64, y=8, bounds=Box(0, [1, 1]))) self._test_plot(CenteredGrid(Noise(batch(b=2)), 0, x=64, y=8, bounds=Box(0, [1, 1])), row_dims='b', size=(2, 4))
def tensor_as_field(t: Tensor): """ Interpret a `Tensor` as a `CenteredGrid` or `PointCloud` depending on its dimensions. Unlike the `CenteredGrid` constructor, this function will have the values sampled at integer points for each spatial dimension. Args: t: `Tensor` with either `spatial` or `instance` dimensions. Returns: `CenteredGrid` or `PointCloud` """ if spatial(t): assert not instance( t ), f"Cannot interpret tensor as Field because it has both spatial and instance dimensions: {t.shape}" bounds = Box(-0.5, math.wrap(spatial(t), channel('vector')) - 0.5) return CenteredGrid(t, 0, bounds=bounds) if instance(t): assert not spatial( t ), f"Cannot interpret tensor as Field because it has both spatial and instance dimensions: {t.shape}" assert 'vector' in t.shape, f"Cannot interpret tensor as PointCloud because it has not vector dimension." point_count = instance(t).volume bounds = data_bounds(t) radius = math.vec_length( bounds.size) / (1 + point_count**(1 / t.vector.size)) return PointCloud(Sphere(t, radius=radius))
def test_plot_vector_grid_2d(self): self._test_plot( CenteredGrid(Noise(vector=2), extrapolation.ZERO, x=64, y=8, bounds=Box(0, [1, 1])) * 0.1)
def __init__(self, resolution: math.Shape = math.EMPTY_SHAPE, boundaries: dict or tuple or list = OPEN, bounds: Box = None, **resolution_): """ The Domain specifies the grid resolution, physical size and boundary conditions of a simulation. It provides convenience methods for creating Grids fitting the domain, e.g. `grid()`, `vector_grid()` and `staggered_grid()`. Also see the `phi.physics` module documentation at Args: resolution: grid dimensions as Shape or sequence of integers. Alternatively, dimensions can be specified directly as kwargs. boundaries: specifies the extrapolation modes of grids created from this Domain. Default materials include OPEN, CLOSED, PERIODIC. To specify boundary conditions per face of the domain, pass a sequence of boundaries or boundary pairs (lower, upper)., e.g. [CLOSED, (CLOSED, OPEN)]. See . bounds: physical size of the domain. If not provided, the size is equal to the resolution (unit cubes). """ self.resolution: math.Shape = spatial_shape( resolution) & spatial_shape(resolution_) """ Grid dimensions as `Shape` object containing spatial dimensions only. """ self.boundaries: dict = _create_boundary_conditions( boundaries, self.resolution.names) """ Outer boundary conditions. """ self.bounds: Box = Box(0, math.wrap( self.resolution, names='vector')) if bounds is None else bounds """ Physical dimensions of the domain. """
def bounds(self) -> Box: if self._bounds is not None: return self._bounds else: from phi.field._field_math import data_bounds bounds = data_bounds( radius = math.max(self.elements.bounding_radius()) return Box(bounds.lower - radius, bounds.upper + radius)
def test_plot_multi_1d(self): self._test_plot( CenteredGrid( lambda x: math.stack({ 'sin': math.sin(x), 'cos': math.cos(x) }, channel('curves')), x=100, bounds=Box(x=2 * math.pi)))
def data_bounds(loc: SampledField or Tensor) -> Box: if isinstance(loc, SampledField): loc = loc.points assert isinstance( loc, Tensor), f"loc must be a Tensor or SampledField but got {type(loc)}" min_vec = math.min(loc, dim=loc.shape.non_batch.non_channel) max_vec = math.max(loc, dim=loc.shape.non_batch.non_channel) return Box(min_vec, max_vec)
def test_plot_multiple(self): grid = CenteredGrid(Noise(batch(b=2)), 0, Box[0:1, 0:1], x=50, y=10) grid2 = CenteredGrid(grid, 0, Box[0:2, 0:1], x=20, y=50) points = wrap([(.2, .4), (.9, .8)], instance('points'), channel('vector')) cloud = PointCloud(Sphere(points, radius=0.1), bounds=Box(0, [1, 1])) titles = math.wrap([['b=0', 'b=0', 'points'], ['b=1', 'b=1', '']], spatial('rows,cols')) self._test_plot(grid, grid2, cloud, row_dims='b', title=titles)
