Example #1
    def __init__(self, x_wc, K):
        self.x_wc = x_wc
        self.x_cw = coord_xfms.ssc.inverse(self.x_wc)

        # camera calibration matrix
        self.K = K

        # camera center
        self.C = self.x_wc[0:3]

        # transforms points in world frame to points in camera frame
        self.wHc = coord_xfms.xyzrph2matrix(self.x_cw)
        # transforms points in camera frame to points in world frame
        self.cHw = coord_xfms.xyzrph2matrix(self.x_wc)

        # the stupid [R t] notation that I absolutely hate
        self.Rt = self.wHc[0:3, :]

        # projects points in world frame to image plane of camera
        self.P = K.dot(self.Rt)

        # used for normalized image points
        self.invK = pl.inv(K[0:3, 0:3])

        # used in back-projecting points to rays
        self.pinvP = pl.pinv(self.P)
Example #2
    def __init__ (self, x_wc, K):
        self.x_wc = x_wc
        self.x_cw = coord_xfms.ssc.inverse (self.x_wc)

        # camera calibration matrix
        self.K = K
        # camera center
        self.C = self.x_wc[0:3]

        # transforms points in world frame to points in camera frame
        self.wHc = coord_xfms.xyzrph2matrix (self.x_cw)
        # transforms points in camera frame to points in world frame
        self.cHw = coord_xfms.xyzrph2matrix (self.x_wc)

        # the stupid [R t] notation that I absolutely hate
        self.Rt = self.wHc[0:3,:]
        # projects points in world frame to image plane of camera
        self.P = K.dot (self.Rt)

        # used for normalized image points
        self.invK = pl.inv (K[0:3,0:3])

        # used in back-projecting points to rays
        self.pinvP = pl.pinv (self.P)
Example #3
def find_factors(idat, odat, k = None):
    A routine to compute the main predictors (linear combinations of
    coordinates) in idat to predict odat.

        idat: d x n data matrix,
            with n measurements, each of dimension d
        odat: q x n data matrix
             with n measurements, each of dimension q

        **Depending on whether or not** *k* **is provided, the returned
        value is different**

      * if k is given, compute the first k regressors and return an orthogonal
        matrix that contains the regressors in its colums,
        i.e. reg[0,:] is the first regressor

      * if k is not given or None, return a d-dimensional vector v(k)
        explaining which fraction of the total predictable variance can be
        explained using only k regressors.


    #. idat and odat must have zero mean
    #. To interpret the regressors, it is advisable to have the
       for columns of idat having the same variance
    # transform into z-scores
    u, s, v = svd(idat, full_matrices = False)
    su = dot(diag(1./s), u.T)

    z = dot(su,idat)
    # ! Note that the covariance of z is *NOT* 1, but 1/n; z*z.T = 1 !

    # least-squares regression:
    A = dot(odat, pinv(z))

    uA, sigma_A, vA = svd(A, full_matrices = False)
    if k is None:
        vk = cumsum(sigma_A**2) / sum(sigma_A**2)
        return vk

    # choose k predictors
        sigma_A1 = sigma_A.copy()
        sigma_A1[k:] = 0
        A1 = reduce(dot, [uA, diag(sigma_A1), vA])
        B = dot(A1, su)
        uB, sigma_B, vB = svd(B, full_matrices = False)
        regs = vB[:k,:].T
        return regs
Example #4
def _calculate_svd(pp, r_0, beta, N_piercepoints):
    Returns result (U) of svd for K-L vectors

    pp : array
        Array of piercepoint locations
    r_0: float
        Scale size of amp fluctuations (m)
    beta: float
        Power-law index for amp structure function (5/3 => pure Kolmogorov
    N_piercepoints : int
        Number of piercepoints

    C : array
        C matrix
    pinvC : array
        Inv(C) matrix
    U : array
        Unitary matrix

    import numpy as np
    from pylab import kron, concatenate, pinv, norm, newaxis, find, amin, svd, eye

    D = np.resize(pp, (N_piercepoints, N_piercepoints, 3))
    D = np.transpose(D, (1, 0, 2)) - D
    D2 = np.sum(D**2, axis=2)
    C = -(D2 / r_0**2)**(beta / 2.0) / 2.0
    pinvC = pinv(C, rcond=1e-3)
    U, S, V = svd(C)

    return C, pinvC, U
Example #5
def _calculate_svd(pp, r_0, beta, N_piercepoints):
    Returns result (U) of svd for K-L vectors

    pp : array
        Array of piercepoint locations
    r_0: float
        Scale size of amp fluctuations (m)
    beta: float
        Power-law index for amp structure function (5/3 => pure Kolmogorov
    N_piercepoints : int
        Number of piercepoints

    C : array
        C matrix
    pinvC : array
        Inv(C) matrix
    U : array
        Unitary matrix

    import numpy as np
    from pylab import kron, concatenate, pinv, norm, newaxis, find, amin, svd, eye

    D = np.resize(pp, (N_piercepoints, N_piercepoints, 3))
    D = np.transpose(D, (1, 0, 2)) - D
    D2 = np.sum(D**2, axis=2)
    C = -(D2 / r_0**2)**(beta / 2.0) / 2.0
    pinvC = pinv(C, rcond=1e-3)
    U, S, V = svd(C)

    return C, pinvC, U
def makeTECparmdb(H, solset, TECsolTab, timewidths, freq, freqwidth):
    """Returns TEC screen parmdb parameters

    H - H5parm object
    solset - solution set with TEC screen parameters
    TECsolTab = solution table with tecscreen values
    timewidths - time widths of output parmdb
    freq - frequency of output parmdb
    freqwidth - frequency width of output parmdb
    from pylab import pinv
    global ipbar, pbar

    station_dict = H.getAnt(solset)
    station_names = station_dict.keys()
    station_positions = station_dict.values()
    source_dict = H.getSou(solset)
    source_names = source_dict.keys()
    source_positions = source_dict.values()

    tec_sf = solFetcher(TECsolTab)
    tec_screen, axis_vals = tec_sf.getValues()
    times = axis_vals['time']
    beta = TECsolTab._v_attrs['beta']
    r_0 = TECsolTab._v_attrs['r_0']
    height = TECsolTab._v_attrs['height']
    order = TECsolTab._v_attrs['order']
    pp = tec_sf.t.piercepoint

    N_sources = len(source_names)
    N_times = len(times)
    N_freqs = 1
    N_stations = len(station_names)
    N_piercepoints = N_sources * N_stations

    freqs = freq
    freqwidths = freqwidth
    parms = {}
    v = {}
    v['times'] = times
    v['timewidths'] = timewidths
    v['freqs'] = freqs
    v['freqwidths'] = freqwidths

    for station_name in station_names:
        for source_name in source_names:

            v['values'] = np.zeros((N_times, N_freqs), dtype=np.double)
            parmname = 'Piercepoint:X:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
            parms[parmname] = v.copy()

            v['values'] = np.zeros((N_times, N_freqs), dtype=np.double)
            parmname = 'Piercepoint:Y:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
            parms[parmname] = v.copy()

            v['values'] = np.zeros((N_times, N_freqs), dtype=np.double)
            parmname = 'Piercepoint:Z:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
            parms[parmname] = v.copy()

            v['values'] = np.zeros((N_times, N_freqs), dtype=np.double)
            parmname = 'TECfit_white:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
            parms[parmname] = v.copy()

            v['values'] = np.zeros((N_times, N_freqs), dtype=np.double)
            parmname = 'TECfit_white:0:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
            parms[parmname] = v.copy()

            v['values'] = np.zeros((N_times, N_freqs), dtype=np.double)
            parmname = 'TECfit_white:1:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
            parms[parmname] = v.copy()

    for k in range(N_times):
        D = np.resize(pp[k, :, :], (N_piercepoints, N_piercepoints, 3))
        D = np.transpose(D, (1, 0, 2)) - D
        D2 = np.sum(D**2, axis=2)
        C = -(D2 / (r_0**2))**(beta / 2.0) / 2.0
        tec_fit_white = np.dot(pinv(C),
                               tec_screen[:, k, :].reshape(N_piercepoints))
        pp_idx = 0
        for src, source_name in enumerate(source_names):
            for sta, station_name in enumerate(station_names):

                parmname = 'Piercepoint:X:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
                parms[parmname]['values'][k, 0] = pp[k, pp_idx, 0]

                parmname = 'Piercepoint:Y:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
                parms[parmname]['values'][k, 0] = pp[k, pp_idx, 1]

                parmname = 'Piercepoint:Z:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
                parms[parmname]['values'][k, 0] = pp[k, pp_idx, 2]

                parmname = 'TECfit_white:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
                parms[parmname]['values'][k, 0] = tec_fit_white[pp_idx]

                parmname = 'TECfit_white:0:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
                parms[parmname]['values'][k, 0] = tec_fit_white[pp_idx]

                parmname = 'TECfit_white:1:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
                parms[parmname]['values'][k, 0] = tec_fit_white[pp_idx]

                pp_idx += 1
        ipbar += 1

    time_start = times[0] - timewidths[0] / 2
    time_end = times[-1] + timewidths[-1] / 2

    v['times'] = np.array([(time_start + time_end) / 2])
    v['timewidths'] = np.array([time_end - time_start])

    v_r0 = v.copy()
    v_r0['values'] = np.array(r_0, dtype=np.double, ndmin=2)
    parms['r_0'] = v_r0

    v_beta = v.copy()
    v_beta['values'] = np.array(beta, dtype=np.double, ndmin=2)
    parms['beta'] = v_beta

    v_height = v.copy()
    v_height['values'] = np.array(height, dtype=np.double, ndmin=2)
    parms['height'] = v_height

    return parms
Example #7
def add_stations(station_selection,
    Adds stations to TEC fitting using an iterative initial-guess search to
    ensure the global min is found

    Keyword arguments:
    station_selection -- indices of stations to use in fitting
    phases0 -- XX phase solutions
    phases1 -- YY phase solutions
    flags -- phase solution flags (0 = use, 1 = flagged)
    mask -- mask for sources and frequencies (0 = ignore, 1 = use)
    station_names -- array of station names
    source_names -- array of source names
    source_selection -- indices of sources to use in fitting
    times -- array of times
    freqs -- array of frequencies
    r -- array of TEC solutions returned by fit_tec_per_source_pair()
    nband_min -- min number of bands for a source to be used
    soln_type -- type of phase solution: 'phase' or 'scalarphase'
    nstations_max -- max number of stations to use
    excluded_stations -- stations to exclude
    t_step -- try full TEC range every t_step number of solution times
    tec_step1 -- number of steps in TEC subrange (+/- last TEC fit value)
    tec_step2 -- number of steps in full TEC range (-0.1 -- 0.1)
    search_full_tec_range -- always search the full TEC range (-0.1 -- 0.1)
    from pylab import pinv, newaxis, find, amin
    import numpy as np
    from lofar.expion import baselinefitting
    import progressbar

    N_sources_selected = len(source_selection)
    N_stations_selected = len(station_selection)
    N_piercepoints = N_sources_selected * N_stations_selected
    N_times = len(times)
    N_stations = len(station_names)
    N_sources = len(source_names)
    N_pairs = 0
    for ii, i in enumerate(source_selection):
        for jj, j in enumerate(source_selection):
            if j == i:
            subband_selection = find(mask[i, :] * mask[j, :])
            if len(subband_selection) < nband_min:
            N_pairs += 1

    D = np.resize(station_positions, (N_stations, N_stations, 3))
    D = np.transpose(D, (1, 0, 2)) - D
    D = np.sqrt(np.sum(D**2, axis=2))

    station_selection1 = station_selection
    stations_to_add = np.array([
        i for i in range(len(station_names)) if i not in station_selection1
        and station_names[i] not in excluded_stations
    if len(stations_to_add) == 0:
        return station_selection1, r

    # Check if desired number of stations is already reached
    if nstations_max is not None:
        if len(station_selection1) >= nstations_max:
            return station_selection1, r

    logging.info("Using fitting with iterative search for remaining stations "
                 "(up to {0} stations in total)".format(nstations_max))
    q = r
    while len(stations_to_add) > 0:
        D1 = D[stations_to_add[:, newaxis], station_selection1[newaxis, :]]

        minimum_distance = amin(D1, axis=1)
        station_to_add = stations_to_add[np.argmin(minimum_distance)]
        station_selection1 = np.append(station_selection1, station_to_add)
        N_stations_selected1 = len(station_selection1)

        # Remove station from list
        stations_to_add = stations_to_add[stations_to_add != station_to_add]

        sols_list = []
        eq_list = []
        min_e_list = []

        ipbar = 0
        logging.info('Fitting TEC values with {0} included...'.format(
        pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=N_pairs * N_times).start()
        for ii, i in enumerate(source_selection):
            for jj, j in enumerate(source_selection):
                if j == i:
                subband_selection = find(mask[i, :] * mask[j, :])
                if len(subband_selection) < nband_min:
                logging.debug('Adding {0} for source pair: {1}-{2}'.format(
                    station_names[station_to_add], i, j))
                p0 = phases0[i, station_selection1[:, newaxis],
                             subband_selection[newaxis, :], :] - phases0[
                                 j, station_selection1[:, newaxis],
                                 subband_selection[newaxis, :], :]
                p0 = p0 - np.mean(p0, axis=0)[newaxis, :, :]
                if soln_type != 'scalarphase':
                    p1 = phases1[i, station_selection1[:, newaxis],
                                 subband_selection[newaxis, :], :] - phases1[
                                     j, station_selection1[:, newaxis],
                                     subband_selection[newaxis, :], :]
                    p1 = p1 - np.mean(p1, axis=0)[newaxis, :, :]
                A = np.zeros((len(subband_selection), 1))
                A[:, 0] = 8.44797245e9 / freqs[subband_selection]

                flags_source_pair = flags[
                    i, station_selection1[:, newaxis],
                    subband_selection[newaxis, :], :] * flags[
                        j, station_selection1[:, newaxis],
                        subband_selection[newaxis, :], :]
                constant_parms = np.zeros((1, N_stations_selected1),
                sols = np.zeros((N_times, N_stations_selected1),
                p_0_best = None
                for t_idx in range(N_times):
                    if np.mod(t_idx, t_step) == 0:
                        min_e = np.Inf
                        if p_0_best is not None and not search_full_tec_range:
                            min_tec = p_0_best[0, -1] - 0.02
                            max_tec = p_0_best[0, -1] + 0.02
                            nsteps = tec_step1
                            min_tec = -0.1
                            max_tec = 0.1
                            nsteps = tec_step2
                            '  Trying initial guesses between {0} and '
                            '{1} TECU'.format(min_tec, max_tec))
                        for offset in np.linspace(min_tec, max_tec, nsteps):
                            p_0 = np.zeros((1, N_stations_selected1),
                            p_0[0, :N_stations_selected1 -
                                1] = (q[ii, t_idx, :] -
                                      q[jj, t_idx, :])[newaxis, :]
                            p_0[0, -1] = offset

