def main(): # The default Face will connect using a Unix socket, or to "localhost". face = Face() identityStorage = MemoryIdentityStorage() privateKeyStorage = MemoryPrivateKeyStorage() keyChain = KeyChain(IdentityManager(identityStorage, privateKeyStorage), None) keyChain.setFace(face) # Initialize the storage. keyName = Name("/testname/DSK-123") certificateName = keyName.getSubName( 0, keyName.size() - 1).append("KEY").append( keyName[-1]).append("ID-CERT").append("0") identityStorage.addKey(keyName, KeyType.RSA, Blob(DEFAULT_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_DER)) privateKeyStorage.setKeyPairForKeyName(keyName, KeyType.RSA, DEFAULT_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_DER, DEFAULT_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY_DER) echo = Echo(keyChain, certificateName) prefix = Name("/testecho") dump("Register prefix", prefix.toUri()) face.registerPrefix(prefix, echo.onInterest, echo.onRegisterFailed) while echo._responseCount < 1: face.processEvents() # We need to sleep for a few milliseconds so we don't use 100% of the CPU. time.sleep(0.01) face.shutdown()
def main(): face = Face("localhost") identityStorage = MemoryIdentityStorage() privateKeyStorage = MemoryPrivateKeyStorage() keyChain = KeyChain( IdentityManager(identityStorage, privateKeyStorage), None) keyChain.setFace(face) # Initialize the storage. keyName = Name("/testname/DSK-reposerver") certificateName = keyName.getSubName(0, keyName.size() - 1).append( "KEY").append(keyName[-1]).append("ID-CERT").append("0") identityStorage.addKey(keyName, KeyType.RSA, Blob(DEFAULT_PUBLIC_KEY_DER)) privateKeyStorage.setKeyPairForKeyName( keyName, DEFAULT_PUBLIC_KEY_DER, DEFAULT_PRIVATE_KEY_DER) echo = RepoServer(keyChain, certificateName) prefix = Name("/ndn/") dump("Register prefix", prefix.toUri()) face.registerPrefix(prefix, echo.onInterest, echo.onRegisterFailed) while True: face.processEvents() # We need to sleep for a few milliseconds so we don't use 100% of the CPU. time.sleep(0.01) face.shutdown()
def main(): # The default Face will connect using a Unix socket, or to "localhost". face = Face() identityStorage = MemoryIdentityStorage() privateKeyStorage = MemoryPrivateKeyStorage() keyChain = KeyChain( IdentityManager(identityStorage, privateKeyStorage), None) keyChain.setFace(face) # Initialize the storage. keyName = Name("/testname/DSK-123") certificateName = keyName.getSubName(0, keyName.size() - 1).append( "KEY").append(keyName[-1]).append("ID-CERT").append("0") identityStorage.addKey(keyName, KeyType.RSA, Blob(DEFAULT_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_DER)) privateKeyStorage.setKeyPairForKeyName( keyName, KeyType.RSA, DEFAULT_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_DER, DEFAULT_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY_DER) echo = Echo(keyChain, certificateName) prefix = Name("/testecho") dump("Register prefix", prefix.toUri()) face.registerPrefix(prefix, echo.onInterest, echo.onRegisterFailed) while echo._responseCount < 1: face.processEvents() # We need to sleep for a few milliseconds so we don't use 100% of the CPU. time.sleep(0.01) face.shutdown()
class BaseNode(object): """ This class contains methods/attributes common to both node and controller. """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize the network and security classes for the node """ super(BaseNode, self).__init__() self._identityStorage = IotIdentityStorage() self._identityManager = IotIdentityManager(self._identityStorage) self._policyManager = IotPolicyManager(self._identityStorage) # hopefully there is some private/public key pair available self._keyChain = KeyChain(self._identityManager, self._policyManager) self._registrationFailures = 0 self._prepareLogging() self._setupComplete = False self._instanceSerial = None # waiting devices register this prefix and respond to discovery # or configuration interest self._hubPrefix = Name('/localhop/configure') def getSerial(self): """ Since you may wish to run two nodes on a Raspberry Pi, each node will generate a unique serial number each time it starts up. """ if self._instanceSerial is None: prefixLen = 4 prefix = '' for i in range(prefixLen): prefix += (chr(random.randint(0,0xff))) suffix = self.getDeviceSerial().lstrip('0') self._instanceSerial = '-'.join([prefix.encode('hex'), suffix]) return self._instanceSerial ## # Logging ## def _prepareLogging(self): self.log = logging.getLogger(str(self.__class__)) self.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logFormat = "%(asctime)-15s %(name)-20s %(funcName)-20s (%(levelname)-8s):\n\t%(message)s" self._console = logging.StreamHandler() self._console.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(logFormat)) self._console.setLevel(logging.INFO) # without this, a lot of ThreadsafeFace errors get swallowed up logging.getLogger("trollius").addHandler(self._console) self.log.addHandler(self._console) def setLogLevel(self, level): """ Set the log level that will be output to standard error :param level: A log level constant defined in the logging module (e.g. logging.INFO) """ self._console.setLevel(level) def getLogger(self): """ :return: The logger associated with this node :rtype: logging.Logger """ return self.log ### # Startup and shutdown ### def beforeLoopStart(self): """ Called before the event loop starts. """ pass def getDefaultCertificateName(self): try: certName = self._identityStorage.getDefaultCertificateNameForIdentity( self._policyManager.getDeviceIdentity()) except SecurityException: certName = self._keyChain.getDefaultCertificateName() return certName def start(self): """ Begins the event loop. After this, the node's Face is set up and it can send/receive interests+data """"Starting up") self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.face = ThreadsafeFace(self.loop, '') self.face.setCommandSigningInfo(self._keyChain, self.getDefaultCertificateName()) self._keyChain.setFace(self.face) self._isStopped = False self.face.stopWhen(lambda:self._isStopped) self.beforeLoopStart() try: self.loop.run_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except Exception as e: self.log.exception(e, exc_info=True) finally: self._isStopped = True def stop(self): """ Stops the node, taking it off the network """"Shutting down") self._isStopped = True ### # Data handling ### def signData(self, data): """ Sign the data with our network certificate :param pyndn.Data data: The data to sign """ self._keyChain.sign(data, self.getDefaultCertificateName()) def sendData(self, data, transport, sign=True): """ Reply to an interest with a data packet, optionally signing it. :param pyndn.Data data: The response data packet :param pyndn.Transport transport: The transport to send the data through. This is obtained from an incoming interest handler :param boolean sign: (optional, default=True) Whether the response must be signed. """ if sign: self.signData(data) transport.send(data.wireEncode().buf()) ### # # ## def onRegisterFailed(self, prefix): """ Called when the node cannot register its name with the forwarder :param pyndn.Name prefix: The network name that failed registration """ if self._registrationFailures < 5: self._registrationFailures += 1 self.log.warn("Could not register {}, retry: {}/{}".format(prefix.toUri(), self._registrationFailures, 5)) self.face.registerPrefix(self.prefix, self._onCommandReceived, self.onRegisterFailed) else: self.log.critical("Could not register device prefix, ABORTING") self._isStopped = True def verificationFailed(self, dataOrInterest): """ Called when verification of a data packet or command interest fails. :param pyndn.Data or pyndn.Interest: The packet that could not be verified """"Received invalid" + dataOrInterest.getName().toUri()) @staticmethod def getDeviceSerial(): """ Find and return the serial number of the Raspberry Pi. Provided in case you wish to distinguish data from nodes with the same name by serial. :return: The serial number extracted from device information in /proc/cpuinfo :rtype: str """ with open('/proc/cpuinfo') as f: for line in f: if line.startswith('Serial'): return line.split(':')[1].strip()
def main(): # Uncomment these lines to print ChronoSync debug messages. # logging.getLogger('').addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)) # logging.getLogger('').setLevel(logging.INFO) screenName = promptAndInput("Enter your chat username: "******"ndn/edu/ucla/remap" hubPrefix = promptAndInput("Enter your hub prefix [" + defaultHubPrefix + "]: ") if hubPrefix == "": hubPrefix = defaultHubPrefix defaultChatRoom = "ndnchat" chatRoom = promptAndInput("Enter the chatroom name [" + defaultChatRoom + "]: ") if chatRoom == "": chatRoom = defaultChatRoom host = "localhost" print("Connecting to " + host + ", Chatroom: " + chatRoom + ", Username: "******"") # Set up the key chain. face = Face(host) identityStorage = MemoryIdentityStorage() privateKeyStorage = MemoryPrivateKeyStorage() keyChain = KeyChain(IdentityManager(identityStorage, privateKeyStorage), NoVerifyPolicyManager()) keyChain.setFace(face) keyName = Name("/testname/DSK-123") certificateName = keyName.getSubName(0, keyName.size() - 1).append( "KEY").append(keyName[-1]).append("ID-CERT").append("0") identityStorage.addKey(keyName, KeyType.RSA, Blob(DEFAULT_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_DER)) privateKeyStorage.setKeyPairForKeyName( keyName, KeyType.RSA, DEFAULT_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_DER, DEFAULT_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY_DER) face.setCommandSigningInfo(keyChain, certificateName) chat = Chat( screenName, chatRoom, Name(hubPrefix), face, keyChain, certificateName) # The main loop to process Chat while checking stdin to send a message. print("Enter your chat message. To quit, enter \"leave\" or \"exit\".") while True: # Set timeout to 0 for an immediate check. isReady, _, _ =[sys.stdin], [], [], 0) if len(isReady) != 0: input = promptAndInput("") if input == "leave" or input == "exit": # We will send the leave message below. break chat.sendMessage(input) face.processEvents() # We need to sleep for a few milliseconds so we don't use 100% of the CPU. time.sleep(0.01) # The user entered the command to leave. chat.leave() # Wait a little bit to allow other applications to fetch the leave message. startTime = Chat.getNowMilliseconds() while True: if Chat.getNowMilliseconds() - startTime >= 1000.0: break face.processEvents() time.sleep(0.01)
class BmsNode(object): def __init__(self): self.conf = None self._keyChain = None self._certificateName = None self._dataQueue = dict() self._memoryContentCache = None self._identityName = None self._aggregation = Aggregation() def setConfiguration(self, fileName, trustSchemaFile): self.conf = BoostInfoParser() self._identityName = Name(self.conf.getNodePrefix()) self._trustSchemaFile = trustSchemaFile def onDataNotFound(self, prefix, interest, face, interestFilterId, filter): #print('Data not found for ' + interest.getName().toUri()) return def startPublishing(self): # One-time security setup self.prepareLogging() privateKeyStorage = FilePrivateKeyStorage() identityStorage = BasicIdentityStorage() policyManager = ConfigPolicyManager(self._trustSchemaFile) self._keyChain = KeyChain( IdentityManager(identityStorage, privateKeyStorage), policyManager) self._certificateName = self._keyChain.createIdentityAndCertificate( self._identityName) print("My Identity name: " + self._identityName.toUri()) print("My certificate name: " + self._certificateName.toUri()) certificateData = self._keyChain.getIdentityManager( )._identityStorage.getCertificate(self._certificateName) print("My certificate string: " + b64encode(certificateData.wireEncode().toBuffer())) # self._keyChain.getIdentityCertificate(self._certificateName).) self._loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self._face = ThreadsafeFace(self._loop) self._keyChain.setFace(self._face) self._face.setCommandSigningInfo(self._keyChain, self._certificateName) self._memoryContentCache = MemoryContentCache(self._face) # We should only ask for cert to be signed upon the first run of a certain aggregator if DO_CERT_SETUP: if (KeyLocator.getFromSignature( certificateData.getSignature()).getKeyName().equals( self._certificateName.getPrefix(-1))): # Need to configure for mini-ndn; aggregation node runs outside of mini-ndn first so that signed cert get installed and mini-ndn won't ask for this again print("certificate " + self._certificateName.toUri() + " asking for signature") response = urllib2.urlopen( "" + b64encode(certificateData.wireEncode().toBuffer()) + "&cert_prefix=" + self._identityName.toUri() + '&subject_name=' + self._identityName.toUri()).read() signedCertData = Data() signedCertData.wireDecode(Blob(b64decode(response))) self._memoryContentCache.add(signedCertData) cmdline = ['ndnsec-install-cert', '-'] p = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # desanitize + sign in GET request cert, err = p.communicate(response) if p.