Example #1
	def optimization(self, quad_plants, ball_plants, contexts):
		prog = MathematicalProgram()
		#Time steps likely requires a line search. 
		#Find the number of time steps until a ball reaches a threshold so that a quadrotor can catch it.
		N = 200 #Number of time steps
		n_u = 2*len(plants)
		n_x = 6*len(quad_plants) + 4*len(ball_plants)
		n_quads = len(quad_plants)
		n_balls = len(ball_plants)
		u = np.empty((self.n_u, N-1), dtype=Variable)
		x = np.empty((self.n_x, N), dtype=Variable)
		I =  0.00383
		r = 0.25
		mass = 0.486
		g = 9.81
		#Add all the decision variables
		for n in range(N-1):
			u[:,n] = prog.NewContinuousVariables(self.n_u, 'u' + str(n))
			x[:,n] = prog.NewContinuousVariables(self.n_x, 'x' + str(n))
		x[:,N-1] = prog.NewContinuousVariables(self.n_x, 'x' + str(N))

		#Start at the correct initial conditions
		#Connect quadrotor and ball state variables to the initial condition of mathprog
		x0 = np.empty((self.n_x,1))
		for k in range(n_quads + n_balls):
			if k < n_quads:
				x0[6*k:6*k+5] = self.quad_plants[k] #???
		prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(x0, x0, x[:,0])
		for n in range(N-1):
			for k in range(n_quads + n_balls):
				#Handles no collisions
				if k < n_quads:
					#Quad dynamic constraints
					dynamics_constraint_vel = #?
					dynamics_constraint_acc = #?
					prog.AddConstraint(dynamics_constraint_vel[0, 0])
	  				prog.AddConstraint(dynamics_constraint_vel[1, 0])
					prog.AddConstraint(dynamics_constraint_vel[2, 0])
					prog.AddConstraint(dynamics_constraint_acc[0, 0])
	  				prog.AddConstraint(dynamics_constraint_acc[1, 0])
					prog.AddConstraint(dynamics_constraint_acc[2, 0])
					#Ball dynamic constraints
					dynamics_constraint_vel = #
					dynamics_constraint_acc = #
					prog.AddConstraint(dynamics_constraint_vel[0, 0])
					prog.AddConstraint(dynamics_constraint_vel[1, 0])
					prog.AddConstraint(dynamics_constraint_acc[0, 0])
	  				prog.AddConstraint(dynamics_constraint_acc[1, 0])
Example #2
def initialize_problem(n_x, n_u, N, x0):
    ''' returns base MathematicalProgram object and empty decision vars '''
    prog = MathematicalProgram()

    # Decision Variables
    x = prog.NewContinuousVariables(n_x, N, 'x')
    u = prog.NewContinuousVariables(n_u, N-1, 'u')
    z = []  # placeholder for obstacle binary variables
    q = []  # placeholder for obstacle slack buffer variables

    # initial conditions constraints
    prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(x0, x0, x[:, 0])

    decision_vars = [x, u, z, q]
    return prog, decision_vars
Example #3
    def __init__(self, rtree, q_nom, control_period=0.001):

        self.rtree = rtree
        self.nq = rtree.get_num_positions()
        self.nv = rtree.get_num_velocities()
        self.nu = rtree.get_num_actuators()

        dim = 3  # 3D
        nd = 4  # for friction cone approx, hard coded for now
        self.nc = 4  # number of contacts; TODO don't hard code

        self.nf = self.nc * nd  # number of contact force variables
        self.ncf = 2  # number of loop constraint forces; TODO don't hard code
        self.neps = self.nc * dim  # number of slack variables for contact

        self.q_nom = q_nom
        self.com_des = rtree.centerOfMass(self.rtree.doKinematics(q_nom))
        self.u_des = CassieFixedPointTorque()

        self.lfoot = rtree.FindBody("toe_left")
        self.rfoot = rtree.FindBody("toe_right")
        self.springs = 2 + np.array([

        umin = np.zeros(self.nu)
        umax = np.zeros(self.nu)
        ii = 0
        for motor in rtree.actuators:
            umin[ii] = motor.effort_limit_min
            umax[ii] = motor.effort_limit_max
            ii += 1

        slack_limit = 10.0
        self.initialized = False

        # Add Decision Variables ------------------------------------
        prog = MathematicalProgram()
        qddot = prog.NewContinuousVariables(self.nq, "joint acceleration")
        u = prog.NewContinuousVariables(self.nu, "input")
        bar = prog.NewContinuousVariables(self.ncf, "four bar forces")
        beta = prog.NewContinuousVariables(self.nf, "friction forces")
        eps = prog.NewContinuousVariables(self.neps, "slack variable")
        nparams = prog.num_vars()

        # Problem Constraints ---------------------------------------
        self.con_u_lim = prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(umin, umax,
        self.con_fric_lim = prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(0, 100000,
        self.con_slack_lim = prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(
            -slack_limit, slack_limit, eps).evaluator()

        bar_con = np.zeros((self.ncf, self.nq))
        self.con_4bar = prog.AddLinearEqualityConstraint(
            bar_con, np.zeros(self.ncf), qddot).evaluator()

        if self.nc > 0:
            dyn_con = np.zeros(
                (self.nq, self.nq + self.nu + self.ncf + self.nf))
            dyn_vars = np.concatenate((qddot, u, bar, beta))
            self.con_dyn = prog.AddLinearEqualityConstraint(
                dyn_con, np.zeros(self.nq), dyn_vars).evaluator()

            foot_con = np.zeros((self.neps, self.nq + self.neps))
            foot_vars = np.concatenate((qddot, eps))
            self.con_foot = prog.AddLinearEqualityConstraint(
                foot_con, np.zeros(self.neps), foot_vars).evaluator()

            dyn_con = np.zeros((self.nq, self.nq + self.nu + self.ncf))
            dyn_vars = np.concatenate((qddot, u, bar))
            self.con_dyn = prog.AddLinearEqualityConstraint(
                dyn_con, np.zeros(self.nq), dyn_vars).evaluator()

        # Problem Costs ---------------------------------------------
        self.Kp_com = 50
        self.Kd_com = 2.0 * sqrt(self.Kp_com)
        # self.Kp_qdd = 10*np.eye(self.nq)#np.diag(np.diag(H)/np.max(np.diag(H)))
        self.Kp_qdd = np.diag(
            np.concatenate(([10, 10, 10, 5, 5, 5], np.zeros(self.nq - 6))))
        self.Kd_qdd = 1.0 * np.sqrt(self.Kp_qdd)
        self.Kp_qdd[self.springs, self.springs] = 0
        self.Kd_qdd[self.springs, self.springs] = 0

        com_ddot_des = np.zeros(dim)
        qddot_des = np.zeros(self.nq)

        self.w_com = 0
        self.w_qdd = np.zeros(self.nq)
        self.w_qdd[:6] = 10
        self.w_qdd[8:10] = 1
        self.w_qdd[3:6] = 1000
        # self.w_qdd[self.springs] = 0
        self.w_u = 0.001 * np.ones(self.nu)
        self.w_u[2:4] = 0.01
        self.w_slack = 0.1

        self.cost_qdd = prog.AddQuadraticErrorCost(np.diag(self.w_qdd),
        self.cost_u = prog.AddQuadraticErrorCost(np.diag(self.w_u), self.u_des,
        self.cost_slack = prog.AddQuadraticErrorCost(
            self.w_slack * np.eye(self.neps), np.zeros(self.neps),

        # self.cost_com = prog.AddQuadraticCost().evaluator()
        # self.cost_qdd = prog.AddQuadraticCost(
        #     2*np.diag(self.w_qdd), -2*np.matmul(qddot_des, np.diag(self.w_qdd)), qddot).evaluator()
        # self.cost_u = prog.AddQuadraticCost(
        #     2*np.diag(self.w_u), -2*np.matmul(self.u_des, np.diag(self.w_u)) , u).evaluator()
        # self.cost_slack = prog.AddQuadraticCost(
        #     2*self.w_slack*np.eye(self.neps), np.zeros(self.neps), eps).evaluator()

        REG = 1e-8
        self.cost_reg = prog.AddQuadraticErrorCost(
            REG * np.eye(nparams), np.zeros(nparams),
        # self.cost_reg = prog.AddQuadraticCost(2*REG*np.eye(nparams),
        #     np.zeros(nparams), prog.decision_variables()).evaluator()

