def __init__(self, inputFnameLs=None, **keywords): """ 2008-07-27 use option_default_dict 2008-07-06 use the firstline (header) of the fasta file to extract which chromosome. using filename is unreliable. """ AbstractDBInteractingJob.__init__(self, inputFnameLs=inputFnameLs, **keywords) #self.connectDB() called within its __init__() self.FigureOutTaxID_ins = FigureOutTaxID(db_user=self.db_user, db_passwd=self.db_passwd, hostname=self.hostname, dbname=self.dbname) if self.organism is not None: from annot.bin.codense.common import org_short2long, org2tax_id if org_short2long(self.organism): self.tax_id = org2tax_id(org_short2long(self.organism)) else: self.tax_id = self.FigureOutTaxID_ins.returnTaxIDGivenSentence(self.organism) #self.p_chromosome = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z]+_chr(\w+).fa') self.p_chromosome = re.compile(r'chromosome (\w+)[,\n\r]?') #the last ? means [,\n\r] is optional self.p_acc_ver = re.compile(r'(\w+)\.(\d+)') self.parseFastaDescriptionDict = {1: self.parseFastaDescriptionForGenBank, \ 2: self.parseFastaDescriptionForWUSTLVervetScaffolds,\ 3: self.parseFastaDescriptionForFullVervetBACs,\ 4: self.parseFastaDescriptionForWUSTLVervetChromosomeGenome}
class chromosome_fasta2db(AbstractDBInteractingJob): __doc__ = __doc__ option_default_dict = AbstractDBInteractingJob.option_default_dict.copy() option_default_dict.update({ ('organism', 0, ): [None, 'g', 1, '2-letter abbreviation for organism. Optional, if specified, only sequence from this organism would be extracted.'],\ ('sequence_type_id', 0, int):[9, '', 1, 'column in database GenomeDB'],\ ('sequence_type_name', 0, ):[None, 's', 1, 'column SequenceType.short_name'],\ ('tax_id', 0, int):[60711, '', 1, 'taxonomy ID, if not given, query argument organism against tax db'],\ ('version', 0, int):[1, '', 1, 'which version'],\ ('run_type', 1, int):[1, 'y', 1, 'run type. 1: genBank fasta files. \n\ 2: scaffolds from WUSTL. \n\ 3: fully sequenced vervet BACs. \n\ 4: fully-assembled vervet ref genome from WUSTL. '],\ ('maxNoOfFastaRecords', 1, int):[500, 'x', 1, 'maximum number of fasta records to be inserted (in the input file order)'],\ }) option_default_dict[('schema', 0, )][0] = 'genome' option_default_dict.pop((('outputFname', 0, ))) def __init__(self, inputFnameLs=None, **keywords): """ 2008-07-27 use option_default_dict 2008-07-06 use the firstline (header) of the fasta file to extract which chromosome. using filename is unreliable. """ AbstractDBInteractingJob.__init__(self, inputFnameLs=inputFnameLs, **keywords) #self.connectDB() called within its __init__() self.FigureOutTaxID_ins = FigureOutTaxID(db_user=self.db_user, db_passwd=self.db_passwd, hostname=self.hostname, dbname=self.dbname) if self.organism is not None: from annot.bin.codense.common import org_short2long, org2tax_id if org_short2long(self.organism): self.tax_id = org2tax_id(org_short2long(self.organism)) else: self.tax_id = self.FigureOutTaxID_ins.returnTaxIDGivenSentence(self.organism) #self.p_chromosome = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z]+_chr(\w+).fa') self.p_chromosome = re.compile(r'chromosome (\w+)[,\n\r]?') #the last ? means [,\n\r] is optional self.p_acc_ver = re.compile(r'(\w+)\.