def getGodSocialInfo(god): ''' create by bigzhu at 15/11/27 10:37:14 取社交信息 ''' god.twitter_user = public_db.getTwitterUser(god.twitter) god.github_user = public_db.getGithubUser(god.github) god.instagram_user = public_db.getInstagramUser(god.instagram) return god
def getGods(user_id): ''' create by bigzhu at 15/07/12 23:43:54 显示所有的大神, 关联twitter modify by bigzhu at 15/07/17 15:20:26 关联其他的,包括 github ''' gods = list(public_db.getGodInfoFollow(user_id)) will_del = [] for god in gods: god.twitter_user = public_db.getTwitterUser(god.twitter) god.github_user = public_db.getGithubUser(god.github) god.instagram_user = public_db.getInstagramUser(god.instagram) if god.twitter_user is None and god.github_user is None and god.instagram_user is None: will_del.append(god) for god in will_del: gods.remove(god) return gods
def getGods(user_id, recommand=False): ''' create by bigzhu at 15/07/12 23:43:54 显示所有的大神, 关联twitter modify by bigzhu at 15/07/17 15:20:26 关联其他的,包括 github modify by bigzhu at 15/08/28 17:05:54 可以查出没关注的,和随机的 ''' gods = list(public_db.getGodInfoFollow(user_id, recommand=recommand)) #will_del = [] for god in gods: god.twitter_user = public_db.getTwitterUser(god.twitter) god.github_user = public_db.getGithubUser(god.github) god.instagram_user = public_db.getInstagramUser(god.instagram) #if god.twitter_user is None and god.github_user is None and god.instagram_user is None: # print god # will_del.append(god) #for god in will_del: # gods.remove(god) return gods
def makeSurePicture(user_info): ''' create by bigzhu at 15/08/03 16:31:00 从各种用户里找头像 modify by bigzhu at 15/08/03 16:58:52 同时把描述也找了 ''' if user_info.picture: return github_user = public_db.getGithubUser(user_info.user_name) if github_user: user_info.picture = github_user.avatar_url return twitter_user = public_db.getTwitterUser(user_info.user_name) if twitter_user: user_info.picture = twitter_user.profile_image_url_https if not user_info.slogan: user_info.slogan = twitter_user.description return instagram_user = public_db.getInstagramUser(user_info.user_name) if instagram_user: user_info.picture = instagram_user.profile_picture return