def rootOrientationFromFeetPlacement(phase, phase_next):
    #FIXME : extract only the yaw rotation
    qr = Quaternion(phase.RF_patch.placement.rotation)
    qr.x = 0
    qr.y = 0
    ql = Quaternion(phase.LF_patch.placement.rotation)
    ql.x = 0
    ql.y = 0
    q_rot = qr.slerp(0.5, ql)
    placement_init = SE3.Identity()
    placement_init.rotation = q_rot.matrix()
    if phase_next:
        if not isContactActive(phase, cfg.Robot.rfoot) and isContactActive(
                phase_next, cfg.Robot.rfoot):
            qr = Quaternion(phase_next.RF_patch.placement.rotation)
            qr.x = 0
            qr.y = 0
        if not isContactActive(phase, cfg.Robot.lfoot) and isContactActive(
                phase_next, cfg.Robot.lfoot):
            ql = Quaternion(phase_next.LF_patch.placement.rotation)
            ql.x = 0
            ql.y = 0
    q_rot = qr.slerp(0.5, ql)
    placement_end = SE3.Identity()
    placement_end.rotation = q_rot.matrix()
    return placement_init, placement_end
def compute_orientation_for_feet_placement(fb, pb, pId, moving, RF, prev_contactPhase, use_interpolated_orientation):
    Compute the rotation of the feet from the base orientation.
    :param fb: an instance of rbprm.Fullbody
    :param pb: the SL1M problem dictionary, containing all the phaseData
    :param pId: the Id of the current phase (SL1M index)
    :param moving: the Id of the moving feet
    :param RF: the Id of the right feet in the SL1M solver
    :param prev_contactPhase: the multicontact_api.ContactPhase of the previous phase
    :param use_interpolated_orientation: If False, the desired contact rotation is the current base orientation.
    If True, the desired contact rotation is the interpolation between the current base orientation
    and the one for the next phase
    :return: the rotation matrix of the new contact placement
    quat0 = Quaternion(pb["phaseData"][pId]["rootOrientation"])
    if pId < len(pb["phaseData"]) - 1:
        quat1 = Quaternion(pb["phaseData"][pId + 1]["rootOrientation"])
        quat1 = Quaternion(pb["phaseData"][pId]["rootOrientation"])
    if use_interpolated_orientation:
        rot = quat0.slerp(0.5, quat1)
        # check if feets do not cross :
        if moving == RF:
            qr = rot
            ql = Quaternion(prev_contactPhase.contactPatch(fb.lfoot).placement.rotation)
            ql = rot
            qr = Quaternion(prev_contactPhase.contactPatch(fb.rfoot).placement.rotation)
        rpy = matrixToRpy((qr * (ql.inverse())).matrix())  # rotation from the left foot pose to the right one
        if rpy[2] > 0:  # yaw positive, feet are crossing
            rot = quat0  # rotation of the root, from the guide
        rot = quat0  # rotation of the root, from the guide
    return rot
def parseLine(line, i):
    # check that line starts with joint_states
    if line [0] != 'joint_states':
        raise RuntimeError('line {} does not start by keyword "joint_states"'
    # look for keyword
    ilg = irg = None
    # make sure that one and only one of 'left_gripper' and 'right_gripper'
    # is specified in the current line.
        ilg = line.index('left_gripper')
    except ValueError as exc:
        irg = line.index('right_gripper')
    except ValueError as exc:
    if irg is None and ilg is None:
        raise SyntaxError \
           ('line {} contains neither "left_gripper" nor "right_gripper" tag.'
    if not irg is None and not ilg is None:
        raise SyntaxError \
           ('line {} contains both "left_gripper" and "right_gripper" tags.'
    measurement = dict()
    if ilg:
            measurement['joint_states'] = map(float, line [1:ilg])
        except ValueError as exc:
            raise SyntaxError\
           ('line {}, tag "joint_states": could not convert list {} to array'.
                               format(i+1, line [1:ilg]))
            v = map(float, line [ilg+1:])
            p = Quaternion(x=v[3], y=v[4], z=v[5], w=v[6])
            t = np.array(v[0:3]).reshape(3,1)
            measurement ['left_gripper'] = SE3(p,t)
        except ValueError as exc:
            raise SyntaxError\
           ('line {}, tag "left_gripper": could not convert list {} to array'.
                               format(i+1, line [ilg+1:]))
    if irg:
            measurement ['joint_states'] = map(float, line [1:irg])
        except ValueError as exc:
            raise SyntaxError\
           ('line {}, tag "joint_states": could not convert list {} to float'.
                               format(i+1, line [1:irg]))