        # Solver settings -------------------------------------------
        self.solver = GurobiSolver()
        # self.solver = OsqpSolver()
        prog.SetSolverOption(SolverType.kGurobi, "Method", 2)

        # Save MathProg Variables -----------------------------------
        self.qddot = qddot
        self.u = u
        self.bar = bar
        self.beta = beta
        self.eps = eps
        self.prog = prog
Example #4
    def __init__(self,


        self.rtree = rtree
        self.nq = rtree.get_num_positions()
        self.nv = rtree.get_num_velocities()
        self.nu = rtree.get_num_actuators()
        self.cost_pub = cost_pub

        dim = 3  # 3D
        nd = 4  # for friction cone approx, hard coded for now
        self.nc = 4  # number of contacts; TODO don't hard code

        self.nf = self.nc * nd  # number of contact force variables
        self.ncf = 2  # number of loop constraint forces; TODO don't hard code
        self.neps = self.nc * dim  # number of slack variables for contact

        if sim:
            self.sim = True
                                   self.nq + self.nv)

            self.print_period = print_period
            self.last_print_time = -print_period

            self.last_v = np.zeros(3)
            self.lcmgl = lcmgl("Balancing-plan", true_lcm.LCM())
            # self.lcmgl = None
            self.sim = False
            self._DeclareInputPort(PortDataType.kVectorValued, 1)
            self._DeclareInputPort(PortDataType.kVectorValued, 2)
            self._DeclareDiscreteState(kCassieActuators * 8 + 1)
                lambda c, o: self.CopyStateOut(c, o, 8 * kCassieActuators, 1))
                BasicVector(kCassieActuators), lambda c, o: self.CopyStateOut(
                    c, o, 0, kCassieActuators))  #torque
                BasicVector(kCassieActuators), lambda c, o: self.CopyStateOut(
                    c, o, kCassieActuators, kCassieActuators))  #motor_pos
                BasicVector(kCassieActuators), lambda c, o: self.CopyStateOut(
                    c, o, 2 * kCassieActuators, kCassieActuators))  #motor_vel
                BasicVector(kCassieActuators), lambda c, o: self.CopyStateOut(
                    c, o, 3 * kCassieActuators, kCassieActuators))  #kp
                BasicVector(kCassieActuators), lambda c, o: self.CopyStateOut(
                    c, o, 4 * kCassieActuators, kCassieActuators))  #kd
                BasicVector(kCassieActuators), lambda c, o: self.CopyStateOut(
                    c, o, 5 * kCassieActuators, kCassieActuators))  #ki
                BasicVector(kCassieActuators), lambda c, o: self.CopyStateOut(
                    c, o, 6 * kCassieActuators, kCassieActuators))  #leak
                BasicVector(kCassieActuators), lambda c, o: self.CopyStateOut(
                    c, o, 7 * kCassieActuators, kCassieActuators))  #clamp

        self.q_nom = q_nom
        self.com_des = rtree.centerOfMass(self.rtree.doKinematics(q_nom))
        self.u_des = CassieFixedPointTorque()

        self.lfoot = rtree.FindBody("toe_left")
        self.rfoot = rtree.FindBody("toe_right")
        self.springs = 2 + np.array([

        umin = np.zeros(self.nu)
        umax = np.zeros(self.nu)
        ii = 0
        for motor in rtree.actuators:
            umin[ii] = motor.effort_limit_min
            umax[ii] = motor.effort_limit_max
            ii += 1

        slack_limit = 10.0
        self.initialized = False

        # Add Decision Variables ------------------------------------
        prog = MathematicalProgram()
        qddot = prog.NewContinuousVariables(self.nq, "joint acceleration")
        u = prog.NewContinuousVariables(self.nu, "input")
        bar = prog.NewContinuousVariables(self.ncf, "four bar forces")
        beta = prog.NewContinuousVariables(self.nf, "friction forces")
        eps = prog.NewContinuousVariables(self.neps, "slack variable")
        nparams = prog.num_vars()

        # Problem Constraints ---------------------------------------
        self.con_u_lim = prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(umin, umax,
        self.con_fric_lim = prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(0, 100000,
        self.con_slack_lim = prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(
            -slack_limit, slack_limit, eps).evaluator()

        bar_con = np.zeros((self.ncf, self.nq))
        self.con_4bar = prog.AddLinearEqualityConstraint(
            bar_con, np.zeros(self.ncf), qddot).evaluator()

        if self.nc > 0:
            dyn_con = np.zeros(
                (self.nq, self.nq + self.nu + self.ncf + self.nf))
            dyn_vars = np.concatenate((qddot, u, bar, beta))
            self.con_dyn = prog.AddLinearEqualityConstraint(
                dyn_con, np.zeros(self.nq), dyn_vars).evaluator()

            foot_con = np.zeros((self.neps, self.nq + self.neps))
            foot_vars = np.concatenate((qddot, eps))
            self.con_foot = prog.AddLinearEqualityConstraint(
                foot_con, np.zeros(self.neps), foot_vars).evaluator()

            dyn_con = np.zeros((self.nq, self.nq + self.nu + self.ncf))
            dyn_vars = np.concatenate((qddot, u, bar))
            self.con_dyn = prog.AddLinearEqualityConstraint(
                dyn_con, np.zeros(self.nq), dyn_vars).evaluator()

        # Problem Costs ---------------------------------------------
        self.Kp_com = 50
        self.Kd_com = 2.0 * sqrt(self.Kp_com)
        # self.Kp_qdd = 10*np.eye(self.nq)#np.diag(np.diag(H)/np.max(np.diag(H)))
        self.Kp_qdd = np.diag(
            np.concatenate(([10, 10, 10, 5, 5, 5], np.zeros(self.nq - 6))))
        self.Kd_qdd = 1.0 * np.sqrt(self.Kp_qdd)
        self.Kp_qdd[self.springs, self.springs] = 0
        self.Kd_qdd[self.springs, self.springs] = 0

        com_ddot_des = np.zeros(dim)
        qddot_des = np.zeros(self.nq)

        self.w_com = 0
        self.w_qdd = np.zeros(self.nq)
        self.w_qdd[:6] = 10
        self.w_qdd[8:10] = 1
        self.w_qdd[3:6] = 1000
        # self.w_qdd[self.springs] = 0
        self.w_u = 0.001 * np.ones(self.nu)
        self.w_u[2:4] = 0.01
        self.w_slack = 0.1

        self.cost_qdd = prog.AddQuadraticErrorCost(np.diag(self.w_qdd),
        self.cost_u = prog.AddQuadraticErrorCost(np.diag(self.w_u), self.u_des,
        self.cost_slack = prog.AddQuadraticErrorCost(
            self.w_slack * np.eye(self.neps), np.zeros(self.neps),

        # self.cost_com = prog.AddQuadraticCost().evaluator()
        # self.cost_qdd = prog.AddQuadraticCost(
        #     2*np.diag(self.w_qdd), -2*np.matmul(qddot_des, np.diag(self.w_qdd)), qddot).evaluator()
        # self.cost_u = prog.AddQuadraticCost(
        #     2*np.diag(self.w_u), -2*np.matmul(self.u_des, np.diag(self.w_u)) , u).evaluator()
        # self.cost_slack = prog.AddQuadraticCost(
        #     2*self.w_slack*np.eye(self.neps), np.zeros(self.neps), eps).evaluator()

        REG = 1e-8
        self.cost_reg = prog.AddQuadraticErrorCost(
            REG * np.eye(nparams), np.zeros(nparams),
        # self.cost_reg = prog.AddQuadraticCost(2*REG*np.eye(nparams),
        #     np.zeros(nparams), prog.decision_variables()).evaluator()

        # Solver settings -------------------------------------------
        self.solver = GurobiSolver()
        # self.solver = OsqpSolver()
        prog.SetSolverOption(SolverType.kGurobi, "Method", 2)

        # Save MathProg Variables -----------------------------------
        self.qddot = qddot
        self.u = u
        self.bar = bar
        self.beta = beta
        self.eps = eps
        self.prog = prog
# Create a  mathematical program
prog = MathematicalProgram()
# Number of knot points
N = 284