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError("ndnsec-install-cert error") else: self._memoryContentCache.add(certificateData) else: self._memoryContentCache.add(certificateData) dataNode = self.conf.getDataNode() childrenNode = self.conf.getChildrenNode() self._memoryContentCache.registerPrefix(Name(self._identityName), self.onRegisterFailed, self.onDataNotFound) # For each type of data, we refresh each type of aggregation according to the interval in the configuration for i in range(len(dataNode.subtrees)): dataType = dataNode.subtrees.keys()[i] aggregationParams = self.conf.getProducingParamsForAggregationType( dataNode.subtrees.items()[i][1]) if childrenNode == None: self._dataQueue[dataType] = DataQueue(None, None, None) self.generateData(dataType, 2, 0) for aggregationType in aggregationParams: childrenList = OrderedDict() if childrenNode != None: for j in range(len(childrenNode.subtrees)): if dataType in childrenNode.subtrees.items( )[j][1].subtrees['data'].subtrees: if aggregationType in childrenNode.subtrees.items( )[j][1].subtrees['data'].subtrees[ dataType].subtrees: childrenList[childrenNode.subtrees.items()[j][ 0]] = self.conf.getProducingParamsForAggregationType( childrenNode.subtrees.items()[j] [1].subtrees['data'].subtrees[dataType] )[aggregationType] self.startPublishingAggregation( aggregationParams[aggregationType], childrenList, dataType, aggregationType) return def startPublishingAggregation(self, params, childrenList, dataType, aggregationType): if __debug__: print('Start publishing for ' + dataType + '-' + aggregationType) # aggregation calculating and publishing mechanism publishingPrefix = Name( self._identityName).append(DATA_COMPONENT).append(dataType).append( AGGREGATION_COMPONENT).append(aggregationType) self._dataQueue[dataType + aggregationType] = DataQueue( params, childrenList, publishingPrefix) if len(childrenList.keys()) == 0: # TODO: make start_time optional for leaf nodes self._loop.call_later(int(params['producer_interval']), self.calculateAggregation, dataType, aggregationType, childrenList, int(params['start_time']), int(params['producer_interval']), publishingPrefix, True) else: # express interest for children who produce the same data and aggregation type for childName in childrenList.keys(): name = Name(self._identityName).append(childName).append( DATA_COMPONENT).append(dataType).append( AGGREGATION_COMPONENT).append(aggregationType) interest = Interest(name) # if start_time is specified, we ask for data starting at start_time; # if not, we ask for the right most child and go from there if ('start_time' in childrenList[childName]): endTime = int(childrenList[childName]['start_time']) + int( childrenList[childName]['producer_interval']) interest.getName().append( str(childrenList[childName]['start_time'])).append( str(endTime)) else: # TODO: For now we are playing with historical data, for each run we don't want to miss any data, thus we start with leftMost interest.setChildSelector(0) interest.setMustBeFresh(True) interest.setInterestLifetimeMilliseconds( DEFAULT_INTEREST_LIFETIME) if __debug__: print(' Issue interest: ' + interest.getName().toUri()) self._face.expressInterest(interest, self.onData, self.onTimeout) return # TODO: once one calculation's decided a child has not answered, we should do another calculation def calculateAggregation(self, dataType, aggregationType, childrenList, startTime, interval, publishingPrefix, repeat=False): doCalc = True dataList = [] # TODO: an intermediate node cannot produce raw data for now if len(childrenList.keys()) != 0: for childName in childrenList.keys(): dataDictKey = self.getDataDictKey(startTime, (startTime + interval), childName) if dataDictKey in self._dataQueue[dataType + aggregationType]._dataDict: data = self._dataQueue[ dataType + aggregationType]._dataDict[dataDictKey] dataList.append(float(data.getContent().toRawStr())) else: #print('Child ' + childName + ' has not replied yet') doCalc = False break else: for inst in self._dataQueue[dataType]._dataDict.keys(): if int(inst) >= startTime and int(inst) < startTime + interval: dataList.append(self._dataQueue[dataType]._dataDict[inst]) if doCalc: content = self._aggregation.getAggregation(aggregationType, dataList) if content: publishData = Data( Name(publishingPrefix).append(str(startTime)).append( str(startTime + interval))) publishData.setContent(str(content)) publishData.getMetaInfo().setFreshnessPeriod( DEFAULT_DATA_LIFETIME) self._keyChain.sign(publishData, self._certificateName) self._memoryContentCache.add(publishData) for childName in childrenList.keys(): dataDictKey = self.getDataDictKey(startTime, (startTime + interval), childName) if dataDictKey in self._dataQueue[ dataType + aggregationType]._dataDict: del self._dataQueue[ dataType + aggregationType]._dataDict[dataDictKey] if __debug__: print("Produced: " + publishData.getName().toUri() + "; " + publishData.getContent().toRawStr()) # repetition of this function only happens for raw data producer, otherwise calculateAggregation is called by each onData if repeat: self._loop.call_later(interval, self.calculateAggregation, dataType, aggregationType, childrenList, startTime + interval, interval, publishingPrefix, repeat) return def generateData(self, dataType, interval, startTime): self._dataQueue[dataType]._dataDict[str(startTime)] = random.randint( 0, 9) self._loop.call_later(interval, self.generateData, dataType, interval, startTime + interval) return def onRegisterFailed(self, prefix): raise RuntimeError("Register failed for prefix", prefix.toUri()) def onVerified(self, data): print('Data verified: ' + data.getName().toUri()) return def onVerifyFailed(self, data): print('Data verification failed: ' + data.getName().toUri()) return def onData(self, interest, data): self._keyChain.verifyData(data, self.onVerified, self.onVerifyFailed) dataName = data.getName() dataQueue = None if __debug__: print("Got data: " + dataName.toUri() + "; " + data.getContent().toRawStr()) for i in range(0, len(dataName)): if dataName.get(i).toEscapedString() == AGGREGATION_COMPONENT: dataType = dataName.get(i - 1).toEscapedString() aggregationType = dataName.get(i + 1).toEscapedString() startTime = int(dataName.get(i + 2).toEscapedString()) endTime = int(dataName.get(i + 3).toEscapedString()) childName = dataName.get(i - 3).toEscapedString() dataAndAggregationType = dataType + aggregationType dataDictKey = self.getDataDictKey(startTime, endTime, childName) dataQueue = self._dataQueue[dataAndAggregationType] dataQueue._dataDict[dataDictKey] = data break # TODO: check what if interval/starttime is misconfigured if dataQueue: self.calculateAggregation(dataType, aggregationType, dataQueue._childrenList, startTime, endTime - startTime, dataQueue._publishingPrefix) # Always ask for the next piece of data when we receive this one; assumes interval does not change; this also assumes there are no more components after endTime #newInterestName = dataName.getPrefix(i + 2).append(str(endTime)).append(str(endTime + (endTime - startTime))) # We don't expect aggregated data name to be continuous within our given time window, so we ask with exclusion instead newInterestName = dataName.getPrefix(i + 2) newInterest = Interest(interest) newInterest.setName(newInterestName) newInterest.setChildSelector(0) exclude = Exclude() exclude.appendAny() exclude.appendComponent(dataName.get(i + 2)) newInterest.setExclude(exclude) self._face.expressInterest(newInterest, self.onData, self.onTimeout) if __debug__: print(" issue interest: " + interest.getName().toUri()) return def onTimeout(self, interest): if __debug__: print(" interest timeout: " + interest.getName().toUri() + "; reexpress") pass self._face.expressInterest(interest, self.onData, self.onTimeout) return def stop(self): self._loop.stop() if __debug__: print("Stopped") return # This creation of dataDictKey means parent and child should not have the same name @staticmethod def getDataDictKey(startTime, endTime, childName): return str(startTime) + '/' + str(endTime) + '/' + childName ## # Logging ## def prepareLogging(self): self.log = logging.getLogger(str(self.__class__)) self.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logFormat = "%(asctime)-15s %(name)-20s %(funcName)-20s (%(levelname)-8s):\n\t%(message)s" self._console = logging.StreamHandler() self._console.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(logFormat)) self._console.setLevel(logging.INFO) # without this, a lot of ThreadsafeFace errors get swallowed up logging.getLogger("trollius").addHandler(self._console) self.log.addHandler(self._console) def setLogLevel(self, level): """ Set the log level that will be output to standard error :param level: A log level constant defined in the logging module (e.g. logging.INFO) """ self._console.setLevel(level) def getLogger(self): """ :return: The logger associated with this node :rtype: logging.Logger """ return self.log
class IotConsole(object): """ This uses the controller's credentials to provide a management interface to the user. It does not go through the security handshake (as it should be run on the same device as the controller) and so does not inherit from the BaseNode. """ def __init__(self, networkName, nodeName): super(IotConsole, self).__init__() self.deviceSuffix = Name(nodeName) self.networkPrefix = Name(networkName) self.prefix = Name(self.networkPrefix).append(self.deviceSuffix) self._identityStorage = IotIdentityStorage() self._policyManager = IotPolicyManager(self._identityStorage) self._identityManager = IotIdentityManager(self._identityStorage) self._keyChain = KeyChain(self._identityManager, self._policyManager) self._policyManager.setEnvironmentPrefix(self.networkPrefix) self._policyManager.setTrustRootIdentity(self.prefix) self._policyManager.setDeviceIdentity(self.prefix) self._policyManager.updateTrustRules() self.foundCommands = {} self.unconfiguredDevices = [] # TODO: use xDialog in XWindows self.ui = Dialog(backtitle="NDN IoT User Console", height=18, width=78) trolliusLogger = logging.getLogger("trollius") trolliusLogger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) def start(self): """ Start up the UI """ self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.face = ThreadsafeFace(self.loop, "") controllerCertificateName = self._identityStorage.getDefaultCertificateNameForIdentity(self.prefix) self.face.setCommandSigningInfo(self._keyChain, controllerCertificateName) self._keyChain.setFace(self.face) # shouldn't be necessarym but doesn't hurt self._isStopped = False self.face.stopWhen(lambda: self._isStopped) self.loop.call_soon(self.displayMenu) try: self.loop.run_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except Exception as e: print(e) # self.log('Exception', e) finally: self._isStopped = True def stop(self): self._isStopped = True ####### # GUI ####### def displayMenu(self): menuOptions = OrderedDict( [ ("List network services", self.listCommands), ("Pair a device", self.pairDevice), ("Express interest", self.expressInterest), ("Quit", self.stop), ] ) (retCode, retStr) = self.ui.mainMenu("Main Menu", menuOptions.keys()) if retCode == Dialog.DIALOG_ESC or retCode == Dialog.DIALOG_CANCEL: # TODO: ask if you're sure you want to quit self.stop() if retCode == Dialog.DIALOG_OK: menuOptions[retStr]() ####### # List all commands ###### def listCommands(self): self._requestDeviceList(self._showCommandList, self.displayMenu) def _requestDeviceList(self, successCallback, timeoutCallback): self.ui.alert("Requesting services list...", False) interestName = Name(self.prefix).append("listCommands") interest = Interest(interestName) interest.setInterestLifetimeMilliseconds(3000) # self.face.makeCommandInterest(interest) self.face.expressInterest( interest, self._makeOnCommandListCallback(successCallback), self._makeOnCommandListTimeoutCallback(timeoutCallback), ) def _makeOnCommandListTimeoutCallback(self, callback): def onCommandListTimeout(interest): self.ui.alert("Timed out waiting for services list") self.loop.call_soon(callback) return onCommandListTimeout def _makeOnCommandListCallback(self, callback): def onCommandListReceived(interest, data): try: commandInfo = json.loads(str(data.getContent())) except: self.ui.alert("An error occured while reading the services list") self.loop.call_soon(self.displayMenu) else: self.foundCommands = commandInfo self.loop.call_soon(callback) return onCommandListReceived def _showCommandList(self): try: commandList = [] for capability, commands in self.foundCommands.items(): commandList.append("\Z1{}:".format(capability)) for info in commands: signingStr = "signed" if info["signed"] else "unsigned" commandList.append("\Z0\t{} ({})".format(info["name"], signingStr)) commandList.append("") if len(commandList) == 0: # should not happen commandList = ["----NONE----"] allCommands = "\n".join(commandList) oldTitle = self.ui.title self.ui.title = "Available services" self.ui.alert(allCommands, preExtra=["--colors"]) self.ui.title = oldTitle #'Available services', commandList, prefix='', extras=['--no-cancel']) finally: self.loop.call_soon(self.displayMenu) ####### # New device ###### def pairDevice(self): self._scanForUnconfiguredDevices() def _enterPairingInfo(self, serial, pin="", newName=""): fields = [Dialog.FormField("PIN", pin), Dialog.FormField("Device name", newName)] (retCode, retList) = self.ui.form("Pairing device {}".format(serial), fields) if retCode == Dialog.DIALOG_OK: pin, newName = retList if len(pin) == 0 or len(newName) == 0: self.ui.alert("All fields are required") self.loop.call_soon(self._enterPairingInfo, serial, pin, newName) else: try: pinBytes = pin.decode("hex") except TypeError: self.ui.alert("Pin is invalid") self.loop.call_soon(self._enterPairingInfo, serial, pin, newName) else: self._addDeviceToNetwork(serial, newName, pin.decode("hex")) elif retCode == Dialog.DIALOG_CANCEL or retCode == Dialog.DIALOG_ESC: self.loop.call_soon(self._showConfigurationList) def _showConfigurationList(self): foundDevices = self.unconfiguredDevices[:] emptyStr = "----NONE----" if len(foundDevices) == 0: foundDevices.append(emptyStr) retCode, retStr = "Select a device to configure", foundDevices, preExtras=["--ok-label", "Configure", "--extra-button", "--extra-label", "Refresh"], ) if