def test_directed(sim_cls): drv(t=Uint[4], seq=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]) \ | unary(sim_cls=sim_cls) \ | check(ref=[0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x07, 0x0f, 0x1f, 0x3f, 0x7f, 0xff]) sim()
def fir_sim(impl, t_b, seq, do_cosim, target='build/fir'): # get 'b' factors b = firwin(8, [0.05, 0.95], width=0.05, pass_zero=False) b_fixp = [t_b(i) for i in b] # get result res = np.convolve(seq, b) # saturate the results value to filter output type if needed for i, r in enumerate(res): res[i] = fixp_sat(t_b, r) # driving drv(t=t_b, seq=seq) \ | impl(b=b_fixp) \ | Float \ | check(ref=res[:len(seq)], cmp=fir_compare) # optionally generate HDL code do co-simulation in verilator if do_cosim: cosim(f'{impl}', 'verilator', outdir=target, timeout=1000) # simulation start sim(target, check_activity=False) return res
def test_uint(sim_cls): res = drv(t=Uint[8], seq=[0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4]) >> 4 assert res.dtype == Uint[4] res | check(ref=[0xa] * 4) find('/shr').params['sim_cls'] = sim_cls sim()
def test_int_logical(sim_cls): inp = drv(t=Int[9], seq=[-0xa1, -0xa2, -0xa3, -0xa4]) res = (inp >> Uint) >> 4 res | check(ref=[(-0xa1 & 0x1ff) >> 4] * 4) find('/shr').params['sim_cls'] = sim_cls sim()
def test_int(sim_cls): res = drv(t=Int[9], seq=[-0xa1, -0xa2, -0xa3, -0xa4]) >> 4 assert res.dtype == Int[5] res | check(ref=[-0xb] * 4) find('/shr').params['sim_cls'] = sim_cls sim()
def test_uint(cosim_cls): res = drv(t=Uint[4], seq=[0xa, 0xb, 0xc, 0xd]) << 4 assert res.dtype == Uint[8] res | check(ref=[0xa0, 0xb0, 0xc0, 0xd0]) find('/shl').params['sim_cls'] = cosim_cls sim()
def test_int(sim_cls): res = drv(t=Int[5], seq=[-0xa, -0xb, -0xc, -0xd]) << 4 assert res.dtype == Int[9] res | check(ref=[-0xa0, -0xb0, -0xc0, -0xd0]) find('/shl').params['sim_cls'] = sim_cls sim()
def test_fir_direct(tmpdir, impl): b = firwin(8, [0.05, 0.95], width=0.05, pass_zero=False) t_b = Fixp[1, 15] b_fixp = [t_b(i) for i in b] x = np.random.random(size=(10, )) res = np.convolve(x, b) drv(t=t_b, seq=x) \ | impl(b=b_fixp) \ | Float \ | check(ref=res[:len(x)], cmp=lambda x, y: abs(x-y) < 1e-3) sim(tmpdir, check_activity=False)
def iir_sim(impl, t_coef, t_in, t_out, seq, target='build/iir', do_cosim=False): # create SOS referent filter and factors sos = signal.butter(N=5, Wn=30000 / 100000, btype='lowpass', analog=False, output='sos') # get a,b coefficient from the created filter a, b = [], [] for s in sos: b.append(list(s[0:3])) a.append(list(s[3:])) # convert coefficient to wanted Fixp type b = [[t_coef(coef) for coef in section] for section in b] a = [[t_coef(coef) for coef in section] for section in a] log.debug(f'Generated B coeff: {b}') log.debug(f'Generated A coeff: {a}') gain = [t_in(1)] * len(b) ref = signal.sosfilt(sos, seq) # fp_ref = [float(r) for r in ref] # saturate the results value to filter output type if needed for i, r in enumerate(ref): ref[i] = fixp_sat(t_out, float(r)) log.debug(f'Generated sequence: {seq}') log.debug(f'Refferenc result: {ref}') drv(t=t_in, seq=seq) \ | impl(a=a, b=b, gain=gain, ogain=t_in(1)) \ | Float \ | check(ref=ref[:len(seq)], cmp=iir_compare) # optionally generate HDL code do co-simulation in verilator if do_cosim: cosim(f'{impl}', 'verilator', outdir=target, timeout=1000) sim(target, check_activity=False) return ref