# Create decision variables
u = np.empty((1, N - 1), dtype=Variable)
x = np.empty((2, N), dtype=Variable)
for n in range(0, N - 1):
    u[:, n] = prog.NewContinuousVariables(1, 'u' + str(n))
    x[:, n] = prog.NewContinuousVariables(2, 'x' + str(n))
x[:, N - 1] = prog.NewContinuousVariables(2, 'x' + str(N))

# Add constraints at every knot point
x0 = [-2, 0]
prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(x0, x0, x[:, 0])
for n in range(0, N - 1):
    # Add the dynamics as an equality constraint
    # prog.AddConstraint(eq(x[:,n+1], A.dot(x[:,n]) + B.dot(u[:,n])))
    # Add the dynamics as a function handle constraint
                       lb=np.array([0., 0.]),
                       ub=np.array([0., 0.]),
                       vars=np.concatenate((x[:, n], u[:, n], x[:, n + 1]),
    prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(-1, 1, u[:, n])
xf = [0, 0]
prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(xf, xf, x[:, N - 1])

# Solve the problem
import manipulation.meshcat_cpp_utils as dut

import numpy as np
from pydrake.all import MathematicalProgram, Solve, Meshcat

prog = MathematicalProgram()
x = prog.NewContinuousVariables(2)
prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(-2, 2, x)
result = Solve(prog)

meshcat = Meshcat()
X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-3, 3, 35), np.linspace(-3, 3, 31))
dut.plot_mathematical_program(meshcat, "test", prog, X, Y, result)
Example #7
# stance-foot force
f = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=T, cols=nf, name='f')

# heel strike impulse for the swing leg
imp = prog.NewContinuousVariables(nf, name='imp')

# generalized velocity after the heel strike
# (if "mirrored", this velocity must coincide with the
# initial velocity qd[0] to ensure periodicity)
qd_post = prog.NewContinuousVariables(nq, name='qd_post')

"""Here are part of the constraints of the optimization problem."""

# lower and upper bound on the time steps for all t
prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint([h_min] * T, [h_max] * T, h)

# link the configurations, velocities, and accelerations
# uses implicit Euler method, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backward_Euler_method
for t in range(T):
    prog.AddConstraint(eq(q[t+1], q[t] + h[t] * qd[t+1]))
    prog.AddConstraint(eq(qd[t+1], qd[t] + h[t] * qdd[t]))

# manipulator equations for all t (implicit Euler)
for t in range(T):
    vars = np.concatenate((q[t+1], qd[t+1], qdd[t], f[t]))
    prog.AddConstraint(manipulator_equations, lb=[0]*nq, ub=[0]*nq, vars=vars)
# velocity reset across heel strike
# see http://underactuated.mit.edu/multibody.html#impulsive_collision
vars = np.concatenate((q[-1], qd[-1], qd_post, imp))
def optimal_trajectory(joints,
    assert len(joints) == len(start_position)
    assert len(joints) == len(end_position)

    h = time / (knot_points - 1)
    nq = len(joints)
    prog = MathematicalProgram()
    q_var = []
    v_var = []
    for ii in range(knot_points):
        q_var.append(prog.NewContinuousVariables(nq, "q[" + str(ii) + "]"))
        v_var.append(prog.NewContinuousVariables(nq, "v[" + str(ii) + "]"))

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------
    # Initial & Final Pose Constraints ------------------------------
    x_i = np.append(start_position, np.zeros(nq))
    x_i_vars = np.append(q_var[0], v_var[0])
    prog.AddLinearEqualityConstraint(np.eye(2 * nq), x_i, x_i_vars)
    tol = 0.01 * np.ones(2 * nq)
    x_f = np.append(end_position, np.zeros(nq))
    x_f_vars = np.append(q_var[-1], v_var[-1])
    prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(x_f - tol, x_f + tol, x_f_vars)

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------
    # Dynamics Constraints ------------------------------------------
    for ii in range(knot_points - 1):
        dyn_con1 = np.hstack((np.eye(nq), np.eye(nq), -np.eye(nq)))
        dyn_var1 = np.concatenate((q_var[ii], v_var[ii], q_var[ii + 1]))
        prog.AddLinearEqualityConstraint(dyn_con1, np.zeros(nq), dyn_var1)

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------
    # Joint Limit Constraints ---------------------------------------
    q_min = np.array([j.lower_limits() for j in joints])
    q_max = np.array([j.upper_limits() for j in joints])
    for ii in range(knot_points):
        prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(q_min, q_max, q_var[ii])

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------
    # Collision Constraints -----------------------------------------
    for ii in range(knot_points):
        prog.AddConstraint(signed_dist_fn, np.zeros(nc), 1e8 * np.ones(nc),

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------
    # Dynamics Constraints ------------------------------------------
    for ii in range(knot_points):
        prog.AddQuadraticErrorCost(np.eye(nq), np.zeros(nq), v_var[ii])

    xi = np.array(start_position)
    xf = np.array(end_position)
    for ii in range(knot_points):
                             ii * (xf - xi) / (knot_points - 1) + xi)
        prog.SetInitialGuess(v_var[ii], np.zeros(nq))

    result = prog.Solve()
    print prog.GetSolverId().name()
    if result != SolutionResult.kSolutionFound:
        print result
        return None
    q_path = []
    # print signed_dist_fn(prog.GetSolution(q_var[0]))
    for ii in range(knot_points):
    return q_path
    def generate_prog(self):
        self.nn_conss = []
        self.nn_costs = []

        plant = PendulumPlant()
        context = plant.CreateDefaultContext()
        dircol_constraint = DirectCollocationConstraint(plant, context)

        prog = MathematicalProgram()
        # K = prog.NewContinuousVariables(1,7,'K')
        def final_cost(x):
            return 100.*(cos(.5*x[0])**2 + x[1]**2)   

        h = [];
        u = [];
        x = [];
        xf = np.array([math.pi, 0.])
        # Declare the MathematicalProgram vars up front in a good order, so that 
        # prog.decision_variables will be result of np.hstack(h.flatten(), u.flatten(), x.flatten(), T.flatten())
        # for the following shapes:                          unfortunately, prog.decision_variables() will have these shapes:
        #   h = (num_trajectories, 1)                       | h = (num_trajectories, 1)
        #   u = (num_trajectories, num_inputs, num_samples) | u = (num_trajectories, num_samples, num_inputs)
        #   x = (num_trajectories, num_states, num_samples) | x = (num_trajectories, num_samples, num_states)
        #   T = (num_params)                                | T = (num_params)
        for ti in range(self.num_trajectories):
        for ti in range(self.num_trajectories):
            u.append(prog.NewContinuousVariables(1, self.num_samples,'u'+str(ti)))
        for ti in range(self.num_trajectories):
            x.append(prog.NewContinuousVariables(2, self.num_samples,'x'+str(ti)))

        # Add in constraints
        for ti in range(self.num_trajectories):
            prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(self.kMinimumTimeStep, self.kMaximumTimeStep, h[ti])
            # prog.AddQuadraticCost([1.], [0.], h[ti]) # Added by me, penalize long timesteps

            x0 = np.array(self.ic_list[ti]) # TODO: hopefully this isn't subtley bad...
            prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(x0, x0, x[ti][:,0]) 

            # nudge = np.array([.2, .2])
            # prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(xf-nudge, xf+nudge, x[ti][:,-1])
            prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(xf, xf, x[ti][:,-1])

            # Do optional warm start here
            if self.warm_start:
                prog.SetInitialGuess(h[ti], [(self.kMinimumTimeStep+self.kMaximumTimeStep)/2])
                for i in range(self.num_samples):
                    prog.SetInitialGuess(u[ti][:,i], [0.])
                    x_interp = (xf-x0)*i/self.num_samples + x0
                    prog.SetInitialGuess(x[ti][:,i], x_interp)
                    # prog.SetInitialGuess(u[ti][:,i], np.array(1.0))

            for i in range(self.num_samples-1):
                AddDirectCollocationConstraint(dircol_constraint, h[ti], x[ti][:,i], x[ti][:,i+1], u[ti][:,i], u[ti][:,i+1], prog)

            for i in range(self.num_samples):
                #prog.AddQuadraticCost([[2., 0.], [0., 2.]], [0., 0.], x[ti][:,i])
                #prog.AddQuadraticCost([25.], [0.], u[ti][:,i])
                u_var = u[ti][:,i]
                x_var = x[ti][:,i] - xf
                h_var = h[ti][0]
                #print(u_var.shape, x_var.shape, xf.shape)
                prog.AddCost( h_var * (2*x_var.dot(x_var) + 25*u_var.dot(u_var)) )
                #prog.AddCost( 2*((x[0]-math.pi)*(x[0]-math.pi) + x[1]*x[1]) + 25*u.dot(u))
                kTorqueLimit = 5
                prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint([-kTorqueLimit], [kTorqueLimit], u[ti][:,i])
                # prog.AddConstraint(control, [0.], [0.], np.hstack([x[ti][:,i], u[ti][:,i], K.flatten()]))
                # prog.AddConstraint(u[ti][0,i] == (3.*sym.tanh(K.dot(control_basis(x[ti][:,i]))[0])))  # u = 3*tanh(K * m(x))
            # prog.AddCost(final_cost, x[ti][:,-1])
            # prog.AddCost(h[ti][0]*100) # Try to penalize using more time than it needs?

