def processTrackCoverage(filename, step, trackCoverageFileName, geo): shp = SSDM.createCoverageSHP(trackCoverageFileName) reader = pyall.ALLReader(filename) # create the coverage polygon createTrackCoverage(reader, shp, step, geo) print("Trackcoverage created for: %s" % (filename)) reader.close() return shp
def processTrackLine(filename, step, trackLineFileName, geo): shp = SSDM.createSurveyTracklineSHP(trackLineFileName) reader = pyall.ALLReader(filename) # create the track polyline totalDistanceRun = createTrackLine(reader, shp, step, geo) print("Trackplot created for: %s, Length: %.3f" % (filename, totalDistanceRun)) reader.close() return shp
def processTrackPoint(filename, step, trackPointFileName, geo): # dirname, basename = os.path.split(filename) # trackPointFileName = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=basename, dir=dirname) shp = SSDM.createPointShapeFile(trackPointFileName) reader = pyall.ALLReader(filename) # create the track point with a point recoard and metadata per ping createTrackPoint(reader, shp, step, geo) print("Trackpoint created for: %s" % (filename)) reader.close() return shp
def loadNavigation(fileName): '''loads all the navigation into lists''' navigation = [] r = pyall.ALLReader(fileName) while r.moreData(): TypeOfDatagram, datagram = r.readDatagram() if (TypeOfDatagram == 'P'): navigation.append( [datagram.Time, datagram.Latitude, datagram.Longitude]) r.close() return navigation
def computeXYResolution(fileName): '''compute the approximate across and alongtrack resolution so we can make a nearly isometric Image''' '''we compute the across track by taking the average Dx value between beams''' '''we compute the alongtracks by computing the linear length between all nav updates and dividing this by the number of pings''' xResolution = 1 YResolution = 1 prevLong = 0 prevLat = 0 r = pyall.ALLReader(fileName) recCount = 0 acrossMeans = np.array([]) alongIntervals = np.array([]) leftExtents = np.array([]) rightExtents = np.array([]) beamCount = 0 distanceTravelled = 0.0 navigation = [] selectedPositioningSystem = None while r.moreData(): TypeOfDatagram, datagram = r.readDatagram() if (TypeOfDatagram == 'P'): if (selectedPositioningSystem == None): selectedPositioningSystem = datagram.Descriptor if (selectedPositioningSystem == datagram.Descriptor): if prevLat == 0: prevLat = datagram.Latitude prevLong = datagram.Longitude range, bearing1, bearing2 = geodetic.calculateRangeBearingFromGeographicals( prevLong, prevLat, datagram.Longitude, datagram.Latitude) # print (range,bearing1) distanceTravelled += range navigation.append([ recCount, r.currentRecordDateTime(), datagram.Latitude, datagram.Longitude ]) prevLat = datagram.Latitude prevLong = datagram.Longitude if (TypeOfDatagram == 'X') or (TypeOfDatagram == 'D'): if datagram.NBeams > 1: datagram.AcrossTrackDistance = [ x for x in datagram.AcrossTrackDistance if x != 0.0 ] if (len(datagram.AcrossTrackDistance) > 0): acrossMeans = np.append( acrossMeans, np.average( abs( np.diff( np.asarray( datagram.AcrossTrackDistance))))) leftExtents = np.append(leftExtents, min(datagram.AcrossTrackDistance)) rightExtents = np.append(rightExtents, max(datagram.AcrossTrackDistance)) recCount = recCount + 1 beamCount = max(beamCount, len(datagram.Depth)) r.close() if recCount == 0: return 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [] xResolution = np.average(acrossMeans) # distanceTravelled = 235 yResolution = distanceTravelled / recCount return xResolution, yResolution, beamCount, np.min(leftExtents), np.max( rightExtents), distanceTravelled, navigation
def createWaterfall(filename, colors, beamCount, shadeScale=1, zoom=1.0, annotate=True, xResolution=1, yResolution=1, rotate=False, gray=False, leftExtent=-100, rightExtent=100, distanceTravelled=0, navigation=[]): print("Processing file: ", filename) r = pyall.ALLReader(filename) totalrecords = r.getRecordCount() start_time = time.time() # time the process recCount = 0 waterfall = [] minDepth = 9999.0 maxDepth = -minDepth outputResolution = beamCount * zoom isoStretchFactor = (yResolution / xResolution) * zoom print("xRes %.2f yRes %.2f isoStretchFactor %.2f outputResolution %.2f" % (xResolution, yResolution, isoStretchFactor, outputResolution)) while r.moreData(): TypeOfDatagram, datagram = r.readDatagram() if (TypeOfDatagram == 0): continue