def __init__(self, setup=False, lboard=None): if setup is True: Board.__init__(self, setup=self.asymmetricrandom_start(), lboard=lboard) else: Board.__init__(self, setup=setup, lboard=lboard)
def testAttackedAndNotProtected(self): """ Testing what recognize the algorithm """ board = Board(setup=True) dsa = DecisionSupportAlgorithm() dsa.set_foe_as_bot() dsa.enableDisableAlgo(True) moves = ((cordDic["e2"], cordDic["e4"]), (cordDic["d7"], cordDic["d5"])) for cord0, cord1 in moves: board = board.move(Move(Cord(cord0), Cord(cord1), board)) coordinate_attacked = dsa._DecisionSupportAlgorithm__apply_algorithm( board, WHITE, dsa._DecisionSupportAlgorithm__attacked_and_not_protected) # Not protected self.assertEqual([Cord("e4", color="R")], coordinate_attacked) coordinate_attacked = dsa._DecisionSupportAlgorithm__apply_algorithm( board, BLACK, dsa._DecisionSupportAlgorithm__attacked_and_not_protected) # protected by Queen self.assertEqual([], coordinate_attacked) board = board.move(Move(Cord(E4), Cord(E5), board)) coordinate_attacked = dsa._DecisionSupportAlgorithm__apply_algorithm( board, WHITE, dsa._DecisionSupportAlgorithm__attacked_and_not_protected) self.assertEqual([], coordinate_attacked)
def __init__(self, setup=True): fen = SETUPSTART if setup is True else setup # add all kind if piece to holdings (except king) parts = fen.split() parts[0] += "/prnsqPRNSQ" fen = " ".join(parts) Board.__init__(self, setup=fen) self._ply = 0
def __init__(self, setup=True): fenstr = SETUPSTART if setup is True else setup # add all kind if piece to holdings parts = fenstr.split() parts[0] += "/prnsqkPRNSQK" fenstr = " ".join(parts) Board.__init__(self, setup=fenstr) self._ply = 0
def loadToModel(self, gameno, position=-1, model=None, quick_parse=True): if not model: model = GameModel() model.tags['Event'] = self._getTag(gameno, 'Event') model.tags['Site'] = self._getTag(gameno, 'Site') model.tags['Date'] = self._getTag(gameno, 'Date') model.tags['Round'] = self._getTag(gameno, 'Round') model.tags['White'], model.tags['Black'] = self.get_player_names( gameno) model.tags['WhiteElo'] = self._getTag(gameno, 'WhiteElo') model.tags['BlackElo'] = self._getTag(gameno, 'BlackElo') model.tags['Result'] = reprResult[self.get_result(gameno)] model.tags['ECO'] = self._getTag(gameno, "ECO") fenstr = self._getTag(gameno, "FEN") variant = self._getTag(gameno, "Variant") if variant and ("fischer" in variant.lower() or "960" in variant): from pychess.Variants.fischerandom import FRCBoard model.variant = FischerRandomChess model.boards = [FRCBoard(fenstr)] else: if fenstr: model.boards = [Board(fenstr)] else: model.boards = [Board(setup=True)] del model.moves[:] model.status = WAITING_TO_START model.reason = UNKNOWN_REASON error = None if quick_parse: movstrs = self._getMoves(gameno) for i, mstr in enumerate(movstrs): if position != -1 and model.ply >= position: break try: move = parseAny(model.boards[-1], mstr) except ParsingError, e: notation, reason, boardfen = e.args ply = model.boards[-1].ply if ply % 2 == 0: moveno = "%d." % (i / 2 + 1) else: moveno = "%d..." % (i / 2 + 1) errstr1 = _( "The game can't be read to end, because of an error parsing move %(moveno)s '%(notation)s'." ) % { 'moveno': moveno, 'notation': notation } errstr2 = _("The move failed because %s.") % reason error = LoadingError(errstr1, errstr2) break model.moves.append(move) model.boards.append(model.boards[-1].move(move))
def __onReadyForMoves(self, self_): self.returnQueue.put("ready") self.readyMoves = True self._newGame() # If we are an analyzer, this signal was already called in a different # thread, so we can safely block it. if self.mode in (ANALYZING, INVERSE_ANALYZING): if not self.board: self.board = Board(setup=True) self.putMove(self.board, None, None)
def __init__(self, setup=True, lboard=None): fenstr = SETUPSTART if setup is True else setup # add all kind of pieces to holdings parts = fenstr.split() parts[0] += "/prnsqkPRNSQK" fenstr = " ".join(parts) if lboard is not None: Board.__init__(self, setup=fenstr, lboard=lboard) else: Board.__init__(self, setup=fenstr) self._ply = 0
def testAll(self): board = Board(setup=True) dsa = DecisionSupportAlgorithm() dsa.set_foe_as_bot() dsa.enableDisableAlgo(True) moves = ((cordDic["e2"], cordDic["e4"]), (cordDic["d7"], cordDic["d5"])) for cord0, cord1 in moves: board = board.move(Move(Cord(cord0), Cord(cord1), board)) board.printPieces() # Not protected self.assertEqual( set([ Cord("a1", color="Y"), Cord("h1", color="Y"), Cord("e4", color="R") ]), set(dsa.calculate_coordinate_in_danger(board, WHITE))) # protected by Queen, so no danger self.assertEqual(set([Cord("a8", color="Y"), Cord("h8", color="Y")]), set(dsa.calculate_coordinate_in_danger(board, BLACK))) # pawn go forward, no danger board = board.move(Move(Cord(E4), Cord(E5), board)) self.assertEqual( set([ Cord("a1", color="Y"), Cord("h1", color="Y"), Cord("e5", color="Y") ]), set(dsa.calculate_coordinate_in_danger(board, WHITE))) # Should not recognize king board_king = Board(setup=True) dsa_king = DecisionSupportAlgorithm() dsa_king.set_foe_as_bot() dsa_king.enableDisableAlgo(True) moves = ((cordDic["e2"], cordDic["e4"]), (cordDic["f7"], cordDic["f5"]), (cordDic["d1"], cordDic["h5"])) for cord0, cord1 in moves: board_king = board_king.move( Move(Cord(cord0), Cord(cord1), board_king)) # board_king.printPieces() self.assertEqual( set([ Cord("a8", color="Y"), Cord("h8", color="Y"), Cord("f5", color="Y") ]), set(dsa.calculate_coordinate_in_danger(board_king, BLACK)))
def test2(self): """ Test analyzing in promotion situations """ board = Board('5k2/PK6/8/8/8/6P1/6P1/8 w - - 1 48') self.analyzerA.setBoardList([board],[]) self.analyzerI.setBoardList([board],[]) self._testLine(self.engineA, self.analyzerA, board, "9. 1833 23 43872584 a8=Q+ Kf7 Qa2+ Kf6 Qd2 Kf5 g4+", ['a8=Q+','Kf7','Qa2+','Kf6','Qd2','Kf5','g4+'], 1833, "9.") self._testLine(self.engineI, self.analyzerI, board.switchColor(), "10. -1883 59 107386433 Kf7 a8=Q Ke6 Qa6+ Ke5 Qd6+ Kf5", ['Kf7','a8=Q','Ke6','Qa6+','Ke5','Qd6+','Kf5'], -1883, "10.")
def on_selection_changed(self, selection): iter = selection.get_selected()[1] if iter == None: self.gamemodel.boards = [Board(FEN_EMPTY)] del self.gamemodel.moves[:] self.boardview.shown = 0 self.boardview.redraw_canvas() return sel = self.list.get_model().get_path(iter)[0] if sel == self.lastSel: return self.lastSel = sel self.boardview.animationLock.acquire() try: try: self.chessfile.loadToModel(sel, -1, self.gamemodel) except LoadingError as e: d = Gtk.MessageDialog(type=Gtk.MessageType.WARNING, buttons=Gtk.ButtonsType.OK, message_format=e.args[0]) d.format_secondary_text(e.args[1]) d.connect("response", lambda d, a: d.hide()) self.boardview.lastMove = None self.boardview._shown = self.gamemodel.lowply last = self.gamemodel.ply finally: self.boardview.animationLock.release() self.boardview.redraw_canvas() self.boardview.shown = last self.shown_changed(self.boardview, last)
def on_selection_changed(self, selection): model, iter = selection.get_selected() if iter is None: self.gamemodel.boards = [Board(FEN_EMPTY)] del self.gamemodel.moves[:] self.boardview.shown = 0 self.boardview.redrawCanvas() return path = self.persp.gamelist.get_model().get_path(iter) rec, ply = self.persp.gamelist.get_record(path) if rec is None: return try: self.persp.chessfile.loadToModel(rec, -1, self.gamemodel) except LoadingError as err: dialogue = Gtk.MessageDialog(mainwindow(), type=Gtk.MessageType.WARNING, buttons=Gtk.ButtonsType.OK, message_format=err.args[0]) if len(err.args) > 1: dialogue.format_secondary_text(err.args[1]) dialogue.connect("response", lambda dialogue, a: dialogue.hide()) self.boardview.lastMove = None self.boardview._shown = self.gamemodel.lowply self.boardview.redrawCanvas() self.boardview.shown = ply if ply > 0 else self.persp.gamelist.ply
def test1(self): """ Testing Board.move() on frc castling in non frc game """ board = Board(setup=True) moves = ((D2, D4), (G8, F6), (C2, C4), (G7, G6), (G2, G3), (F8, G7), (F1, G2), (E8, H8)) for cord0, cord1 in moves: print(cord0, cord1) board = board.move(Move(Cord(cord0), Cord(cord1), board)) board.printPieces() self.assertIsNone(board[Cord(E8)]) self.assertIsNone(board[Cord(H8)]) self.assertEqual(board[Cord(G8)].piece, Piece(BLACK, KING).piece) self.assertEqual(board[Cord(F8)].piece, Piece(BLACK, ROOK).piece)
def record_move(board: Board, move: Move, game_id: int): most_recent_move = _get_most_recent_move(game_id) move_state = MoveState() move_state.set_state_from_prev_move(most_recent_move) move_state.post_move_fen = board.asFen() move_state.set_move(toSAN(board, move)) add_move_state_to_database(move_state)
def on_selection_changed(self, selection): model, iter = selection.get_selected() if iter is None: self.gamemodel.boards = [Board(FEN_EMPTY)] del self.gamemodel.moves[:] self.boardview.shown = 0 self.boardview.redrawCanvas() return path = self.gamelist.get_model().get_path(iter) gameno = self.gamelist.get_gameno(path) self.boardview.animation_lock.acquire() try: try: self.gamelist.chessfile.loadToModel(gameno, -1, self.gamemodel) except LoadingError as err: dialogue = Gtk.MessageDialog(type=Gtk.MessageType.WARNING, buttons=Gtk.ButtonsType.OK, message_format=err.args[0]) if len(err.args) > 1: dialogue.format_secondary_text(err.args[1]) dialogue.connect("response", lambda dialogue, a: dialogue.hide()) self.boardview.lastMove = None self.boardview._shown = self.gamemodel.lowply finally: self.boardview.animation_lock.release() self.boardview.redrawCanvas() self.boardview.shown = self.gamelist.ply
def test1(self): """ Test analyzing in forced mate situations """ board = Board('B1n1n1KR/1r5B/6R1/2b1p1p1/2P1k1P1/1p2P2p/1P2P2P/3N1N2 w - - 0 1') self.analyzerA.setBoardList([board],[]) self.analyzerI.setBoardList([board],[]) self._testLine(self.engineA, self.analyzerA, board, "1. Mat1 0 1 Bxb7#", ['Bxb7#'], MATE_VALUE, "1.") # Notice, in the opposite situation there is no forced mate. Black can # do Bxe3 or Ne7+, but we just emulate a stupid analyzer not # recognizing this. self._testLine(self.engineI, self.analyzerI, board.switchColor(), "10. -Mat 2 35 64989837 Bd4 Bxb7#", ['Bd4','Bxb7#'], -MATE_VALUE, "10.")