(\d+)') self.parseFastaDescriptionDict = {1: self.parseFastaDescriptionForGenBank, \ 2: self.parseFastaDescriptionForWUSTLVervetScaffolds,\ 3: self.parseFastaDescriptionForFullVervetBACs,\ 4: self.parseFastaDescriptionForWUSTLVervetChromosomeGenome} def saveRawSequence(self, session, seq_to_db, passingdata, aa_attr_instance): """ 2010-12-17 RawSequence.annot_assembly is a foreign key element now. 2008-07-29 to store one sequence segment """ passingdata.current_stop = passingdata.current_start+len(seq_to_db)-1 raw_sequence = RawSequence(start=passingdata.current_start, stop=passingdata.current_stop, sequence=seq_to_db) raw_sequence.annot_assembly = aa_attr_instance session.add(raw_sequence) if not passingdata.raw_sequence_initiated: session.flush() # 2010-12-17 to get passingdata.raw_sequence_initiated = True aa_attr_instance.raw_sequence_start_id = passingdata.current_start += len(seq_to_db) def parseFastaDescriptionForGenBank(self, descriptionLine=None, FigureOutTaxID_ins=None): """ 2011-7-6 """ """ possible header lines: >gi|51511461|ref|NC_000001.8|NC_000001 H**o sapiens chromosome 1, complete sequence >gi|186497660|ref|NC_003070.6| Arabidopsis thaliana chromosome 1, complete sequence >gi|26556996|ref|NC_001284.2| Arabidopsis thaliana mitochondrion, complete genome >gi|115442598|ref|NC_008394.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic DNA, chromosome 1 """ header = descriptionLine[1:-1] #discard '>' and '\n' header = header.split('|') _tax_id = FigureOutTaxID_ins.returnTaxIDGivenSentence(header[4]) if[4]) is not None: chromosome =[4]).groups()[0] elif header[4].find('mitochondrion')!=-1: chromosome = 'mitochondrion' elif header[4].find('chloroplast')!=-1: chromosome = 'chloroplast' else: #something else, take the whole before ',' chromosome = header[4].split(',')[0] gi = int(header[1]) acc_ver = header[3] comment = header[4] return PassingData(tax_id=_tax_id, gi=gi, comment=comment, acc_ver=acc_ver, chromosome=chromosome) def parseFastaDescriptionForWUSTLVervetScaffolds(self, descriptionLine=None, FigureOutTaxID_ins=None): """ 2011-7-6 """ """ possible header lines: >Contig0 12652774 13406928 """ header = descriptionLine[1:-1] #discard '>' and '\n' header = header.split() chromosome = header[0] #contig name is taken as chromosome """ p_chromosome = re.compile(r'Contig(\d+)') if[0]) is not None: chromosome =[0]).groups()[0] else: chromosome = None """ gi = None acc_ver = None comment = None return PassingData(tax_id=None, gi=gi, comment=comment, acc_ver=acc_ver, chromosome=chromosome) def parseFastaDescriptionForWUSTLVervetChromosomeGenome(self, descriptionLine=None, FigureOutTaxID_ins=None): """ 2013.05.09 include 'CAE' in the chromosome ID name. 2013.04.12 header looks like, CAE stands for C. aethiops: >CAE1 GTGAAAGAAGCCAAAAAG """ header = descriptionLine[1:-1] #discard '>' and '\n' header = header.split() p_chromosome = re.compile(r'(CAE[\dXYxy]+)') if[0]) is not None: chromosome =[0]).groups()[0] else: chromosome = None gi = None acc_ver = None comment = None return PassingData(tax_id=None, gi=gi, comment=comment, acc_ver=acc_ver, chromosome=chromosome) def parseFastaDescriptionForFullVervetBACs(self, descriptionLine=None, FigureOutTaxID_ins=None): """ 2011-7-6 possible header lines: >gi|285026568|gb|AC239257.2| Chlorocebus aethiops chromosome UNK clone CH252-270J24, WORKING DRAFT SEQUENCE, 2 unordered pieces >gi|281332227|gb|AC238852.3| Chlorocebus aethiops BAC clone CH252-133A18 from chromosome 3, complete sequence >gi|285002488|gb|AC239185.3| Chlorocebus aethiops BAC clone CH252-404N12 from chromosome unknown, complete sequence """ header = descriptionLine[1:-1] #discard '>' and '\n' header = header.split('|') _tax_id = None