def compute_search_efficiency_in_bins(found, total, ndbins, sim_to_bins_function = lambda sim: (sim.distance,)): """ This program creates the search efficiency in the provided ndbins. The first dimension of ndbins must be the distance. You also must provide a function that maps a sim inspiral row to the correct tuple to index the ndbins. """ input = rate.BinnedRatios(ndbins) # increment the numerator with the missed injections [input.incnumerator(sim_to_bins_function(sim)) for sim in found] # increment the denominator with the total injections [input.incdenominator(sim_to_bins_function(sim)) for sim in total] # regularize by setting denoms to 1 to avoid nans input.regularize() # pull out the efficiency array, it is the ratio eff = rate.BinnedArray(rate.NDBins(ndbins), array = input.ratio()) # compute binomial uncertainties in each bin err_arr = numpy.sqrt(eff.array * (1-eff.array)/input.denominator.array) err = rate.BinnedArray(rate.NDBins(ndbins), array = err_arr) return eff, err
def __init__(self, x, y, magnitude, max_magnitude): self.fig, self.axes = SnglBurstUtils.make_burst_plot("X", "Y") self.fig.set_size_inches(6, 6) self.x = x self.y = y self.magnitude = magnitude self.n_foreground = 0 self.n_background = 0 self.n_injections = 0 max_magnitude = math.log10(max_magnitude) self.foreground_bins = rate.BinnedArray( rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(-max_magnitude, max_magnitude, 1024), rate.LinearBins(-max_magnitude, max_magnitude, 1024)))) self.background_bins = rate.BinnedArray( rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(-max_magnitude, max_magnitude, 1024), rate.LinearBins(-max_magnitude, max_magnitude, 1024)))) self.coinc_injection_bins = rate.BinnedArray( rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(-max_magnitude, max_magnitude, 1024), rate.LinearBins(-max_magnitude, max_magnitude, 1024)))) self.incomplete_coinc_injection_bins = rate.BinnedArray( rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(-max_magnitude, max_magnitude, 1024), rate.LinearBins(-max_magnitude, max_magnitude, 1024))))
def __init__(self, x_instrument, y_instrument, magnitude, desc, min_magnitude, max_magnitude): self.fig, self.axes = SnglBurstUtils.make_burst_plot( "%s %s" % (x_instrument, desc), "%s %s" % (y_instrument, desc)) self.fig.set_size_inches(6, 6) self.axes.loglog() self.x_instrument = x_instrument self.y_instrument = y_instrument self.magnitude = magnitude self.foreground_x = [] self.foreground_y = [] self.n_foreground = 0 self.n_background = 0 self.n_injections = 0 self.foreground_bins = rate.BinnedArray( rate.NDBins( (rate.LogarithmicBins(min_magnitude, max_magnitude, 1024), rate.LogarithmicBins(min_magnitude, max_magnitude, 1024)))) self.background_bins = rate.BinnedArray( rate.NDBins( (rate.LogarithmicBins(min_magnitude, max_magnitude, 1024), rate.LogarithmicBins(min_magnitude, max_magnitude, 1024)))) self.coinc_injection_bins = rate.BinnedArray( rate.NDBins( (rate.LogarithmicBins(min_magnitude, max_magnitude, 1024), rate.LogarithmicBins(min_magnitude, max_magnitude, 1024)))) self.incomplete_coinc_injection_bins = rate.BinnedArray( rate.NDBins( (rate.LogarithmicBins(min_magnitude, max_magnitude, 1024), rate.LogarithmicBins(min_magnitude, max_magnitude, 1024))))
def __init__(self, instruments): self.densities = {} for instrument in instruments: self.densities["%s_snr2_chi2" % instrument] = rate.BinnedLnPDF(rate.NDBins((rate.ATanLogarithmicBins(10, 1e7, 801), rate.ATanLogarithmicBins(.1, 1e4, 801)))) for pair in itertools.combinations(sorted(instruments), 2): dt = 0.005 + snglcoinc.light_travel_time(instrument1, instrument2) # seconds self.densities["%s_%s_dt" % pair] = rate.BinnedLnPDF(rate.NDBins((rate.ATanBins(-dt, +dt, 801),))) self.densities["%s_%s_dA" % pair] = rate.BinnedLnPDF(rate.NDBins((rate.ATanBins(-0.5, +0.5, 801),))) self.densities["%s_%s_df" % pair] = rate.BinnedLnPDF(rate.NDBins((rate.ATanBins(-0.2, +0.2, 501),))) # only non-negative rss timing residual bins will be used # but we want a binning that's linear at the origin so # instead of inventing a new one we just use atan bins that # are symmetric about 0 self.densities["instrumentgroup,rss_timing_residual"] = rate.BinnedLnPDF(rate.NDBins((snglcoinc.InstrumentBins(names = instruments), rate.ATanBins(-0.02, +0.02, 1001))))
def dt_binning(instrument1, instrument2): # FIXME: hard-coded for directional search #dt = 0.02 + inject.light_travel_time(instrument1, instrument2) dt = 0.02 return rate.NDBins( (rate.ATanBins(-dt, +dt, 12001), rate.LinearBins(0.0, 2 * math.pi, 61)))
