def p0_1s2(): pl.clf() ourdat = pl.loadtxt('1p0_1s2_J1.dat') ax1 = pl.axes() pl.figure(1, figsize=(8, 6), facecolor='white') # pl.plot(20.0, 4.7, 'gs', ms=7) # pl.plot(20.0, 1.4, 'bo', ms=7) label = '1p0' r'$\rightarrow$' '1s2 ' '($\Delta J=1)$' # pl.plot(ourdat[:,0], ourdat[:,1], 'r--', ms=7, label=label) pl.plot(ourdat[:,0], ourdat[:,2], 'b', ms=7, label=label) # pl.plot(ourdat[:,0], ourdat[:,3], 'g-.', ms=7) zatsdat = pl.loadtxt('../zats_figs/zats_1s2.dat') pl.plot(zatsdat[:,0], zatsdat[:,1], 'ro',) pl.plot(zatsdat[:,2], zatsdat[:,3], 'y*', ms=9, lw=5) # Hoshino pl.plot(zatsdat[:,4], zatsdat[:,5], 'mp', ms=7, lw=5) # Khakoo pl.plot(zatsdat[:,6], zatsdat[:,7], 'gs', ms=7, lw=5) # Filopivic pl.plot(zatsdat[:,8], zatsdat[:,9], 'cD', ms=9, lw=5) # Chutjian pl.legend(loc=1, frameon=False, scatterpoints=0) pl.xlim([12,35]) # pl.ylim([0,5]) pl.xlabel('Energy (eV)', fontsize=16) pl.ylabel('Cross section (MB)', fontsize=16) pl.savefig('1p0-1s2_J1_plot.eps') return
def plot1(cursor): dage,dew,dmf,dM=gettable(cursor,cols='age,Ha_w,Massfrac,Mr',where='agn=0 AND Mr>-20 and Massfrac NOTNULL',table='sball') gage,gew,gmf,gM=gettable(cursor,cols='age,Ha_w,Massfrac,Mr',where='agn=0 AND Mr<-20 and Massfrac NOTNULL',table='sball') limit1x,limit1y=P.loadtxt('/home/tom/projekte/sdss/ages/mixred0',unpack=True)[:2] limit2x,limit2y=P.loadtxt('/home/tom/projekte/sdss/ages/mixblue0',unpack=True)[:2] ax1=P.subplot(1,2,1) P.title(r'$\mathrm{Dwarfs,}\,\, M_r > -20$') P.loglog(limit1x,limit1y,'--k',linewidth=2) P.loglog(limit2x,limit2y,'-k',linewidth=2) P.scatter(dage,dew*dcf,c=dmf,vmin=0,vmax=0.05,label='Age, M>-20',alpha=0.2,,lw=1) P.xlabel(r'$\mathrm{Burst\, age}$') P.ylabel(r'$\mathrm{EW}(H\alpha)$') P.plot([1E6,1E10],[150,150],'k-.',lw=2) P.axis([4E6,2E9,55,9E2]) P.subplot(1,2,2) P.title(r'$M_r < -20$') P.loglog(limit1x,limit1y,'--k',linewidth=2) P.loglog(limit2x,limit2y,'-k',linewidth=2) P.scatter(gage,gew*gcf,c=gmf,vmin=0,vmax=0.05,label='Age, M<-20',alpha=0.2,,lw=1) P.xlabel(r'$\mathrm{Burst\, age}$') P.plot([1E6,1E10],[150,150],'k-.',lw=2) P.axis([4E6,2E9,55,9E2]) P.setp(P.gca(),'yticklabels',[]) P.subplots_adjust(wspace=0)
def p0_2p1(): pl.clf() ourdat = pl.loadtxt('1p0_2p1_J0.dat') ax1 = pl.axes() pl.figure(1, figsize=(8, 6), facecolor='white') # pl.plot(20.0, 5.0, 'gs', ms=7) # pl.plot(20.0, 5.2, 'bv', ms=7) # pl.plot(20.0, 2.7, 'bo', ms=7) label = '1p0' r'$\rightarrow$' '2p1 ' '($\Delta J=0)$' # pl.plot(ourdat[:,0], ourdat[:,1], 'r--', ms=7, label=label) pl.plot(ourdat[:,0], ourdat[:,2], 'b', ms=7, label=label) # pl.plot(ourdat[:,0], ourdat[:,3], 'g-.', ms=7) zatsdat = pl.loadtxt('../zats_figs/zats_2p1.dat') pl.plot(zatsdat[:,0], zatsdat[:,1]/10, 'ro',) pl.plot(zatsdat[:,2], zatsdat[:,3]/10, 'k^', ms=7, lw=5) pl.plot(zatsdat[:,4], zatsdat[:,5]/10, 'gs', ms=7, lw=5) pl.plot(zatsdat[:,6], zatsdat[:,7]/10, 'cD', ms=7, lw=5) pl.legend(loc=1, frameon=False, scatterpoints=0) pl.xlim([12,42]) pl.ylim([0,15]) pl.xlabel('Energy (eV)', fontsize=16) pl.ylabel('Cross section (MB)', fontsize=16) pl.savefig('1p0-2p1_J0_plot.eps') return
def load_act(sym, source): ''' Load atomic collision transition file from mechanical quantum computations 3 ascii input files: ael.dat: atomic energy levels in the format temp.dat: list of temperatures ups.dat: effective collision strengths ''' path = '/home/tmerle/development/formato2/ad/ct/e/qm/'+SYM+'/'+source+'/' dumb = pl.loadtxt(path+'ael.dat', dtype='str') ael_list = [State(e=e, g=g, cfg=cfg, term=term, p=p, ref=ref) for e, g, cfg, term, p, ref in dumb] #[ael.print() for ael in ael_list] t_list = pl.loadtxt(path+'temp.dat', dtype='float') nt = len(t_list) dumb = pl.loadtxt(path+'ups.dat', dtype='float') l_list, u_list, ups_list = [], [], [] for rec in dumb: l_list.append(int(rec[0])) u_list.append(int(rec[1])) ups_list.append(map(float, rec[2:])) col_list = [] for i, (l, u) in enumerate(zip(l_list, u_list)): #print(l, u, ups_list[i]) col = Collision(type='QM', lower=ael_list[l-1], upper=ael_list[u-1], t_list=t_list, ups_list=ups_list[i], ref=source, kw='UPS_E') col_list.append(col) return col_list
def film1D(base, ext, debut, fin, vmin, vmax, dt = 0): """ displays the evolution in time of a 1-D solution Usage : film1D(base, ext, debut, fin, vmin, vmax) film1D(base, ext, debut, fin, vmin, vmax, dt) base : root of output files ext : extension of output files debut : start index fin : final index vmin, vmax : y-range Example : film1D("Un", ".dat", 0, 20, -0.1, 1.1) will display frames contained in Un0.dat, Un1.dat, ... until Un19.dat with y in [-0.1, 1.1] Put a dt different from 0, if the animation is too fast, so that the system will wait dt seconds between each display """ V = pylab.loadtxt(base + str(debut) + ext) line, = pylab.plot(V[:,0], V[:,1]); pylab.axis(pylab.array([V[0, 0], V[V.shape[0]-1,0], vmin, vmax])); os.system('sleep ' +str(dt)) for i in range(debut+1, fin): V = pylab.loadtxt(base + str(i) + ext) line.set_ydata(V[:,1]) pylab.draw() os.system('sleep ' +str(dt))
def load_csv(self,f): """ Loading data from a csv file. Uses pylab's load function. Seems much faster than """ varnm = f.readline().split(',') # what is the date variable's key if any, based on index passed as argument if self.date_key != '': try: rawdata = pylab.loadtxt(f, delimiter=',',converters={self.date_key:pylab.datestr2num}) # don't need to 'skiprows' here except ValueError: # if loading via pylab doesn't work use csv rawdata = self.load_csv_nf(f) # converting the dates column to a date-number rawdata[self.date_key] = pylab.datestr2num(rawdata[self.date_key]) self.date_key = varnm[self.date_key] else: try: rawdata = pylab.loadtxt(f, delimiter=',') # don't need to 'skiprow' here except ValueError: # if loading via pylab doesn't work use csv rawdata = self.load_csv_nf(f) # making sure that the variable names contain no leading or trailing spaces varnm = [i.strip() for i in varnm] # transforming the data into a dictionary if type(rawdata) == list: # if the csv module was used = dict(zip(varnm,rawdata)) else: # if the pylab.load module was used = dict(zip(varnm,rawdata.T))
def main(): FILE1 = "./TO_PLOT.dat" FILE2 = "./test.dat" FILE3 = "./train.dat" PATH_TO_OUTPUT = "./plot.png" f1 = pylab.loadtxt(FILE1,dtype = str, unpack=True) f2 = pylab.loadtxt(FILE2,dtype = str, unpack=True) f3 = pylab.loadtxt(FILE3,dtype = str, unpack=True) pylab.clf() pylab.cla() pylab.scatter(f1[0], f1[1], c=color[1], label='10-fold KNN') pylab.plot(f2[0], f2[1], c=color[2], label='Test data') pylab.scatter(f3[0], f3[1], c=color[3], label='Train data') pylab.ylabel('Acccuracy', fontsize=14) pylab.xlabel('k', fontsize=14) pylab.legend(loc=1, prop={'size':10}) pylab.xlim(0.1,100) pylab.savefig(PATH_TO_OUTPUT)