                            x = p0[:, :, t_idx].copy()
                            f = flags_source_pair[:, :, t_idx].copy()
                            sol0 = baselinefitting.fit(x.T, A, p_0, f,
                            sol0 -= np.mean(sol0)
                            residual = np.mod(
                                np.dot(A, sol0) - x.T + np.pi,
                                2 * np.pi) - np.pi
                            residual = residual[f.T == 0]
                            e = np.var(residual)

                            if soln_type != 'scalarphase':
                                x = p1[:, :, t_idx].copy()
                                f = flags_source_pair[:, :, t_idx].copy()
                                sol1 = baselinefitting.fit(
                                    x.T, A, p_0, f, constant_parms)
                                sol1 -= np.mean(sol1)
                                residual = np.mod(
                                    np.dot(A, sol1) - x.T + np.pi,
                                    2 * np.pi) - np.pi
                                residual = residual[f.T == 0]
                                e += np.var(residual)
                                sol1 = sol0

                            if e < min_e:
                                    '  Found new min variance of {0} '
                                    'with initial guess of {1} TECU'.format(
                                        e, p_0[0, -1]))
                                min_e = e
                                p_0_best = p_0
                                sols[t_idx, :] = (sol0[0, :] + sol1[0, :]) / 2
                        # Use previous init
                        x = p0[:, :, t_idx].copy()
                        f = flags_source_pair[:, :, t_idx].copy()
                        sol0 = baselinefitting.fit(x.T, A, p_0_best, f,
                        sol0 -= np.mean(sol0)

                        if soln_type != 'scalarphase':
                            x = p1[:, :, t_idx].copy()
                            f = flags_source_pair[:, :, t_idx].copy()
                            sol1 = baselinefitting.fit(x.T, A, p_0_best, f,
                            sol1 -= np.mean(sol1)
                            sol1 = sol0
                        sols[t_idx, :] = (sol0[0, :] + sol1[0, :]) / 2

                    ipbar += 1

                ### Remove outliers
                logging.debug('  Searching for outliers...')
                for kk in range(10):
                    s = sols[:, -1].copy()
                    selection = np.zeros(len(s), np.bool)
                    for t_idx in range(len(s)):
                        start_idx = np.max([t_idx - 10, 0])
                        end_idx = np.min([t_idx + 10, len(s)])
                        selection[t_idx] = np.sum(
                            abs(s[start_idx:end_idx] - s[t_idx]) < 0.02) > (
                                end_idx - start_idx - 8)
                    outliers = find(np.logical_not(selection))
                    if len(outliers) == 0:
                    for t_idx in outliers:
                            idx0 = find(selection[:t_idx])[-1]
                        except IndexError:
                            idx0 = -1
                            idx1 = find(selection[t_idx + 1:])[0] + t_idx + 1
                        except IndexError:
                            idx1 = -1
                        if idx0 == -1:
                            s[t_idx] = s[idx1]
                        elif idx1 == -1:
                            s[t_idx] = s[idx0]
                            s[t_idx] = (s[idx0] * (idx1 - t_idx) + s[idx1] *
                                        (t_idx - idx0)) / (idx1 - idx0)

                        p_0 = np.zeros((1, N_stations_selected1), np.double)
                        p_0[0, :] = sols[t_idx, :]
                        p_0[0, -1] = s[t_idx]

                        x = p0[:, :, t_idx].copy()
                        f = flags_source_pair[:, :, t_idx].copy()
                        sol0 = baselinefitting.fit(x.T, A, p_0, f,
                        sol0 -= np.mean(sol0)

                        if soln_type != 'scalarphase':
                            x = p1[:, :, t_idx].copy()
                            sol1 = baselinefitting.fit(x.T, A, p_0, f,
                            sol1 -= np.mean(sol1)
                            sol1 = sol0
                        sols[t_idx, :] = (sol0[0, :] + sol1[0, :]) / 2

                weight = 1.0
                sols_list.append(weight * sols)
                eq = np.zeros(N_sources)
                eq[ii] = weight
                eq[jj] = -weight

        sols = np.array(sols_list)
        B = np.array(eq_list)
        pinvB = pinv(B)

        q = np.dot(pinvB, sols.transpose([1, 0, 2]))

        if nstations_max is not None:
            if N_stations_selected1 == nstations_max:

    return station_selection1, q
Example #8
def fit_tec_per_source_pair(phases,
    """Fits TEC values to phase solutions per source pair

    Returns TEC solutions as array of shape (N_sources, N_times, N_stations)

    Keyword arguments:
    phases -- array of phase solutions
    flags -- phase solution flags (0 = use, 1 = flagged)
    mask -- mask for sources and frequencies (0 = ignore, 1 = use)
    freqs -- array of frequencies
    init_sols -- solutions to use to initialize the fits
    init_sols_per_pair -- init_sols are per source pair (not per source)
    propagate -- propagate solutions from previous solution
    nband_min -- min number of bands for a source to be used
    from pylab import pinv, newaxis, find
    import numpy as np
    from lofar.expion import baselinefitting
    import progressbar

    sols_list = []
    eq_list = []
    vars_list = []
    var_eq_list = []

    N_sources = phases.shape[0]
    N_stations = phases.shape[1]
    N_times = phases.shape[3]
    N_pairs = 0
    for i in range(N_sources):
        for j in range(i):
            subband_selection = find(mask[i, :] * mask[j, :])
            if len(subband_selection) < nband_min:
            N_pairs += 1

    if init_sols is None and not init_sols_per_pair:
        init_sols = np.zeros((N_sources, N_times, N_stations), dtype=np.float)
    elif init_sols is None and init_sols_per_pair:
        init_sols = np.zeros((N_pairs, N_times, N_stations), dtype=np.float)
    source_pairs = []

    k = 0
    ipbar = 0
    logging.info('Fitting TEC values...')
    pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=N_pairs * N_times).start()
    for i in range(N_sources):
        for j in range(i):
            subband_selection = find(mask[i, :] * mask[j, :])
            if len(subband_selection) < nband_min:
            source_pairs.append((i, j))
            p = phases[i, :,
                       subband_selection, :] - phases[j, :,
                                                      subband_selection, :]
            A = np.zeros((len(subband_selection), 1))
            A[:, 0] = 8.44797245e9 / freqs[subband_selection]

            flags_source_pair = flags[i, :, subband_selection, :] * flags[
                j, :, subband_selection, :]
            constant_parms = np.zeros((1, N_stations), dtype=np.bool)
            sols = np.zeros((N_times, N_stations), dtype=np.float)

            if init_sols_per_pair:
                p_0 = init_sols[k, 0, :][newaxis, :]
                p_0 = (init_sols[i, 0, :] - init_sols[j, 0, :])[newaxis, :]

            for t_idx in range(N_times):
                x = p[:, :, t_idx].copy()
                f = flags_source_pair[:, :, t_idx].copy()
                if not propagate:
                    if init_sols_per_pair:
                        p_0 = init_sols[k, t_idx, :][newaxis, :]
                        p_0 = (init_sols[i, t_idx, :] -
                               init_sols[j, 0, :])[newaxis, :]
                sol = baselinefitting.fit(x, A, p_0, f, constant_parms)
                if propagate:
                    p_0 = sol.copy()
                sols[t_idx, :] = sol[0, :]
                ipbar += 1
            sols = sols[:, :] - np.mean(sols[:, :], axis=1)[:, newaxis]

            weight = len(subband_selection)
            sols_list.append(sols * weight)
            eq = np.zeros(N_sources)
            eq[i] = weight
            eq[j] = -weight
            k += 1

    sols = np.array(sols_list)
    B = np.array(eq_list)
    source_selection = find(np.sum(abs(B), axis=0))
    N_sources = len(source_selection)
    if N_sources == 0:
            'All sources have fewer than the required minimum number of bands.'
        return None, None
    pinvB = pinv(B)
    r = np.dot(pinvB, sols.transpose([1, 0, 2]))
    r = r[source_selection, :, :]

    return r, source_selection
Example #9
def _fit_tec_screen(station_names, source_names, pp, airmass, rr, weights, times,
    height, order, r_0, beta, outQueue):
    Fits a screen to given TEC values using Karhunen-Lo`eve base vectors

    station_names: array
        Array of station names
    source_names: array
        Array of source names
    pp: array
        Array of piercepoint locations
    airmass: array
        Array of airmass values (note: not currently used)
    rr: array
        Array of TEC values to fit screen to
    weights: array
        Array of weights
    times: array
        Array of times
    height: float
        Height of screen (m)
    order: int
        Order of screen (i.e., number of KL base vectors to keep)
    r_0: float
        Scale size of phase fluctuations (m)
    beta: float
        Power-law index for phase structure function (5/3 => pure Kolmogorov

    import numpy as np
    from pylab import kron, concatenate, pinv, norm, newaxis, find, amin, svd, eye

    logging.info('Fitting screens...')

    # Initialize arrays
    N_stations = len(station_names)
    N_sources = len(source_names)
    N_times = len(times)
    N_piercepoints = N_sources * N_stations
    tec_fit_white_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    tec_residual_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))

    for k in range(N_times):
        D = np.resize(pp[k, :, :], (N_piercepoints, N_piercepoints, 3))
        D = np.transpose(D, (1, 0, 2)) - D
        D2 = np.sum(D**2, axis=2)
        C = -(D2 / r_0**2)**(beta / 2.0) / 2.0
        pinvC = pinv(C, rcond=1e-3)
        U, S, V = svd(C)
        invU = pinv(np.dot(np.transpose(U[:, :order]), np.dot(weights[:, :, k], U[:, :order])), rcond=1e-3)

        # Calculate screen
        rr1 = np.dot(np.transpose(U[:, :order]), np.dot(weights[:, :, k], rr[:, k]))
        tec_fit = np.dot(pinvC, np.dot(U[:, :order], np.dot(invU, rr1)))
        tec_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = tec_fit.reshape((N_sources, N_stations))
        residual = rr - np.dot(C, tec_fit)[:, newaxis]
        tec_residual_all[k, :, :] = residual.reshape((N_sources, N_stations))

    outQueue.put([tec_fit_white_all, tec_residual_all, times])
Example #10
def _fit_phase_screen(station_names, source_names, pp, airmass, rr, weights, times,
    height, order, r_0, beta, outQueue):
    Fits a screen to given phase values using Karhunen-Lo`eve base vectors

    station_names: array
        Array of station names
    source_names: array
        Array of source names
    pp: array
        Array of piercepoint locations
    airmass: array
        Array of airmass values (note: not currently used)
    rr: array
        Array of phase values to fit screen to
    weights: array
        Array of weights
    times: array
        Array of times
    height: float
        Height of screen (m)
    order: int
        Order of screen (i.e., number of KL base vectors to keep)
    r_0: float
        Scale size of phase fluctuations (m)
    beta: float
        Power-law index for phase structure function (5/3 => pure Kolmogorov

    import numpy as np
    from pylab import kron, concatenate, pinv, norm, newaxis, find, amin, svd, eye

    logging.info('Fitting screens...')