def _bin_events(self, binning = None): # called internally by finish() if binning is None: minx, maxx = min(self.injected_x), max(self.injected_x) miny, maxy = min(self.injected_y), max(self.injected_y) binning = rate.NDBins((rate.LogarithmicBins(minx, maxx, 256), rate.LogarithmicBins(miny, maxy, 256))) self.efficiency = rate.BinnedRatios(binning) for xy in zip(self.injected_x, self.injected_y): self.efficiency.incdenominator(xy) for xy in zip(self.found_x, self.found_y): self.efficiency.incnumerator(xy) # 1 / error^2 is the number of injections that need to be # within the window in order for the fractional uncertainty # in that number to be = error. multiplying by # bins_per_inj tells us how many bins the window needs to # cover, and taking the square root translates that into # the window's length on a side in bins. because the # contours tend to run parallel to the x axis, the window # is dilated in that direction to improve resolution. bins_per_inj = self.efficiency.used() / float(len(self.injected_x)) self.window_size_x = self.window_size_y = math.sqrt(bins_per_inj / self.error**2) self.window_size_x *= math.sqrt(2) self.window_size_y /= math.sqrt(2) if self.window_size_x > 100 or self.window_size_y > 100: # program will take too long to run raise ValueError("smoothing filter too large (not enough injections)") print >>sys.stderr, "The smoothing window for %s is %g x %g bins" % ("+".join(self.instruments), self.window_size_x, self.window_size_y), print >>sys.stderr, "which is %g%% x %g%% of the binning" % (100.0 * self.window_size_x / binning[0].n, 100.0 * self.window_size_y / binning[1].n)
def volume_binned_pylal(f_dist, m_dist, bins=15): """ Compute the sensitive volume using a distanced binned efficiency estimate Parameters ----------- found_distance: numpy.ndarray The distances of found injections missed_dsistance: numpy.ndarray The distances of missed injections Returns -------- volume: float Volume estimate volume_error: float The standared error in the volume """ def sims_to_bin(sim): return (sim, 0) from pylal import rate from pylal.imr_utils import compute_search_volume_in_bins, compute_search_efficiency_in_bins found = f_dist total = numpy.concatenate([f_dist, m_dist]) ndbins = rate.NDBins([ rate.LinearBins(min(total), max(total), bins), rate.LinearBins(0., 1, 1) ]) vol, verr = compute_search_volume_in_bins(found, total, ndbins, sims_to_bin) return vol.array[0], verr.array[0]
def get_2d_mass_bins(self, low, high, bins): """ Given the component mass range low, high of the search it will return 2D bins with size bins in each direction """ mass1Bin = rate.LinearBins(low,high,bins) mass2Bin = rate.LinearBins(low,high,bins) twoDMB=rate.NDBins( (mass1Bin,mass2Bin) ) return twoDMB
def make_binning(plots): plots = [plot for instrument in plots.keys() for plot in plots[instrument] if isinstance(plot, SimBurstUtils.Efficiency_hrss_vs_freq)] if not plots: return None minx = min([min(plot.injected_x) for plot in plots]) maxx = max([max(plot.injected_x) for plot in plots]) miny = min([min(plot.injected_y) for plot in plots]) maxy = max([max(plot.injected_y) for plot in plots]) return rate.NDBins((rate.LogarithmicBins(minx, maxx, 512), rate.LogarithmicBins(miny, maxy, 512)))
def __init__(self, instrument, interval, width): self.fig, self.axes = SnglBurstUtils.make_burst_plot(r"$f_{\mathrm{recovered}} / f_{\mathrm{injected}}$", "Event Number Density") self.axes.loglog() self.instrument = instrument self.found = 0 # 21 bins per filter width bins = int(float(abs(interval)) / width) * 21 binning = rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(interval[0], interval[1], bins),)) self.offsets = rate.BinnedArray(binning) self.coinc_offsets = rate.BinnedArray(binning)
def __init__(self, instrument, interval, width): self.fig, self.axes = SnglBurstUtils.make_burst_plot(r"$t_{\mathrm{recovered}} - t_{\mathrm{injected}}$ (s)", "Triggers per Unit Offset") self.axes.semilogy() self.instrument = instrument self.found = 0 # 21 bins per filter width bins = int(float(abs(interval)) / width) * 21 binning = rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(interval[0], interval[1], bins),)) self.offsets = rate.BinnedArray(binning) self.coinc_offsets = rate.BinnedArray(binning)
def guess_nd_bins(sims, bin_dict={"distance": (200, rate.LinearBins)}): """ Given a dictionary of bin counts and bin objects keyed by sim attribute, come up with a sensible NDBins scheme """ return rate.NDBins([ bintup[1](min([getattr(sim, attr) for sim in sims]), max([getattr(sim, attr) for sim in sims]) + sys.float_info.min, bintup[0]) for attr, bintup in bin_dict.items() ])
def guess_distance_chirp_mass_bins_from_sims(sims, mbins = 11, distbins = 200): """ Given a list of the injections, guess at the chirp mass and distance bins. """ dist_mchirp_vals = map(sim_to_distance_chirp_mass_bins_function, sims) distances = [tup[0] for tup in dist_mchirp_vals] mchirps = [tup[1] for tup in dist_mchirp_vals] return rate.NDBins([rate.LinearBins(min(distances), max(distances), distbins), rate.LinearBins(min(mchirps), max(mchirps), mbins)])
