Example #1
		def findLyapunovFunctionSOS(self, x0, deg_V, deg_L):
			prog = MathematicalProgram()
			# Declare the "indeterminates", x. These are the variables which define the polynomials
			z = prog.NewIndeterminates(nZ,'z')
			x = prog.NewIndeterminates(1, 'x')[0]
			y = prog.NewIndeterminates(1, 'y')[0]
			thetadot = prog.NewIndeterminates(1, 'thetadot')[0]
			X = np.array([s, c, thetadot])
			sym_system = self.ToSymbolic()
			sym_context = sym_system.CreateDefaultContext()
			sym_context.FixInputPort(0, u0+ucon )
			f = sym_system.EvalTimeDerivatives(sym_context).CopyToVector() # - dztrajdt.value(t).transpose()
			# Construct a polynomial V that contains all monomials with s,c,thetadot up to degree n.
			V = prog.NewFreePolynomial(Variables(X), deg_V).ToExpression()
			eps = 1e-4
			constraint1 = prog.AddSosConstraint(V - eps*(X-x0).dot(X-x0)) # constraint to enforce that V is strictly positive away from x0.
			Vdot = V.Jacobian(X).dot(f) # Construct the polynomial which is the time derivative of V
			L = prog.NewFreePolynomial(Variables(X), deg_L).ToExpression() # Construct a polynomial L representing the "Lagrange multiplier".
			constraint2 = prog.AddSosConstraint(-Vdot - L*(x**2+y**2-1) -
                                    eps*(X-x0).dot(X-x0)*y**2) # Add a constraint that Vdot is strictly negative away from x0
			# Add V(0) = 0 constraint
			constraint3 = prog.AddLinearConstraint(V.Substitute({y: 0, x: 1, thetadot: 0}) == 0)
			# Add V(theta=xxx) = 1, just to set the scale.
			constraint4 = prog.AddLinearConstraint(V.Substitute({y: 1, x: 0, thetadot: 0}) == 1)
			# Call the solver.
			result = Solve(prog)
			Vsol = Polynomial(result.GetSolution(V))
			return Vsol
Example #2
		def LQR(self, ztraj, utraj, Q, R, Qf):
			tspan = utraj.get_segment_times()
			dztrajdt = ztraj.derivative(1)
			context = self.CreateDefaultContext()
			nZ = context.num_continuous_states()
			nU = self.GetInputPort('u').size()

			sym_system = self.ToSymbolic()
			sym_context = sym_system.CreateDefaultContext()
			prog = MathematicalProgram()
			z = prog.NewIndeterminates(nZ,'z')
			ucon = prog.NewIndeterminates(nU,'u')
			#nY = self.GetOutputPort('z').size()
			#N = np.zeros([nX, nU])
			times = ztraj.get_segment_times()
			K = []
			S = []
			for t in times:
				# option 1
				z0 = ztraj.value(t).transpose()[0]
				u0 = utraj.value(t).transpose()[0]
				sym_context.FixInputPort(0, u0+ucon )
				# zdot=f(z,u)==>zhdot=f(zh+z0,uh+u0)-z0dot
				f = sym_system.EvalTimeDerivatives(sym_context).CopyToVector() # - dztrajdt.value(t).transpose()
				mapping = dict(zip(z, z0))
				mapping.update(dict(zip(ucon, u0)))
				A = Evaluate(Jacobian(f, z), mapping)
				B = Evaluate(Jacobian(f, ucon), mapping)
				k, s = LinearQuadraticRegulator(A, B, Q, R)
				import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
				if(len(K) == 0):
					K = np.ravel(k).reshape(nU*nZ,1) 
					S = np.ravel(s).reshape(nZ*nZ,1) 
					K = np.hstack( (K, np.ravel(k).reshape(nU*nZ,1)) )
					S = np.hstack( (S, np.ravel(s).reshape(nZ*nZ,1)) )
				# option 2
				#context.SetContinuousState(xtraj.value(t) )
				#context.FixInputPort(0, utraj.value(t) )
				#linearized_plant = Linearize(self, context)
                #                    	linearized_plant.B(),
                #                      	Q, R)) #self, context, Q, R)

			Kpp = PiecewisePolynomial.FirstOrderHold(times, K)
			return Kpp
Example #3
		def RegionOfAttraction(self, context, zdotraj, V=None):
			z0 = context.get_continuous_state_vector().CopyToVector()
			if(zdotraj is None):
				zdotraj = 0.0*z0

			# Check that x0 is a "fixed point" (on the trajectory).
			zdot0 = self.EvalTimeDerivatives(context).CopyToVector()
			assert np.allclose(zdot0, zdotraj), "context does not describe a fixed point."   #0*xdot0), 
			sym_system = self.ToSymbolic()
			sym_context = sym_system.CreateDefaultContext()

			prog = MathematicalProgram()
			z = prog.NewIndeterminates(sym_context.num_continuous_states(),'z')
			# Evaluate the dynamics (in relative coordinates)
			#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
			uinput = self.GetInputPort('u')
			u0 = uinput.EvalBasicVector(context).CopyToVector()
			nU = uinput.size()
			ucon = prog.NewIndeterminates(nU,'u')
			sym_context.FixInputPort(0, u0+ucon )
			f = sym_system.EvalTimeDerivatives(sym_context).CopyToVector()

			mapping = dict(zip(z, z0))
			mapping.update(dict(zip(ucon, u0)))

			if V is None:
				# Solve a Lyapunov equation to find the Lyapunov candidate.
				A = Evaluate(Jacobian(f, z), mapping)
				Q = np.eye(sym_context.num_continuous_states())
				import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
				P = RealContinuousLyapunovEquation(A, Q)
				V = x.dot(P.dot(z))

			Vdot = V.Jacobian(z).dot(f)

			# Check Hessian of Vdot at origin
			H = Evaluate(0.5*Jacobian(Vdot.Jacobian(z),z), mapping)
			assert isPositiveDefinite(-H), "Vdot is not negative definite at the fixed point."