        # Setting solver options
        #prog.SetSolverOption(SolverType.kSnopt, 'Verify level', -1)  # Derivative checking disabled. (otherwise it complains on the saturation)
        #prog.SetSolverOption(SolverType.kSnopt, 'Print file', "/tmp/snopt.out")

        # Save references
        self.prog = prog
        self.h = h
        self.u = u
        self.x = x
        self.T = []
    def compute_control(self, x_p1, x_p2, x_puck, p_goal, obstacles):
        """Solve for initial velocity for the puck to bounce the wall once and hit the goal."""
        """Currently does not work"""
        # initialize program
        N = self.mpc_params.N  # length of receding horizon
        prog = MathematicalProgram()

        # State and input variables
        x1 = prog.NewContinuousVariables(N + 1, 4,
                                         name='p1_state')  # state of player 1
        u1 = prog.NewContinuousVariables(
            N, 2, name='p1_input')  # inputs for player 1
        xp = prog.NewContinuousVariables(
            N + 1, 4, name='puck_state')  # state of the puck

        # Slack variables
        t1_kick = prog.NewContinuousVariables(
            N + 1, name='kick_time'
        )  # slack variables that captures if player 1 is kicking or not at the given time step
        # Defined as continous, but treated as mixed integer. 1 when kicking
        v1_kick = prog.NewContinuousVariables(
            N + 1, 2, name='v1_kick')  # velocity of player after kick to puck
        vp_kick = prog.NewContinuousVariables(
            N + 1, 2, name='vp_kick'
        )  # velocity of puck after being kicked by the player
        dist = prog.NewContinuousVariables(
            N + 1, name='dist_puck_player')  # distance between puck and player
        cost = prog.NewContinuousVariables(
            N + 1, name='cost')  # slack variable to monitor cost

        # Compute distance between puck and player as slack variable.
        for k in range(N + 1):
            r1 = self.sim_params.player_radius
            rp = self.sim_params.puck_radius
                dist[k] == (x1[k, 0:2] - xp[k, 0:2]).dot(x1[k, 0:2] -
                                                         xp[k, 0:2]) -
                (r1 + rp)**2)

        #### COST and final states
        # TODO: find adequate final velocity
        x_puck_des = np.concatenate(
            (p_goal, np.zeros(2)), axis=0)  # desired position and vel for puck
        for k in range(N + 1):
            Q_dist_puck_goal = 10 * np.eye(2)
            q_dist_puck_player = 0.1
            e1 = x_puck_des[0:2] - xp[k, 0:2]
            e2 = xp[k, 0:2] - x1[k, 0:2]
                cost[k] == e1.dot(np.matmul(Q_dist_puck_goal, e1)) +
                q_dist_puck_player * dist[k])
            #prog.AddQuadraticErrorCost(Q=self.mpc_params.Q_puck, x_desired=x_puck_des, vars=xp[k])  # puck in the goal
            #prog.AddQuadraticErrorCost(Q=np.eye(2), x_desired=x_puck_des[0:2], vars=x1[k, 0:2])
            #prog.AddQuadraticErrorCost(Q=10*np.eye(2), x_desired=np.array([2, 2]), vars=x1[k, 0:2]) # TEST: control position of the player instead of puck
        #for k in range(N):
        #    prog.AddQuadraticCost(1e-2*u1[k].dot(u1[k]))                 # be wise on control effort

        # Initial states for puck and player
        prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(x_p1, x_p1,
                                      x1[0])  # Intial state for player 1
        prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(x_puck, x_puck,
                                      xp[0])  # Initial state for puck

        # Compute elastic collision for every possible timestep.
        for k in range(N + 1):
            v_puck_bfr = xp[k, 2:4]
            v_player_bfr = x1[k, 2:4]
            v_puck_aft, v_player_aft = self.get_reset_velocities(
                v_puck_bfr, v_player_bfr)
            prog.AddConstraint(eq(vp_kick[k], v_puck_aft))
            prog.AddConstraint(eq(v1_kick[k], v_player_aft))

        # Use slack variable to activate guard condition based on distance.
        M = 15**2
        for k in range(N + 1):
            prog.AddLinearConstraint(dist[k] <= M * (1 - t1_kick[k]))
            prog.AddLinearConstraint(dist[k] >= -t1_kick[k] * M)

        # Hybrid dynamics for player
        #for k in range(N):
        #    A = self.mpc_params.A_player
        #    B = self.mpc_params.B_player
        #    x1_kick = np.concatenate((x1[k][0:2], v1_kick[k]), axis=0) # The state of the player after it kicks the puck
        #    x1_next = np.matmul(A, (1 - t1_kick[k])*x1[k] + t1_kick[k]*x1_kick) + np.matmul(B, u1[k])
        #    prog.AddConstraint(eq(x1[k+1], x1_next))

        # Assuming player dynamics are not affected by collision
        for k in range(N):
            A = self.mpc_params.A_player
            B = self.mpc_params.B_player
            x1_next = np.matmul(A, x1[k]) + np.matmul(B, u1[k])
            prog.AddConstraint(eq(x1[k + 1], x1_next))

        # Hybrid dynamics for puck_mass
        for k in range(N):
            A = self.mpc_params.A_puck
            xp_kick = np.concatenate(
                (xp[k][0:2], vp_kick[k]),
                axis=0)  # State of the puck after it gets kicked
            xp_next = np.matmul(A, (1 - t1_kick[k]) * xp[k] +
                                t1_kick[k] * xp_kick)
            prog.AddConstraint(eq(xp[k + 1], xp_next))

        # Generate trajectory that is not in direct collision with the puck
        for k in range(N + 1):
            eps = 0.1
            prog.AddConstraint(dist[k] >= -eps)

        # Input and arena constraint
        self.add_input_limits(prog, u1, N)
        self.add_arena_limits(prog, x1, N)
        self.add_arena_limits(prog, xp, N)

        # fake mixed-integer constraint
        #for k in range(N+1):
        #    prog.AddConstraint(t1_kick[k]*(1-t1_kick[k])==0)

        # Hot-start
        guess_u1, guess_x1 = self.get_initial_guess(x_p1, p_goal, x_puck[0:2])
        prog.SetInitialGuess(x1, guess_x1)
        prog.SetInitialGuess(u1, guess_u1)
        if not self.prev_xp is None:
            prog.SetInitialGuess(xp, self.prev_xp)
            #prog.SetInitialGuess(t1_kick, np.ones_like(t1_kick))

        # solve for the periods
        # solver = SnoptSolver()
        #result = solver.Solve(prog)

        #if not result.is_success():
        #    print("Unable to find solution.")