def guess_distance_effective_spin_parameter_bins_from_sims(sims, chibins = 11, distbins = 200): """ Given a list of the injections, guess at the chi = (m1*s1z + m2*s2z)/(m1+m2) and distance bins. """ dist_chi_vals = map(sim_to_distance_effective_spin_parameter_bins_function, sims) distances = [tup[0] for tup in dist_chi_vals] chis = [tup[1] for tup in dist_chi_vals] return rate.NDBins([rate.LinearBins(min(distances), max(distances), distbins), rate.LinearBins(min(chis), max(chis), chibins)])
def add_contents(self, contents): if self.tisi_rows is None: # get a list of time slide dictionaries self.tisi_rows = contents.time_slide_table.as_dict().values() # find the largest and smallest offsets min_offset = min(offset for vector in self.tisi_rows for offset in vector.values()) max_offset = max(offset for vector in self.tisi_rows for offset in vector.values()) # a guess at the time slide spacing: works if the # time slides are distributed as a square grid over # the plot area. (max - min)^2 gives the area of # the time slide square in square seconds; dividing # by the length of the time slide list gives the # average area per time slide; taking the square # root of that gives the average distance between # adjacent time slides in seconds time_slide_spacing = ((max_offset - min_offset)**2 / len(self.tisi_rows))**0.5 # use an average of 3 bins per time slide in each # direction, but round to an odd integer nbins = math.ceil( (max_offset - min_offset) / time_slide_spacing * 3) # construct the binning self.bins = rate.BinnedRatios( rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(min_offset, max_offset, nbins), rate.LinearBins(min_offset, max_offset, nbins)))) self.seglists |= contents.seglists for offsets in contents.connection.cursor().execute( """ SELECT tx.offset, ty.offset FROM coinc_event JOIN time_slide AS tx ON ( tx.time_slide_id == coinc_event.time_slide_id ) JOIN time_slide AS ty ON ( ty.time_slide_id == coinc_event.time_slide_id ) WHERE coinc_event.coinc_def_id == ? AND tx.instrument == ? AND ty.instrument == ? """, (contents.bb_definer_id, self.x_instrument, self.y_instrument)): try: self.bins.incnumerator(offsets) except IndexError: # beyond plot boundaries pass
def __init__(self, ifo, interval, width): self.fig, self.axes = SnglBurstUtils.make_burst_plot( "Peak Frequency (Hz)", "Trigger Rate Spectral Density (triggers / s / Hz)") self.ifo = ifo self.nevents = 0 # 21 bins per filter width bins = int(float(abs(interval)) / width) * 21 binning = rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(interval[0], interval[1], bins), )) self.rate = rate.BinnedDensity(binning)
def __init__(self, instruments): self.densities = {} for pair in intertools.combinations(sorted(instruments), 2): # FIXME: hard-coded for directional search #dt = 0.02 + snglcoinc.light_travel_time(*pair) dt = 0.02 self.densities["%s_%s_dt" % pair] = rate.BinnedLnDPF( rate.NDBins((rate.ATanBins(-dt, +dt, 12001), rate.LinearBins(0.0, 2 * math.pi, 61)))) self.densities["%s_%s_dband" % pair] = rate.BinnedLnDPF( rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(-2.0, +2.0, 12001), rate.LinearBins(0.0, 2 * math.pi, 61)))) self.densities["%s_%s_ddur" % pair] = rate.BinnedLnDPF( rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(-2.0, +2.0, 12001), rate.LinearBins(0.0, 2 * math.pi, 61)))) self.densities["%s_%s_df" % pair] = rate.BinnedLnDPF( rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(-2.0, +2.0, 12001), rate.LinearBins(0.0, 2 * math.pi, 61)))) self.densities["%s_%s_dh" % pair] = rate.BinnedLnDPF( rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(-2.0, +2.0, 12001), rate.LinearBins(0.0, 2 * math.pi, 61))))
def guess_distance_total_mass_bins_from_sims(sims, nbins = 11, distbins = 200): """ Given a list of the injections, guess at the mass1, mass2 and distance bins. Floor and ceil will be used to round down to the nearest integers. """ total_lo = numpy.floor(min([sim.mass1 + sim.mass2 for sim in sims])) total_hi = numpy.ceil(max([sim.mass1 + sim.mass2 for sim in sims])) mindist = numpy.floor(min([sim.distance for sim in sims])) maxdist = numpy.ceil(max([sim.distance for sim in sims])) return rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(mindist, maxdist, distbins), rate.LinearBins(total_lo, total_hi, nbins)))
def __init__(self, ifo, width, max): self.fig, self.axes = SnglBurstUtils.make_burst_plot( "Delay (s)", "Count / Delay") self.ifo = ifo self.nevents = 0 # 21 bins per filter width interval = segments.segment(0, max + 2) self.bins = rate.BinnedDensity( rate.NDBins( (rate.LinearBins(interval[0], interval[1], int(float(abs(interval)) / width) * 21), ))) self.axes.semilogy()
