Example #1
    def boot(cls, baseini, *args, **kwargs):
        """Parse ``[mountloc]`` section for application-wise configuration
        settings and return a fresh instance of :class:`Webapps` class.
        pa = super().boot(baseini, *args, **kwargs)
        pa.webapps = {}
        pa.appurls = {}

        appsettings = pa._mountapps()

        netpaths = [instkey[1] for instkey, appsett in appsettings.items()]

        # Mount webapp instances for subdomains and scripts.
        for instkey, appsett in appsettings.items():
            appsec, netpath, config = instkey

            # Instantiate the IWebAPP plugin here for each `instkey`
            appname = h.sec2plugin(appsec)
            webapp = pa.qp(pa, instkey, IWebApp, appname, appsett)
            webapp.appsettings = appsett
            # Update with backend configuration.
            [webapp.appsettings[section].update(d) for section, d in pa.configdb.config(netpath=netpath).items()]

            webapp.instkey, webapp.netpath = instkey, None
            pa.webapps[instkey] = webapp
            pa.netpaths[netpath] = webapp
            pa.appurls[instkey] = webapp.baseurl = pa._make_appurl(instkey)

            pa._app_resolve_cache[h.parse_netpath(netpath)] = webapp

            # Resolution mapping for web-applications
            webapp.netpath = netpath

        return pa
Example #2
 def start(self):
     """Boot all loaded application. Web applicationss are loaded when the
     system is booted via boot() call. Apps are booted only when an
     explicit call is made to this method."""
     appnames = []
     for instkey, webapp in self.webapps.items():
         appsec, netpath, configini = instkey
         self.loginfo("Booting application %r ..." % netpath)
     return appnames
 def start(self):
     """Boot all loaded application. Web applicationss are loaded when the
     system is booted via boot() call. Apps are booted only when an
     explicit call is made to this method."""
     appnames = []
     for instkey, webapp in self.webapps.items():
         appsec, netpath, configini = instkey
         self.loginfo("Booting application %r ..." % netpath)
     return appnames
Example #4
 def _ls_plugin(self, args):
     from pluggdapps.web.webapp import WebApp
     for instkey, webapp in self.pa.webapps.items():
         appsec, netpath, config = instkey
         if h.sec2plugin(appsec) == args.plugin:
             print("Mounted app %r" % appsec)
             print("  Instkey   : ", end='')
             pprint(webapp.instkey, indent=4)
             print("  Subdomain : ", webapp.netpath)
             print("  Router    : ", webapp.router)
             print("Application settings")
             pprint(webapp.appsettings, indent=4)
Example #5
def get_html_config( request, c ):
    """Full page to configure application -> sections for all loaded
    response = request.response
    common_context( request, c )
    netpath = request.matchdict['netpath']
    section = request.matchdict['section']
    c['pluginname'] = plugin = h.sec2plugin( section )

    # URL.
    c['url_putconfig'] = \
        request.pathfor( 'updateconfig', netpath=netpath, section=section )
    c['describe'] = h.conf_descriptionfor( plugin )
    # Gather ConfigDict for DEFAULT section, as a fall back in .ttl file.
    c['DEFAULT'] = DEFAULT()

    # Section settings, TODO : What to do about `here` variables in section.
    setts = deepcopy( h.section_settings( request.pa, netpath, section ))
    c['secsetts'] = ( c['describe'].__doc__, setts )