def importfile(self,fname,params): # if even more sophisticated things are needed, just inherit THzTdData class #and override the importfile method #try to load the file with name fname #it should be possible to write this shorter try: #if no Y_col is specified if params.has_key('Y_col'): #import it right away if params['dec_sep']=='.': data=py.loadtxt(fname, usecols=(params['time_col'], params['X_col'], params['Y_col']), skiprows=params['skiprows']) elif params['dec_sep']==',': #if the decimal separator is , do a replacement str2float=lambda val: float(val.replace(',','.')) data=py.loadtxt(fname, converters={params['time_col']:str2float, params['X_col']:str2float, params['Y_col']:str2float}, usecols=(params['time_col'], params['X_col'], params['Y_col']), skiprows=params['skiprows']) else: #import it right away if params['dec_sep']=='.': data=py.loadtxt(fname, usecols=(params['time_col'], params['X_col']), skiprows=params['skiprows']) elif params['dec_sep']==',': #if the decimal separator is , do a replacement str2float=lambda val: float(val.replace(',','.')) data=py.loadtxt(fname, converters={params['time_col']:str2float, params['X_col']:str2float}, usecols=(params['time_col'], params['X_col']), skiprows=params['skiprows']) dummy_Y=py.zeros((data.shape[0],1)) data=py.column_stack((data,dummy_Y)) except IOError: print "File " + fname + " could not be loaded" sys.exit() #scale the timaaxis data[:,0]*=params['time_factor'] #if the measurement was taken in negative time direction, flip the data if data[1,0]-data[0,0]<0: data=py.flipud(data) return data
def runAll(ScaleDensity, b, f, Particle, Scale): import pylab as p import shutil, subprocess path = "./outData/" savepath = "./plots/compare/" inifilename = "mybody.ini" filenameMine = "mass.dat" filenameRockstar = "halos_0.ascii" filenameAmiga = "amiga.dat" inifile = open(inifilename, 'r') tmpinifile = open(inifilename + ".tmp", "w") for line in inifile: if line[0:15] == "ScaleDensity = ": line = "ScaleDensity = "+ str(ScaleDensity)+"\n " if line[0:4] == "b = ": line = "b = " + str(b)+"\n " if line[0:4] == "f = ": line = "f = " + str(f)+"\n " if line[0:21] == "LinkingLenghtScale = ": line = "LinkingLenghtScale = "+ str(Scale)+"\n " if line[0:20] == "NrParticlesDouble = ": line = "NrParticlesDouble = " + str(Particle)+"\n " tmpinifile.write(line) inifile.close() tmpinifile.close() shutil.move(inifilename + ".tmp", inifilename) #Run my halofinder #print "Running for: " +"ScaleDensity="+ str(ScaleDensity) + " b=" + str(b) + " f="+str(f)["mpirun","-n","2", "./main"]) #Read data from files mineData = p.loadtxt(path + filenameMine) rockstarData = p.loadtxt(path + filenameRockstar) amigaData = p.loadtxt(path + filenameAmiga) sortedDataR = p.sort(rockstarData[:,2])[::-1] sortedData = p.sort(mineData)[::-1] sortedDataA = p.sort(amigaData[:,3])[::-1] p.figure() p.loglog(sortedData,range(1,len(sortedData)+1)) p.loglog(sortedDataR,range(1,len(sortedDataR)+1)) p.loglog(sortedDataA,range(1,len(sortedDataA)+1)) p.xlabel("log(Mass) Msun") p.ylabel("log(Nr of halos with mass >= Mass)") p.legend(("mine","Rockstar","AMIGA")) name = "MassFunction_ScaleDensity="+ str(ScaleDensity) + "_b=" + str(b) + "_f="+str(f) + "_Scale=" +str(Scale) + "_Double="+str(double) p.savefig(savepath+name+".png")
def on_bl_button(self,event): self.selectq_control.SetString(string='Streamwise (u) Velocity') self.selectq_control.num = 2 self.blcall = True self.bldraw = True self.on_update_button(event) self.blcall = False self.jcur = self.Bl_jplane.GetValue() gnum = self.qfile_control.manual_text2.GetValue() if (self.multgrd): new_str1 = ''.join([self.qfile, '\n','qvalbl.txt', '\n', str(gnum), '\n', str(self.jcur) ,' ', str(self.jcur) ,' ', str(1), '\n' , str(1),' ', str(self.nkind),' ',str(1), '\n' ,str(1) , ' ',str(1) ,' ', str(1), '\n', str(2), '\n','n']) else: new_str1 = ''.join([self.qfile, '\n','qvalbl.txt', '\n', str(self.jcur) ,' ', str(self.jcur) ,' ', str(1), '\n' , str(1),' ', str(self.nkind),' ',str(1), '\n' ,str(1) , ' ',str(1) ,' ', str(1), '\n', str(2), '\n','n']) new_str2 = ''.join([self.grid, '\n', str(gnum), '\n', 'cordsbl.txt', '\n', str(self.jcur) ,' ', str(self.jcur) ,' ', str(1), '\n' , str(1),' ', str(self.nkind),' ', str(1), '\n' ,str(1) , ' ',str(1) ,' ', str(1)]) p2 = subprocess.Popen(['getgridcords'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE) o2,e2 = p2.communicate(input=new_str2) p1 = subprocess.Popen(['listplotvar'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE) o1,e1 = p1.communicate(input=new_str1) p3 = subprocess.Popen(['tail', '-n', '+7'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE) o3,e3 = p3.communicate(input=o1) p4 = subprocess.Popen(['head', '-n', '-1'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE) o4,e4 = p4.communicate(input=o3) self.file1 = pylab.loadtxt('qvalbl.txt') self.file2 = pylab.loadtxt('cordsbl.txt') os.remove('qvalbl.txt') os.remove('cordsbl.txt') tot = len(self.file1) u = [.5 for i in range(tot)] x = [.5 for i in range(tot)] y = [.5 for i in range(tot)] for k in range(0,tot): u[k] = float(self.file1[k][3]) x[k] = float(self.file2[k][3]) y[k] = float(self.file2[k][4]) xoverc = round(x[0],5) self.x_over_c.SetLabel( ''.join(['x/c = ', str(xoverc)]) ) if (self.mom_norm.IsChecked()): self.update_bl_mom(x,y,u,(self.nkind-1),(self.jcur)) else: self.update_bl_mom(x,y,u,(self.nkind-1),(self.jcur)) self.update_bl(x,y,u,(self.nkind-1),(self.jcur))
def getData(): # load the fitting data for X and y and return as elements of a tuple # X is a 100 by 10 matrix and y is a vector of length 100 # Each corresponding row for X and y represents a single data sample X = pl.loadtxt('fittingdatap1_x.txt') y = pl.loadtxt('fittingdatap1_y.txt') return (X,y)
def plot(experimento = None): path = '/home/rafaelbeirigo/ql/experiments/' ql = pl.loadtxt(path + experimento + "/QL/w.out") prql = pl.loadtxt(path + experimento + "/PRQL/w.out") pl.xlabel("Episodes") pl.ylabel("W") pl.plot(ql, label = 'Q-Learning') pl.plot(prql, label = 'PRQ-Learning prob') pl.legend(loc = 0)
def get_consts(kind): if kind == "hs": g1, g2 = 1.270042427, 1.922284066 k_0, d_1, = -1.2540, 2.4001 eta, Y_0, Y_1, Omega_1, Theta_1, H_A, H_B, Y_a4 = py.loadtxt('../tables/kn-layer-hs.txt').T Y_1 = 2*Y_1 return g1, g2, k_0, d_1, eta, Y_0, H_A, Theta_1, 0.43, 0.078, 0.7 elif kind == "bkw": g1, g2 = 1., 1. k_0, d_1 = -1.01619, 1.30272 eta, Y_0 = py.loadtxt('../tables/kn-layer-bkw.txt').T H_A = Y_0 / 2 return g1, g2, k_0, d_1, eta, Y_0, H_A, Theta_1, 0.345, 0.172 else: raise "Invalid potential!"