def compute_search_efficiency_in_bins(found, total, ndbins, sim_to_bins_function=lambda sim: (sim.distance, )): """ This program creates the search efficiency in the provided ndbins. The first dimension of ndbins must be the distance. You also must provide a function that maps a sim inspiral row to the correct tuple to index the ndbins. """ input = rate.BinnedRatios(ndbins) # increment the numerator with the missed injections [input.incnumerator(sim_to_bins_function(sim)) for sim in found] # increment the denominator with the total injections [input.incdenominator(sim_to_bins_function(sim)) for sim in total] # regularize by setting empty bins to zero efficiency input.denominator.array[input.numerator.array < 1] = 1e35 # pull out the efficiency array, it is the ratio eff = rate.BinnedArray(rate.NDBins(ndbins), array=input.ratio()) # compute binomial uncertainties in each bin k = input.numerator.array N = input.denominator.array eff_lo_arr = (N * (2 * k + 1) - numpy.sqrt(4 * N * k * (N - k) + N**2)) / (2 * N * (N + 1)) eff_hi_arr = (N * (2 * k + 1) + numpy.sqrt(4 * N * k * (N - k) + N**2)) / (2 * N * (N + 1)) eff_lo = rate.BinnedArray(rate.NDBins(ndbins), array=eff_lo_arr) eff_hi = rate.BinnedArray(rate.NDBins(ndbins), array=eff_hi_arr) return eff_lo, eff, eff_hi
def compute_search_volume_in_bins(found, total, ndbins, sim_to_bins_function): """ This program creates the search volume in the provided ndbins. The first dimension of ndbins must be the distance over which to integrate. You also must provide a function that maps a sim inspiral row to the correct tuple to index the ndbins. """ eff, err = compute_search_efficiency_in_bins(found, total, ndbins, sim_to_bins_function) dx = ndbins[0].upper() - ndbins[0].lower() r = ndbins[0].centres() # we have one less dimension on the output vol = rate.BinnedArray(rate.NDBins(ndbins[1:])) errors = rate.BinnedArray(rate.NDBins(ndbins[1:])) # integrate efficiency to obtain volume vol.array = numpy.trapz(eff.array.T * 4. * numpy.pi * r**2, r, dx) # propagate errors in eff to errors in V errors.array = numpy.sqrt(( (4*numpy.pi *r**2 *err.array.T *dx)**2 ).sum(-1)) return vol, errors
def compute_search_efficiency_in_bins(found, total, ndbins, sim_to_bins_function = lambda sim: (sim.distance,)): """ This program creates the search efficiency in the provided ndbins. The first dimension of ndbins must be the distance. You also must provide a function that maps a sim inspiral row to the correct tuple to index the ndbins. """ num = rate.BinnedArray(ndbins) den = rate.BinnedArray(ndbins) # increment the numerator with the found injections for sim in found: num[sim_to_bins_function(sim)] += 1 # increment the denominator with the total injections for sim in total: den[sim_to_bins_function(sim)] += 1 # sanity check assert (num.array <= den.array).all(), "some bins have more found injections than were made" # regularize by setting empty bins to zero efficiency den.array[numpy.logical_and(num.array == 0, den.array == 0)] = 1 # pull out the efficiency array, it is the ratio eff = rate.BinnedArray(rate.NDBins(ndbins), array = num.array / den.array) # compute binomial uncertainties in each bin k = num.array N = den.array eff_lo_arr = ( N*(2*k + 1) - numpy.sqrt(4*N*k*(N - k) + N**2) ) / (2*N*(N + 1)) eff_hi_arr = ( N*(2*k + 1) + numpy.sqrt(4*N*k*(N - k) + N**2) ) / (2*N*(N + 1)) eff_lo = rate.BinnedArray(rate.NDBins(ndbins), array = eff_lo_arr) eff_hi = rate.BinnedArray(rate.NDBins(ndbins), array = eff_hi_arr) return eff_lo, eff, eff_hi
def compute_search_volume(eff): """ Integrate efficiency to get search volume. """ # get distance bins ndbins = eff.bins dx = ndbins[0].upper() - ndbins[0].lower() r = ndbins[0].centres() # we have one less dimension on the output vol = rate.BinnedArray(rate.NDBins(ndbins[1:])) # integrate efficiency to obtain volume vol.array = numpy.trapz(eff.array.T * 4. * numpy.pi * r**2, r, dx) return vol
class CoincParamsDistributions(ligolw_burca_tailor.BurcaCoincParamsDistributions): binnings = { "H1_eff_snr": rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(0.0, 50.0, 1000),)), "H2_eff_snr": rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(0.0, 50.0, 1000),)), "L1_eff_snr": rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(0.0, 50.0, 1000),)), "H1H2_eff_snr": rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(0.0, 50.0, 1000),)), "H1L1_eff_snr": rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(0.0, 50.0, 1000),)), "H2L1_eff_snr": rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(0.0, 50.0, 1000),)) } filters = { "H1_eff_snr": rate.gaussian_window(21), "H2_eff_snr": rate.gaussian_window(21), "L1_eff_snr": rate.gaussian_window(21), "H1H2_eff_snr": rate.gaussian_window(21), "H1L1_eff_snr": rate.gaussian_window(21), "H2L1_eff_snr": rate.gaussian_window(21) }