    # Initialize arrays
    N_stations = len(station_names)
    N_sources = len(source_names)
    N_times = len(times)
    N_piercepoints = N_sources * N_stations
    real_fit_white_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    imag_fit_white_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    phase_fit_white_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    real_residual_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    imag_residual_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    phase_residual_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))

    # Change phase to real/imag
    rr_real = np.cos(rr)
    rr_imag = np.sin(rr)

    for k in range(N_times):
            D = np.resize(pp[k, :, :], (N_piercepoints, N_piercepoints, 3))
            D = np.transpose(D, (1, 0, 2)) - D
            D2 = np.sum(D**2, axis=2)
            C = -(D2 / r_0**2)**(beta / 2.0) / 2.0
            pinvC = pinv(C, rcond=1e-3)
            U, S, V = svd(C)
            invU = pinv(np.dot(np.transpose(U[:, :order]), np.dot(weights[:, :, k], U[:, :order])), rcond=1e-3)

            # Calculate real screen
            rr1 = np.dot(np.transpose(U[:, :order]), np.dot(weights[:, :, k], rr_real[:, k]))
            real_fit = np.dot(pinvC, np.dot(U[:, :order], np.dot(invU, rr1)))
            real_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = real_fit.reshape((N_sources, N_stations))
            residual = rr_real - np.dot(C, real_fit)[:, newaxis]
            real_residual_all[k, :, :] = residual.reshape((N_sources, N_stations))

            # Calculate imag screen
            rr1 = np.dot(np.transpose(U[:, :order]), np.dot(weights[:, :, k], rr_imag[:, k]))
            imag_fit = np.dot(pinvC, np.dot(U[:, :order], np.dot(invU, rr1)))
            imag_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = imag_fit.reshape((N_sources, N_stations))
            residual = rr_imag - np.dot(C, imag_fit)[:, newaxis]
            imag_residual_all[k, :, :] = residual.reshape((N_sources, N_stations))

            # Calculate phase screen
            phase_fit = np.dot(pinvC, np.arctan2(np.dot(C, imag_fit), np.dot(C, real_fit)))
            phase_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = phase_fit.reshape((N_sources, N_stations))
            residual = rr - np.dot(C, phase_fit)[:, newaxis]
            phase_residual_all[k, :, :] = residual.reshape((N_sources, N_stations))
            # Set screen to zero if fit did not work
            logging.debug('Screen fit failed for timeslot {}'.format(k))
            real_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = np.zeros((N_sources, N_stations))
            real_residual_all[k, :, :] = np.ones((N_sources, N_stations))
            imag_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = np.zeros((N_sources, N_stations))
            imag_residual_all[k, :, :] = np.ones((N_sources, N_stations))
            phase_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = np.zeros((N_sources, N_stations))
            phase_residual_all[k, :, :] = np.ones((N_sources, N_stations))

    outQueue.put([real_fit_white_all, real_residual_all,
                  imag_fit_white_all, imag_residual_all,
                  phase_fit_white_all, phase_residual_all,
Example #11
def correction_light(I, method, show_light, mask=None):
    """Corrige la derive eclairement

    :I: array_like ou iplimage
    :method: 'polynomial' or 'frequency'
    :show_light: option affiche correction (true|false)
    :mask: array de zone non interet
    :returns: iplimage 32bit

    from progress import *
    import Tkinter
    if type(I) == cv.iplimage:
        if I.nChannels == 3:
            if method == 'None':
                I = RGB2L(I)
                I = cv2array(I)[:, :, 0]
                I = pymorph.hmin(I, 15, pymorph.sedisk(3))
                I = array2cv(I)
                cv.EqualizeHist(I, I)
                return I
            I = RGB2L(I)
            I_32bit = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(I), cv.IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1)
            cv.ConvertScale(I, I_32bit, 3000.0, 0.0)
            I = cv.CloneImage(I_32bit)
        I = cv2array(I)[:, :, 0]
    elif len(I.shape) == 3:
        I = (I[:, :, 0] + I[:, :, 0] + I[:, :, 0])\
            / 3.0  # A modifier: non utiliser dans notre cas
    elif method == 'None':
        I = array2cv(I)
        cv.EqualizeHist(I, I)
        return I

    I = np.log(I + 10 ** (-6))
    (H, W) = np.shape(I)
    I_out = I * 0 + 10 ** (-6)
    if method == 'polynomial':
        ## I = M.A avec A coeff. du polynome
        I_flat = I.flatten()
        degree = 3
        print("modification degree 3")
        #degree du polynome
        nb_coeff = (degree + 1) * (degree + 2) / 2  # nombre coefficient
        [yy, xx] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(W, dtype=np.float64),
                               np.arange(H, dtype=np.float64))
        if mask is not None:
            xx[mask] = 0
            yy[mask] = 0
        # Creation de M
            M = np.zeros((H * W, nb_coeff), dtype=np.float64)
        except MemoryError:
            print MemoryError
            return MemoryError
        i, j = 0, 0  # i,j degree de x,y
        #Bar progression
        bar = Tkinter.Tk(className='Correcting Light...')
        m = Meter(bar, relief='ridge', bd=3)
        m.set(0.0, 'Starting correction...')
        for col in np.arange(nb_coeff):
            M[:, col] = (xx.flatten() ** i) * (yy.flatten() ** j)
            i += 1
            m.set(0.5 * float(col) / (nb_coeff - 1))
            if i + j == degree + 1:
                i = 0
                j += 1

        # Resolution au sens des moindres carree: pseudo-inverse
            M = pl.pinv(M)
            A = np.dot(M, I_flat)
        except ValueError:
            return ValueError
        # Calcul de la surface
        i, j = 0, 0
        surface = np.zeros((H, W), dtype=np.float64)
        for cmpt in np.arange(nb_coeff):
            surface += A[cmpt] * (xx ** i) * (yy ** j)  # forme quadratique
            i += 1
            m.set(0.5 + 0.5 * float(cmpt) / (nb_coeff - 1))
            if i + j == degree + 1:
                i = 0
                j += 1
        I_out = np.exp(I / surface)
        light = surface
    elif method == 'frequency':
        Rx, Ry = 2, 2
        # zero padding
        N = [H, W]
        filtre = np.zeros((N[1], N[0]))
        centre_x = round(N[0] / 2)
        centre_y = round(N[1] / 2)
        I_fourier = pl.fftshift(pl.fft2(I, N))

        # Gaussian filter
        [xx, yy] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(N[0], dtype=np.float),
                               np.arange(N[1], dtype=np.float))
        filtre = np.exp(-2 * ((xx - centre_x) ** 2 + (yy - centre_y) ** 2) /
                        (Rx ** 2 + Ry ** 2))
        filtre = pl.transpose(filtre)
        I_fourier = I_fourier * filtre
        I_out = (np.abs(pl.ifft2(pl.ifftshift(I_fourier), N)))[0:H, 0:W]
        light = I_out
        I_out = np.exp(I / I_out)
        light = I * 0
        I_out = I
    # Display Light
    if show_light:
        light = ((light - light.min()) * 3000.0 /
        light = array2cv(light)
        fig = pl.figure()

    I_out = (I_out - I_out.min()) * 3000.0 / I_out.max()
    I_out = I_out.astype('uint8')

    #chapeau haut de forme
    I_out = pymorph.hmin(I_out, 25, pymorph.sedisk(3))
    #Conversion en iplimage et ajustement contraste
    gr = array2cv(I_out)
    cv.EqualizeHist(gr, gr)
    return gr
Example #12
def make_tec_screen_plots(pp, rr, tec_fit_white, tec_fit, station_positions,
    source_names, times, height, order, beta_val, r_0, prefix = 'frame_',
    """Makes plots of TEC screens"""
    import pylab
    import numpy as np
    import os
    from operations.tecscreen import calc_piercepoint
    import progressbar

    root_dir = os.path.dirname(prefix)
    if root_dir == '':
        root_dir = './'
    prestr = os.path.basename(prefix)
    except OSError:

    N_stations = station_positions.shape[0]
    N_sources = len(source_names)
    N_times = len(times)

    A = pylab.concatenate([pylab.kron(np.eye(N_sources),
        np.ones((N_stations,1))), pylab.kron(np.ones((N_sources,1)),
        np.eye(N_stations))], axis=1)

    N_piercepoints = N_sources * N_stations
    P = np.eye(N_piercepoints) - np.dot(np.dot(A, pylab.pinv(np.dot(A.T, A))), A.T)

    x,y,z = station_positions[0, :]
    east = np.array([-y, x, 0])
    east = east / pylab.norm(east)

    north = np.array([ -x, -y, (x*x + y*y)/z])
    north = north / pylab.norm(north)

    up = np.array([x,y,z])
    up = up / pylab.norm(up)

    T = pylab.concatenate([east[:, pylab.newaxis], north[:, pylab.newaxis]], axis=1)

    pp1 = np.dot(pp[0, :, :], T)
    lower = np.amin(pp1, axis=0)
    upper = np.amax(pp1, axis=0)
    extent = upper - lower

    lower = lower - 0.05 * extent
    upper = upper + 0.05 * extent

    extent = upper - lower

    N = 50
    xr = np.arange(lower[0], upper[0], extent[0]/N)
    yr = np.arange(lower[1], upper[1], extent[1]/N)
    screen = np.zeros((N, N, N_times))

    fitted_tec1 = tec_fit.transpose([0, 2, 1]).reshape(N_piercepoints, N_times) + np.dot(P, rr-tec_fit.transpose([0, 2, 1]).reshape(N_piercepoints, N_times))

    logging.info('Calculating TEC screen images...')
    pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=N_times).start()
    ipbar = 0
    for k in range(N_times):
        f = tec_fit_white[:, k, :]
        for i, x in enumerate(xr[0: N]):
            for j, y in enumerate(yr[0: N]):
                p = calc_piercepoint(np.dot(np.array([x, y]), np.array([east, north])), up, height)
                d2 = np.sum(np.square(pp[k, :, :] - p[0]), axis=1)
                c = -(d2 / ( r_0**2 ) )**( beta_val / 2.0 ) / 2.0
                screen[j, i, k] = np.dot(c, f.reshape(N_piercepoints))

        # Fit and remove a gradient
        if remove_gradient:
            xs, ys = np.indices(screen.shape[0:2])
            zs = screen[:, :, k]
            XYZ = []
            for xf, yf in zip(xs.flatten().tolist(), ys.flatten().tolist()):
                XYZ.append([xf, yf, zs[xf, yf]])
            XYZ = np.array(XYZ)
            a, b, c = fitPLaneLTSQ(XYZ)
            grad_plane = a * xs + b * ys + c
            screen[:, :, k] = screen[:, :, k] - grad_plane
            for t in range(fitted_tec1.shape[0]):
                xs_pt = np.where(np.array(xr) > pp1[t, 0])[0][0]
                ys_pt = np.where(np.array(yr) > pp1[t, 1])[0][0]
                grad_plane_pt = a * ys_pt + b * xs_pt + c
                fitted_tec1[t, k] = fitted_tec1[t, k] - grad_plane_pt
        ipbar += 1
    vmin = np.min([np.amin(screen), np.amin(fitted_tec1)])
    vmax = np.max([np.amax(screen), np.amax(fitted_tec1)])

    logging.info('Plotting TEC screens...')
    fig1 = pylab.figure(figsize = (7, 7))
    pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=N_times).start()
    ipbar = 0
    for k in range(N_times):
        im = pylab.imshow(screen[:, :, k],
            cmap = pylab.cm.jet,
            origin = 'lower',
            interpolation = 'nearest',
            extent = (xr[0], xr[-1], yr[0], yr[-1]), vmin = vmin, vmax = vmax)

        sm = pylab.cm.ScalarMappable(cmap = pylab.cm.jet,
            norm = pylab.normalize(vmin = vmin, vmax=vmax))
        sm._A = []
        cbar = pylab.colorbar()
        cbar.set_label('TECU', rotation=270)

        x = []
        y = []
        s = []
        c = []
        for j in range(fitted_tec1.shape[0]):
            xs = np.where(np.array(xr) > pp1[j,0])[0][0]
            ys = np.where(np.array(yr) > pp1[j,1])[0][0]
            s.append(max(2400*abs(fitted_tec1[j, k] - screen[ys, xs, k]), 10))
            c.append(sm.to_rgba(fitted_tec1[j, k]))

        pylab.scatter(x, y, s=s, c=c)
        labels = source_names
        for label, xl, yl in zip(labels, x[0::N_stations], y[0::N_stations]):
                xy = (xl, yl), xytext = (-20, 20),
                textcoords = 'offset points', ha = 'right', va = 'bottom',
                bbox = dict(boxstyle = 'round,pad=0.5', fc = 'gray', alpha = 0.5),
                arrowprops = dict(arrowstyle = '->', connectionstyle = 'arc3,rad=0'))

        pylab.title('Time {0}'.format(k))
        pylab.xlim(xr[-1], xr[0])
        pylab.ylim(yr[0], yr[-1])
        pylab.xlabel('Projected Distance (m)')
        pylab.ylabel('Projected Distance (m)')
        pylab.savefig(root_dir+'/'+prestr+'frame%0.3i.png' % k)
        ipbar += 1
Example #13
def fit_tec_per_source_pair(phases, flags, mask, freqs, init_sols=None,
    init_sols_per_pair=False, propagate=False, nband_min=2):
    """Fits TEC values to phase solutions per source pair

    Returns TEC solutions as array of shape (N_sources, N_times, N_stations)

    Keyword arguments:
    phases -- array of phase solutions
    flags -- phase solution flags (0 = use, 1 = flagged)
    mask -- mask for sources and frequencies (0 = ignore, 1 = use)
    freqs -- array of frequencies
    init_sols -- solutions to use to initialize the fits
    init_sols_per_pair -- init_sols are per source pair (not per source)
    propagate -- propagate solutions from previous solution
    nband_min -- min number of bands for a source to be used
    from pylab import pinv, newaxis, find
    import numpy as np
    from lofar.expion import baselinefitting
        import progressbar
    except ImportError:
        import losoto.progressbar as progressbar

    sols_list = []
    eq_list = []
    vars_list = []
    var_eq_list = []

