Example #1
 def _load32_popret(self):
     addesp = '\x83\xc4'
     popr = map(chr, [0x58, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x5b, 0x5d, 0x5e, 0x5f])
     popa = '\x61'
     ret  = '\xc3'
     poprets = defaultdict(list)
     for data, addr in self._exec_sections():
         i = 0
         while True:
             i = data.find(ret, i)
             if i == -1: break
             s = [(i, 0)]
             while len(s) > 0:
                 off, size = s.pop(0)
                 gaddr = addr + off
                 if data[off - 1] in popr:
                     s.append((off - 1, size + 1))
                 if data[off - 1] == popa:
                     s.append((off - 1, size + 7))
                 if data[off - 3:off - 1] == addesp:
                     x = u8(data[off - 1])
                     if x % 4 == 0:
                         s.append((off - 3, size + x // 4))
             i += 1
     self._gadgets['popret'] = dict(poprets)
Example #2
 def _load32_popret(self):
     addesp = '\x83\xc4'
     popr = map(chr, [0x58, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x5b, 0x5d, 0x5e, 0x5f])
     popa = '\x61'
     ret = '\xc3'
     poprets = defaultdict(list)
     for data, addr in self._exec_sections():
         i = 0
         while True:
             i = data.find(ret, i)
             if i == -1: break
             s = [(i, 0)]
             while len(s) > 0:
                 off, size = s.pop(0)
                 gaddr = addr + off
                 if data[off - 1] in popr:
                     s.append((off - 1, size + 1))
                 if data[off - 1] == popa:
                     s.append((off - 1, size + 7))
                 if data[off - 3:off - 1] == addesp:
                     x = u8(data[off - 1])
                     if x % 4 == 0:
                         s.append((off - 3, size + x // 4))
             i += 1
     self._gadgets['popret'] = dict(poprets)
Example #3
 def _load32_popret(self):
     from collections import defaultdict
     leaesp_byte = '\x8d\x64\x24'
     leaesp_word = '\x8d\xa4\x24'
     addesp_byte = '\x83\xc4'
     addesp_word = '\x81\xc4'
     popr = map(chr, [0x58, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x5b, 0x5d, 0x5e, 0x5f])
     popa = '\x61'
     ret  = '\xc3'
     poprets = defaultdict(list)
     for data, addr in self.elf.executable_segments():
         i = 0
         while True:
             i = data.find(ret, i)
             if i == -1: break
             s = [(i, 0)]
             while len(s) > 0:
                 off, size = s.pop(0)
                 gaddr = addr + off
                 if data[off - 1] in popr:
                     s.append((off - 1, size + 1))
                 if data[off - 1] == popa:
                     s.append((off - 1, size + 7))
                 if data[off - 3:off - 1] == addesp_byte:
                     x = pwn.u8(data[off - 1])
                     if x % 4 == 0 and x < 128:
                         s.append((off - 3, size + x // 4))
                 if data[off - 6:off - 1] == addesp_word:
                     x = pwn.u32(data[off - 4])
                     if x % 4 == 0:
                         s.append((off - 3, size + x // 4))
                 if data[off - 4:off - 1] == leaesp_byte:
                     x = pwn.u8(data[off - 1])
                     if x % 4 == 0 and x < 128:
                         s.append((off - 3, size + x // 4))
                 if data[off - 7:off - 1] == leaesp_word:
                     x = pwn.u32(data[off - 4])
                     if x % 4 == 0:
                         s.append((off - 3, size + x // 4))
             i += 1
     self._gadgets['popret'] = dict(poprets)
Example #4
 def _load32_popret(self):
     from collections import defaultdict
     leaesp_byte = '\x8d\x64\x24'
     leaesp_word = '\x8d\xa4\x24'
     addesp_byte = '\x83\xc4'
     addesp_word = '\x81\xc4'
     popr = map(chr, [0x58, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x5b, 0x5d, 0x5e, 0x5f])
     popa = '\x61'
     ret = '\xc3'
     poprets = defaultdict(list)
     for data, addr in self.elf.executable_segments():
         i = 0
         while True:
             i = data.find(ret, i)
             if i == -1: break
             s = [(i, 0)]
             while len(s) > 0:
                 off, size = s.pop(0)
                 gaddr = addr + off
                 if data[off - 1] in popr:
                     s.append((off - 1, size + 1))
                 if data[off - 1] == popa:
                     s.append((off - 1, size + 7))
                 if data[off - 3:off - 1] == addesp_byte:
                     x = pwn.u8(data[off - 1])
                     if x % 4 == 0 and x < 128:
                         s.append((off - 3, size + x // 4))
                 if data[off - 6:off - 1] == addesp_word:
                     x = pwn.u32(data[off - 4])
                     if x % 4 == 0:
                         s.append((off - 3, size + x // 4))
                 if data[off - 4:off - 1] == leaesp_byte:
                     x = pwn.u8(data[off - 1])
                     if x % 4 == 0 and x < 128:
                         s.append((off - 3, size + x // 4))
                 if data[off - 7:off - 1] == leaesp_word:
                     x = pwn.u32(data[off - 4])
                     if x % 4 == 0:
                         s.append((off - 3, size + x // 4))
             i += 1
     self._gadgets['popret'] = dict(poprets)
Example #5
def send_kernel(serial, kernel_file):
    print('Kernel :')
    # transfer kernel binary