retCode == Dialog.DIALOG_CANCEL or retCode == Dialog.DIALOG_ESC: self.loop.call_soon(self.displayMenu) elif retCode == Dialog.DIALOG_EXTRA: self.loop.call_soon(self._scanForUnconfiguredDevices) elif retCode == Dialog.DIALOG_OK and retStr != emptyStr: self.loop.call_soon(self._enterPairingInfo, retStr) else: self.loop.call_soon(self._showConfigurationList) def _scanForUnconfiguredDevices(self): # unconfigured devices should register '/localhop/configure' # we keep asking for unconfigured devices until we stop getting replies foundDevices = [] self.ui.alert("Scanning for unconfigured devices...", False) def onDeviceTimeout(interest): # assume we're done - everyone is excluded self.unconfiguredDevices = foundDevices self.loop.call_soon(self._showConfigurationList) def onDeviceResponse(interest, data): updatedInterest = Interest(interest) deviceSerial = str(data.getContent()) if len(deviceSerial) > 0: foundDevices.append(deviceSerial) updatedInterest.getExclude().appendComponent(Name.Component(deviceSerial)) # else ignore the malformed response self.face.expressInterest(updatedInterest, onDeviceResponse, onDeviceTimeout) interest = Interest(Name("/localhop/configure")) interest.setInterestLifetimeMilliseconds(2000) self.face.expressInterest(interest, onDeviceResponse, onDeviceTimeout) def _addDeviceToNetwork(self, serial, suffix, pin): self.ui.alert("Sending pairing info to gateway...", False) # we must encrypt this so no one can see the pin! message = DevicePairingInfoMessage() = suffix = serial = pin rawBytes = ProtobufTlv.encode(message) encryptedBytes = self._identityManager.encryptForIdentity(rawBytes, self.prefix) encodedBytes = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(str(encryptedBytes)) interestName = Name(self.prefix).append("addDevice").append(encodedBytes) interest = Interest(interestName) # todo: have the controller register this console as a listener # and update it with pairing status interest.setInterestLifetimeMilliseconds(5000) self.face.makeCommandInterest(interest) self.face.expressInterest(interest, self._onAddDeviceResponse, self._onAddDeviceTimeout) def _onAddDeviceResponse(self, interest, data): try: responseCode = int(str(data.getContent())) if responseCode == 202: self.ui.alert("Gateway received pairing info") else: self.ui.alert("Error encountered while sending pairing info") except: self.ui.alert("Exception encountered while decoding gateway reply") finally: self.loop.call_soon(self.displayMenu) def _onAddDeviceTimeout(self, interest): self.ui.alert("Timed out sending pairing info to gateway") self.loop.call_soon(self.displayMenu) ###### # Express interest ##### def expressInterest(self): if len(self.foundCommands) == 0: self._requestDeviceList(self._showInterestMenu, self._showInterestMenu) else: self.loop.call_soon(self._showInterestMenu) def _showInterestMenu(self): # display a menu of all available interests, on selection allow user to # (1) extend it # (2) send it signed/unsigned # NOTE: should it add custom ones to the list? commandSet = set() wildcard = "<Enter Interest Name>" try: for commands in self.foundCommands.values(): commandSet.update([c["name"] for c in commands]) commandList = list(commandSet) commandList.append(wildcard) (returnCode, returnStr) ="Choose a command", commandList, prefix=" ") if returnCode == Dialog.DIALOG_OK: if returnStr == wildcard: returnStr = self.networkPrefix.toUri() self.loop.call_soon(self._expressCustomInterest, returnStr) else: self.loop.call_soon(self.displayMenu) except: self.loop.call_soon(self.displayMenu) def _expressCustomInterest(self, interestName): # TODO: make this a form, add timeout field try: handled = False (returnCode, returnStr) = self.ui.prompt( "Send interest", interestName, preExtra=["--extra-button", "--extra-label", "Signed", "--ok-label", "Unsigned"], ) if returnCode == Dialog.DIALOG_ESC or returnCode == Dialog.DIALOG_CANCEL: self.loop.call_soon(self.expressInterest) else: interestName = Name(returnStr) doSigned = returnCode == Dialog.DIALOG_EXTRA interest = Interest(interestName) interest.setInterestLifetimeMilliseconds(5000) interest.setChildSelector(1) interest.setMustBeFresh(True) if doSigned: self.face.makeCommandInterest(interest) self.ui.alert("Waiting for response to {}".format(interestName.toUri()), False) self.face.expressInterest(interest, self.onDataReceived, self.onInterestTimeout) except: self.loop.call_soon(self.expressInterest) def onInterestTimeout(self, interest): try: self.ui.alert("Interest timed out:\n{}".format(interest.getName().toUri())) except: self.ui.alert("Interest timed out") finally: self.loop.call_soon(self.expressInterest) def onDataReceived(self, interest, data): try: dataString = "{}\n\n".format(data.getName().toUri()) dataString += "Contents:\n{}".format(repr(data.getContent().toRawStr())) self.ui.alert(dataString) except: self.ui.alert("Exception occured displaying data contents") finally: self.loop.call_soon(self.expressInterest)
def main(): # Uncomment these lines to print ChronoSync debug messages. # logging.getLogger('').addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)) # logging.getLogger('').setLevel(logging.INFO) screenName = promptAndInput("Enter your chat username: "******"ndn/edu/ucla/remap" hubPrefix = promptAndInput("Enter your hub prefix [" + defaultHubPrefix + "]: ") if hubPrefix == "": hubPrefix = defaultHubPrefix defaultChatRoom = "ndnchat" chatRoom = promptAndInput("Enter the chatroom name [" + defaultChatRoom + "]: ") if chatRoom == "": chatRoom = defaultChatRoom host = "localhost" print("Connecting to " + host + ", Chatroom: " + chatRoom + ", Username: "******"") # Set up the key chain. face = Face(host) identityStorage = MemoryIdentityStorage() privateKeyStorage = MemoryPrivateKeyStorage() keyChain = KeyChain(IdentityManager(identityStorage, privateKeyStorage), NoVerifyPolicyManager()) keyChain.setFace(face) keyName = Name("/testname/DSK-123") certificateName = keyName.getSubName( 0, keyName.size() - 1).append("KEY").append( keyName[-1]).append("ID-CERT").append("0") identityStorage.addKey(keyName, KeyType.RSA, Blob(DEFAULT_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_DER)) privateKeyStorage.setKeyPairForKeyName(keyName, KeyType.RSA, DEFAULT_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_DER, DEFAULT_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY_DER) face.setCommandSigningInfo(keyChain, certificateName) chat = Chat(screenName, chatRoom, Name(hubPrefix), face, keyChain, certificateName) # The main loop to process Chat while checking stdin to send a message. print("Enter your chat message. To quit, enter \"leave\" or \"exit\".") while True: # Set timeout to 0 for an immediate check. isReady, _, _ =[sys.stdin], [], [], 0) if len(isReady) != 0: input = promptAndInput("") if input == "leave" or input == "exit": # We will send the leave message below. break chat.sendMessage(input) face.processEvents() # We need to sleep for a few milliseconds so we don't use 100% of the CPU. time.sleep(0.01) # The user entered the command to leave. chat.leave() # Wait a little bit to allow other applications to fetch the leave message. startTime = Chat.getNowMilliseconds() while True: if Chat.getNowMilliseconds() - startTime >= 1000.0: break face.processEvents() time.sleep(0.01)
def main(): # Uncomment these lines to print ChronoSync debug messages. # logging.getLogger('').addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)) # logging.getLogger('').setLevel(logging.INFO) defaultUserPrefix = "com/newspaper/USER/bob" userPrefix = promptAndInput("Enter user prefix: [" + defaultUserPrefix + "]") if userPrefix == "": userPrefix = defaultUserPrefix defaultNamespacePrefix = "/ndn/hackathon/cnl-demo/slides" #"com/newspaper" namespacePrefix = promptAndInput("Enter namespace prefix [" + defaultNamespacePrefix + "]: ") if namespacePrefix == "": namespacePrefix = defaultNamespacePrefix host = "localhost" #"" print("Connecting to " + host) print("") # Set up the key chain. face = Face(host) identityStorage = MemoryIdentityStorage() privateKeyStorage = MemoryPrivateKeyStorage() keyChain = KeyChain(IdentityManager(identityStorage, privateKeyStorage), NoVerifyPolicyManager()) keyChain.setFace(face) keyName = Name("/testname/DSK-123") certificateName = keyName.getSubName(0, keyName.size() - 1).append( "KEY").append(keyName[-1]).append("ID-CERT").append("0") identityStorage.addKey(keyName, KeyType.RSA, Blob(DEFAULT_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_DER)) privateKeyStorage.setKeyPairForKeyName( keyName, KeyType.RSA, DEFAULT_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_DER, DEFAULT_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY_DER) face.setCommandSigningInfo(keyChain, certificateName) newspaper = Namespace(namespacePrefix) def onContentSet(namespace, contentNamespace, callbackId): global currentSlideName if contentNamespace == namespace: print("content size "+str(contentNamespace.content.size())) currentSlideName = contentNamespace.getName() displayImage(contentNamespace.content.toRawStr(), contentNamespace.getName().toUri()) # dump("Got segmented content ", contentNamespace.content.toRawStr()) def onNewName(namespace, addedNamespace, callbackId): print("namespace ("+addedNamespace.getName().toUri()+") added to "+namespace.getName().toUri()) if addedNamespace.getName().get(-1).isSegment() and addedNamespace.getName().get(-1).toSegment() == 0: addedNamespace.getParent().addOnContentSet(onContentSet) SegmentedContent(addedNamespace.getParent()).start() newspaper.addOnNameAdded(onNewName) newspaper.setFace(face) namesync = NameSyncHandler(newspaper, userPrefix, keyChain, certificateName) # The main loop to process Chat while checking stdin to send a message. print("Enter your namespace update. To quit, enter \"exit\".") def process(): # while True: # Set timeout to 0 for an immediate check. isReady, _, _ =[sys.stdin], [], [], 0) if len(isReady) != 0: input = promptAndInput("") if input == "exit": stopGui() # We will send the leave message below. # break # before producer has namespace.publish call, we manually call onNameAdded as a hack to publish namesync.onNameAdded(None, Namespace(Name(input)), 0, True) face.processEvents() if root: root.after(100, process) def leftKey(event): global currentSlideName allVersions = newspaper.getChildComponents() currentVersion = currentSlideName[-1] selected = allVersions[0] for c in allVersions: print(str(c.toVersion())) if c.toVersion() == currentVersion.toVersion(): break selected = c currentSlideName = Name(newspaper.getName()).append(selected) displayImage(newspaper.getChild(selected).content.toRawStr(), currentSlideName.toUri()) def rightKey(event): global currentSlideName allVersions = newspaper.getChildComponents() currentVersion = currentSlideName[-1] selected = None for c in allVersions[::-1]: if c.toVersion() == currentVersion.toVersion(): break selected = c if selected: currentSlideName = Name(newspaper.getName()).append(selected) displayImage(newspaper.getChild(selected).content.toRawStr(), currentSlideName.toUri()) else: print("no slides to show") runGui(process, leftKey, rightKey)
class BaseNode(object): """ This class contains methods/attributes common to both node and controller. """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize the network and security classes for the node """ super(BaseNode, self).__init__() self._identityStorage = IotIdentityStorage() self._identityManager = IotIdentityManager(self._identityStorage) self._policyManager = IotPolicyManager(self._identityStorage) # hopefully there is some private/public key pair available self._keyChain = KeyChain(self._identityManager, self._policyManager) self._registrationFailures = 0 self._prepareLogging() self._setupComplete = False self._instanceSerial = None # waiting devices register this prefix and respond to discovery # or configuration interest self._hubPrefix = Name('/localhop/configure') def getSerial(self): """ Since you may wish to run two nodes on a Raspberry Pi, each node will generate a unique serial number each time it starts up. """ if self._instanceSerial is None: prefixLen = 4 prefix = '' for i in range(prefixLen): prefix += (chr(random.randint(0, 0xff))) suffix = self.getDeviceSerial().lstrip('0') self._instanceSerial = '-'.join([prefix.encode('hex'), suffix]) return self._instanceSerial ## # Logging ## def _prepareLogging(self): self.log = logging.getLogger(str(self.__class__)) self.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logFormat = "%(asctime)-15s %(name)-20s %(funcName)-20s (%(levelname)-8s):\n\t%(message)s" self._console = logging.StreamHandler() self._console.