    N_sources = phases.shape[0]
    N_stations = phases.shape[1]
    N_times = phases.shape[3]
    N_pairs = 0
    for i in xrange(N_sources):
        for j in xrange(i):
            subband_selection = find(mask[i, :] * mask[j, :])
            if len(subband_selection) < nband_min:
            N_pairs += 1

    if init_sols is None and not init_sols_per_pair:
        init_sols = np.zeros((N_sources, N_times, N_stations), dtype = np.float)
    elif init_sols is None and init_sols_per_pair:
        init_sols = np.zeros((N_pairs, N_times, N_stations), dtype = np.float)
    source_pairs = []

    k = 0
    ipbar = 0
    logging.info('Fitting TEC values...')
    pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=N_pairs*N_times).start()
    for i in xrange(N_sources):
        for j in xrange(i):
            subband_selection = find(mask[i, :] * mask[j, :])
            if len(subband_selection) < nband_min:
            source_pairs.append((i, j))
            p = phases[i, :, subband_selection, :] - phases[j, :, subband_selection, :]
            A = np.zeros((len(subband_selection), 1))
            A[:, 0] = 8.44797245e9/freqs[subband_selection]

            flags_source_pair = flags[i, :, subband_selection, :] * flags[j, :,
                subband_selection, :]
            constant_parms = np.zeros((1, N_stations), dtype = np.bool)
            sols = np.zeros((N_times, N_stations), dtype = np.float)

            if init_sols_per_pair:
                p_0 = init_sols[k, 0, :][newaxis, :]
                p_0 = (init_sols[i, 0, :] - init_sols[j, 0, :])[newaxis, :]

            for t_idx in xrange(N_times):
                x = p[:, :, t_idx].copy()
                f = flags_source_pair[:, :, t_idx].copy()
                if not propagate:
                    if init_sols_per_pair:
                        p_0 = init_sols[k, t_idx, :][newaxis, :]
                        p_0 = (init_sols[i, t_idx, :] - init_sols[j, 0, :])[newaxis, :]
                sol = baselinefitting.fit(x, A, p_0, f, constant_parms)
                if propagate:
                    p_0 = sol.copy()
                sols[t_idx, :] = sol[0, :]
                ipbar += 1
            sols = sols[:, :] - np.mean(sols[:, :], axis=1)[:, newaxis]

            weight = len(subband_selection)
            eq = np.zeros(N_sources)
            eq[i] = weight
            eq[j] = -weight
            k += 1

    sols = np.array(sols_list)
    B = np.array(eq_list)
    source_selection = find(np.sum(abs(B), axis=0))
    N_sources = len(source_selection)
    if N_sources == 0:
        logging.error('All sources have fewer than the required minimum number of bands.')
        return None, None
    pinvB = pinv(B)
    r = np.dot(pinvB, sols.transpose([1, 0, 2]))
    r = r[source_selection, :, :]

    return r, source_selection
Example #14
def _fit_tec_screen(station_names, source_names, pp, airmass, rr, weights,
                    times, height, order, r_0, beta, outQueue):
    Fits a screen to given TEC values using Karhunen-Lo`eve base vectors

    station_names: array
        Array of station names
    source_names: array
        Array of source names
    pp: array
        Array of piercepoint locations
    airmass: array
        Array of airmass values (note: not currently used)
    rr: array
        Array of TEC values to fit screen to
    weights: array
        Array of weights
    times: array
        Array of times
    height: float
        Height of screen (m)
    order: int
        Order of screen (i.e., number of KL base vectors to keep)
    r_0: float
        Scale size of phase fluctuations (m)
    beta: float
        Power-law index for phase structure function (5/3 => pure Kolmogorov

    import numpy as np
    from pylab import kron, concatenate, pinv, norm, newaxis, find, amin, svd, eye

    logging.info('Fitting screens...')

    # Initialize arrays
    N_stations = len(station_names)
    N_sources = len(source_names)
    N_times = len(times)
    N_piercepoints = N_sources * N_stations
    tec_fit_white_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    tec_residual_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))

    for k in range(N_times):
        D = np.resize(pp[k, :, :], (N_piercepoints, N_piercepoints, 3))
        D = np.transpose(D, (1, 0, 2)) - D
        D2 = np.sum(D**2, axis=2)
        C = -(D2 / r_0**2)**(beta / 2.0) / 2.0
        pinvC = pinv(C, rcond=1e-3)
        U, S, V = svd(C)
        invU = pinv(np.dot(np.transpose(U[:, :order]),
                           np.dot(weights[:, :, k], U[:, :order])),

        # Calculate screen
        rr1 = np.dot(np.transpose(U[:, :order]),
                     np.dot(weights[:, :, k], rr[:, k]))
        tec_fit = np.dot(pinvC, np.dot(U[:, :order], np.dot(invU, rr1)))
        tec_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = tec_fit.reshape((N_sources, N_stations))
        residual = rr - np.dot(C, tec_fit)[:, newaxis]
        tec_residual_all[k, :, :] = residual.reshape((N_sources, N_stations))

    outQueue.put([tec_fit_white_all, tec_residual_all, times])
Example #15
def getControlMaps(state_r, state_l, dataset, conf=None, indices=None):
    This function creates the linear mappings that are required for creating a controlled SLIP:
        * parameter prediction schemes
          These are mappings from [CoM state, additional states] -> [SLIP parameters],
          which tell the system how to update the SLIP parameters each step
        * Non-SLIP state propagators
          These are mappings from [CoM state, additional states] -> [additional states],
          which tell the system how the additional states (not part of original SLIP)
          evolve from apex to apex (discrete dynamics).

    As these mappings are affine mappings, the corresponding lifts (constants) are also given.
    This implies that a periodic SLIP solution is computed.
    This function uses bootstrap. 
    *NOTE* Do *not* detrend the input - use "original" data!
    *NOTE* It is assumed that the first 3 dimensions of the data contain the CoM state at apex!
        state_r (n-by-d array): the full state of the system at right apices. 
            First three dimensions are considered as state of the CoM 
            [height, velocity in horizontal plane (2x)]
        state_l (n-by-d array): the full state of the system at left apices. 
            *NOTE* it is assumed that a left apex follows a right apex, i.e. state_r[0, :] is
            before state_l[0, :]
        dataset: a dataset obtained from build_dataset(). Essentially, this is an object with
            .all_param_r  [n-by-5 array]
            .all_param_l  [n-by-5 array]
            .yminL   [list, n elements]
            .yminR   [list, n elements]
            .TR     [list, n elements]
            .TL     [list, n elements]
            .masses [list, n elements]
        conf: a mutils.io.saveable object, containing detrending info  (int
            .dt_window and bool .dt_medfilter fields)
        indices (list or 1d array of int): indices to use for regression. If
            NONE, use bootstrap and average over matrices.

        (ctrl_r, ctrl_l), (prop_r, prop_l), (ref_state_r, ref_state_l, ref_param_r, ref_param_l, 
            Tuples containing the (1) parameter update maps, (2) state propagator maps, 
            (3) reference states and parameters and additional SLIP
    if conf == None:
        conf = mio.saveable()
        conf.dt_window = 30
        conf.dt_medfilter = False

    if indices is not None:
        indices = array(indices).squeeze()

    d = dataset  # shortcut
    addDict = {'m': mean(d.masses), 'g': -9.81}
    #def getPeriodicOrbit2(ICr, Tr, yminr, ICl, Tl, yminl, m, startParams=[14000.,
    #[ICp_r, Pp_r, dE_r], [ICp_l, Pp_l, dE_l] =
    ICp_r = mean(d.all_IC_r, axis=0)
    ICp_l = mean(d.all_IC_l, axis=0)
    TR = mean(vstack(d.TR))
    TL = mean(vstack(d.TL))
    yminr = mean(vstack(d.yminR))
    yminl = mean(vstack(d.yminL))
    Pp_r, Pp_l = getPeriodicOrbit2(ICp_r,

    # change last element to be energy input - this is consistent with the format used in the rest of the code
    if False:  # obsolete code
        Pp_r = array(Pp_r)
        Pp_l = array(Pp_l)
        Pp_r[4] = dE_r
        Pp_r = Pp_r[:5]
        Pp_l[4] = dE_l
        Pp_l = Pp_l[:5]

    # now: detrend data
    # non-SLIP state
    dt_nss_r = fda.dt_movingavg(state_r[:, 3:], conf.dt_window,
    dt_nss_l = fda.dt_movingavg(state_l[:, 3:], conf.dt_window,

    # full state
    dt_fs_r = fda.dt_movingavg(state_r, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
    dt_fs_l = fda.dt_movingavg(state_l, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)

    # SLIP parameters
    dt_pl = fda.dt_movingavg(d.all_param_l, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
    dt_pr = fda.dt_movingavg(d.all_param_r, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)

    # compute non-SLIP state prediction maps (propagators)
    if indices is None:
        _, all_prop_r, _ = fda.fitData(dt_fs_r,
        _, all_prop_l, _ = fda.fitData(dt_fs_l[:-1, :],
                                       dt_nss_r[1:, :],
        prop_r = fda.meanMat(all_prop_r)
        prop_l = fda.meanMat(all_prop_l)
        prop_r = dot(dt_nss_l[indices, :].T,
                     pinv(dt_fs_r[indices, :].T, rcond=1e-8))
        prop_l = dot(dt_nss_r[indices[:-1] + 1, :].T,
                     pinv(dt_fs_l[indices[:-1], :].T, rcond=1e-8))

    # compute parameter prediction maps
    if indices is None:
        _, all_ctrl_r, _ = fda.fitData(dt_fs_r,
        _, all_ctrl_l, _ = fda.fitData(dt_fs_l,
        ctrl_r = fda.meanMat(all_ctrl_r)
        ctrl_l = fda.meanMat(all_ctrl_l)
        ctrl_r = dot(dt_pr[indices, :].T,
                     pinv(dt_fs_r[indices, :].T, rcond=1e-8))
        ctrl_l = dot(dt_pl[indices, :].T,
                     pinv(dt_fs_l[indices, :].T, rcond=1e-8))

    return (ctrl_r, ctrl_l), (prop_r, prop_l), (ICp_r, ICp_l, Pp_r, Pp_l,
Example #16
def getControlMaps(state_r, state_l, dataset, conf=None, indices=None):
    This function creates the linear mappings that are required for creating a controlled SLIP:
        * parameter prediction schemes
          These are mappings from [CoM state, additional states] -> [SLIP parameters],
          which tell the system how to update the SLIP parameters each step
        * Non-SLIP state propagators
          These are mappings from [CoM state, additional states] -> [additional states],
          which tell the system how the additional states (not part of original SLIP)
          evolve from apex to apex (discrete dynamics).

    As these mappings are affine mappings, the corresponding lifts (constants) are also given.
    This implies that a periodic SLIP solution is computed.
    This function uses bootstrap. 
    *NOTE* Do *not* detrend the input - use "original" data!
    *NOTE* It is assumed that the first 3 dimensions of the data contain the CoM state at apex!
        state_r (n-by-d array): the full state of the system at right apices. 
            First three dimensions are considered as state of the CoM 
            [height, velocity in horizontal plane (2x)]
        state_l (n-by-d array): the full state of the system at left apices. 
            *NOTE* it is assumed that a left apex follows a right apex, i.e. state_r[0, :] is
            before state_l[0, :]
        dataset: a dataset obtained from build_dataset(). Essentially, this is an object with
            .all_param_r  [n-by-5 array]
            .all_param_l  [n-by-5 array]
            .yminL   [list, n elements]
            .yminR   [list, n elements]
            .TR     [list, n elements]
            .TL     [list, n elements]
            .masses [list, n elements]
        conf: a mutils.io.saveable object, containing detrending info  (int
            .dt_window and bool .dt_medfilter fields)
        indices (list or 1d array of int): indices to use for regression. If
            NONE, use bootstrap and average over matrices.

        (ctrl_r, ctrl_l), (prop_r, prop_l), (ref_state_r, ref_state_l, ref_param_r, ref_param_l, 
            Tuples containing the (1) parameter update maps, (2) state propagator maps, 
            (3) reference states and parameters and additional SLIP
    if conf == None:
        conf = mio.saveable()

    if indices is not None:
        indices = array(indices).squeeze()

    d = dataset # shortcut
    addDict = { 'm' : mean(d.masses), 'g' : -9.81 }
    #def getPeriodicOrbit2(ICr, Tr, yminr, ICl, Tl, yminl, m, startParams=[14000.,
    #[ICp_r, Pp_r, dE_r], [ICp_l, Pp_l, dE_l] =
    ICp_r = mean(d.all_IC_r, axis=0)
    ICp_l = mean(d.all_IC_l, axis=0)
    TR = mean(vstack(d.TR))
    TL = mean(vstack(d.TL))
    yminr = mean(vstack(d.yminR))
    yminl = mean(vstack(d.yminL))
    Pp_r, Pp_l = getPeriodicOrbit2(ICp_r, TR, yminr, ICp_l, TL, yminl,
            mean(d.masses), startParams=mean(vstack(d.all_param_r), axis=0)[:5])
    # change last element to be energy input - this is consistent with the format used in the rest of the code
    if False: # obsolete code
        Pp_r = array(Pp_r)
        Pp_l = array(Pp_l)
        Pp_r[4] = dE_r
        Pp_r = Pp_r[:5]
        Pp_l[4] = dE_l
        Pp_l = Pp_l[:5]
    # now: detrend data
    # non-SLIP state
    dt_nss_r = fda.dt_movingavg(state_r[:, 3:], conf.dt_window,
    dt_nss_l = fda.dt_movingavg(state_l[:, 3:],conf.dt_window,

    # full state
    dt_fs_r = fda.dt_movingavg(state_r, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
    dt_fs_l = fda.dt_movingavg(state_l, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)

    # SLIP parameters
    dt_pl = fda.dt_movingavg(d.all_param_l, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
    dt_pr = fda.dt_movingavg(d.all_param_r, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
    # compute non-SLIP state prediction maps (propagators)
    if indices is None:
        _, all_prop_r, _ = fda.fitData(dt_fs_r, dt_nss_l, nps=1, nrep=100,
                sections=[0,], rcond=1e-8)
        _, all_prop_l, _ = fda.fitData(dt_fs_l[:-1, :], dt_nss_r[1:, :], nps=1,
                nrep=100, sections=[0,], rcond=1e-8)
        prop_r = fda.meanMat(all_prop_r)
        prop_l = fda.meanMat(all_prop_l)
        prop_r = dot(dt_nss_l[indices, :].T, pinv(dt_fs_r[indices, :].T, rcond=1e-8))
        prop_l = dot(dt_nss_r[indices[:-1] + 1, :].T, pinv(dt_fs_l[indices[:-1], :].T, rcond=1e-8))