			#V = FixedLyapunovMaximizeLevelSet(prog, z, V, Vdot)
			V = self.FixedLyapunovSearchRho(prog, z, V, Vdot)

			# Put V back into global coordinates
			mapping = dict(zip(z,z-z0))
			mapping.update(dict(zip(ucon, u0)))
			V = V.Substitute(mapping)
			return V
Example #4
    def SOS_compute_1(self, S, rho_prev):
        # fix V and rho, search for L and u
        prog = MathematicalProgram()
        x = prog.NewIndeterminates(2, "x")

        # Define u
        K = prog.NewContinuousVariables(2, "K")

        # Fixed Lyapunov
        V = x.dot(np.dot(S, x))
        Vdot = Jacobian([V], x).dot(self.dynamics_K(x, K))[0]

        # Define the Lagrange multipliers.
        (lambda_, constraint) = prog.NewSosPolynomial(Variables(x), 2)
        prog.AddLinearConstraint(K[0] * x[0] <= 2.5)
        prog.AddSosConstraint(-Vdot - lambda_.ToExpression() * (rho_prev - V))

        result = prog.Solve()
        # print(lambda_.ToExpression())
        # print(lambda_.decision_variables())
        lc = [prog.GetSolution(var) for var in lambda_.decision_variables()]
        lbda_coeff = np.ones([3, 3])
        lbda_coeff[0, 0] = lc[0]
        lbda_coeff[0, 1] = lbda_coeff[1, 0] = lc[1]
        lbda_coeff[2, 0] = lbda_coeff[0, 2] = lc[2]
        lbda_coeff[1, 1] = lc[3]
        lbda_coeff[2, 1] = lbda_coeff[1, 2] = lc[4]
        lbda_coeff[2, 2] = lc[5]
        return lbda_coeff
Example #5
    def SOS_compute_2(self, l_coeff, S, rho_max=10.):
        prog = MathematicalProgram()
        # fix V and lbda, searcu for u and rho
        x = prog.NewIndeterminates(2, "x")
        # get lbda from before
        l = np.array([x[1], x[0], 1])
        lbda = l.dot(np.dot(l_coeff, l))

        # Define u
        K = prog.NewContinuousVariables(2, "K")

        # Fixed Lyapunov
        V = x.dot(np.dot(S, x))
        Vdot = Jacobian([V], x).dot(self.dynamics_K(x, K))[0]

        # rho is decision variable now
        rho = prog.NewContinuousVariables(1, "rho")[0]

        prog.AddSosConstraint(-Vdot - lbda * (rho - V))

        prog.AddLinearConstraint(rho <= rho_max)
        rho = prog.GetSolution(rho)
        K = prog.GetSolution(K)
        return rho, K
Example #6
    def SOS_compute_3(self, K, l_coeff, rho_max=10.):
        prog = MathematicalProgram()
        # fix u and lbda, search for V and rho
        x = prog.NewIndeterminates(2, "x")

        # get lbda from before
        l = np.array([x[1], x[0], 1])
        lbda = l.dot(np.dot(l_coeff, l))

        # rho is decision variable now
        rho = prog.NewContinuousVariables(1, "rho")[0]

        # create lyap V
        s = prog.NewContinuousVariables(4, "s")
        S = np.array([[s[0], s[1]], [s[2], s[3]]])
        V = x.dot(np.dot(S, x))
        Vdot = Jacobian([V], x).dot(self.dynamics_K(x, K))[0]

        prog.AddSosConstraint(-Vdot - lbda * (rho - V))

        prog.AddLinearConstraint(rho <= rho_max)

        rho = prog.GetSolution(rho)
        s = prog.GetSolution(s)
        return s, rho
		def CheckLevelSet(self, prev_x, x0, Vs, Vsdot, rho, multiplier_degree):
			prog = MathematicalProgram()
			x = prog.NewIndeterminates(len(prev_x),'x')
			V = Vs.Substitute(dict(zip(prev_x, x)))
			Vdot = Vsdot.Substitute(dict(zip(prev_x, x)))
			slack = prog.NewContinuousVariables(1,'a')[0]  
			#mapping = dict(zip(x, np.ones(len(x))))
			#V_norm = 0.0*V
			#for i in range(len(x)):
			#	basis = np.ones(len(x))
			#	V_norm = V_norm + V.Substitute(dict(zip(x, basis)))
			#V = V/V_norm
			#Vdot = Vdot/V_norm
			#prog.AddConstraint(V_norm == 0)

			# in relative state (lambda(xbar)
			Lambda = prog.NewSosPolynomial(Variables(x), multiplier_degree)[0].ToExpression() 
			Lambda = Lambda.Substitute(dict(zip(x, x-x0))) # switch to relative state (lambda(xbar)
			prog.AddSosConstraint(-Vdot + Lambda*(V - rho) - slack*V)
			#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
			result = Solve(prog)
			if(not result.is_success()):
				print('%s, %s' %(result.get_solver_id().name(),result.get_solution_result()) )
				print('slack = %f' %(result.GetSolution(slack)) )
				print('Rho = %f' %(rho))
				#assert result.is_success()
				return -1.0
			return result.GetSolution(slack)
Example #8
def is_verified(rho):
    # initialize optimization problem
    # (with Drake there is no need to specify that
    # this is going to be a SOS program!)
    prog = MathematicalProgram()
    # SOS indeterminates
    x = prog.NewIndeterminates(2, 'x')
    # Lyapunov function
    V = x.dot(P).dot(x)
    V_dot = 2*x.dot(P).dot(f(x))
    # degree of the polynomial lambda(x)
    # no need to change it, but if you really want to,
    # keep l_deg even (why?) and do not set l_deg greater than 10
    # (otherwise optimizations will take forever)
    l_deg = 4
    assert l_deg % 2 == 0

