def exclude_special_files(filepath, fileinfo, ag): keeplist = ag.get("KeepSpecial", []) patterns = {"libtool": "libtool library file", "python": "python.*byte-compiled", "perl": "Perl POD document text"} if "libtool" in keeplist: # Some upstream sources have buggy libtool and with them, # which causes wrong path entries in *.la files. And these wrong path # entries sometimes triggers compile-time errors or linkage problems. # Instead of patching all these buggy sources and maintain these # patches, pisilinux removes wrong paths... if re.match(patterns["libtool"], fileinfo) and not os.path.islink(filepath): ladata = file(filepath).read() new_ladata = re.sub("-L%s/\S*" % ctx.config.tmp_dir(), "", ladata) new_ladata = re.sub("%s/\S*/install/" % ctx.config.tmp_dir(), "/", new_ladata) if new_ladata != ladata: file(filepath, "w").write(new_ladata) for name, pattern in list(patterns.items()): if name in keeplist: continue if fileinfo == None: ctx.ui.warning(_("Removing special file skipped for: %s") % filepath) return elif re.match(pattern, fileinfo): ctx.ui.debug("Removing special %s file: %s" % (name, filepath)) os.unlink(filepath) # Remove dir if it becomes empty (Bug #11588) util.rmdirs(os.path.dirname(filepath))
def run_action_function(self, func, mandatory=False): """Calls the corresponding function in If mandatory parameter is True, and function is not present in actionLocals will be raised.""" # we'll need our working directory after actionscript # finished its work in the archive source directory. curDir = os.getcwd() src_dir = self.pkg_src_dir() if os.path.exists(src_dir): os.chdir(src_dir) else: raise Error(_("ERROR: WorkDir (%s) does not exist\n") % src_dir) if func in self.actionLocals: if ( ctx.get_option("ignore_sandbox") or not or "emul32" in self.build_type ): self.actionLocals[func]() else: import catbox"Sandbox enabled build...")) # Configure allowed paths from sandbox.conf valid_paths = [self.pkg_dir()] conf_file = ctx.const.sandbox_conf if os.path.exists(conf_file): for line in file(conf_file): line = line.strip() if len(line) > 0 and not line.startswith("#"): if line.startswith("~"): line = os.environ["HOME"] + line[1:] valid_paths.append(line) # Extra path for ccache when needed if == "ccache": valid_paths.append(os.environ.get("CCACHE_DIR", "/root/.ccache")) ret =[func], valid_paths, logger=self.log_sandbox_violation) # Retcode can be 0 while there is a sanbox violation, so only # look for violations to correctly handle it if ret.violations != []: ctx.ui.error(_("Sandbox violation result:")) for result in ret.violations: ctx.ui.error("%s (%s -> %s)" % (result[0], result[1], result[2])) raise Error(_("Sandbox violations!")) if ret.code == 1: raise ActionScriptException else: if mandatory: raise Error(_("unable to call function from actions: %s") % func) os.chdir(curDir) return True
def wrapper(*__args,**__kw): try: lock = file(pisilinux.util.join_path(pisilinux.context.config.lock_dir(), 'pisilinux'), 'w') except IOError: raise pisilinux.errors.PrivilegeError(_("You have to be root for this operation.")) try: fcntl.flock(lock, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) ctx.locked = True except IOError: if not ctx.locked: raise pisilinux.errors.AnotherInstanceError(_("Another instance of pisilinux is running. Only one instance is allowed.")) try: pisilinux.db.invalidate_caches() ret = func(*__args,**__kw) pisilinux.db.update_caches() return ret finally: ctx.locked = False lock.close()
def read_uri_of_repo(self, uri, repo = None, force = False): """Read PSPEC file""" if repo: tmpdir = os.path.join(ctx.config.index_dir(), repo) else: tmpdir = os.path.join(ctx.config.tmp_dir(), 'index') pisi.util.clean_dir(tmpdir) pisi.util.ensure_dirs(tmpdir) # write uri urlfile = file(pisi.util.join_path(tmpdir, 'uri'), 'w') urlfile.write(uri) # uri urlfile.close() doc = self.read_uri(uri, tmpdir, force) if not repo: repo = # and what do we do with it? move it to index dir properly newtmpdir = os.path.join(ctx.config.index_dir(), repo) pisi.util.clean_dir(newtmpdir) # replace newtmpdir shutil.move(tmpdir, newtmpdir)