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(logFormat)) self._console.setLevel(logging.INFO) # without this, a lot of ThreadsafeFace errors get swallowed up logging.getLogger("trollius").addHandler(self._console) self.log.addHandler(self._console) def setLogLevel(self, level): """ Set the log level that will be output to standard error :param level: A log level constant defined in the logging module (e.g. logging.INFO) """ self._console.setLevel(level) def getLogger(self): """ :return: The logger associated with this node :rtype: logging.Logger """ return self.log ### # Startup and shutdown ### def beforeLoopStart(self): """ Called before the event loop starts. """ pass def getDefaultCertificateName(self): try: certName = self._identityStorage.getDefaultCertificateNameForIdentity( self._policyManager.getDeviceIdentity()) except SecurityException: certName = self._keyChain.getDefaultCertificateName() return certName def start(self): """ Begins the event loop. After this, the node's Face is set up and it can send/receive interests+data """"Starting up") self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.face = ThreadsafeFace(self.loop, '') self.face.setCommandSigningInfo(self._keyChain, self.getDefaultCertificateName()) self._keyChain.setFace(self.face) self._isStopped = False self.face.stopWhen(lambda: self._isStopped) self.beforeLoopStart() try: self.loop.run_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except Exception as e: self.log.exception(e, exc_info=True) finally: self._isStopped = True def stop(self): """ Stops the node, taking it off the network """"Shutting down") self._isStopped = True ### # Data handling ### def signData(self, data): """ Sign the data with our network certificate :param pyndn.Data data: The data to sign """ self._keyChain.sign(data, self.getDefaultCertificateName()) def sendData(self, data, transport, sign=True): """ Reply to an interest with a data packet, optionally signing it. :param pyndn.Data data: The response data packet :param pyndn.Transport transport: The transport to send the data through. This is obtained from an incoming interest handler :param boolean sign: (optional, default=True) Whether the response must be signed. """ if sign: self.signData(data) transport.send(data.wireEncode().buf()) ### # # ## def onRegisterFailed(self, prefix): """ Called when the node cannot register its name with the forwarder :param pyndn.Name prefix: The network name that failed registration """ if self._registrationFailures < 5: self._registrationFailures += 1 self.log.warn("Could not register {}, retry: {}/{}".format( prefix.toUri(), self._registrationFailures, 5)) self.face.registerPrefix(self.prefix, self._onCommandReceived, self.onRegisterFailed) else: self.log.critical("Could not register device prefix, ABORTING") self._isStopped = True def verificationFailed(self, dataOrInterest): """ Called when verification of a data packet or command interest fails. :param pyndn.Data or pyndn.Interest: The packet that could not be verified """"Received invalid" + dataOrInterest.getName().toUri()) @staticmethod def getDeviceSerial(): """ Find and return the serial number of the Raspberry Pi. Provided in case you wish to distinguish data from nodes with the same name by serial. :return: The serial number extracted from device information in /proc/cpuinfo :rtype: str """ with open('/proc/cpuinfo') as f: for line in f: if line.startswith('Serial'): return line.split(':')[1].strip()
class BaseNode(object): """ This class contains methods/attributes common to both node and controller. """ def __init__(self, transport = None, conn = None): """ Initialize the network and security classes for the node """ super(BaseNode, self).__init__() self.faceTransport = transport self.faceConn = conn self._identityStorage = BasicIdentityStorage() self._identityManager = IdentityManager(self._identityStorage, FilePrivateKeyStorage()) self._policyManager = IotPolicyManager(self._identityStorage) # hopefully there is some private/public key pair available self._keyChain = KeyChain(self._identityManager, self._policyManager) self._registrationFailures = 0 self._prepareLogging() self._setupComplete = False ## # Logging ## def _prepareLogging(self): self.log = logging.getLogger(str(self.__class__)) self.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logFormat = "%(asctime)-15s %(name)-20s %(funcName)-20s (%(levelname)-8s):\n\t%(message)s" self._console = logging.StreamHandler() self._console.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(logFormat)) self._console.setLevel(logging.INFO) # without this, a lot of ThreadsafeFace errors get swallowed up logging.getLogger("trollius").addHandler(self._console) self.log.addHandler(self._console) def setLogLevel(self, level): """ Set the log level that will be output to standard error :param level: A log level constant defined in the logging module (e.g. logging.INFO) """ self._console.setLevel(level) def getLogger(self): """ :return: The logger associated with this node :rtype: logging.Logger """ return self.log ### # Startup and shutdown ### def beforeLoopStart(self): """ Called before the event loop starts. """ pass def getDefaultCertificateName(self): try: certName = self._identityStorage.getDefaultCertificateNameForIdentity( self._policyManager.getDeviceIdentity()) except SecurityException as e: # zhehao: in the case of producer's /localhop prefixes, the default key is not defined in ndnsec-public-info.db certName = self._keyChain.createIdentityAndCertificate(self._policyManager.getDeviceIdentity()) #certName = self._keyChain.getDefaultCertificateName() #print(certName.toUri()) return certName def start(self): """ Begins the event loop. After this, the node's Face is set up and it can send/receive interests+data """"Starting up") self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() if (self.faceTransport == None or self.faceTransport == ''): self.face = ThreadsafeFace(self.loop) else: self.face = ThreadsafeFace(self.loop, self.faceTransport, self.faceConn) self.face.setCommandSigningInfo(self._keyChain, self.getDefaultCertificateName()) self._keyChain.setFace(self.face) self._isStopped = False self.beforeLoopStart() try: self.loop.run_forever() except Exception as e: self.log.exception(exc_info=True) finally: self.stop() def stop(self): """ Stops the node, taking it off the network """"Shutting down") self._isStopped = True self.loop.stop() ### # Data handling ### def signData(self, data): """ Sign the data with our network certificate :param pyndn.Data data: The data to sign """ self._keyChain.sign(data, self.getDefaultCertificateName()) def sendData(self, data, sign=True): """ Reply to an interest with a data packet, optionally signing it. :param pyndn.Data data: The response data packet :param boolean sign: (optional, default=True) Whether the response must be signed. """ if sign: self.signData(data) self.face.putData(data) ### # # ## def onRegisterFailed(self, prefix): """ Called when the node cannot register its name with the forwarder :param pyndn.Name prefix: The network name that failed registration """ if self.faceTransport != None and self.faceConn != None: self.log.warn("Explicit face transport and connectionInfo: Could not register {}; expect a manual or autoreg on the other side.".format(prefix.toUri())) elif self._registrationFailures < 5: self._registrationFailures += 1 self.log.warn("Could not register {}, retry: {}/{}".format(prefix.toUri(), self._registrationFailures, 5)) self.face.registerPrefix(self.prefix, self._onCommandReceived, self.onRegisterFailed) else:"Prefix registration failed") self.stop() def verificationFailed(self, dataOrInterest): """ Called when verification of a data packet or command interest fails. :param pyndn.Data or pyndn.Interest: The packet that could not be verified """"Received invalid" + dataOrInterest.getName().toUri()) @staticmethod def getSerial(): """ Find and return the serial number of the Raspberry Pi. Provided in case you wish to distinguish data from nodes with the same name by serial. :return: The serial number extracted from device information in /proc/cpuinfo :rtype: str """ try: with open('/proc/cpuinfo') as f: for line in f: if line.startswith('Serial'): return line.split(':')[1].strip() except NameError: return "todo"
class BmsNode(object): def __init__(self): self.conf = None self._keyChain = None self._certificateName = None self._dataQueue = dict() self._memoryContentCache = None self._identityName = None self._aggregation = Aggregation() def setConfiguration(self, fileName, trustSchemaFile): self.conf = BoostInfoParser() self._identityName = Name(self.conf.getNodePrefix()) self._trustSchemaFile = trustSchemaFile def onDataNotFound(self, prefix, interest, face, interestFilterId, filter): #print('Data not found for ' + interest.getName().toUri()) return def startPublishing(self): # One-time security setup self.prepareLogging() privateKeyStorage = FilePrivateKeyStorage() identityStorage = BasicIdentityStorage() policyManager = ConfigPolicyManager(self._trustSchemaFile) self._keyChain = KeyChain(IdentityManager(identityStorage, privateKeyStorage), policyManager) self._certificateName = self._keyChain.createIdentityAndCertificate(self._identityName) print("My Identity name: " + self._identityName.toUri()) print("My certificate name: " + self._certificateName.toUri()) certificateData = self._keyChain.getIdentityManager()._identityStorage.getCertificate(self._certificateName, True) print("My certificate string: " + b64encode(certificateData.wireEncode().toBuffer())) # self._keyChain.getIdentityCertificate(self._certificateName).) self._loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self._face = ThreadsafeFace(self._loop) self._keyChain.setFace(self._face) self._face.setCommandSigningInfo(self._keyChain, self._certificateName) self._memoryContentCache = MemoryContentCache(self._face) # We should only ask for cert to be signed upon the first run of a certain aggregator if DO_CERT_SETUP: if (KeyLocator.getFromSignature(certificateData.getSignature()).getKeyName().equals(self._certificateName.getPrefix(-1))): # Need to configure for mini-ndn; aggregation node runs outside of mini-ndn first so that signed cert get installed and mini-ndn won't ask for this again print("certificate " + self._certificateName.toUri() + " asking for signature") response = urllib2.urlopen("" + b64encode(certificateData.wireEncode().toBuffer()) + "&cert_prefix=" + self._identityName.toUri() + '&subject_name=' + self._identityName.toUri()).read() signedCertData = Data() signedCertData.wireDecode(Blob(b64decode(response))) self._memoryContentCache.add(signedCertData) cmdline = ['ndnsec-install-cert', '-'] p = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # desanitize + sign in GET request cert, err = p.communicate(response) if p.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError("ndnsec-install-cert error") else: self._memoryContentCache.add(certificateData) else: self._memoryContentCache.add(certificateData) dataNode = self.conf.getDataNode() childrenNode = self.conf.getChildrenNode() self._memoryContentCache.registerPrefix(Name(self._identityName), self.onRegisterFailed, self.onDataNotFound) # For each type of data, we refresh each type of aggregation according to the interval in the configuration for i in range(len(dataNode.subtrees)): dataType = dataNode.subtrees.keys()[i] aggregationParams = self.conf.getProducingParamsForAggregationType(dataNode.subtrees.items()[i][1]) if childrenNode == None: self._dataQueue[dataType] = DataQueue(None, None, None) self.generateData(dataType, 2, 0) for aggregationType in aggregationParams: childrenList = OrderedDict() if childrenNode != None: for j in range(len(childrenNode.subtrees)): if dataType in childrenNode.subtrees.items()[j][1].subtrees['data'].subtrees: if aggregationType in childrenNode.subtrees.items()[j][1].subtrees['data'].subtrees[dataType].subtrees: childrenList[childrenNode.subtrees.items()[j][0]] = self.conf.getProducingParamsForAggregationType(childrenNode.subtrees.items()[j][1].subtrees['data'].subtrees[dataType])[aggregationType] self.startPublishingAggregation(aggregationParams[aggregationType], childrenList, dataType, aggregationType) return def startPublishingAggregation(self, params, childrenList, dataType, aggregationType): if __debug__: print('Start publishing for ' + dataType + '-' + aggregationType) # aggregation calculating and publishing mechanism publishingPrefix = Name(self._identityName).append(DATA_COMPONENT).append(dataType).append(AGGREGATION_COMPONENT).append(aggregationType) self._dataQueue[dataType + aggregationType] = DataQueue(params, childrenList, publishingPrefix) if len(childrenList.keys()) == 0: # TODO: make start_time optional for leaf nodes self._loop.call_later(int(params['producer_interval']), self.calculateAggregation, dataType, aggregationType, childrenList, int(params['start_time']), int(params['producer_interval']), publishingPrefix, True) else: # express interest for children who produce the same data and aggregation type for childName in childrenList.keys(): name = Name(self._identityName).append(childName).append(DATA_COMPONENT).append(dataType).append(AGGREGATION_COMPONENT).append(aggregationType) interest = Interest(name) # if start_time is specified, we ask for data starting at start_time; # if not, we ask for the right most child and go from there if ('start_time' in childrenList[childName]): endTime = int(childrenList[childName]['start_time']) + int(childrenList[childName]['producer_interval']) interest.getName().append(str(childrenList[childName]['start_time'])).append(str(endTime)) else: # TODO: For now we are playing with historical data, for each run we don't want to miss any data, thus we start with leftMost interest.setChildSelector(0) interest.setMustBeFresh(True) interest.setInterestLifetimeMilliseconds(DEFAULT_INTEREST_LIFETIME) if __debug__: print(' Issue interest: ' + interest.getName().toUri()) self._face.expressInterest(interest, self.onData, self.onTimeout) return # TODO: once one calculation's decided a child has not answered, we should do another calculation def calculateAggregation(self, dataType, aggregationType, childrenList, startTime, interval, publishingPrefix, repeat = False): doCalc = True dataList = [] # TODO: an intermediate node cannot produce raw data for now if len(childrenList.keys()) != 0: for childName in childrenList.keys(): dataDictKey = self.getDataDictKey(startTime, (startTime + interval), childName) if dataDictKey in self._dataQueue[dataType + aggregationType]._dataDict: data = self._dataQueue[dataType + aggregationType]._dataDict[dataDictKey] dataList.append(float(data.getContent().toRawStr())) else: #print('Child ' + childName + ' has not replied yet') doCalc = False break else: for inst in self._dataQueue[dataType]._dataDict.keys(): if int(inst) >= startTime and int(inst) < startTime + interval: dataList.append(self._dataQueue[dataType]._dataDict[inst]) if doCalc: content = self._aggregation.getAggregation(aggregationType, dataList) if content: publishData = Data(Name(publishingPrefix).append(str(startTime)).append(str(startTime + interval))) publishData.setContent(str(content)) publishData.getMetaInfo().setFreshnessPeriod(DEFAULT_DATA_LIFETIME) self._keyChain.sign(publishData, self._certificateName) self._memoryContentCache.add(publishData) for childName in childrenList.keys(): dataDictKey = self.getDataDictKey(startTime, (startTime + interval), childName) if dataDictKey in self._dataQueue[dataType + aggregationType]._dataDict: del self._dataQueue[dataType + aggregationType]._dataDict[dataDictKey] if __debug__: print("Produced: " + publishData.getName().toUri() + "; " + publishData.getContent().toRawStr()) # repetition of this function only happens for raw data producer, otherwise calculateAggregation is called by each onData if repeat: self._loop.call_later(interval, self.calculateAggregation, dataType, aggregationType, childrenList, startTime + interval, interval, publishingPrefix, repeat) return def generateData(self, dataType, interval, startTime): self._dataQueue[dataType]._dataDict[str(startTime)] = random.randint(0,9) self._loop.call_later(interval, self.generateData, dataType, interval, startTime + interval) return def onRegisterFailed(self, prefix): raise RuntimeError("Register failed for prefix", prefix.toUri()) def onVerified(self, data): print('Data verified: ' + data.getName().toUri()) return def onVerifyFailed(self, data): print('Data verification failed: ' + data.getName().toUri()) return def onData(self, interest, data): self._keyChain.verifyData(data, self.onVerified, self.onVerifyFailed) dataName = data.getName() dataQueue = None if __debug__: print("Got data: " + dataName.toUri() + "; " + data.getContent().toRawStr()) for i in range(0, len(dataName)): if dataName.get(i).toEscapedString() == AGGREGATION_COMPONENT: dataType = dataName.get(i - 1).toEscapedString() aggregationType = dataName.get(i + 1).toEscapedString() startTime = int(dataName.get(i + 2).toEscapedString()) endTime = int(dataName.get(i + 3).toEscapedString()) childName = dataName.get(i - 3).toEscapedString() dataAndAggregationType = dataType + aggregationType dataDictKey = self.getDataDictKey(startTime, endTime, childName) dataQueue = self._dataQueue[dataAndAggregationType] dataQueue._dataDict[dataDictKey] = data break # TODO: check what if interval/starttime is misconfigured if dataQueue: self.calculateAggregation(dataType, aggregationType, dataQueue._childrenList, startTime, endTime - startTime, dataQueue._publishingPrefix) # Always ask for the next piece of data when we receive this one; assumes interval does not change; this also assumes there are no more components after endTime #newInterestName = dataName.getPrefix(i + 2).append(str(endTime)).append(str(endTime + (endTime - startTime))) # We don't expect aggregated data name to be continuous within our given time window, so we ask with exclusion instead newInterestName = dataName.getPrefix(i + 2) newInterest = Interest(interest) newInterest.setName(newInterestName) newInterest.setChildSelector(0) exclude = Exclude() exclude.appendAny() exclude.appendComponent(dataName.get(i + 2)) newInterest.setExclude(exclude) self._face.expressInterest(newInterest, self.onData, self.onTimeout) if __debug__: print(" issue interest: " + interest.getName().toUri()) return def onTimeout(self, interest): if __debug__: print(" interest timeout: " + interest.getName().toUri() + "; reexpress") pass self._face.expressInterest(interest, self.onData, self.onTimeout) return def stop(self): self._loop.stop() if __debug__: print("Stopped") return # This creation of dataDictKey means parent and child should not have the same name @staticmethod def getDataDictKey(startTime, endTime, childName): return str(startTime) + '/' + str(endTime) + '/' + childName ## # Logging ## def prepareLogging(self): self.log = logging.getLogger(str(self.__class__)) self.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logFormat = "%(asctime)-15s %(name)-20s %(funcName)-20s (%(levelname)-8s):\n\t%(message)s" self._console = logging.StreamHandler() self._console.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(logFormat)) self._console.setLevel(logging.INFO) # without this, a lot of ThreadsafeFace errors get swallowed up logging.getLogger("trollius").addHandler(self._console) self.log.addHandler(self._console) def setLogLevel(self, level): """ Set the log level that will be output to standard error :param level: A log level constant defined in the logging module (e.g. logging.INFO) """ self._console.setLevel(level) def getLogger(self): """ :return: The logger associated with this node :rtype: logging.Logger """ return self.log
class NaiveEDLParserAndPublisher(object): def __init__(self, applyEDLAdjustment=True): # prepare trollius logging self.prepareLogging() self._events = dict() self._running = False self._applyEDLAdjustment = applyEDLAdjustment # NDN related variables self._loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self._face = ThreadsafeFace(self._loop) # Use the system default key chain and certificate name to sign commands. self._keyChain = KeyChain() self._keyChain.setFace(self._face) self._certificateName = self._keyChain.getDefaultCertificateName() self._face.setCommandSigningInfo(self._keyChain, self._certificateName) self._memoryContentCache = MemoryContentCache(self._face) # Publishing parameters conf iguration self._translationServiceUrl = "" self._namePrefixString = "/ndn/edu/ucla/remap/test/edl/" self._dataLifetime = 2000 self._publishBeforeSeconds = 3 self._translateBeforeSeconds = 60 self._currentIdx = 0 # Youtube related variables: # Channel Global song: UCSMJaKICZKXkpvr7Gj8pPUg # Channel Los Angeles: UCeuQoBBzMW6SWkxd8_1I8NQ # self._channelID = 'UCSMJaKICZKXkpvr7Gj8pPUg' self._channelID = "UCSMJaKICZKXkpvr7Gj8pPUg" self._accessKey = "AIzaSyCe8t7PnmWjMKZ1gBouhP1zARpqNwHAs0s" # queryStr = ',contentDetails,statistics,status&key=' + apiKey + '&id=' # Video query example #,contentDetails,statistics,status&key=AIzaSyDUY_AX1iJQcwCW1mASEp5GcLtq1V9BM1Q&id=_ebELPKANxo # Channel query example #,id&order=date&maxResults=20 self._videoUrlDict = dict() self._edlAdjustmentDict = dict() return def getClipUrlOAuth(self): self._videoUrlDict = dict((k.lower(), v) for k, v in getAllVideosFromChannel().iteritems()) # Old getClipUrl function that looks at the public Youtube channel without using Python API def getClipUrl(self, nextPageToken=None): options = {"part": "snippet,id", "order": "date", "maxResults": "20"} if nextPageToken is not None: options["pageToken"] = nextPageToken prefix = "" queryUrl = prefix + "key=" + self._accessKey + "&channelId=" + self._channelID for item in options: queryUrl += "&" + item + "=" + options[item] result = json.loads(urllib.urlopen(queryUrl).read()) for item in result["items"]: if "snippet" in item and "id" in item and "videoId" in item["id"]: self._videoUrlDict[item["snippet"]["title"].lower()] = item["id"]["videoId"] else: print("Unexpected JSON from youtube channel query") if "nextPageToken" in result: self.getClipUrl(result["nextPageToken"]) else: if __debug__: print("Building videoUrl dict finished; number of entries: " + str(len(self._videoUrlDict))) # for item in self._videoUrlDict: # print("* " + item) return def parse(self, fileName): isEventBegin = False lastEventID = -1 with open(fileName, "r") as edlFile: for line in edlFile: if isEventBegin: components = line.split() try: eventID = int(components[0]) except ValueError: print("Cannot cast " + components[0] + " to eventID") continue # We seem to have a fixed number of components here; # reference: reelName = components[1] channel = components[2] trans = components[3] timeComponentsIdx = len(components) - 4 srcStartTime = components[timeComponentsIdx] srcEndTime = components[timeComponentsIdx + 1] dstStartTime = components[timeComponentsIdx + 2] dstEndTime = components[timeComponentsIdx + 3] self._events[eventID] = json.loads( '{ \ "event_id": "%s", \ "reel_name": "%s", \ "channel": "%s", \ "trans": "%s", \ "src_start_time": "%s", \ "src_end_time": "%s", \ "dst_start_time": "%s", \ "dst_end_time": "%s", \ "src_url": "%s", \ "translated": "%s", \ "clipName": "%s", \ "ytPresent": "%s" \ }' % ( str(eventID), reelName, channel, trans, srcStartTime, srcEndTime, dstStartTime, dstEndTime, "none", "none", "n/a", "n/a", ) ) isEventBegin = False lastEventID = eventID elif re.match(r"\s+", line) is not None or line == "": isEventBegin = True elif lastEventID > 0: # Skipping events that do not have right offset if not eventID in self._events: print("Line skipped because of missing start time adjustment") continue fromClipNameMatch = re.match(r"\* FROM CLIP NAME: ([^\n]*)\n", line) if fromClipNameMatch is not None: clipName = parsedClipName = clipName.lower().replace("_", " ").replace("-", " ") if self._applyEDLAdjustment: if clipName in self._edlAdjustmentDict: startTimeAdjusted = self.getTimeMinus( self._edlAdjustmentDict[clipName].split(":"), self._events[eventID]["src_start_time"].split(":"), ) endTimeAdjusted = self.getTimeMinus( self._edlAdjustmentDict[clipName].split(":"), self._events[eventID]["src_end_time"].split(":"), ) self._events[eventID]["src_start_time"] = startTimeAdjusted self._events[eventID]["src_end_time"] = endTimeAdjusted # Skipping events that do not have right offset if startTimeAdjusted == "" or endTimeAdjusted == "": print( clipName + " : " + startTimeAdjusted, " start time incorrect; event " + str(eventID) + " ignored", ) del self._events[eventID] continue else: # Skipping events that do not have right offset print( "Warning: EDL adjustment not found for " + clipName + "; event " + str(eventID) + " ignored" ) del self._events[eventID] continue self._events[eventID]["clipName"] = parsedClipName # We don't do audio (only .wav or .mp3) for now if parsedClipName.endswith(".wav") or parsedClipName.endswith(".mp3"): continue else: parsedClipName = (" ").join(parsedClipName.split(".")[:-1]) # print(parsedClipName) if parsedClipName in self._videoUrlDict: # we assume one src_url from one FROM CLIP NAME for now self._events[eventID]["src_url"] = ( "" + self._videoUrlDict[parsedClipName] ) self._events[eventID]["ytPresent"] = "YES" print("src_url is " + self._events[eventID]["src_url"]) else: self._events[eventID]["ytPresent"] = "NO" print("Warning: file not found in Youtube channel: " + clipName) else: if "payload" not in self._events[eventID]: self._events[eventID]["payload"] = [line] else: self._events[eventID]["payload"].append(line) @asyncio.coroutine def startPublishing(self): if len(self._events) == 0: return elif not self._running: self._memoryContentCache.registerPrefix( Name(self._namePrefixString), self.onRegisterFailed, self.onDataNotFound ) startTime = time.time() latestEventTime = 0 lastEventID = 0 for event_id in sorted(self._events): timeStrs = self._events[event_id]["dst_start_time"].split(":") publishingTime = self.getScheduledTime(timeStrs, self._publishBeforeSeconds) translationTime = self.getScheduledTime(timeStrs, self._translateBeforeSeconds) if publishingTime > latestEventTime: latestEventTime = publishingTime self._loop.call_later(translationTime, self.translateUrl, event_id) self._loop.call_later(publishingTime, self.publishData, event_id) lastEventID = event_id # append arbitrary 'end' data lastEventID = lastEventID + 1 self._events[lastEventID] = json.loads( '{ \ "event_id": "%s", \ "src_url": "%s", \ "translated": "%s" \ }' % (str(lastEventID), "end", "not-required") ) startTime = self.getScheduledTime(self._events[lastEventID - 1]["src_start_time"].split(":"), 0) endTime = self.getScheduledTime(self._events[lastEventID - 1]["src_end_time"].split(":"), 0) print("scheduled end " + str(endTime - startTime) + " sec from now") self._loop.call_later(latestEventTime + 1, self.publishData, lastEventID) self._loop.call_later(latestEventTime + 2 + (endTime - startTime), self._loop.stop) self._running = True def translateUrl(self, idx): queryUrl = self._translationServiceUrl timeStrs = self._events[idx]["src_start_time"].split(":") # we don't have the video from Youtube if self._events[idx]["src_url"] == "none": # print("no video from Youtube") # we still publish the data even if src_url is "none", to maintain consecutive sequence numbers self._events[idx]["translated"] = "non-existent" return serviceUrl = self._events[idx]["src_url"] # + "&t=" + str(self.timeToSeconds(timeStrs)) + "s" values = {"url": serviceUrl, "fetchIfNotExist": "true"} data = urllibparse.urlencode(values) req = urllib.Request(queryUrl, data) # This synchronous request might block the execution of publishData; should be changed later response = urllib.urlopen(req) videoUrl = self._events[idx]["ori_url"] = serviceUrl self._events[idx]["src_url"] = videoUrl if self._events[idx]["translated"] == "publish": # We already missed the scheduled publishing time; should publish as soon as translation finishes self.publishData(idx) else: self._events[idx]["translated"] = "translated" return def publishData(self, idx): # Translation of the video URL has finished by the time of the publishData call; # if not, we set translated to "publish"; this is data