def test1(self): """ Test analyzing in forced mate situations """ board = Board( 'B1n1n1KR/1r5B/6R1/2b1p1p1/2P1k1P1/1p2P2p/1P2P2P/3N1N2 w - - 0 1') self.analyzerA.setBoardList([board], []) self.analyzerI.setBoardList([board], []) self._testLine(self.engineA, self.analyzerA, board, "1. Mat1 0 1 Bxb7#", ['Bxb7#'], MATE_VALUE, "1.") # Notice, in the opposite situation there is no forced mate. Black can # do Bxe3 or Ne7+, but we just emulate a stupid analyzer not # recognizing this. self._testLine(self.engineI, self.analyzerI, board.switchColor(), "10. -Mat 2 35 64989837 Bd4 Bxb7#", ['Bd4', 'Bxb7#'], -MATE_VALUE, "10.")
def __init__(self, subprocess, color, protover, md5): ProtocolEngine.__init__(self, subprocess, color, protover, md5) self.ids = {} self.options = {} self.optionsToBeSent = {} self.wtime = 60000 self.btime = 60000 self.incr = 0 self.moves = 0 self.timeHandicap = 1 self.moveLock = RLock() # none of the following variables should be changed or used in a # condition statement without holding the above self.moveLock self.ponderOn = False self.pondermove = None self.ignoreNext = False self.waitingForMove = False self.needBestmove = False self.readyForStop = False # keeps track of whether we already sent a 'stop' command self.multipvSetting = conf.get("multipv", 1) # MultiPV option sent to the engine self.multipvExpected = 1 # Number of PVs expected (limited by number of legal moves) self.commands = collections.deque() self.gameBoard = Board( setup=True) # board at the end of all moves played self.board = Board(setup=True) # board to send the engine self.uciPosition = "startpos" self.uciPositionListsMoves = False self.analysis = [None] self.returnQueue = Queue() self.line_cid = self.engine.connect("line", self.parseLine) self.died_cid = self.engine.connect("died", self.__die) self.invalid_move = None self.cids = [ self.connect("readyForOptions", self.__onReadyForOptions_before), self.connect_after("readyForOptions", self.__onReadyForOptions), self.connect_after("readyForMoves", self.__onReadyForMoves), ]
def __init__(self, subprocess, color, protover, md5): ProtocolEngine.__init__(self, subprocess, color, protover, md5) self.ids = {} self.options = {} self.optionsToBeSent = {} self.wtime = 60000 self.btime = 60000 self.incr = 0 self.moves = 0 self.timeHandicap = 1 self.ponderOn = False self.pondermove = None self.ignoreNext = False self.waitingForMove = False self.needBestmove = False self.bestmove_event = asyncio.Event() self.readyForStop = ( False) # keeps track of whether we already sent a 'stop' command self.multipvSetting = 1 # MultiPV option sent to the engine self.multipvExpected = ( 1) # Number of PVs expected (limited by number of legal moves) self.commands = collections.deque() self.gameBoard = Board( setup=True) # board at the end of all moves played self.board = Board(setup=True) # board to send the engine self.uciPosition = "startpos" self.uciPositionListsMoves = False self.analysis = [None] self.analysis_depth = None self.queue = asyncio.Queue() self.parse_line_task = create_task(self.parseLine(self.engine)) self.died_cid = self.engine.connect( "died", lambda e: self.queue.put_nowait("die")) self.invalid_move = None self.cids = [ self.connect_after("readyForOptions", self.__onReadyForOptions), self.connect_after("readyForMoves", self.__onReadyForMoves), ]
def __onReadyForMoves (self, self_): # If we are an analyzer, this signal was already called in a different # thread, so we can safely block it. if self.mode in (ANALYZING, INVERSE_ANALYZING): if not self.board: self.board = Board(setup=True) self.__sendAnalyze(self.mode == INVERSE_ANALYZING) self.readyMoves = True semisynced(lambda s:None)(self)
def _get_board(request: WSGIRequest) -> Board: """ This will eventually be fleshed out into accessing the Database """ game_id = request.GET.get("game_id") most_recent_move = _get_most_recent_move(game_id) most_recent_move.refresh_from_db() game_board = Board(setup=most_recent_move.post_move_fen) return game_board
def figure_out_previously_moved_pieces(request: WSGIRequest) -> JsonResponse: game_id = request.GET.get("game_id") opponent_color = WHITE if request.GET.get( "player_color") == WHITE_STR else BLACK most_recent_move = _get_most_recent_move(game_id) old_board = Board(setup=most_recent_move.pre_move_fen) old_move = _convert_SAN_str_to_move(most_recent_move.move_algebraic, old_board) current_board = old_board.move(old_move) from_coord, to_coord = _move_to_board_location(old_move) pieces_moved = [{"from_coord": from_coord, "to_coord": to_coord}] pieces_moved += _check_for_castle(old_move, opponent_color) return JsonResponse({ "moves": pieces_moved, "winner": check_if_game_over(board, game_id) })
def onSelectionChanged(self, selection): iter = selection.get_selected()[1] if iter == None: self.gamemodel.boards = [Board(FEN_EMPTY)] del self.gamemodel.moves[:] self.boardview.shown = 0 self.boardview.redrawCanvas() return path = self.list.get_model().get_path(iter) indices = path.get_indices() sel = indices[0] if sel == self.last_sel: return self.last_sel = sel self.boardview.animation_lock.acquire() try: try: self.chessfile.loadToModel(sel, -1, self.gamemodel) except LoadingError as err: dialogue = Gtk.MessageDialog(type=Gtk.MessageType.WARNING, \ buttons=Gtk.ButtonsType.OK, \ message_format=err.args[0]) dialogue.format_secondary_text(err.args[1]) dialogue.connect("response", lambda dialogue, a: dialogue.hide()) if self.gamemodel.variant.variant == NORMALCHESS: radiobutton = self.widgets["playNormalRadio"] radiobutton.set_active(True) else: radiobutton = self.widgets["playVariant1Radio"] radiobutton.set_active(True) conf.set("ngvariant1", self.gamemodel.variant.variant) radiobutton.set_label("%s" % if self.gamemodel.tags.get("TimeControl"): radiobutton = self.widgets["blitzRadio"] radiobutton.set_active(True) conf.set("ngblitz min", self.gamemodel.timemodel.minutes) conf.set("ngblitz gain", self.gamemodel.timemodel.gain) else: radiobutton = self.widgets["notimeRadio"] radiobutton.set_active(True) self.boardview.lastMove = None self.boardview._shown = self.gamemodel.lowply last = self.gamemodel.ply finally: self.boardview.animation_lock.release() self.boardview.redrawCanvas() self.boardview.shown = last self.shownChanged(self.boardview, last)
def __init__(self, subprocess, color, protover, md5): ProtocolEngine.__init__(self, subprocess, color, protover, md5) self.ids = {} self.options = {} self.optionsToBeSent = {} self.wtime = 60000 self.btime = 60000 self.incr = 0 self.timeHandicap = 1 self.moveLock = RLock() # none of the following variables should be changed or used in a # condition statement without holding the above self.moveLock self.ponderOn = False self.pondermove = None self.ignoreNext = False self.waitingForMove = False self.needBestmove = False self.readyForStop = False # keeps track of whether we already sent a 'stop' command self.multipvSetting = conf.get("multipv", 1 ) # MultiPV option sent to the engine self.multipvExpected = 1 # Number of PVs expected (limited by number of legal moves) self.commands = collections.deque() self.gameBoard = Board(setup=True) # board at the end of all moves played self.board = Board(setup=True) # board to send the engine self.uciPosition = "startpos" self.uciPositionListsMoves = False self.analysis = [None] self.returnQueue = Queue() self.line_cid = self.engine.connect("line", self.parseLine) self.died_cid = self.engine.connect("died", self.__die) self.invalid_move = None self.cids = [ self.connect("readyForOptions", self.__onReadyForOptions_before), self.connect_after("readyForOptions", self.__onReadyForOptions), self.connect_after("readyForMoves", self.__onReadyForMoves), ]
def __onReadyForMoves (self, self_): self.returnQueue.put("ready") self.readyMoves = True self._newGame() # If we are an analyzer, this signal was already called in a different # thread, so we can safely block it. if self.mode in (ANALYZING, INVERSE_ANALYZING): if not self.board: self.board = Board(setup=True) self.putMove(self.board, None, None)
def __init__(self, subprocess, color, protover, md5): ProtocolEngine.__init__(self, subprocess, color, protover, md5) self.ids = {} self.options = {} self.optionsToBeSent = {} self.wtime = 60000 self.btime = 60000 self.incr = 0 self.moves = 0 self.timeHandicap = 1 self.ponderOn = False self.pondermove = None self.ignoreNext = False self.waitingForMove = False self.needBestmove = False self.bestmove_event = asyncio.Event() self.readyForStop = False # keeps track of whether we already sent a 'stop' command self.multipvSetting = 1 # MultiPV option sent to the engine self.multipvExpected = 1 # Number of PVs expected (limited by number of legal moves) self.commands = collections.deque() self.gameBoard = Board(setup=True) # board at the end of all moves played self.board = Board(setup=True) # board to send the engine self.uciPosition = "startpos" self.uciPositionListsMoves = False self.analysis = [None] self.analysis_depth = None self.queue = asyncio.Queue() self.parse_line_task = asyncio.async(self.parseLine(self.engine)) self.died_cid = self.engine.connect("died", lambda e: self.queue.put_nowait("die")) self.invalid_move = None self.cids = [ self.connect_after("readyForOptions", self.__onReadyForOptions), self.connect_after("readyForMoves", self.__onReadyForMoves), ]