            v = map(float, line [irg+1:])
            p = Quaternion(x=v[3], y=v[4], z=v[5], w=v[6])
            t = np.array(v[0:3]).reshape(3,1)
            measurement ['right_gripper'] =  SE3(p,t)
        except ValueError as exc:
            raise SyntaxError\
           ('line {}, tag "right_gripper": could not convert list {} to float'.
                               format(i+1, line [irg+1:]))
    return measurement
def computeRootYawAngleBetwwenConfigs(q0, q1):
    quat0 = Quaternion(q0[6], q0[3], q0[4], q0[5])
    quat1 = Quaternion(q1[6], q1[3], q1[4], q1[5])
    v_angular = np.array(log3(quat0.matrix()
    #print ("q_prev : ",q0)
    #print ("q      : ",q1)
    #print ("v_angular = ",v_angular)
    return v_angular[2]
 def __call__(self, T, nu):
     Integrate se3 velocity from SE3 element T
       - T: instance of SE3
       - nu: numpy array of dimension 6 (v,omega)
     q0 = np.array(7*[0.])
     q0[0:3] = T.translation
     q0[3:7] = Quaternion(T.rotation).coeffs()
     q = integrate(self.model,q0,nu)
     return SE3(Quaternion(x=q[3], y=q[4], z=q[5], w=q[6]), q[0:3])
Example #6
def gen_state(s, pId, num_max_sample = 0, first = False, normal = lp.Z_AXIS, newContact = True  ,projectCOM = True):
    #~ pId = 6
    phase =  pb["phaseData"][pId]
    moving = phase["moving"]
    movingID = fullBody.lLegId
    if moving == lp.RF:
        movingID = fullBody.rLegId
    print("# gen state for phase Id = ",pId)
    if False and pId < len(pb["phaseData"])-1:
      quat0 = Quaternion(pb["phaseData"][pId]["rootOrientation"])
      quat1 = Quaternion(pb["phaseData"][pId+1]["rootOrientation"])
      qrot = (quat0.slerp(0.5,quat1)).matrix()
      qrot = Quaternion(phase["rootOrientation"]) # rotation of the root, from the guide
    #q_n = Quaternion().FromTwoVectors(np.matrix(Z_AXIS).T,np.matrix(normal).T)
    #rot = quatToConfig(qrot * q_n)
    if not isclose(normal,Z_AXIS).all():
      qrot = Quaternion().FromTwoVectors(np.matrix(Z_AXIS).T,np.matrix(normal).T)
      # ignore guide orientation when normal is not z ...
    #rot = quatToConfig(qrot)
    pos = allfeetpos[pId];
    pos[2] += 0.002
    pose = pos.tolist()+quatToConfig(qrot)
    print("Try to add contact for "+movingID+" pos = "+str(pose))
    if newContact:
        sres, succ = tryCreateContactAround(s, movingID, pos.tolist(), normal.tolist(), num_max_sample= num_max_sample,rotation = qrot)
        #sres, succ = StateHelper.removeContact(s,movingID)
        #assert succ
        #succ = sres.projectToRoot(s.q()[0:3]+rot)
        #sres, succ = StateHelper.addNewContact(s, movingID, pos.tolist(), normal.tolist(), num_max_sample= num_max_sample)
        sres, succ = StateHelper.cloneState(s)
    if not succ:
      print("Cannot project config q = ",sres.q())
      print("To new contact position for "+movingID+" = "+str(pose)+" ; n = "+str(normal.tolist()))
      raise RuntimeError("Cannot project feet to new contact position") # try something else ?? 
    if projectCOM :
        #sfeet, _ = StateHelper.cloneState(sres)
        #print "config before projecting to com q1=",sres.q()
        successCOM = projectCoMInSupportPolygon(sres)
        if not successCOM:
            # is it really an issue ? 
            print("Unable to project CoM in the center of the support polygone")
    return sres
Example #7
def SE3ToViewerConfig(placement):
    q = [0] * 7
    q[0:3] = placement.translation.T.tolist()[0]
    r = Quaternion(placement.rotation)
    q[6] = r.w
    q[3:6] = r.coeffs().transpose().tolist()[0][0:3]
    return q
def callback_robotState(data):
    global cpt_1
    cpt_1 += 1
    if (cpt_1 % DOWNSAMPLING):
    #read vector q from ros
    q = np.array(
    #construct qUrdf from sot convention and eventualy external freeflyer
    qUrdf = np.zeros(37)
        global ff_xzyquat
        qUrdf[:7] = ff_xzyquat
        qUrdf[:3] = q[:3]
        quatMat = se3.utils.rpyToMatrix(np.matrix(q[3:6]).T)
        quatVec = Quaternion(quatMat)
        qUrdf[3:7] = np.array(quatVec.coeffs()).squeeze()
    qUrdf[7:11] = q[18:22]
    # chest-head
    qUrdf[11:18] = q[29:]
    # larm
    qUrdf[18:25] = q[22:29]
    # rarm
    qUrdf[25:31] = q[12:18]
    # lleg
    qUrdf[31:] = q[6:12]
    # rleg
    global q_glob
    q_glob = qUrdf  #update global configuration vector
    #~ embed()
    #~ tau = se3.rnea(v.robot.model,,qUrdf,np.matlib.zeros(37),np.matlib.zeros(37))
    #~ print tau[-4]
Example #9
def compute_freeflyer_state_from_fixed_body(jiminy_model,
    @brief Fill rootjoint data from articular data when a body is fixed parallel to world.