    # compute parameter prediction maps
    if indices is None:
        _, all_ctrl_r, _ = fda.fitData(dt_fs_r, dt_pr, nps=1, nrep=100, sections=[0,], rcond=1e-8)
        _, all_ctrl_l, _ = fda.fitData(dt_fs_l, dt_pl, nps=1, nrep=100, sections=[0,], rcond=1e-8)
        ctrl_r = fda.meanMat(all_ctrl_r)
        ctrl_l = fda.meanMat(all_ctrl_l)
        ctrl_r = dot(dt_pr[indices, :].T, pinv(dt_fs_r[indices, :].T, rcond=1e-8))
        ctrl_l = dot(dt_pl[indices, :].T, pinv(dt_fs_l[indices, :].T, rcond=1e-8))

    return (ctrl_r, ctrl_l), (prop_r, prop_l), (ICp_r, ICp_l, Pp_r, Pp_l, addDict)
Example #17
def fit_screen_to_tec(station_names, source_names, pp, airmass, rr, times,
    height, order, r_0, beta):
    Fits a screen to given TEC values using Karhunen-Lo`eve base vectors

    Keyword arguments:
    station_names -- array of station names
    source_names -- array of source names
    pp -- array of piercepoint locations
    airmass -- array of airmass values
    rr -- array of TEC solutions
    times -- array of times
    height -- height of screen (m)
    order -- order of screen (i.e., number of KL base vectors to keep)
    r_0 -- scale size of phase fluctuations (m)
    beta -- power-law index for phase structure function (5/3 =>
        pure Kolmogorov turbulence)
    import numpy as np
    from pylab import kron, concatenate, pinv, norm, newaxis, find, amin, svd, eye
        import progressbar
    except ImportError:
        import losoto.progressbar as progressbar

    logging.info('Fitting screens to TEC values...')
    N_stations = len(station_names)
    N_sources = len(source_names)
    N_times = len(times)

    tec_fit_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    residual_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))

    A = concatenate([kron(eye(N_sources), np.ones((N_stations, 1))),
        kron(np.ones((N_sources, 1)), eye(N_stations))], axis=1)

    N_piercepoints = N_sources * N_stations
    P = eye(N_piercepoints) - np.dot(np.dot(A, pinv(np.dot(A.T, A))), A.T)

    pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=N_times).start()
    ipbar = 0
    for k in range(N_times):
            D = np.resize(pp[k, :, :], (N_piercepoints, N_piercepoints, 3))
            D = np.transpose(D, (1, 0, 2)) - D
            D2 = np.sum(D**2, axis=2)
            C = -(D2 / r_0**2)**(beta / 2.0) / 2.0
            P1 = eye(N_piercepoints) - np.ones((N_piercepoints, N_piercepoints)) / N_piercepoints
            C1 = np.dot(np.dot(P1, C), P1)
            U, S, V = svd(C1)

            B = np.dot(P, np.dot(np.diag(airmass[k, :]), U[:, :order]))
            pinvB = pinv(B, rcond=1e-3)

            rr1 = np.dot(P, rr[:, k])
            tec_fit = np.dot(U[:, :order], np.dot(pinvB, rr1))
            tec_fit_all[k, :, :] = tec_fit.reshape((N_sources, N_stations))

            residual = rr1 - np.dot(P, tec_fit)
            residual_all[k, :, :] = residual.reshape((N_sources, N_stations))
            # Set screen to zero if fit did not work
            logging.debug('Tecscreen fit failed for timeslot {0}'.format(k))
            tec_fit_all[k, :, :] = np.zeros((N_sources, N_stations))
            residual_all[k, :, :] = np.ones((N_sources, N_stations))

        ipbar += 1

    return tec_fit_all, residual_all
Example #18
            dG0_f[c, 0] = temp
        except Exception:

unknown_columns = sorted(list(set(range(len(all_cids))).difference(known_columns))) # find all the indices of columns not in known_columns
unknown_rows = find(isnan(dG0_r))
known_rows = sorted(list(set(range(len(reactions))).difference(unknown_rows))) # find all the indices of rows with measured dG0_r

S_measured = S[known_rows, :]
b = dG0_r[known_rows] - dot(S_measured[:, known_columns], dG0_f[known_columns])
S_red = S_measured[:, unknown_columns]

print "Formation energies from from GC and from linear regression: "
# linear regression to solve the missing formation energies (S*x = b)
inv_corr_mat = pinv(dot(S_red.T, S_red))
x = dot(dot(inv_corr_mat, S_red.T), b)
for c in xrange(len(unknown_columns)):
    dG0_f[unknown_columns[c], 0] = x[c, 0]

csv_out = csv.writer(open('../res/acetogens_compounds.csv', 'w'))
for c in xrange(len(all_cids)):
    if (c in known_columns):
        csv_out.writerow(['C%05d' % all_cids[c], '%8.1f' % dG0_f[c, 0], 'Group Contribution']) 
        csv_out.writerow(['C%05d' % all_cids[c], '%8.1f' % dG0_f[c, 0], 'Calculated'])

#plot(b, dot(S_red, dG0_f[unknown_columns]), '.')
plot(dG0_r[known_rows], dot(S[known_rows, :], dG0_f), '.')
Example #19
def make_tec_screen_plots(pp,
    """Makes plots of TEC screens

    Keyword arguments:
    pp -- array of piercepoint locations
    tec_screen -- array of TEC screen values at the piercepoints
    residuals -- array of TEC screen residuals at the piercepoints
    source_names -- array of source names
    times -- array of times
    height -- height of screen (m)
    order -- order of screen (e.g., number of KL base vectors to keep)
    r_0 -- scale size of phase fluctuations (m)
    beta_val -- power-law index for phase structure function (5/3 =>
        pure Kolmogorov turbulence)
    prefix -- prefix for output file names
    remove_gradient -- fit and remove a gradient from each screen
    show_source_names -- label sources on screen plots
    min_tec -- minimum TEC value for plot range
    max_tec -- maximum TEC value for plot range
    from pylab import kron, concatenate, pinv, norm, newaxis, normalize
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes
    import numpy as np
    import os
    from operations.tecscreen import calc_piercepoint
    import progressbar

    root_dir = os.path.dirname(prefix)
    if root_dir == '':
        root_dir = './'
    prestr = os.path.basename(prefix) + 'screen_'
    except OSError:

    N_stations = station_positions.shape[0]
    N_sources = len(source_names)
    N_times = len(times)

    A = concatenate([
        kron(np.eye(N_sources), np.ones((N_stations, 1))),
        kron(np.ones((N_sources, 1)), np.eye(N_stations))

    N_piercepoints = N_sources * N_stations
    P = np.eye(N_piercepoints) - np.dot(np.dot(A, pinv(np.dot(A.T, A))), A.T)

    x, y, z = station_positions[0, :]
    east = np.array([-y, x, 0])
    east = east / norm(east)

    north = np.array([-x, -y, (x * x + y * y) / z])
    north = north / norm(north)

    up = np.array([x, y, z])
    up = up / norm(up)

    T = concatenate([east[:, newaxis], north[:, newaxis]], axis=1)

    pp1 = np.dot(pp[0, :, :], T)
    lower = np.amin(pp1, axis=0)
    upper = np.amax(pp1, axis=0)
    extent = upper - lower

    lower = lower - 0.05 * extent
    upper = upper + 0.05 * extent

    extent = upper - lower

    Nx = 25
    Ny = int(extent[1] / extent[0] * np.float(Nx))
    xr = np.arange(lower[0], upper[0], extent[0] / Nx)
    yr = np.arange(lower[1], upper[1], extent[1] / Ny)
    screen = np.zeros((Nx, Ny, N_times))
    gradient = np.zeros((Nx, Ny, N_times))

    residuals = residuals.transpose([0, 2, 1]).reshape(N_piercepoints, N_times)
    fitted_tec1 = tec_screen.transpose([0, 2, 1]).reshape(
        N_piercepoints, N_times) + residuals

    logging.info('Calculating TEC screen images...')
    pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=N_times).start()
    ipbar = 0
    for k in range(N_times):
        D = np.resize(pp[k, :, :], (N_piercepoints, N_piercepoints, 3))
        D = np.transpose(D, (1, 0, 2)) - D
        D2 = np.sum(D**2, axis=2)
        C = -(D2 / r_0**2)**(beta_val / 2.0) / 2.0
        f = np.dot(pinv(C), tec_screen[:, k, :].reshape(N_piercepoints))
        for i, x in enumerate(xr[0:Nx]):
            for j, y in enumerate(yr[0:Ny]):
                p = calc_piercepoint(
                    np.dot(np.array([x, y]), np.array([east, north])), up,
                d2 = np.sum(np.square(pp[k, :, :] - p[0]), axis=1)
                c = -(d2 / (r_0**2))**(beta_val / 2.0) / 2.0
                screen[i, j, k] = np.dot(c, f)

        # Fit and remove a gradient.
        # Plot gradient in lower-left corner with its own color bar?
        if remove_gradient:
            xs, ys = np.indices(screen.shape[0:2])
            zs = screen[:, :, k]
            XYZ = []
            for xf, yf in zip(xs.flatten().tolist(), ys.flatten().tolist()):
                XYZ.append([xf, yf, zs[xf, yf]])
            XYZ = np.array(XYZ)
            a, b, c = fitPLaneLTSQ(XYZ)
            grad_plane = a * xs + b * ys + c
            gradient[:, :, k] = grad_plane
            screen[:, :, k] = screen[:, :, k] - grad_plane
            screen[:, :, k] = screen[:, :, k] - np.mean(screen[:, :, k])
            for t in range(fitted_tec1.shape[0]):
                xs_pt = np.where(np.array(xr) > pp1[t, 0])[0][0]
                ys_pt = np.where(np.array(yr) > pp1[t, 1])[0][0]
                grad_plane_pt = a * xs_pt + b * ys_pt + c
                fitted_tec1[t, k] = fitted_tec1[t, k] - grad_plane_pt
            fitted_tec1[:, k] = fitted_tec1[:, k] - np.mean(fitted_tec1[:, k])
        ipbar += 1
    if min_tec is None:
        vmin = np.min([np.amin(screen), np.amin(fitted_tec1)])
        vmin = min_tec
    if max_tec is None:
        vmax = np.max([np.amax(screen), np.amax(fitted_tec1)])
        vmax = max_tec

    logging.info('Plotting TEC screens...')
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=[7, 7])
    pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=N_times).start()
    ipbar = 0
    for k in range(N_times):
        im = plt.imshow(screen.transpose([1, 0, 2])[:, :, k],
                        extent=(xr[0] / 1000.0, xr[-1] / 1000.0,
                                yr[0] / 1000.0, yr[-1] / 1000.0),

        sm = plt.cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=plt.cm.jet,
                                   norm=normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax))
        sm._A = []
        cbar = plt.colorbar(im)
        cbar.set_label('TECU', rotation=270)

        x = []
        y = []
        s = []
        c = []
        for j in range(fitted_tec1.shape[0]):
            x.append(pp1[j, 0] / 1000.0)
            y.append(pp1[j, 1] / 1000.0)
            xs = np.where(np.array(xr) > pp1[j, 0])[0][0]
            ys = np.where(np.array(yr) > pp1[j, 1])[0][0]
            fit_screen_diff = abs(fitted_tec1[j, k] - screen[xs, ys, k])
            s.append(max(20 * fit_screen_diff / 0.01, 10))
            c.append(sm.to_rgba(fitted_tec1[j, k]))

        plt.scatter(x, y, s=s, c=c)
        if show_source_names:
            labels = source_names
            for label, xl, yl in zip(labels, x[0::N_stations],
                             xy=(xl, yl),
                             xytext=(-2, 2),
                             textcoords='offset points',

        plt.title('Screen {0}'.format(k))
        plt.xlim(xr[-1] / 1000.0, xr[0] / 1000.0)
        plt.ylim(yr[0] / 1000.0, yr[-1] / 1000.0)
        plt.xlabel('Projected Distance along RA (km)')
        plt.ylabel('Projected Distance along Dec (km)')

        if remove_gradient:
            axins = inset_axes(ax, width="15%", height="10%", loc=2)
            axins.imshow(gradient.transpose([1, 0, 2])[:, :, k],
                         extent=(xr[0] / 1000.0, xr[-1] / 1000.0,
                                 yr[0] / 1000.0, yr[-1] / 1000.0),
            axins.set_xlim(xr[-1] / 1000.0, xr[0] / 1000.0)
            axins.set_ylim(yr[0] / 1000.0, yr[-1] / 1000.0)

        plt.savefig(root_dir + '/' + prestr + 'frame%0.3i.png' % k)
        ipbar += 1
Example #20
def make_tec_screen_plots(pp, tec_screen, residuals, station_positions,
    source_names, times, height, order, beta_val, r_0, prefix = 'frame_',
    remove_gradient=True, show_source_names=False, min_tec=None, max_tec=None):
    """Makes plots of TEC screens

    Keyword arguments:
    pp -- array of piercepoint locations
    tec_screen -- array of TEC screen values at the piercepoints
    residuals -- array of TEC screen residuals at the piercepoints
    source_names -- array of source names
    times -- array of times
    height -- height of screen (m)
    order -- order of screen (e.g., number of KL base vectors to keep)
    r_0 -- scale size of phase fluctuations (m)
    beta_val -- power-law index for phase structure function (5/3 =>
        pure Kolmogorov turbulence)
    prefix -- prefix for output file names
    remove_gradient -- fit and remove a gradient from each screen
    show_source_names -- label sources on screen plots
    min_tec -- minimum TEC value for plot range
    max_tec -- maximum TEC value for plot range
    from pylab import kron, concatenate, pinv, norm, newaxis, normalize
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes
    import numpy as np
    import os
    from operations.tecscreen import calc_piercepoint
    import progressbar

    root_dir = os.path.dirname(prefix)
    if root_dir == '':
        root_dir = './'
    prestr = os.path.basename(prefix) + 'screen_'
    except OSError:

    N_stations = station_positions.shape[0]
    N_sources = len(source_names)
    N_times = len(times)