def testNotProtected(self): board = Board(setup=True) dsa = DecisionSupportAlgorithm() dsa.set_foe_as_bot() dsa.enableDisableAlgo(True) # at the start of the game, only the two towers are not protected by other pieces coordinate_not_protected = dsa._DecisionSupportAlgorithm__apply_algorithm( board, WHITE, dsa._DecisionSupportAlgorithm__not_protected) self.assertEqual(set([Cord("a1", color="Y"), Cord("h1", color="Y")]), set(coordinate_not_protected)) board = board.move( Move(Cord(cordDic["e2"]), Cord(cordDic["e4"]), board)) coordinate_not_protected = dsa._DecisionSupportAlgorithm__apply_algorithm( board, WHITE, dsa._DecisionSupportAlgorithm__not_protected) # the pawn moved to e4 is now not protected self.assertEqual( set([ Cord("a1", color="Y"), Cord("h1", color="Y"), Cord("e4", color="Y") ]), set(coordinate_not_protected)) board = board.move( Move(Cord(cordDic["d7"]), Cord(cordDic["d5"]), board)) # the black pawn attack the white pawn, it is not notProtected that will detect this case, # only the two towers are not protected coordinate_not_protected = dsa._DecisionSupportAlgorithm__apply_algorithm( board, WHITE, dsa._DecisionSupportAlgorithm__not_protected) self.assertEqual(set([Cord("a1", color="Y"), Cord("h1", color="Y")]), set(coordinate_not_protected))
def __init__(self, setup=True, lboard=None): if setup is True: fenstr = SETUPSTART elif isinstance(setup, str): fenstr = setup # add all kind of pieces to holdings parts = fenstr.split() if parts[0].endswith("]"): placement, holdings = parts[0].split("[") for piece in HOLDINGS: if piece not in holdings: parts[0] = placement + HOLDINGS fenstr = " ".join(parts) break else: parts[0] += HOLDINGS fenstr = " ".join(parts) if lboard is not None: Board.__init__(self, setup=fenstr, lboard=lboard) else: Board.__init__(self, setup=fenstr) self._ply = 0
def walk(node, path): if node.prev is None: # initial game board if variant == "Fischerandom": board = FRCBoard(setup=node.asFen(), lboard=node) elif variant == "Atomic": board = AtomicBoard(setup=node.asFen(), lboard=node) elif variant == "Crazyhouse": board = CrazyhouseBoard(setup=node.asFen(), lboard=node) elif variant == "Wildcastle": board = WildcastleBoard(setup=node.asFen(), lboard=node) elif variant == "Suicide": board = SuicideBoard(setup=node.asFen(), lboard=node) elif variant == "Losers": board = LosersBoard(setup=node.asFen(), lboard=node) elif variant == "Kingofthehill": board = KingOfTheHillBoard(setup=node.asFen(), lboard=node) else: board = Board(setup=node.asFen(), lboard=node) else: move = Move(node.lastMove) try: board = node.prev.pieceBoard.move(move, lboard=node) except: raise LoadingError( _("Invalid move."), "%s%s" % (move_count(node, black_periods=True), move)) if is None: model.variations.append(path + [board]) else: walk(, path + [board]) for child in node.children: if isinstance(child, list): if len(child) > 1: # non empty variation, go walk walk(child[1], list(path)) else: if not self.has_emt: self.has_emt = child.find("%emt") >= 0 if not self.has_eval: self.has_eval = child.find("%eval") >= 0
def test2(self): """ Test analyzing in promotion situations """ board = Board('5k2/PK6/8/8/8/6P1/6P1/8 w - - 1 48') self.analyzerA.setBoardList([board], []) self.analyzerI.setBoardList([board], []) async def coro(): await self._testLine( self.engineA, self.analyzerA, board, "9. 1833 23 43872584 a8=Q+ Kf7 Qa2+ Kf6 Qd2 Kf5 g4+", 94, ['a8=Q+', 'Kf7', 'Qa2+', 'Kf6', 'Qd2', 'Kf5', 'g4+'], 1833, "9.", "190750365") await self._testLine( self.engineI, self.analyzerI, board.switchColor(), "10. -1883 59 107386433 Kf7 a8=Q Ke6 Qa6+ Ke5 Qd6+ Kf5", 94, ['Kf7', 'a8=Q', 'Ke6', 'Qa6+', 'Ke5', 'Qd6+', 'Kf5'], -1883, "10.", "182010903") self.loop.run_until_complete(coro())
def on_selection_changed(self, selection): iter = selection.get_selected()[1] if iter == None: self.gamemodel.boards = [Board(FEN_EMPTY)] del self.gamemodel.moves[:] self.boardview.shown = 0 self.boardview.redraw_canvas() return sel = self.list.get_model().get_path(iter)[0] if sel == self.lastSel: return self.lastSel = sel self.boardview.animationLock.acquire() try: try: self.chessfile.loadToModel(sel, -1, self.gamemodel) except LoadingError, e: #TODO: Pressent this a little nicer print e self.boardview.lastMove = None self.boardview._shown = self.gamemodel.lowply last = self.gamemodel.ply
def __init__ (self, setup=False): if setup is True: Board.__init__(self, setup=PAWNSPASSEDSTART) else: Board.__init__(self, setup=setup)
def __init__(self, setup=False, lboard=None): if setup is True: Board.__init__(self, setup=SUICIDESTART, lboard=lboard) else: Board.__init__(self, setup=setup, lboard=lboard)
def __init__ (self, setup=False): if setup is True: Board.__init__(self, setup=self.shuffle_start()) else: Board.__init__(self, setup=setup)
def __init__(self, setup=False, lboard=None): if setup is True: Board.__init__(self, setup=PAWNSPASSEDSTART, lboard=lboard) else: Board.__init__(self, setup=setup, lboard=lboard)
def __init__ (self, setup=False): if setup is True: Board.__init__(self, setup=ROOKODDSSTART) else: Board.__init__(self, setup=setup)
def __init__ (self, setup=False, lboard=None): if setup is True: Board.__init__(self, setup=KNIGHTODDSSTART, lboard=lboard) else: Board.__init__(self, setup=setup, lboard=lboard)
blackdarkbishops += 1 blacklightbishops = blacklightbishops > 0 and (blacklightbishops-1) or 0 break tmp = ''.join(black) + '/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/' + \ ''.join(white).upper() + ' w - - 0 1' return tmp class AsymmetricRandomChess: __desc__ = \ _("FICS wild/4:\n" + "* Randomly chosen pieces (two queens or three rooks possible)\n" + "* Exactly one king of each color\n" + "* Pieces placed randomly behind the pawns, SUBJECT TO THE CONSTRAINT THAT THE BISHOPS ARE BALANCED\n" + "* No castling\n" + "* Black's arrangement DOES NOT mirrors white's") name = _("Asymmetric Random") cecp_name = "unknown" board = AsymmetricRandomBoard need_initial_board = True standard_rules = True variant_group = VARIANTS_SHUFFLE if __name__ == '__main__': Board = AsymmetricRandomBoard(True) for i in range(10): print Board.asymmetricrandom_start()
def __init__(self, setup=False, lboard=None): if setup is True: Board.__init__(self, setup=PLACEMENTSTART, lboard=lboard) else: Board.__init__(self, setup=setup, lboard=lboard)
def __init__(self, setup=False, lboard=None): if setup is True: Board.__init__(self, setup=UPSIDEDOWNSTART, lboard=lboard) else: Board.__init__(self, setup=setup, lboard=lboard)
(whitelightbishops != blacklightbishops): bishopindex = blackbishoprandomindexstack.pop() for index, piece in RandomEnumeratePieces(black): if piece != 'b': if ((blackdarkbishops > whitedarkbishops) and (bishopindex % 2 == 1) and (index % 2 == 0)): black[bishopindex] = piece black[index] = 'b' blacklightbishops += 1 blackdarkbishops = blackdarkbishops > 0 and ( blackdarkbishops - 1) or 0 break elif ((blacklightbishops > whitelightbishops) and (bishopindex % 2 == 0) and (index % 2 == 1)): black[bishopindex] = piece black[index] = 'b' blackdarkbishops += 1 blacklightbishops = blacklightbishops > 0 and ( blacklightbishops - 1) or 0 break tmp = ''.join(black) + '/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/' + \ ''.join(white).upper() + ' w - - 0 1' return tmp if __name__ == '__main__': Board = AsymmetricRandomBoard(True) for i in range(10): print(Board.asymmetricrandom_start())
def random_start(self): tmp = random.sample(('r', 'n', 'b', 'q') * 16, 7) tmp.append('k') random.shuffle(tmp) tmp = ''.join(tmp) tmp = tmp + '/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/' + tmp.upper() + ' w - - 0 1' return tmp class RandomChess: __desc__ = _( "FICS wild/3:\n" + "* Randomly chosen pieces (two queens or three rooks possible)\n" + "* Exactly one king of each color\n" + "* Pieces placed randomly behind the pawns\n" + "* No castling\n" + "* Black's arrangement mirrors white's") name = _("Random") cecp_name = "unknown" board = RandomBoard need_initial_board = True standard_rules = True variant_group = VARIANTS_SHUFFLE if __name__ == '__main__': Board = RandomBoard(True) for i in range(10): print Board.random_start()
Board.__init__(self, setup=self.shuffle_start(), lboard=lboard) else: Board.__init__(self, setup=setup, lboard=lboard) def shuffle_start(self): tmp = ['r', 'n', 'b', 'q', 'k', 'b', 'n', 'r'] random.shuffle(tmp) tmp = ''.join(tmp) tmp = tmp + '/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/' + tmp.upper() + ' w - - 0 1' return tmp class ShuffleChess: __desc__ = _("xboard nocastle:\n" + "FICS wild/2:\n" + "* Random arrangement of the pieces behind the pawns\n" + "* No castling\n" + "* Black's arrangement mirrors white's") name = _("Shuffle") cecp_name = "nocastle" board = ShuffleBoard need_initial_board = True standard_rules = True variant_group = VARIANTS_SHUFFLE if __name__ == '__main__': Board = ShuffleBoard(True) for i in range(10): print(Board.shuffle_start())
def __init__(self, setup=False, lboard=None): if setup is True: Board.__init__(self, setup=WILDCASTLESTART, lboard=lboard) else: Board.__init__(self, setup=setup, lboard=lboard)
"* Exactly one king of each color\n" + "* Pieces placed randomly behind the pawns\n" + "* No castling\n" + "* Black's arrangement mirrors white's") name = _("Random") cecp_name = "unknown" need_initial_board = True standard_rules = True variant_group = VARIANTS_SHUFFLE def __init__ (self, setup=False, lboard=None): if setup is True: Board.__init__(self, setup=self.random_start(), lboard=lboard) else: Board.__init__(self, setup=setup, lboard=lboard) def random_start(self): tmp = random.sample(('r', 'n', 'b', 'q')*16, 7) tmp.append('k') random.shuffle(tmp) tmp = ''.join(tmp) tmp = tmp + '/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/' + tmp.upper() + ' w - - 0 1' return tmp if __name__ == '__main__': Board = RandomBoard(True) for i in range(10): print(Board.random_start())
def __init__ (self, setup=False): if setup is True: Board.__init__(self, setup=self.asymmetricrandom_start()) else: Board.__init__(self, setup=setup)
def __init__(self, setup=False, lboard=None): if setup == True: Board.__init__(self, setup=self.shuffle_start(), lboard=lboard) else: Board.__init__(self, setup=setup, lboard=lboard)