    kernel_bin = pwn.ELF(kernel_file)

    for section in kernel_bin.sections:
        if (section.__class__.__name__ == 'Section'
                and 'debug' not in section.name):
            checksum = 0
            res_checksum = 1
            while checksum != res_checksum:
                start_time = time.time()
                print('\nSection :', section.name)

                print('Address :', hex(section.header.sh_addr))

                print('Size :', hex(section.data_size))

                checksum = 0
                print('Type :', section.header.sh_type)
                if (section.header.sh_type == 'SHT_NOBITS'):
                elif (section.header.sh_type == 'SHT_PROGBITS'):
                    section_bin = kernel_bin.section(section.name)
                    checksum = reduce(lambda x, y: x ^ y, section_bin)
                res_checksum = pwn.u8(serial.recv(1))
                print('Checksum :', checksum == res_checksum)
                print(f'Elapse Time :{time.time() - start_time:.2f}s')

    print('\nEntry Point :', hex(kernel_bin.entry))
Example #6
def g_display_char(char):
    print("Hex: 0x" + str(pwn.u8(char)))
Example #7
    def options(prompt, opts, default=None):
            if default is not None:
                default = int(default)
            pwn.die('default value must be a number in options')
        linefmt = '       %' + str(len(str(len(opts)))) + 'd) %s'
        choice = default
        pos = 0 if default is None else len(str(default))
        max_pos = pos
        offset = len(prompt) + 6

        fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
        old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
            while True:
                width, _ = get_term_size()
                s = '\x1b[G\x1b[K ' + pwn.text.bold('[?]') + ' %s' % prompt
                if choice:
                    s += ' %d' % choice
                for i, opt in enumerate(opts):
                    s = linefmt % (i + 1, opt)
                    if i + 1 == choice:
                        s = pwn.text.cyanbg(s.ljust(width))
                    sys.stdout.write('\r\n\x1b[K' + s)
                sys.stdout.write('\x1b[%dF\x1b[%dC' %
                                 (len(opts), offset + pos))