    A = concatenate([kron(np.eye(N_sources),
        np.ones((N_stations,1))), kron(np.ones((N_sources,1)),
        np.eye(N_stations))], axis=1)

    N_piercepoints = N_sources * N_stations
    P = np.eye(N_piercepoints) - np.dot(np.dot(A, pinv(np.dot(A.T, A))), A.T)

    x, y, z = station_positions[0, :]
    east = np.array([-y, x, 0])
    east = east / norm(east)

    north = np.array([ -x, -y, (x*x + y*y)/z])
    north = north / norm(north)

    up = np.array([x ,y, z])
    up = up / norm(up)

    T = concatenate([east[:, newaxis], north[:, newaxis]], axis=1)

    pp1 = np.dot(pp[0, :, :], T)
    lower = np.amin(pp1, axis=0)
    upper = np.amax(pp1, axis=0)
    extent = upper - lower

    lower = lower - 0.05 * extent
    upper = upper + 0.05 * extent

    extent = upper - lower

    Nx = 25
    Ny = int(extent[1] / extent[0] * np.float(Nx))
    xr = np.arange(lower[0], upper[0], extent[0]/Nx)
    yr = np.arange(lower[1], upper[1], extent[1]/Ny)
    screen = np.zeros((Nx, Ny, N_times))
    gradient = np.zeros((Nx, Ny, N_times))

    residuals = residuals.transpose([0, 2, 1]).reshape(N_piercepoints, N_times)
    fitted_tec1 = tec_screen.transpose([0, 2, 1]).reshape(N_piercepoints, N_times) + residuals

    logging.info('Calculating TEC screen images...')
    pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=N_times).start()
    ipbar = 0
    for k in range(N_times):
        D = np.resize(pp[k, :, :], (N_piercepoints, N_piercepoints, 3))
        D = np.transpose(D, (1, 0, 2)) - D
        D2 = np.sum(D**2, axis=2)
        C = -(D2 / r_0**2)**(beta_val / 2.0) / 2.0
        f = np.dot(pinv(C), tec_screen[:, k, :].reshape(N_piercepoints))
        for i, x in enumerate(xr[0: Nx]):
            for j, y in enumerate(yr[0: Ny]):
                p = calc_piercepoint(np.dot(np.array([x, y]), np.array([east, north])), up, height)
                d2 = np.sum(np.square(pp[k, :, :] - p[0]), axis=1)
                c = -(d2 / ( r_0**2 ))**(beta_val / 2.0) / 2.0
                screen[i, j, k] = np.dot(c, f)

        # Fit and remove a gradient.
        # Plot gradient in lower-left corner with its own color bar?
        if remove_gradient:
            xs, ys = np.indices(screen.shape[0:2])
            zs = screen[:, :, k]
            XYZ = []
            for xf, yf in zip(xs.flatten().tolist(), ys.flatten().tolist()):
                XYZ.append([xf, yf, zs[xf, yf]])
            XYZ = np.array(XYZ)
            a, b, c = fitPLaneLTSQ(XYZ)
            grad_plane = a * xs + b * ys + c
            gradient[:, :, k] = grad_plane
            screen[:, :, k] = screen[:, :, k] - grad_plane
            screen[:, :, k] = screen[:, :, k] - np.mean(screen[:, :, k])
            for t in range(fitted_tec1.shape[0]):
                xs_pt = np.where(np.array(xr) > pp1[t, 0])[0][0]
                ys_pt = np.where(np.array(yr) > pp1[t, 1])[0][0]
                grad_plane_pt = a * xs_pt + b * ys_pt + c
                fitted_tec1[t, k] = fitted_tec1[t, k] - grad_plane_pt
            fitted_tec1[:, k] = fitted_tec1[:, k] - np.mean(fitted_tec1[:, k])
        ipbar += 1
    if min_tec is None:
        vmin = np.min([np.amin(screen), np.amin(fitted_tec1)])
        vmin = min_tec
    if max_tec is None:
        vmax = np.max([np.amax(screen), np.amax(fitted_tec1)])
        vmax = max_tec

    logging.info('Plotting TEC screens...')
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=[7, 7])
    pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=N_times).start()
    ipbar = 0
    for k in range(N_times):
        im = plt.imshow(screen.transpose([1, 0, 2])[:, :, k],
            cmap = plt.cm.jet,
            origin = 'lower',
            interpolation = 'nearest',
            extent = (xr[0]/1000.0, xr[-1]/1000.0, yr[0]/1000.0, yr[-1]/1000.0),
            vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)

        sm = plt.cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=plt.cm.jet,
            norm=normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax))
        sm._A = []
        cbar = plt.colorbar(im)
        cbar.set_label('TECU', rotation=270)

        x = []
        y = []
        s = []
        c = []
        for j in range(fitted_tec1.shape[0]):
            x.append(pp1[j, 0] / 1000.0)
            y.append(pp1[j, 1] / 1000.0)
            xs = np.where(np.array(xr) > pp1[j, 0])[0][0]
            ys = np.where(np.array(yr) > pp1[j, 1])[0][0]
            fit_screen_diff = abs(fitted_tec1[j, k] - screen[xs, ys, k])
            s.append(max(20*fit_screen_diff/0.01, 10))
            c.append(sm.to_rgba(fitted_tec1[j, k]))

        plt.scatter(x, y, s=s, c=c)
        if show_source_names:
            labels = source_names
            for label, xl, yl in zip(labels, x[0::N_stations], y[0::N_stations]):
                    xy = (xl, yl), xytext = (-2, 2),
                    textcoords = 'offset points', ha = 'right', va = 'bottom')

        plt.title('Screen {0}'.format(k))
        plt.xlim(xr[-1]/1000.0, xr[0]/1000.0)
        plt.ylim(yr[0]/1000.0, yr[-1]/1000.0)
        plt.xlabel('Projected Distance along RA (km)')
        plt.ylabel('Projected Distance along Dec (km)')

        if remove_gradient:
            axins = inset_axes(ax, width="15%", height="10%", loc=2)
            axins.imshow(gradient.transpose([1, 0, 2])[:, : ,k],
                cmap = plt.cm.jet,
                origin = 'lower',
                interpolation = 'nearest',
                extent = (xr[0]/1000.0, xr[-1]/1000.0, yr[0]/1000.0, yr[-1]/1000.0),
                vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
            axins.set_xlim(xr[-1]/1000.0, xr[0]/1000.0)
            axins.set_ylim(yr[0]/1000.0, yr[-1]/1000.0)

        plt.savefig(root_dir+'/'+prestr+'frame%0.3i.png' % k)
        ipbar += 1
Example #21
def _fit_phase_screen(station_names, source_names, pp, airmass, rr, weights,
                      times, height, order, r_0, beta, outQueue):
    Fits a screen to given phase values using Karhunen-Lo`eve base vectors

    station_names: array
        Array of station names
    source_names: array
        Array of source names
    pp: array
        Array of piercepoint locations
    airmass: array
        Array of airmass values (note: not currently used)
    rr: array
        Array of phase values to fit screen to
    weights: array
        Array of weights
    times: array
        Array of times
    height: float
        Height of screen (m)
    order: int
        Order of screen (i.e., number of KL base vectors to keep)
    r_0: float
        Scale size of phase fluctuations (m)
    beta: float
        Power-law index for phase structure function (5/3 => pure Kolmogorov

    import numpy as np
    from pylab import kron, concatenate, pinv, norm, newaxis, find, amin, svd, eye

    logging.info('Fitting screens...')

    # Initialize arrays
    N_stations = len(station_names)
    N_sources = len(source_names)
    N_times = len(times)
    N_piercepoints = N_sources * N_stations
    real_fit_white_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    imag_fit_white_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    phase_fit_white_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    real_residual_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    imag_residual_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    phase_residual_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))

    # Change phase to real/imag
    rr_real = np.cos(rr)
    rr_imag = np.sin(rr)

    for k in range(N_times):
            D = np.resize(pp[k, :, :], (N_piercepoints, N_piercepoints, 3))
            D = np.transpose(D, (1, 0, 2)) - D
            D2 = np.sum(D**2, axis=2)
            C = -(D2 / r_0**2)**(beta / 2.0) / 2.0
            pinvC = pinv(C, rcond=1e-3)
            U, S, V = svd(C)
            invU = pinv(np.dot(np.transpose(U[:, :order]),
                               np.dot(weights[:, :, k], U[:, :order])),

            # Calculate real screen
            rr1 = np.dot(np.transpose(U[:, :order]),
                         np.dot(weights[:, :, k], rr_real[:, k]))
            real_fit = np.dot(pinvC, np.dot(U[:, :order], np.dot(invU, rr1)))
            real_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = real_fit.reshape(
                (N_sources, N_stations))
            residual = rr_real - np.dot(C, real_fit)[:, newaxis]
            real_residual_all[k, :, :] = residual.reshape(
                (N_sources, N_stations))

            # Calculate imag screen
            rr1 = np.dot(np.transpose(U[:, :order]),
                         np.dot(weights[:, :, k], rr_imag[:, k]))
            imag_fit = np.dot(pinvC, np.dot(U[:, :order], np.dot(invU, rr1)))
            imag_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = imag_fit.reshape(
                (N_sources, N_stations))
            residual = rr_imag - np.dot(C, imag_fit)[:, newaxis]
            imag_residual_all[k, :, :] = residual.reshape(
                (N_sources, N_stations))

            # Calculate phase screen
            phase_fit = np.dot(
                pinvC, np.arctan2(np.dot(C, imag_fit), np.dot(C, real_fit)))
            phase_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = phase_fit.reshape(
                (N_sources, N_stations))
            residual = rr - np.dot(C, phase_fit)[:, newaxis]
            phase_residual_all[k, :, :] = residual.reshape(
                (N_sources, N_stations))
            # Set screen to zero if fit did not work
            logging.debug('Screen fit failed for timeslot {}'.format(k))
            real_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = np.zeros((N_sources, N_stations))
            real_residual_all[k, :, :] = np.ones((N_sources, N_stations))
            imag_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = np.zeros((N_sources, N_stations))
            imag_residual_all[k, :, :] = np.ones((N_sources, N_stations))
            phase_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = np.zeros((N_sources, N_stations))
            phase_residual_all[k, :, :] = np.ones((N_sources, N_stations))

        real_fit_white_all, real_residual_all, imag_fit_white_all,
        imag_residual_all, phase_fit_white_all, phase_residual_all, times
def makeTECparmdb(H, solset, TECsolTab, timewidths, freq, freqwidth):
    """Returns TEC screen parmdb parameters

    H - H5parm object
    solset - solution set with TEC screen parameters
    TECsolTab = solution table with tecscreen values
    timewidths - time widths of output parmdb
    freq - frequency of output parmdb
    freqwidth - frequency width of output parmdb
    from pylab import pinv
    global ipbar, pbar

    station_dict = H.getAnt(solset)
    station_names = station_dict.keys()
    station_positions = station_dict.values()
    source_dict = H.getSou(solset)
    source_names = source_dict.keys()
    source_positions = source_dict.values()

    tec_sf = solFetcher(TECsolTab)
    tec_screen, axis_vals = tec_sf.getValues()
    times = axis_vals['time']
    beta = TECsolTab._v_attrs['beta']
    r_0 = TECsolTab._v_attrs['r_0']
    height = TECsolTab._v_attrs['height']
    order = TECsolTab._v_attrs['order']
    pp = tec_sf.t.piercepoint

    N_sources = len(source_names)
    N_times = len(times)
    N_freqs = 1
    N_stations = len(station_names)
    N_piercepoints = N_sources * N_stations

    freqs = freq
    freqwidths = freqwidth
    parms = {}
    v = {}
    v['times'] = times
    v['timewidths'] = timewidths
    v['freqs'] = freqs
    v['freqwidths'] = freqwidths

    for station_name in station_names:
        for source_name in source_names:

            v['values'] = np.zeros((N_times, N_freqs), dtype=np.double)
            parmname = 'Piercepoint:X:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
            parms[parmname] = v.copy()

            v['values'] = np.zeros((N_times, N_freqs), dtype=np.double)
            parmname = 'Piercepoint:Y:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
            parms[parmname] = v.copy()

            v['values'] = np.zeros((N_times, N_freqs), dtype=np.double)
            parmname = 'Piercepoint:Z:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
            parms[parmname] = v.copy()

            v['values'] = np.zeros((N_times, N_freqs), dtype=np.double)
            parmname = 'TECfit_white:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
            parms[parmname] = v.copy()

            v['values'] = np.zeros((N_times, N_freqs), dtype=np.double)
            parmname = 'TECfit_white:0:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
            parms[parmname] = v.copy()

            v['values'] = np.zeros((N_times, N_freqs), dtype=np.double)
            parmname = 'TECfit_white:1:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
            parms[parmname] = v.copy()

    for k in range(N_times):
        D = np.resize(pp[k, :, :], (N_piercepoints, N_piercepoints, 3))
        D = np.transpose(D, ( 1, 0, 2 )) - D
        D2 = np.sum(D**2, axis=2)
        C = -(D2 / (r_0**2))**(beta / 2.0) / 2.0
        tec_fit_white = np.dot(pinv(C),
            tec_screen[:, k, :].reshape(N_piercepoints))
        pp_idx = 0
        for src, source_name in enumerate(source_names):
            for sta, station_name in enumerate(station_names):

                parmname = 'Piercepoint:X:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
                parms[parmname]['values'][k, 0] = pp[k, pp_idx, 0]

                parmname = 'Piercepoint:Y:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
                parms[parmname]['values'][k, 0] = pp[k, pp_idx, 1]

                parmname = 'Piercepoint:Z:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
                parms[parmname]['values'][k, 0] = pp[k, pp_idx, 2]

                parmname = 'TECfit_white:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
                parms[parmname]['values'][k, 0] = tec_fit_white[pp_idx]

                parmname = 'TECfit_white:0:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
                parms[parmname]['values'][k, 0] = tec_fit_white[pp_idx]

                parmname = 'TECfit_white:1:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
                parms[parmname]['values'][k, 0] = tec_fit_white[pp_idx]

                pp_idx += 1
        ipbar += 1

    time_start = times[0] - timewidths[0]/2
    time_end = times[-1] + timewidths[-1]/2

    v['times'] = np.array([(time_start + time_end) / 2])
    v['timewidths'] = np.array([time_end - time_start])

    v_r0 = v.copy()
    v_r0['values'] = np.array(r_0, dtype=np.double, ndmin=2)
    parms['r_0'] = v_r0

    v_beta = v.copy()
    v_beta['values'] = np.array(beta, dtype=np.double, ndmin=2)
    parms['beta'] = v_beta

    v_height = v.copy()
    v_height['values'] = np.array(height, dtype=np.double, ndmin=2)
    parms['height'] = v_height

    return parms
Example #23
def _fit_screen(station_names, source_names, full_matrices, pp, rr, weights, order, r_0, beta,
    Fits a screen to amplitudes or phases using Karhunen-Lo`eve base vectors

    station_names: array
        Array of station names
    source_names: array
        Array of source names
    full_matrices : list of arrays
        List of [C, pivC, U] matrices for all piercepoints
    pp: array
        Array of piercepoint locations
    airmass: array
        Array of airmass values (note: not currently used)
    rr: array
        Array of amp values to fit screen to
    weights: array
        Array of weights
    order: int
        Order of screen (i.e., number of KL base vectors to keep)
    r_0: float
        Scale size of amp fluctuations (m)
    beta: float
        Power-law index for amp structure function (5/3 => pure Kolmogorov
    screen_type : str
        Type of screen: 'phase' or 'amplitude'

    screen_fit_white_all, screen_residual_all : array, array
        Arrays of screen and residual (actual - screen) values

    import numpy as np
    from pylab import kron, concatenate, pinv, norm, newaxis, find, amin, svd, eye