        # save for hot-start
        #self.prev_xp = result.GetSolution(xp)

        #if True:
        #    print("x1:{}".format(result.GetSolution(x1)))
        #    print("u1: {}".format( result.GetSolution(u1)))
        #    print("xp: {}".format( result.GetSolution(xp)))
        #   print('dist{}'.format(result.GetSolution(dist)))
        #    print("t1_kick:{}".format(result.GetSolution(t1_kick)))
        #    print("v1_kick:{}".format(result.GetSolution(v1_kick)))
        #   print("vp_kick:{}".format(result.GetSolution(vp_kick)))
        #    print("cost:{}".format(result.GetSolution(cost)))

        # return whether successful, and the initial player velocity
        #u1_opt = result.GetSolution(u1)
        return True, guess_u1[0, :], np.zeros((2))
g = 9.81
r = l/2
f = 10
I = m * (l**2)/12

for n in range(N):
  u[:,n] = prog.NewContinuousVariables(2, 'u' + str(n))
  dx[:,n] = prog.NewContinuousVariables(3, 'dx' + str(n))
  x[:,n] = prog.NewContinuousVariables(3, 'x' + str(n))

s = env.reset().reshape(6, 1)
# Add constraints
x0 = [s[0], s[1], s[2]]
prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(x0, x0, x[:,0])
x1 = [0]*3
prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(x1, x1, dx[:, 0])

def constraint_evaluator1(z):
    return np.array([(-(z[6] + z[7])*sin(z[2])/m)*dt + z[3] - z[8], 
                    ((z[6] + z[7])*cos(z[2]) - m*g/m)*dt + z[4] - z[9],
                    ((z[6] - z[7])*r/I)*dt + z[5] - z[10]

def constraint_evaluator2(z):
    return np.array([z[3]*dt + z[0] - z[6], z[4]*dt + z[1] - z[7], z[5]*dt + z[2] - z[8]])

for n in range(N-1):
    # Will eventually be prog.AddConstraint(x[:,n+1] == A@x[:,n] + B@u[:,n])
    # See drake issues 12841 and 8315
class FourierCollocationProblem:
    def __init__(self, system_dynamics, constraints):
        start_time = time.time()

        self.prog = MathematicalProgram()
        self.N = 50  # Number of collocation points
        self.M = 10  # Number of frequencies
        self.system_dynamics = system_dynamics

        self.psi = np.pi * (0.7)  # TODO change

        ) = constraints

        initial_pos = np.array([0, 0, h0])

        # Add state trajectory parameters as decision variables
        self.coeffs = self.prog.NewContinuousVariables(
            3, self.M + 1, "c"
        )  # (x,y,z) for every frequency
        self.phase_delays = self.prog.NewContinuousVariables(3, self.M, "eta")
        self.t_f = self.prog.NewContinuousVariables(1, 1, "t_f")[0, 0]
        self.avg_vel = self.prog.NewContinuousVariables(1, 1, "V_bar")[0, 0]

        # Enforce initial conditions
        residuals = self.get_pos_fourier(collocation_time=0) - initial_pos
        for residual in residuals:
            self.prog.AddConstraint(residual == 0)

        # Enforce dynamics at collocation points
        for n in range(self.N):
            collocation_time = (n / self.N) * self.t_f
            pos = self.get_pos_fourier(collocation_time)
            vel = self.get_vel_fourier(collocation_time)
            vel_dot = self.get_vel_dot_fourier(collocation_time)

            residuals = self.continuous_dynamics(pos, vel, vel_dot)
            for residual in residuals[3:6]:  # TODO only these last three are residuals
                self.prog.AddConstraint(residual == 0)

            if True:
                # Add velocity constraints
                squared_vel_norm = vel.T.dot(vel)
                self.prog.AddConstraint(min_vel ** 2 <= squared_vel_norm)
                self.prog.AddConstraint(squared_vel_norm <= max_vel ** 2)

                # Add height constraints
                self.prog.AddConstraint(pos[2] <= max_height)
                self.prog.AddConstraint(min_height <= pos[2])

        # Add constraint on min travelled distance
        self.prog.AddConstraint(min_travelled_distance <= self.avg_vel * self.t_f)

        # Add constraints on coefficients
        if False:
            for coeff in self.coeffs.T:
                lb = np.array([-500, -500, -500])
                ub = np.array([500, 500, 500])
                self.prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(lb, ub, coeff)

        # Add constraints on phase delays
        if False:
            for etas in self.phase_delays.T:
                lb = np.array([0, 0, 0])
                ub = np.array([2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi])
                self.prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(lb, ub, etas)

        # Add constraints on final time and avg vel
        self.prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(t_f_min, t_f_max, self.t_f)
        self.prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(avg_vel_min, avg_vel_max, self.avg_vel)

        # Add objective function

        # Set initial guess
        coeffs_guess = np.zeros((3, self.M + 1))
        coeffs_guess += np.random.rand(*coeffs_guess.shape) * 100

        self.prog.SetInitialGuess(self.coeffs, coeffs_guess)

        phase_delays_guess = np.zeros((3, self.M))
        phase_delays_guess += np.random.rand(*phase_delays_guess.shape) * 1e-1

        self.prog.SetInitialGuess(self.phase_delays, phase_delays_guess)
        self.prog.SetInitialGuess(self.avg_vel, (avg_vel_max - avg_vel_min) / 2)
        self.prog.SetInitialGuess(self.t_f, (t_f_max - t_f_min) / 2)

            "Finished formulating the optimization problem in: {0} s".format(
                time.time() - start_time

        start_solve_time = time.time()
        self.result = Solve(self.prog)
        print("Found solution: {0}".format(self.result.is_success()))
        print("Found a solution in: {0} s".format(time.time() - start_solve_time))

        # TODO input costs
        # assert self.result.is_success()


    def get_solution(self):
        coeffs_opt = self.result.GetSolution(self.coeffs)
        phase_delays_opt = self.result.GetSolution(self.phase_delays)
        t_f_opt = self.result.GetSolution(self.t_f)
        avg_vel_opt = self.result.GetSolution(self.avg_vel)

        sim_N = 100
        dt = t_f_opt / sim_N
        times = np.arange(0, t_f_opt, dt)
        pos_traj = np.zeros((3, sim_N))
        # TODO remove vel traj
        vel_traj = np.zeros((3, sim_N))
        for i in range(sim_N):
            t = times[i]
            pos = self.evaluate_pos_traj(
                coeffs_opt, phase_delays_opt, t_f_opt, avg_vel_opt, t
            pos_traj[:, i] = pos
            vel = self.evaluate_vel_traj(
                coeffs_opt, phase_delays_opt, t_f_opt, avg_vel_opt, t
            vel_traj[:, i] = vel

        # TODO move plotting out
        plot_trj_3_wind(pos_traj.T, np.array([np.sin(self.psi), np.cos(self.psi), 0]))



    def evaluate_pos_traj(self, coeffs, phase_delays, t_f, avg_vel, t):
        pos_traj = np.copy(coeffs[:, 0])
        for m in range(1, self.M):
            sine_terms = np.array(
                    np.sin((2 * np.pi * m * t) / t_f + phase_delays[0, m]),
                    np.sin((2 * np.pi * m * t) / t_f + phase_delays[1, m]),
                    np.sin((2 * np.pi * m * t) / t_f + phase_delays[2, m]),
            pos_traj += coeffs[:, m] * sine_terms

        direction_term = np.array(
                avg_vel * np.sin(self.psi) * t,
                avg_vel * np.cos(self.psi) * t,
        pos_traj += direction_term
        return pos_traj

    def evaluate_vel_traj(self, coeffs, phase_delays, t_f, avg_vel, t):
        vel_traj = np.array([0, 0, 0], dtype=object)
        for m in range(1, self.M):
            cos_terms = np.array(
                    (2 * np.pi * m)
                    / t_f
                    * np.cos((2 * np.pi * m * t) / t_f + phase_delays[0, m]),
                    (2 * np.pi * m)
                    / t_f
                    * np.cos((2 * np.pi * m * t) / t_f + phase_delays[1, m]),
                    (2 * np.pi * m)
                    / t_f
                    * np.cos((2 * np.pi * m * t) / t_f + phase_delays[2, m]),
            vel_traj += coeffs[:, m] * cos_terms

        direction_term = np.array(
                avg_vel * np.sin(self.psi),
                avg_vel * np.cos(self.psi),
        vel_traj += direction_term
        return vel_traj

    def get_pos_fourier(self, collocation_time):
        pos_traj = np.copy(self.coeffs[:, 0])
        for m in range(1, self.M):
            a = (2 * np.pi * m) / self.t_f
            sine_terms = np.array(
                    np.sin(a * collocation_time + self.phase_delays[0, m]),
                    np.sin(a * collocation_time + self.phase_delays[1, m]),
                    np.sin(a * collocation_time + self.phase_delays[2, m]),
            pos_traj += self.coeffs[:, m] * sine_terms

