def plot_tracking_values(observed, filtered, cov_hist, signal_label, ax): """ observed: array(nsteps, 2) Array of observed values filtered: array(nsteps, state_size) Array of latent (hidden) values. We consider only the first two dimensions of the latent values cov_hist: array(nsteps, state_size, state_size) History of the retrieved (filtered) covariance matrices ax: matplotlib AxesSubplot """ timesteps, _ = observed.shape ax.plot(observed[:, 0], observed[:, 1], marker="o", linewidth=0, markerfacecolor="none", markeredgewidth=2, markersize=8, label="observed", c="tab:green") ax.plot(*filtered[:, :2].T, label=signal_label, c="tab:red", marker="x", linewidth=2) for t in range(0, timesteps, 1): covn = cov_hist[t][:2, :2] pml.plot_ellipse(covn, filtered[t, :2], ax, n_std=2.0, plot_center=False) ax.axis("equal") ax.legend()
def plot_inference(sample_obs, mean_hist, Sigma_hist): fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.scatter(*sample_obs.T, marker="+", color="tab:green") ax.plot(*mean_hist.T, c="tab:orange", label="filtered") ax.scatter(*mean_hist[0], c="black", zorder=3) plt.legend() collection = [(mut, Vt) for mut, Vt in zip(mean_hist[::4], Sigma_hist[::4]) if Vt[0, 0] > 0 and Vt[1, 1] > 0 and abs(Vt[1, 0] - Vt[0, 1]) < 7e-4] for mut, Vt in collection: pml.plot_ellipse(Vt, mut, ax, plot_center=False, alpha=0.9, zorder=3) plt.axis("equal")
def plot_collection(obs, ax, means=None, covs=None, **kwargs): n_samples, n_steps, _ = obs.shape for nsim in range(n_samples): X = obs[nsim] if means is not None: mean = means[nsim] ax.scatter(*mean[0, :2], marker="o", s=20, c="black", zorder=2) ax.plot(*mean[:, :2].T, marker="o", markersize=2, **kwargs, zorder=1) if covs is not None: cov = covs[nsim] for t in range(1, n_steps, 3): pml.plot_ellipse(cov[t][:2, :2], mean[t, :2], ax, plot_center=False, alpha=0.7) ax.scatter(*X.T, marker="+", s=60)
step = 0.1 vmin, vmax = -1.5, 1.5 + step X = np.mgrid[-1:1.5:step, vmin:vmax:step][::-1] X_dot = jnp.einsum("ij,jxy->ixy", A, X) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(*sample_state.T, label="state space") ax.scatter(*sample_obs.T, marker="+", c="tab:green", s=60, label="observations") ax.scatter(*sample_state[0], c="black", zorder=3) field = ax.streamplot(*X, *X_dot, density=1.1, color="#ccccccaa") ax.legend() plt.axis("equal") ax.set_title("State Space") pml.savefig("kf-circle-state.pdf") fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(*mu_hist.T, c="tab:orange", label="Filtered") ax.scatter(*sample_obs.T, marker="+", s=60, c="tab:green", label="observations") ax.scatter(*mu_hist[0], c="black", zorder=3) for mut, Vt in zip(mu_hist[::4], V_hist[::4]): pml.plot_ellipse(Vt, mut, ax, plot_center=False, alpha=0.9, zorder=3) plt.legend() field = ax.streamplot(*X, *X_dot, density=1.1, color="#ccccccaa") ax.legend() plt.axis("equal") ax.set_title("Approximate Space") pml.savefig("kf-circle-filtered.pdf")
def plot_uncertainty_ellipses(means, covs): timesteps = len(means) for t in range(timesteps): pml.plot_ellipse(covs[t], means[t], ax, plot_center=False, alpha=0.7)