    # SOS Lagrange multipliers
    l = prog.NewSosPolynomial(Variables(x), l_deg)[0].ToExpression()
    # main condition above
    eps = 1e-3 # do not change
    prog.AddSosConstraint(- V_dot - l * (rho - V) - eps*x.dot(x))
    # solve SOS program
    # no objective function in this formulation
    result = Solve(prog)
    # return True if feasible, False if infeasible
    return result.is_success()
        def LQR(self, xtraj, utraj, Q, R, Qf):
            tspan = utraj.get_segment_times()

            context = self.CreateDefaultContext()
            nX = context.num_continuous_states()
            nU = self.GetInputPort('u').size()

            sym_system = self.ToSymbolic()
            sym_context = sym_system.CreateDefaultContext()
            prog = MathematicalProgram()
            x = prog.NewIndeterminates(nX, 'x')
            ucon = prog.NewIndeterminates(nU, 'u')
            #nY = self.GetOutputPort('x').size()
            #N = np.zeros([nX, nU])

            times = xtraj.get_segment_times()
            K = []

            import pdb
            for t in times:
                # option 1
                x0 = xtraj.value(t).transpose()[0]
                u0 = utraj.value(t).transpose()[0]

                sym_context.SetContinuousState(x0 + x)
                sym_context.FixInputPort(0, u0 + ucon)
                f = sym_system.EvalTimeDerivatives(sym_context).CopyToVector()
                A = Evaluate(Jacobian(f, x), dict(zip(x, x0)))
                B = Evaluate(Jacobian(f, ucon), dict(zip(ucon, u0)))
                K.append(LinearQuadraticRegulator(A, B, Q, R))

                # option 2
                #context.SetContinuousState(xtraj.value(t) )
                #context.FixInputPort(0, utraj.value(t) )
                #linearized_plant = Linearize(self, context)
                #                    	linearized_plant.B(),
                #                      	Q, R)) #self, context, Q, R)

            Kpp = PiecewisePolynomial.FirstOrderHold(times, K)

            return Kpp
Example #10
def RegionOfAttraction(system, context, V=None):
    # TODO(russt): Add python binding for has_only_continuous_state
    # assert(context.has_only_continuous_state())
    # TODO(russt): Handle more general cases.

    x0 = context.get_continuous_state_vector().CopyToVector()
    # Check that x0 is a fixed point.
    xdot0 = system.EvalTimeDerivatives(context).get_vector().CopyToVector()
    #assert np.allclose(xdot0, 0*xdot0), "context does not describe a fixed point."

    sym_system = system.ToSymbolic()
    sym_context = sym_system.CreateDefaultContext()
    prog = MathematicalProgram()
    x = prog.NewIndeterminates(sym_context.num_continuous_states(),'x')

    # Evaluate the dynamics (in relative coordinates)
    f = sym_system.EvalTimeDerivatives(sym_context).get_vector().CopyToVector()
    if V is None:
        # Solve a Lyapunov equation to find the Lyapunov candidate.
        #A = Evaluate(Jacobian(f, x), dict(zip(x, x0)))
        #A = np.array([[0., 1.], [-10.*np.cos(x[0]), -0.1]])
        #A = A.Evaluate(dict(zip(x, x0)))
        A = np.array([[0., 1.], [-10.*np.cos(x0[0]), -0.1]])
        Q = np.eye(sym_context.num_continuous_states())
        P = RealContinuousLyapunovEquation(A, Q)
        V = x.dot(P.dot(x))
	#for i in range(len(f)):
    #    f[i] = f[i].Substitute(dict(zip(x,x-x0)))
    Vdot = V.Jacobian(x).dot(f)
    # Check Hessian of Vdot at origin
    import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    H = Evaluate(0.5*Jacobian(Vdot.Jacobian(x),x), dict(zip(x, 0*x0)))
    assert isPositiveDefinite(-H), "Vdot is not negative definite at the fixed point."

    #V = FixedLyapunovMaximizeLevelSet(prog, x, V, Vdot)
    V = FixedLyapunovSearchRho(prog, x, V, Vdot)
    # Put V back into global coordinates
    V = V.Substitute(dict(zip(x,x-x0)))
    return V
Example #11
			def CheckLevelSet(prev_x, prev_V, prev_Vdot, rho, multiplier_degree):
				prog = MathematicalProgram()
				x = prog.NewIndeterminates(len(prev_x),'x')
				V = prev_V.Substitute(dict(zip(prev_x, x)))
				Vdot = prev_Vdot.Substitute(dict(zip(prev_x, x)))
				slack = prog.NewContinuousVariables(1)[0]

				Lambda = prog.NewSosPolynomial(Variables(x), multiplier_degree)[0].ToExpression()

				prog.AddSosConstraint(-Vdot + Lambda*(V - rho) - slack*V)

				result = Solve(prog)
				assert result.is_success()
				return result.GetSolution(slack)
Example #12
    def CheckLevelSet(prev_x, prev_V, prev_Vdot, rho, multiplier_degree):
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        prog = MathematicalProgram()
        x = prog.NewIndeterminates(len(prev_x),'x')
        V = prev_V.Substitute(dict(zip(prev_x, x)))
        Vdot = prev_Vdot.Substitute(dict(zip(prev_x, x)))
        slack = prog.NewContinuousVariables(1,'a')[0]

        Lambda = prog.NewSosPolynomial(Variables(x), multiplier_degree)[0].ToExpression()
        #print('V degree: %d' %(Polynomial(V).TotalDegree()))
        #print('Vdot degree: %d' %(Polynomial(Vdot).TotalDegree()))
        #print('SOS degree: %d' %(Polynomial(-Vdot + Lambda*(V - rho) - slack*V).TotalDegree()))
        prog.AddSosConstraint(-Vdot + Lambda*(V - rho) - slack*V)

        result = Solve(prog)
        #assert result.is_success()
        return result.GetSolution(slack)
        def RegionOfAttraction(self, context, V=None):
            x0 = context.get_continuous_state_vector().CopyToVector()

            # Check that x0 is a fixed point.
            xdot0 = self.EvalTimeDerivatives(context).CopyToVector()
            assert np.allclose(
                xdot0, 0 * xdot0), "context does not describe a fixed point."

            import pdb
            sym_system = self.ToSymbolic()
            sym_context = sym_system.CreateDefaultContext()

            prog = MathematicalProgram()
            x = prog.NewIndeterminates(sym_context.num_continuous_states(),

            # Evaluate the dynamics (in relative coordinates)
            sym_context.SetContinuousState(x0 + x)
            f = sym_system.EvalTimeDerivatives(sym_context).CopyToVector()

            if V is None:
                # Solve a Lyapunov equation to find the Lyapunov candidate.
                A = Evaluate(Jacobian(f, x), dict(zip(x, x0)))
                Q = np.eye(sym_context.num_continuous_states())
                import pdb
                P = RealContinuousLyapunovEquation(A, Q)
                V = x.dot(P.dot(x))

            Vdot = V.Jacobian(x).dot(f)

            # Check Hessian of Vdot at origin
            H = Evaluate(0.5 * Jacobian(Vdot.Jacobian(x), x), dict(zip(x, x0)))
            assert isPositiveDefinite(
                -H), "Vdot is not negative definite at the fixed point."