        direction_term = np.array(
                self.avg_vel * np.sin(self.psi) * collocation_time,
                self.avg_vel * np.cos(self.psi) * collocation_time,
        pos_traj += direction_term

        return pos_traj

    def get_vel_fourier(self, collocation_time):
        vel_traj = np.array([0, 0, 0], dtype=object)
        for m in range(1, self.M):
            a = (2 * np.pi * m) / self.t_f
            cos_terms = np.array(
                    a * np.cos(a * collocation_time + self.phase_delays[0, m]),
                    a * np.cos(a * collocation_time + self.phase_delays[1, m]),
                    a * np.cos(a * collocation_time + self.phase_delays[2, m]),
            vel_traj += self.coeffs[:, m] * cos_terms

        direction_term = np.array(
                self.avg_vel * np.sin(self.psi),
                self.avg_vel * np.cos(self.psi),
        vel_traj += direction_term
        return vel_traj

    def get_vel_dot_fourier(self, collocation_time):
        vel_dot_traj = np.array([0, 0, 0], dtype=object)
        for m in range(1, self.M):
            a = (2 * np.pi * m) / self.t_f
            sine_terms = np.array(
                    -(a ** 2) * np.sin(a * collocation_time + self.phase_delays[0, m]),
                    -(a ** 2) * np.sin(a * collocation_time + self.phase_delays[1, m]),
                    -(a ** 2) * np.sin(a * collocation_time + self.phase_delays[2, m]),
            vel_dot_traj += self.coeffs[:, m] * sine_terms
        return vel_dot_traj

    def continuous_dynamics(self, pos, vel, vel_dot):
        x = np.concatenate((pos, vel))
        x_dot = np.concatenate((vel, vel_dot))

        # TODO need to somehow implement input to make this work

        return x_dot - self.system_dynamics(x, u)
    K = xuK[3:]
    uc = K.dot(control_basis(x))
    # TODO: snopt doesn't like this.  perhaps a softmax?
    if (uc.value() > 3.0):
        uc = 3.0
    elif (uc.value() < -3.0):
        uc = -3.0
    return [u - uc]

h = []
u = []
x = []
for ti in range(num_trajectories):
    prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(.01, .2, h[ti])
    u.append(prog.NewContinuousVariables(1, num_samples, 'u' + str(ti)))
        prog.NewContinuousVariables(num_states, num_samples, 'x' + str(ti)))

    x0 = (.8 + math.pi - .4 * ti, 0.0)
    xf = (math.pi, 0.)
    if num_states == 4:
        x0 += (0., 0.)
        xf += (0., 0.)

    prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(x0, x0, x[ti][:, 0])

    prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(xf, xf, x[ti][:, -1])

    for i in range(num_samples - 1):
Example #14
    def PlanGraspPoints(self):
        # First, extract the bounding geometry of the object.
        # Generally, our geometry is coming from 3d models, so
        # we have to do some legwork to extract 2D geometry. For
        # the examples we'll use in this set, we'll assume
        # that extracting the convex hull of the first visual element
        # is a good representation of the object geometry. (This is
        # not great! But it'll do the job for us, since we're going
        # to experiment with only simple objects.)
        kinsol = self.hand.doKinematics(
        self.manipuland_link_index = \
        body = self.hand.get_body(self.manipuland_link_index)
        # For projecting into XY plane
        Tview = np.array([[1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.,
        all_points = ExtractPlanarObjectGeometryConvexHull(body, Tview)

        # For later use: precompute the fingertip positions of the
        # robot in the nominal posture.
        nominal_fingertip_points = np.empty((2, self.num_fingers))
        for i in range(self.num_fingers):
            nominal_fingertip_points[:, i] = self.hand.transformPoints(
                kinsol, self.fingertip_position, self.finger_link_indices[i],
                0)[0:2, 0]

        # Search for an optimal grasp with N points

        def get_random_point_and_normal_on_surface(all_points):
            num_points = all_points.shape[1]
            i = random.choice(range(num_points - 1))
            first_point = np.asarray([all_points[0][i], all_points[1][i]])
            second_point = np.asarray(
                [all_points[0][i + 1], all_points[1][i + 1]])
            first_to_second = second_point - first_point
            # Clip to avoid interpolating close to a corner
            interpolate_param = np.clip(np.random.rand(), 0.2, 0.8)
            rand_point = first_point + interpolate_param * first_to_second

            normal = np.array([-first_to_second[1], first_to_second[0]]) \
                / np.linalg.norm(first_to_second)
            return rand_point, normal

        best_conv_volume = 0
        best_points = []
        best_normals = []
        best_finger_assignments = []
        for i in range(self.n_grasp_search_iters):
            grasp_points = []
            normals = []
            for j in range(self.num_fingers):
                point, normal = \
                # check for duplicates or close points -- fingertip
                # radius is 0.2, so require twice that margin to avoid
                # intersection fingertips.
                num_rejected = 0
                while min([1.0] + [
                        np.linalg.norm(grasp_point - point, 2)
                        for grasp_point in grasp_points
                ]) <= 0.4:
                    point, normal = \
                    num_rejected += 1
                    if num_rejected > 10000:
                        print "Rejected 10000 points in a row due to crowding." \
                              " Your object is a bit too small for your number of" \
                              " fingers."
            if achieves_force_closure(grasp_points, normals, self.mu):
                # Test #1: Rank in terms of convex hull volume of grasp points
                volume = compute_convex_hull_volume(grasp_points)
                if volume < best_conv_volume:

                # Test #2: Does IK work for this point?
                self.grasp_points = grasp_points
                self.grasp_normals = normals

                # Pick optimal finger assignment that
                # minimizes distance between fingertips in the
                # nominal posture, and the chosen grasp points
                grasp_points_world = self.transform_grasp_points_manipuland(
                    self.x_nom)[0:2, :]

                prog = MathematicalProgram()
                # We'd *really* like these to be binary variables,
                # but unfortunately don't have a MIP solver available in the
                # course docker container. Instead, we'll solve an LP,
                # and round the result to the nearest feasible integer
                # solutions. Intuitively, this LP should probably reach its
                # optimal value at an extreme point (where the variables
                # all take integer value). I've not yet observed this
                # not occuring in practice!
                assignment_vars = prog.NewContinuousVariables(
                    self.num_fingers, self.num_fingers, "assignment")
                for grasp_i in range(self.num_fingers):
                    # Every row and column of assignment vars sum to one --
                    # each finger matches to one grasp position
                        np.sum(assignment_vars[:, grasp_i]) == 1.)
                        np.sum(assignment_vars[grasp_i, :]) == 1.)
                    for finger_i in range(self.num_fingers):
                        # If this grasp assignment is active,
                        # add a cost equal to the distance between
                        # nominal pose and grasp position
                            assignment_vars[grasp_i, finger_i] *
                            np.linalg.norm(grasp_points_world[:, grasp_i] -
                            0., 1., assignment_vars[grasp_i, finger_i])
                result = Solve(prog)
                assignments = result.GetSolution(assignment_vars)
                # Round assignments to nearest feasible set
                claimed = [False] * self.num_fingers
                for grasp_i in range(self.num_fingers):
                    order = np.argsort(assignments[grasp_i, :])
                    fill_i = self.num_fingers - 1
                    while claimed[order[fill_i]] is not False:
                        fill_i -= 1
                    if fill_i < 0:
                        raise Exception("Finger association failed. "
                                        "Horrible bug. Tell Greg")
                    assignments[grasp_i, :] *= 0.
                    assignments[grasp_i, order[fill_i]] = 1.
                    claimed[order[fill_i]] = True