race free since translateUrl and publishData are scheduled in the same thread if self._events[idx]["translated"] != "none": # Order published events sequence numbers by start times in destination data = Data(Name(self._namePrefixString + str(self._currentIdx))) data.setContent(json.dumps(self._events[idx])) data.getMetaInfo().setFreshnessPeriod(self._dataLifetime) self._keyChain.sign(data, self._certificateName) self._memoryContentCache.add(data) self._currentIdx += 1 if __debug__: eventId = str(self._events[idx]["event_id"]) channel = str(self._events[idx]["channel"]) srcUrl = str(self._events[idx]["src_url"]) clipName = str(self._events[idx]["clipName"]) ytPresent = str(self._events[idx]["ytPresent"]) clipStartTime = str(self._events[idx]["dst_start_time"]) clipEndTime = str(self._events[idx]["dst_end_time"]) print( str(time.time()) + " Added event [" + eventId + "-" + channel + "|" + clipName + " YT:" + ytPresent + " " + srcUrl[0:30] + "... " + clipStartTime + "-" + clipEndTime + "] (" + data.getName().toUri() + ")" ) else: self._events[idx]["translated"] = "publish" def timeToSeconds(self, timeStrs): seconds = int(timeStrs[2]) minutes = int(timeStrs[1]) hours = int(timeStrs[0]) ret = hours * 3600 + minutes * 60 + seconds return ret def getTimeMinus(self, timeStrs1, timeStrs2): frameNumber = int(timeStrs1[3]) seconds = int(timeStrs1[2]) minutes = int(timeStrs1[1]) hours = int(timeStrs1[0]) frameNumber2 = int(timeStrs2[3]) - frameNumber seconds2 = int(timeStrs2[2]) - seconds minutes2 = int(timeStrs2[1]) - minutes hours2 = int(timeStrs2[0]) - hours if frameNumber2 < 0: # frame rate assumption frameNumber2 = 30 + frameNumber2 seconds2 = seconds2 - 1 if seconds2 < 0: seconds2 = 60 + seconds2 minutes2 = minutes2 - 1 if minutes2 < 0: minutes2 = 60 + minutes2 hours2 = hours2 - 1 if hours2 < 0: print("Warning: time minus smaller than 0") return "" # Arbitrary guard of start times that are off if hours2 > 1 or minutes2 > 1: return "" return ":".join([str(hours2), str(minutes2), str(seconds2), str(frameNumber2)]) def getScheduledTime(self, timeStrs, beforeSeconds): frameNumber = int(timeStrs[3]) seconds = int(timeStrs[2]) minutes = int(timeStrs[1]) hours = int(timeStrs[0]) ret = hours * 3600 + minutes * 60 + seconds - beforeSeconds return 0 if ret < 0 else ret def onRegisterFailed(self, prefix): raise RuntimeError("Register failed for prefix", prefix.toUri()) def onDataNotFound(self, prefix, interest, face, interestFilterId, filter): # print('Data not found for interest: ' + interest.getName().toUri()) return ############################# # Logging ############################# def prepareLogging(self): self.log = logging.getLogger(str(self.__class__)) self.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logFormat = "%(asctime)-15s %(name)-20s %(funcName)-20s (%(levelname)-8s):\n\t%(message)s" self._console = logging.StreamHandler() self._console.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(logFormat)) self._console.setLevel(logging.INFO) # without this, a lot of ThreadsafeFace errors get swallowed up logging.getLogger("trollius").addHandler(self._console) self.log.addHandler(self._console) def setLogLevel(self, level): """ Set the log level that will be output to standard error :param level: A log level constant defined in the logging module (e.g. logging.INFO) """ self._console.setLevel(level) def getLogger(self): """ :return: The logger associated with this node :rtype: logging.Logger """ return self.log ############################ def loadEDLAdjustment(self, csvFile): with open(csvFile, "rb") as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=",", quotechar="|") for row in reader: self._edlAdjustmentDict[row[3]] = row[1]
class IotConsole(object): """ This uses the controller's credentials to provide a management interface to the user. It does not go through the security handshake (as it should be run on the same device as the controller) and so does not inherit from the BaseNode. """ def __init__(self, networkName, nodeName): super(IotConsole, self).__init__() self.deviceSuffix = Name(nodeName) self.networkPrefix = Name(networkName) self.prefix = Name(self.networkPrefix).append(self.deviceSuffix) self._identityStorage = IotIdentityStorage() self._policyManager = IotPolicyManager(self._identityStorage) self._identityManager = IotIdentityManager(self._identityStorage) self._keyChain = KeyChain(self._identityManager, self._policyManager) self._policyManager.setEnvironmentPrefix(self.networkPrefix) self._policyManager.setTrustRootIdentity(self.prefix) self._policyManager.setDeviceIdentity(self.prefix) self._policyManager.updateTrustRules() self.foundCommands = {} self.unconfiguredDevices = [] # TODO: use xDialog in XWindows self.ui = Dialog(backtitle='NDN IoT User Console', height=18, width=78) trolliusLogger = logging.getLogger('trollius') trolliusLogger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) def start(self): """ Start up the UI """ self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.face = ThreadsafeFace(self.loop, '') controllerCertificateName = self._identityStorage.getDefaultCertificateNameForIdentity( self.prefix) self.face.setCommandSigningInfo(self._keyChain, controllerCertificateName) self._keyChain.setFace( self.face) # shouldn't be necessarym but doesn't hurt self._isStopped = False self.face.stopWhen(lambda: self._isStopped) self.loop.call_soon(self.displayMenu) try: self.loop.run_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except Exception as e: print(e) #self.log('Exception', e) finally: self._isStopped = True def stop(self): self._isStopped = True ####### # GUI ####### def displayMenu(self): menuOptions = OrderedDict([('List network services', self.listCommands), ('Pair a device', self.pairDevice), ('Express interest', self.expressInterest), ('Quit', self.stop)]) (retCode, retStr) = self.ui.mainMenu('Main Menu', menuOptions.keys()) if retCode == Dialog.DIALOG_ESC or retCode == Dialog.DIALOG_CANCEL: # TODO: ask if you're sure you want to quit self.stop() if retCode == Dialog.DIALOG_OK: menuOptions[retStr]() ####### # List all commands ###### def listCommands(self): self._requestDeviceList(self._showCommandList, self.displayMenu) def _requestDeviceList(self, successCallback, timeoutCallback): self.ui.alert('Requesting services list...', False) interestName = Name(self.prefix).append('listCommands') interest = Interest(interestName) interest.setInterestLifetimeMilliseconds(3000) #self.face.makeCommandInterest(interest) self.face.expressInterest( interest, self._makeOnCommandListCallback(successCallback), self._makeOnCommandListTimeoutCallback(timeoutCallback)) def _makeOnCommandListTimeoutCallback(self, callback): def onCommandListTimeout(interest): self.ui.alert('Timed out waiting for services list') self.loop.call_soon(callback) return onCommandListTimeout def _makeOnCommandListCallback(self, callback): def onCommandListReceived(interest, data): try: commandInfo = json.loads(str(data.getContent())) except: self.ui.alert( 'An error occured while reading the services list') self.loop.call_soon(self.displayMenu) else: self.foundCommands = commandInfo self.loop.call_soon(callback) return onCommandListReceived def _showCommandList(self): try: commandList = [] for capability, commands in self.foundCommands.items(): commandList.append('\Z1{}:'.format(capability)) for info in commands: signingStr = 'signed' if info['signed'] else 'unsigned' commandList.append('\Z0\t{} ({})'.format( info['name'], signingStr)) commandList.append('') if len(commandList) == 0: # should not happen commandList = ['----NONE----'] allCommands = '\n'.join(commandList) oldTitle = self.ui.title self.ui.title = 'Available services' self.ui.alert(allCommands, preExtra=['--colors']) self.ui.title = oldTitle'Available services', commandList, prefix='', extras=['--no-cancel']) finally: self.loop.call_soon(self.displayMenu) ####### # New device ###### def pairDevice(self): self._scanForUnconfiguredDevices() def _enterPairingInfo(self, serial, pin='', newName=''): fields = [ Dialog.FormField('PIN', pin), Dialog.FormField('Device name', newName) ] (retCode, retList) = self.ui.form('Pairing device {}'.format(serial), fields) if retCode == Dialog.DIALOG_OK: pin, newName = retList if len(pin) == 0 or len(newName) == 0: self.ui.alert('All fields are required') self.loop.call_soon(self._enterPairingInfo, serial, pin, newName) else: try: pinBytes = pin.decode('hex') except TypeError: self.ui.alert('Pin is invalid') self.loop.call_soon(self._enterPairingInfo, serial, pin, newName) else: self._addDeviceToNetwork(serial, newName, pin.decode('hex')) elif retCode == Dialog.DIALOG_CANCEL or retCode == Dialog.DIALOG_ESC: self.loop.call_soon(self._showConfigurationList) def _showConfigurationList(self): foundDevices = self.unconfiguredDevices[:] emptyStr = '----NONE----' if len(foundDevices) == 0: foundDevices.append(emptyStr) retCode, retStr ='Select a device to configure', foundDevices, preExtras=[ '--ok-label', 'Configure', '--extra-button', '--extra-label', 'Refresh' ]) if retCode == Dialog.DIALOG_CANCEL or retCode == Dialog.DIALOG_ESC: self.loop.call_soon(self.displayMenu) elif retCode == Dialog.DIALOG_EXTRA: self.loop.call_soon(self._scanForUnconfiguredDevices) elif retCode == Dialog.DIALOG_OK and retStr != emptyStr: self.loop.call_soon(self._enterPairingInfo, retStr) else: self.loop.call_soon(self._showConfigurationList) def _scanForUnconfiguredDevices(self): # unconfigured devices should register '/localhop/configure' # we keep asking for unconfigured devices until we stop getting replies foundDevices = [] self.ui.alert('Scanning for unconfigured devices...', False) def onDeviceTimeout(interest): # assume we're done - everyone is excluded self.unconfiguredDevices = foundDevices self.loop.call_soon(self._showConfigurationList) def onDeviceResponse(interest, data): updatedInterest = Interest(interest) deviceSerial = str(data.getContent()) if len(deviceSerial) > 0: foundDevices.append(deviceSerial) updatedInterest.getExclude().appendComponent( Name.Component(deviceSerial)) # else ignore the malformed response self.face.expressInterest(updatedInterest, onDeviceResponse, onDeviceTimeout) interest = Interest(Name('/localhop/configure')) interest.setInterestLifetimeMilliseconds(2000) self.face.expressInterest(interest, onDeviceResponse, onDeviceTimeout) def _addDeviceToNetwork(self, serial, suffix, pin): self.ui.alert('Sending pairing info to gateway...', False) # we must encrypt this so no one can see the pin! message = DevicePairingInfoMessage() = suffix = serial = pin rawBytes = ProtobufTlv.encode(message) encryptedBytes = self._identityManager.encryptForIdentity( rawBytes, self.prefix) encodedBytes = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(str(encryptedBytes)) interestName = Name( self.prefix).append('addDevice').append(encodedBytes) interest = Interest(interestName) # todo: have the controller register this console as a listener # and update it with pairing status interest.setInterestLifetimeMilliseconds(5000) self.face.makeCommandInterest(interest) self.face.expressInterest(interest, self._onAddDeviceResponse, self._onAddDeviceTimeout) def _onAddDeviceResponse(self, interest, data): try: responseCode = int(str(data.getContent())) if responseCode == 202: self.ui.alert('Gateway received pairing info') else: self.ui.alert('Error encountered while sending pairing info') except: self.ui.alert('Exception encountered while decoding gateway reply') finally: self.loop.call_soon(self.displayMenu) def _onAddDeviceTimeout(self, interest): self.ui.alert('Timed out sending pairing info to gateway') self.loop.call_soon(self.displayMenu) ###### # Express interest ##### def expressInterest(self): if len(self.foundCommands) == 0: self._requestDeviceList(self._showInterestMenu, self._showInterestMenu) else: self.loop.call_soon(self._showInterestMenu) def _showInterestMenu(self): # display a menu of all available interests, on selection allow user to # (1) extend it # (2) send it signed/unsigned # NOTE: should it add custom ones to the list? commandSet = set() wildcard = '<Enter Interest Name>' try: for commands in self.foundCommands.values(): commandSet.update([c['name'] for c in commands]) commandList = list(commandSet) commandList.append(wildcard) (returnCode, returnStr) ='Choose a command', commandList, prefix=' ') if returnCode == Dialog.DIALOG_OK: if returnStr == wildcard: returnStr = self.networkPrefix.toUri() self.loop.call_soon(self._expressCustomInterest, returnStr) else: self.loop.call_soon(self.displayMenu) except: self.loop.call_soon(self.displayMenu) def _expressCustomInterest(self, interestName): #TODO: make this a form, add timeout field try: handled = False (returnCode, returnStr) = self.ui.prompt('Send interest', interestName, preExtra=[ '--extra-button', '--extra-label', 'Signed', '--ok-label', 'Unsigned' ]) if returnCode == Dialog.DIALOG_ESC or returnCode == Dialog.DIALOG_CANCEL: self.loop.call_soon(self.expressInterest) else: interestName = Name(returnStr) doSigned = (returnCode == Dialog.DIALOG_EXTRA) interest = Interest(interestName) interest.setInterestLifetimeMilliseconds(5000) interest.setChildSelector(1) interest.setMustBeFresh(True) if (doSigned): self.face.makeCommandInterest(interest) self.ui.alert( 'Waiting for response to {}'.format(interestName.toUri()), False) self.face.expressInterest(interest, self.onDataReceived, self.onInterestTimeout) except: self.loop.call_soon(self.expressInterest) def onInterestTimeout(self, interest): try: self.ui.alert('Interest timed out:\n{}'.format( interest.getName().toUri())) except: self.ui.alert('Interest timed out') finally: self.loop.call_soon(self.expressInterest) def onDataReceived(self, interest, data): try: dataString = '{}\n\n'.format(data.getName().toUri()) dataString += 'Contents:\n{}'.format( repr(data.getContent().toRawStr())) self.ui.alert(dataString) except: self.ui.alert('Exception occured displaying data contents') finally: self.loop.call_soon(self.expressInterest)