            #V = FixedLyapunovMaximizeLevelSet(prog, x, V, Vdot)
            V = self.FixedLyapunovSearchRho(prog, x, V, Vdot)

            # Put V back into global coordinates
            V = V.Substitute(dict(zip(x, x - x0)))
            return V
Example #14
def SOS_traj_optim(S, rho_guess):
    # S provides the initial V guess
    # STEP 1: search for L and u with fixed V and p
    mp1 = MathematicalProgram()
    x = mp1.NewIndeterminates(3, "x")
    V = x.dot(np.dot(S, x))
    # Define the Lagrange multipliers.
    (lambda_, constraint) = mp1.NewSosPolynomial(Variables(x), 4)
    xd = mp1.NewFreePolynomial(Variables(x), 2)
    yd = mp1.NewFreePolynomial(Variables(x), 2)
    thetd = mp1.NewFreePolynomial(Variables(x), 2)
    u = np.vstack((xd, yd))
    u = np.vstack((u, thetd))
    Vdot = Jacobian([V], x).dot(plant(x, u))[0]
    mp1.AddSosConstraint(-Vdot + lambda_.ToExpression() * (V - rho_guess))
    result = mp1.Solve()
    # print(type(lambda_).__dict__.keys())
    L = [mp1.GetSolution(var) for var in lambda_.decision_variables()]
    # print(lambda_.monomial_to_coefficient_map())
    return L, u
		def TimeVaryingLyapunovSearchRho(self, prev_x, Vs, Vdots, Ts, times, xtraj, utraj, \
										 rho_f, multiplier_degree=None):
			C = 1.0 #8.0
			#rho_f = 3.0
			tries = 40
			prev_rhointegral = 0.
			N = len(times)-1
			#Vmin = self.minimumV(prev_x, Vs) #0.05*np.ones((1, len(times))) # need to do something here instead of this!! 
			dt = np.diff(times)
			#rho = np.flipud(rho_f*np.exp(-C*(np.array(times)-times[0])/(times[-1]-times[0])))# + np.max(Vmin) 
			#rho = np.linspace(0.1, rho_f, N+1)
			#rho = np.linspace(rho_f/2.0, rho_f, N+1)
			rho = np.linspace(rho_f*3.0, rho_f, N+1)
			fig, ax = plt.subplots()
			fig.suptitle('Rho progression')
			ax.set(xlabel='index', ylabel='rho')
			plt.show(block = False)
			need_to_break = False
			for idx in range(tries):
				print('starting iteration #%d with rho=' %(idx))
				# start of number of iterations if we want
				rhodot = np.diff(rho)/dt
				# sampleCheck()
				Lambda_vec = []
				x_vec = []

				#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
				#fix rho, optimize Lagrange multipliers
				for i in range(N):
					prog = MathematicalProgram()
					x = prog.NewIndeterminates(len(prev_x),'x')
					V = Vs[i].Substitute(dict(zip(prev_x, x)))
					Vdot = Vdots[i].Substitute(dict(zip(prev_x, x)))
					x0 = xtraj.value(times[i]).transpose()[0]
					Ttrans = np.linalg.inv(Ts[i])
					x0 = Ttrans.dot(x0)
					#xmin, vmin, vdmin = self.SampleCheck(x, V, Vdot)
					#if(vdmin > rhodot[i]):
					#	print('Vdot is greater than rhodot!')
					#Lambda = prog.NewSosPolynomial(Variables(x), multiplier_degree)[0].ToExpression()
					Lambda = prog.NewFreePolynomial(Variables(x), multiplier_degree).ToExpression()
					Lambda = Lambda.Substitute(dict(zip(x, x-x0))) # switch to relative state (lambda(xbar)
					gamma = prog.NewContinuousVariables(1,'g')[0] 
					# Jdot-rhodot+Lambda*(rho-J) < -gamma
					prog.AddSosConstraint( -gamma*V - (Vdot-rhodot[i] + Lambda*(rho[i]-V)) ) 
					prog.AddCost(-gamma) #maximize gamma
					result = Solve(prog)
					if result.is_success() == False:
						need_to_break = True
						print('Solver could not solve anymore')
						import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
						slack = result.GetSolution(gamma)
						print('Slack #%d = %f' %(idx, slack))
						if(slack < 0.0):
							print('In iter#%d, found negative slack so going to end prematurely... :(' %(idx))
							need_to_break = True
				if(need_to_break == True):
				# fix Lagrange multipliers, maximize rho
				rhointegral = 0.0
				prog = MathematicalProgram()
				xx = prog.NewIndeterminates(len(x),'x')
				t = prog.NewContinuousVariables(N,'t')
				#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
				#rho = np.concatenate((t,[rho_f])) + Vmin
				rho_x = np.concatenate((t,[rho[-1]])) #+ rho 
				#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
				for i in range(N):
					#prog.AddConstraint(t[i]>=0.0)  # does this mean [prog,rho] = new(prog,N,'pos'); in matlab??
					rhod_x = (rho_x[i+1]-rho_x[i])/dt[i]
					rhointegral = rhointegral+rho_x[i]*dt[i] + 0.5*rhod_x*(dt[i]**2)

					V    = Vs[i].Substitute(dict(zip(prev_x, xx)))
					Vdot = Vdots[i].Substitute(dict(zip(prev_x, xx)))
					#x0   = xtraj.value(times[i]).transpose()[0]
					L1   = Lambda_vec[i].Substitute(dict(zip(x_vec[i], xx)))
					#Vdot = Vdot*rho_x[i] - V*rhod_x
					prog.AddSosConstraint( -(Vdot - rhod_x + L1 * ( rho_x[i]-V ) ) )

				result = Solve(prog)
				assert result.is_success()
				rhos = result.GetSolution(rho_x)
				rho = []
				for r in rhos:
				rhointegral = result.GetSolution(rhointegral).Evaluate()
				if( (rhointegral-prev_rhointegral)/rhointegral < 1E-5): # 0.1%
					print('Rho integral converged')
					need_to_break = True
					prev_rhointegral = rhointegral
					print('End of iteration #%d: rhointegral=%f' %(idx, rhointegral))
					if(need_to_break == True):
						print('In iter#%d, found negative slack so ending prematurely... :(' %(idx))
				# end of iterations if we want
			print('done computing funnel.\nFinal rho= ')
			#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
			for i in range(len(rho)):
				Vs[i] = Vs[i]/rho[i]
			return Vs
Example #16
- A line where you add the SOS constraint described in the "Not quite there yet..." subsection above.
To do this, use the method `AddSosConstraint` of `MathematicalProgram` (same method we've used in the previous case).