"* Randomly chosen pieces (two queens or three rooks possible)\n" + "* Exactly one king of each color\n" + "* Pieces placed randomly behind the pawns\n" + "* No castling\n" + "* Black's arrangement mirrors white's") name = _("Random") cecp_name = "unknown" need_initial_board = True standard_rules = True variant_group = VARIANTS_SHUFFLE def __init__(self, setup=False, lboard=None): if setup is True: Board.__init__(self, setup=self.random_start(), lboard=lboard) else: Board.__init__(self, setup=setup, lboard=lboard) def random_start(self): back_rank = random.sample(('r', 'n', 'b', 'q') * 16, 7) back_rank.append('k') random.shuffle(back_rank) fen = ''.join(back_rank) fen = fen + '/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/' + fen.upper() + ' w - - 0 1' # return tmp if __name__ == '__main__': Board = RandomBoard(True) for i in range(10): print(Board.random_start())
class CECPEngine(ProtocolEngine): def __init__(self, subprocess, color, protover, md5): ProtocolEngine.__init__(self, subprocess, color, protover, md5) self.features = { "ping": 0, "setboard": 0, "playother": 0, "san": 0, "usermove": 0, "time": 1, "draw": 1, "sigint": 0, "sigterm": 0, "reuse": 0, "analyze": 0, "myname": ', '.join(self.defname), "variants": None, "colors": 1, "ics": 0, "name": 0, "pause": 0, "nps": 0, "debug": 0, "memory": 0, "smp": 0, "egt": '', "option": '', "exclude": 0, "done": None, } self.supported_features = [ "ping", "setboard", "san", "usermove", "time", "draw", "sigint", "analyze", "myname", "variants", "colors", "pause", "done", "egt", "debug", "smp", "memory", "option" ] self.options = {} self.options["Ponder"] = {"name": "Ponder", "type": "check", "default": False} = None self.board = Board(setup=True) # if self.engineIsInNotPlaying == True, engine is in "force" mode, # i.e. not thinking or playing, but still verifying move legality self.engineIsInNotPlaying = False self.engineIsAnalyzing = False self.movenext = False self.waitingForMove = False self.readyForMoveNowCommand = False self.timeHandicap = 1 self.lastping = 0 self.lastpong = 0 self.queue = asyncio.Queue() self.parse_line_task = asyncio.async(self.parseLine(self.engine)) self.died_cid = self.engine.connect("died", lambda e: self.queue.put_nowait("die")) self.invalid_move = None self.optionQueue = [] self.undoQueue = [] self.ready_moves_event = asyncio.Event() self.cids = [ self.connect_after("readyForOptions", self.__onReadyForOptions), self.connect_after("readyForMoves", self.__onReadyForMoves), ] # Starting the game def prestart(self): print("xboard", file=self.engine) if self.protover == 1: # start a new game (CECPv1 engines): print("new", file=self.engine) # we are now ready for options: self.emit("readyForOptions") elif self.protover == 2: # start advanced protocol initialisation: print("protover 2", file=self.engine) # we don't start a new game for CECPv2 here, # we will do it after feature accept/reject is completed. def start(self, event=None): asyncio.async(self.__startBlocking(event)) @asyncio.coroutine def __startBlocking(self, event): if self.protover == 1: self.emit("readyForMoves") return_value = "ready" if self.protover == 2: try: return_value = yield from asyncio.wait_for(self.queue.get(), TIME_OUT_SECOND) if return_value == "not ready": return_value = yield from asyncio.wait_for(self.queue.get(), TIME_OUT_SECOND) # Gaviota sends done=0 after "xboard" and after "protover 2" too if return_value == "not ready": return_value = yield from asyncio.wait_for(self.queue.get(), TIME_OUT_SECOND) self.emit("readyForOptions") self.emit("readyForMoves") except asyncio.TimeoutError: log.warning("Got timeout error", extra={"task": self.defname}) raise PlayerIsDead except: log.warning("Unknown error", extra={"task": self.defname}) raise PlayerIsDead else: if return_value == "die": raise PlayerIsDead assert return_value == "ready" or return_value == "del" if event is not None: event.set() def __onReadyForOptions(self, self_): # We always want post turned on so the Engine Output sidebar can # show those things -Jonas Thiem print("post", file=self.engine) for command in self.optionQueue: print(command, file=self.engine) def __onReadyForMoves(self, self_): if self.mode in (ANALYZING, INVERSE_ANALYZING): # workaround for crafty not sending analysis after it has found a mating line # if "crafty" in self.features["myname"].lower(): print("noise 0", file=self.engine) self.__sendAnalyze(self.mode == INVERSE_ANALYZING) self.ready_moves_event.set() self.readyMoves = True # Ending the game def end(self, status, reason): self.parse_line_task.cancel() if self.engine.handler_is_connected(self.died_cid): self.engine.disconnect(self.died_cid) if self.handler_is_connected(self.analyze_cid): self.disconnect(self.analyze_cid) for cid in self.cids: if self.handler_is_connected(cid): self.disconnect(cid) self.board = None if self.connected: # We currently can't fillout the comment "field" as the repr strings # for reasons and statuses lies in # Creating Status and Reason class would solve this if status == DRAW: print("result 1/2-1/2 {?}", file=self.engine) elif status == WHITEWON: print("result 1-0 {?}", file=self.engine) elif status == BLACKWON: print("result 0-1 {?}", file=self.engine) else: print("result * {?}", file=self.engine) if reason == WON_ADJUDICATION: self.queue.put_nowait("invalid") # Make sure the engine exits and do some cleaning self.kill(reason) def kill(self, reason): """ Kills the engine, starting with the 'quit' command, then sigterm and eventually sigkill. Returns the exitcode, or if engine have already been killed, returns None """ if self.connected: self.connected = False try: try: print("quit", file=self.engine) self.queue.put_nowait("del") self.engine.terminate() except OSError as err: # No need to raise on a hang up error, as the engine is dead # anyways if err.errno == 32: log.warning("Hung up Error", extra={"task": self.defname}) return err.errno else: raise finally: # Clear the analyzed data, if any self.emit("analyze", []) # Send the player move updates def setBoard(self, board): self.setBoardList([board], []) self.__sendAnalyze(self.mode == INVERSE_ANALYZING) def putMove(self, board1, move, board2): """ Sends the engine the last move made (for spectator engines). @param board1: The current board @param move: The last move made @param board2: The board before the last move was made """ self.setBoardList([board1], []) self.__sendAnalyze(self.mode == INVERSE_ANALYZING) @asyncio.coroutine def makeMove(self, board1, move, board2): """ Gets a move from the engine (for player engines). @param board1: The current board @param move: The last move made @param board2: The board before the last move was made @return: The move the engine decided to make """ log.debug("makeMove: move=%s self.movenext=%s board1=%s board2=%s self.board=%s" % ( move, self.movenext, board1, board2, self.board), extra={"task": self.defname}) assert self.readyMoves if self.board == board1 or not board2 or self.movenext: self.board = board1 self.__tellEngineToPlayCurrentColorAndMakeMove() self.movenext = False else: self.board = board1 self.__usermove(board2, move) if self.engineIsInNotPlaying: self.__tellEngineToPlayCurrentColorAndMakeMove() self.waitingForMove = True self.readyForMoveNowCommand = True # Parse outputs status = yield from self.queue.get() if status == "not ready": log.warning( "Engine seems to be protover=2, but is treated as protover=1", extra={"task": self.defname}) status = yield from self.queue.get() if status == "ready": status = yield from self.queue.get() if status == "invalid": raise InvalidMove if status == "del": raise PlayerIsDead("Killed by foreign forces") if status == "int": raise TurnInterrupt self.waitingForMove = False self.readyForMoveNowCommand = False assert isinstance(status, Move), status return status def updateTime(self, secs, opsecs): if self.features["time"]: print("time %s" % int(secs * 100 * self.timeHandicap), file=self.engine) print("otim %s" % int(opsecs * 100), file=self.engine) # Standard options def setOptionAnalyzing(self, mode): self.mode = mode def setOptionInitialBoard(self, model): def coro(): yield from self.ready_moves_event.wait() # We don't use the optionQueue here, as set board prints a whole lot of # stuff. Instead we just call it. self.setBoardList(model.boards[:], model.moves[:]) asyncio.async(coro()) def setBoardList(self, boards, moves): # Notice: If this method is to be called while playing, the engine will # need 'new' and an arrangement similar to that of 'pause' to avoid # the current thought move to appear if self.mode not in (ANALYZING, INVERSE_ANALYZING): self.__tellEngineToStopPlayingCurrentColor() self.__setBoard(boards[0]) self.board = boards[-1] for board, move in zip(boards[:-1], moves): self.__usermove(board, move) if self.mode in (ANALYZING, INVERSE_ANALYZING): self.board = boards[-1] if self.mode == INVERSE_ANALYZING: self.board = self.board.switchColor() # The called of setBoardList will have to repost/analyze the # analyzer engines at this point. def setOptionVariant(self, variant): if self.features["variants"] is None: log.warning("setOptionVariant: engine doesn't support variants", extra={"task": self.defname}) return if variant in variants.values() and not variant.standard_rules: assert variant.cecp_name in self.features["variants"], \ "%s doesn't support %s variant" % (self, variant.cecp_name) self.optionQueue.append("variant %s" % variant.cecp_name) # Strength system # # Strength Depth Ponder Time handicap # # 1 1 o 1,258% # # 2 2 o 1,584% # # 3 3 o 1.995% # # # # 19 o x 79,43% # # 20 o x o # def setOptionStrength(self, strength, forcePonderOff): self.strength = strength if strength <= 19: self.__setTimeHandicap(0.01 * 10**(strength / 10.)) if strength <= 18: self.