def test_iir_direct(tmpdir, impl, seed, do_cosim): reg['sim/rand_seed'] = seed random.seed(reg['sim/rand_seed']) f'Running test_fir_direct tmpdir: {tmpdir}, impl: {impl}, seed: {seed}' ) reg['sim/clk_freq'] = 100000 t = list(range(reg['sim/clk_freq']))[0:100] fs = reg['sim/clk_freq'] f1 = 1000 f2 = 70000 seq = [] for n in t: seq.append(1 * sin(2 * pi * f1 / fs * n) + 0.1 * sin(2 * pi * f2 / fs * n)) sos = signal.butter(N=5, Wn=30000 / 100000, btype='lowpass', analog=False, output='sos') a, b = [], [] for s in sos: b.append(list(s[0:3])) a.append(list(s[3:])) t_coef = Fixp[5, 32] b = [[t_coef(coef) for coef in section] for section in b] a = [[t_coef(coef) for coef in section] for section in a] gain = [Fixp[2, 23](1)] * len(b) ref = signal.sosfilt(sos, seq) fp_ref = [float(r) for r in ref] log.debug(f'Generated sequence: {seq}') drv(t=Fixp[5, 24], seq=seq) \ | impl(a=a, b=b, gain=gain, ogain=Fixp[5, 24](1)) \ | Float \ | check(ref=fp_ref[:len(seq)], cmp=lambda x, y: abs(x - y) < 1e-3) if do_cosim: cosim(f'{impl}', 'verilator', outdir=tmpdir, timeout=1000) sim(tmpdir, check_activity=False)
def test_iir_direct(tmpdir, impl): config['sim/clk_freq'] = 100000 t = list(range(config['sim/clk_freq']))[0:100] fs = config['sim/clk_freq'] f1 = 1000 f2 = 70000 seq = [] for n in t: seq.append(1 * sin(2 * pi * f1 / fs * n) + 0.1 * sin(2 * pi * f2 / fs * n)) sos = signal.butter(N=5, Wn=30000 / 100000, btype='lowpass', analog=False, output='sos') a, b = [], [] for s in sos: b.append(list(s[0:3])) a.append(list(s[3:])) t_coef = Fixp[2, 32] b = [[t_coef(coef) for coef in section] for section in b] a = [[t_coef(coef) for coef in section] for section in a] gain = [Fixp[1, 23](1)] * len(b) ref = signal.sosfilt(sos, seq) fp_ref = [float(r) for r in ref] drv(t=Fixp[5, 24], seq=seq) \ | impl(a=a,b=b, gain=gain, ogain=1) \ | Float \ | check(ref=fp_ref[:len(seq)], cmp=lambda x, y: abs(x-y) < 1e-3) sim(tmpdir, check_activity=False)
from pygears.lib import drv, check, rng, flatten, decouple from pygears.typing import Uint rng_vals = drv(t=Uint[4], seq=[6]) | rng | flatten rng_vals_incr = (rng_vals | decouple) + 1 rng_vals_incr | check(ref=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
from pygears.lib import qdeal, check, drv from pygears.typing import Uint, Queue seq = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]] din = drv(t=Queue[Uint[4], 2], seq=[seq]) do1, do2 = din | qdeal(num=2, lvl=1) do1 | check(ref=[[1, 2], [5, 6]]) do2 | check(ref=[[3, 4], [7, 8]])
from pygears.lib import drv, check, chop from pygears.typing import Uint, Queue drv(t=Queue[Uint[4]], seq=[list(range(10))]) \ | chop(size=4) \ | check(ref=[list(range(4)), list(range(4, 8)), list(range(8, 10))])
from pygears.lib import check, drv, flatten from pygears.typing import Uint, Queue seq = [[[0, 1], [10, 11]], [[100, 101], [110, 111]]] ref = [[0, 1, 10, 11], [100, 101, 110, 111]] drv(t=Queue[Uint[8], 3], seq=[seq]) \ | flatten \ | check(ref=[ref])
from pygears.lib import drv, check from pygears.typing import Uint a = drv(t=Uint[4], seq=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) b = drv(t=Uint[4], seq=[4, 4, 4, 4, 4]) (a > b) | check(ref=[False, False, False, False, True])
from pygears.lib import qcnt, check, drv from pygears.typing import Uint, Queue drv(t=Queue[Uint[4]], seq=[[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]) \ | qcnt \ | check(ref=[5])
from pygears.lib import drv, check from pygears.typing import Uint a = drv(t=Uint[4], seq=[0, 1, 2]) b = drv(t=Uint[4], seq=[0, 1, 2]) (a + b) | check(ref=[0, 2, 4])