- A line where you set the objective function of the SOS program.
Remember that we'd like to maximize `rho`.
To this end, use the method `AddLinearCost` of `MathematicalProgram`, but notice that writing `prog.AddLinearCost(rho)` the variable `rho` will be *minimized*.
Any idea for a quick workaround?
Hint: it shouldn't take more than one character!

# initialize optimization problem
prog2 = MathematicalProgram()

# SOS indeterminates
x = prog2.NewIndeterminates(2, 'x')

# Lyapunov function
V = x.dot(P).dot(x)
V_dot = 2*x.dot(P).dot(f(x))

# degree of the polynomial lambda(x)
# no need to change it, but if you really want to,
# keep l_deg even and do not set l_deg greater than 10
l_deg = 4
assert l_deg % 2 == 0

# SOS Lagrange multipliers
l = prog2.NewSosPolynomial(Variables(x), l_deg)[0].ToExpression()

# level set as optimization variable
Example #17
        def findLyapunovFunctionSOS(self, xtraj, utraj, deg_V, deg_L):
            times = xtraj.get_segment_times()

            prog = MathematicalProgram()

            # Declare the "indeterminates", x. These are the variables which define the polynomials
            x = prog.NewIndeterminates(3, 'x')
            ucon = prog.NewIndeterminates(2, 'u')
            sym_system = self.ToSymbolic()
            sym_context = sym_system.CreateDefaultContext()
            sym_context.FixInputPort(0, ucon)
            f = sym_system.EvalTimeDerivativesTaylor(
                sym_context).CopyToVector()  # - dztrajdt.value(t).transpose()

            for t in times:
                x0 = xtraj.value(t).transpose()[0]
                u0 = utraj.value(t).transpose()[0]

                f_fb = self.EvalClosedLoopDynamics(x, ucon, f, x0, u0)

                # Construct a polynomial V that contains all monomials with s,c,thetadot up to degree n.
                V = prog.NewFreePolynomial(Variables(x), deg_V).ToExpression()
                eps = 1e-4
                constraint1 = prog.AddSosConstraint(
                    V - eps * (x - x0).dot(x - x0)
                )  # constraint to enforce that V is strictly positive away from x0.
                Vdot = V.Jacobian(x).dot(
                )  # Construct the polynomial which is the time derivative of V
                #L = prog.NewFreePolynomial(Variables(x), deg_L).ToExpression() # Construct a polynomial L representing the
                # "Lagrange multiplier".
                # Add a constraint that Vdot is strictly negative away from x0
                constraint2 = prog.AddSosConstraint(-Vdot[0] - eps *
                                                    (x - x0).dot(x - x0))
                #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
                # Add V(0) = 0 constraint
                constraint3 = prog.AddLinearConstraint(
                        x[0]: 0.0,
                        x[1]: 1.0,
                        x[2]: 0.0
                    }) == 1.0)
                # Add V(theta=xxx) = 1, just to set the scale.
                constraint4 = prog.AddLinearConstraint(
                        x[0]: 1.0,
                        x[1]: 0.0,
                        x[2]: 0.0
                    }) == 1.0)
                # Call the solver (default).
                #result = Solve(prog)
                # Call the solver (specific).
                #solver = CsdpSolver()
                #solver = ScsSolver()
                #solver = IpoptSolver()
                #result = solver.Solve(prog, None, None)
                result = Solve(prog)
                # print out the result.
                print("Success? ", result.is_success())

                Vsol = Polynomial(result.GetSolution(V))

                print('Time t=%f:\nV=' % (t))

            return Vsol, Vsol.Jacobian(x).dot(f_fb)
Example #18
    def __init__(self, start, goal, degree, n_segments, duration, regions,
                 H):  #sample_times, num_vars, continuity_degree):
        R = len(regions)
        N = n_segments
        M = 100
        prog = MathematicalProgram()

        # Set H
        if H is None:
            H = prog.NewBinaryVariables(R, N)
            for n_idx in range(N):
                prog.AddLinearConstraint(np.sum(H[:, n_idx]) == 1)

        poly_xs, poly_ys, poly_zs = [], [], []
        vars_ = np.zeros((N, )).astype(object)
        for n_idx in range(N):
            # for each segment
            t = prog.NewIndeterminates(1, "t" + str(n_idx))
            vars_[n_idx] = t[0]
            poly_x = prog.NewFreePolynomial(Variables(t), degree,
                                            "c_x_" + str(n_idx))
            poly_y = prog.NewFreePolynomial(Variables(t), degree,
                                            "c_y_" + str(n_idx))
            poly_z = prog.NewFreePolynomial(Variables(t), degree,
                                            "c_z_" + str(n_idx))
            for var_ in poly_x.decision_variables():
                prog.AddLinearConstraint(var_ <= M)
                prog.AddLinearConstraint(var_ >= -M)
            for var_ in poly_y.decision_variables():
                prog.AddLinearConstraint(var_ <= M)
                prog.AddLinearConstraint(var_ >= -M)
            for var_ in poly_z.decision_variables():
                prog.AddLinearConstraint(var_ <= M)
                prog.AddLinearConstraint(var_ >= -M)
            phi = np.array([poly_x, poly_y, poly_z])
            for r_idx, region in enumerate(regions):
                # if r_idx == 0:
                #     break
                A = region[0]
                b = region[1]
                b = b + (1 - H[r_idx, n_idx]) * M
                b = [Polynomial(this_b) for this_b in b]
                q = b - A.dot(phi)
                sigma = []
                for q_idx in range(len(q)):
                    sigma_1 = prog.NewFreePolynomial(Variables(t), degree - 1)
                    sigma_2 = prog.NewFreePolynomial(Variables(t), degree - 1)
                        Polynomial(t[0]) * sigma_1 +
                        (1 - Polynomial(t[0])) * sigma_2)
                    # for var_ in sigma[q_idx].decision_variables():
                    #     prog.AddLinearConstraint(var_<=M)
                    #     prog.AddLinearConstraint(var_>=-M)
                    q_coeffs = q[q_idx].monomial_to_coefficient_map()
                    sigma_coeffs = sigma[q_idx].monomial_to_coefficient_map()
                    both_coeffs = set(q_coeffs.keys()) & set(
                    for coeff in both_coeffs:
                        # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
                            q_coeffs[coeff] == sigma_coeffs[coeff])
                # res = Solve(prog)
                # print("x: " + str(res.GetSolution(poly_xs[0].ToExpression())))
                # print("y: " + str(res.GetSolution(poly_ys[0].ToExpression())))
                # print("z: " + str(res.GetSolution(poly_zs[0].ToExpression())))
                # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
                # for this_q in q:
                #     prog.AddSosConstraint(this_q)
                # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