if (TypeOfDatagram == 'X') or (TypeOfDatagram == 'D'): if datagram.NBeams == 0: continue # if datagram.SerialNumber == 275: for d in range(len(datagram.Depth)): datagram.Depth[ d] = datagram.Depth[d] + datagram.TransducerDepth # we need to remember the actual data extents so we can set the color palette mappings to the same limits. minDepth = min(minDepth, min(datagram.Depth)) maxDepth = max(maxDepth, max(datagram.Depth)) waterfall.insert(0, np.asarray(datagram.Depth)) # we need to stretch the data to make it isometric, so lets use numpy interp routing to do that for Us # datagram.AcrossTrackDistance.reverse() xp = np.array( datagram.AcrossTrackDistance ) #the x distance for the beams of a ping. we could possibly use the real values here instead todo # datagram.Depth.reverse() fp = np.array(datagram.Depth) #the depth list as a numpy array # fp = geodetic.medfilt(fp,31) x = np.linspace( leftExtent, rightExtent, outputResolution ) #the required samples needs to be about the same as the original number of samples, spread across the across track range # newDepths = np.interp(x, xp, fp, left=0.0, right=0.0) # run a median filter to remove crazy noise # newDepths = geodetic.medfilt(newDepths,7) # waterfall.insert(0, np.asarray(newDepths)) recCount += 1 if r.currentRecordDateTime().timestamp() % 30 == 0: percentageRead = (recCount / totalrecords) update_progress("Decoding .all file", percentageRead) update_progress("Decoding .all file", 1) r.close() # we have all data loaded, so now lets make a waterfall image... #--------------------------------------------------------------- print("Correcting for vessel speed...") # we now need to interpolate in the along track direction so we have apprximate isometry npGrid = np.array(waterfall) stretchedGrid = np.empty((0, int(len(npGrid) * isoStretchFactor))) for column in npGrid.T: y = np.linspace(0, len(column), len(column) * isoStretchFactor) #the required samples yp = np.arange(len(column)) w2 = np.interp(y, yp, column, left=0.0, right=0.0) # w2 = geodetic.medfilt(w2,7) stretchedGrid = np.append(stretchedGrid, [w2], axis=0) npGrid = stretchedGrid npGrid =, 0.0) if gray: print("Hillshading...") #Create hillshade a little brighter and invert so hills look like hills colorMap = None npGrid = npGrid.T * shadeScale * -1.0 hs = sr.calcHillshade(npGrid, 1, 45, 30) img = Image.fromarray(hs).convert('RGBA') else: print("Color mapping...") npGrid = npGrid.T # calculate color height map cmrgb = cm.colors.ListedColormap(colors, name='from_list', N=None) colorMap = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=cmrgb) colorMap.set_clim(vmin=minDepth, vmax=maxDepth) colorArray = colorMap.to_rgba(npGrid, alpha=None, bytes=True) colorImage = Image.frombuffer( 'RGBA', (colorArray.shape[1], colorArray.shape[0]), colorArray, 'raw', 'RGBA', 0, 1) #Create hillshade a little darker as we are blending it. we do not need to invert as we are subtracting the shade from the color image npGrid = npGrid * shadeScale hs = sr.calcHillshade(npGrid, 1, 45, 5) img = Image.fromarray(hs).convert('RGBA') # now blend the two images img = ImageChops.subtract(colorImage, img).convert('RGB') if annotate: #rotate the image if the user requests this. It is a little better for viewing in a browser annotateWaterfall(img, navigation, isoStretchFactor) meanDepth = np.average(waterfall) waterfallPixelSize = (abs(rightExtent) + abs(rightExtent)) / img.width # print ("Mean Depth %.2f" % meanDepth) imgLegend = createLegend(filename, img.width, (abs(leftExtent) + abs(rightExtent)), distanceTravelled, waterfallPixelSize, minDepth, maxDepth, meanDepth, colorMap) img = spliceImages(img, imgLegend) if rotate: img = img.rotate(-90, expand=True)[0] + '.png') print("Saved to: ", os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.png')