# generate random inputs x = np.random.random(size=(10, )) # calculated expected outputs ref = np.convolve(x, b_coef) # saturate the results value to filter output type if needed for i, r in enumerate(ref): ref[i] = fixp_sat(b_coef_type, float(r)) try: if test_sel == 0: drv(t=b_coef_type, seq=x) \ | fir_direct(b=b_coef_fixp) \ | Float \ | check(ref=ref[:len(x)], cmp=lambda x, y: abs(x-y) < 1e-3) if enable_svgen: cosim('fir_direct', 'verilator', outdir='../../outputs/fir/rtl', timeout=1000) else: drv(t=b_coef_type, seq=x) \ | fir_transposed(b=b_coef_fixp) \ | Float \ | check(ref=ref[:len(x)], cmp=lambda x, y: abs(x-y) < 1e-3) if enable_svgen: cosim('fir_transposed', 'verilator',
from pygears.lib import drv, check, cart from pygears.typing import Queue, Uint op1 = drv(t=Queue[Uint[5]], seq=[[10, 11, 12], [20, 21, 22]]) op2 = drv(t=Uint[1], seq=[0, 1]) cart(op1, op2) | check(ref=[[(10, 0), (11, 0), (12, 0)], [(20, 1), (21, 1), (22, 1)]])
from pygears.lib import replicate, check, drv from pygears.typing import Uint drv(t=Uint[4], seq=[5]) \ | replicate(4) \ | check(ref=[[5, 5, 5, 5]])
from pygears import datagear from pygears.lib import filt, drv, check from pygears.typing import Queue, Uint, Bool @datagear def even(x: Uint) -> Bool: return not x[0] drv(t=Queue[Uint[8]], seq=[[0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9]]) \ | filt(f=even) \ | check(ref=[[0]])
from pygears.lib import group, check, drv from pygears.typing import Uint size = drv(t=Uint[3], seq=[3, 4]) drv(t=Uint[4], seq=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) \ | group(size=size) \ | check(ref=[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7]])
from pygears.lib import drv, check from pygears.typing import Uint a = drv(t=Uint[4], seq=[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]) (a % 3) | check(ref=[0, 2, 1, 0, 2])
def test_sin_signed(sim_cls): drv(t=Fixp[2, 16], seq=[math.pi/12*i for i in range(-6, 5)]) \ | funclut(f=math.sin, sim_cls=sim_cls) \ | check(ref=[math.sin(math.pi/12*i) for i in range(-6, 5)], cmp=lambda x, y: abs(x-y) <= 1) sim()
from pygears.lib import check, mux, drv from pygears.typing import Uint ctrl = drv(t=Uint[2], seq=[0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]) a = drv(t=Uint[4], seq=[10, 11]) b = drv(t=Uint[5], seq=[20, 21]) c = drv(t=Uint[6], seq=[30, 31]) mux(ctrl, a, b, c) \ | check(ref=[(10, 0), (20, 1), (30, 2), (11, 0), (21, 1), (31, 2)])
def test_sqrt(sim_cls): drv(t=Ufixp[8, 8], seq=[0, 4, 64, 121]) \ | funclut(f=math.sqrt, precision=4, sim_cls=sim_cls) \ | check(ref=[0, 2, 8, 11]) sim()
from pygears.lib import reduce, drv, check from pygears.typing import Queue, Uint (drv(t=Queue[Uint[8]], seq=[[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]]), drv(t=Uint[8], seq=[1])) \ | reduce(f=lambda x, y: (x << 1) | y) \ | check(ref=[0xaa])
from pygears.lib import qcnt, check, drv from pygears.typing import Uint, Queue drv(t=Queue[Uint[4]], seq=[[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]) \ | qcnt(running=True) \ | check(ref=[[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]])
from pygears.lib import drv, check, czip from pygears.typing import Queue, Uint x = drv(t=Queue[Uint[5]], seq=[[10, 11], [13, 14, 15]]) y = drv(t=Queue[Uint[5]], seq=[[20, 21, 22], [23, 24]]) czip(x, y) | check(ref=[[(10, 20), (11, 22)], [(13, 23), (15, 24)]])