def vector_potential(self, value: Field or Tensor or Number or Geometry or callable = 0., extrapolation: str or math.Extrapolation = 'scalar', curl_type=CenteredGrid): if self.rank == 2 and curl_type == StaggeredGrid: pot_bounds = Box(self.bounds.lower - 0.5 * self.dx, self.bounds.upper + 0.5 * self.dx) alt_domain = Domain(self.boundaries, self.resolution + 1, bounds=pot_bounds) return alt_domain.scalar_grid(value, extrapolation=extrapolation) raise NotImplementedError()
def __init__(self, elements: Geometry, values: Tensor, extrapolation: float or math.Extrapolation, resolution: Shape, bounds: Box): if bounds.size.vector.item_names is None: with NUMPY: bounds = bounds.shifted( math.zeros(channel(vector=spatial(values).names))) SampledField.__init__(self, elements, values, extrapolation, bounds) assert values.shape.spatial_rank == elements.spatial_rank, f"Spatial dimensions of values ({values.shape}) do not match elements {elements}" assert values.shape.spatial_rank == bounds.spatial_rank, f"Spatial dimensions of values ({values.shape}) do not match elements {elements}" assert values.shape.instance_rank == 0, f"Instance dimensions not supported for grids. Got values with shape {values.shape}" self._resolution = resolution
def test_overlay(self): grid = CenteredGrid(Noise(), extrapolation.ZERO, x=64, y=8, bounds=Box(0, [1, 1])) points = wrap([(.2, .4), (.9, .8)], instance('points'), channel('vector')) cloud = PointCloud(Sphere(points, radius=.1)) self._test_plot(overlay(grid, grid * (0.1, 0.02), cloud), title='Overlay')
def test_plot_vector_3d_batched(self): sphere = CenteredGrid(SoftGeometryMask( Sphere(x=.5, y=.5, z=.5, radius=.4)), x=10, y=10, z=10, bounds=Box(x=1, y=1, z=1)) * (.1, 0, 0) cylinder = CenteredGrid(geom.infinite_cylinder( x=16, y=16, inf_dim='z', radius=10), x=32, y=32, z=32) * (0, 0, .1) self._test_plot(sphere, cylinder)
def simulate(centers): world = World() fluid = world.add(Fluid(Domain(x=5, y=4, bounds=Box(0, [40, 32])), buoyancy_factor=0.1, batch_size=centers.shape[0]), physics=IncompressibleFlow()) world.add(Inflow(Sphere(center=centers, radius=3), rate=0.2)) world.add(Fan(Sphere(center=centers, radius=5), acceleration=[1.0, 0])) world.step(dt=1.5) world.step(dt=1.5) world.step(dt=1.5) assert not math.close(fluid.density.values, 0) print() return fluid.density.values.batch[0], fluid.velocity.values.batch[0]
def expand_staggered(values: Tensor, resolution: Shape, extrapolation: math.Extrapolation): """ Add missing spatial dimensions to `values` """ cells = GridCell( resolution, Box( 0, math.wrap((1, ) * resolution.rank, channel(vector=resolution.names)))) components = values.vector.unstack(resolution.spatial_rank) tensors = [] for dim, component in zip(resolution.spatial.names, components): comp_cells = cells.stagger(dim, *extrapolation.valid_outer_faces(dim)) tensors.append(math.expand(component, comp_cells.resolution)) return math.stack(tensors, channel(vector=resolution.names))
def stack(fields, dim: Shape, dim_bounds: Box = None): """ Stacks the given `SampledField`s along `dim`. See Also: `concat()`. Args: fields: List of matching `SampledField` instances. dim: Stack dimension as `Shape`. Size is ignored. Returns: `SampledField` matching stacked fields. """ assert all( isinstance(f, SampledField) for f in fields ), f"All fields must be SampledFields of the same type but got {fields}" assert all( isinstance(f, type(fields[0])) for f in fields ), f"All fields must be SampledFields of the same type but got {fields}" if any(f.extrapolation != fields[0].extrapolation for f in fields): raise NotImplementedError("Concatenating extrapolations not supported") if isinstance(fields[0], Grid): values = math.stack([f.values for f in fields], dim) if spatial(dim): if dim_bounds is None: dim_bounds = Box(**{ len(fields)}) return type(fields[0])(values, extrapolation=fields[0].extrapolation, bounds=fields[0].bounds * dim_bounds) else: return fields[0].with_values(values) elif isinstance(fields[0], PointCloud): elements = geom.stack([f.elements for f in fields], dim=dim) values = math.stack([f.values for f in fields], dim=dim) colors = math.stack([f.color for f in fields], dim=dim) return PointCloud(elements=elements, values=values, color=colors, extrapolation=fields[0].extrapolation, add_overlapping=fields[0]._add_overlapping, bounds=fields[0]._bounds) raise NotImplementedError(type(fields[0]))