def createWaterfall(filename, colorScale, beamCount, zoom=1.0, clip=0, invert=True, annotate=True, xResolution=1, yResolution=1, rotate=False, leftExtent=-100, rightExtent=100, distanceTravelled=0, navigation=[]): print("Processing file: ", filename) r = pyall.ALLReader(filename) totalrecords = r.getRecordCount() start_time = time.time() # time the process recCount = 0 waterfall = [] currentBathyDatagram = None minBS = 9999.0 maxBS = -minBS outputResolution = beamCount * zoom isoStretchFactor = (yResolution / xResolution) * zoom print("xRes %.2f yRes %.2f isoStretchFactor %.2f" % (xResolution, yResolution, isoStretchFactor)) while r.moreData(): TypeOfDatagram, datagram = r.readDatagram() # if (TypeOfDatagram == 0): # continue if (TypeOfDatagram == 'X') or (TypeOfDatagram == 'D'): currentBathyDatagram = datagram if (TypeOfDatagram == 'Y'): if currentBathyDatagram is None: continue if currentBathyDatagram.NBeams == 0: continue for i, b in enumerate(datagram.beams): # currentBathyDatagram.Reflectivity[i] = statistics.mean(b.samples) currentBathyDatagram.Reflectivity[i] = max(b.samples) # currentBathyDatagram.Reflectivity[i] = b.samples[b.centreSampleNumber-1] # we need to remember the actual data extents so we can set the color palette mappings to the same limits. minBS = min(minBS, min(currentBathyDatagram.Reflectivity)) maxBS = max(maxBS, max(currentBathyDatagram.Reflectivity)) # print ("MinBS %.3f MaxBS %.3f" % (minBS, maxBS)) # waterfall.insert(0, np.abs( np.asarray(datagram.Reflectivity))) # we need to stretch the data to make it isometric, so lets use numpy interp routing to do that for Us # datagram.AcrossTrackDistance.reverse() xp = np.array( currentBathyDatagram.AcrossTrackDistance ) #the x distance for the beams of a ping. we could possibly use the real values here instead todo # datagram.Backscatter.reverse() fp = np.abs(np.array(currentBathyDatagram.Reflectivity) ) #the Backscatter list as a numpy array # fp = geodetic.medfilt(fp,31) x = np.linspace( leftExtent, rightExtent, outputResolution ) #the required samples needs to be about the same as the original number of samples, spread across the across track range newBackscatters = np.interp(x, xp, fp, left=0.0, right=0.0) # run a median filter to remove crazy noise # newBackscatters = geodetic.medfilt(newBackscatters,3) waterfall.insert(0, np.asarray(newBackscatters)) recCount += 1 if r.currentRecordDateTime().timestamp() % 30 == 0: percentageRead = (recCount / totalrecords) update_progress("Decoding .all file", percentageRead) update_progress("Decoding .all file", 1) r.close() # we have all data loaded, so now lets make a waterfall image... #--------------------------------------------------------------- print("Correcting for vessel speed...") # we now need to interpolate in the along track direction so we have apprximate isometry npGrid = np.array(waterfall) stretchedGrid = np.empty((0, int(len(npGrid) * isoStretchFactor))) for column in npGrid.T: y = np.linspace(0, len(column), len(column) * isoStretchFactor) #the required samples yp = np.arange(len(column)) w2 = np.interp(y, yp, column, left=0.0, right=0.0) # w2 = geodetic.medfilt(w2,7) stretchedGrid = np.append(stretchedGrid, [w2], axis=0) npGrid = stretchedGrid # npGrid =, 0.0) if colorScale.lower() == "graylog": print("Converting to Image with graylog scale...") img = samplesToGrayImageLogarithmic(npGrid, invert, clip) elif colorScale.lower() == "gray": print("Converting to Image with gray scale...") img = samplesToGrayImage(npGrid, invert, clip) if annotate: #rotate the image if the user requests this. It is a little better for viewing in a browser annotateWaterfall(img, navigation, isoStretchFactor) meanBackscatter = np.average(waterfall) waterfallPixelSize = (abs(rightExtent) + abs(rightExtent)) / img.width # print ("Mean Backscatter %.2f" % meanBackscatter) imgLegend = createLegend(filename, img.width, (abs(leftExtent) + abs(rightExtent)), distanceTravelled, waterfallPixelSize, minBS, maxBS, meanBackscatter, colorMap) img = spliceImages(img, imgLegend) if rotate: img = img.rotate(-90, expand=True)[0] + '.png') print("Saved to: ", os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.png')
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= 'Read Kongsberg ALL file and create a caris hvf vessel config file.') parser.add_argument( '-i', dest='inputFile', action='store', help= '-i <ALLfilename> : input ALL filename to image. It can also be a wildcard, e.g. *.all' ) if len(sys.argv) == 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) args = parser.parse_args() # we need to remember the previous record so we only create uniq values, not duplicates prevNav1Params = {} prevPitchParams = "" prevRollParams = "" prevHeaveParams = "" prevGyroParams = "" prevWaterlineParams = "" prevDepthParams = "" fileCounter = 0 print("processing with settings: ", args) root = createHVFRoot( for filename in