blackdarkbishops += 1
                        blacklightbishops = blacklightbishops > 0 and (blacklightbishops-1) or 0
        tmp = ''.join(black) + '/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/' + \
              ''.join(white).upper() + ' w - - 0 1'
        return tmp

class AsymmetricRandomChess:
    __desc__ = \
        _("FICS wild/4:\n" +
          "* Randomly chosen pieces (two queens or three rooks possible)\n" +
          "* Exactly one king of each color\n" +
          "* Pieces placed randomly behind the pawns, SUBJECT TO THE CONSTRAINT THAT THE BISHOPS ARE BALANCED\n" +
          "* No castling\n" +
          "* Black's arrangement DOES NOT mirrors white's")
    name = _("Asymmetric Random")
    cecp_name = "unknown"
    board = AsymmetricRandomBoard
    need_initial_board = True
    standard_rules = True
    variant_group = VARIANTS_SHUFFLE

if __name__ == '__main__':
    Board = AsymmetricRandomBoard(True)
    for i in range(10):
        print Board.asymmetricrandom_start()
Example #2
                        blacklightbishops = blacklightbishops > 0 and (
                            blacklightbishops - 1) or 0

        tmp = ''.join(black) + '/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/' + \
              ''.join(white).upper() + ' w - - 0 1'

        return tmp

class AsymmetricRandomChess:
    __desc__ = \
        _("FICS wild/4:\n" +
          "* Randomly chosen pieces (two queens or three rooks possible)\n" +
          "* Exactly one king of each color\n" +
          "* Pieces placed randomly behind the pawns, SUBJECT TO THE CONSTRAINT THAT THE BISHOPS ARE BALANCED\n" +
          "* No castling\n" +
          "* Black's arrangement DOES NOT mirrors white's")
    name = _("Asymmetric Random")
    cecp_name = "unknown"
    board = AsymmetricRandomBoard
    need_initial_board = True
    standard_rules = True
    variant_group = VARIANTS_SHUFFLE

if __name__ == '__main__':
    Board = AsymmetricRandomBoard(True)
    for i in range(10):
        print Board.asymmetricrandom_start()
Example #3
            bishopindex = blackbishoprandomindexstack.pop()
            for index, piece in RandomEnumeratePieces(black):
                if piece != 'b':
                    if ((blackdarkbishops > whitedarkbishops) and \
                        (bishopindex % 2 == 1) and (index % 2 == 0)):
                        black[bishopindex] = piece
                        black[index] = 'b'
                        blacklightbishops += 1
                        blackdarkbishops = blackdarkbishops > 0 and (
                            blackdarkbishops - 1) or 0
                    elif ((blacklightbishops > whitelightbishops) and \
                          (bishopindex % 2 == 0) and (index % 2 == 1)):
                        black[bishopindex] = piece
                        black[index] = 'b'
                        blackdarkbishops += 1
                        blacklightbishops = blacklightbishops > 0 and (
                            blacklightbishops - 1) or 0

        tmp = ''.join(black) + '/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/' + \
              ''.join(white).upper() + ' w - - 0 1'

        return tmp

if __name__ == '__main__':
    Board = AsymmetricRandomBoard(True)
    for i in range(10):
Example #4
              (whitelightbishops != blacklightbishops):
            bishopindex = blackbishoprandomindexstack.pop()
            for index, piece in RandomEnumeratePieces(black):
                if piece != 'b':
                    if ((blackdarkbishops > whitedarkbishops) and (bishopindex % 2 == 1) and (index % 2 == 0)):
                        black[bishopindex] = piece
                        black[index] = 'b'
                        blacklightbishops += 1
                        blackdarkbishops = blackdarkbishops > 0 and (
                            blackdarkbishops - 1) or 0
                    elif ((blacklightbishops > whitelightbishops) and
                          (bishopindex % 2 == 0) and (index % 2 == 1)):
                        black[bishopindex] = piece
                        black[index] = 'b'
                        blackdarkbishops += 1
                        blacklightbishops = blacklightbishops > 0 and (
                            blacklightbishops - 1) or 0

        tmp = ''.join(black) + '/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/' + \
              ''.join(white).upper() + ' w - - 0 1'

        return tmp

if __name__ == '__main__':
    Board = AsymmetricRandomBoard(True)
    for i in range(10):