def dt_binning(instrument1, instrument2): dt = 0.005 + snglcoinc.light_travel_time(instrument1, instrument2) # seconds return rate.NDBins((rate.ATanBins(-dt, +dt, 801), ))
class StringCoincParamsDistributions(snglcoinc.CoincParamsDistributions): ligo_lw_name_suffix = u"stringcusp_coincparamsdistributions" binnings = { "H1_snr2_chi2": rate.NDBins((rate.ATanLogarithmicBins(10, 1e7, 801), rate.ATanLogarithmicBins(.1, 1e4, 801))), "H2_snr2_chi2": rate.NDBins((rate.ATanLogarithmicBins(10, 1e7, 801), rate.ATanLogarithmicBins(.1, 1e4, 801))), "L1_snr2_chi2": rate.NDBins((rate.ATanLogarithmicBins(10, 1e7, 801), rate.ATanLogarithmicBins(.1, 1e4, 801))), "V1_snr2_chi2": rate.NDBins((rate.ATanLogarithmicBins(10, 1e7, 801), rate.ATanLogarithmicBins(.1, 1e4, 801))), "H1_H2_dt": dt_binning("H1", "H2"), "H1_L1_dt": dt_binning("H1", "L1"), "H1_V1_dt": dt_binning("H1", "V1"), "H2_L1_dt": dt_binning("H2", "L1"), "H2_V1_dt": dt_binning("H2", "V1"), "L1_V1_dt": dt_binning("L1", "V1"), "H1_H2_dA": rate.NDBins((rate.ATanBins(-0.5, +0.5, 801), )), "H1_L1_dA": rate.NDBins((rate.ATanBins(-0.5, +0.5, 801), )), "H1_V1_dA": rate.NDBins((rate.ATanBins(-0.5, +0.5, 801), )), "H2_L1_dA": rate.NDBins((rate.ATanBins(-0.5, +0.5, 801), )), "H2_V1_dA": rate.NDBins((rate.ATanBins(-0.5, +0.5, 801), )), "L1_V1_dA": rate.NDBins((rate.ATanBins(-0.5, +0.5, 801), )), "H1_H2_df": rate.NDBins((rate.ATanBins(-0.2, +0.2, 501), )), "H1_L1_df": rate.NDBins((rate.ATanBins(-0.2, +0.2, 501), )), "H1_V1_df": rate.NDBins((rate.ATanBins(-0.2, +0.2, 501), )), "H2_L1_df": rate.NDBins((rate.ATanBins(-0.2, +0.2, 501), )), "H2_V1_df": rate.NDBins((rate.ATanBins(-0.2, +0.2, 501), )), "L1_V1_df": rate.NDBins((rate.ATanBins(-0.2, +0.2, 501), )), # only non-negative rss timing residual bins will be used # but we want a binning that's linear at the origin so # instead of inventing a new one we just use atan bins that # are symmetric about 0 "instrumentgroup,rss_timing_residual": rate.NDBins((snglcoinc.InstrumentBins(names=("H1", "H2", "L1", "V1")), rate.ATanBins(-0.02, +0.02, 1001))) } filters = { "H1_snr2_chi2": rate.gaussian_window(11, 11, sigma=20), "H2_snr2_chi2": rate.gaussian_window(11, 11, sigma=20), "L1_snr2_chi2": rate.gaussian_window(11, 11, sigma=20), "V1_snr2_chi2": rate.gaussian_window(11, 11, sigma=20), "H1_H2_dt": rate.gaussian_window(11, sigma=20), "H1_L1_dt": rate.gaussian_window(11, sigma=20), "H1_V1_dt": rate.gaussian_window(11, sigma=20), "H2_L1_dt": rate.gaussian_window(11, sigma=20), "H2_V1_dt": rate.gaussian_window(11, sigma=20), "L1_V1_dt": rate.gaussian_window(11, sigma=20), "H1_H2_dA": rate.gaussian_window(11, sigma=20), "H1_L1_dA": rate.gaussian_window(11, sigma=20), "H1_V1_dA": rate.gaussian_window(11, sigma=20), "H2_L1_dA": rate.gaussian_window(11, sigma=20), "H2_V1_dA": rate.gaussian_window(11, sigma=20), "L1_V1_dA": rate.gaussian_window(11, sigma=20), "H1_H2_df": rate.gaussian_window(11, sigma=20), "H1_L1_df": rate.gaussian_window(11, sigma=20), "H1_V1_df": rate.gaussian_window(11, sigma=20), "H2_L1_df": rate.gaussian_window(11, sigma=20), "H2_V1_df": rate.gaussian_window(11, sigma=20), "L1_V1_df": rate.gaussian_window(11, sigma=20), # instrument group filter is a no-op, should produce a # 1-bin top-hat window. "instrumentgroup,rss_timing_residual": rate.gaussian_window(1e-100, 11, sigma=20) } @staticmethod def coinc_params(events, offsetvector, triangulators): # # check for coincs that have been vetoed entirely # if len(events) < 2: return None # # Initialize the parameter dictionary, sort the events by # instrument name (the multi-instrument parameters are defined for # the instruments in this order and the triangulators are # constructed this way too), and retrieve the sorted instrument # names # params = {} events = tuple(sorted(events, key=lambda event: event.ifo)) instruments = tuple(event.ifo for event in events) # # zero-instrument parameters # ignored, ignored, ignored, rss_timing_residual = triangulators[ instruments](tuple(event.peak + offsetvector[event.ifo] for event in events)) # FIXME: rss_timing_residual is forced to 0 to disable this # feature. all the code to compute it properly is still here and # given suitable initializations, the distribution data is still # two-dimensional and has a suitable filter applied to it, but all # events are forced into the RSS_{\Delta t} = 0 bin, in effect # removing that dimension from the data. We can look at this again # sometime in the future if we're curious why it didn't help. Just # delete the next line and you're back in business. rss_timing_residual = 0.0 params["instrumentgroup,rss_timing_residual"] = ( frozenset(instruments), rss_timing_residual) # # one-instrument parameters # for event in events: prefix = "%s_" % event.ifo params["%ssnr2_chi2" % prefix] = (event.snr**2.0, event.chisq / event.chisq_dof) # # two-instrument parameters. note that events are sorted by # instrument # for event1, event2 in iterutils.choices(events, 2): assert event1.ifo != event2.ifo prefix = "%s_%s_" % (event1.ifo, event2.ifo) dt = float((event1.peak + offsetvector[event1.ifo]) - (event2.peak + offsetvector[event2.ifo])) params["%sdt" % prefix] = (dt, ) dA = math.log10(abs(event1.amplitude / event2.amplitude)) params["%sdA" % prefix] = (dA, ) # f_cut = central_freq + bandwidth/2 f_cut1 = event1.central_freq + event1.bandwidth / 2 f_cut2 = event2.central_freq + event2.bandwidth / 2 df = float((math.log10(f_cut1) - math.log10(f_cut2)) / (math.log10(f_cut1) + math.log10(f_cut2))) params["%sdf" % prefix] = (df, ) # # done # return params def add_slidelessbackground(self, database, experiments, param_func_args=()): # FIXME: this needs to be taught how to not slide H1 and # H2 with respect to each other # segment lists seglists = database.seglists - database.vetoseglists # construct the event list dictionary. remove vetoed # events from the lists and save event peak times so they # can be restored later eventlists = {} orig_peak_times = {} for event in database.sngl_burst_table: if event.peak in seglists[event.ifo]: try: eventlists[event.ifo].append(event) except KeyError: eventlists[event.ifo] = [event] orig_peak_times[event] = event.peak # parse the --thresholds H1,L1=... command-line options from burca delta_t = [ float(threshold.split("=")[-1]) for threshold in ligolw_process.get_process_params( database.xmldoc, "ligolw_burca", "--thresholds") ] if not all(delta_t[0] == threshold for threshold in delta_t[1:]): raise ValueError( "\Delta t is not unique in ligolw_burca arguments") delta_t = delta_t.pop() # construct the coinc generator. note that H1+H2-only # coincs are forbidden, which is affected here by removing # that instrument combination from the object's internal # .rates dictionary coinc_generator = snglcoinc.CoincSynthesizer(eventlists, seglists, delta_t) if frozenset(("H1", "H2")) in coinc_generator.rates: del coinc_generator.rates[frozenset(("H1", "H2"))] # build a dictionary of time-of-arrival generators toa_generator = dict( (instruments, coinc_generator.plausible_toas(instruments)) for instruments in coinc_generator.rates.keys()) # how many coincs? the expected number is obtained by # multiplying the total zero-lag time for which at least # two instruments were on by the sum of the rates for all # coincs to get the mean number of coincs per zero-lag # observation time, and multiplying that by the number of # experiments the background should simulate to get the # mean number of background events to simulate. the actual # number simulated is a Poisson-distributed RV with that # mean. n_coincs, = scipy.stats.poisson.rvs( float(abs(, 2))) * sum(coinc_generator.rates.values()) * experiments) # generate synthetic background coincs zero_lag_offset_vector = offsetvector( (instrument, 0.0) for instrument in seglists) for n, events in enumerate( coinc_generator.coincs(lsctables.SnglBurst.get_peak)): # n = 1 on 2nd iteration, so placing this condition # where it is in the loop causes the correct number # of events to be added to the background if n >= n_coincs: break # assign fake peak times toas = toa_generator[frozenset(event.ifo for event in events)].next() for event in events: event.peak = toas[event.ifo] # compute coincidence parameters self.add_background( self.coinc_params(events, zero_lag_offset_vector, *param_func_args)) # restore original peak times for event, peak_time in orig_peak_times.iteritems(): event.peak = peak_time
def finish(self, threshold): # bin the injections self._bin_events() # use the same binning for the found injection density as # was constructed for the efficiency self.found_density = rate.BinnedArray(self.efficiency.denominator.bins) # construct the amplitude weighting function amplitude_weight = rate.BinnedArray(rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(threshold - 100, threshold + 100, 10001),))) # gaussian window's width is the number of bins # corresponding to 10 units of amplitude, which is computed # by dividing 10 by the "volume" of the bin corresponding # to threshold. index is the index of the element in # amplitude_weight corresponding to the threshold. index, = amplitude_weight.bins[threshold,] window = rate.gaussian_window(10.0 / amplitude_weight.bins.volumes()[index]) window /= 10 * window[(len(window) - 1) / 2] # set the window data into the BinnedArray object. the # Gaussian peaks on the middle element of the window, which # we want to place at index in the amplitude_weight array. lo = index - (len(window) - 1) / 2 hi = lo + len(window) if lo < 0 or hi > len(amplitude_weight.array): raise ValueError("amplitude weighting window too large") amplitude_weight.array[lo:hi] = window # store the recovered injections in the found density bins # weighted