        # cost = 0
        print("Constraint: x0(0)=x0")
            poly_xs[0].ToExpression().Substitute(vars_[0], 0.0) == start[0])
            poly_ys[0].ToExpression().Substitute(vars_[0], 0.0) == start[1])
            poly_zs[0].ToExpression().Substitute(vars_[0], 0.0) == start[2])
        for idx, poly_x, poly_y, poly_z in zip(range(N), poly_xs, poly_ys,
            if idx < N - 1:
                print("Constraint: x" + str(idx) + "(1)=x" + str(idx + 1) +
                next_poly_x, next_poly_y, next_poly_z = poly_xs[
                    idx + 1], poly_ys[idx + 1], poly_zs[idx + 1]
                    poly_x.ToExpression().Substitute(vars_[idx], 1.0) ==
                    next_poly_x.ToExpression().Substitute(vars_[idx + 1], 0.0))
                    poly_y.ToExpression().Substitute(vars_[idx], 1.0) ==
                    next_poly_y.ToExpression().Substitute(vars_[idx + 1], 0.0))
                    poly_z.ToExpression().Substitute(vars_[idx], 1.0) ==
                    next_poly_z.ToExpression().Substitute(vars_[idx + 1], 0.0))
                print("Constraint: x" + str(idx) + "(1)=xf")
                    vars_[idx], 1.0) == goal[0])
                    vars_[idx], 1.0) == goal[1])
                    vars_[idx], 1.0) == goal[2])

            # for

        cost = Expression()
        for var_, polys in zip(vars_, [poly_xs, poly_ys, poly_zs]):
            for poly in polys:
                for _ in range(2):  #range(2):
                    poly = poly.Differentiate(var_)
                poly = poly.ToExpression().Substitute({var_: 1.0})
                cost += poly**2
                # for dv in poly.decision_variables():
                #     cost += (Expression(dv))**2

        res = Solve(prog)

        print("x: " + str(res.GetSolution(poly_xs[0].ToExpression())))
        print("y: " + str(res.GetSolution(poly_ys[0].ToExpression())))
        print("z: " + str(res.GetSolution(poly_zs[0].ToExpression())))

        self.poly_xs = [
            res.GetSolution(poly_x.ToExpression()) for poly_x in poly_xs
        self.poly_ys = [
            res.GetSolution(poly_y.ToExpression()) for poly_y in poly_ys
        self.poly_zs = [
            res.GetSolution(poly_z.ToExpression()) for poly_z in poly_zs
        self.vars_ = vars_
        self.degree = degree
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from pydrake.all import MathematicalProgram, Solve, Variables
from pydrake.symbolic import Polynomial
from pydrake.examples.pendulum import PendulumParams

prog = MathematicalProgram()

# Declare the "indeterminates", x.  These are the variables which define the
# polynomials, but are NOT decision variables in the optimization.  We will
# add constraints below that must hold FOR ALL x.
s = prog.NewIndeterminates(1, 's')[0]
c = prog.NewIndeterminates(1, 'c')[0]
v = prog.NewIndeterminates(1, 'v')[0]
theta = prog.NewIndeterminates(1, 'theta')[0]
ua = prog.NewIndeterminates(1, 'ua')[0]
uw = prog.NewIndeterminates(1, 'uw')[0]
x = np.array([s, c, v, theta])

# Write out the dynamics in terms of sin(theta), cos(theta), and thetadot
f = [-s * uw, c * uw, ua, uw]

# The fixed-point in this coordinate (because cos(0)=1).
x0 = np.array([0, 1, 0])

# Construct a polynomial V that contains all monomials with s,c,thetadot up
# to degree 2.
deg_V = 2
V = prog.NewFreePolynomial(Variables(x), deg_V).ToExpression()
Example #20
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from pydrake.all import MathematicalProgram, Solve, Variables
from pydrake.symbolic import Polynomial
from pydrake.examples.pendulum import PendulumParams

prog = MathematicalProgram()

# Declare the "indeterminates", x.  These are the variables which define the
# polynomials, but are NOT decision variables in the optimization.  We will
# add constraints below that must hold FOR ALL x.
s = prog.NewIndeterminates(1, "s")[0]
c = prog.NewIndeterminates(1, "c")[0]
thetadot = prog.NewIndeterminates(1, "thetadot")[0]
# TODO(russt): bind the sugar methods so I can write
#  x = prog.NewIndeterminates(["s", "c", "thetadot"])
x = np.array([s, c, thetadot])

# Write out the dynamics in terms of sin(theta), cos(theta), and thetadot
p = PendulumParams()
f = [
    c * thetadot, -s * thetadot,
    (-p.damping() * thetadot - p.mass() * p.gravity() * p.length() * s) /
    (p.mass() * p.length() * p.length())

# The fixed-point in this coordinate (because cos(0)=1).
x0 = np.array([0, 1, 0])

# Construct a polynomial V that contains all monomials with s,c,thetadot up
Example #21
from pydrake.all import MathematicalProgram, Solve

prog = MathematicalProgram()
x = prog.NewIndeterminates(2, "x")
f = [-x[0] - 2 * x[1]**2, -x[1] - x[0] * x[1] - 2 * x[1]**3]