    @details The hypothesis is that 'fixed_body_name' is fixed parallel to world frame.
             So this method computes the position of freeflyer rootjoint in the fixed body frame.

    @note This function modifies internal data.

    @param model            The Jiminy model
    @param fixed_body_name  The name of the body that is considered fixed parallel to world frame
    @param[inout] position  Must contain current articular data. The rootjoint data can
                            contain any value, it will be ignored and replaced
                            The method fills in rootjoint data
    @param[inout] velocity  Same as positionInOut but for velocity

    @pre Rootjoint must be a freeflyer
    @pre positionInOut.size() == model_->nq
    if use_theoretical_model:
        pnc_model = jiminy_model.pinocchio_model_th
        pnc_data = jiminy_model.pinocchio_data_th
        pnc_model = jiminy_model.pinocchio_model
        pnc_data = jiminy_model.pinocchio_data

    position[6] = 1.0
    if velocity is not None:
        velocity = np.zeros((pnc_model.nv, ))
    if acceleration is not None:
        acceleration = np.zeros((pnc_model.nv, ))

    pnc.forwardKinematics(pnc_model, pnc_data, position, velocity,
    pnc.framesForwardKinematics(pnc_model, pnc_data, position)

    ff_M_fixed_body = get_body_world_transform(jiminy_model, fixed_body_name)
    w_M_ff = ff_M_fixed_body.inverse()
    base_link_translation = w_M_ff.translation
    base_link_quaternion = Quaternion(w_M_ff.rotation)
    position[:3] = base_link_translation
    position[3:7] = base_link_quaternion.coeffs()

    ff_v_fixed_body = get_body_world_velocity(jiminy_model, fixed_body_name)
    base_link_velocity = -ff_v_fixed_body
    velocity[:6] = base_link_velocity.vector

    ff_a_fixedBody = get_body_world_acceleration(jiminy_model, fixed_body_name)
    base_link_acceleration = -ff_a_fixedBody
    acceleration[:6] = base_link_acceleration.vector
Example #10
    def setCameraTransform(self,
        # translation : [Px, Py, Pz],
        # rotation : [Roll, Pitch, Yaw]

