def main(): from pyramid.paster import get_app from pyramid.scripting import get_root from ..resources import BlogEntry parser = OptionParser(description=__doc__, usage='usage: %prog [options]') parser.add_option('-c', '--config', dest='config', help='Specify a paster config file.') parser.add_option('-n', '--name', dest='name', default='main', help='The paster config file section indicating the app.') parser.add_option('-i', '--num', dest='num', default='10000', help='Specify the number of blog entries to add.') options, args = parser.parse_args() config = options.config name = num = int(options.num) if config is None: raise ValueError('must supply config file name') config = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(config)) app = get_app(config, name) root, closer = get_root(app) for n in range(0, num): print ("adding", n) entry = BlogEntry('title %s' % n, 'entry %s' % n, 'html', id = 'blogentry_%s' % n root[id] = entry if n % 10000 == 0: print ('committing') transaction.commit() print ('committing') transaction.commit() root._p_jar._db.close() closer()
def _run_import_function(func: callable, app_router: Router, filename: str): root, closer = get_root(app_router) try: func(root, app_router.registry, filename) transaction.commit() finally: closer()
def run(): root, closer = get_root(app) set_subsystem('mailin') zodb_uri = get_setting(root, 'postoffice.zodb_uri') zodb_path = get_setting(root, 'postoffice.zodb_path', '/postoffice') queue = get_setting(root, 'postoffice.queue') if zodb_uri is None: parser.error("postoffice.zodb_uri must be set in config file") if queue is None: parser.error("postoffice.queue must be set in config file") runner = MailinRunner2(root, zodb_uri, zodb_path, queue) try: runner() if options.dry_run: transaction.abort() else: transaction.commit() p_jar = getattr(root, '_p_jar', None) if p_jar is not None: # Attempt to fix memory leak p_jar.db().cacheMinimize() except: transaction.abort() raise finally: closer() runner.close()
def main(argv=sys.argv): logging.basicConfig() parser = optparse.OptionParser( description=__doc__, usage="%prog [options]", ) parser.add_option('-C', '--config', dest='config', help='Path to configuration file (defaults to $CWD/etc/karl.ini)', metavar='FILE') parser.add_option('-O', '--output', dest='output', default='.', help="Path to the directory where reports should be written.", metavar='DIR') options, args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) if args: parser.error("Too many arguments. " + str(args)) config = options.config if config is None: config = get_default_config() app = loadapp('config:%s' % config, name='karl') root, closer = get_root(app) folder = os.path.abspath(options.output) generate_reports(root, folder)
def main(argv=sys.argv): logging.basicConfig() parser = optparse.OptionParser( description=__doc__, usage="%prog [options]", ) parser.add_option( '-C', '--config', dest='config', help='Path to configuration file (defaults to $CWD/etc/karl.ini)', metavar='FILE') parser.add_option( '-O', '--output', dest='output', default='.', help="Path to the directory where reports should be written.", metavar='DIR') options, args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) if args: parser.error("Too many arguments. " + str(args)) config = options.config if config is None: config = get_default_config() app = loadapp('config:%s' % config, name='karl') root, closer = get_root(app) folder = os.path.abspath(options.output) generate_reports(root, folder)
def main(argv=sys.argv): parser = optparse.OptionParser( description=__doc__, usage="%prog [options] [user1, user2, ...]", ) parser.add_option('-C', '--config', dest='config', help='Path to configuration file (defaults to $CWD/etc/karl.ini)', metavar='FILE') parser.add_option('-f', '--filter', dest='filter', action='store_true', help='Limit results to users specified by username in stdin. Users' ' should be whitespace delimited.', default=False) options, args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) ids = None if options.filter: ids = if args: if ids is not None: ids.extend(args) else: ids = args config = options.config if config is None: config = get_default_config() app = loadapp('config:%s' % config, name='karl') root, closer = get_root(app) out_csv = csv.writer(sys.stdout) out_csv.writerow(['username', 'community', 'last_activity']) for row in stats.user_activity_report(root, ids): username, community, last_activity = row out_csv.writerow([username, community.__name__, last_activity.ctime()])