by amplitude for x, y, z in self.recovered_xyz: try: weight = amplitude_weight[z,] except IndexError: # beyond the edge of the window weight = 0.0 self.found_density[x, y] += weight # the efficiency is only valid up to the highest energy # that has been injected. this creates problems later on # so, instead, for each frequency, identify the highest # energy that has been measured and copy the values for # that bin's numerator and denominator into the bins for # all higher energies. do the same for the counts in the # found injection density bins. # # numpy.indices() returns two arrays array, the first of # which has each element set equal to its x index, the # second has each element set equal to its y index, we keep # the latter. meanwhile numpy.roll() cyclically permutes # the efficiency bins down one along the y (energy) axis. # from this, the conditional finds bins where the # efficiency is greater than 0.9 but <= 0.9 in the bin # immediately above it in energy. we select the elements # from the y index array where the conditional is true, and # then use numpy.max() along the y direction to return the # highest such y index for each x index, which is a 1-D # array. finally, enumerate() is used to iterate over x # index and corresponding y index, and if the y index is # not negative (was found) the value from that x-y bin is # copied to all higher bins. n = self.efficiency.numerator.array d = self.efficiency.denominator.array f = self.found_density.array bady = -1 for x, y in enumerate(numpy.max(numpy.where((d > 0) & (numpy.roll(d, -1, axis = 1) <= 0), numpy.indices(d.shape)[1], bady), axis = 1)): if y != bady: n[x, y + 1:] = n[x, y] d[x, y + 1:] = d[x, y] f[x, y + 1:] = f[x, y] # now do the same for the bins at energies below those that # have been measured. bady = d.shape[1] for x, y in enumerate(numpy.min(numpy.where((d > 0) & (numpy.roll(d, 1, axis = 1) <= 0), numpy.indices(d.shape)[1], bady), axis = 1)): if y != bady: n[x, 0:y] = n[x, y] d[x, 0:y] = d[x, y] f[x, 0:y] = f[x, y] diagnostic_plot(self.efficiency.numerator.array, self.efficiency.denominator.bins, r"Efficiency Numerator (Before Averaging)", self.amplitude_lbl, "lalapps_excesspowerfinal_efficiency_numerator_before.png") diagnostic_plot(self.efficiency.denominator.array, self.efficiency.denominator.bins, r"Efficiency Denominator (Before Averaging)", self.amplitude_lbl, "lalapps_excesspowerfinal_efficiency_denominator_before.png") diagnostic_plot(self.found_density.array, self.efficiency.denominator.bins, r"Injections Lost / Unit of Threshold (Before Averaging)", self.amplitude_lbl, "lalapps_excesspowerfinal_found_density_before.png") # smooth the efficiency bins and the found injection # density bins using the same 2D window. window = rate.gaussian_window(self.window_size_x, self.window_size_y) window /= window[tuple((numpy.array(window.shape, dtype = "double") - 1) / 2)] rate.filter_binned_ratios(self.efficiency, window) rate.filter_array(self.found_density.array, window) diagnostic_plot(self.efficiency.numerator.array, self.efficiency.denominator.bins, r"Efficiency Numerator (After Averaging)", self.amplitude_lbl, "lalapps_excesspowerfinal_efficiency_numerator_after.png") diagnostic_plot(self.efficiency.denominator.array, self.efficiency.denominator.bins, r"Efficiency Denominator (After Averaging)", self.amplitude_lbl, "lalapps_excesspowerfinal_efficiency_denominator_after.png") diagnostic_plot(self.found_density.array, self.efficiency.denominator.bins, r"Injections Lost / Unit of Threshold (After Averaging)", self.amplitude_lbl, "lalapps_excesspowerfinal_found_density_after.png") # compute the uncertainties in the efficiency and its # derivative by assuming these to be the binomial counting # fluctuations in the numerators. p = self.efficiency.ratio() self.defficiency = numpy.sqrt(p * (1 - p) / self.efficiency.denominator.array) p = self.found_density.array / self.efficiency.denominator.array self.dfound_density = numpy.sqrt(p * (1 - p) / self.efficiency.denominator.array)
def __init__(self, interval, width): # 21 bins per filter width bins = int(float(abs(interval)) / width) * 21 self.binning = rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(interval[0], interval[1], bins), )) = {}
options, filenames = parse_command_line() # # ============================================================================= # # Custom SnglBurstTable append() method to put triggers directly into bins # # ============================================================================= # nbins = int(float(abs(options.read_segment)) / options.window) * bins_per_filterwidth binning = rate.NDBins((rate.LinearBins(options.read_segment[0], options.read_segment[1], nbins),)) trigger_rate = rate.BinnedArray(binning) num_triggers = 0 def snglburst_append(self, row, verbose = options.verbose): global num_triggers, rate t = row.peak if t in options.read_segment: trigger_rate[t,] += 1.0 num_triggers += 1 if verbose and not (num_triggers % 125): print >>sys.stderr, "sngl_burst rows read: %d\r" % num_triggers,
