Example #1
def process_layer(r):
    if not isinstance(r, np.ndarray):
        r = np.asarray(r).astype(float) / 255.0
    if r.ndim < 3:
        r2 = np.empty((r.shape[0], r.shape[1], 3), dtype=float)
        r2[:, :, :] = r[:, :, np.newaxis]
        r = r2
    r /= np.percentile(r, 99.9)
    return rgb_to_srgb(r)
Example #2
def process_layer(r):
    if not isinstance(r, np.ndarray):
        r = np.asarray(r).astype(float) / 255.0
    if r.ndim < 3:
        r2 = np.empty((r.shape[0], r.shape[1], 3), dtype=float)
        r2[:, :, :] = r[:, :, np.newaxis]
        r = r2
    r /= np.percentile(r, 99.9)
    return rgb_to_srgb(r)
Example #3
def open_multilayer_exr(filename, tonemap=False, thumb_size=0, show_progress=False):
    Load a multilayer OpenEXR file and return a dictionary mapping layers to
    either numpy float32 arrays (if ``tonemap=False``) or to 8bit PIL images
    (if ``tonemap=True``).

    :param filename: string filename
    :param tonemap: if ``True``, map to sRGB
    :param thumb_size: if nonzero, resize images to have this as their max dimension
    :param show_progress: if ``True``, print info about loading

    if show_progress:
        print "Reading %s: %s layers..." % (filename, len(LAYER_CHANNELS))

    # Open the input file
    f = OpenEXR.InputFile(filename)
    header = f.header()

    # Compute the size
    dw = header['dataWindow']
    cols, rows = dw.max.x - dw.min.x + 1, dw.max.y - dw.min.y + 1

    multilayer = {}

    # load channels
    FLOAT = Imath.PixelType(Imath.PixelType.FLOAT)
    for key, channels in LAYER_CHANNELS.iteritems():
        print "Loading layer %s..." % key
        image = np.empty((rows, cols, 3), dtype=np.float32)
        for (i, c) in enumerate(channels):
            data = f.channel(c, FLOAT)
            image[:, :, i] = np.fromstring(data, dtype=np.float32) \
                .reshape((rows, cols))
        multilayer[key] = image

    #if denoise:
        #for t in ["diff", "gloss", "trans"]:
            #print "Denoising layer %s..." % t
            #multilayer["%s_ind" % t] = denoise_indirect_image(multilayer["%s_ind" % t])

        ## recompute combined image using denoised layer
        #multilayer["combined"] = multilayer["emit"] + multilayer["env"]
        #for t in ["diff", "gloss", "trans"]:
            #multilayer["combined"] += (
                #multilayer["%s_col" % t] * (multilayer["%s_dir" % t] + multilayer["%s_ind" % t])

    # resize and tonemap
    if tonemap:
        for key, channels in LAYER_CHANNELS.iteritems():
            print "Tonemapping layer %s..." % key
            image = multilayer[key]
            if key == "depth":
                image /= np.max(image[np.isfinite(image)])

            # convert to sRGB PIL
            image = numpy_to_pil(rgb_to_srgb(np.clip(image, 0.0, 1.0)))
            if thumb_size and key != "combined":
                image = ResizeToFit(thumb_size, thumb_size).process(image)
            multilayer[key] = image

    return multilayer
Example #4
def open_multilayer_exr(filename,
    Load a multilayer OpenEXR file and return a dictionary mapping layers to
    either numpy float32 arrays (if ``tonemap=False``) or to 8bit PIL images
    (if ``tonemap=True``).

    :param filename: string filename
    :param tonemap: if ``True``, map to sRGB
    :param thumb_size: if nonzero, resize images to have this as their max dimension
    :param show_progress: if ``True``, print info about loading

    if show_progress:
        print "Reading %s: %s layers..." % (filename, len(LAYER_CHANNELS))

    # Open the input file
    f = OpenEXR.InputFile(filename)
    header = f.header()

    # Compute the size
    dw = header['dataWindow']
    cols, rows = dw.max.x - dw.min.x + 1, dw.max.y - dw.min.y + 1

    multilayer = {}

    # load channels
    FLOAT = Imath.PixelType(Imath.PixelType.FLOAT)
    for key, channels in LAYER_CHANNELS.iteritems():
        print "Loading layer %s..." % key
        image = np.empty((rows, cols, 3), dtype=np.float32)
        for (i, c) in enumerate(channels):
            data = f.channel(c, FLOAT)
            image[:, :, i] = np.fromstring(data, dtype=np.float32) \
                .reshape((rows, cols))
        multilayer[key] = image

    #if denoise:
    #for t in ["diff", "gloss", "trans"]:
    #print "Denoising layer %s..." % t
    #multilayer["%s_ind" % t] = denoise_indirect_image(multilayer["%s_ind" % t])

    ## recompute combined image using denoised layer
    #multilayer["combined"] = multilayer["emit"] + multilayer["env"]
    #for t in ["diff", "gloss", "trans"]:
    #multilayer["combined"] += (
    #multilayer["%s_col" % t] * (multilayer["%s_dir" % t] + multilayer["%s_ind" % t])

    # resize and tonemap
    if tonemap:
        for key, channels in LAYER_CHANNELS.iteritems():
            print "Tonemapping layer %s..." % key
            image = multilayer[key]
            if key == "depth":
                image /= np.max(image[np.isfinite(image)])

            # convert to sRGB PIL
            image = numpy_to_pil(rgb_to_srgb(np.clip(image, 0.0, 1.0)))
            if thumb_size and key != "combined":
                image = ResizeToFit(thumb_size, thumb_size).process(image)
            multilayer[key] = image

    return multilayer