__setDepth(strength) # Crafty ofers 100 skill levels if "crafty" in self.features["myname"].lower() and strength <= 19: self.optionQueue.append("skill %s" % strength * 5) self.__setPonder(strength >= 19 and not forcePonderOff) if strength == 20: if "gaviota" in self.features["egt"]: self.optionQueue.append("egtpath gaviota %s" % conf.get( "egtb_path", "")) else: self.optionQueue.append("random") def __setDepth(self, depth): self.optionQueue.append("sd %d" % depth) def __setTimeHandicap(self, timeHandicap): self.timeHandicap = timeHandicap def __setPonder(self, ponder): if ponder: self.optionQueue.append("hard") else: self.optionQueue.append("hard") self.optionQueue.append("easy") def setOptionTime(self, secs, gain, moves): # Notice: In CECP we apply time handicap in updateTime, not in # setOptionTime. minutes = int(secs / 60) secs = int(secs % 60) mins = str(minutes) if secs: mins += ":" + str(secs) self.optionQueue.append("level %s %s %d" % (moves, mins, gain)) # Option handling def setOption(self, key, value): """ Set an option, which will be sent to the engine, after the 'readyForOptions' signal has passed. If you want to know the possible options, you should go to engineDiscoverer or use the getOption, getOptions and hasOption methods, while you are in your 'readyForOptions' signal handler """ if self.readyMoves: log.warning( "Options set after 'readyok' are not sent to the engine", extra={"task": self.defname}) if key == "cores": self.optionQueue.append("cores %s" % value) elif key == "memory": self.optionQueue.append("memory %s" % value) elif key.lower() == "ponder": self.__setPonder(value == 1) else: self.optionQueue.append("option %s=%s" % (key, value)) # Interacting with the player def pause(self): """ Pauses engine using the "pause" command if available. Otherwise put engine in force mode. By the specs the engine shouldn't ponder in force mode, but some of them do so anyways. """ log.debug("pause: self=%s" % self, extra={"task": self.defname}) self.engine.pause() return def resume(self): log.debug("resume: self=%s" % self, extra={"task": self.defname}) self.engine.resume() return def hurry(self): log.debug("hurry: self.waitingForMove=%s self.readyForMoveNowCommand=%s" % ( self.waitingForMove, self.readyForMoveNowCommand), extra={"task": self.defname}) if self.waitingForMove and self.readyForMoveNowCommand: self.__tellEngineToMoveNow() self.readyForMoveNowCommand = False def spectatorUndoMoves(self, moves, gamemodel): log.debug("spectatorUndoMoves: moves=%s gamemodel.ply=%s gamemodel.boards[-1]=%s self.board=%s" % ( moves, gamemodel.ply, gamemodel.boards[-1], self.board), extra={"task": self.defname}) for i in range(moves): print("undo", file=self.engine) self.board = gamemodel.boards[-1] def playerUndoMoves(self, moves, gamemodel): log.debug("playerUndoMoves: moves=%s gamemodel.ply=%s gamemodel.boards[-1]=%s self.board=%s" % ( moves, gamemodel.ply, gamemodel.boards[-1], self.board), extra={"task": self.defname}) if gamemodel.curplayer != self and moves % 2 == 1: # Interrupt if we were searching, but should no longer do so self.queue.put_nowait("int") self.__tellEngineToStopPlayingCurrentColor() for i in range(moves): print("undo", file=self.engine) if gamemodel.curplayer == self: self.board = gamemodel.boards[-1] self.__tellEngineToPlayCurrentColorAndMakeMove() else: self.board = None # Offer handling def offer(self, offer): if offer.type == DRAW_OFFER: if self.features["draw"]: print("draw", file=self.engine) else: self.emit("accept", offer) def offerError(self, offer, error): if self.features["draw"]: # We don't keep track if engine draws are offers or accepts. We just # Always assume they are accepts, and if they are not, we get this # error and emit offer instead if offer.type == DRAW_OFFER and error == ACTION_ERROR_NONE_TO_ACCEPT: self.emit("offer", Offer(DRAW_OFFER)) # Internal def __usermove(self, board, move): if self.features["usermove"]: self.engine.write("usermove ") if self.features["san"]: print(toSAN(board, move), file=self.engine) else: castle_notation = CASTLE_KK if board.variant == FISCHERRANDOMCHESS: castle_notation = CASTLE_SAN print( toAN(board, move, short=True, castleNotation=castle_notation), file=self.engine) def __tellEngineToMoveNow(self): if self.features["sigint"]: self.engine.sigint() print("?", file=self.engine) def __tellEngineToStopPlayingCurrentColor(self): print("force", file=self.engine) self.engineIsInNotPlaying = True def __tellEngineToPlayCurrentColorAndMakeMove(self): self.__printColor() print("go", file=self.engine) self.engineIsInNotPlaying = False def __sendAnalyze(self, inverse=False): if inverse and self.board.board.opIsChecked(): # Many engines don't like positions able to take down enemy # king. Therefore we just return the "kill king" move # automaticaly self.emit("analyze", [([toAN( self.board, getMoveKillingKing(self.board))], MATE_VALUE - 1, "")]) return def stop_analyze(): if self.engineIsAnalyzing: print("exit", file=self.engine) # Some engines (crafty, gnuchess) doesn't respond to exit command # we try to force them to stop with an empty board fen print("setboard 8/8/8/8/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1", file=self.engine) self.engineIsAnalyzing = False print("post", file=self.engine) print("analyze", file=self.engine) self.engineIsAnalyzing = True loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.call_later(conf.get("max_analysis_spin", 3), stop_analyze) def __printColor(self): if self.features["colors"]: # or self.mode == INVERSE_ANALYZING: if self.board.color == WHITE: print("white", file=self.engine) else: print("black", file=self.engine) def __setBoard(self, board): if self.features["setboard"]: self.__tellEngineToStopPlayingCurrentColor() fen = board.asFen(enable_bfen=False) if self.mode == INVERSE_ANALYZING: fen_arr = fen.split() if not self.board.board.opIsChecked(): if fen_arr[1] == "b": fen_arr[1] = "w" else: fen_arr[1] = "b" fen = " ".join(fen_arr) print("setboard %s" % fen, file=self.engine) else: # Kludge to set black to move, avoiding the troublesome and now # deprecated "black" command. - Equal to the one xboard uses self.__tellEngineToStopPlayingCurrentColor() if board.color == BLACK: print("a2a3", file=self.engine) print("edit", file=self.engine) print("#", file=self.engine) for color in WHITE, BLACK: for y_loc, row in enumerate( for x_loc, piece in row.items(): if not piece or piece.color != color: continue sign = reprSign[piece.sign] cord = repr(Cord(x_loc, y_loc)) print(sign + cord, file=self.engine) print("c", file=self.engine) print(".", file=self.engine) # Parsing @asyncio.coroutine def parseLine(self, proc): while True: line = yield from wait_signal(proc, 'line') if not line: break else: line = line[1] if line[0:1] == "#": # Debug line which we shall ignore as specified in CECPv2 specs continue # log.debug("__parseLine: line=\"%s\"" % line.strip(), extra={"task":self.defname}) parts = whitespaces.split(line.strip()) if parts[0] == "pong": self.lastpong = int(parts[1]) continue # Illegal Move if parts[0].lower().find("illegal") >= 0: log.warning("__parseLine: illegal move: line=\"%s\", board=%s" % ( line.strip(), self.board), extra={"task": self.defname}) if parts[-2] == "sd" and parts[-1].isdigit(): print("depth", parts[-1], file=self.engine) continue # A Move (Perhaps) if self.board: if parts[0] == "move": movestr = parts[1] # Old Variation elif d_plus_dot_expr.match(parts[0]) and parts[1] == "...": movestr = parts[2] else: movestr = False if movestr: self.waitingForMove = False self.readyForMoveNowCommand = False if self.engineIsInNotPlaying: # If engine was set in pause just before the engine sent its # move, we ignore it. However the engine has to know that we # ignored it, and thus we step it one back"__parseLine: Discarding engine's move: %s" % movestr, extra={"task": self.defname}) print("undo", file=self.engine) continue else: try: move = parseAny(self.board, movestr) except ParsingError: self.invalid_move = movestr "__parseLine: ParsingError engine move: %s %s" % (movestr, self.board), extra={"task": self.defname}) self.end(WHITEWON if self.board.color == BLACK else BLACKWON, WON_ADJUDICATION) continue if validate(self.board, move): self.board = None self.queue.put_nowait(move) continue else: self.invalid_move = movestr "__parseLine: can't validate engine move: %s %s" % (movestr, self.board), extra={"task": self.defname}) self.end(WHITEWON if self.board.color == BLACK else BLACKWON, WON_ADJUDICATION) continue # Analyzing if self.engineIsInNotPlaying: if parts[:4] == ["0", "0", "0", "0"]: # Crafty doesn't analyze until it is out of book print("book off", file=self.engine) continue match = anare.match(line) if match: depth, score, moves = match.groups() if "mat" in score.lower() or "#" in moves: # Will look either like -Mat 3 or Mat3 scoreval = MATE_VALUE if score.startswith('-'): scoreval = -scoreval else: scoreval = int(score) mvstrs = movere.findall(moves) if mvstrs: self.emit("analyze", [(mvstrs, scoreval, depth.strip())]) continue # Offers draw if parts[0:2] == ["offer", "draw"]: self.emit("accept", Offer(DRAW_OFFER)) continue # Resigns if parts[0] == "resign" or \ (parts[0] == "tellics" and parts[1] == "resign"): # buggy crafty # Previously: if "resign" in parts, # however, this is too generic, since "hint", "bk", # "feature option=.." and possibly other, future CECPv2 # commands can validly contain the word "resign" without this # being an intentional resign offer. self.emit("offer", Offer(RESIGNATION)) continue # if parts[0].lower() == "error": # continue # Tell User Error if parts[0] == "tellusererror": # We don't want to see our stop analyzer hack as an error message if "8/8/8/8/8/8/8/8" in "".join(parts[1:]): continue # Create a