Example #1
def compute_freeflyer_state_from_fixed_body(jiminy_model,
    @brief Fill rootjoint data from articular data when a body is fixed parallel to world.

    @details The hypothesis is that 'fixed_body_name' is fixed parallel to world frame.
             So this method computes the position of freeflyer rootjoint in the fixed body frame.

    @note This function modifies internal data.

    @param model            The Jiminy model
    @param fixed_body_name  The name of the body that is considered fixed parallel to world frame
    @param[inout] position  Must contain current articular data. The rootjoint data can
                            contain any value, it will be ignored and replaced
                            The method fills in rootjoint data
    @param[inout] velocity  Same as positionInOut but for velocity

    @pre Rootjoint must be a freeflyer
    @pre positionInOut.size() == model_->nq
    if use_theoretical_model:
        pnc_model = jiminy_model.pinocchio_model_th
        pnc_data = jiminy_model.pinocchio_data_th
        pnc_model = jiminy_model.pinocchio_model
        pnc_data = jiminy_model.pinocchio_data

    position[6] = 1.0
    if velocity is not None:
        velocity = np.zeros((pnc_model.nv, ))
    if acceleration is not None:
        acceleration = np.zeros((pnc_model.nv, ))

    pnc.forwardKinematics(pnc_model, pnc_data, position, velocity,
    pnc.framesForwardKinematics(pnc_model, pnc_data, position)

    ff_M_fixed_body = get_body_world_transform(jiminy_model, fixed_body_name)
    w_M_ff = ff_M_fixed_body.inverse()
    base_link_translation = w_M_ff.translation
    base_link_quaternion = Quaternion(w_M_ff.rotation)
    position[:3] = base_link_translation
    position[3:7] = base_link_quaternion.coeffs()

    ff_v_fixed_body = get_body_world_velocity(jiminy_model, fixed_body_name)
    base_link_velocity = -ff_v_fixed_body
    velocity[:6] = base_link_velocity.vector

    ff_a_fixedBody = get_body_world_acceleration(jiminy_model, fixed_body_name)
    base_link_acceleration = -ff_a_fixedBody
    acceleration[:6] = base_link_acceleration.vector
Example #2
def SE3ToViewerConfig(placement):
    q = [0] * 7
    q[0:3] = placement.translation.T.tolist()[0]
    r = Quaternion(placement.rotation)
    q[6] = r.w
    q[3:6] = r.coeffs().transpose().tolist()[0][0:3]
    return q
def callback_robotState(data):
    global cpt_1
    cpt_1 += 1
    if (cpt_1 % DOWNSAMPLING):
    #read vector q from ros
    q = np.array(data.data)
    #construct qUrdf from sot convention and eventualy external freeflyer
    qUrdf = np.zeros(37)
        global ff_xzyquat
        qUrdf[:7] = ff_xzyquat
        qUrdf[:3] = q[:3]
        quatMat = se3.utils.rpyToMatrix(np.matrix(q[3:6]).T)
        quatVec = Quaternion(quatMat)
        qUrdf[3:7] = np.array(quatVec.coeffs()).squeeze()
    qUrdf[7:11] = q[18:22]
    # chest-head
    qUrdf[11:18] = q[29:]
    # larm
    qUrdf[18:25] = q[22:29]
    # rarm
    qUrdf[25:31] = q[12:18]
    # lleg
    qUrdf[31:] = q[6:12]
    # rleg
    global q_glob
    q_glob = qUrdf  #update global configuration vector
    #~ embed()
    #~ tau = se3.rnea(v.robot.model,v.robot.data,qUrdf,np.matlib.zeros(37),np.matlib.zeros(37))
    #~ print tau[-4]
Example #4
def config_sot_to_urdf(q):
    qUrdf = mat_zeros(39)
    qUrdf[:3, 0] = q[:3, 0]
    quatMat = rpyToMatrix(q[3:6, 0])
    quatVec = Quaternion(quatMat)
    qUrdf[3:7, 0] = quatVec.coeffs()
    qUrdf[7:, 0] = q[6:, 0]
    return qUrdf
def SE3ToViewerConfig(placement):
    Convert a pinocchio.SE3 object to a python list of lenght 7 : translation + quaternion (x, y, z, w)
    :param placement: the pinocchio.SE3 object
    :return: a list of lenght 7
    q = [0] * 7
    q[0:3] = placement.translation.tolist()
    r = Quaternion(placement.rotation)
    q[6] = r.w
    q[3:6] = r.coeffs().tolist()[0:3]
    return q
def config_sot_to_urdf(q):
    # GEPETTO VIEWER Free flyer 0-6, CHEST HEAD 7-10, LARM 11-17, RARM 18-24, LLEG 25-30, RLEG 31-36
    # ROBOT VIEWER # Free flyer0-5, RLEG 6-11, LLEG 12-17, CHEST HEAD 18-21, RARM 22-28, LARM 29-35
    qUrdf = mat_zeros(37);
    qUrdf[:3,0] = q[:3,0];
    quatMat = rpyToMatrix(q[3:6,0]);
    quatVec = Quaternion(quatMat);
    qUrdf[3:7,0]   = quatVec.coeffs();
    qUrdf[7:11,0]  = q[18:22,0]; # chest-head
    qUrdf[11:18,0] = q[29:,0]; # larm
    qUrdf[18:25,0] = q[22:29,0]; # rarm
    qUrdf[25:31,0] = q[12:18,0]; # lleg
    qUrdf[31:,0]   = q[6:12,0]; # rleg
    return qUrdf;
Example #7
def config_sot_to_urdf(q):
    # GEPETTO VIEWER Free flyer 0-6, CHEST HEAD 7-10, LARM 11-17, RARM 18-24, LLEG 25-30, RLEG 31-36
    # ROBOT VIEWER # Free flyer0-5, RLEG 6-11, LLEG 12-17, CHEST HEAD 18-21, RARM 22-28, LARM 29-35
    qUrdf = mat_zeros(37);
    qUrdf[:3,0] = q[:3,0];
    quatMat = rpyToMatrix(q[3:6,0]);
    quatVec = Quaternion(quatMat);
    qUrdf[3:7,0]   = quatVec.coeffs();
    qUrdf[7:11,0]  = q[18:22,0]; # chest-head
    qUrdf[11:18,0] = q[29:,0]; # larm
    qUrdf[18:25,0] = q[22:29,0]; # rarm
    qUrdf[25:31,0] = q[12:18,0]; # lleg
    qUrdf[31:,0]   = q[6:12,0]; # rleg
    return qUrdf;
Example #8
def config_sot_to_urdf(q_sot):
    q_sot = np.array(q_sot)
    qUrdf = np.zeros(37)
    qUrdf[:3] = q_sot[:3]
    quatMat = se3.utils.rpyToMatrix(np.matrix(q_sot[3:6]).T)
    quatVec = Quaternion(quatMat)
    qUrdf[3:7] = np.array(quatVec.coeffs()).squeeze()
    qUrdf[7:11] = q_sot[18:22]
    # chest-head
    qUrdf[11:18] = q_sot[29:36]
    # larm
    qUrdf[18:25] = q_sot[22:29]
    # rarm
    qUrdf[25:31] = q_sot[12:18]
    # lleg
    qUrdf[31:37] = q_sot[6:12]
    # rleg
    return qUrdf
def sot_2_pinocchio(q):
    # PINOCCHIO Free flyer 0-6, CHEST HEAD 7-10, LARM 11-17, RARM 18-24, LLEG 25-30, RLEG 31-36
    # SOT       Free flyer 0-5, RLEG 6-11, LLEG 12-17, CHEST HEAD 18-21, RARM 22-28, LARM 29-35
    qPino = np.matlib.zeros((37, 1))
    qPino[:3, 0] = q[:3]
    quatMat = rpyToMatrix(q[3:6])
    quatVec = Quaternion(quatMat)
    qPino[3:7, 0] = quatVec.coeffs()
    qPino[7:11, 0] = q[18:22]
    # chest-head
    qPino[11:18, 0] = q[29:]
    # larm
    qPino[18:25, 0] = q[22:29]
    # rarm
    qPino[25:31, 0] = q[12:18]
    # lleg
    qPino[31:, 0] = q[6:12]
    # rleg
    return qPino
Example #10
def _lerp(p0, p1, t):
    return (1 - t) * p0 + t * p1