def read_data(cls, path): """ AuxiliaryFiles中のデータ収集 dictのリスト配列として収集する """ comp_path = os.path.join(path, cls.base_dirc, cls.comp_file) comp = pylab.loadtxt(comp_path, comments='#') total = np.array([[sum(x) for x in comp]]) frac = comp / total.T energy_path = os.path.join(path, cls.base_dirc, cls.energy_file) energy = pylab.loadtxt(energy_path, comments="#") energy = energy / total[:][0] data = [{'frac_atoms': list(x), 'energy': y} for x, y in zip(frac, energy)] return(data)
def plot(): pl.xlabel("Episodes") pl.ylabel("W") pl.title("") prManu = pl.loadtxt("/home/rafaelbeirigo/ql/experiments/165/PRQL/W_avg_list_mean.out") prIPMU = pl.loadtxt("/home/rafaelbeirigo/ql/experiments/166/PRQL/W_avg_list_mean.out") ql = pl.loadtxt("/home/rafaelbeirigo/ql/experiments/165/QL/w.out") pl.plot(prManu, label="Manu") pl.plot(prIPMU, label="IPMU") pl.plot(ql, label="Q-Learning") leg_prop = matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(size=12) pl.legend(loc=4, prop=leg_prop)
def get_n(material,E=8): """ "by LW 07/04/2011 function get the index of refraction from stored data file, index of refraction is a .dat file from (energy range: 2-30keV,delete the header lines, name the file n_material.dat) calling sequence: n=get_n(material,E) where n is the complex refractive index detlta-i*beta, E: X-ray energy in keV" """ #get list_of supported materials from data file directory: xdatafiles = [ f for f in listdir(datapath) if isfile(join(datapath,f)) ] name=[] for i in range(0, np.size(xdatafiles)):'(?<=n_)\w+', xdatafiles[i]) if m is not None: name.append( E=np.array(E) if material in name: loadn=datapath+'n_'+material+'.dat' n=pl.loadtxt(loadn,comments='%') if np.min(E)>=np.min(n[:,0]/1000) and np.max(E)<=np.max(n[:,0]/1000): d=np.interp(E*1000,n[:,0],n[:,1]) b=np.interp(E*1000,n[:,0],n[:,2]) return d-1j*b else: print 'error: energy '+"%3.4f" %E +'[keV] out of range ('+"%3.4f" % np.min(n[:,0]/1000)+'=<E<='+"%3.4f" % np.max(n[:,0]/1000)+'keV)' elif material=='material?': print 'list of supported materials (based on data files in directory '+datapath+':' print name else: print 'error: non recognized material, please create index of refraction file first. Type "get_n?" for instructions; type get_n("material?") for list of supported materials'
def get_ac(material,E=8): """ by LW 10/03/2010 function calculates the critical angle for total external reflection as a function of the material and the X-ray energy according to ac=sqrt(2*delta) index of refraction is a .dat file from (energy range: 2-30keV,delete the header % lines, name the file n_material.dat) % calling sequence: ac=get_ac(material,E) where ac: critial angle in degrees, E [keV] (default: 8keV) type get_ac(\'materilal?\') to show list of supported materials" """ #get list_of supported materials from data file directory: xdatafiles = [ f for f in listdir(datapath) if isfile(join(datapath,f)) ] name=[] for i in range(0, np.size(xdatafiles)):'(?<=n_)\w+', xdatafiles[i]) if m is not None: name.append( E=np.array(E) if material in name: loadn=datapath+'n_'+material+'.dat' n=pl.loadtxt(loadn,comments='%') if np.min(E)>=np.min(n[:,0]/1000) and np.max(E)<=np.max(n[:,0]/1000): d=np.interp(E*1000,n[:,0],n[:,1]) return np.degrees(np.sqrt(2*d)) else: print 'error: energy '+"%3.4f" %E +'[keV] out of range ('+"%3.4f" % np.min(n[:,0]/1000)+'=<E<='+"%3.4f" % np.max(n[:,0]/1000)+'keV)' elif material=='material?': print 'list of supported materials (based on data files in directory '+datapath+':' print name else: print 'error: non recognized material, please create index of refraction file first. Type "get_ac?" for instructions; type get_ac("material?") for list of supported materials'
def get_pinflux(current,Energy,thickness=300): """ by LW 03/26/2015 function to calculate photon flux from pin-diode measurement uses scattering cross section for Si from NIST -> PhElAbsCross_si.dat in database assumes Silicon as material as other materials would be pretty exotic calling sequence: get_pinflux(current,Energy,thickness=300) current: current [A] Energy: X-ray energy [keV] thickness: Si diode thickness [um] """ # some conversions and contstants: rho_Si=2.329 # density of Si in g/cm^3!!! epsilon=3.66 # energy for creation of electron-hole pair in Si [eV] thickness=thickness/1.0E4 #conversion to cm # read datafile with scattering cross section: loadn=datapath+'PhElAbsCross_Si.dat' crossdat=pl.loadtxt(loadn,comments='%') # check for energy range: xmin=min(crossdat[:,0])*1E3 xmax=max(crossdat[:,0])*1E3 Energy=np.array(Energy)*1.0 current=np.array(current)*1.0 if np.max(Energy) > xmax or np.min(Energy) <xmin: raise xfuncs_Exception(['X-ray energy out of range for cross section data. ',xmin,'<=Energy<=,',xmax,' [keV]']) # calculate photo current PER 1E10 ph/s: PhCur=1E10*crossdat[:,0]*1e3*1.6022e-16*(1-np.exp(-crossdat[:,1]*thickness*rho_Si))/epsilon PhCurint=np.interp(Energy,crossdat[:,0],PhCur) photon_flux=current/PhCurint*1E10 print 'photo current for E= ',Energy,'keV: ',PhCurint*1E3,'mA/10^10ph/s' print 'flux for photo current ',current*1E3,'mA at E=',Energy,'keV: ',photon_flux,'ph/s' return photon_flux
def get_Es(gap,harmonic=[1,2,3,4,5],ID='CHX_IVU20_12202014'): """ by LW 12/03/2014, function calculates the X-ray energies for a given undulator gap and set of harmonics based on magnetic measurement data in the database type get_Es(gap [mm], harmonic [integer] (default=[1,2,3,4,5]), id (default:'CHX_IVU20_12202014')) harmonic can be a list of integers. Type get_Es(\"ID?\") for a list of available magnetic datasets """ #get list_of available magnetic measurements from data file directory: xdatafiles = [ f for f in listdir(datapath) if isfile(join(datapath,f)) ] name=[] for i in range(0, np.size(xdatafiles)):'(?<=id_)\w+', xdatafiles[i]) if m is not None: name.append( if gap=='ID?': print 'list of available magnetic measurements (based on data files in directory '+datapath+':' print name else: for l in range(0, np.size(harmonic)): harm_check(harmonic) if l==np.size(harmonic)-1: gap=np.array(gap) if ID in name: loadn=datapath+'id_'+ID+'.dat' magdat=pl.loadtxt(loadn,comments='%') harmonic=np.array(harmonic)*1.0 if np.min(gap)>=np.min(magdat[:,0]) and np.max(gap)<=np.max(magdat[:,0]): Es=np.interp(gap,magdat[:,0],magdat[:,2]) Eharmonics=np.array([harmonic,harmonic*Es]) return Eharmonics.T else: print 'error: gap '+"%3.4f" % gap +'[mm] out of range for gap ('+"%3.4f" % np.min(magdat[:,0])+'=<gap<='+"%3.4f" % np.max(magdat[:,0])+'mm), try higher/lower harmonic number.' else: print 'error: non recognized magnetic data. Type get_gap(\'ID?\') for a list of available mangetic datasets.'
def get_gap(E,harmonic=3,ID='CHX_IVU20_12202014'): """ by LW 12/03/2014, function calculates the undulator gap for a requested energy and harmonic based on magnetic measurement data in the database type get_gap(E [kev], harmonic [integer] (default=3), id (default+'CHX_IVU20_12202014')); E can be an array of energies. Type get_gap\"ID?\") for a list of available magnetic datasets. """ #get list_of available magnetic measurements from data file directory: xdatafiles = [ f for f in listdir(datapath) if isfile(join(datapath,f)) ] name=[] for i in range(0, np.size(xdatafiles)):'(?<=id_)\w+', xdatafiles[i]) if m is not None: name.append( if E=='ID?': print 'list of available magnetic measurements (based on data files in directory '+datapath+':' print name else: E=np.array(E)*1.0 harm_check(harmonic) if ID in name: loadn=datapath+'id_'+ID+'.dat' magdat=pl.loadtxt(loadn,comments='%') #harmonic=harmonic*1.0 if np.min(E/harmonic)>=np.min(magdat[:,2]) and np.max(E/harmonic)<=np.max(magdat[:,2]): gap=np.interp(E/harmonic,magdat[:,2],magdat[:,0]) return gap # this else should be a warning only and should return NaN else: raise xfuncs_Exception ('error: energy '+"%3.4f" %E +'[keV] out of range for requested harmonic number, gap limit: ('+"%3.4f" % np.min(magdat[:,0])+'=<gap<='+"%3.4f" % np.max(magdat[:,0])+'mm), try using higher/lower harmonic number.') else: raise xfuncs_Exception('error: non recognized magnetic data. Type get_gap(\'ID?\') for a list of available mangetic datasets.')