        R_pnc = rpyToMatrix(np.array(rotation))
        if Viewer.backend == 'gepetto-gui':
            H_abs = SE3(R_pnc, np.array(translation))
            if relative:
                H_orig = XYZQUATToSe3(
                H_abs = H_abs * H_orig
            if relative:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "'relative'=True not available with meshcat.")
            import meshcat.transformations as tf
            # Transformation of the camera object
            T_meshcat = tf.translation_matrix(translation)
            # Orientation of the camera object
            Q_pnc = Quaternion(R_pnc).coeffs()
            Q_meshcat = np.roll(Q_pnc, shift=1)
            R_meshcat = tf.quaternion_matrix(Q_meshcat)
Example #11
    def refresh_observation(self) -> None:
        if not self.simulator.is_simulation_running:
            # Initialize observation chunks
            self.obs_chunks = [
                *[f.vector for f in self.system_state.f_external]

            # Initialize observation chunks sizes
            self.obs_chunks_sizes = []
            idx_start = 0
            for obs in self.obs_chunks:
                idx_end = idx_start + len(obs)
                self.obs_chunks_sizes.append([idx_start, idx_end])
                idx_start = idx_end

            # Initialize previous torso position
            self.xpos_prev = self.system_state.q[0]

        # Update observation buffer
        for obs, size in zip(self.obs_chunks, self.obs_chunks_sizes):
            obs_idx = slice(*size)
            low = self.observation_space.low[obs_idx]
            high = self.observation_space.high[obs_idx]
            self._observation[obs_idx] = np.clip(obs, low, high)