V = x[0]**2 + 2 * x[1]**2
Vdot = V.Jacobian(x).dot(f)


result = Solve(prog)
assert result.is_success()

print("Successfully verified Lyapunov candidate")
		def RegionOfAttraction(self, xtraj, utraj, V=None):
			# Construct a polynomial V that contains all monomials with s,c,thetadot up to degree 2.
			#deg_V = 2
			do_normalization = False
			do_balancing     = False #True
			do_use_Slti      = True
			# Construct a polynomial L representing the "Lagrange multiplier".
			deg_L = 4
			taylor_order = 3
			Q  = 10.0*np.eye(self.nX)
			R  = 1.0*np.eye(self.nU)
			Qf = 1.0*np.eye(self.nX)
			rho_f = 1.0
			xdotraj = xtraj.derivative(1)
			# set some constraints on inputs
			#context.FixInputPort(0, utraj.value(utraj.end_time()))

			#x0 = context.get_continuous_state_vector().CopyToVector()
			#if(xdotraj is None):
			#	xdotraj = xtraj.Derivative(1)
			# Check that x0 is a "fixed point" (on the trajectory).
			#xdot0 = self.EvalTimeDerivatives(context).CopyToVector()
			#assert np.allclose(xdot0, xdotraj), "context does not describe valid path."   #0*xdot0), 
			prog = MathematicalProgram()
			x = prog.NewIndeterminates(self.nX, 'x')
			ucon = prog.NewIndeterminates(self.nU, 'u')
			#sym_system = self.ToSymbolic()
			#sym_context = sym_system.CreateDefaultContext()
			#sym_context.FixInputPort(0, ucon )
			#f = sym_system.EvalTimeDerivativesTaylor(sym_context).CopyToVector() 
			times = xtraj.get_segment_times()
			all_V   = [] #might be transformed
			all_Vd  = [] #might be transformed
			all_Vd2 = [] 
			all_fcl = [] #might be transformed
			all_T   = [] #might be transformed
			all_x0  = [] #might be transformed
			sumV = 0.0
			zero_map = dict(zip(x,np.zeros(self.nX)))
				# get the final ROA to be the initial condition (of t=end) of the S from Ricatti)
				for tf in [times[-1]]:
					#tf = times[-1]
					xf = xtraj.value(tf).transpose()[0]
					xdf = xdotraj.value(tf).transpose()[0]
					uf = utraj.value(tf).transpose()[0]
					Af, Bf = self.PlantDerivatives(xf, uf) #0.0*uf)
					Kf, __ = LinearQuadraticRegulator(Af, Bf, Q, R)
					# get a polynomial representation of f_closedloop, xdot = f_cl(x)
					# where x is actually in rel. coord.
					f_Lcl   = self.EvalClosedLoopDynamics(x, ucon, xf, uf, xdf, Kf, order=1) # linearization CL
					Af     = Evaluate(Jacobian(f_Lcl, x), zero_map) # because this is rel. coord.
					Qf 	   = RealContinuousLyapunovEquation(Af, Q)
					f_cl   = self.EvalClosedLoopDynamics(x, ucon, xf, uf, xdf, Kf, order=taylor_order) # for dynamics CL
					# make sure Lyapunov candidate is pd
					if (self.isPositiveDefinite(Qf)==False):
						assert False, '******\nQf is not PD for t=%f\n******' %(tf)
					Vf = (x-xf).transpose().dot(Qf.dot((x-xf)))

					#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
						#coeffs = Polynomial(Vf).monomial_to_coefficient_map().values()
						#sumV = 0.
						#for coeff in coeffs:
						#	sumV = sumV + np.abs(coeff.Evaluate())
						sumV = Vf.Evaluate(dict(zip(x, xf+np.ones(self.nX)))) #do: V(1,1,...)=1
						Vf = Vf / sumV  #normalize coefficient sum to one
						Qf = Qf / sumV

					Vfdot = Vf.Jacobian(x).dot(f_cl) # we're just doing the static final point to get Rho_f
					#H = Evaluate(0.5*Jacobian(Vfdot.Jacobian(x),x), zero_map)
					#if (self.isPositiveDefinite(-H)==False):
					#	assert False, '******\nVdot is not ND at the end point, for t=%f\n******' %(tf)

						#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
						S1 = Evaluate(0.5*Jacobian(Vf.Jacobian(x),x), zero_map)
						S2 = Evaluate(0.5*Jacobian(Vfdot.Jacobian(x),x), zero_map)
						T = self.balanceQuadraticForm(S1, S2)
						balanced_x = T.dot(x)
						balance_map = dict(zip(x, balanced_x))
						Vf = Vf.Substitute(balance_map)
						Vfdot = Vfdot.Substitute(balance_map)
						for i in range(len(f_cl)):
							f_cl[i] = f_cl[i].Substitute(balance_map)
						xf = np.linalg.inv(T).dot(xf) #the new coordinates of the equilibrium point

					rhomin = 0.0
					rhomax = 1.0

					#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
					#deg_L = Polynomial(Vfdot).TotalDegree()
					# First bracket the solution
					while self.CheckLevelSet(x, xf, Vf, Vfdot, rhomax, multiplier_degree=deg_L) > 0:
						rhomin = rhomax
						rhomax = 1.2*rhomax

					#print('Rho_max = %f' %(rhomax))
					tolerance = 1e-4
					slack = -1.0
					while rhomax - rhomin > tolerance:
						rho_f = (rhomin + rhomax)/2
						slack = self.CheckLevelSet(x, xf, Vf, Vfdot, rho_f, multiplier_degree=deg_L)
						if  slack >= 0:
							rhomin = rho_f
							rhomax = rho_f

