def _update_version6(self, filepath): logging.debug('Updating from "version 6"') hdf5file = h5py.File(filepath, 'r+') hdf5file.attrs['version'] = b'7' # Change version hdf5file.attrs['_class'] = b'Results' # Update root options options_source = _update_options(hdf5file.attrs['options']) hdf5file.attrs['options'] = options_source # Create identifier of results identifier = hdf5file.attrs.create('identifiers', [identifier], dtype=h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str)) result_groups = list(hdf5file) group = hdf5file.create_group('result-' + identifier) group.attrs['options'] = options_source for result_group in result_groups: hdf5file[result_group].attrs['_class'] = \ np.string_(hdf5file[result_group].attrs['_class']) hdf5file.copy(result_group, group) del hdf5file[result_group] hdf5file.close() return self._update_version7(filepath)
def _load(filepaths, list_options=None): for filepath in filepaths: if os.path.isdir(filepath): _load(glob.glob(os.path.join(filepath, '*.xml')), list_options) list_options.sort() return list_options.append(
def _update_version2(self, filepath): logging.debug('Updating from "version 2"') # Find options xmlfilepath = os.path.splitext(filepath)[0] + '.xml' if not os.path.exists(xmlfilepath): raise ValueError('Update requires an options file saved at %s' % xmlfilepath) with open(xmlfilepath, 'rb') as fp: source = source = _update_options(source) options = oldzip = ZipFile(filepath, 'r') newzip = ZipFile(filepath + ".new", 'w') # Add options file fp = BytesIO() options.write(fp) newzip.writestr(OPTIONS_FILENAME, fp.getvalue()) # Add other files to new zip for zipinfo in oldzip.infolist(): data = newzip.writestr(zipinfo, data) # Add version newzip.comment = b'version=3' oldzip.close() newzip.close() # Remove old zip and replace with new one os.remove(filepath) os.rename(filepath + ".new", filepath) return self._update_version3(filepath)
def _validate(self, filepath):