def grid_scatter(self, bounds: Box, resolution: math.Shape, outside_handling: str): """ Approximately samples this field on a regular grid using math.scatter(). Args: outside_handling: `str` passed to `phi.math.scatter()`. bounds: physical dimensions of the grid resolution: grid resolution Returns: CenteredGrid """ closest_index = bounds.global_to_local(self.points) * resolution - 0.5 mode = 'add' if self._add_overlapping else 'mean' base = math.zeros(resolution) if isinstance(self.extrapolation, math.extrapolation.ConstantExtrapolation): base += self.extrapolation.value scattered = math.scatter(base, closest_index, self.values, mode=mode, outside_handling=outside_handling) return scattered
def _grid_scatter(self, box: Box, resolution: math.Shape): """ Approximately samples this field on a regular grid using math.scatter(). Args: box: physical dimensions of the grid resolution: grid resolution box: Box: resolution: math.Shape: Returns: CenteredGrid """ closest_index = math.to_int(math.round(box.global_to_local(self.points) * resolution - 0.5)) if self._add_overlapping: duplicates_handling = 'add' else: duplicates_handling = 'mean' scattered = math.scatter(closest_index, self.values, resolution, duplicates_handling=duplicates_handling, outside_handling='discard', scatter_dims=('points',)) return scattered
def pad(grid: Grid, widths: int or tuple or list or dict): if isinstance(widths, int): widths = {axis: (widths, widths) for axis in grid.shape.spatial.names} elif isinstance(widths, (tuple, list)): widths = { axis: (width if isinstance(width, (tuple, list)) else (width, width)) for axis, width in zip(grid.shape.spatial.names, widths) } else: assert isinstance(widths, dict) widths_list = [widths[axis] for axis in grid.shape.spatial.names] if isinstance(grid, Grid): data = math.pad(grid.values, widths, grid.extrapolation) w_lower = math.wrap([w[0] for w in widths_list]) w_upper = math.wrap([w[1] for w in widths_list]) box = Box( - w_lower * grid.dx, + w_upper * grid.dx) return type(grid)(data, box, grid.extrapolation) raise NotImplementedError( f"{type(grid)} not supported. Only Grid instances allowed.")
def pad(grid: GridType, widths: int or tuple or list or dict) -> GridType: """ Pads a `Grid` using its extrapolation. Unlike `phi.math.pad()`, this function also affects the `bounds` of the grid, changing its size and origin depending on `widths`. Args: grid: `CenteredGrid` or `StaggeredGrid` widths: Either `int` or `(lower, upper)` to pad the same number of cells in all spatial dimensions or `dict` mapping dimension names to `(lower, upper)`. Returns: `Grid` of the same type as `grid` """ if isinstance(widths, int): widths = {axis: (widths, widths) for axis in grid.shape.spatial.names} elif isinstance(widths, (tuple, list)): widths = { axis: (width if isinstance(width, (tuple, list)) else (width, width)) for axis, width in zip(grid.shape.spatial.names, widths) } else: assert isinstance(widths, dict) widths_list = [widths[axis] for axis in grid.shape.spatial.names] if isinstance(grid, Grid): data = math.pad(grid.values, widths, grid.extrapolation) w_lower = math.wrap([w[0] for w in widths_list]) w_upper = math.wrap([w[1] for w in widths_list]) bounds = Box( - w_lower * grid.dx, + w_upper * grid.dx) return type(grid)(values=data, resolution=data.shape.spatial, bounds=bounds, extrapolation=grid.extrapolation) raise NotImplementedError( f"{type(grid)} not supported. Only Grid instances allowed.")