class BurcaCoincParamsDistributions(snglcoinc.CoincParamsDistributions): binnings = { "H1_H2_dband": rate.NDBins( (rate.LinearBins(-2.0, +2.0, 12001), rate.LinearBins(0.0, 2 * math.pi, 61))), "H1_L1_dband": rate.NDBins( (rate.LinearBins(-2.0, +2.0, 12001), rate.LinearBins(0.0, 2 * math.pi, 61))), "H2_L1_dband": rate.NDBins( (rate.LinearBins(-2.0, +2.0, 12001), rate.LinearBins(0.0, 2 * math.pi, 61))), "H1_V1_dband": rate.NDBins( (rate.LinearBins(-2.0, +2.0, 12001), rate.LinearBins(0.0, 2 * math.pi, 61))), "L1_V1_dband": rate.NDBins( (rate.LinearBins(-2.0, +2.0, 12001), rate.LinearBins(0.0, 2 * math.pi, 61))), "H1_H2_ddur": rate.NDBins( (rate.LinearBins(-2.0, +2.0, 12001), rate.LinearBins(0.0, 2 * math.pi, 61))), "H1_L1_ddur": rate.NDBins( (rate.LinearBins(-2.0, +2.0, 12001), rate.LinearBins(0.0, 2 * math.pi, 61))), "H2_L1_ddur": rate.NDBins( (rate.LinearBins(-2.0, +2.0, 12001), rate.LinearBins(0.0, 2 * math.pi, 61))), "H1_V1_ddur": rate.NDBins( (rate.LinearBins(-2.0, +2.0, 12001), rate.LinearBins(0.0, 2 * math.pi, 61))), "L1_V1_ddur": rate.NDBins( (rate.LinearBins(-2.0, +2.0, 12001), rate.LinearBins(0.0, 2 * math.pi, 61))), "H1_H2_df": rate.NDBins( (rate.LinearBins(-2.0, +2.0, 12001), rate.LinearBins(0.0, 2 * math.pi, 61))), "H1_L1_df": rate.NDBins( (rate.LinearBins(-2.0, +2.0, 12001), rate.LinearBins(0.0, 2 * math.pi, 61))), "H2_L1_df": rate.NDBins( (rate.LinearBins(-2.0, +2.0, 12001), rate.LinearBins(0.0, 2 * math.pi, 61))), "H1_V1_df": rate.NDBins( (rate.LinearBins(-2.0, +2.0, 12001), rate.LinearBins(0.0, 2 * math.pi, 61))), "L1_V1_df": rate.NDBins( (rate.LinearBins(-2.0, +2.0, 12001), rate.LinearBins(0.0, 2 * math.pi, 61))), "H1_H2_dh": rate.NDBins( (rate.LinearBins(-2.0, +2.0, 12001), rate.LinearBins(0.0, 2 * math.pi, 61))), "H1_L1_dh": rate.NDBins( (rate.LinearBins(-2.0, +2.0, 12001), rate.LinearBins(0.0, 2 * math.pi, 61))), "H2_L1_dh": rate.NDBins( (rate.LinearBins(-2.0, +2.0, 12001), rate.LinearBins(0.0, 2 * math.pi, 61))), "H1_V1_dh": rate.NDBins( (rate.LinearBins(-2.0, +2.0, 12001), rate.LinearBins(0.0, 2 * math.pi, 61))), "L1_V1_dh": rate.NDBins( (rate.LinearBins(-2.0, +2.0, 12001), rate.LinearBins(0.0, 2 * math.pi, 61))), "H1_H2_dt": dt_binning("H1", "H2"), "H1_L1_dt": dt_binning("H1", "L1"), "H2_L1_dt": dt_binning("H2", "L1"), "H1_V1_dt": dt_binning("H1", "V1"), "L1_V1_dt": dt_binning("L1", "V1") } filters = { "H1_H2_dband": rate.gaussian_window(11, 5), "H1_L1_dband": rate.gaussian_window(11, 5), "H2_L1_dband": rate.gaussian_window(11, 5), "H1_V1_dband": rate.gaussian_window(11, 5), "L1_V1_dband": rate.gaussian_window(11, 5), "H1_H2_ddur": rate.gaussian_window(11, 5), "H1_L1_ddur": rate.gaussian_window(11, 5), "H2_L1_ddur": rate.gaussian_window(11, 5), "H1_V1_ddur": rate.gaussian_window(11, 5), "L1_V1_ddur": rate.gaussian_window(11, 5), "H1_H2_df": rate.gaussian_window(11, 5), "H1_L1_df": rate.gaussian_window(11, 5), "H2_L1_df": rate.gaussian_window(11, 5), "H1_V1_df": rate.gaussian_window(11, 5), "L1_V1_df": rate.gaussian_window(11, 5), "H1_H2_dh": rate.gaussian_window(11, 5), "H1_V1_df": rate.gaussian_window(11, 5), "L1_V1_df": rate.gaussian_window(11, 5), "H1_L1_dh": rate.gaussian_window(11, 5), "H2_L1_dh": rate.gaussian_window(11, 5), "H1_H2_dt": rate.gaussian_window(11, 5), "H1_L1_dt": rate.gaussian_window(11, 5), "H2_L1_dt": rate.gaussian_window(11, 5), "H1_V1_dh": rate.gaussian_window(11, 5), "L2_V1_dh": rate.gaussian_window(11, 5) } @classmethod def from_filenames(cls, filenames, name, verbose=False): """ Convenience function to deserialize CoincParamsDistributions objects from a collection of XML files and return their sum. The return value is a two-element tuple. The first element is the deserialized and summed CoincParamsDistributions object, the second is a segmentlistdict indicating the interval of time spanned by the out segments in the search_summary rows matching the process IDs that were attached to the CoincParamsDistributions objects in the XML. """ self = None for n, filename in enumerate(filenames, 1): if verbose: print >> sys.stderr, "%d/%d:" % (n, len(filenames)), xmldoc = ligolw_utils.load_filename( filename, verbose=verbose, contenthandler=cls.contenthandler) if self is None: self = cls.from_xml(xmldoc, name) seglists = lsctables.SearchSummaryTable.get_table( xmldoc).get_out_segmentlistdict(set([self.process_id ])).coalesce() else: other = cls.from_xml(xmldoc, name) self += other seglists |= lsctables.SearchSummaryTable.get_table( xmldoc).get_out_segmentlistdict(set([other.process_id ])).coalesce() del other xmldoc.unlink() return self, seglists