p_chromosome = re.compile(r'UNK clone ([^,]+),') # 1st type of clone description p2_chromosome = re.compile(r'clone ([^,]+),') # 2nd type of clone description if[4]) is not None: chromosome =[4]).groups()[0] else: if[4]) is not None: chromosome =[4]).groups()[0] else: chromosome = None gi = int(header[1]) acc_ver = header[3] comment = header[4] return PassingData(tax_id=_tax_id, gi=gi, comment=comment, acc_ver=acc_ver, chromosome=chromosome) def parse_chromosome_fasta_file(self, db=None, filename=None, tax_id=None, version=None, chunk_size=10000, \ sequence_type_name=None, sequence_type_id=None, run_type=1, maxNoOfFastaRecords=500): """ 2011-7-10 add argument maxNoOfFastaRecords: the max number of fasta records before quitting 2011-7-6 add argument run_type 1: chromosome sequences from NCBI genbank 2: vervet scaffolds from WUSTL 3: full vervet BACs from McGill 2010-12-15 fix a bug that _tax_id shall be used in query AnnotAssembly. This bug caused the db redundancy check to fail. 2010-12-15 if entry already exists in AnnotAssembly, skip it. 2008-07-29 figure out tax_id via FigureOutTaxID filename could contain multiple fasta blocks 2008-07-27 change to use data structures from 2008-07-06 use the firstline (header) of the fasta file to extract which chromosome. using filename is unreliable. """ inf = utils.openGzipFile(filename, openMode='r') line = inf.readline() new_fasta_block = 1 #'line' is not enough to stop the 'while' loop. after the file reading is exhausted by "for line in inf:", 'line' still contains the stuff from the last line. no_of_fasta_blocks = 0 while line and new_fasta_block: new_fasta_block = 0 #set it to 0, assuming only one fasta block, change upon new fasta block if line[0]!='>': #not fasta block header for line in inf: #exhaust this fasta block as it's not what's wanted. if line[0]=='>': new_fasta_block = 1 break #start from while again continue headerData = self.parseFastaDescriptionDict[run_type](line, self.FigureOutTaxID_ins) if not headerData.chromosome: sys.stderr.write("Error chromosome for header %s is empty %s.\n"%(line, headerData.chromosome)) import pdb pdb.set_trace() if tax_id is not None and headerData.tax_id and tax_id!=headerData.tax_id: sys.stderr.write("tax_id (%s) not matching the one given (%s). Ignore.\n"%(headerData.tax_id, tax_id)) line = inf.readline() new_fasta_block = 1 continue chromosome = headerData.chromosome sequence_type = db.getSequenceType(short_name=sequence_type_name, id=sequence_type_id) start = 1 aa_attr_instance = db.checkAnnotAssembly(version=version, tax_id=tax_id, \ chromosome=chromosome, start=start, stop=None, \ if aa_attr_instance and aa_attr_instance.raw_sequence_start_id is not None: # if raw sequences have been associated with this AnnotAssembly and sys.stderr.write("raw sequences have been associated with this AnnotAssembly (tax_id %s, chr=%s, start=%s). Ignore.\n"%\ (tax_id, chromosome, start)) line = inf.readline() new_fasta_block = 1 continue if aa_attr_instance is None: aa_attr_instance = db.getAnnotAssembly(, acc_ver=headerData.acc_ver, accession =None, \ version =None, tax_id=tax_id, chromosome =chromosome, \ start =start, stop =None, orientation=None, sequence = None,\ raw_sequence_start_id=None, original_path=os.path.abspath(filename),\, \ chromosome_type_id=None, chromosome_type_name=None, comment=headerData.comment) if aa_attr_instance.acc_ver and aa_attr_instance.accession, aa_attr_instance.version = aa_attr_instance.version = int(aa_attr_instance.version) else: aa_attr_instance.accession = None aa_attr_instance.version = version if self.debug: sys.stderr.write("tax_id=%s for %s.