glob(args.inputFile): r = pyall.ALLReader(filename) start_time = time.time() # time the process InstallationRecordCount = 0 while r.moreData(): # read a datagram. If we support it, return the datagram type and aclass for that datagram # The user then needs to call the read() method for the class to undertake a fileread and binary decode. This keeps the read super quick. TypeOfDatagram, datagram = r.readDatagram() if TypeOfDatagram == 'I': # print (datagram.installationParameters) root, prevNav1Params = createNavSensor( root, r.currentRecordDateTime(), datagram.installationParameters, prevNav1Params) root, prevGyroParams = createGyroSensor( root, r.currentRecordDateTime(), datagram.installationParameters, prevGyroParams) root, prevHeaveParams = createHeaveSensor( root, r.currentRecordDateTime(), datagram.installationParameters, prevHeaveParams) root, prevPitchParams = createPitchSensor( root, r.currentRecordDateTime(), datagram.installationParameters, prevPitchParams) root, prevRollParams = createRollSensor( root, r.currentRecordDateTime(), datagram.installationParameters, prevRollParams) root, prevWaterlineParams = createWaterlineSensor( root, r.currentRecordDateTime(), datagram.installationParameters, prevWaterlineParams) root, prevDepthParams = createDepthSensor( root, r.currentRecordDateTime(), datagram.installationParameters, prevDepthParams, datagram.EMModel, datagram.SerialNumber) InstallationRecordCount = InstallationRecordCount + 1 update_progress( "Processed file: %s InstallationRecords: %d" % (filename, InstallationRecordCount), (fileCounter / len(args.inputFile))) fileCounter += 1 f = open('file.hvf', 'w') f.write(prettify(root)) f.close() update_progress( "Processed all files. InstallationRecords: %d" % (InstallationRecordCount), 1)
def convert(fileName): recCount = 0 r = pyall.ALLReader(fileName) eprint("loading navigation...") navigation = r.loadNavigation() # eprint("done.") arr = np.array(navigation) times = arr[:, 0] latitudes = arr[:, 1] longitudes = arr[:, 2] start_time = time.time() # time the process while r.moreData(): TypeOfDatagram, datagram = r.readDatagram() if (TypeOfDatagram == 'X') or (TypeOfDatagram == 'D'): recDate = r.currentRecordDateTime() if datagram.NBeams > 1: # interpolate so we know where the ping is located lat = np.interp(pyall.to_timestamp(recDate), times, latitudes, left=None, right=None) lon = np.interp(pyall.to_timestamp(recDate), times, longitudes, left=None, right=None) latRad = math.radians(lat) lonRad = math.radians(lon) # needed for an optimised algorithm localradius = calculateradiusFromLatitude(lat) # for each beam in the ping, compute the real world position for i in range(len(datagram.Depth)): #native python version are faster than numpy # given the Dx,Dy soundings, compute a range, bearing so we can correccttly map out the soundings brg = 90 - ((180 / math.pi) * math.atan2(datagram.AlongTrackDistance[i], datagram.AcrossTrackDistance[i])) rng = math.sqrt((datagram.AcrossTrackDistance[i]**2) + (datagram.AlongTrackDistance[i]**2)) # x,y = positionFromRngBrg4(lat, lon, rng, brg + datagram.Heading) x, y = destinationPoint(lat, lon, rng, brg + datagram.Heading, localradius) # a faster algorithm # x, y = positionFromRngBrg2(localradius, latRad, lonRad, rng, brg + datagram.Heading) # based on the transducer position, range and bearing to the sounding, compute the sounding position. # x,y,h = geodetic.calculateGeographicalPositionFromRangeBearing(lat, lon, brg + datagram.Heading, rng) # print ("%.10f, %.10f" % (x1 - x, y1 - y)) print("%.10f, %.10f, %.3f" % (x, y, datagram.Depth[i] + datagram.TransducerDepth)) recCount = recCount + 1 r.close() eprint("Duration %.3fs" % (time.time() - start_time)) # time the process return navigation