def startFileSync(): global EXIT screenName = promptAndInput("Enter your name: ") defaultHubPrefix = "ndn/no/ntnu" hubPrefix = promptAndInput("Enter your hub prefix [" + defaultHubPrefix + "]: ") if hubPrefix == "": hubPrefix = defaultHubPrefix defaultpkList = "pklist" pkListName = promptAndInput("Sync with public key list [" + defaultpkList + "]: ") if pkListName == "": pkListName = defaultpkList host = "localhost" # host = """Connecting to " + host + ", public Key List: " + pkListName + ", Name: " + screenName) # Set up the key chain. face = Face(host) identityStorage = MemoryIdentityStorage() privateKeyStorage = MemoryPrivateKeyStorage() # privateKeyStorage = OSXPrivateKeyStorage() identityManager = IdentityManager(identityStorage, privateKeyStorage) # identityManager.createIdentity(Name("/name/")) keyChain = KeyChain(identityManager, NoVerifyPolicyManager()) keyChain.setFace(face) keyName = Name("/testname/DSK-123") certificateName = keyName.getSubName(0, keyName.size() - 1).append("KEY").append(keyName[-1]).append("ID-CERT").append("0") identityStorage.addKey(keyName, KeyType.RSA, Blob(DEFAULT_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_DER)) privateKeyStorage.setKeyPairForKeyName(keyName, KeyType.RSA, DEFAULT_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_DER, DEFAULT_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY_DER) face.setCommandSigningInfo(keyChain, certificateName) # keyName = Name("/ndn/no/ntnu/stud/haakonmo/ksk-1426537450856") # certificateName = Name("/ndn/no/ntnu/KEY/stud/haakonmo/ksk-1426537450856/ID-CERT/%FD%00%00%01L%26%D9E%92") # publicKey = privateKeyStorage.getPublicKey(keyName) # identityStorage.addKey(keyName, publicKey.getKeyType(), publicKey.getKeyDer()) # face.setCommandSigningInfo(keyChain, certificateName) # print(identityStorage.getCertificate(certificateName)) # print(identityStorage.getKey(keyName)) path = './files/' fileSyncer = FileSync(screenName, pkListName, Name(hubPrefix), face, keyChain, certificateName, path) fileSyncer.initial() fileWatcher = FileWatch(fileSyncer, path) # TODO: # 1. Generate new public key or use existing? # 2. Watch new public key # 3. sendUpdatedPublicKey if key is changed # 4. Download and store other keys # 5. Verify data packet while not EXIT: isReady, _, _ =[sys.stdin], [], [], 0) if len(isReady) != 0: input = promptAndInput("") if input == "leave" or input == "exit": EXIT = True break #fileSyncer.onFileUpdate(input) fileSyncer.face.processEvents() # We need to sleep for a few milliseconds so we don't use 100% of the CPU. time.sleep(0.01) fileSyncer.unsubscribe() startTime = FileSync.getNowMilliseconds() while True: if FileSync.getNowMilliseconds() - startTime >= 1000.0: break face.processEvents() time.sleep(0.01) # Shutdown all services fileSyncer.face.shutdown() fileWatcher.stopFileWatch()
class BaseNode(object): """ This class contains methods/attributes common to both node and controller. """ def __init__(self, transport = None, conn = None): """ Initialize the network and security classes for the node """ super(BaseNode, self).__init__() self.faceTransport = transport self.faceConn = conn self._identityStorage = BasicIdentityStorage() self._identityManager = IdentityManager(self._identityStorage, FilePrivateKeyStorage()) self._policyManager = IotPolicyManager(self._identityStorage) # hopefully there is some private/public key pair available self._keyChain = KeyChain(self._identityManager, self._policyManager) self._registrationFailures = 0 self._prepareLogging() self._setupComplete = False ## # Logging ## def _prepareLogging(self): self.log = logging.getLogger(str(self.__class__)) self.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logFormat = "%(asctime)-15s %(name)-20s %(funcName)-20s (%(levelname)-8s):\n\t%(message)s" self._console = logging.StreamHandler() self._console.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(logFormat)) self._console.setLevel(logging.INFO) # without this, a lot of ThreadsafeFace errors get swallowed up logging.getLogger("trollius").addHandler(self._console) self.log.addHandler(self._console) def setLogLevel(self, level): """ Set the log level that will be output to standard error :param level: A log level constant defined in the logging module (e.g. logging.INFO) """ self._console.setLevel(level) def getLogger(self): """ :return: The logger associated with this node :rtype: logging.Logger """ return self.log ### # Startup and shutdown ### def beforeLoopStart(self): """ Called before the event loop starts. """ pass def getDefaultCertificateName(self): try: certName = self._identityStorage.getDefaultCertificateNameForIdentity( self._policyManager.getDeviceIdentity()) except SecurityException as e: # zhehao: in the case of producer's /localhop prefixes, the default key is not defined in ndnsec-public-info.db certName = self._keyChain.createIdentityAndCertificate(self._policyManager.getDeviceIdentity()) #certName = self._keyChain.getDefaultCertificateName() #print(certName.toUri()) return certName def start(self): """ Begins the event loop. After this, the node's Face is set up and it can send/receive interests+data """"Starting up") self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() if (self.faceTransport == None or self.faceTransport == ''): self.face = ThreadsafeFace(self.loop) else: self.face = ThreadsafeFace(self.loop, self.faceTransport, self.faceConn) self.face.setCommandSigningInfo(self._keyChain, self.getDefaultCertificateName()) self._keyChain.setFace(self.face) self._isStopped = False self.beforeLoopStart() try: self.loop.run_forever() except Exception as e: self.log.exception(exc_info=True) finally: self.stop() def stop(self): """ Stops the node, taking it off the network """"Shutting down") self._isStopped = True self.loop.stop() ### # Data handling ### def signData(self, data): """ Sign the data with our network certificate :param pyndn.Data data: The data to sign """ self._keyChain.sign(data, self.getDefaultCertificateName()) def sendData(self, data, sign=True): """ Reply to an interest with a data packet, optionally signing it. :param pyndn.Data data: The response data packet :param boolean sign: (optional, default=True) Whether the response must be signed. """ if sign: self.signData(data) self.face.putData(data) ### # # ## def onRegisterFailed(self, prefix): """ Called when the node cannot register its name with the forwarder :param pyndn.Name prefix: The network name that failed registration """ if self.faceTransport != None and self.faceConn != None: self.log.warn("Explicit face transport and connectionInfo: Could not register {}; expect a manual or autoreg on the other side.".format(prefix.toUri())) elif self._registrationFailures < 5: self._registrationFailures += 1 self.log.warn("Could not register {}, retry: {}/{}".format(prefix.toUri(), self._registrationFailures, 5)) self.face.registerPrefix(self.prefix, self._onCommandReceived, self.onRegisterFailed) else:"Prefix registration failed") self.stop() def verificationFailed(self, dataOrInterest): """ Called when verification of a data packet or command interest fails. :param pyndn.Data or pyndn.Interest: The packet that could not be verified """"Received invalid" + dataOrInterest.getName().toUri()) @staticmethod def getSerial(): """ Find and return the serial number of the Raspberry Pi. Provided in case you wish to distinguish data from nodes with the same name by serial. :return: The serial number extracted from device information in /proc/cpuinfo :rtype: str """ try: if PLATFORM == "raspberry pi": with open('/proc/cpuinfo') as f: for line in f: if line.startswith('Serial'): return line.split(':')[1].strip() else: return "todo" except NameError: return "todo"
class Bootstrap(object): """ Create a Bootstrap object. Bootstrap object provides interface for setting up KeyChain, default certificate name; (as a producer) requesting publishing authorization from controller; and (as a consumer) keeping track of changes :param face: the face for communicating with a local / remote forwarder :type face: ThreadsafeFace TODO: support Face as well as ThreadsafeFace """ def __init__(self, face): self._defaultIdentity = None self._defaultCertificateName = None self._controllerName = None self._controllerCertificate = None self._applicationName = "" self._identityManager = IdentityManager(BasicIdentityStorage(), FilePrivateKeyStorage()) self._policyManager = ConfigPolicyManager()"validator \n \ { \n \ rule \n \ { \n \ id \"initial rule\" \n \ for data \n \ checker \n \ { \n \ type hierarchical \n \ } \n \ } \n \ }", "initial-schema") # keyChain is what we return to the application after successful setup # TODO: should we separate keyChain from internal KeyChain used to verify trust schemas? self._keyChain = KeyChain(self._identityManager, self._policyManager) self._face = face # setFace for keyChain or else it won't be able to express interests for certs self._keyChain.setFace(self._face) self._certificateContentCache = MemoryContentCache(face) self._trustSchemas = dict() ############################################### # Initial keyChain and defaultCertificate setup ############################################### def setupDefaultIdentityAndRoot(self, defaultIdentityOrFileName, signerName = None, onSetupComplete = None, onSetupFailed = None): """ Sets up the keyChain, default key name and certificate name according to given configuration. If successful, this KeyChain and default certificate name will be returned to the application, which can be passed to instances like Consumer, Discovery, etc :param defaultIdentityOrFileName: if str, the name of the configuration file; if Name, the default identity name of this IoT node. The node will use the default keys and certificate of that identity name. :type defaultIdentityOrFileName: Name or str :param signerName: (optional) the expected signing identity of the certificate :type signerName: Name :param onSetupComplete: (optional) onSetupComplete(Name, KeyChain) will be called if set up's successful :type onSetupComplete: function object :param onSetupFailed: (optional) onSetupFailed(msg) will be called if setup fails :type onSetupFailed: function object """ def helper(identityName, signerName): try: self._defaultIdentity = identityName self._defaultCertificateName = self._identityManager.getDefaultCertificateNameForIdentity(self._defaultIdentity) self._defaultKeyName = self._identityManager.getDefaultKeyNameForIdentity(identityName) except SecurityException: msg = "Identity " + identityName.toUri() + " in configuration does not exist. Please configure the device with this identity first." if onSetupFailed: onSetupFailed(msg) return if not self._defaultCertificateName: msg = "Unable to get default certificate name for identity " + identityName.toUri() + ". Please configure the device with this identity first." if onSetupFailed: onSetupFailed(msg) return if not self._defaultKeyName: msg = "Unable to get default key name for identity " + identityName.toUri() + ". Please configure the device with this identity first." if onSetupFailed: onSetupFailed(msg) return # Note we'll not be able to issue face commands before this point self._face.setCommandSigningInfo(self._keyChain, self._defaultCertificateName) # Serve our own certificate self._certificateContentCache.registerPrefix(Name(self._defaultCertificateName).getPrefix(-1), self.onRegisterFailed) self._certificateContentCache.add(self._keyChain.getCertificate(self._defaultCertificateName)) actualSignerName = self._keyChain.getCertificate(self._defaultCertificateName).getSignature().getKeyLocator().getKeyName() if not signerName: print "Deriving from " + actualSignerName.toUri() + " for controller name" else: if signerName and actualSignerName.toUri() != signerName.toUri(): msg = "Configuration signer names mismatch: expected " + signerName.toUri() + "; got " + actualSignerName.toUri() print msg if onSetupFailed: onSetupFailed(msg) self._controllerName = self.getIdentityNameFromCertName(actualSignerName) print "Controller name: " + self._controllerName.toUri() try: self._controllerCertificate = self._keyChain.getCertificate(self._identityManager.getDefaultCertificateNameForIdentity(self._controllerName)) # TODO: this does not seem a good approach, implementation-wise and security implication self._policyManager._certificateCache.insertCertificate(self._controllerCertificate) if onSetupComplete: onSetupComplete(Name(self._defaultCertificateName), self._keyChain) except SecurityException as e: print "don't have controller certificate " + actualSignerName.toUri() + " yet" controllerCertInterest = Interest(Name(actualSignerName)) controllerCertInterest.setInterestLifetimeMilliseconds(4000) controllerCertRetries = 3 self._face.expressInterest(controllerCertInterest, lambda interest, data: self.onControllerCertData(interest, data, onSetupComplete, onSetupFailed), lambda interest: self.onControllerCertTimeout(interest, onSetupComplete, onSetupFailed, controllerCertRetries)) return if isinstance(defaultIdentityOrFileName, basestring): confObj = self.processConfiguration(defaultIdentityOrFileName) if "identity" in confObj: if confObj["identity"] == "default": # TODO: handling the case where no default identity is present defaultIdentity = self._keyChain.getDefaultIdentity() else: defaultIdentity = Name(confObj["identity"]) else: defaultIdentity = self._keyChain.getDefaultIdentity() # TODO: handling signature with direct bits instead of keylocator keyname if "signer" in confObj: if confObj["signer"] == "default": signerName = None else: signerName = Name(confObj["signer"]) else: signerName = None print "Deriving from " + signerName.toUri() + " for controller name" helper(defaultIdentity, signerName) else: if isinstance(defaultIdentityOrFileName, Name): helper(defaultIdentityOrFileName, signerName) else: raise RuntimeError("Please call setupDefaultIdentityAndRoot with identity name and root key name") return def onControllerCertData(self, interest, data, onSetupComplete, onSetupFailed): # TODO: verification rule for received self-signed cert. # So, if a controller comes masquerading in at this point with the right name, it is problematic. Similar with ndn-pi's implementation self._controllerCertificate = IdentityCertificate(data) # insert root certificate so that we could verify initial trust schemas # TODO: this does not seem a good approach, implementation-wise and security implication self._keyChain.getPolicyManager()._certificateCache.insertCertificate(self._controllerCertificate) try: self._identityManager.addCertificate(self._controllerCertificate) except SecurityException as e: print str(e) for schema in self._trustSchemas: # TODO: remove the concept of pending-schema if "pending-schema" in self._trustSchemas[schema]: self._keyChain.verifyData(self._trustSchemas[schema]["pending-schema"], self.onSchemaVerified, self.onSchemaVerificationFailed) if onSetupComplete: onSetupComplete(Name(self._defaultCertificateName), self._keyChain) return def onControllerCertTimeout(self, interest, onSetupComplete, onSetupFailed, controllerCertRetries): print "Controller certificate interest times out" newInterest = Interest(interest) newInterest.refreshNonce() if controllerCertRetries == 0: if onSetupFailed: onSetupFailed("Controller certificate interest times out") else: print "Set up failed: controller certificate interest times out" else: self._face.expressInterest(newInterest, lambda interest, data: self.onControllerCertData(interest, data, onSetupComplete, onSetupFailed), lambda interest: self.onControllerCertTimeout(interest, onSetupComplete, onSetupFailed, controllerCertRetries - 1)) return ######################################################### # Handling application consumption (trust schema updates) ######################################################### # TODO: if trust schema gets over packet size limit, segmentation def startTrustSchemaUpdate(self, appPrefix, onUpdateSuccess = None, onUpdateFailed = None): """ Starts trust schema update for under an application prefix: initial interest asks for the rightMostChild, and later interests are sent with previous version excluded. Each verified trust schema will trigger onUpdateSuccess and update the ConfigPolicyManager for the keyChain in this instance, and unverified ones will trigger onUpdateFailed. The keyChain and trust anchor should be set up using setupDefaultIdentityAndRoot before calling this method. :param appPrefix: the prefix to ask trust schema for. (interest name: /<prefix>/_schema) :type appPrefix: Name :param onUpdateSuccess: (optional) onUpdateSuccess(trustSchemaStr, isInitial) is called when update succeeds :type onUpdateSuccess: function object :param onUpdateFailed: (optional) onUpdateFailed(msg) is called when update fails :type onUpdateFailed: function object """ namespace = appPrefix.toUri() if namespace in self._trustSchemas: if self._trustSchemas[namespace]["following"] == True: print "Already following trust schema under this namespace!" return self._trustSchemas[namespace]["following"] = True else: self._trustSchemas[namespace] = {"following": True, "version": 0, "is-initial": True} initialInterest = Interest(Name(namespace).append("_schema")) initialInterest.setChildSelector(1) self._face.expressInterest(initialInterest, lambda interest, data: self.onTrustSchemaData(interest, data, onUpdateSuccess, onUpdateFailed), lambda interest: self.onTrustSchemaTimeout(interest, onUpdateSuccess, onUpdateFailed)) return def stopTrustSchemaUpdate(self): print "stopTrustSchemaUpdate not implemented" return def onSchemaVerified(self, data, onUpdateSuccess, onUpdateFailed): print "trust schema verified: " + data.getName().toUri() version = data.getName().get(-1) namespace = data.getName().getPrefix(-2).toUri() if not (namespace in self._trustSchemas): print "unexpected: received trust schema for application namespace that's not being followed; malformed data name?" return if version.toVersion() <= self._trustSchemas[namespace]["version"]: msg = "Got out-of-date trust schema" print msg if onUpdateFailed: onUpdateFailed(msg) return self._trustSchemas[namespace]["version"] = version.toVersion() if "pending-schema" in self._trustSchemas[namespace] and self._trustSchemas[namespace]["pending-schema"].getName().toUri() == data.getName().toUri(): # we verified a pending trust schema, don't need to keep that any more del self._trustSchemas[namespace]["pending-schema"] self._trustSchemas[namespace]["trust-schema"] = data.getContent().toRawStr() print self._trustSchemas[namespace]["trust-schema"] # TODO: what about trust schema for discovery, is discovery its own application? newInterest = Interest(Name(data.getName()).getPrefix(-1)) newInterest.setChildSelector(1) exclude = Exclude() exclude.appendAny() exclude.appendComponent(version) newInterest.setExclude(exclude) self._face.expressInterest(newInterest, lambda interest, data: self.onTrustSchemaData(interest, data, onUpdateSuccess, onUpdateFailed), lambda interest: self.onTrustSchemaTimeout(interest, onUpdateSuccess, onUpdateFailed)) # Note: this changes the verification rules for root cert, future trust schemas as well; ideally from the outside this doesn't have an impact, but do we want to avoid this? # Per reset function in ConfigPolicyManager; For now we don't call reset as we still want root cert in our certCache, instead of asking for it again (when we want to verify) each time we update the trust schema self._policyManager.config = BoostInfoParser()[namespace]["trust-schema"], "updated-schema") if onUpdateSuccess: onUpdateSuccess(data.getContent().toRawStr(), self._trustSchemas[namespace]["is-initial"]) self._trustSchemas[namespace]["is-initial"] = False return def onSchemaVerificationFailed(self, data, reason, onUpdateSuccess, onUpdateFailed): print "trust schema verification failed: " + reason namespace = data.getName().getPrefix(-2).toUri() if not (namespace in self._trustSchemas): print "unexpected: received trust schema for application namespace that's not being followed; malformed data name?" return newInterest = Interest(Name(data.getName()).getPrefix(-1)) newInterest.setChildSelector(1) exclude = Exclude() exclude.appendAny() exclude.appendComponent(Name.Component.fromVersion(self._trustSchemas[namespace]["version"])) newInterest.setExclude(exclude) # Don't immediately ask for potentially the same content again if verification fails self._face.callLater(4000, lambda : self._face.expressInterest(newInterest, lambda interest, data: self.onTrustSchemaData(interest, data, onUpdateSuccess, onUpdateFailed), lambda interest: self.onTrustSchemaTimeout(interest, onUpdateSuccess, onUpdateFailed))) return def onTrustSchemaData(self, interest, data, onUpdateSuccess, onUpdateFailed): print("Trust schema received: " + data.getName().toUri()) namespace = data.getName().getPrefix(-2).toUri() # Process newly received trust schema if not self._controllerCertificate: # we don't yet have the root certificate fetched, so we store this cert for now print "Controller certificate not yet present, verify once it's in place" self._trustSchemas[namespace]["pending-schema"] = data else: # we veriy the received trust schema, should we use an internal KeyChain instead? self._keyChain.verifyData(data, lambda data: self.onSchemaVerified(data, onUpdateSuccess, onUpdateFailed), lambda data, reason: self.onSchemaVerificationFailed(data, reason, onUpdateSuccess, onUpdateFailed)) return def onTrustSchemaTimeout(self, interest, onUpdateSuccess, onUpdateFailed): print("Trust schema interest times out: " + interest.getName().toUri()) newInterest = Interest(interest) newInterest.refreshNonce() self._face.expressInterest(newInterest, lambda interest, data: self.onTrustSchemaData(interest, data, onUpdateSuccess, onUpdateFailed), lambda interest: self.onTrustSchemaTimeout(interest, onUpdateSuccess, onUpdateFailed)) return ############################################### # Handling application producing authorizations ############################################### # Wrapper for sendAppRequest, fills in already configured defaultCertificateName def requestProducerAuthorization(self, dataPrefix, appName, onRequestSuccess = None, onRequestFailed = None): """ Requests producing authorization for a data prefix: commandInterest is sent out to the controller, using /<controller identity>/requests/<encoded-application-parameters>/<signed-interest-suffix> where encoded-application-parameters is a ProtobufTlv encoding of {appPrefix, certificateName, appName} The keyChain, trust anchor and controller name should be set up using setupDefaultIdentityAndRoot before calling this method. :param dataPrefix: the prefix to request publishing for :type dataPrefix: Name :param appName: the application name to request publishing for :type appName: str :param onRequestSuccess: (optional) onRequestSuccess() is called when a valid response if received for the request :type onRequestSuccess: function object :param onRequestFailed: (optional) onRequestFailed(msg) is called when request fails :type onRequestFailed: function object """ # TODO: update logic on this part, should the presence of default certificate name be mandatory? # And allow application developer to send app request to a configured root/controller? if not self._defaultCertificateName: raise RuntimeError("Default certificate is missing! Try setupDefaultIdentityAndRoot first?") return self.sendAppRequest(self._defaultCertificateName, dataPrefix, appName, onRequestSuccess, onRequestFailed) def sendAppRequest(self, certificateName, dataPrefix, applicationName, onRequestSuccess, onRequestFailed): message = AppRequestMessage() for component in range(certificateName.size()): message.command.idName.components.append(certificateName.get(component).toEscapedString()) for component in range(dataPrefix.size()): message.command.dataPrefix.components.append(dataPrefix.get(component).toEscapedString()) message.command.appName = applicationName paramComponent = ProtobufTlv.encode(message) requestInterest = Interest(Name(self._controllerName).append("requests").append(paramComponent)) requestInterest.setInterestLifetimeMilliseconds(4000) self._face.makeCommandInterest(requestInterest) appRequestTimeoutCnt = 3 self._face.expressInterest(requestInterest, lambda interest, data : self.onAppRequestData(interest, data, onRequestSuccess, onRequestFailed), lambda interest : self.onAppRequestTimeout(interest, onRequestSuccess, onRequestFailed, appRequestTimeoutCnt)) print "Application publish request sent: " + requestInterest.getName().toUri() return def onAppRequestData(self, interest, data, onRequestSuccess, onRequestFailed): print "Got application publishing request data" def onVerified(data): responseObj = json.loads(data.getContent().toRawStr()) if responseObj["status"] == "200": if onRequestSuccess: onRequestSuccess() else: print "onSetupComplete" else: print "Verified content: " + data.getContent().toRawStr() if onRequestFailed: onRequestFailed(data.getContent().toRawStr()) def onVerifyFailed(data, reason): msg = "Application request response verification failed: " + reason print msg if onRequestFailed: onRequestFailed(msg) self._keyChain.verifyData(data, onVerified, onVerifyFailed) return def onAppRequestTimeout(self, interest, onSetupComplete, onSetupFailed, appRequestTimeoutCnt): print "Application publishing request times out" newInterest = Interest(interest) newInterest.refreshNonce() if appRequestTimeoutCnt == 0: if onSetupFailed: onSetupFailed("Application publishing request times out") else: print "Setup failed: application publishing request times out" else: self._face.expressInterest(newInterest, lambda interest, data : self.onAppRequestData(interest, data, onSetupComplete, onSetupFailed), lambda interest : self.onAppRequestTimeout(interest, onSetupComplete, onSetupFailed, appRequestTimeoutCnt - 1)) return ############################################### # Helper functions ############################################### def onRegisterFailed(self, prefix): print("register failed for prefix " + prefix.getName().toUri()) return def processConfiguration(self, confFile): config = BoostInfoParser() # TODO: handle missing configuration, refactor dict representation confObj = dict() try: confObj["identity"] = config["application/identity"][0].value confObj["signer"] = config["application/signer"][0].value except KeyError as e: msg = "Missing key in configuration: " + str(e) print msg return None return confObj def getIdentityNameFromCertName(self, certName): i = certName.size() - 1 idString = "KEY" while i >= 0: if certName.get(i).toEscapedString() == idString: break i -= 1 if i < 0: print "Error: unexpected certName " + certName.toUri() return None return Name(certName.getPrefix(i)) ################################# # Getters and setters ################################# def getKeyChain(self): return self._keyChain