def get_mu(material,E=8): """ by LW 07/04/2011 function gets the attenuation length from stored data file, attenuation length is a .dat file from (energy range: 2-30keV,delete the header lines or comment with '%', name the file n_material.dat) calling sequence: mu=get_mu(material,E) where mu [MICRONS!!!] is the 1/e attenuation length, E: X-ray energy in keV' """ #get list_of supported materials from data file directory: xdatafiles = [ f for f in listdir(datapath) if isfile(join(datapath,f)) ] name=[] for i in range(0, np.size(xdatafiles)):'(?<=mu_)\w+', xdatafiles[i]) if mm is not None: name.append( E=np.array(E) if material in name: loadn=datapath+'mu_'+material+'.dat' m=pl.loadtxt(loadn,comments='%') if np.min(E)>=np.min(m[:,0]/1000) and np.max(E)<=np.max(m[:,0]/1000): mu=np.interp(E*1000,m[:,0],m[:,1]) return mu else: print 'error: energy '+"%3.4f" %E +'[keV] out of range ('+"%3.4f" % np.min(m[:,0]/1000)+'=<E<='+"%3.4f" % np.max(m[:,0]/1000)+'keV)' elif material=='material?': print 'list of supported materials (based on data files in directory '+datapath+':' print name else: print 'error: non recognized material, please create index of refraction file first. Type get_mu("?") for instructions; type get_n("material?") for list of supported materials'
def getData(self): # check if a separator is a white space if is_empty(self.params.separator): _data = pl.loadtxt(self._file, dtype=(str), skiprows=self.headers_count, unpack=True) else: _data = pl.loadtxt(self._file, dtype=(str), skiprows=self.headers_count, unpack=True, delimiter=self.params.separator) #some issues with preparing data, details in prepare_data_arrays func. return prepare_data_arrays(self._file, self.headers_count, _data)
def main(): from optparse import OptionParser usage ="%prog -r data_file {-c col | -b} [-t title -w output.pdf]" parser = OptionParser(usage = usage) parser.add_option("-r", dest = "file", help = "input data file") parser.add_option("-c", dest = "col", type=int, help = "init time column of data file") parser.add_option("-b", dest = "binary", action="store_true", default=False, help = "indicate if file format is python binary") parser.add_option("-t", dest = "title", default="Data", help = "title of graph") parser.add_option("-w", dest = "out_file", default=None, help = "output graph file") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not ((options.file and options.col) or (options.file and options.binary)): parser.print_help() exit() if options.binary: data = np.load(options.file) else: data = pylab.loadtxt(options.file,usecols=[col]) m,s,t = compute_AT(data, title=options.title) print m, s, t if options.out_file: pylab.savefig(options.out_file)
def parse_gdat(filename): print('reading file') print(filename) #create a dictionary of obserables observableDict = defaultdict(list) data = [] sind = 0 #loop through all the seeds performed arraysize = [] datatmp = pylab.loadtxt(filename) arraysize.append(numpy.size(datatmp,axis=0)) observableDict[filename].append(datatmp) print(observableDict[filename]) with open(filename, 'r') as f: observableNames = f.readline() observableNames = observableNames.split() #print(numpy.size(observableDict[f],axis=0)) #print(numpy.size(observableDict[f],axis=1)) #print(numpy.size(observableDict[f],axis=2)) #now average the data for each seed #convert to a numpy array #print(data) #get the minimum size for data return observableDict,observableNames
def plot_1d(arguments): if isinstance(arguments,str): arguments = [arguments] if len(arguments) < 1: print "Need at least one data set" sys.exit(1) fig = pylab.figure(1) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) for f in arguments: try: data = pylab.loadtxt(f) except: print "Error %s is not a readable file.\n" % (f) sys.exit(1) #data = pylab.transpose(data) ax.plot(data,label=f) if len(arguments) > 1: ax.legend() return data
def __init__(self, id, offline=False): = id self.magSampleList = [] self.count = 0 self.filename = "./calibration/" + str( + ".cal" if offline: # load data from file #file = open("filename", mode='r') data = loadtxt(self.filename, skiprows=3, delimiter=',') for i in range(len(data)): x = data[i,0] y = data[i,1] z = data[i,2] mag = (x,y,z) self.magSampleList.append(mag) else: self.collectData = True self.c = CaptureThread(self.handleData) self.c.start() print "rotate device in all axes for 30 seconds..." #raw_input("Rotate device. Press ENTER when done...") sleep(10) print "20" + " (" + str(len(self.magSampleList)) + ")" sleep(10) print "10" + " (" + str(len(self.magSampleList)) + ")" sleep(10) print "Done" + " (" + str(len(self.magSampleList)) + ")" self.collectData = False self.c.stop = True self.processData()
def load_output(filename,number=-1): f = open(filename); mode = 0; sizeOfDataset = 0; for line in f.readlines(): temp = line.strip(); if temp == "": continue; if mode == 0: if temp[0] == '#': continue; else: mode = 1; sizeOfDataset = 1; continue; else: if temp[0] == '#': break; else: sizeOfDataset += 1; data = pylab.loadtxt(filename); data_parse = list(); # if number != -1: # for i in range(number): # data_parse.append(data[i*sizeOfDataset:(i+1)*sizeOfDataset]); # else: for i in range(len(data)/sizeOfDataset): data_parse.append(data[i*sizeOfDataset:(i+1)*sizeOfDataset]); return data_parse;
def plot(self): if self.lastPos<0: return canvas = self.findChild(FigureCanvas) timeLegend = self.findChild(QtGui.QLineEdit) axes = canvas.figure.gca() filename = '%s/postProcessing/%s/%s/%s'%(self.window().currentFolder,,self.dirList[self.lastPos],self.archifield) data = pylab.loadtxt(filename) if len(data)>0: axes.clear() #@TODO #Fijarse que el sample guarda todos los datos de velocidad, y axis indica el eje de las abcisas if data.shape[1]>1: for ii in range(data.shape[1]-1): label_ifield = self.ifield+self.labels[ii] axes.plot(data[:,0],data[:,ii+1], color=self.colors[ii], label=label_ifield) else: axes.plot(data[:,0],data[:,1],'r',label='') timeLegend.setText(self.dirList[self.lastPos]) axes.set_title( axes.set_xlabel('distance') #axes.set_ylabel('|R|') axes.legend(loc=2, fontsize = 'small') canvas.draw()
def plot(filename, column, label): data = py.loadtxt(filename).T X, Y = data[0], data[column] mask = (X >= xmin) * (X <= xmax) X, Y = X[mask], corrector(Y[mask]) aY, bY = np.min(Y), np.max(Y) pad = 7 if aY < 0 and -bY/aY < 10 else 0 py.ylabel(r'$' + label + r'$', y=y_coord, labelpad=8-pad, rotation=0) py.plot(X, Y, '-', lw=1) py.xlabel(r'$\zeta$', labelpad=-5) py.xlim(xmin, xmax) ax = py.axes() ax.axhline(lw=.5, c='k', ls=':') specify_tics(np.min(Y), np.max(Y)) if inside: print "Plot inside plot" ax = py.axes([.25, .45, .4, .4]) mask = X <= float(sys.argv[7]) py.plot(X[mask], Y[mask], '-', lw=1) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=8) ax.axhline(lw=.5, c='k', ls=':') ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(0.5)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(LinearLocator(3)) ymin, _, ymax = ax.get_yticks() if (ymax + ymin) < (ymax-ymin)/5: y = max(ymax, -ymin) py.ylim(-y, y)
def meanOfMeans(): initialExperiment = 25 finalExperiment = 35 suffix = "piConc" experimentFolder = "170" rootDir = os.path.join("/", "home", "rafaelbeirigo", "ql", "experiments", experimentFolder) means = [] meanFileName = "W_avg_list_mean.out" for experiment in range(initialExperiment, finalExperiment + 1): meanFilePath = os.path.join(rootDir, str(experiment), "PRQL", meanFileName) # open experiment the file that contains the "individual" mean # into a list mean = pl.loadtxt(meanFilePath) # this must be done because the function meanError.meanMultiDim() # needs each item in the mean list to be a list itself. mean = [[item] for item in mean] # append it to the list of means means.append(mean) # obtain the global mean considering the list of individual means globalMean = meanError.meanMultiDim(means) ## print globalMean # means2spreadsheet([globalMean]) pl.savetxt(os.path.join(rootDir, "W_avg_list_mean." + suffix + ".out"), globalMean, fmt="%1.6f") return globalMean