def process(args): # if its a file, handle it nicely. if os.path.isfile(args.inputFolder): matches = [args.inputFolder] missionname = os.path.basename( os.path.dirname(os.path.normpath(args.inputFolder))) args.opath = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.normpath(args.inputFolder)), "GIS") else: matches = fileutils.findFiles(True, args.inputFolder, "*.all") missionname = os.path.basename( args.inputFolder) #this folder should be the MISSION NAME args.opath = os.path.join(args.inputFolder, "GIS") # trackPointFileName = os.path.join(args.opath, args.odir, missionname + "_DGPSHiPAPData_TrackPoint.shp") # trackPointFileName = fileutils.addFileNameAppendage(trackPointFileName, args.odix) # trackPointFileName = fileutils.createOutputFileName(trackPointFileName) # matches = fileutils.findFiles(True, args.inputFolder, "*.all") if len(args.outputFile) == 0: fname, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.expanduser(matches[0])) args.outputFile = fname # args.outputFile = "Track" if len(args.opath) == 0: args.opath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(args.outputFile)) # trackLineFileName = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(args.outputFile)), fname + "_MBESLine.shp") trackLineFileName = os.path.join(args.opath, args.odir, missionname + "Survey_TrackLines.shp") trackLineFileName = addFileNameAppendage(trackLineFileName, args.odix) trackLineFileName = fileutils.createOutputFileName(trackLineFileName) # trackPointFileName = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(args.outputFile)), fname + "_MBESPoint.shp") trackPointFileName = os.path.join(args.opath, args.odir, missionname + "Survey_TrackPoint.shp") trackPointFileName = addFileNameAppendage(trackPointFileName, args.odix) trackPointFileName = fileutils.createOutputFileName(trackPointFileName) # trackCoverageFileName = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(args.outputFile)), fname + "_trackCoverage.shp") trackCoverageFileName = os.path.join( args.opath, args.odir, missionname + "Survey_TrackCoverage.shp") trackCoverageFileName = addFileNameAppendage(trackCoverageFileName, args.odix) trackCoverageFileName = fileutils.createOutputFileName( trackCoverageFileName) #load the python proj projection object library if the user has requested it geo = geodetic.geodesy(args.epsg) # if int(args.epsg) == 4326: # args.epsg = "0" # if len(args.epsg) > 0: # projection = geodetic.loadProj(args.epsg) # else: # projection = None # if projection == None: # args.epsg = 4326 # open the output files once only. # create the destination shape files TPshp = None TLshp = None TCshp = None if args.trackall: args.trackpoint = True args.trackline = True args.trackcoverage = True if args.trackpoint: TPshp = SSDM.createPointShapeFile(trackPointFileName) if args.trackline: TLshp = SSDM.createSurveyTracklineSHP(trackLineFileName) if args.trackcoverage: TCshp = SSDM.createCoverageSHP(trackCoverageFileName) for filename in matches: reader = pyall.ALLReader(filename) if args.trackpoint: print("Processing Track point:", filename) # TPshp = processTrackPoint(filename, float(args.step),trackPointFileName, geo) createTrackPoint(reader, TPshp, float(args.step), geo) if args.trackline: print("Processing Track line:", filename) # TLshp = processTrackLine(filename, float(args.step), trackLineFileName, geo) totalDistanceRun = createTrackLine(reader, TLshp, float(args.step), geo) # print ("%s Trackplot Length: %.3f" % (filename, totalDistanceRun)) if args.trackcoverage: print("Processing Track coverage:", filename) # TCshp = processTrackCoverage(filename, float(args.step), trackCoverageFileName, geo) createTrackCoverage(reader, TCshp, float(args.step), geo) # update_progress("Processed: %s (%d/%d)" % (filename, fileCounter, len(matches)), (fileCounter/len(matches))) # fileCounter +=1 #now we can write out the results to a shape file... # update_progress("Process Complete: ", (fileCounter/len(matches))) if args.trackpoint: print("Saving track point: %s" % trackPointFileName) # now write out a prj file so the data has a spatial Reference filename = trackPointFileName.replace('.shp', '.prj') geodetic.writePRJ(filename, args.epsg) if args.dgn: dgnwrite.convert2DGN(trackPointFileName) if args.trackline: print("Saving track line: %s" % trackLineFileName) # now write out a prj file so the data has a spatial Reference filename = trackLineFileName.replace('.shp', '.prj') geodetic.writePRJ(filename, args.epsg) if args.dgn: dgnwrite.convert2DGN(trackLineFileName) if args.trackcoverage: print("Saving coverage polygon: %s" % trackCoverageFileName) # now write out a prj file so the data has a spatial Reference filename = trackCoverageFileName.replace('.shp', '.prj') geodetic.writePRJ(filename, args.epsg) if args.dgn: dgnwrite.convert2DGN(trackCoverageFileName)
def __init__(self, file_path): Scan.__init__(self, file_path) self.reader = open(self.file_path, 'rb') self.all_reader = pyall.ALLReader(self.file_path)