\n"%(aa_attr_instance.tax_id, line)) #aa_attr_instance.raw_sequence_start_id = self.get_current_max_raw_sequence_id(curs, raw_sequence_table)+1 passingdata = PassingData() passingdata.current_start = 1 passingdata.raw_sequence_initiated = False seq = '' for line in inf: if line[0]=='>': if seq: #last segment from the previous fasta block self.saveRawSequence(db.session, seq, passingdata, aa_attr_instance) seq = '' #set to nothing to avoid saving one more RawSequence new_fasta_block = 1 break #start from while again seq += line.strip() if len(seq)>=chunk_size: seq_to_db = seq[:chunk_size] self.saveRawSequence(db.session, seq_to_db, passingdata, aa_attr_instance) seq = seq[chunk_size:] #remove the one already in db if sys.stderr.write("%s\t%s\t%s"%('\x08'*20, no_of_fasta_blocks, passingdata.current_start/chunk_size+1)) if seq: # last segment from last line self.saveRawSequence(db.session, seq, passingdata, aa_attr_instance) aa_attr_instance.stop = passingdata.current_stop db.session.add(aa_attr_instance) db.session.flush() no_of_fasta_blocks += 1 if no_of_fasta_blocks>=maxNoOfFastaRecords: break sys.stderr.write(" Number of fasta blocks/chromosomes: %s.\n"%(no_of_fasta_blocks)) del inf def connectDB(self): """ 2013.3.14 """ db = GenomeDatabase(drivername=self.drivername, username=self.db_user, password=self.db_passwd, hostname=self.hostname, database=self.dbname, schema=self.schema) db.setup(create_tables=False) self.db = db def run(self): """ 2008-07-27 --GenomeDatabase --parse_chromosome_fasta_file() """ if self.debug: import pdb pdb.set_trace() sys.stderr.write("\tTotally, %d files to be processed.\n"%(len(self.inputFnameLs))) session = self.db.session session.begin() for filename in self.inputFnameLs: sys.stderr.write("%d/%d:\t%s "%(self.inputFnameLs.index(filename)+1,\ len(self.inputFnameLs),filename)) self.parse_chromosome_fasta_file(db=self.db, filename=filename, tax_id=self.tax_id, version=self.version, \ chunk_size=10000, \ sequence_type_name=self.sequence_type_name, \ sequence_type_id=self.sequence_type_id,\ run_type=self.run_type, maxNoOfFastaRecords=self.maxNoOfFastaRecords) if self.commit: session.commit() else: session.rollback()
class chromosome_fasta2db(AbstractDBInteractingJob): __doc__ = __doc__ option_default_dict = AbstractDBInteractingJob.option_default_dict.copy() option_default_dict.update({ ('organism', 0, ): [None, 'g', 1, '2-letter abbreviation for organism. Optional, if specified, only sequence from this organism would be extracted.'],\ ('sequence_type_id', 0, int):[9, '', 1, 'column in database GenomeDB'],\ ('sequence_type_name', 0, ):[None, 's', 1, 'column SequenceType.short_name'],\ ('tax_id', 0, int):[60711, '', 1, 'taxonomy ID, if not given, query argument organism against tax db'],\ ('version', 0, int):[1, '', 1, 'which version'],\ ('run_type', 1, int):[1, 'y', 1, 'run type. 1: genBank fasta files. \n\ 2: scaffolds from WUSTL. \n\ 3: fully sequenced vervet BACs. \n\ 4: fully-assembled vervet ref genome from WUSTL. '],\ ('maxNoOfFastaRecords', 1, int):[500, 'x', 1, 'maximum number of fasta records to be inserted (in the input file order)'],\ }) option_default_dict[('schema', 0, )][0] = 'genome' option_default_dict.pop((('outputFname', 0, ))) def __init__(self, inputFnameLs=None, **keywords): """ 2008-07-27 use option_default_dict 2008-07-06 use the firstline (header) of the fasta file to extract which chromosome. using filename is unreliable. """ AbstractDBInteractingJob.