def slerp(q0, q1, t):
    assert (t >= 0 and t <= 1)
    a = AngleAxis(q0.inverse() * q1)
    return Quaternion(AngleAxis(a.angle * t, a.axis))

def nlerp(q0, q1, t):
    q0 = q0.coeffs()
    q1 = q1.coeffs()
    l = _lerp(q0, q1, t)
    l /= norm(l)
    return Quaternion(l[3, 0], *l[:3].T.tolist()[0])

q0 = Quaternion(SE3.Random().rotation)
q1 = Quaternion(SE3.Random().rotation)
gv.applyConfiguration('world/box', [0, 0, 0] + q0.coeffs().T.tolist()[0])
for t in np.arange(0, 1, .01):
    q = nlerp(q0, q1, t)
    gv.applyConfiguration('world/box', [0, 0, 0] + q.coeffs().T.tolist()[0])
gv.applyConfiguration('world/box', [0, 0, 0] + q1.coeffs().T.tolist()[0])
Example #11

def slerp(q0, q1, t):
    assert (t >= 0 and t <= 1)
    a = AngleAxis(q0.inverse() * q1)
    return Quaternion(AngleAxis(a.angle * t, a.axis))

def nlerp(q0, q1, t):
    q0 = q0.coeffs()
    q1 = q1.coeffs()
    lerp = _lerp(q0, q1, t)
    lerp /= norm(lerp)
    return Quaternion(lerp[3, 0], *lerp[:3].T.tolist()[0])

q0 = Quaternion(SE3.Random().rotation)
q1 = Quaternion(SE3.Random().rotation)
                      [0, 0, 0] + q0.coeffs().T.tolist()[0])  # noqa
for t in np.arange(0, 1, .01):
    q = nlerp(q0, q1, t)
                          [0, 0, 0] + q.coeffs().T.tolist()[0])  # noqa
    gv.refresh()  # noqa
                      [0, 0, 0] + q1.coeffs().T.tolist()[0])  # noqa