import matplotlib.dates as dates import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from datetime import datetime, timedelta from scipy import interpolate sys.path.append('/home/sakella/python_docs/myStuff/') from read_netCDF import read_netCDF as get_field_netCDF_file sys.path.append( '/discover/nobackup/sakella/processData/MERRA2_27June2013/before_1982/CMIP/' ) from get_cmip_sst_sic import get_cmip_sst_sic as get_cmip_sst_sic from write_cmip_daily import write_cmip_daily as write_cmip_daily coastLineFile = '/discover/nobackup/sakella/Stuff/matlabStuff/coastLine.dat' [x_coast, y_coast] = pylab.loadtxt(coastLineFile, unpack=True) #----------------------------------------------------------------- start_day = datetime(1982, 01, 01, 00, 0, 0) end_day = datetime(1982, 12, 31, 00, 0, 0) iDebug = 0 iPlot = 8 # produce a plot of raw 1x1 deg. CMIP data for a certain month. iPlot_polar_stereo = 0 # plot SIC in [1]: stereo polar. [0]: latlon projection #----------------------------------------------------------------- cmip_data_path = '/discover/nobackup/sakella/processData/MERRA2_27June2013/before_1982/CMIP/data/360x180/' cmip_sst_pre = 'amipbc_sst_360x180_' cmip_sic_pre = 'amipbc_sic_360x180_' cmip_file_suff = '.nc' # #MERRA-2 GRID: 1/4 deg nlon_merra = 1440
import os os.chdir(os.path.expanduser("~/Desktop/reflectivity/dynXRD/")) import pyasf import reflectivity import sympy as sp import pylab as pl data = pl.loadtxt("test10.dat") data[:,0] = pl.radians(data[:,0]) #pl.ion() R = 3,0,0 thickness=1000 Energy=10000 #struct = pyasf.unit_cell("1521772") struct = pyasf.unit_cell("cif/LiNbO3_28294.cif") #Li Nb O3 Sub=reflectivity.Substrate(struct) #v_par=sp.Matrix([0,0,1]) psi=sp.pi/2 v_perp=sp.Matrix([0,1,0]) #Sub.calc_orientation(v_par, v_perp) Sub.calc_orientation_from_angle(psi, v_perp) layer1=reflectivity.Epitaxial_Layer(struct, thickness) #layer1.calc_orientation(v_par, v_perp)\ layer1.calc_orientation_from_angle(psi, v_perp) crystal=reflectivity.Sample(Sub, layer1) crystal.set_Miller(R) crystal.calc_g0_gH(Energy) thBragg= float(layer1.calc_Bragg_angle(Energy).subs(layer1.structure.subs).evalf()) angle=pl.linspace(0.995, 1.005,501)*thBragg
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import pylab import numpy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) ax2 = ax1.twinx() filename = 'gummel_0.0.out' #HEADER: V(base) V(collector) V(emitter) I(base) I(collector) I(emitter) data = pylab.loadtxt(filename) vbe = data[:, 0] - data[:, 2] ic = data[:, 4] ib = data[:, 3] beta = ic / ib l1 = ax1.semilogy(vbe, beta, "-*", label=r"$\beta$", color="black") l2 = ax2.semilogy(vbe, ic, "-+", label=r"$I_c$") l3 = ax2.semilogy(vbe, ib, "-.", label=r"$I_b$") lns = l1 + l2 + l3 ax1.legend(l1 + l2 + l3, (r"$\beta$", r"$I_c$", r"$I_b$"), loc="upper left") #pylab.title("Title of Plot") ax1.set_xlabel(r"$V_{be}$ (V)") ax2.set_ylabel(r"A/cm") #ax2.set_ylabel(r"A/cm") #pylab.ylabel("Y Axis Label") pylab.savefig('gummel.pdf')
"grav_mesh", "cooling", "sourceterms", "count" ] SUBTYPES = [ "none", "density", "gradient", "force", "grav", "external_grav", "tend", "xv", "rho", "gpart", "multipole", "spart", "count" ] SIDS = [ "(-1,-1,-1)", "(-1,-1, 0)", "(-1,-1, 1)", "(-1, 0,-1)", "(-1, 0, 0)", "(-1, 0, 1)", "(-1, 1,-1)", "(-1, 1, 0)", "(-1, 1, 1)", "( 0,-1,-1)", "( 0,-1, 0)", "( 0,-1, 1)", "( 0, 0,-1)" ] # Read input. data = pl.loadtxt(infile) full_step = data[0, :] # Do we have an MPI file? full_step = data[0, :] if full_step.size == 13: print "# MPI mode" mpimode = True nranks = int(max(data[:, 0])) + 1 print "# Number of ranks:", nranks rankcol = 0 threadscol = 1 taskcol = 2 subtaskcol = 3 ticcol = 5 toccol = 6
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pylab import sys d1 = pylab.loadtxt("5MW_Blade_Property.txt", skiprows=2) d2 = np.zeros(11) for i in range(0, 11): d1[i, 3] = d1[i, 3] * 1.04536 d2[i] = d1[i, 9] + d1[i, 10] f = open('5MW_Blade_F3.inp', 'w') for i in range(0, 11): (f.write('%14.5E' % d1[i, 0]), f.write('%14.5E' % d1[i, 3]), f.write('%14.5E' % d1[i, 10]), f.write('%14.5E' % d1[i, 9]), f.write('%14.5E' % 0), f.write('%14.5E' % d1[i, 14]), f.write('%14.5E' % 0), f.write('%14.5E' % d1[i, 7]), f.write('%14.5E' % d1[i, 5]), f.write('%14.5E' % d1[i, 4]), f.write('%14.5E' % 0), f.write('%14.5E' % 0), f.write('%14.5E' % 0), f.write('%14.5E' % d1[i, 6]), f.write('%14.5E' % d1[i, 7]), f.write('%14.5E' % d1[i, 7]), f.write('%14.5E' % 0), f.write('%14.5E' % 0), f.write('%14.5E' % 0), f.write('\n')) f.close()
rcParams[ 'mathtext.default'] = 'regular' # match the font used for regular text gasGamma = 1.4 # read data d = gkedata.GkeData("s3-dg-euler-pos_q_1.h5") dgDat = gkedgbasis.GkeDgLobatto1DPolyOrder1Basis(d) X, rho = dgDat.project(0) X, rhou = dgDat.project(1) X, Er = dgDat.project(4) u = rhou / rho pr = (gasGamma - 1) * (Er - 0.5 * rho * u * u) ex_density = pylab.loadtxt("s18-euler-shock-exact-density.txt") ex_velocity = pylab.loadtxt("s18-euler-shock-exact-velocity.txt") ex_pressure = pylab.loadtxt("s18-euler-shock-exact-pressure.txt") ex_ie = pylab.loadtxt("s18-euler-shock-exact-internal-energy.txt") pylab.figure(1) pylab.subplot(2, 2, 1) pylab.plot(X, rho, 'k-') pylab.plot(ex_density[:, 0], ex_density[:, 1], 'r-') pylab.axis('tight') pylab.ylabel("Density") pylab.subplot(2, 2, 2) pylab.plot(X, u, 'k-') pylab.plot(ex_velocity[:, 0], ex_velocity[:, 1], 'r-') pylab.axis('tight')
# pycombina is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with pycombina. If not, see <>. import numpy as np import pylab as pl from pycombina import BinApprox, CombinaBnB, CombinaMILP, CombinaSUR pl.close("all") data = pl.loadtxt("data/mmlotka_nt_12000_400.csv", delimiter=" ", skiprows=1) dN = 8 t = data[::dN, 0] b_rel = data[:-1:dN, 3:] max_switches = [5, 2, 3] binapprox = BinApprox(t = t, b_rel = b_rel, binary_threshold = 1e-3, \ off_state_included = True) binapprox.set_n_max_switches(n_max_switches=max_switches) #binapprox.set_valid_controls_for_interval((0, 2), [1,0,0]) #binapprox.set_valid_control_transitions(0, [1,0,1]) #binapprox.set_min_up_times([2.0, 2.0, 2.0])
from uncertainties import ufloat import math import numpy import numpy import pylab from scipy.optimize import curve_fit import math import scipy.stats import uncertainties def linear(x, a, b): return a*x+b Vl, Vce, dVl, dVce = pylab.loadtxt('/home/federico/Laboratorio3/relazione3/dati2.txt', unpack=True) Rb = 46700 dRb = 400 Rl = 977 dRl = 8 Ic = (Vl)/Rl dIc = Ic*((dVl/Vl)**2+(dRl/Rl)**2)**0.5 pylab.figure(2) pylab.title('I_c vs V_be') pylab.xlabel('V_ce (V)') pylab.ylabel('I_c (mA)')
'script per calcolo apertura numerica di una fibra ottica' import pylab as py from lab import fit_curve files = ['borcapFOLAN3.txt', 'borcapFOMAN4.txt'] py.figure(1).set_tight_layout(True) py.clf() NA_prima = py.ones(len(files)) NA_dopo = py.ones(len(files)) NA_m = py.ones(len(files)) for i in range(len(files)): filename = files[i] ang, P = py.loadtxt(filename, unpack=True) dang = py.ones(len(ang)) * 0.5 dP = P * 0.03 Pmax = max(P) P5 = Pmax * 0.05 #P al 5% di P_max #trovo l'indice corrispondente a P_max così da avere il massimo in 0 m = 0 while P[m] < Pmax: m = m + 1 ang = ang - ang[m] ##faccio il grafico py.figure(1) py.subplot(2, 1, i + 1)
def plot(): experimento = '/home/rafaelbeirigo/ql/experiments/' pi0 = pl.loadtxt(experimento + "/67/PRQL/w.out") pi1 = pl.loadtxt(experimento + "/68/PRQL/w.out") pi2 = pl.loadtxt(experimento + "/69/PRQL/w.out") pi3 = pl.loadtxt(experimento + "/70/PRQL/w.out") pi4 = pl.loadtxt(experimento + "/71/PRQL/w.out") pi5 = pl.loadtxt(experimento + "/72/PRQL/w.out") pi6 = pl.loadtxt(experimento + "/73/PRQL/w.out") pi7 = pl.loadtxt(experimento + "/74/PRQL/w.out") pi8 = pl.loadtxt(experimento + "/75/PRQL/w.out") pi9 = pl.loadtxt(experimento + "/76/PRQL/w.out") pi10 = pl.loadtxt(experimento + "/77/PRQL/w.out") ql = pl.loadtxt(experimento + "/56/QL/w.out") pl.xlabel("Episodes") pl.ylabel("W") intervalo = 15 incremento = 50 intervalo_pi10 = intervalo intervalo += incremento intervalo_pi9 = intervalo intervalo += incremento intervalo_pi8 = intervalo intervalo += incremento intervalo_pi7 = intervalo intervalo += incremento intervalo_pi6 = intervalo intervalo += incremento intervalo_pi5 = intervalo intervalo += incremento intervalo_pi4 = intervalo intervalo += incremento intervalo_pi3 = intervalo intervalo += incremento intervalo_pi2 = intervalo intervalo += incremento intervalo_pi1 = intervalo intervalo += incremento intervalo_pi0 = intervalo_pi10 intervalo_ql = intervalo_pi10 x_pi10 = pl.mgrid[:pi10.shape[0]:intervalo_pi10] x_pi9 = pl.mgrid[:pi7.shape[0]:intervalo_pi9] x_pi8 = pl.mgrid[:pi7.shape[0]:intervalo_pi8] x_pi7 = pl.mgrid[:pi7.shape[0]:intervalo_pi7] x_pi6 = pl.mgrid[:pi7.shape[0]:intervalo_pi6] x_pi5 = pl.mgrid[:pi7.shape[0]:intervalo_pi5] x_pi4 = pl.mgrid[:pi7.shape[0]:intervalo_pi4] x_pi3 = pl.mgrid[:pi7.shape[0]:intervalo_pi3] x_pi2 = pl.mgrid[:pi7.shape[0]:intervalo_pi2] x_pi1 = pl.mgrid[:pi7.shape[0]:intervalo_pi1] x_pi0 = pl.mgrid[:pi0.shape[0]:intervalo_pi0] x_ql = pl.mgrid[:ql.shape[0]:intervalo_ql] pl.plot(x_ql, ql[::intervalo_ql], 