def test_box_constructor(self): box = Box(0, (1, 1)) math.assert_close(box.size, 1)
def test_box_eq(self): self.assertNotEqual(Box(x=1, y=1), Box(x=1))
def data_bounds(field: SampledField): data = field.points min_vec = math.min(data, dim=data.shape.spatial.names) max_vec = math.max(data, dim=data.shape.spatial.names) return Box(min_vec, max_vec)
def test_box_volume(self): box = Box( math.tensor([(0, 0), (1, 1)], batch('boxes'), channel('vector')), 1) math.assert_close(box.volume, [1, 0])
def test_box_batched(self): box = Box( math.tensor([(0, 0), (1, 1)], batch('boxes'), channel('vector')), 1) self.assertEqual(math.batch(boxes=2), box.shape)
def test_create_grid_int_resolution(self): g = CenteredGrid(0, 0, Box(x=4, y=3), resolution=10) self.assertEqual(g.shape, spatial(x=10, y=10)) g = StaggeredGrid(0, 0, Box(x=4, y=3), resolution=10) self.assertEqual(spatial(g), spatial(x=10, y=10))
def __init__(self, values: Any, extrapolation: Any = 0., bounds: Box = None, resolution: int or Shape = None, **resolution_: int or Tensor): """ Args: values: Values to use for the grid. Has to be one of the following: * `phi.geom.Geometry`: sets inside values to 1, outside to 0 * `Field`: resamples the Field to the staggered sample points * `Number`: uses the value for all sample points * `tuple` or `list`: interprets the sequence as vector, used for all sample points * `phi.math.Tensor` compatible with grid dims: uses tensor values as grid values * Function `values(x)` where `x` is a `phi.math.Tensor` representing the physical location. The spatial dimensions of the grid will be passed as batch dimensions to the function. extrapolation: The grid extrapolation determines the value outside the `values` tensor. Allowed types: `float`, `phi.math.Tensor`, `phi.math.extrapolation.Extrapolation`. bounds: Physical size and location of the grid as `phi.geom.Box`. resolution: Grid resolution as purely spatial `phi.math.Shape`. **resolution_: Spatial dimensions as keyword arguments. Typically either `resolution` or `spatial_dims` are specified. """ if resolution is None and not resolution_: assert isinstance( values, math.Tensor ), "Grid resolution must be specified when 'values' is not a Tensor." resolution = values.shape.spatial bounds = bounds or Box(0, math.wrap(resolution, channel('vector'))) elements = GridCell(resolution, bounds) else: if isinstance(resolution, int): assert not resolution_, "Cannot specify keyword resolution and integer resolution at the same time." resolution = spatial( **{ dim: resolution for dim in bounds.size.shape.get_item_names('vector') }) resolution = (resolution or math.EMPTY_SHAPE) & spatial(**resolution_) bounds = bounds or Box(0, math.wrap(resolution, channel('vector'))) elements = GridCell(resolution, bounds) if isinstance(values, math.Tensor): values = math.expand(values, resolution) elif isinstance(values, Geometry): values = reduce_sample(HardGeometryMask(values), elements) elif isinstance(values, Field): values = reduce_sample(values, elements) elif callable(values): values = math.map_s2b(values)( assert isinstance( values, math.Tensor ), f"values function must return a Tensor but returned {type(values)}" else: if isinstance( values, (tuple, list)) and len(values) == resolution.rank: values = math.tensor(values, channel(vector=resolution.names)) values = math.expand(math.tensor(values), resolution) if values.dtype.kind not in (float, complex): values = math.to_float(values) assert resolution.spatial_rank == bounds.spatial_rank, f"Resolution {resolution} does not match bounds {bounds}" Grid.__init__(self, elements, values, extrapolation, values.shape.spatial, bounds)
def __init__(self, values: Any, extrapolation: float or math.Extrapolation = 0, bounds: Box = None, resolution: Shape = None, **resolution_: int or Tensor): """ Args: values: Values to use for the grid. Has to be one of the following: * `phi.geom.Geometry`: sets inside values to 1, outside to 0 * `Field`: resamples the Field to the staggered sample points * `Number`: uses the value for all sample points * `tuple` or `list`: interprets the sequence as vector, used for all sample points * `phi.math.Tensor` with staggered shape: uses tensor values as grid values. Must contain a `vector` dimension with each slice consisting of one more element along the dimension they describe. Use `phi.math.stack()` to manually create this non-uniform tensor. * Function `values(x)` where `x` is a `phi.math.Tensor` representing the physical location. The spatial dimensions of the grid will be passed as batch dimensions to the