        # Transform observed linear velocity to be in world frame
        self._observation[slice(*self.obs_chunks_sizes[1])][:3] = \
            Quaternion(self.system_state.q[3:7]) * self.obs_chunks[1][:3]
 def compute_for_normalized_time(self, t):
     if t < 0:
         print "Trajectory called with negative time."
         return self.compute_for_normalized_time(0)
     elif t > self.t_total:
         print "Trajectory called after final time."
         return self.compute_for_normalized_time(self.t_total)
     self.M = SE3.Identity()
     self.v = Motion.Zero()
     self.a = Motion.Zero()
     self.M.translation = self.curves(t)
     self.v.linear = self.curves.d(t)
     self.a.linear = self.curves.dd(t)
     #rotation :
     if self.curves.isInFirstNonZero(t):
         self.M.rotation = self.placement_init.rotation.copy()
     elif self.curves.isInLastNonZero(t):
         self.M.rotation = self.placement_end.rotation.copy()
         # make a slerp between self.effector_placement[id][0] and [1] :
         quat0 = Quaternion(self.placement_init.rotation)
         quat1 = Quaternion(self.placement_end.rotation)
         t_rot = t - self.t_mid_begin
   print "t : ",t
   print "t_mid_begin : ",self.t_mid_begin
   print "t_rot : ",t_rot
   print "t mid : ",self.t_mid
         assert t_rot >= 0, "Error in the time intervals of the polybezier"
         assert t_rot <= (self.t_mid + 1e-6
                          ), "Error in the time intervals of the polybezier"
         u = t_rot / self.t_mid
         # normalized time without the pre defined takeoff/landing phases
         self.M.rotation = (quat0.slerp(u, quat1)).matrix()
         # angular velocity :
         dt = 0.001
         u_dt = dt / self.t_mid
         r_plus_dt = (quat0.slerp(u + u_dt, quat1)).matrix()
         self.v.angular = pin.log3(self.M.rotation.T * r_plus_dt) / dt
         r_plus2_dt = (quat0.slerp(u + (2. * u_dt), quat1)).matrix()
         next_angular_velocity = pin.log3(r_plus_dt.T * r_plus2_dt) / dt
         self.a.angular = (next_angular_velocity - self.v.angular) / dt
         #r_plus_dt = (quat0.slerp(u+u_dt,quat1)).matrix()
         #next_angular_vel = (pin.log3(self.M.rotation.T * r_plus_dt)/dt)
         #self.a.angular = (next_angular_vel - self.v.angular)/dt
     return self.M, self.v, self.a
Example #13
def config_sot_to_urdf(q):
    qUrdf = mat_zeros(39)
    qUrdf[:3, 0] = q[:3, 0]
    quatMat = rpyToMatrix(q[3:6, 0])
    quatVec = Quaternion(quatMat)
    qUrdf[3:7, 0] = quatVec.coeffs()
    qUrdf[7:, 0] = q[6:, 0]
    return qUrdf
def SE3FromConfig(q):
    if isinstance(q, types.ListType):
        q = np.matrix(q).T
    placement = SE3.Identity()
    placement.translation = q[0:3]
    r = Quaternion(q[6, 0], q[3, 0], q[4, 0], q[5, 0])
    placement.rotation = r.matrix()
    return placement
def quatConfigFromMatrix(m):
    Transform a rotation matrix to a list containing the quaternion representation (x, y, z, w)
    :param m: a rotation matrix
    :return: The Quaternion stored as a list
    quat = Quaternion(m)
    return quatToConfig(quat)
 def __init__(self, placement_init, placement_final, time_interval):
     RefTrajectory.__init__(self, "TrajectorySE3LinearInterp")
     self.placement_init = placement_init
     self.placement_final = placement_final
     self.t0 = time_interval[0]
     self.t1 = time_interval[1]
     self.length = self.t1 - self.t0
     self.quat0 = Quaternion(self.placement_init.rotation)
     self.quat1 = Quaternion(self.placement_final.rotation)