					rho_f = (rhomin + rhomax)/2
					rho_f = rho_f*0.8 # just to be on the safe-side. REMOVE WHEN WORKING
					print('Rho_final(t=%f) = %f; slack=%f' %(tf, rho_f, slack))
					#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
			#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
			# end of getting initial conditions
			if V is None:
				# Do optimization to find the Lyapunov candidate.
				#print('******\nRunning SOS to find Lyapunov function ...') 
				#V, Vdot = self.findLyapunovFunctionSOS(xtraj, utraj, deg_V, deg_L)
				# or Do tvlqr to get S
				print('******\nRunning TVLQR ...')
				K, S  = self.TVLQR(xtraj, utraj, Q, R, Qf) 
				#S0 = S.value(times[-1]).reshape(self.nX, self.nX)
				for t in times:
					x0 = xtraj.value(t).transpose()[0]
					xd0 = xdotraj.value(t).transpose()[0]
					u0 = utraj.value(t).transpose()[0]
					K0 = K.value(t).reshape(self.nU, self.nX)
					S0 = S.value(t).reshape(self.nX, self.nX)
					S0d = S.derivative(1).value(t).reshape(self.nX, self.nX) # Sdot
					# make sure Lyapunov candidate is pd
					if (self.isPositiveDefinite(S0)==False):
						assert False, '******\nS is not PD for t=%f\n******' %(t)
					# for debugging
					#S0 = np.eye(self.nX)
					#V = x.dot(S0.dot(x))
					V = (x-x0).transpose().dot(S0.dot((x-x0)))
					# normalization of the lyapunov function
						#coeffs = Polynomial(V).monomial_to_coefficient_map().values()
						#sumV = 0.
						#for coeff in coeffs:
						#	sumV = sumV + np.abs(coeff.Evaluate())
						#sumV = V.Evaluate(dict(zip(x, x0+np.ones(self.nX)))) #do: V(1,1,...)=1
						V = V / sumV  #normalize coefficient sum to one
					# get a polynomial representation of f_closedloop, xdot = f_cl(x)
					f_cl = self.EvalClosedLoopDynamics(x, ucon, x0, u0, xd0, K0, order=taylor_order)
					#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
					# vdot = x'*Sdot*x + dV/dx*fcl_poly
					#Vdot = (x.transpose().dot(S0d)).dot(x) + V.Jacobian(x).dot(f_cl(xbar)) 
					Vdot = ((x-x0).transpose().dot(S0d)).dot((x-x0)) + V.Jacobian(x).dot(f_cl) 
					#deg_L = np.max([Polynomial(Vdot).TotalDegree(), deg_L])
						#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
						S1 = Evaluate(0.5*Jacobian(V.Jacobian(x),x), zero_map)
						S2 = Evaluate(0.5*Jacobian(Vdot.Jacobian(x),x), zero_map)
						T = self.balanceQuadraticForm(S1, S2)
						balanced_x = T.dot(x)
						balance_map = dict(zip(x, balanced_x))
						V = V.Substitute(balance_map)
						Vdot = Vdot.Substitute(balance_map)
						for i in range(len(f_cl)):
							f_cl[i] = f_cl[i].Substitute(balance_map)
						x0 = np.linalg.inv(T).dot(x0) #the new coordinates of the equilibrium point
						T = np.eye(self.nX)
					# store it for later use
			for i in range(len(times)-1):
				xd0 = xdotraj.value(times[i]).transpose()[0]
				Vdot = (all_V[i+1]-all_V[i])/(times[i+1]-times[i]) + all_V[i].Jacobian(x).dot(all_fcl[i]) 
			#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
			#rho_f = 1.0
			# time-varying PolynomialLyapunovFunction who's one-level set defines the verified invariant region
			V = self.TimeVaryingLyapunovSearchRho(x, all_V, all_Vd, all_T, times, xtraj, utraj, rho_f, \
			# Check Hessian of Vdot at origin
			#H = Evaluate(0.5*Jacobian(Vdot.Jacobian(x),x), dict(zip(x, x0)))
			#assert isPositiveDefinite(-H), "Vdot is not negative definite at the fixed point."
			return V
Example #23
	fmin = -xmin.T.dot(H).dot(xmin) + c  # since b = -2*H*xmin
	assert fmin <= 1, "The minimum value is > 1; there is no sub-level set " \
			  "to plot"

	# To plot the contour at f = (x-xmin)'H(x-xmin) + fmin = 1,
	# we make a circle of values y, such that: y'y = 1-fmin,
	th = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, vertices)
	Y = np.sqrt(1-fmin)*np.vstack([np.sin(th), np.cos(th)])
	# then choose L'*(x - xmin) = y, where H = LL'.
	L = np.linalg.cholesky(H)
	X = np.tile(xmin, vertices) + np.linalg.inv(np.transpose(L)).dot(Y)

	return ax.fill(X[0, :]+x0[0], X[1, :]+x0[1], color=color)
prog = MathematicalProgram()
x    = prog.NewIndeterminates(2, 'x')  
V1   = prog.NewSosPolynomial(Variables(x), 2)[0].ToExpression()
V2   = prog.NewSosPolynomial(Variables(x), 2)[0].ToExpression()

a = 0.5*Jacobian(V1.Jacobian(x),x) 
b = 0.5*Jacobian(V2.Jacobian(x),x) 

pxi = np.array([[-0.5,-0.5], [-0.5, 0.5], [0.5,0.5], [0.5,-0.5]])
for pt in pxi:
	prog.AddConstraint( pt.T.dot(a).dot(pt) <= 1.0)
	prog.AddConstraint( pt.T.dot(b).dot(pt) <= 1.0)
pxi = np.array([[0.0, 1.0] ])
prog.AddConstraint( pxi[-1].T.dot(b).dot(pxi[-1]) <= 1.0)

#!/usr/bin/env python

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from pydrake.all import MathematicalProgram, Solve, Variables
from pydrake.symbolic import Polynomial
from pydrake.examples.pendulum import PendulumParams

prog = MathematicalProgram()

# Declare the "indeterminates", x.  These are the variables which define the
# polynomials, but are NOT decision variables in the optimization.  We will
# add constraints below that must hold FOR ALL x.
s = prog.NewIndeterminates(1, 's')[0]
c = prog.NewIndeterminates(1, 'c')[0]
thetadot = prog.NewIndeterminates(1, 'thetadot')[0]
# TODO(russt): bind the sugar methods so I can write
#  x = prog.NewIndeterminates(['s','c','thetadot'])
x = np.array([s, c, thetadot])

# Write out the dynamics in terms of sin(theta), cos(theta), and thetadot
p = PendulumParams()
f = [c*thetadot, -s*thetadot,
     (-p.damping()*thetadot - p.mass()*p.gravity()*p.length()*s) /

# The fixed-point in this coordinate (because cos(0)=1).
x0 = np.array([0, 1, 0])

# Construct a polynomial V that contains all monomials with s,c,thetadot up