function. extrapolation: The grid extrapolation determines the value outside the `values` tensor. Allowed types: `float`, `phi.math.Tensor`, `phi.math.extrapolation.Extrapolation`. bounds: Physical size and location of the grid. resolution: Grid resolution as purely spatial `phi.math.Shape`. **resolution_: Spatial dimensions as keyword arguments. Typically either `resolution` or `spatial_dims` are specified. """ if not isinstance(extrapolation, math.Extrapolation): extrapolation = math.extrapolation.ConstantExtrapolation( extrapolation) if resolution is None and not resolution_: assert isinstance( values, Tensor ), "Grid resolution must be specified when 'values' is not a Tensor." any_dim = values.shape.spatial.names[0] x = values.vector[any_dim] ext_lower, ext_upper = extrapolation.valid_outer_faces(any_dim) delta = int(ext_lower) + int(ext_upper) - 1 resolution = x.shape.spatial._replace_single_size( any_dim, x.shape.get_size(any_dim) - delta) bounds = bounds or Box(0, math.wrap(resolution, channel('vector'))) elements = staggered_elements(resolution, bounds, extrapolation) else: if isinstance(resolution, int): assert not resolution_, "Cannot specify keyword resolution and integer resolution at the same time." resolution = spatial( **{ dim: resolution for dim in bounds.size.shape.get_item_names('vector') }) resolution = (resolution or math.EMPTY_SHAPE) & spatial(**resolution_) bounds = bounds or Box(0, math.wrap(resolution, channel('vector'))) elements = staggered_elements(resolution, bounds, extrapolation) if isinstance(values, math.Tensor): values = expand_staggered(values, resolution, extrapolation) elif isinstance(values, Geometry): values = reduce_sample(HardGeometryMask(values), elements) elif isinstance(values, Field): values = reduce_sample(values, elements) elif callable(values): values = math.map_s2b(values)( if elements.shape.shape.rank > 1: # Different number of X and Y faces assert isinstance( values, TensorStack ), f"values function must return a staggered Tensor but returned {type(values)}" assert 'staggered_direction' in values.shape if 'vector' in values.shape: values = math.stack([ values.staggered_direction[i].vector[i] for i in range(resolution.rank) ], channel(vector=resolution.names)) else: values = values.staggered_direction.as_channel('vector') else: values = expand_staggered(math.tensor(values), resolution, extrapolation) if values.dtype.kind not in (float, complex): values = math.to_float(values) assert resolution.spatial_rank == bounds.spatial_rank, f"Resolution {resolution} does not match bounds {bounds}" Grid.__init__(self, elements, values, extrapolation, resolution, bounds)
def curl(field: Grid, type: type = CenteredGrid): """ Computes the finite-difference curl of the give 2D `StaggeredGrid`. """ assert field.spatial_rank in ( 2, 3), "curl is only defined in 2 and 3 spatial dimensions." if isinstance(field, CenteredGrid) and field.spatial_rank == 2: if 'vector' not in field.shape and type == StaggeredGrid: # 2D curl of scalar field grad = math.spatial_gradient(field.values, dx=field.dx, difference='forward', padding=None, stack_dim=channel('vector')) result = grad.vector.flip() * (1, -1) # (d/dy, -d/dx) bounds = Box(field.bounds.lower + 0.5 * field.dx, field.bounds.upper - 0.5 * field.dx) # lose 1 cell per dimension return StaggeredGrid( result, bounds=bounds, extrapolation=field.extrapolation.spatial_gradient()) if 'vector' in field.shape and type == CenteredGrid: # 2D curl of vector field x, y = field.shape.spatial.names vy_dx = math.spatial_gradient(field.values.vector[1], dx=field.dx.vector[0], padding=field.extrapolation, dims=x, stack_dim=None) vx_dy = math.spatial_gradient(field.values.vector[0], dx=field.dx.vector[1], padding=field.extrapolation, dims=y, stack_dim=None) c = vy_dx - vx_dy return field.with_values(c) elif isinstance(field, StaggeredGrid) and field.spatial_rank == 2: if type == CenteredGrid: for dim in field.resolution.names: l, u = field.extrapolation.valid_outer_faces(dim) assert l == u, "periodic extrapolation not yet supported" values = bake_extrapolation(field).values x_padded = math.pad(values.vector['x'], {'y': (1, 1)}, field.extrapolation) y_padded = math.pad(values.vector['y'], {'x': (1, 1)}, field.extrapolation) vx_dy = math.spatial_gradient(x_padded, field.dx, 'forward', None, dims='y', stack_dim=None) vy_dx = math.spatial_gradient(y_padded, field.dx, 'forward', None, dims='x', stack_dim=None) result = vx_dy - vy_dx return CenteredGrid(result, field.extrapolation.spatial_gradient(), bounds=field.bounds) raise NotImplementedError()