__init__(self, inputFnameLs=inputFnameLs, **keywords) #self.connectDB() called within its __init__() self.FigureOutTaxID_ins = FigureOutTaxID(db_user=self.db_user, db_passwd=self.db_passwd, hostname=self.hostname, dbname=self.dbname) if self.organism is not None: from annot.bin.codense.common import org_short2long, org2tax_id if org_short2long(self.organism): self.tax_id = org2tax_id(org_short2long(self.organism)) else: self.tax_id = self.FigureOutTaxID_ins.returnTaxIDGivenSentence(self.organism) #self.p_chromosome = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z]+_chr(\w+).fa') self.p_chromosome = re.compile(r'chromosome (\w+)[,\n\r]?') #the last ? means [,\n\r] is optional self.p_acc_ver = re.compile(r'(\w+)\.(\d+)') self.parseFastaDescriptionDict = {1: self.parseFastaDescriptionForGenBank, \ 2: self.parseFastaDescriptionForWUSTLVervetScaffolds,\ 3: self.parseFastaDescriptionForFullVervetBACs,\ 4: self.parseFastaDescriptionForWUSTLVervetChromosomeGenome} def saveRawSequence(self, session, seq_to_db, passingdata, aa_attr_instance): """ 2010-12-17 RawSequence.annot_assembly is a foreign key element now. 2008-07-29 to store one sequence segment """ passingdata.current_stop = passingdata.current_start+len(seq_to_db)-1 raw_sequence = RawSequence(start=passingdata.current_start, stop=passingdata.current_stop, sequence=seq_to_db) raw_sequence.annot_assembly = aa_attr_instance session.add(raw_sequence) if not passingdata.raw_sequence_initiated: session.flush() # 2010-12-17 to get passingdata.raw_sequence_initiated = True aa_attr_instance.raw_sequence_start_id = passingdata.current_start += len(seq_to_db) def parseFastaDescriptionForGenBank(self, descriptionLine=None, FigureOutTaxID_ins=None): """ 2011-7-6 """ """ possible header lines: >gi|51511461|ref|NC_000001.8|NC_000001 H**o sapiens chromosome 1, complete sequence >gi|186497660|ref|NC_003070.6| Arabidopsis thaliana chromosome 1, complete sequence >gi|26556996|ref|NC_001284.2| Arabidopsis thaliana mitochondrion, complete genome >gi|115442598|ref|NC_008394.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic DNA, chromosome 1 """ header = descriptionLine[1:-1] #discard '>' and '\n' header = header.split('|') _tax_id = FigureOutTaxID_ins.returnTaxIDGivenSentence(header[4]) if[4]) is not None: chromosome =[4]).groups()[0] elif header[4].find('mitochondrion')!=-1: chromosome = 'mitochondrion' elif header[4].find('chloroplast')!=-1: chromosome = 'chloroplast' else: #something else, take the whole before ',' chromosome = header[4].split(',')[0] gi = int(header[1]) acc_ver = header[3] comment = header[4] return PassingData(tax_id=_tax_id, gi=gi, comment=comment, acc_ver=acc_ver, chromosome=chromosome) def parseFastaDescriptionForWUSTLVervetScaffolds(self, descriptionLine=None, FigureOutTaxID_ins=None): """ 2011-7-6 """ """ possible header lines: >Contig0 12652774 13406928 """ header = descriptionLine[1:-1] #discard '>' and '\n' header = header.split() chromosome = header[0] #contig name is taken as chromosome """ p_chromosome = re.compile(r'Contig(\d+)') if[0]) is not None: chromosome =[0]).groups()[0] else: chromosome = None """ gi = None acc_ver = None comment = None return PassingData(tax_id=None, gi=gi, comment=comment, acc_ver=acc_ver, chromosome=chromosome) def