    # Identify flagged directions
    N_sources_all = len(source_names)
    unflagged = np.where(weights > 0.0)
    N_sources = len(source_names[unflagged])

    # Initialize arrays
    N_stations = len(station_names)
    N_piercepoints = N_sources * N_stations
    N_piercepoints_all = N_sources_all * N_stations
    screen_fit_all = np.zeros((N_sources_all, N_stations))
    pp_all = pp.copy()
    rr_all = rr.copy()
    pp = pp_all[unflagged[0], :]
    w = np.diag(weights[unflagged])

    # Calculate matrices
    if N_sources == N_sources_all:
        C, pinvC, U = full_matrices
        # Recalculate for unflagged directions
        C, pinvC, U = _calculate_svd(pp, r_0, beta, N_piercepoints)
    invU = pinv(np.dot(np.transpose(U[:, :order]), np.dot(w, U)[:, :order]), rcond=1e-3)

    # Fit screen to unflagged directions
    if screen_type == 'phase':
        # Change phase to real/imag
        rr_real = np.cos(rr[unflagged])
        rr_imag = np.sin(rr[unflagged])

        # Calculate real screen
        rr1 = np.dot(np.transpose(U[:, :order]), np.dot(w, rr_real))
        real_fit = np.dot(pinvC, np.dot(U[:, :order], np.dot(invU, rr1)))

        # Calculate imag screen
        rr1 = np.dot(np.transpose(U[:, :order]), np.dot(w, rr_imag))
        imag_fit = np.dot(pinvC, np.dot(U[:, :order], np.dot(invU, rr1)))

        # Calculate phase screen
        screen_fit = np.arctan2(np.dot(C, imag_fit), np.dot(C, real_fit))
        screen_fit_white = np.dot(pinvC, screen_fit)
    elif screen_type == 'amplitude':
        # Calculate log(amp) screen
        rr = rr[unflagged]
        rr1 = np.dot(np.transpose(U[:, :order]), np.dot(w, np.log10(rr)))
        amp_fit_log = np.dot(pinvC, np.dot(U[:, :order], np.dot(invU, rr1)))

        # Calculate amp screen
        screen_fit = 10**(np.dot(C, amp_fit_log))
        screen_fit_white = np.dot(pinvC, screen_fit)
    elif screen_type == 'tec':
        # Calculate tec screen
        rr = rr[unflagged]
        rr1 = np.dot(np.transpose(U[:, :order]), np.dot(w, rr))
        tec_fit = np.dot(pinvC, np.dot(U[:, :order], np.dot(invU, rr1)))

        # Calculate amp screen
        screen_fit = np.dot(C, tec_fit)
        screen_fit_white = np.dot(pinvC, screen_fit)

    # Calculate screen in all directions
    if N_sources != N_sources_all:
        screen_fit_all[unflagged[0], :] = screen_fit[:, newaxis]
        flagged = np.where(weights <= 0.0)
        for findx in flagged[0]:
            p = pp_all[findx, :]
            d2 = np.sum(np.square(pp - p), axis=1)
            c = -(d2 / ( r_0**2 ))**(beta / 2.0) / 2.0
            screen_fit_all[findx, :] = np.dot(c, screen_fit_white)
        C, pinvC, U = full_matrices
        screen_fit_white_all = np.dot(pinvC, screen_fit_all)
        screen_residual_all = rr_all - screen_fit_all.reshape(N_piercepoints_all)
        screen_fit_white_all = screen_fit_white
        screen_residual_all = rr_all - np.dot(C, screen_fit_white)
    screen_fit_white_all = screen_fit_white_all.reshape((N_sources_all, N_stations))
    screen_residual_all = screen_residual_all.reshape((N_sources_all, N_stations))

    return (screen_fit_white_all, screen_residual_all)
Example #24

unknown_columns = sorted(
)  # find all the indices of columns not in known_columns
unknown_rows = find(isnan(dG0_r))
known_rows = sorted(list(set(range(len(reactions))).difference(
    unknown_rows)))  # find all the indices of rows with measured dG0_r

S_measured = S[known_rows, :]
b = dG0_r[known_rows] - dot(S_measured[:, known_columns], dG0_f[known_columns])
S_red = S_measured[:, unknown_columns]

print "Formation energies from from GC and from linear regression: "
# linear regression to solve the missing formation energies (S*x = b)
inv_corr_mat = pinv(dot(S_red.T, S_red))
x = dot(dot(inv_corr_mat, S_red.T), b)
for c in xrange(len(unknown_columns)):
    dG0_f[unknown_columns[c], 0] = x[c, 0]

csv_out = csv.writer(open('../res/acetogens_compounds.csv', 'w'))
for c in xrange(len(all_cids)):
    if (c in known_columns):
            'C%05d' % all_cids[c],
            '%8.1f' % dG0_f[c, 0], 'Group Contribution'
            ['C%05d' % all_cids[c],
             '%8.1f' % dG0_f[c, 0], 'Calculated'])
Example #25
def add_stations(station_selection, phases0, phases1, flags, mask,
    station_names, station_positions, source_names, source_selection,
    times, freqs, r, nband_min=2, soln_type='phase', nstations_max=None,
    excluded_stations=None, t_step=5, tec_step1=5, tec_step2=21,
    Adds stations to TEC fitting using an iterative initial-guess search to
    ensure the global min is found

    Keyword arguments:
    station_selection -- indices of stations to use in fitting
    phases0 -- XX phase solutions
    phases1 -- YY phase solutions
    flags -- phase solution flags (0 = use, 1 = flagged)
    mask -- mask for sources and frequencies (0 = ignore, 1 = use)
    station_names -- array of station names
    source_names -- array of source names
    source_selection -- indices of sources to use in fitting
    times -- array of times
    freqs -- array of frequencies
    r -- array of TEC solutions returned by fit_tec_per_source_pair()
    nband_min -- min number of bands for a source to be used
    soln_type -- type of phase solution: 'phase' or 'scalarphase'
    nstations_max -- max number of stations to use
    excluded_stations -- stations to exclude
    t_step -- try full TEC range every t_step number of solution times
    tec_step1 -- number of steps in TEC subrange (+/- last TEC fit value)
    tec_step2 -- number of steps in full TEC range (-0.1 -- 0.1)
    search_full_tec_range -- always search the full TEC range (-0.1 -- 0.1)
    from pylab import pinv, newaxis, find, amin
    import numpy as np
    from lofar.expion import baselinefitting
        import progressbar
    except ImportError:
        import losoto.progressbar as progressbar

    N_sources_selected = len(source_selection)
    N_stations_selected = len(station_selection)
    N_piercepoints = N_sources_selected * N_stations_selected
    N_times = len(times)
    N_stations = len(station_names)
    N_sources = len(source_names)
    N_pairs = 0
    for ii, i in enumerate(source_selection):
        for jj, j in enumerate(source_selection):
            if j == i:
            subband_selection = find(mask[i,:] * mask[j,:])
            if len(subband_selection) < nband_min:
            N_pairs += 1

    D = np.resize(station_positions, (N_stations, N_stations, 3))
    D = np.transpose(D, (1, 0, 2)) - D
    D = np.sqrt(np.sum(D**2, axis=2))

    station_selection1 = station_selection
    stations_to_add = np.array([i for i in xrange(len(station_names))
        if i not in station_selection1 and station_names[i] not in
    if len(stations_to_add) == 0:
        return station_selection1, r

    # Check if desired number of stations is already reached
    if nstations_max is not None:
        if len(station_selection1) >= nstations_max:
            return station_selection1, r

    logging.info("Using fitting with iterative search for remaining stations "
        "(up to {0} stations in total)".format(nstations_max))
    q = r
    while len(stations_to_add)>0:
        D1 = D[stations_to_add[:,newaxis], station_selection1[newaxis,:]]

        minimum_distance = amin(D1, axis=1)
        station_to_add = stations_to_add[np.argmin(minimum_distance)]
        station_selection1 = np.append(station_selection1, station_to_add)
        N_stations_selected1 = len(station_selection1)

        # Remove station from list
        stations_to_add = stations_to_add[stations_to_add != station_to_add]

        sols_list = []
        eq_list = []
        min_e_list = []

        ipbar = 0
        logging.info('Fitting TEC values with {0} included...'.format(
        pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=N_pairs*N_times).start()
        for ii, i in enumerate(source_selection):
            for jj, j in enumerate(source_selection):
                if j == i:
                subband_selection = find(mask[i,:] * mask[j,:])
                if len(subband_selection) < nband_min:
                logging.debug('Adding {0} for source pair: {1}-{2}'.format(
                    station_names[station_to_add], i, j))
                p0 = phases0[i, station_selection1[:,newaxis],
                    subband_selection[newaxis,:], :] - phases0[j,
                    station_selection1[:,newaxis], subband_selection[newaxis,:], :]
                p0 = p0 - np.mean(p0, axis=0)[newaxis,:,:]
                if soln_type != 'scalarphase':
                    p1 = phases1[i, station_selection1[:,newaxis],
                        subband_selection[newaxis,:], :] - phases1[j,
                        station_selection1[:,newaxis], subband_selection[newaxis,:], :]
                    p1 = p1 - np.mean(p1, axis=0)[newaxis, :, :]
                A = np.zeros((len(subband_selection), 1))
                A[:, 0] = 8.44797245e9 / freqs[subband_selection]
                sd = (0.1 * 30e6) / freqs[subband_selection] # standard deviation of phase solutions as function of frequency (rad)

                flags_source_pair = flags[i, station_selection1[:,newaxis],
                    subband_selection[newaxis,:], :] * flags[j,
                    station_selection1[:,newaxis], subband_selection[newaxis,:], :]
                constant_parms = np.zeros((1, N_stations_selected1), dtype = np.bool)
                sols = np.zeros((N_times, N_stations_selected1), dtype = np.float)
                p_0_best = None
                for t_idx in xrange(N_times):
                    if np.mod(t_idx, t_step) == 0:
                        min_e = np.Inf
                        if p_0_best is not None and not search_full_tec_range:
                            min_tec = p_0_best[0, -1] - 0.02
                            max_tec = p_0_best[0, -1] + 0.02
                            nsteps = tec_step1
                            min_tec = -0.1
                            max_tec = 0.1
                            nsteps = tec_step2
                        logging.debug('  Trying initial guesses between {0} and '
                            '{1} TECU'.format(min_tec, max_tec))
                        for offset in np.linspace(min_tec, max_tec, nsteps):
                            p_0 = np.zeros((1, N_stations_selected1), np.double)
                            p_0[0, :N_stations_selected1-1] = (q[ii, t_idx, :] -
                                q[jj, t_idx, :])[newaxis,:]
                            p_0[0, -1] = offset

                            x = p0[:,:,t_idx].copy()
                            f = flags_source_pair[:, :, t_idx].copy()
                            sol0 = baselinefitting.fit(x.T, A, p_0, f, constant_parms)
                            sol0 -= np.mean(sol0)
                            residual = np.mod(np.dot(A, sol0) - x.T + np.pi,
                                2 * np.pi) - np.pi
                            e = np.var(residual[f.T==0])

                            if soln_type != 'scalarphase':
                                x = p1[:,:,t_idx].copy()
                                f = flags_source_pair[:, :, t_idx].copy()
                                sol1 = baselinefitting.fit(x.T, A, p_0, f,
                                sol1 -= np.mean(sol1)
                                residual = np.mod(np.dot(A, sol1) - x.T + np.pi,
                                    2 * np.pi) - np.pi
                                residual = residual[f.T==0]
                                e += np.var(residual)
                                sol1 = sol0