     self.M = SE3.Identity()
     self.v = Motion.Zero()
     self.a = Motion.Zero()
     # constant velocity and null acceleration :
     self.v.linear = (placement_final.translation -
                      placement_final.translation) / self.length
     self.v.angular = pin.log3(placement_final.rotation.T *
                               placement_final.rotation) / self.length
Example #17
def transQuatToSE3(p):
    from pinocchio import SE3, Quaternion
    from numpy import matrix
    if len(p) != 7:
        raise ValueError("Cannot convert {} to SE3".format(p))
    return SE3(
        Quaternion(p[6], p[3], p[4], p[5]).matrix(),
Example #18
def SE3FromConfig(q):
    if isinstance(q, list):
        q = np.array(q)
    placement = SE3.Identity()
    tr = np.array(q[0:3])
    placement.translation = tr
    r = Quaternion(q[6], q[3], q[4], q[5])
    placement.rotation = r.matrix()
    return placement
def SE3ToViewerConfig(placement):
    Convert a pinocchio.SE3 object to a python list of lenght 7 : translation + quaternion (x, y, z, w)
    :param placement: the pinocchio.SE3 object
    :return: a list of lenght 7
    q = [0] * 7
    q[0:3] = placement.translation.tolist()
    r = Quaternion(placement.rotation)
    q[6] = r.w
    q[3:6] = r.coeffs().tolist()[0:3]
    return q
Example #20
def config_sot_to_urdf(q):
    # GEPETTO VIEWER Free flyer 0-6, CHEST HEAD 7-10, LARM 11-17, RARM 18-24, LLEG 25-30, RLEG 31-36
    # ROBOT VIEWER # Free flyer0-5, RLEG 6-11, LLEG 12-17, CHEST HEAD 18-21, RARM 22-28, LARM 29-35
    qUrdf = mat_zeros(37);
    qUrdf[:3,0] = q[:3,0];
    quatMat = rpyToMatrix(q[3:6,0]);
    quatVec = Quaternion(quatMat);
    qUrdf[3:7,0]   = quatVec.coeffs();
    qUrdf[7:11,0]  = q[18:22,0]; # chest-head
    qUrdf[11:18,0] = q[29:,0]; # larm
    qUrdf[18:25,0] = q[22:29,0]; # rarm
    qUrdf[25:31,0] = q[12:18,0]; # lleg
    qUrdf[31:,0]   = q[6:12,0]; # rleg
    return qUrdf;
Example #21
 def plan_guide(self, root_goal):
     Plan a guide from the current last_phase root position to the given root position
     :param root_goal: list of size 3 or 7: translation and quaternion for the desired root position
     If the quaternion part is not specified, the final orientation is not constrained
     Store the Id of the new path in self.current_guide_id
     self.guide_planner.q_goal = self.guide_planner.q_init[::]
     self.guide_planner.q_goal[:3] = root_goal[:3]
     self.guide_planner.q_goal[3:7] = [0, 0, 0, 1]
     self.guide_planner.q_goal[-6:] = [0] * 6
     last_phase = self.get_last_phase()
     if last_phase:
         logger.warning("Last phase not None")
         logger.warning("Last phase q_final : %s", last_phase.q_final[:7])
         self.guide_planner.q_init[:7] = last_phase.q_final[:7]
         self.guide_planner.q_init[2] = self.guide_planner.rbprmBuilder.ref_height  # FIXME
     #add small velocity in order to have smooth change of orientation at the beginning/end
     quat_init = Quaternion(self.guide_planner.q_init[6], self.guide_planner.q_init[3],
                            self.guide_planner.q_init[4], self.guide_planner.q_init[5])
     dir_init = quat_init * np.array([1, 0, 0])
     self.guide_planner.q_init[-6] = dir_init[0] * V_INIT
     self.guide_planner.q_init[-5] = dir_init[1] * V_INIT
     if len(root_goal) >= 7:
         self.guide_planner.q_goal[3:7] = root_goal[3:7]
         quat_goal = Quaternion(self.guide_planner.q_goal[6], self.guide_planner.q_goal[3],