parseFastaDescriptionForWUSTLVervetChromosomeGenome(self, descriptionLine=None, FigureOutTaxID_ins=None): """ 2013.05.09 include 'CAE' in the chromosome ID name. 2013.04.12 header looks like, CAE stands for C. aethiops: >CAE1 GTGAAAGAAGCCAAAAAG """ header = descriptionLine[1:-1] #discard '>' and '\n' header = header.split() p_chromosome = re.compile(r'(CAE[\dXYxy]+)') if[0]) is not None: chromosome =[0]).groups()[0] else: chromosome = None gi = None acc_ver = None comment = None return PassingData(tax_id=None, gi=gi, comment=comment, acc_ver=acc_ver, chromosome=chromosome) def parseFastaDescriptionForFullVervetBACs(self, descriptionLine=None, FigureOutTaxID_ins=None): """ 2011-7-6 possible header lines: >gi|285026568|gb|AC239257.2| Chlorocebus aethiops chromosome UNK clone CH252-270J24, WORKING DRAFT SEQUENCE, 2 unordered pieces >gi|281332227|gb|AC238852.3| Chlorocebus aethiops BAC clone CH252-133A18 from chromosome 3, complete sequence >gi|285002488|gb|AC239185.3| Chlorocebus aethiops BAC clone CH252-404N12 from chromosome unknown, complete sequence """ header = descriptionLine[1:-1] #discard '>' and '\n' header = header.split('|') _tax_id = None p_chromosome = re.compile(r'UNK clone ([^,]+),') # 1st type of clone description p2_chromosome = re.compile(r'clone ([^,]+),') # 2nd type of clone description if[4]) is not None: chromosome =[4]).groups()[0] else: if[4]) is not None: chromosome =[4]).groups()[0] else: chromosome = None gi = int(header[1]) acc_ver = header[3] comment = header[4] return PassingData(tax_id=_tax_id, gi=gi, comment=comment, acc_ver=acc_ver, chromosome=chromosome) def parse_chromosome_fasta_file(self, db=None, filename=None, tax_id=None, version=None, chunk_size=10000, \ sequence_type_name=None, sequence_type_id=None, run_type=1, maxNoOfFastaRecords=500): """ 2011-7-10 add argument maxNoOfFastaRecords: the max number of fasta records before quitting 2011-7-6 add argument run_type 1: chromosome sequences from NCBI genbank 2: vervet scaffolds from WUSTL 3: full vervet BACs from McGill 2010-12-15 fix a bug that _tax_id shall be used in query AnnotAssembly. This bug caused the db redundancy check to fail. 2010-12-15 if entry already exists in AnnotAssembly, skip it. 2008-07-29 figure out tax_id via FigureOutTaxID filename could contain multiple fasta blocks 2008-07-27 change to use data structures from 2008-07-06 use the firstline (header) of the fasta file to extract which chromosome. using filename is unreliable. """ inf = utils.openGzipFile(filename, openMode='r') line = inf.readline() new_fasta_block = 1 #'line' is not enough to stop the 'while' loop. after the file reading is exhausted by "for line in inf:", 'line' still contains the stuff from the last line. no_of_fasta_blocks = 0 while line and new_fasta_block: new_fasta_block = 0 #set it to 0, assuming only one fasta block, change upon new fasta block if line[0]!='>': #not fasta block header for line in inf: #exhaust this fasta block as it's not what's wanted. if line[0]=='>': new_fasta_block = 1 break #start from while again continue headerData = self.parseFastaDescriptionDict[run_type](line, self.FigureOutTaxID_ins) if not headerData.chromosome: sys.stderr.write("Error chromosome for header %s is empty %s.\n"%(line, headerData.chromosome)) import pdb pdb.set_trace() if tax_id is not None and headerData.tax_id and tax_id!=headerData.tax_id: sys.stderr.write("tax_id (%s) not matching the one given (%s). Ignore.