                            if e < min_e:
                                logging.debug('  Found new min variance of {0} '
                                    'with initial guess of {1} TECU'.format(e,
                                    p_0[0, -1]))
                                min_e = e
                                p_0_best = p_0
                                sols[t_idx, :] = (sol0[0, :] + sol1[0, :])/2
                        # Use previous init
                        x = p0[:, :, t_idx].copy()
                        f = flags_source_pair[:, :, t_idx].copy()
                        sol0 = baselinefitting.fit(x.T, A, p_0_best, f,
                        sol0 -= np.mean(sol0)

                        if soln_type != 'scalarphase':
                            x = p1[:, :, t_idx].copy()
                            f = flags_source_pair[:, :, t_idx].copy()
                            sol1 = baselinefitting.fit(x.T, A, p_0_best, f,
                            sol1 -= np.mean(sol1)
                            sol1 = sol0
                        sols[t_idx, :] = (sol0[0, :] + sol1[0, :])/2

                    ipbar += 1

                ### Remove outliers
                logging.debug('  Searching for outliers...')
                for kk in xrange(10):
                    s = sols[:, -1].copy()
                    selection = np.zeros(len(s), np.bool)
                    for t_idx in xrange(len(s)):
                        start_idx = np.max([t_idx-10, 0])
                        end_idx = np.min([t_idx+10, len(s)])
                        selection[t_idx] = np.sum(abs(s[start_idx:end_idx] -
                            s[t_idx]) < 0.02) > (end_idx - start_idx - 8)
                    outliers = find(np.logical_not(selection))
                    if len(outliers) == 0:
                    for t_idx in outliers:
                            idx0 = find(selection[:t_idx])[-1]
                        except IndexError:
                            idx0 = -1
                            idx1 = find(selection[t_idx+1:])[0] + t_idx + 1
                        except IndexError:
                            idx1 = -1
                        if idx0 == -1:
                            s[t_idx] = s[idx1]
                        elif idx1 == -1:
                            s[t_idx] = s[idx0]
                            s[t_idx] = (s[idx0] * (idx1-t_idx) + s[idx1] *
                                (t_idx-idx0)) / (idx1-idx0)

                        p_0 = np.zeros((1, N_stations_selected1), np.double)
                        p_0[0,:] = sols[t_idx,:]
                        p_0[0,-1] = s[t_idx]

                        x = p0[:,:,t_idx].copy()
                        f = flags_source_pair[:,:,t_idx].copy()
                        sol0 = baselinefitting.fit(x.T, A, p_0, f, constant_parms)
                        sol0 -= np.mean(sol0)

                        if soln_type != 'scalarphase':
                            x = p1[:,:,t_idx].copy()
                            sol1 = baselinefitting.fit(x.T, A, p_0, f,
                            sol1 -= np.mean(sol1)
                            sol1 = sol0
                        sols[t_idx, :] = (sol0[0,:] + sol1[0,:])/2

                weight = 1.0
                eq = np.zeros(N_sources)
                eq[ii] = weight
                eq[jj] = -weight

        sols = np.array(sols_list)
        B = np.array(eq_list)
        pinvB = pinv(B)

        q = np.dot(pinvB, sols.transpose([1,0,2]))

        if nstations_max is not None:
            if N_stations_selected1 == nstations_max:

    return station_selection1, q
Example #26
def fit_screen_to_tec(station_names, source_names, pp, airmass, rr, times,
                      height, order, r_0, beta):
    Fits a screen to given TEC values using Karhunen-Lo`eve base vectors

    Keyword arguments:
    station_names -- array of station names
    source_names -- array of source names
    pp -- array of piercepoint locations
    airmass -- array of airmass values
    rr -- array of TEC solutions
    times -- array of times
    height -- height of screen (m)
    order -- order of screen (i.e., number of KL base vectors to keep)
    r_0 -- scale size of phase fluctuations (m)
    beta -- power-law index for phase structure function (5/3 =>
        pure Kolmogorov turbulence)
    import numpy as np
    from pylab import kron, concatenate, pinv, norm, newaxis, find, amin, svd, eye
        import progressbar
    except ImportError:
        import losoto.progressbar as progressbar

    logging.info('Fitting screens to TEC values...')
    N_stations = len(station_names)
    N_sources = len(source_names)
    N_times = len(times)

    tec_fit_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    residual_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))

    A = concatenate([
        kron(eye(N_sources), np.ones((N_stations, 1))),
        kron(np.ones((N_sources, 1)), eye(N_stations))

    N_piercepoints = N_sources * N_stations
    P = eye(N_piercepoints) - np.dot(np.dot(A, pinv(np.dot(A.T, A))), A.T)

    pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=N_times).start()
    ipbar = 0
    for k in range(N_times):
            D = np.resize(pp[k, :, :], (N_piercepoints, N_piercepoints, 3))
            D = np.transpose(D, (1, 0, 2)) - D
            D2 = np.sum(D**2, axis=2)
            C = -(D2 / r_0**2)**(beta / 2.0) / 2.0
            P1 = eye(N_piercepoints) - np.ones(
                (N_piercepoints, N_piercepoints)) / N_piercepoints
            C1 = np.dot(np.dot(P1, C), P1)
            U, S, V = svd(C1)

            B = np.dot(P, np.dot(np.diag(airmass[k, :]), U[:, :order]))
            pinvB = pinv(B, rcond=1e-3)

            rr1 = np.dot(P, rr[:, k])
            tec_fit = np.dot(U[:, :order], np.dot(pinvB, rr1))
            tec_fit_all[k, :, :] = tec_fit.reshape((N_sources, N_stations))

            residual = rr1 - np.dot(P, tec_fit)
            residual_all[k, :, :] = residual.reshape((N_sources, N_stations))
            # Set screen to zero if fit did not work
            logging.debug('Tecscreen fit failed for timeslot {0}'.format(k))
            tec_fit_all[k, :, :] = np.zeros((N_sources, N_stations))
            residual_all[k, :, :] = np.ones((N_sources, N_stations))

        ipbar += 1

    return tec_fit_all, residual_all
Example #27
def _fit_screen(station_names, source_names, full_matrices, pp, rr, weights,
                order, r_0, beta, screen_type):
    Fits a screen to amplitudes or phases using Karhunen-Lo`eve base vectors

    station_names: array
        Array of station names
    source_names: array
        Array of source names
    full_matrices : list of arrays
        List of [C, pivC, U] matrices for all piercepoints
    pp: array
        Array of piercepoint locations
    airmass: array
        Array of airmass values (note: not currently used)
    rr: array
        Array of amp values to fit screen to
    weights: array
        Array of weights
    order: int
        Order of screen (i.e., number of KL base vectors to keep)
    r_0: float
        Scale size of amp fluctuations (m)
    beta: float
        Power-law index for amp structure function (5/3 => pure Kolmogorov
    screen_type : str
        Type of screen: 'phase' or 'amplitude'

    screen_fit_white_all, screen_residual_all : array, array
        Arrays of screen and residual (actual - screen) values

    import numpy as np
    from pylab import kron, concatenate, pinv, norm, newaxis, find, amin, svd, eye

    # Identify flagged directions
    N_sources_all = len(source_names)
    unflagged = np.where(weights > 0.0)
    N_sources = len(source_names[unflagged])

    # Initialize arrays
    N_stations = len(station_names)
    N_piercepoints = N_sources * N_stations
    N_piercepoints_all = N_sources_all * N_stations
    screen_fit_all = np.zeros((N_sources_all, N_stations))
    pp_all = pp.copy()
    rr_all = rr.copy()
    pp = pp_all[unflagged[0], :]
    w = np.diag(weights[unflagged])

    # Calculate matrices
    if N_sources == N_sources_all:
        C, pinvC, U = full_matrices
        # Recalculate for unflagged directions
        C, pinvC, U = _calculate_svd(pp, r_0, beta, N_piercepoints)
    invU = pinv(np.dot(np.transpose(U[:, :order]),
                       np.dot(w, U)[:, :order]),

    # Fit screen to unflagged directions
    if screen_type == 'phase':
        # Change phase to real/imag
        rr_real = np.cos(rr[unflagged])
        rr_imag = np.sin(rr[unflagged])

        # Calculate real screen
        rr1 = np.dot(np.transpose(U[:, :order]), np.dot(w, rr_real))
        real_fit = np.dot(pinvC, np.dot(U[:, :order], np.dot(invU, rr1)))

        # Calculate imag screen
        rr1 = np.dot(np.transpose(U[:, :order]), np.dot(w, rr_imag))
        imag_fit = np.dot(pinvC, np.dot(U[:, :order], np.dot(invU, rr1)))

        # Calculate phase screen
        screen_fit = np.arctan2(np.dot(C, imag_fit), np.dot(C, real_fit))
        screen_fit_white = np.dot(pinvC, screen_fit)
        # Calculate log(amp) screen
        rr = rr[unflagged]
        rr1 = np.dot(np.transpose(U[:, :order]), np.dot(w, np.log10(rr)))
        amp_fit_log = np.dot(pinvC, np.dot(U[:, :order], np.dot(invU, rr1)))

        # Calculate amp screen
        screen_fit = 10**(np.dot(C, amp_fit_log))
        screen_fit_white = np.dot(pinvC, screen_fit)

    # Calculate screen in all directions
    if N_sources != N_sources_all:
        screen_fit_all[unflagged[0], :] = screen_fit[:, newaxis]
        flagged = np.where(weights <= 0.0)
        for findx in flagged[0]:
            p = pp_all[findx, :]
            d2 = np.sum(np.square(pp - p), axis=1)
            c = -(d2 / (r_0**2))**(beta / 2.0) / 2.0
            screen_fit_all[findx, :] = np.dot(c, screen_fit_white)
        C, pinvC, U = full_matrices
        screen_fit_white_all = np.dot(pinvC, screen_fit_all)
        screen_residual_all = rr_all - screen_fit_all.reshape(
        screen_fit_white_all = screen_fit_white
        screen_residual_all = rr_all - np.dot(C, screen_fit_white)
    screen_fit_white_all = screen_fit_white_all.reshape(
        (N_sources_all, N_stations))
    screen_residual_all = screen_residual_all.reshape(
        (N_sources_all, N_stations))

    return (screen_fit_white_all, screen_residual_all)
Example #28
def calcSlipParams3D2(IC, m, FS, ymin, T, P0 = [14000., 1.16, 1., 0., 0.]):
    calculates a set of SLIP parameters that result in the desired motion.
        IC (3x float) : initial condition y, vx, vz
        FS (3x float) : final state y, vx, vz
        ymin : minimal vertical excursion
        T : total step duration
        P0 (5x float) : initial guess for parameters [k, alpha, L0, beta, dE]
            (dE is ignored. It is calculated from IC and FS)
        [k, alpha, L0, beta, dE] parameter vector that results in the desired state
    dE = (FS[0]-IC[0])*m*9.81 + .5*m*(FS[1]**2 + FS[2]**2 
                                       - IC[1]**2 - IC[2]**2)    
    k, alpha, L0, beta, _ = P0
    def getDiff(t, y):
        """ returns the difference in desired params """
        delta = [T - t[-1],
                 ymin - min(y[:,1]),
                 #FS - y[-1,[1,3,5]],
                 FS[[0,2]] - y[-1,[1,5]]
        return hstack(delta)
    rcond = 1e-3 # for pinverting the jacobian. this will be adapted during the process
    init_success = False
    while not init_success:
            pars = [k, L0, m, alpha, beta, dE]
            t, y = sl.qSLIP_step3D(IC, pars)
            init_success = True
        except ValueError:
            L0 -= .02

    d0 = getDiff(t, y)
    nd0 = norm(d0)
    #print \"difference: \", nd0, d0
    cancel = False
    niter = 0
    while nd0 > 1e-6 and not cancel:
        niter += 1
        if niter > 20:
            print "too many iterations"
            cancel = True
        # calculate jacobian dDelta / dP
        #print \"rep:\", niter
        hs = array([10, .0001, .0001, .0001])
        pdims = [0, 1, 3, 4]
        J = []
        for dim in range(4):
            parsp = [k, L0, m, alpha, beta, dE][:]
            parsm = [k, L0, m, alpha, beta, dE][:]
            parsp[pdims[dim]] += hs[dim]
            parsm[pdims[dim]] -= hs[dim]
            t, y = sl.qSLIP_step3D(IC, parsm)
            dm = getDiff(t, y)
            # circumvent "too low starting condition":
                t, y = sl.qSLIP_step3D(IC, parsp)
                dp = getDiff(t, y)
                J.append((dp - dm)/(2*hs[dim]))
            except ValueError:
                # run unilateral derivative instead
                parsp = [k, L0, m, alpha, beta, dE]
                t, y = sl.qSLIP_step3D(IC, parsm)
                dp = getDiff(t, y)
                J.append((dp - dm)/(hs[dim]))
                print "|1>"

        J = vstack(J).T
        pred = [k, L0, alpha, beta]
        update = dot(pinv(J, rcond=rcond), d0)
        nrm = norm(update * array([.001, 10, 10, 10]))
        success = False
        cancel = False
        rep = 0
        while not (success or cancel):
            rep += 1
            #print \"update:\", update
            if rep > 3:
                # reset
                if rcond < 1e-10:
                    #print \"rcond too small!\"
                    cancel = True
                    rcond /= 100
                pars = [k, L0, m, alpha, beta, dE]
            dk, dL0, dalpha, dbeta = update            
            pars = [k - dk, L0 - dL0, m, alpha - dalpha, beta - dbeta, dE]
                t, y = sl.qSLIP_step3D(IC, pars)
                d0 = getDiff(t, y)                
                #print "d0 = ", norm(d0)
            except (ValueError, sl.SimFailError, TypeError):
                #print "escaping ..."
                update /= 2
            if norm(d0) < nd0:
                success = True
                nd0 = norm(d0)
                update /= 2
        #print \"difference: \", norm(d0), d0        
        k, L0, alpha, beta = array(pars)[[0,1,3,4]]
    #if not cancel:
    #    print \"converged!\"
    return array([k, alpha, L0, beta, dE])