                                self.guide_planner.q_goal[4], self.guide_planner.q_goal[5])
         dir_goal = quat_goal * np.array([1, 0, 0])
         self.guide_planner.q_goal[-6] = dir_goal[0] * V_GOAL
         self.guide_planner.q_goal[-5] = dir_goal[1] * V_GOAL
     logger.warning("Guide init = %s", self.guide_planner.q_init)
     logger.warning("Guide goal = %s", self.guide_planner.q_goal)
     self.current_root_goal = root_goal
     self.current_guide_id = - 1
Example #22
def exportWaist(path, waist_t):
    filename = path + "/WaistOrientation.dat"
    with open(filename, 'w') as f:
        for waist in waist_t.T:
            quat = Quaternion(waist[0, 6], waist[0, 3], waist[0, 4], waist[0, 5])
            #rot = matrixToRpy(quat.matrix()) # DEBUG
            rot = matrixToRpy(SE3.Identity().rotation)  # DEBUG
            line = ""
            for i in range(3):
                line += str(rot[i, 0]) + " "
            for i in range(6):
                line += "0 "
            f.write(line.rstrip(" ") + "\n")
    print("Motion exported to : ", filename)
def SE3FromConfig(q):
    Convert a vector of size >=7 to a pinocchio.SE3 object.
    Assume that the first 3 values of the vector are the translation part, followed by a quaternion(x,y,z,w)
    :param q: a list or a numpy array of size >=7
    :return: a SE3 object
    if isinstance(q, list):
        q = np.array(q)
    placement = SE3.Identity()
    tr = np.array(q[0:3])
    placement.translation = tr
    r = Quaternion(q[6], q[3], q[4], q[5])
    placement.rotation = r.matrix()
    return placement
def generateConfigFromPhase(fb, phase, projectCOM=False):
    effectorsInContact = phase.effectorsInContact()
    contacts = [
    ]  # contacts should contains the limb names, not the effector names
    list_effector = list(fb.dict_limb_joint.values())
    for eeName in effectorsInContact:
        contacts += [
    #q = phase.q_init.tolist() # should be the correct config for the previous phase, if used only from high level helper methods
    q = fb.referenceConfig[::] + [0] * 6  # FIXME : more generic !
    root = computeCenterOfSupportPolygonFromPhase(
        phase, fb.DEFAULT_COM_HEIGHT).tolist()
    q[0:2] = root[0:2]
    q[2] += root[2] - fb.DEFAULT_COM_HEIGHT
    quat = Quaternion(phase.root_t.evaluateAsSE3(phase.timeInitial).rotation)
    q[3:7] = [quat.x, quat.y, quat.z, quat.w]
    # create state in fullBody :
    state = State(fb, q=q, limbsIncontact=contacts)
    # check if q is consistent with the contact placement in the phase :
    for limbId in contacts:
        eeName = fb.dict_limb_joint[limbId]
        placement_fb = SE3FromConfig(fb.getJointPosition(eeName))
        placement_phase = phase.contactPatch(eeName).placement
        if placement_fb != placement_phase:  # add a threshold instead of 0 ? how ?
            # need to project the new contact :
            placement = phase.contactPatch(eeName).placement
            p = placement.translation.tolist()
            n = computeContactNormal(placement).tolist()
            state, success = StateHelper.addNewContact(state, limbId, p, n,
            if not success:
                    "Cannot project the configuration to contact, for effector : ",
                return state.q()
            if projectCOM:
                success = projectCoMInSupportPolygon(state)
                if not success:
                        "cannot project com to the middle of the support polygon."
    phase.q_init = np.array(state.q())