'o', label='Q-Learning') pl.plot(x_pi10, pi10[::intervalo_pi10], '*') pl.plot(x_pi9, pi9[::intervalo_pi9], '*') pl.plot(x_pi8, pi8[::intervalo_pi8], '*') pl.plot(x_pi7, pi7[::intervalo_pi7], '*') pl.plot(x_pi6, pi6[::intervalo_pi6], '*') pl.plot(x_pi5, pi5[::intervalo_pi5], '*') pl.plot(x_pi4, pi4[::intervalo_pi4], '*') pl.plot(x_pi3, pi3[::intervalo_pi3], '*') pl.plot(x_pi2, pi2[::intervalo_pi2], '*') pl.plot(x_pi1, pi1[::intervalo_pi1], '*') # plota linhas ate o final (com esses intervalos as vezes falta ponto no final) pl.plot(pi10, linestyle='-', label='Otima: 100% Pessima: 0%', color='g') pl.plot(pi9, linestyle='-', label='Otima: 90% Pessima: 10%') pl.plot(pi8, linestyle='-', label='Otima: 80% Pessima: 20%') pl.plot(pi7, linestyle='-', label='Otima: 70% Pessima: 30%') pl.plot(pi6, linestyle='-', label='Otima: 60% Pessima: 40%') pl.plot(pi5, linestyle='-', label='Otima: 50% Pessima: 50%') pl.plot(pi4, linestyle='-', label='Otima: 40% Pessima: 60%') pl.plot(pi3, linestyle='-', label='Otima: 30% Pessima: 70%') pl.plot(pi2, linestyle='-', label='Otima: 20% Pessima: 80%') pl.plot(pi1, linestyle='-', label='Otima: 10% Pessima: 90%') pl.plot(pi0, linestyle='-', label='Otima: 0% Pessima: 100%', color='r') leg_prop = matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(size=12) pl.legend(loc=4, prop=leg_prop)
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == '__main___': """ """ #parameters=lumfunc.parameters['C','alpha','Smin','Smax'] #Testing all functionality #c=pylab.loadtxt('chain_2d_banana.txt') #contour(c,[0,1], labels=['1', '2'], col=('#3bf940','#059a09'),line=True) # Run as e.g. contour_plot.contourTri( pylab.loadtxt('chains-4-all-10deg-130812/1-post_equal_weights.dat'), line=True, outfile='chains-4-all-10deg-130812/test.png', col=('red', 'blue'), labels=lumfunc.parameters, ranges=lumfunc.plotRanges, truth=lumfunc.plotTruth, reconstruct=(lumfunc.medianArray(lumfunc.bins), lumfunc.ksNoisy), autoscale=False, title='title') #contour_plot.contourTri(pylab.loadtxt('chains-3-fixSmin-10deg-130812/1-post_equal_weights.dat'),line=True,outfile='test.png',col=('red','blue'),labels=lumfunc.parameters) #import pymultinest #a=pymultinest.Analyzer(len(lumfunc.parameters),'chains-4-all-mm-10deg-130815/1-') #s=a.get_stats()
xlo, xup = 0.0, 2*math.pi ylo, yup = -6, 6 nx, ny = 64, 64 X = pylab.linspace(0, 2*math.pi, nx+1) Y = pylab.linspace(-6, 6, ny+1) dx = (xup-xlo)/nx dy = (yup-ylo)/ny Xc = pylab.linspace(xlo+0.5*dx, xup-0.5*dx, nx) Yc = pylab.linspace(ylo+0.5*dy, yup-0.5*dy, ny) tEnd = 10.0 nFrame = 4 T = pylab.linspace(0, tEnd, nFrame+1) fig = pylab.figure(3) numDenHist = pylab.loadtxt("s143-vlasov-free-stream_numDensInCell") pylab.plot(numDenHist[:,0], numDenHist[:,1], 'k-') # exact solution at selected points Tex = pylab.linspace(0, tEnd, 20) nEx = numDenHist[0,1]*pylab.exp(-0.5*Tex**2) pylab.plot(Tex, nEx, 'ro') pylab.xlabel('Time [s]') pylab.ylabel('Number Density') pylab.savefig('s143-vlasov-free-stream_numDensInCell.pdf') pylab.close()
def lassoW(): return pl.loadtxt('lasso_true_w.txt')
def plot_topo_file(topoplotdata): """ Read in a topo or bathy file and produce a pcolor map. """ import os import pylab from import Data fname = topoplotdata.fname topotype = topoplotdata.topotype if topoplotdata.climits: # deprecated option cmin = topoplotdata.climits[0] cmax = topoplotdata.climits[1] else: cmin = topoplotdata.cmin cmax = topoplotdata.cmax figno = topoplotdata.figno addcolorbar = topoplotdata.addcolorbar addcontour = topoplotdata.addcontour contour_levels = topoplotdata.contour_levels xlimits = topoplotdata.xlimits ylimits = topoplotdata.ylimits coarsen = topoplotdata.coarsen imshow = topoplotdata.imshow gridedges_show = topoplotdata.gridedges_show neg_cmap = topoplotdata.neg_cmap pos_cmap = topoplotdata.pos_cmap print_fname = topoplotdata.print_fname if neg_cmap is None: neg_cmap = colormaps.make_colormap({ cmin: [0.3, 0.2, 0.1], 0: [0.95, 0.9, 0.7] }) if pos_cmap is None: pos_cmap = colormaps.make_colormap({ 0: [.5, .7, 0], cmax: [.2, .5, .2] }) if abs(topotype) == 1: X, Y, topo = topotools.topofile2griddata(fname, topotype) topo = pylab.flipud(topo) Y = pylab.flipud(Y) x = X[0, :] y = Y[:, 0] xllcorner = x[0] yllcorner = y[0] cellsize = x[1] - x[0] elif abs(topotype) == 3: file = open(fname, 'r') lines = file.readlines() ncols = int(lines[0].split()[0]) nrows = int(lines[1].split()[0]) xllcorner = float(lines[2].split()[0]) yllcorner = float(lines[3].split()[0]) cellsize = float(lines[4].split()[0]) NODATA_value = int(lines[5].split()[0]) print "Loading file ", fname print " nrows = %i, ncols = %i" % (nrows, ncols) topo = pylab.loadtxt(fname, skiprows=6, dtype=float) print " Done loading" if 0: topo = [] for i in range(nrows): topo.append(pylab.array(lines[6 + i], )) print '+++ topo = ', topo topo = pylab.array(topo) topo = pylab.flipud(topo) x = pylab.linspace(xllcorner, xllcorner + ncols * cellsize, ncols) y = pylab.linspace(yllcorner, yllcorner + nrows * cellsize, nrows) print "Shape of x, y, topo: ", x.shape, y.shape, topo.shape else: raise Exception("*** Only topotypes 1 and 3 supported so far") if coarsen > 1: topo = topo[slice(0, nrows, coarsen), slice(0, ncols, coarsen)] x = x[slice(0, ncols, coarsen)] y = y[slice(0, nrows, coarsen)] print "Shapes after coarsening: ", x.shape, y.shape, topo.shape if topotype < 0: topo = -topo if figno: pylab.figure(figno) if topoplotdata.imshow: color_norm = Normalize(cmin, cmax, clip=True) xylimits = (x[0], x[-1], y[0], y[-1]) #pylab.imshow(pylab.flipud(topo.T), extent=xylimits, \ pylab.imshow(pylab.flipud(topo), extent=xylimits, \ cmap=cmap, interpolation='nearest', \ norm=color_norm) else: neg_topo = ma.masked_where(topo > 0., topo) all_masked = (ma.count(neg_topo) == 0) if not all_masked: pylab.pcolormesh(x, y, neg_topo, cmap=neg_cmap) pylab.clim([cmin, 0]) if addcolorbar: pylab.colorbar() pos_topo = ma.masked_where(topo < 0., topo) all_masked = (ma.count(pos_topo) == 0) if not all_masked: pylab.pcolormesh(x, y, pos_topo, cmap=pos_cmap) pylab.clim([0, cmax]) if addcolorbar: pylab.colorbar() pylab.axis('scaled') if addcontour: pylab.contour(x, y, topo, levels=contour_levels, colors='k') if gridedges_show: pylab.plot([x[0], x[-1]], [y[0], y[0]], 'k') pylab.plot([x[0], x[-1]], [y[-1], y[-1]], 'k') pylab.plot([x[0], x[0]], [y[0], y[-1]], 'k') pylab.plot([x[-1], x[-1]], [y[0], y[-1]], 'k') if print_fname: fname2 = os.path.splitext(fname)[0] pylab.text(xllcorner + cellsize, yllcorner + cellsize, fname2, color='m') topodata = Data() topodata.x = x topodata.y = y topodata.topo = topo return topodata
'en_vs_rho_k10.dat', 'pidle_vs_rho_k10.dat', 'ploss_vs_rho_k10.dat', 'en_vs_rho_k40.dat', 'pidle_vs_rho_k40.dat', 'ploss_vs_rho_k40.dat' ] figure = 0 pylab.rc('font', **{'family': 'sans-serif', 'sans-serif': ['Helvetica']}) os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/..") call(["make", "distclean"]) call(["make"]) call(["./sim", "-t 10000", "-c 1000000", "-l 12000", "-r 0.25,0.95"]) pylab.figure(++figure) pylab.clf() data, label = pylab.loadtxt(filelist[0], delimiter=','), r'K=$\infty$' pylab.plot(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], label=label) pylab.title(r"$E[N]$ vs $\rho$") pylab.xlabel(r"Utilization of the buffer") pylab.ylabel(r"Average \# of packets in the buffer") pylab.legend() pylab.savefig(filelist[0].rsplit('.', 1)[0] + ".png") pylab.figure(++figure) pylab.clf() data, label = pylab.loadtxt(filelist[0], delimiter=','), r'K=$\infty$' pylab.plot(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], label=label) pylab.title(r"$P_{idle}$ vs $\rho$") pylab.xlabel(r"Utilization of the buffer") pylab.ylabel(r"Proportion of time the system is idle") pylab.legend()
#!/usr/bin/env python #need this to run without xserver import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import math import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot import numpy import pylab hardsphereR = 3.03420 / 2 / 10 # from Clark et al, in nm newdata = pylab.loadtxt('figs/single-rod-in-water.dat') hugdata = pylab.loadtxt('figs/hughes-single-rod-in-water.dat') rnew = newdata[:, 0] - hardsphereR rhug = hugdata[:, 0] - hardsphereR newbrokenHB = newdata[:, 2] hugbrokenHB = hugdata[:, 2] p1, = pylab.plot(rnew, newbrokenHB / 2, color='#990022', linestyle='-') #'r-') p2, = pylab.plot(rhug, hugbrokenHB / 2, color='#220099', linestyle='--') #'k--') #plot properties pyplot.ylabel('Broken bonds per nm') pyplot.xlabel('Radius of rod (nm)') pyplot.xlim(0, 1.5) pyplot.ylim(0, 10) pyplot.legend([p2, p1], ["Hughes, et al", "This work"], loc=2) pyplot.savefig('figs/single-rod-broken-HB.pdf')