                # Populate actual assignments
                self.grasp_finger_assignments = []
                for grasp_i in range(self.num_fingers):
                    for finger_i in range(self.num_fingers):
                        if assignments[grasp_i, finger_i] == 1.:
                                (finger_i, np.array(self.fingertip_position)))

                qinit, info = self.ComputeTargetPosture(
                    self.x_nom[(self.nq - 3):self.nq],
                if info != 1:

                best_conv_volume = volume
                best_points = grasp_points
                best_normals = normals
                best_finger_assignments = self.grasp_finger_assignments

        if len(best_points) == 0:
            print "After %d attempts, couldn't find a good grasp "\
                  "for this object." % self.n_grasp_search_iters
            print "Proceeding with a horrible random guess."
            best_points = [
                np.random.uniform(-1., 1., 2) for i in range(self.num_fingers)
            best_normals = [
                np.random.uniform(-1., 1., 2) for i in range(self.num_fingers)
            best_finger_assignments = [(i, self.fingertip_position)
                                       for i in range(self.num_fingers)]

        self.grasp_points = best_points
        self.grasp_normals = best_normals
        self.grasp_finger_assignments = best_finger_assignments
Example #15
def solveOptimization(state_init,
    prog = MathematicalProgram()
    h = prog.NewContinuousVariables(T, name='h')
    u = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=T + 1,
                                    cols=2 * n_quadrotors,
    x = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=T + 1,
                                    cols=6 * n_quadrotors + 4 * n_balls,
    dv = prog.decision_variables()

    prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint([h_min] * T, [h_max] * T, h)

    for i in range(n_quadrotors):
        sys = Quadrotor2D()
        context = sys.CreateDefaultContext()
        dir_coll_constr = DirectCollocationConstraint(sys, context)
        ind_x = 6 * i
        ind_u = 2 * i

        for t in range(T):
            impact_indices = impact_combination[np.argmax(
                np.abs(t - t_impact) <= 1)]
            quad_ind, ball_ind = impact_indices[0], impact_indices[1]

            if quad_ind == i and np.any(
                    t == t_impact
            ):  # Don't add Direct collocation constraint at impact
            elif quad_ind == i and (np.any(t == t_impact - 1)
                                    or np.any(t == t_impact + 1)):
                        x[t + 1,
                          ind_x:ind_x + 3], x[t, ind_x:ind_x + 3] + h[t] *
                        x[t + 1, ind_x + 3:ind_x + 6]))  # Backward euler
                    eq(x[t + 1, ind_x + 3:ind_x + 6], x[t,
                                                        ind_x + 3:ind_x + 6])
                )  # Zero-acceleration assumption during this time step. Should maybe replace with something less naive
                    dir_coll_constr, np.array([[h[t]]]),
                    x[t, ind_x:ind_x + 6].reshape(-1, 1),
                    x[t + 1, ind_x:ind_x + 6].reshape(-1, 1),
                    u[t, ind_u:ind_u + 2].reshape(-1, 1),
                    u[t + 1, ind_u:ind_u + 2].reshape(-1, 1), prog)

    for i in range(n_balls):
        sys = Ball2D()
        context = sys.CreateDefaultContext()
        dir_coll_constr = DirectCollocationConstraint(sys, context)
        ind_x = 6 * n_quadrotors + 4 * i

        for t in range(T):
            impact_indices = impact_combination[np.argmax(
                np.abs(t - t_impact) <= 1)]
            quad_ind, ball_ind = impact_indices[0], impact_indices[1]

            if ball_ind == i and np.any(
                    t == t_impact
            ):  # Don't add Direct collocation constraint at impact
            elif ball_ind == i and (np.any(t == t_impact - 1)
                                    or np.any(t == t_impact + 1)):
                        x[t + 1,
                          ind_x:ind_x + 2], x[t, ind_x:ind_x + 2] + h[t] *
                        x[t + 1, ind_x + 2:ind_x + 4]))  # Backward euler
                    eq(x[t + 1,
                         ind_x + 2:ind_x + 4], x[t, ind_x + 2:ind_x + 4] +
                       h[t] * np.array([0, -9.81])))
                    dir_coll_constr, np.array([[h[t]]]),
                    x[t, ind_x:ind_x + 4].reshape(-1, 1),
                    x[t + 1, ind_x:ind_x + 4].reshape(-1, 1),
                    u[t, 0:0].reshape(-1, 1), u[t + 1, 0:0].reshape(-1,
                                                                    1), prog)

    # Initial conditions
    prog.AddLinearConstraint(eq(x[0, :], state_init))

    # Final conditions
    prog.AddLinearConstraint(eq(x[T, 0:14], state_final[0:14]))
    # Quadrotor final conditions (full state)
    for i in range(n_quadrotors):
        ind = 6 * i
            eq(x[T, ind:ind + 6], state_final[ind:ind + 6]))

    # Ball final conditions (position only)
    for i in range(n_balls):
        ind = 6 * n_quadrotors + 4 * i
            eq(x[T, ind:ind + 2], state_final[ind:ind + 2]))

    # Input constraints
    for i in range(n_quadrotors):
        prog.AddLinearConstraint(ge(u[:, 2 * i], -20.0))
        prog.AddLinearConstraint(le(u[:, 2 * i], 20.0))
        prog.AddLinearConstraint(ge(u[:, 2 * i + 1], -20.0))
        prog.AddLinearConstraint(le(u[:, 2 * i + 1], 20.0))

    # Don't allow quadrotor to pitch more than 60 degrees
    for i in range(n_quadrotors):
        prog.AddLinearConstraint(ge(x[:, 6 * i + 2], -np.pi / 3))
        prog.AddLinearConstraint(le(x[:, 6 * i + 2], np.pi / 3))

    # Ball position constraints
    # for i in range(n_balls):
    #     ind_i = 6*n_quadrotors + 4*i
    #     prog.AddLinearConstraint(ge(x[:,ind_i],-2.0))
    #     prog.AddLinearConstraint(le(x[:,ind_i], 2.0))
    #     prog.AddLinearConstraint(ge(x[:,ind_i+1],-3.0))
    #     prog.AddLinearConstraint(le(x[:,ind_i+1], 3.0))

    # Impact constraint
    quad_temp = Quadrotor2D()

    for i in range(n_quadrotors):
        for j in range(n_balls):
            ind_q = 6 * i
            ind_b = 6 * n_quadrotors + 4 * j
            for t in range(T):
                if np.any(
                        t == t_impact
                ):  # If quad i and ball j impact at time t, add impact constraint
                    impact_indices = impact_combination[np.argmax(
                        t == t_impact)]
                    quad_ind, ball_ind = impact_indices[0], impact_indices[1]
                    if quad_ind == i and ball_ind == j:
                        # At impact, witness function == 0
                        prog.AddConstraint(lambda a: np.array([
                            CalcClosestDistanceQuadBall(a[0:3], a[3:5])
                        ]).reshape(1, 1),
                                           lb=np.zeros((1, 1)),
                                           ub=np.zeros((1, 1)),
                                               (x[t, ind_q:ind_q + 3],
                                                  ind_b:ind_b + 2])).reshape(
                                                      -1, 1))
                        # At impact, enforce discrete collision update for both ball and quadrotor
                            lb=np.zeros((6, 1)),
                            ub=np.zeros((6, 1)),
                                (x[t, ind_q:ind_q + 6], x[t, ind_b:ind_b + 4],
                                 x[t + 1, ind_q:ind_q + 6])).reshape(-1, 1))
                            lb=np.zeros((4, 1)),
                            ub=np.zeros((4, 1)),
                                (x[t, ind_q:ind_q + 6], x[t, ind_b:ind_b + 4],
                                 x[t + 1, ind_b:ind_b + 4])).reshape(-1, 1))

                        # rough constraints to enforce hitting center-ish of paddle
                            x[t, ind_q] - x[t, ind_b] >= -0.01)
                            x[t, ind_q] - x[t, ind_b] <= 0.01)
                # Everywhere else, witness function must be > 0
                prog.AddConstraint(lambda a: np.array([
                    CalcClosestDistanceQuadBall(a[ind_q:ind_q + 3], a[
                        ind_b:ind_b + 2])
                ]).reshape(1, 1),
                                   lb=np.zeros((1, 1)),
                                   ub=np.inf * np.ones((1, 1)),
                                   vars=x[t, :].reshape(-1, 1))

    # Don't allow quadrotor collisions
    # for t in range(T):
    #     for i in range(n_quadrotors):
    #         for j in range(i+1, n_quadrotors):
    #             prog.AddConstraint((x[t,6*i]-x[t,6*j])**2 + (x[t,6*i+1]-x[t,6*j+1])**2 >= 0.65**2)

    # Quadrotors stay on their own side
    # prog.AddLinearConstraint(ge(x[:, 0], 0.3))
    # prog.AddLinearConstraint(le(x[:, 6], -0.3))

    # Set up initial guesses
    initial_guess = np.empty(prog.num_vars())

    # # initial guess for the time step
    prog.SetDecisionVariableValueInVector(h, h_guess, initial_guess)

    x_init[0, :] = state_init
    prog.SetDecisionVariableValueInVector(x, x_guess, initial_guess)

    prog.SetDecisionVariableValueInVector(u, u_guess, initial_guess)

    solver = SnoptSolver()
    result = solver.Solve(prog, initial_guess)

    # print(GetInfeasibleConstraints(prog,result))
    # be sure that the solution is optimal
    assert result.is_success()

    print(f'Solution found? {result.is_success()}.')