    # Breadcrumbs
    c['navigate'] = [ (netpath, None), (section, None) ]
    appmenu = [
        ( 'platform',
          request.pathfor('htmlconfig1', netpath='platform', section='DEFAULT')
    for s in request.pa.netpaths :
            ( s,
              request.pathfor('htmlconfig1', netpath=s, section='DEFAULT')

    secmenu = []
    for pn in h.netpath_settings( request.pa, netpath ).keys() :
        if pn in ['mountloc'] : continue
        name = h.plugin2sec( pn )
            ( name,
              request.pathfor( 'htmlconfig1', netpath=netpath, section=name )

    c['crumbsmenu'] = { netpath : appmenu, section : secmenu }

    html = response.render(
                request, c, file='pluggdapps:webadmin/templates/config.ttl' )
    response.write( html )
    response.flush( finishing=True )
Example #6
    def _loadini(self, baseini, defaultsett):
        """Parse master ini configuration file ``baseini`` and ini files
        refered by `baseini`. Construct a dictionary of settings for special
        sections and plugin sections."""
        from pluggdapps.plugin import pluginnames, plugin_info

        if not baseini or (not isfile(baseini)):
            return deepcopy(defaultsett)

        # Initialize return dictionary.
        settings = {}

        # context for parsing ini files.
        _vars = {"here": abspath(dirname(baseini))}

        # Read master ini file.
        cp = SafeConfigParser()

        # [DEFAULT] overriding global def.
        s = deepcopy(defaultsett["DEFAULT"])
        settings["DEFAULT"] = normalize_defaults(s)

        # [pluggdapps]
        s = deepcopy(defaultsett["pluggdapps"])
        if cp.has_section("pluggdapps"):
            s.update(dict(cp.items("pluggdapps", vars=_vars)))
            s.pop("here", None)  # TODO : how `here` gets populated ??
            settings["pluggdapps"] = normalize_pluggdapps(s)

        # Override plugin's package default settings with [DEFAULT] settings.
        for pluginsec, sett in defaultsett.items():
            if not pluginsec.startswith("plugin:"):
            sett = h.mergedict(sett, settings["DEFAULT"])
            if cp.has_section(pluginsec):
                sett.update(dict(cp.items(pluginsec, vars=_vars)))
                sett.pop("here", None)  # TODO : how `here` ??
            cls = plugin_info(h.sec2plugin(pluginsec))["cls"]
            for b in reversed(cls.mro()):
                if hasattr(b, "normalize_settings"):
                    sett = b.normalize_settings(sett)
            settings[pluginsec] = sett
        return settings
    def _loadini(self, baseini, defaultsett):
        """Parse master ini configuration file ``baseini`` and ini files
        refered by `baseini`. Construct a dictionary of settings for special
        sections and plugin sections."""
        from pluggdapps.plugin import pluginnames, plugin_info

        if not baseini or (not isfile(baseini)):
            return deepcopy(defaultsett)

        # Initialize return dictionary.
        settings = {}

        # context for parsing ini files.
        _vars = {'here': abspath(dirname(baseini))}

        # Read master ini file.
        cp = SafeConfigParser()

        # [DEFAULT] overriding global def.
        s = deepcopy(defaultsett['DEFAULT'])
        settings['DEFAULT'] = normalize_defaults(s)

        # [pluggdapps]
        s = deepcopy(defaultsett['pluggdapps'])
        if cp.has_section('pluggdapps'):
            s.update(dict(cp.items('pluggdapps', vars=_vars)))
            s.pop('here', None)  # TODO : how `here` gets populated ??
            settings['pluggdapps'] = normalize_pluggdapps(s)

        # Override plugin's package default settings with [DEFAULT] settings.
        for pluginsec, sett in defaultsett.items():
            if not pluginsec.startswith('plugin:'): continue
            sett = h.mergedict(sett, settings['DEFAULT'])
            if cp.has_section(pluginsec):
                sett.update(dict(cp.items(pluginsec, vars=_vars)))
                sett.pop('here', None)  # TODO : how `here` ??
            cls = plugin_info(h.sec2plugin(pluginsec))['cls']
            for b in reversed(cls.mro()):
                if hasattr(b, 'normalize_settings'):
                    sett = b.normalize_settings(sett)
            settings[pluginsec] = sett
        return settings
    def _loadinstance(self, appsett, instanceini):
        """Load configuration settings for a web application's instance."""
        from pluggdapps.plugin import plugin_info
        _vars = {'here': abspath(dirname(instanceini))}
        cp = SafeConfigParser()