def getData(name): data = pl.loadtxt(name) # Returns column matrices X = data[0:1].T Y = data[1:2].T return X, Y
import math import numpy import numpy import pylab from scipy.optimize import curve_fit import math import scipy.stats import uncertainties from uncertainties import unumpy def linear(x, a, b): return a*(x-b)**2 INPUT = "/home/federico/Laboratorio3/relazione5/datiParabola.txt" Vd, dVd, Vgs, dVgs = pylab.loadtxt(INPUT, unpack=True) R_1 = ufloat(0.994*1000, 0.008*1000) R_2 = ufloat(1.954*1000, 0.016*1000) V_1 = ufloat(15.01, 0.08) V_2 = ufloat(-15.11, 0.08) #Nelle visualizzazioni devo introdurre gli errori V_GS = unumpy.uarray(Vgs, dVgs) V_D = unumpy.uarray(Vd, dVd) I_D = V_D/R_1 I_D = 1000*I_D pylab.rc('font',size=13)
'family': 'sans-serif', 'color': 'black', 'weight': 'normal', 'size': 16, } fig_size = plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] fig_size[0] = 12 fig_size[1] = 5 plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = fig_size # step size (constant value) DT05 = 0.05 DT01 = 0.01 DT001 = 0.001 # load data y2 = pylab.loadtxt(sys.argv[1] + "_001.txt") y3 = pylab.loadtxt(sys.argv[1] + "_01.txt") y4 = pylab.loadtxt(sys.argv[1] + "_05.txt") y5 = pylab.loadtxt(sys.argv[1] + "_PID.txt") t05 = np.linspace(0, y4.size * DT05, y4.size) t01 = np.linspace(0, y3.size * DT01, y3.size) t001 = np.linspace(0, y2.size * DT001, y2.size) # setup the figure fig = plt.figure() for i in range(0, y5.size): if y5[i] < 0: y5[i] = y5[i] * -1 #print "%d" % y3.size
# System x = ca.MX.sym("x", 2) p = ca.MX.sym("p", 1) u = ca.MX.sym("u", 1) # f = ca.vertcat([x[1], p[0]/(m*(L**2))*(u-x[0]) - g/L * pl.sin(x[0])]) f = ca.vertcat([x[1], p[0]/(m*(L**2))*(u-x[0]) - g/L * x[0]]) phi = x odesys = = x, u = u, p = p, f = f, phi = phi) odesys.show_system_information(showEquations = True) data = pl.loadtxt('data_pendulum.txt') tu = data[:500, 0] numeas = data[:500, 1] wmeas = data[:500, 2] yN = pl.array([numeas,wmeas]) N = tu.size uN = [psi] * (N-1) wv = pl.ones(yN.shape) lsqpe_sim = pecas.LSq( \ system = odesys, tu = tu, \ uN = uN, \ pinit = 1, \ xinit = yN, # linear_solver = "ma97", \
fiendex_forandring = [] fiendey_forandring = [] ROMVESEN = pygame.transform.scale(ROMVESEN, (60, 60)) for i in range(fiende_nummer): fiendeImg.append(ROMVESEN) fiendex.append(random.randint(0, bredde - 40)) fiendey.append(random.randint(50, 150)) fiendex_forandring.append(fiende_fart) fiendey_forandring.append(40) #Score og level score_value = 0 level_nå = 0 high_score = str(int(loadtxt("./assets/poeng.txt"))) def fiende(x, y, i): vindu.blit(fiendeImg[i], (x, y)) def spiller(x, y): vindu.blit(SPILLER, (x, y)) def skyt_laser(x, y): global lasertid lasertid = "fire" vindu.blit(SPILLERLASER, (x, y + 10))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Spyder Editor This is a temporary script file. """ import pylab as p p.close('all') data = p.loadtxt('caustic_18.11.04_L2.1.txt', skiprows=1) x = data[:,0]/100 u = data[:,1]/1000 v = data[:,2]/1000 el = data[:,3] p.figure(figsize=(8, 4.5)) p.plot(x,u,'r.', label='u-radius') p.plot(x,v,'b.', label='v-radius') p.title('Beam Profile at Fiber Tip', fontsize=18) p.xlabel('Distance From Center of Iris2 [m]', fontsize=14) p.ylabel('Beam Diameter [mm]', fontsize=14 ) p.legend(fontsize=14) p.figure() p.plot(x, el, 'b.')
#Code taken from import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pylab from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection #These numbers should match simulation.c NTIMESTEPS=300 NPOINTS=100 #Load our data. data=pylab.loadtxt("out.txt") #10 second video at 30 fps = 300 frames for timestep in range(NTIMESTEPS): plt.close('all') fig, axes = plt.subplots(figsize=(5,5)) #adding the Circles to the plot using a PatchCollection is much faster. patches=[] #Grab the correct datapoints from the file and add them as circles. for i in range(NPOINTS): index=timestep*NPOINTS+i; patches.append(plt.Circle((data[index,2],data[index,3]),0.15)) axes.add_collection(PatchCollection(patches, alpha=0.95)) axes.set_xlim(-1,10) axes.set_ylim(-1,10) axes.set_xlabel("x (m)") axes.set_ylabel("y (m)") axes.set_title("t=%.2f seconds" % data[timestep*NPOINTS,0])
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.lines as lines # setup font font = {'family' : 'sans-serif', 'color' : 'black', 'weight' : 'normal', 'size' : 16, } # step size (constant value) DT = 0.001 # load data y = pylab.loadtxt("./track_sinusoidal.torque") t = np.linspace(0,y[:,0].size*DT,y[:,0].size) # setup the figure fig = plt.figure() # plot data plt.plot(t,y[:,1],'k' ,label='PD control torque (joint 1)') plt.plot(t,y[:,0],'r' ,label='inverse dynamics torque (joint 1)') # add titles, labels, and legend plt.title('Motor torques for PD control vs. inverse dynamics control for track sinusoidal task', fontdict=font) plt.xlabel('Time', fontdict=font) plt.ylabel('Torque', fontdict=font) plt.legend(loc=4, shadow=True)
def main(): # PHYSICS AND MACHINE PARAMETERS. intensity = 4.5e11 # Number of particles (protons) per bunch. charge = e # Charge of a proton. mass = m_p # Mass of a proton. sigma_z = 0.0936851405476 # Bunch length (RMS) [m]. gamma = 4263.15613303 # Relativistic gamma. alpha_0 = 0.0003225 # Momentum compaction factor. eta = alpha_0 - 1. / gamma**2 # Slippage factor. gamma_t = 1. / np.sqrt(alpha_0) # Transition gamma. p0 = np.sqrt(gamma**2 - 1) * mass * c # Momentum. Q_s = 0.00234243399047 # Synchrotron tune. Q_x = 64.31 # Betatron tune (horizontal). Q_y = 59.32 # Betatron tune (vertical). C = 26658.883 # Ring circumference [m]. R = C / (2. * np.pi) # Ring radius [m]. alpha_x = 0. alpha_y = 0. Qp_x = 0. # Horizontal chromaticity. Qp_y = 0. # Vertical chromaticity. beta_x = 65.9756337546 # Horizontal beta function [m]. beta_y = 71.5255058456 # Vertical beta function [m]. beta_z = eta * R / Q_s # Longitudinal beta function [m]. epsn_x = 2.0 # Horizontal emittance [um]. epsn_y = 2.0 # Vertical emittance [um]. epsn_z = 4. * np.pi * sigma_z**2 * p0 / (beta_z * e) # SIMULATION PARAMETERS. n_macroparticles = 20000 # Number of macroparticles per bunch (go to 1e6). n_turns = 5 # Number of turn (set to 2e5 later) # ============================================================================================== # GENERATE BUNCH AND CREATE VARIOUS SLICINGS. # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # Create bunch (matched) and apply initial kicks. bunch = Particles.as_gaussian(n_macroparticles, charge, gamma, intensity, mass, alpha_x, beta_x, epsn_x, alpha_y, beta_y, epsn_y, beta_z, epsn_z, generator_seed=10) # Import bunch from file. bunch.x = np.loadtxt('./initBunch/x.dat') bunch.y = np.loadtxt('./initBunch/y.dat') bunch.z = np.loadtxt('./initBunch/z.dat') bunch.xp = np.loadtxt('./initBunch/xp.dat') bunch.yp = np.loadtxt('./initBunch/yp.dat') bunch.dp = np.loadtxt('./initBunch/dp.dat') # SLICINGS n_slices_for_wakes = 20 slices_for_wakes = Slicer(n_slices_for_wakes, nsigmaz=3, mode='const_space') slices_for_wakes.update_slices(bunch) # ============================================================================================== # SET UP SYNCHROTRON AND BETATRON MOTION. # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ n_segments = 1 # Number of segments per turn. s = np.arange(0, n_segments + 1) * C / n_segments # BETATRON # Loop on number of segments and create the TransverseSegmentMap for each segment. alpha_x *= np.ones(n_segments) beta_x *= np.ones(n_segments) D_x = np.zeros(n_segments) alpha_y *= np.ones(n_segments) beta_y *= np.ones(n_segments) D_y = np.zeros(n_segments) transverse_map = TransverseMap(s, alpha_x, beta_x, D_x, alpha_y, beta_y, D_y, Q_x, Q_y) # SYNCHROTRON cavity = LinearMap(C, alpha_0, Q_s, (slices_for_wakes, )) # ============================================================================================== # SET UP WAKE FIELDS USING RESONATOR MODEL. # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ R_shunt = 10e6 frequency = 2e9 Q = 0.9 Yokoya_X1 = 0.5 Yokoya_Y1 = 0.5 Yokoya_X2 = 0.5 Yokoya_Y2 = 0.5 Yokoya_Z = 0 wakes = Wakes.resonator(R_shunt, frequency, Q, Yokoya_X1, Yokoya_Y1, Yokoya_X2, Yokoya_Y2, Yokoya_Z, slices_for_wakes) # ============================================================================================== # SET UP ACCELERATOR MAP AND START TRACKING # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # Accelerator map. map_ = [transverse_map[0]] + [cavity] wakes = [wakes] f, (ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4) = plt.subplots(4, sharex=True) # Read