non-modal non-blocking message dialog with the error: dlg = Gtk.MessageDialog(parent=None, flags=0, type=Gtk.MessageType.WARNING, buttons=Gtk.ButtonsType.CLOSE, message_format=None) # Use the engine name if already known, otherwise the defname: displayname = if not displayname: displayname = self.defname # Compose the dialog text: dlg.set_markup(GObject.markup_escape_text(_( "The engine %s reports an error:") % displayname) + "\n\n" + GObject.markup_escape_text(" ".join(parts[1:]))) # handle response signal so the "Close" button works: dlg.connect("response", lambda dlg, x: dlg.destroy()) dlg.show_all() continue # Tell Somebody if parts[0][:4] == "tell" and \ parts[0][4:] in ("others", "all", "ics", "icsnoalias"):"Ignoring tell %s: %s" % (parts[0][4:], " ".join(parts[1:]))) continue if "feature" in parts: # Some engines send features after done=1, so we will iterate after done=1 too done1 = False # We skip parts before 'feature', as some engines give us lines like # White (1) : feature setboard=1 analyze...e="GNU Chess 5.07" done=1 parts = parts[parts.index("feature"):] for i, pair in enumerate(parts[1:]): # As "parts" is split with no thoughs on quotes or double quotes # we need to do some extra handling. if pair.find("=") < 0: continue key, value = pair.split("=", 1) if key not in self.features: continue if value.startswith('"') and value.endswith('"'): value = value[1:-1] # If our pair was unfinished, like myname="GNU, we search the # rest of the pairs for a quotating mark. elif value[0] == '"': rest = value[1:] + " " + " ".join(parts[2 + i:]) j = rest.find('"') if j == -1: log.warning("Missing endquotation in %s feature", extra={"task": self.defname}) value = rest else: value = rest[:j] elif value.isdigit(): value = int(value) if key in self.supported_features: print("accepted %s" % key, file=self.engine) else: print("rejected %s" % key, file=self.engine) if key == "done": if value == 1: done1 = True continue elif value == 0:"Adds %d seconds timeout" % TIME_OUT_SECOND, extra={"task": self.defname}) # This'll buy you some more time self.queue.put_nowait("not ready") break if key == "smp" and value == 1: self.options["cores"] = {"name": "cores", "type": "spin", "default": 1, "min": 1, "max": 64} elif key == "memory" and value == 1: self.options["memory"] = {"name": "memory", "type": "spin", "default": 32, "min": 1, "max": 4096} elif key == "option" and key != "done": option = self.__parse_option(value) self.options[option["name"]] = option else: self.features[key] = value if key == "myname" and not self.setName(value) if done1: # Start a new game before using the engine: # (CECPv2 engines) print("new", file=self.engine) # We are now ready for play: self.emit("readyForOptions") self.emit("readyForMoves") self.queue.put_nowait("ready") # A hack to get better names in protover 1. # Unfortunately it wont work for now, as we don't read any lines from # protover 1 engines. When should we stop? if self.protover == 1: if self.defname[0] in ''.join(parts): basis = self.defname[0] name = ' '.join(itertools.dropwhile( lambda part: basis not in part, parts)) self.features['myname'] = name if not self.setName(name) def __parse_option(self, option): if " -check " in option: name, value = option.split(" -check ") return {"type": "check", "name": name, "default": bool(int(value))} elif " -spin " in option: name, value = option.split(" -spin ") defv, minv, maxv = value.split() return {"type": "spin", "name": name, "default": int(defv), "min": int(minv), "max": int(maxv)} elif " -slider " in option: name, value = option.split(" -slider ") defv, minv, maxv = value.split() return {"type": "spin", "name": name, "default": int(defv), "min": int(minv), "max": int(maxv)} elif " -string " in option: name, value = option.split(" -string ") return {"type": "text", "name": name, "default": value} elif " -file " in option: name, value = option.split(" -file ") return {"type": "text", "name": name, "default": value} elif " -path " in option: name, value = option.split(" -path ") return {"type": "text", "name": name, "default": value} elif " -combo " in option: name, value = option.split(" -combo ") choices = list(map(str.strip, value.split("///"))) default = "" for choice in choices: if choice.startswith("*"): index = choices.index(choice) default = choice[1:] choices[index] = default break return {"type": "combo", "name": name, "default": default, "choices": choices} elif " -button" in option: pos = option.find(" -button") return {"type": "button", "name": option[:pos]} elif " -save" in option: pos = option.find(" -save") return {"type": "button", "name": option[:pos]} elif " -reset" in option: pos = option.find(" -reset") return {"type": "button", "name": option[:pos]} # Info def canAnalyze(self): assert self.ready, "Still waiting for done=1" return self.features["analyze"] def maxAnalysisLines(self): return 1 def requestMultiPV(self, setting): return 1 def isAnalyzing(self): return self.mode in (ANALYZING, INVERSE_ANALYZING) def __repr__(self): if return return self.features["myname"]
def __init__ (self, setup=False, lboard=None): if setup is True: Board.__init__(self, setup=THEBANSTART, lboard=lboard) else: Board.__init__(self, setup=setup, lboard=lboard)
def __init__(self, subprocess, color, protover, md5): ProtocolEngine.__init__(self, subprocess, color, protover, md5) self.features = { "ping": 0, "setboard": 0, "playother": 0, "san": 0, "usermove": 0, "time": 1, "draw": 1, "sigint": 0, "sigterm": 0, "reuse": 0, "analyze": 0, "myname": ', '.join(self.defname), "variants": None, "colors": 1, "ics": 0, "name": 0, "pause": 0, "nps": 0, "debug": 0, "memory": 0, "smp": 0, "egt": '', "option": '', "exclude": 0, "done": None, } self.supported_features = [ "ping", "setboard", "san", "usermove", "time", "draw", "sigint", "analyze", "myname", "variants", "colors", "pause", "done", "egt", "debug", "smp", "memory", "option" ] self.options = {} self.options["Ponder"] = {"name": "Ponder", "type": "check", "default": False} = None self.board = Board(setup=True) # if self.engineIsInNotPlaying == True, engine is in "force" mode, # i.e. not thinking or playing, but still verifying move legality self.engineIsInNotPlaying = False self.engineIsAnalyzing = False self.movenext = False self.waitingForMove = False self.readyForMoveNowCommand = False self.timeHandicap = 1 self.lastping = 0 self.lastpong = 0 self.queue = asyncio.Queue() self.parse_line_task = asyncio.async(self.parseLine(self.engine)) self.died_cid = self.engine.connect("died", lambda e: self.queue.put_nowait("die")) self.invalid_move = None self.optionQueue = [] self.undoQueue = [] self.ready_moves_event = asyncio.Event() self.cids = [ self.connect_after("readyForOptions", self.__onReadyForOptions), self.connect_after("readyForMoves", self.__onReadyForMoves), ]
def __init__ (self, setup=False, lboard=None): if setup is True: Board.__init__(self, setup=PAWNSPASSEDSTART, lboard=lboard) else: Board.__init__(self, setup=setup, lboard=lboard)
Board.__init__(self, setup=self.shuffle_start()) else: Board.__init__(self, setup=setup) def shuffle_start(self): tmp = ['r', 'n', 'b', 'q', 'k', 'b', 'n', 'r'] random.shuffle(tmp) tmp = ''.join(tmp) tmp = tmp + '/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/' + tmp.upper() + ' w - - 0 1' return tmp class ShuffleChess: __desc__ = _("xboard nocastle:\n" + "FICS wild/2:\n" + "* Random arrangement of the pieces behind the pawns\n" + "* No castling\n" + "* Black's arrangement mirrors white's") name = _("Shuffle") cecp_name = "nocastle" board = ShuffleBoard need_initial_board = True standard_rules = True variant_group = VARIANTS_SHUFFLE if __name__ == '__main__': Board = ShuffleBoard(True) for i in range(10): print Board.shuffle_start()
def __init__(self, setup=False, lboard=None): if setup is True: Board.__init__(self, setup=KAMBODIANSTART, lboard=lboard) else: Board.__init__(self, setup=setup, lboard=lboard)
def random_start(self): tmp = random.sample(('r', 'n', 'b', 'q')*16, 7) tmp.append('k') random.shuffle(tmp) tmp = ''.join(tmp) tmp = tmp + '/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/' + tmp.upper() + ' w - - 0 1' return tmp class RandomChess: __desc__ = _("FICS wild/3:\n" + "* Randomly chosen pieces (two queens or three rooks possible)\n" + "* Exactly one king of each color\n" + "* Pieces placed randomly behind the pawns\n" + "* No castling\n" + "* Black's arrangement mirrors white's") name = _("Random") cecp_name = "unknown" board = RandomBoard need_initial_board = True standard_rules = True variant_group = VARIANTS_SHUFFLE if __name__ == '__main__': Board = RandomBoard(True) for i in range(10): print Board.random_start()
def __init__(self, setup=False): if setup is True: Board.__init__(self, setup=self.random_start()) else: Board.__init__(self, setup=setup)