                ch = pwn.u8(sys.stdin.read(1))
                if ch == 3:  # ^C
                    raise KeyboardInterrupt
                elif ch == 4:  # ^D
                    raise EOFError
                elif ch == 127:  # Backspace
                    if pos > 0:
                        s = str(choice)
                        s = s[:pos - 1] + s[pos:]
                        if s:
                            choice = int(s)
                            pos -= 1
                            max_pos -= 1
                            choice = None
                            pos = 0
                            max_pos = 0
                elif ch in range(48, 58):  # 0 - 9
                    n = ch - 48
                    s = str(choice or '')
                    n = int(s[:pos] + str(n) + s[pos:])
                    if n >= 1 and n <= len(opts):
                        choice = n
                        pos += 1
                        max_pos += 1
                elif ch == 13:  # Enter
                elif ch == 27:
                    ch = pwn.u8(sys.stdin.read(1))
                    if ch <> 91: continue
                    ch = pwn.u8(sys.stdin.read(1))
                    if ch == 68:  # Left
                        pos = max(pos - 1, 0)
                    elif ch == 67:  # Right
                        pos = min(pos + 1, max_pos)
                    elif ch == 65:  # Up
                        if choice is None:
                            choice = 1
                            pos = 1
                            max_pos = pos
                        if choice > 1:
                            choice -= 1
                            pos = len(str(choice))
                            max_pos = pos
                    elif ch == 66:  # Down
                        if choice is None:
                            choice = len(opts)
                            pos = len(str(choice))
                            max_pos = pos
                        if choice < len(opts):
                            choice += 1
                            pos = len(str(choice))
                            max_pos = pos
                    elif ch == 51:  # Delete
                        ch = pwn.u8(sys.stdin.read(1))
                        if ch <> 126: continue
                        if pos < max_pos:
                            s = str(choice)
                            s = s[:pos] + s[pos + 1:]
                            if s:
                                choice = int(s)
                                max_pos -= 1
                                choice = None
                                pos = 0
                                max_pos = 0
            termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
            sys.stdout.write('\x1b[%dB\n' % len(opts))
        return choice
Example #8
 def loadByte(self, value):
     val = self.read_memory(value, 1)
     if val is not None:
         return u8(val)
Example #9
    def options(prompt, opts, default = None):
            if default is not None:
                default = int(default)
            pwn.die('default value must be a number in options')
        linefmt = '       %' + str(len(str(len(opts)))) + 'd) %s'
        choice = default
        pos = 0 if default is None else len(str(default))
        max_pos = pos
        offset = len(prompt) + 6

        fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
        old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
            while True:
                width, _ = get_term_size()
                s = '\x1b[G\x1b[K ' + pwn.text.bold('[?]') + ' %s' % prompt
                if choice:
                    s += ' %d' % choice
                for i, opt in enumerate(opts):
                    s = linefmt % (i + 1, opt)
                    if i + 1 == choice:
                        s = pwn.text.cyanbg(s.ljust(width))
                    sys.stdout.write('\r\n\x1b[K' + s)
                sys.stdout.write('\x1b[%dF\x1b[%dC' % (len(opts), offset + pos))

                ch = pwn.u8(sys.stdin.read(1))
                if   ch == 3: # ^C
                    raise KeyboardInterrupt
                elif ch == 4: # ^D
                    raise EOFError
                elif ch == 127: # Backspace
                    if pos > 0:
                        s = str(choice)
                        s = s[:pos-1] + s[pos:]
                        if s:
                            choice = int(s)
                            pos -= 1
                            max_pos -= 1
                            choice = None
                            pos = 0
                            max_pos = 0
                elif ch in range(48, 58): # 0 - 9
                    n = ch - 48
                    s = str(choice or '')
                    n = int(s[:pos] + str(n) + s[pos:])
                    if n >= 1 and n <= len(opts):
                        choice = n
                        pos += 1
                        max_pos += 1
                elif ch == 13: # Enter
                elif ch == 27:
                    ch = pwn.u8(sys.stdin.read(1))
                    if ch <> 91: continue
                    ch = pwn.u8(sys.stdin.read(1))
                    if   ch == 68: # Left
                        pos = max(pos - 1, 0)
                    elif ch == 67: # Right
                        pos = min(pos + 1, max_pos)
                    elif ch == 65: # Up
                        if choice is None:
                            choice = 1
                            pos = 1
                            max_pos = pos
                        if choice > 1:
                            choice -= 1
                            pos = len(str(choice))
                            max_pos = pos
                    elif ch == 66: # Down
                        if choice is None:
                            choice = len(opts)
                            pos = len(str(choice))
                            max_pos = pos
                        if choice < len(opts):
                            choice += 1
                            pos = len(str(choice))
                            max_pos = pos
                    elif ch == 51: # Delete
                        ch = pwn.u8(sys.stdin.read(1))
                        if ch <> 126: continue
                        if pos < max_pos:
                            s = str(choice)
                            s = s[:pos] + s[pos+1:]
                            if s:
                                choice = int(s)
                                max_pos -= 1
                                choice = None
                                pos = 0
                                max_pos = 0
            termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
            sys.stdout.write('\x1b[%dB\n' % len(opts))
        return choice