    return state.q()
Example #25
def computePoseFromSurface(surface):
  points = surface
  #normal = surface[1]
  normal = [0,0,1]
  center = np.zeros(3)
  for pt in points:
    center += np.array(pt)
  center /= len(points)
  center -= np.array(normal)*(WIDTH/2.)

  # rotation in rpy : 
  q_rot = Quaternion()
  n_m = np.matrix(normal).T
  rpy = matrixToRpy(q_rot.matrix())
  pose = center.tolist() + rpy.T.tolist()[0]
  return pose
def pinocchio_2_sot(q):
    # PINOCCHIO Free flyer 0-6, CHEST HEAD 7-10, LARM 11-17, RARM 18-24, LLEG 25-30, RLEG 31-36
    # SOT       Free flyer 0-5, RLEG 6-11, LLEG 12-17, CHEST HEAD 18-21, RARM 22-28, LARM 29-35
    qSot = np.matlib.zeros((36, 1))
    qSot[:3] = q[:3]
    quatMat = Quaternion(q[6, 0], q[3, 0], q[4, 0], q[5, 0]).matrix()
    qSot[3:6] = matrixToRpy(quatMat)
    qSot[18:22] = q[7:11]
    # chest-head
    qSot[29:] = q[11:18]
    # larm
    qSot[22:29] = q[18:25]
    # rarm
    qSot[12:18] = q[25:31]
    # lleg
    qSot[6:12] = q[31:]
    # rleg
    return qSot.A.squeeze()
Example #27
def config_sot_to_urdf(q_sot):
    q_sot = np.array(q_sot)
    qUrdf = np.zeros(37)
    qUrdf[:3] = q_sot[:3]
    quatMat = se3.utils.rpyToMatrix(np.matrix(q_sot[3:6]).T)
    quatVec = Quaternion(quatMat)
    qUrdf[3:7] = np.array(quatVec.coeffs()).squeeze()
    qUrdf[7:11] = q_sot[18:22]
    # chest-head
    qUrdf[11:18] = q_sot[29:36]
    # larm
    qUrdf[18:25] = q_sot[22:29]
    # rarm
    qUrdf[25:31] = q_sot[12:18]
    # lleg
    qUrdf[31:37] = q_sot[6:12]
    # rleg
    return qUrdf
Example #28
 def compute_stopping_cs(self, move_to_support_polygon=True):
     Compute a Contact Sequence with centroidal trajectories to bring the current last_phase
     to a stop without contact changes
     :param move_to_support_polygon: if True, add a trajectory to put the CoM above the center of the support polygon
     phase_stop = ContactPhase(self.get_last_phase())
     tools.setInitialFromFinalValues(phase_stop, phase_stop)
     phase_stop.timeInitial = phase_stop.timeFinal
     phase_stop.duration = DURATION_0_STEP  # FIXME !!
     # try 0-step:
     success, phase = zeroStepCapturability(phase_stop, self.cfg)
     if success:
         cs_ref = ContactSequence(0)
         # TEST : add another phase to go back in the center of the support polygon
         if move_to_support_polygon:
             phase_projected = ContactPhase()
             phase_projected.timeInitial = phase.timeFinal
             phase_projected.duration = DURATION_0_STEP
             tools.copyContactPlacement(phase, phase_projected)
             tools.setInitialFromFinalValues(phase, phase_projected)
             phase_projected.c_final = tools.computeCenterOfSupportPolygonFromPhase(
                 phase_stop, self.fullBody.DEFAULT_COM_HEIGHT)
             #FIXME 'default height'
         # TODO try 1 step :
         raise RuntimeError("One step capturability not implemented yet !")
     tools.computeRootTrajFromContacts(self.fullBody, cs_ref)
     self.last_phase = cs_ref.contactPhases[-1].copy()
     # define the final root position, translation from the CoM position and rotation from the feet rotation
     q_final = np.zeros(7)
     q_final[:3] = self.last_phase.c_final[::]
     placement_rot_root, _ = tools.rootOrientationFromFeetPlacement(self.cfg.Robot, None, self.last_phase, None)
     quat_root = Quaternion(placement_rot_root.rotation)
     q_final[3:7] = [quat_root.x, quat_root.y, quat_root.z, quat_root.w]
     self.last_phase.q_final = q_final
     self.last_phase_flag.value = False
     self.last_phase_pickled = Array(c_ubyte, MAX_PICKLE_SIZE)  # reset currently stored whole body last phase
     return cs_ref
def sot_2_pinocchio(q):
    # PINOCCHIO Free flyer 0-6, CHEST HEAD 7-10, LARM 11-17, RARM 18-24, LLEG 25-30, RLEG 31-36
    # SOT       Free flyer 0-5, RLEG 6-11, LLEG 12-17, CHEST HEAD 18-21, RARM 22-28, LARM 29-35
    qPino = np.matlib.zeros((37, 1))
    qPino[:3, 0] = q[:3]
    quatMat = rpyToMatrix(q[3:6])
    quatVec = Quaternion(quatMat)
    qPino[3:7, 0] = quatVec.coeffs()
    qPino[7:11, 0] = q[18:22]
    # chest-head
    qPino[11:18, 0] = q[29:]
    # larm
    qPino[18:25, 0] = q[22:29]
    # rarm
    qPino[25:31, 0] = q[12:18]
    # lleg
    qPino[31:, 0] = q[6:12]
    # rleg
    return qPino
Example #30
    def setCameraTransform(self, translation, rotation):
        # translation : [Px, Py, Pz],
        # rotation : [Roll, Pitch, Yaw]

        R_pnc = rpyToMatrix(np.array(rotation))
        if Viewer.backend == 'gepetto-gui':
            T_pnc = np.array(translation)
            T_R = SE3(R_pnc, T_pnc)
            import meshcat.transformations as tf
            # Transformation of the camera object
            T_meshcat = tf.translation_matrix(translation)
            # Orientation of the camera object
            Q_pnc = Quaternion(R_pnc).coeffs()
            Q_meshcat = np.roll(Q_pnc, shift=1)
            R_meshcat = tf.quaternion_matrix(Q_meshcat)