class UCIEngine (ProtocolEngine): def __init__ (self, subprocess, color, protover, md5): ProtocolEngine.__init__(self, subprocess, color, protover, md5) self.ids = {} self.options = {} self.optionsToBeSent = {} self.wtime = 60000 self.btime = 60000 self.incr = 0 self.timeHandicap = 1 self.moveLock = RLock() # none of the following variables should be changed or used in a # condition statement without holding the above self.moveLock self.ponderOn = False self.pondermove = None self.ignoreNext = False self.waitingForMove = False self.needBestmove = False self.readyForStop = False # keeps track of whether we already sent a 'stop' command self.multipvSetting = conf.get("multipv", 1) # MultiPV option sent to the engine self.multipvExpected = 1 # Number of PVs expected (limited by number of legal moves) self.commands = collections.deque() self.gameBoard = Board(setup=True) # board at the end of all moves played self.board = Board(setup=True) # board to send the engine self.uciPosition = "startpos" self.uciPositionListsMoves = False self.analysis = [ None ] self.returnQueue = Queue() self.engine.connect("line", self.parseLines) self.engine.connect("died", self.__die) self.connect("readyForOptions", self.__onReadyForOptions_before) self.connect_after("readyForOptions", self.__onReadyForOptions) self.connect_after("readyForMoves", self.__onReadyForMoves) def __die (self, subprocess): self.returnQueue.put("die") #=========================================================================== # Starting the game #=========================================================================== def prestart (self): print("uci", file=self.engine) def start (self): if self.mode in (ANALYZING, INVERSE_ANALYZING): t = Thread(target=self.__startBlocking, name=fident(self.__startBlocking)) t.daemon = True t.start() else: self.__startBlocking() def __startBlocking (self): r = self.returnQueue.get() if r == 'die': raise PlayerIsDead assert r == "ready" or r == 'del' #self.emit("readyForOptions") #self.emit("readyForMoves") def __onReadyForOptions_before (self, self_): self.readyOptions = True def __onReadyForOptions (self, self_): if self.mode in (ANALYZING, INVERSE_ANALYZING): if self.hasOption("Ponder"): self.setOption('Ponder', False) if self.hasOption("MultiPV") and self.multipvSetting > 1: self.setOption('MultiPV', self.multipvSetting) for option, value in self.optionsToBeSent.items(): if isinstance(value, bool): value = str(value).lower() print("setoption name %s value %s" % (option, str(value)), file=self.engine) print("isready", file=self.engine) def __onReadyForMoves (self, self_): self.returnQueue.put("ready") self.readyMoves = True self._newGame() # If we are an analyzer, this signal was already called in a different # thread, so we can safely block it. if self.mode in (ANALYZING, INVERSE_ANALYZING): self._searchNow() #=========================================================================== # Ending the game #=========================================================================== def end (self, status, reason): # UCI doens't care about reason, so we just kill self.kill(reason) def kill (self, reason): """ Kills the engine, starting with the 'stop' and 'quit' commands, then trying sigterm and eventually sigkill. Returns the exitcode, or if engine have already been killed, the method returns None """ if self.connected: self.connected = False try: try: print("stop", file=self.engine) print("quit", file=self.engine) self.returnQueue.put("del") return self.engine.gentleKill() except OSError as e: # No need to raise on a hang up error, as the engine is dead # anyways if e.errno == 32: log.warning("Hung up Error", extra={"task":self.defname}) return e.errno else: raise finally: # Clear the analyzed data, if any self.emit("analyze", []) #=========================================================================== # Send the player move updates #=========================================================================== def _moveToUCI (self, board, move): cn = CASTLE_KK if board.variant == FISCHERRANDOMCHESS: cn = CASTLE_KR return toAN(board, move, short=True, castleNotation=cn) def _recordMove (self, board1, move, board2): if self.gameBoard == board1: return if not board2: if board1.variant == NORMALCHESS and board1.asFen() == FEN_START: self.uciPosition = "startpos" else: self.uciPosition = "fen " + board1.asFen() self.uciPositionListsMoves = False if move: if not self.uciPositionListsMoves: self.uciPosition += " moves" self.uciPositionListsMoves = True self.uciPosition += " " + self._moveToUCI(board2, move) self.board = self.gameBoard = board1 if self.mode == INVERSE_ANALYZING: self.board = self.gameBoard.switchColor() def _recordMoveList (self, model, ply=None): self._recordMove(model.boards[0], None, None) if ply is None: ply = model.ply for board1, move, board2 in zip(model.boards[1:ply+1], model.moves, model.boards[0:ply]): self._recordMove(board1, move, board2) def setBoard (self, board): log.debug("setBoardAtPly: board=%s" % board, extra={"task":self.defname}) self._recordMove(board, None, None) if not self.readyMoves: return self._searchNow() def putMove (self, board1, move, board2): log.debug("putMove: board1=%s move=%s board2=%s self.board=%s" % \ (board1, move, board2, self.board), extra={"task":self.defname}) self._recordMove(board1, move, board2) if not self.readyMoves: return self._searchNow() def makeMove (self, board1, move, board2): log.debug("makeMove: move=%s self.pondermove=%s board1=%s board2=%s self.board=%s" % \ (move, self.pondermove, board1, board2, self.board), extra={"task":self.defname}) assert self.readyMoves with self.moveLock: self._recordMove(board1, move, board2) self.waitingForMove = True ponderhit = False if board2 and self.pondermove and move == self.pondermove: ponderhit = True elif board2 and self.pondermove: self.ignoreNext = True print("stop", file=self.engine) self._searchNow(ponderhit=ponderhit) # Parse outputs try: r = self.returnQueue.get() if r == "del": raise PlayerIsDead if r == "int": with self.moveLock: self.pondermove = None self.ignoreNext = True self.needBestmove = True self.hurry() raise TurnInterrupt return r finally: with self.moveLock: self.waitingForMove = False # empty the queue of any moves received post-undo/TurnInterrupt self.returnQueue.queue.clear() def updateTime (self, secs, opsecs): if self.color == WHITE: self.wtime = int(secs*1000*self.timeHandicap) self.btime = int(opsecs*1000) else: self.btime = int(secs*1000*self.timeHandicap) self.wtime = int(opsecs*1000) #=========================================================================== # Standard options #=========================================================================== def setOptionAnalyzing (self, mode): self.mode = mode if self.mode == INVERSE_ANALYZING: self.board = self.gameBoard.switchColor() def setOptionInitialBoard (self, model): log.debug("setOptionInitialBoard: self=%s, model=%s" % \ (self, model), extra={"task":self.defname}) self._recordMoveList(model) def setOptionVariant (self, variant): if variant == FischerRandomChess: assert self.hasOption("UCI_Chess960") self.setOption("UCI_Chess960", True) elif self.hasOption("UCI_Variant") and not variant.standard_rules: self.setOption("UCI_Variant", variant.cecp_name) def setOptionTime (self, secs, gain): self.wtime = int(max(secs*1000*self.timeHandicap, 1)) self.btime = int(max(secs*1000*self.timeHandicap, 1)) self.incr = int(gain*1000*self.timeHandicap) def setOptionStrength (self, strength, forcePonderOff): self.strength = strength if self.hasOption('UCI_LimitStrength') and strength <= 18: self.setOption('UCI_LimitStrength', True) if self.hasOption('UCI_Elo'): self.setOption('UCI_Elo', 150 * strength) # Stockfish offers 20 skill levels if self.hasOption('Skill Level') and strength <= 19: self.setOption('Skill Level', strength) if ((not self.hasOption('UCI_Elo')) and (not self.hasOption('Skill Level'))) or strength <= 19: self.timeHandicap = th = 0.01 * 10**(strength/10.) self.wtime = int(max(self.wtime*th, 1)) self.btime = int(max(self.btime*th, 1)) self.incr = int(self.incr*th) if self.hasOption('Ponder'): self.setOption('Ponder', strength >= 19 and not forcePonderOff) if self.hasOption('GaviotaTbPath') and strength == 20: self.setOption('GaviotaTbPath', conf.get("egtb_path", "")) #=========================================================================== # Interacting with the player #=========================================================================== def pause (self): log.debug("pause: self=%s" % self, extra={"task":self.defname}) self.engine.pause() return if self.board.color == self.color or \ self.mode != NORMAL or self.pondermove: self.ignoreNext = True print("stop", file=self.engine) def resume (self): log.debug("resume: self=%s" % self, extra={"task":self.defname}) self.engine.resume() return if self.mode == NORMAL: if self.board.color == self.color: self._searchNow() elif self.ponderOn and self.pondermove: self._startPonder() else: self._searchNow() def hurry (self): log.debug("hurry: self.waitingForMove=%s self.readyForStop=%s" % \ (self.waitingForMove, self.readyForStop), extra={"task":self.defname}) # sending this more than once per move will crash most engines # so we need to send only the first one, and then ignore every "hurry" request # after that until there is another outstanding "position..go" with self.moveLock: if self.waitingForMove and self.readyForStop: print("stop", file=self.engine) self.readyForStop = False def playerUndoMoves (self, moves, gamemodel): log.debug("playerUndoMoves: moves=%s gamemodel.ply=%s gamemodel.boards[-1]=%s self.board=%s" % \ (moves, gamemodel.ply, gamemodel.boards[-1], self.board), extra={"task":self.defname}) self._recordMoveList(gamemodel) if (gamemodel.curplayer != self and moves % 2 == 1) or \ (gamemodel.curplayer == self and moves % 2 == 0): # Interrupt if we were searching but should no longer do so, or # if it is was our move before undo and it is still our move after undo # since we need to send the engine the new FEN in makeMove() log.debug("playerUndoMoves: putting 'int' into self.returnQueue=%s" % \ self.returnQueue.queue, extra={"task":self.defname}) self.returnQueue.put("int") def spectatorUndoMoves (self, moves, gamemodel): log.debug("spectatorUndoMoves: moves=%s gamemodel.ply=%s gamemodel.boards[-1]=%s self.board=%s" % \ (moves, gamemodel.ply, gamemodel.boards[-1], self.board), extra={"task":self.defname}) self._recordMoveList(gamemodel) if self.readyMoves: self._searchNow() #=========================================================================== # Offer handling #=========================================================================== def offer (self, offer): if offer.type == DRAW_OFFER: self.emit("decline", offer) else: self.emit("accept", offer) #=========================================================================== # Option handling #=========================================================================== def setOption (self, key, value): """ Set an option, which will be sent to the engine, after the 'readyForOptions' signal has passed. If you want to know the possible options, you should go to engineDiscoverer or use the getOption, getOptions and hasOption methods, while you are in your 'readyForOptions' signal handler """ if self.readyMoves: log.warning("Options set after 'readyok' are not sent to the engine", extra={"task":self.defname}) self.optionsToBeSent[key] = value self.ponderOn = key=="Ponder" and value is True def getOption (self, option): assert self.readyOptions if option in self.options: return self.options[option]["default"] return None def getOptions (self): assert self.readyOptions return copy(self.options) def hasOption (self, key): assert self.readyOptions return key in self.options #=========================================================================== # Internal #=========================================================================== def _newGame (self): print("ucinewgame", file=self.engine) def _searchNow (self, ponderhit=False): log.debug("_searchNow: self.needBestmove=%s ponderhit=%s self.board=%s" % \ (self.needBestmove, ponderhit, self.board), extra={"task":self.defname}) with self.moveLock: commands = [] if ponderhit: commands.append("ponderhit") elif self.mode == NORMAL: commands.append("position %s" % self.uciPosition) if self.strength <= 3: commands.append("go depth %d" % self.strength) else: commands.append("go wtime %d winc %d btime %d binc %d" % \ (self.wtime, self.incr, self.btime, self.incr)) else: print("stop", file=self.engine) if self.mode == INVERSE_ANALYZING: if self.board.board.opIsChecked(): # Many engines don't like positions able to take down enemy # king. Therefore we just return the "kill king" move # automaticaly self.emit("analyze", [([getMoveKillingKing(self.board)], MATE_VALUE-1, "")]) return commands.append("position fen %s" % self.board.asFen()) else: commands.append("position %s" % self.uciPosition) #commands.append("go infinite") move_time = int(conf.get("max_analysis_spin", 3))*1000 commands.append("go movetime %s" % move_time) if self.hasOption("MultiPV") and self.multipvSetting > 1: self.multipvExpected = min(self.multipvSetting, legalMoveCount(self.board)) else: self.multipvExpected = 1 self.analysis = [None] * self.multipvExpected if self.needBestmove: self.commands.append(commands) log.debug("_searchNow: self.needBestmove==True, appended to self.commands=%s" % \ self.commands, extra={"task":self.defname}) else: for command in commands: print(command, file=self.engine) if getStatus(self.board)[1] != WON_MATE: # XXX This looks fishy. self.needBestmove = True self.readyForStop = True def _startPonder (self): uciPos = self.uciPosition if not self.uciPositionListsMoves: uciPos += " moves" print("position", uciPos, \ self._moveToUCI(self.board, self.pondermove), file=self.engine) print("go ponder wtime", self.wtime, \ "winc", self.incr, "btime", self.btime, "binc", self.incr, file=self.engine) #=========================================================================== # Parsing from engine #=========================================================================== def parseLines (self, engine, lines): for line in lines: self.__parseLine(line) def __parseLine (self, line): if not self.connected: return parts = line.split() if not parts: return #---------------------------------------------------------- Initializing if parts[0] == "id": self.ids[parts[1]] = " ".join(parts[2:]) if parts[1] == "name": self.setName(self.ids["name"]) return if parts[0] == "uciok": self.emit("readyForOptions") return if parts[0] == "readyok": self.emit("readyForMoves") return #------------------------------------------------------- Options parsing if parts[0] == "option": dic = {} last = 1 varlist = [] for i in range (2, len(parts)+1): if i == len(parts) or parts[i] in OPTKEYS: key = parts[last] value = " ".join(parts[last+1:i]) if "type" in dic and dic["type"] in TYPEDIC: value = TYPEDIC[dic["type"]](value) if key == "var": varlist.append(value) elif key == "type" and value == "string": dic[key] = "text" else: dic[key] = value last = i if varlist: dic["choices"] = varlist self.options[dic["name"]] = dic return #---------------------------------------------------------------- A Move if self.mode == NORMAL and parts[0] == "bestmove": with self.moveLock: self.needBestmove = False self.__sendQueuedGo() if self.ignoreNext: log.debug("__parseLine: line='%s' self.ignoreNext==True, returning" % \ line.strip(), extra={"task":self.defname}) self.ignoreNext = False self.readyForStop = True return if not self.waitingForMove: log.warning("__parseLine: self.waitingForMove==False, ignoring move=%s" % \ parts[1], extra={"task":self.defname}) self.pondermove = None return self.waitingForMove = False try: move = parseAny(self.board, parts[1]) except ParsingError as e: self.end(WHITEWON if self.board.color == BLACK else BLACKWON, WON_ADJUDICATION) return if not validate(self.board, move): # This is critical. To avoid game stalls, we need to resign on # behalf of the engine. log.error("__parseLine: move=%s didn't validate, putting 'del' in returnQueue. self.board=%s" % \ (repr(move), self.board), extra={"task":self.defname}) self.end(WHITEWON if self.board.color == BLACK else BLACKWON, WON_ADJUDICATION) return self._recordMove(self.board.move(move), move, self.board) log.debug("__parseLine: applied move=%s to self.board=%s" % \ (move, self.board), extra={"task":self.defname}) if self.ponderOn: self.pondermove = None # An engine may send an empty ponder line, simply to clear. if len(parts) == 4: # Engines don't always check for everything in their # ponders. Hence we need to validate. # But in some cases, what they send may not even be # correct AN - specially in the case of promotion. try: pondermove = parseAny(self.board, parts[3]) except ParsingError: pass else: if validate(self.board, pondermove): self.pondermove = pondermove self._startPonder() self.returnQueue.put(move) log.debug("__parseLine: put move=%s into self.returnQueue=%s" % \ (move, self.returnQueue.queue), extra={"task":self.defname}) return #----------------------------------------------------------- An Analysis if self.mode != NORMAL and parts[0] == "info" and "pv" in parts: multipv = 1 if "multipv" in parts: multipv = int(parts[parts.index("multipv")+1]) scoretype = parts[parts.index("score")+1] if scoretype in ('lowerbound', 'upperbound'): score = None else: score = int(parts[parts.index("score")+2]) if scoretype == 'mate': # print >> self.engine, "stop" if score != 0: sign = score/abs(score) score = sign*MATE_VALUE movstrs = parts[parts.index("pv")+1:] try: moves = listToMoves (self.board, movstrs, AN, validate=True, ignoreErrors=False) except ParsingError as e: # ParsingErrors may happen when parsing "old" lines from # analyzing engines, which haven't yet noticed their new tasks log.debug("__parseLine: Ignored (%s) from analyzer: ParsingError%s" % \ (' '.join(movstrs),e), extra={"task":self.defname}) return if "depth" in parts: depth = parts[parts.index("depth")+1] else: depth = "" if multipv <= len(self.analysis): self.analysis[multipv - 1] = (moves, score, depth) self.emit("analyze", self.analysis) return #----------------------------------------------- An Analyzer bestmove if self.mode != NORMAL and parts[0] == "bestmove": with self.moveLock: log.debug("__parseLine: processing analyzer bestmove='%s'" % \ line.strip(), extra={"task":self.defname}) self.needBestmove = False self.__sendQueuedGo(sendlast=True) return # Stockfish complaining it received a 'stop' without a corresponding 'position..go' if line.strip() == "Unknown command: stop": with self.moveLock: log.debug("__parseLine: processing '%s'" % line.strip(), extra={"task":self.defname}) self.ignoreNext = False self.needBestmove = False self.readyForStop = False self.__sendQueuedGo() return #* score #* cp <x> # the score from the engine's point of view in centipawns. #* mate <y> # mate in y moves, not plies. # If the engine is getting mated use negative values for y. #* lowerbound # the score is just a lower bound. #* upperbound # the score is just an upper bound. def __sendQueuedGo (self, sendlast=False): """ Sends the next position...go or ponderhit command set which was queued (if any). sendlast -- If True, send the last position-go queued rather than the first, and discard the others (intended for analyzers) """ with self.moveLock: if len(self.commands) > 0: if sendlast: commands = self.commands.pop() self.commands.clear() else: commands = self.commands.popleft() for command in commands: print(command, file=self.engine) self.needBestmove = True self.readyForStop = True log.debug("__sendQueuedGo: sent queued go=%s" % commands, extra={"task":self.defname}) #=========================================================================== # Info #=========================================================================== def maxAnalysisLines (self): try: return int(self.options["MultiPV"]["max"]) except (KeyError, ValueError): return 1 # Engine does not support the MultiPV option def requestMultiPV (self, n): multipvMax = self.maxAnalysisLines() n = min(n, multipvMax) if n != self.multipvSetting: conf.set("multipv", n) with self.moveLock: self.multipvSetting = n print("stop", file=self.engine) print("setoption name MultiPV value", n, file=self.engine) self._searchNow() return n def __repr__ (self): if return if "name" in self.ids: return self.ids["name"] return ', '.join(self.defname)