data from files created with old PyHT version. # (where wakes were benchmarked against HT -> see pres. M. Schenk, 22.07.2014, HTWG Meeting). dipX_kick_old_version = plt.loadtxt( './resultsOldPyHT/kicks_dipX_resonator.dat') dipY_kick_old_version = plt.loadtxt( './resultsOldPyHT/kicks_dipY_resonator.dat') quadX_kick_old_version = plt.loadtxt( './resultsOldPyHT/kicks_quadX_resonator.dat') quadY_kick_old_version = plt.loadtxt( './resultsOldPyHT/kicks_quadY_resonator.dat') # For new PyHT version. dipX_kick = np.zeros(n_macroparticles) dipY_kick = np.zeros(n_macroparticles) quadX_kick = np.zeros(n_macroparticles) quadY_kick = np.zeros(n_macroparticles) # Start tracking. for i in range(n_turns): t0 = time.clock() for m in map_: m.track(bunch) if i == 4: # Dip kicks. xp_old = np.zeros(n_macroparticles) xp_old[:] = bunch.xp wakes[0].wake_kicks[0].apply(bunch, slices_for_wakes) dipX_kick[:] = bunch.xp - xp_old yp_old = np.zeros(n_macroparticles) yp_old[:] = bunch.yp wakes[0].wake_kicks[2].apply(bunch, slices_for_wakes) dipY_kick[:] = bunch.yp - yp_old # Quad kicks. wakes[0].wake_kicks[1].apply(bunch, slices_for_wakes) quadX_kick[:] = bunch.xp - xp_old wakes[0].wake_kicks[3].apply(bunch, slices_for_wakes) quadY_kick[:] = bunch.yp - yp_old # Compare results for old and new versions. ax1.plot(dipX_kick, c='r', label='new version') ax1.plot(dipX_kick_old_version, 'b', linestyle='dashed', label='old version') ax1.set_ylabel('dipX kick') handles, labels = ax1.get_legend_handles_labels() ax1.legend(handles, labels) ax2.plot(dipY_kick, c='r', label='new version') ax2.plot(dipY_kick_old_version, c='b', linestyle='dashed', label='old version') ax2.set_ylabel('dipY kick') handles, labels = ax2.get_legend_handles_labels() ax2.legend(handles, labels) ax3.plot(quadX_kick, c='r', label='new version') ax3.plot(quadX_kick_old_version, c='b', linestyle='dashed', label='old version') ax3.set_ylabel('quadX kick') handles, labels = ax3.get_legend_handles_labels() ax3.legend(handles, labels) ax4.plot(quadY_kick, c='r', label='new version') ax4.plot(quadY_kick_old_version, c='b', linestyle='dashed', label='old version') ax4.set_ylabel('quadY kick') ax4.set_xlabel('particle no.') handles, labels = ax4.get_legend_handles_labels() ax4.legend(handles, labels) else: wakes[0].track(bunch) print 'turn', i
import pylab import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import curve_fit import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib as mplt ###CARICA print('\n\n\nCARICA\n\n\n') x, y = pylab.loadtxt( r'C:\Users\Satellite\Desktop\Università 2\Laboratorio 2\_ESAME\lab2 Giulio\esercitazione 4\dati\DatiCond1_C.txt', unpack=True) #file Arduino:prima colonna tempo,seconda voltaggio # ATTENZIONE ALLE UNITA' DI MIAURA dx = 4 / 1000 dy = np.array([1] * len(y)) x = x / 1000 #Funzione carica def carica(x, q, t): return q * (1 - np.exp(-x / t)) init = (1023, 15) #q è il max valore in digit di delta V (1023), t è tau=RC #UNITA' DI MISURAAAAA pylab.figure(0) #Serve per vedere se gli init sono giusti pylab.errorbar(x, y, dy, dx, linestyle='', color='black', marker='.') xx = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), 2000) pylab.plot(xx, carica(xx, *init), color='red')
import pylab import tables import math dat = pylab.loadtxt("fdtd-convergence.dat") dx = dat[:,0] err75 = dat[:,1] err150 = dat[:,2] fig = pylab.figure(1) pylab.loglog(dx, err75, 'r-') pylab.loglog(dx, err75, 'ro') pylab.loglog(dx, err150, 'k-') pylab.loglog(dx, err150, 'ko') pylab.xlabel("Grid spacing") pylab.ylabel("Average error") pylab.axis('tight') pylab.title('Error for wave-propagation scheme') pylab.savefig("tm-wave-convergence.png") print "Order of convergence t=75" for i in range(1, dx.shape[0]): od = (pylab.log(err75[i]) - pylab.log(err75[i-1]))/(pylab.log(dx[i]) - pylab.log(dx[i-1])) print od print "Order of convergence t=150" for i in range(1, dx.shape[0]): od = (pylab.log(err150[i]) - pylab.log(err150[i-1]))/(pylab.log(dx[i]) - pylab.log(dx[i-1])) print od
from pylab import plot, show from numpy import linspace, sin, cos from pylab import loadtxt from pylab import plot, show, xlim, ylim x = linspace(0, 10, 100) y = sin(x) ylim(-1.1, 1.1) g = cos(x) plot(x, y) plot(x, g) show() a = open("grafic.txt", "w") for i in range(len(x)): a.write("%.2f%.2f\n" % (x[i], y[i])) a.close() b = loadtxt("grafic.txt", float) print(b[:0]) print(b[:1])
@author: loredp """ import sklearn.linear_model as skls import lassoData import pylab as pl import functions as fun import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np train = lassoData.lassoTrainData() val = lassoData.lassoValData() test = lassoData.lassoTestData() true_w = pl.loadtxt('lasso_true_w.txt') #True value for the data #Step 1: transform data X = train[0] Y = train[1] (Xc, Yc) = fun.center_data(X, Y) alpha = 0.2 fig = plt.figure() fig.add_subplot(121) w1 =, Y, M=12, alpha=alpha, basis=fun.basis_sin), w1[0], color='teal') plt.title('LASSO') fig.add_subplot(122)
def load_video_info(video_path): """ Loads all the relevant information for the video in the given path: the list of image files (cell array of strings), initial position (1x2), target size (1x2), whether to resize the video to half (boolean), and the ground truth information for precision calculations (Nx2, for N frames). The ordering of coordinates is always [y, x]. The path to the video is returned, since it may change if the images are located in a sub-folder (as is the default for MILTrack's videos). """ # load ground truth from text file (MILTrack's format) text_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(video_path, "*_gt.txt")) assert text_files, \ "No initial position and ground truth (*_gt.txt) to load." first_file_path = os.path.join(video_path, text_files[0]) #f = open(first_file_path, "r") #ground_truth = textscan(f, '%f,%f,%f,%f') # [x, y, width, height] #ground_truth = cat(2, ground_truth{:}) ground_truth = pylab.loadtxt(first_file_path, delimiter=",") #f.close() # set initial position and size first_ground_truth = ground_truth[0, :] # target_sz contains height, width target_sz = pylab.array([first_ground_truth[3], first_ground_truth[2]]) # pos contains y, x center pos = [first_ground_truth[1], first_ground_truth[0]] \ + pylab.floor(target_sz / 2) #try: if True: # interpolate missing annotations # 4 out of each 5 frames is filled with zeros for i in range(4): # x, y, width, height xp = range(0, ground_truth.shape[0], 5) fp = ground_truth[xp, i] x = range(ground_truth.shape[0]) ground_truth[:, i] = pylab.interp(x, xp, fp) # store positions instead of boxes ground_truth = ground_truth[:, [1, 0]] + ground_truth[:, [3, 2]] / 2 #except Exception as e: else: print("Failed to gather ground truth data") #print("Error", e) # ok, wrong format or we just don't have ground truth data. ground_truth = [] # list all frames. first, try MILTrack's format, where the initial and # final frame numbers are stored in a text file. if it doesn't work, # try to load all png/jpg files in the folder. text_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(video_path, "*_frames.txt")) if text_files: first_file_path = os.path.join(video_path, text_files[0]) #f = open(first_file_path, "r") #frames = textscan(f, '%f,%f') frames = pylab.loadtxt(first_file_path, delimiter=",", dtype=int) #f.close() # see if they are in the 'imgs' subfolder or not test1_path_to_img = os.path.join(video_path, "imgs/img%05i.png" % frames[0]) test2_path_to_img = os.path.join(video_path, "img%05i.png" % frames[0]) if os.path.exists(test1_path_to_img): video_path = os.path.join(video_path, "imgs/") elif os.path.exists(test2_path_to_img): video_path = video_path # no need for change else: raise Exception("Failed to find the png images") # list the files img_files = [ "img%05i.png" % i for i in range(frames[0], frames[1] + 1) ] #img_files = num2str((frames{1} : frames{2})', 'img%05i.png') #img_files = cellstr(img_files); else: # no text file, just list all images img_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(video_path, "*.png")) if len(img_files) == 0: img_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(video_path, "*.jpg")) assert len(img_files), "Failed to find png or jpg images" img_files.sort() # if the target is too large, use a lower resolution # no need for so much detail if pylab.sqrt( >= 100: pos = pylab.floor(pos / 2) target_sz = pylab.floor(target_sz / 2) resize_image = True else: resize_image = False ret = [img_files, pos, target_sz, resize_image, ground_truth, video_path] return ret