        # Update appsett with [DEFAULT] section of instanceini
        defaultsett = normalize_defaults(dict(cp.defaults()))
        [sett.update(appsett['DEFAULT']) for key, sett in appsett.items()]

        # Update plugin sections in appsett from instanceini
        for sec in cp.sections():
            if not sec.startswith('plugin:'): continue
            sett = dict(cp.items(sec, vars=_vars))
            sett.pop('here', None)  # TODO : how `here` gets populated ??
            cls = plugin_info(h.sec2plugin(sec))['cls']
            for b in reversed(cls.mro()):
                if hasattr(b, 'normalize_settings'):
                    appsett[sec] = b.normalize_settings(appsett[sec])
    def boot(cls, baseini, *args, **kwargs):
        """Parse ``[mountloc]`` section for application-wise configuration
        settings and return a fresh instance of :class:`Webapps` class.
        pa = super().boot(baseini, *args, **kwargs)
        pa.webapps = {}
        pa.appurls = {}

        appsettings = pa._mountapps()

        netpaths = [instkey[1] for instkey, appsett in appsettings.items()]

        # Mount webapp instances for subdomains and scripts.
        for instkey, appsett in appsettings.items():
            appsec, netpath, config = instkey

            # Instantiate the IWebAPP plugin here for each `instkey`
            appname = h.sec2plugin(appsec)
            webapp = pa.qp(pa, instkey, IWebApp, appname, appsett)
            webapp.appsettings = appsett
            # Update with backend configuration.
                for section, d in pa.configdb.config(netpath=netpath).items()

            webapp.instkey, webapp.netpath = instkey, None
            pa.webapps[instkey] = webapp
            pa.netpaths[netpath] = webapp
            pa.appurls[instkey] = webapp.baseurl = pa._make_appurl(instkey)

            pa._app_resolve_cache[h.parse_netpath(netpath)] = webapp

            # Resolution mapping for web-applications
            webapp.netpath = netpath

        return pa
Example #10
 def _ls_settings(self, args):
     sett = deepcopy(self.pa.settings)
     if args._ls_settings.startswith('spec'):
         print("Special sections")
         pprint({k: sett.pop(k, {})
                 for k in SPECIAL_SECS + ['DEFAULT']},
     elif args._ls_settings.startswith('plug'):
         print("Plugin sections")
         pprint({k: sett[k]
                 for k in sett if h.is_plugin_section(k)},
     elif args._ls_settings.startswith('wa') and args.plugin:
         for instkey, webapp in getattr(self.pa, 'webapps', {}).items():
             appsec, netpath, instconfig = instkey
             if h.sec2plugin(appsec) == args.plugin:
                 print("Settings for %r" % (instkey, ))
                 pprint(webapp.appsettings, indent=2)
     elif args._ls_settings.startswith('def') and args.plugin:
         print("Default settings for plugin %r" % args.plugin)
         defaultsett = pa.defaultsettings()
         pprint(defaultsett().get(h.plugin2sec(args.plugin), {}), indent=2)
Example #11
    def _loadinstance(self, appsett, instanceini):
        """Load configuration settings for a web application's instance."""
        from pluggdapps.plugin import plugin_info

        _vars = {"here": abspath(dirname(instanceini))}
        cp = SafeConfigParser()

        # Update appsett with [DEFAULT] section of instanceini
        defaultsett = normalize_defaults(dict(cp.defaults()))
        [sett.update(appsett["DEFAULT"]) for key, sett in appsett.items()]

        # Update plugin sections in appsett from instanceini
        for sec in cp.sections():
            if not sec.startswith("plugin:"):
            sett = dict(cp.items(sec, vars=_vars))
            sett.pop("here", None)  # TODO : how `here` gets populated ??
            cls = plugin_info(h.sec2plugin(sec))["cls"]
            for b in reversed(cls.mro()):
                if hasattr(b, "normalize_settings"):
                    appsett[sec] = b.normalize_settings(appsett[sec])