\n"%(headerData.tax_id, tax_id)) line = inf.readline() new_fasta_block = 1 continue chromosome = headerData.chromosome sequence_type = db.getSequenceType(short_name=sequence_type_name, id=sequence_type_id) start = 1 aa_attr_instance = db.checkAnnotAssembly(version=version, tax_id=tax_id, \ chromosome=chromosome, start=start, stop=None, \ if aa_attr_instance and aa_attr_instance.raw_sequence_start_id is not None: # if raw sequences have been associated with this AnnotAssembly and sys.stderr.write("raw sequences have been associated with this AnnotAssembly (tax_id %s, chr=%s, start=%s). Ignore.\n"%\ (tax_id, chromosome, start)) line = inf.readline() new_fasta_block = 1 continue if aa_attr_instance is None: aa_attr_instance = db.getAnnotAssembly(, acc_ver=headerData.acc_ver, accession =None, \ version =version, tax_id=tax_id, chromosome =chromosome, \ start =start, stop =None, orientation=None, sequence = None,\ raw_sequence_start_id=None, original_path=os.path.abspath(filename),\, \ chromosome_type_id=None, chromosome_type_name=None, comment=headerData.comment) if aa_attr_instance.acc_ver and aa_attr_instance.accession, aa_attr_instance.version = aa_attr_instance.version = int(aa_attr_instance.version) else: aa_attr_instance.accession = None aa_attr_instance.version = version if self.debug: sys.stderr.write("tax_id=%s for %s.\n"%(aa_attr_instance.tax_id, line)) #aa_attr_instance.raw_sequence_start_id = self.get_current_max_raw_sequence_id(curs, raw_sequence_table)+1 passingdata = PassingData() passingdata.current_start = 1 passingdata.raw_sequence_initiated = False seq = '' for line in inf: if line[0]=='>': if seq: #last segment from the previous fasta block self.saveRawSequence(db.session, seq, passingdata, aa_attr_instance) seq = '' #set to nothing to avoid saving one more RawSequence new_fasta_block = 1 break #start from while again seq += line.strip() if len(seq)>=chunk_size: seq_to_db = seq[:chunk_size] self.saveRawSequence(db.session, seq_to_db, passingdata, aa_attr_instance) seq = seq[chunk_size:] #remove the one already in db if sys.stderr.write("%s\t%s\t%s"%('\x08'*20, no_of_fasta_blocks, passingdata.current_start/chunk_size+1)) if seq: # last segment from last line self.saveRawSequence(db.session, seq, passingdata, aa_attr_instance) aa_attr_instance.stop = passingdata.current_stop db.session.add(aa_attr_instance) db.session.flush() no_of_fasta_blocks += 1 if no_of_fasta_blocks>=maxNoOfFastaRecords: break sys.stderr.write(" Number of fasta records/chromosomes: %s.\n"%(no_of_fasta_blocks)) del inf def connectDB(self): """ 2013.3.14 """ db = GenomeDatabase(drivername=self.drivername, username=self.db_user, password=self.db_passwd, hostname=self.hostname, database=self.dbname, schema=self.schema) db.setup(create_tables=False) self.db = db def run(self): """ 2008-07-27 --GenomeDatabase --parse_chromosome_fasta_file() """ if self.debug: import pdb pdb.set_trace() sys.stderr.write("\tTotally, %d files to be processed.\n"%(len(self.inputFnameLs))) session = self.db.session session.begin() for filename in self.inputFnameLs: sys.stderr.write("%d/%d:\t%s "%(self.inputFnameLs.index(filename)+1,\ len(self.inputFnameLs),filename)) self.parse_chromosome_fasta_file(db=self.db, filename=filename, tax_id=self.tax_id, version=self.version, \ chunk_size=10000, \ sequence_type_name=self.sequence_type_name, \ sequence_type_id=self.sequence_type_id,\ run_type=self.run_type, maxNoOfFastaRecords=self.maxNoOfFastaRecords) if self.commit: session.commit() else: session.rollback()