    # Extract results
    # get optimal solution
    h_opt = result.GetSolution(h)
    x_opt = result.GetSolution(x)
    u_opt = result.GetSolution(u)
    time_breaks_opt = np.array([sum(h_opt[:t]) for t in range(T + 1)])
    u_opt_poly = PiecewisePolynomial.ZeroOrderHold(time_breaks_opt, u_opt.T)
    # x_opt_poly = PiecewisePolynomial.Cubic(time_breaks_opt, x_opt.T, False)
    x_opt_poly = PiecewisePolynomial.FirstOrderHold(
        time_breaks_opt, x_opt.T
    )  # Switch to first order hold instead of cubic because cubic was taking too long to create
    # Create list of K matrices for time varying LQR
    context = quad_plant.CreateDefaultContext()
    breaks = copy.copy(
        time_breaks_opt)  #np.linspace(0, x_opt_poly.end_time(), 100)

    K_samples = np.zeros((breaks.size, 12 * n_quadrotors))

    for i in range(n_quadrotors):
        K = None
        for j in range(breaks.size):
                x_opt_poly.value(breaks[j])[6 * i:6 * (i + 1)])
                u_opt_poly.value(breaks[j])[2 * i:2 * (i + 1)])
            linear_system = FirstOrderTaylorApproximation(quad_plant, context)
            A = linear_system.A()
            B = linear_system.B()
                K, _, _ = control.lqr(A, B, Q, R)
                assert K is not None, "Failed to calculate initial K for quadrotor " + str(
                print("Warning: Failed to calculate K at timestep", j,
                      "for quadrotor", i, ". Using K from previous timestep")

            K_samples[j, 12 * i:12 * (i + 1)] = K.reshape(-1)

    K_poly = PiecewisePolynomial.ZeroOrderHold(breaks, K_samples.T)

    return u_opt_poly, x_opt_poly, K_poly, h_opt
Example #16
    def static_controller(self, qref, verbose=False):
        Generates a controller to maintain a static pose
            qref: (N,) numpy array, the static pose to be maintained

        Return Values:
            u: (M,) numpy array, actuations to best achieve static pose
            f: (C,) numpy array, associated normal reaction forces

        static_controller generates the actuations and reaction forces assuming the velocity and accelerations are zero. Thus, the equation to solve is:
            N(q) = B*u + J*f
        where N is a vector of gravitational and conservative generalized forces, B is the actuation selection matrix, and J is the contact-Jacobian transpose.

        Currently, static_controller only considers the effects of the normal forces. Frictional forces are not yet supported
        #TODO: Solve for friction forces as well

        # Check inputs
        if qref.ndim > 1 or qref.shape[0] != self.multibody.num_positions():
            raise ValueError(
                f"Reference position mut be ({self.multibody.num_positions(),},) array"
        # Set the context
        context = self.multibody.CreateDefaultContext()
        self.multibody.SetPositions(context, qref)
        # Get the necessary properties
        G = self.multibody.CalcGravityGeneralizedForces(context)
        Jn, _ = self.GetContactJacobians(context)
        phi = self.GetNormalDistances(context)
        B = self.multibody.MakeActuationMatrix()
        #Collect terms
        A = np.concatenate([B, Jn.transpose()], axis=1)
        # Create the mathematical program
        prog = MathematicalProgram()
        l_var = prog.NewContinuousVariables(self.num_contacts(), name="forces")
        u_var = prog.NewContinuousVariables(self.multibody.num_actuators(),
        # Ensure dynamics approximately satisfied
                           vars=np.concatenate([u_var, l_var], axis=0))
        # Enforce normal complementarity
                                      np.full(l_var.shape, np.inf), l_var)
        prog.AddConstraint(phi.dot(l_var) == 0)
        # Solve
        result = Solve(prog)
        # Check for a solution
        if result.is_success():
            u = result.GetSolution(u_var)
            f = result.GetSolution(l_var)
            if verbose:
                printProgramReport(result, prog)
            return (u, f)
            print(f"Optimization failed. Returning zeros")
            if verbose:
                printProgramReport(result, prog)
            return (np.zeros(u_var.shape), np.zeros(l_var.shape))
def make_multiple_dircol_trajectories(num_trajectories,
    from pydrake.all import (
    import pydrake.symbolic as sym
    from pydrake.examples.pendulum import (PendulumPlant)

    # initial_conditions maps (ti) -> [1xnum_states] initial state
    if initial_conditions is not None:
        initial_conditions = intial_cond_dict[initial_conditions]
        assert callable(initial_conditions)

    plant = PendulumPlant()
    context = plant.CreateDefaultContext()
    dircol_constraint = DirectCollocationConstraint(plant, context)

    # num_trajectories = 15;
    # num_samples = 15;
    prog = MathematicalProgram()

    # K = prog.NewContinuousVariables(1,7,'K')

    def cos(x):
        if isinstance(x, AutoDiffXd):
            return x.cos()
        elif isinstance(x, Variable):
            return sym.cos(x)
        return math.cos(x)

    def sin(x):
        if isinstance(x, AutoDiffXd):
            return x.sin()
        elif isinstance(x, Variable):
            return sym.sin(x)
        return math.sin(x)

    def final_cost(x):
        return 100. * (cos(.5 * x[0])**2 + x[1]**2)

    h = []
    u = []
    x = []
    xf = (math.pi, 0.)
    for ti in range(num_trajectories):
        prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(.01, .2, h[ti])
        # prog.AddQuadraticCost([1.], [0.], h[ti]) # Added by me, penalize long timesteps
        u.append(prog.NewContinuousVariables(1, num_samples, 'u' + str(ti)))
        x.append(prog.NewContinuousVariables(2, num_samples, 'x' + str(ti)))

        # Use Russ's initial conditions, unless I pass in a function myself.
        if initial_conditions is None:
            x0 = (.8 + math.pi - .4 * ti, 0.0)
            x0 = initial_conditions(ti)
            assert len(x0) == 2  #TODO: undo this hardcoding.
        prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(x0, x0, x[ti][:, 0])

        nudge = np.array([.2, .2])
        prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(xf - nudge, xf + nudge, x[ti][:, -1])
        # prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(xf, xf, x[ti][:,-1])

        for i in range(num_samples - 1):
            AddDirectCollocationConstraint(dircol_constraint, h[ti],
                                           x[ti][:, i], x[ti][:, i + 1],
                                           u[ti][:, i], u[ti][:, i + 1], prog)

        for i in range(num_samples):
            prog.AddQuadraticCost([1.], [0.], u[ti][:, i])
    #        prog.AddConstraint(control, [0.], [0.], np.hstack([x[ti][:,i], u[ti][:,i], K.flatten()]))
    #        prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint([-3.], [3.], u[ti][:,i])
    #        prog.AddConstraint(u[ti][0,i] == (3.*sym.tanh(K.dot(control_basis(x[ti][:,i]))[0])))  # u = 3*tanh(K * m(x))

    # prog.AddCost(final_cost, x[ti][:,-1])
    # prog.AddCost(h[ti][0]*100) # Try to penalize using more time than it needs?

    #prog.SetSolverOption(SolverType.kSnopt, 'Verify level', -1)  # Derivative checking disabled. (otherwise it complains on the saturation)
    prog.SetSolverOption(SolverType.kSnopt, 'Print file', "/tmp/snopt.out")

    # result = prog.Solve()
    # print(result)
    # print(prog.GetSolution(K))
    # print(prog.GetSolution(K).dot(control_basis(x[0][:,0])))

    #if (result != SolutionResult.kSolutionFound):
    #    f = open('/tmp/snopt.out', 'r')
    #    print(f.read())
    #    f.close()
    return prog, h, u, x