def main(): from pyramid.paster import get_app from pyramid.scripting import get_root from ..resources import BlogEntry parser = OptionParser(description=__doc__, usage='usage: %prog [options]') parser.add_option('-c', '--config', dest='config', help='Specify a paster config file.') parser.add_option('-n', '--name', dest='name', default='zodb', help='Specify a section name.') options, args = parser.parse_args() config = options.config name = if config is None: raise ValueError('must supply config file name') config = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(config)) app = get_app(config, name) root, closer = get_root(app) for arg in args: print("filename:", arg) if not os.path.isfile(arg): print('not a file') continue path, filename = os.path.split(arg) id, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) print("id:", id) lines = open(arg, 'r').readlines() title = lines[0] print('title:', title) entry = '\n'.join(lines[2:]) print('entry:', entry[:40]) pieces = id.split('-') last = pieces[-1] pubdate = None if last.startswith('200'): if len(last) == 8: year, month, day = last[0:4], last[4:6], last[6:8] pubdate =, int(month), int(day)) if pubdate is None: p1 = Popen(["svn", "info", arg], stdout=PIPE) p2 = Popen(["grep", "Last Changed Date"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE) output = p2.communicate()[0] lines = output.split(':', 1) datestr = lines[1].strip() datestr = datestr.split(' ', 1)[0] year, month, day = datestr[0:4], datestr[5:7], datestr[8:10] pubdate =, int(month), int(day)) print('pubdate:', pubdate) entry = BlogEntry(title.decode('UTF-8'), entry.decode('UTF-8'), id.decode('UTF-8'), pubdate, 'html', None, None) root[id] = entry transaction.commit()
def open_root(config, name='karl'): #pragma NO COVERAGE """Open the database root object, given a Paste Deploy config file name. Returns (root, closer). Call the closer function to close the database connection. """ config = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(config)) app = loadapp('config:%s' % config, name=name) return get_root(app)
def namespace(self): if hasattr(self, '_namespace'): return self._namespace from pyramid.scripting import get_root innerapp = self.get_app_with_registry( root, closer = get_root(innerapp) self._namespace = {'root': root, 'registry': innerapp.registry, 'app':} return self._namespace
def namespace(self): if hasattr(self, '_namespace'): return self._namespace from pyramid.scripting import get_root innerapp = self.get_app_with_registry( root, closer = get_root(innerapp) self._namespace = { 'root': root, 'registry': innerapp.registry, 'app': } return self._namespace
def run(root=root): closer = lambda: None # unit test try: if root is None: root, closer = get_root(app) #else: unit test update_func(root, config, force=options.force) except: tx.abort() closer() raise else: if options.dryrun: tx.abort() else: tx.commit() closer()
def main(): from pyramid.paster import get_app from pyramid.scripting import get_root from ..resources import BlogEntry parser = OptionParser(description=__doc__, usage='usage: %prog [options]') parser.add_option('-c', '--config', dest='config', help='Specify a paster config file.') parser.add_option( '-n', '--name', dest='name', default='main', help='The paster config file section indicating the app.') parser.add_option('-i', '--num', dest='num', default='10000', help='Specify the number of blog entries to add.') options, args = parser.parse_args() config = options.config name = num = int(options.num) if config is None: raise ValueError('must supply config file name') config = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(config)) app = get_app(config, name) root, closer = get_root(app) for n in range(0, num): print("adding", n) entry = BlogEntry('title %s' % n, 'entry %s' % n, 'html', id = 'blogentry_%s' % n root[id] = entry if n % 10000 == 0: print('committing') transaction.commit() print('committing') transaction.commit() root._p_jar._db.close() closer()
def main(argv=sys.argv): parser = optparse.OptionParser( description=__doc__, usage="%prog [options] [user1, user2, ...]", ) parser.add_option( '-C', '--config', dest='config', help='Path to configuration file (defaults to $CWD/etc/karl.ini)', metavar='FILE') parser.add_option( '-f', '--filter', dest='filter', action='store_true', help='Limit results to users specified by username in stdin. Users' ' should be whitespace delimited.', default=False) options, args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) ids = None if options.filter: ids = if args: if ids is not None: ids.extend(args) else: ids = args config = options.config if config is None: config = get_default_config() app = loadapp('config:%s' % config, name='karl') root, closer = get_root(app) out_csv = csv.writer(sys.stdout) out_csv.writerow(['username', 'community', 'last_activity']) for row in stats.user_activity_report(root, ids): username, community, last_activity = row out_csv.writerow([username, community.__name__, last_activity.ctime()])
def worker(app=None): """thread worker function""" while True: print('Worker alive.') (root, closer) = get_root(app) dependencies = Dependencies() import transaction noBuildsHandledYet = True for build in root.builds: if build.status == 'created' and noBuildsHandledYet: build.status = 'cloning..' transaction.get().commit() noBuildsHandledYet = False print('Handling build.') processBuild(build, dependencies) build.status = 'done.' closer() transaction.get().commit() time.sleep(8)
def __init__(self, id): """ Initialize worker. id will be part of the pid-file. """ = id #Buildout path me = sys.argv[0] me = os.path.abspath(me) self.buildoutpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(me)) if len(sys.argv) < 2: sys.exit("Must specify paster.ini file to run") #setup logging #self._setup_log() #PID file name rel = os.path.join(self.buildoutpath, '' % self.pidfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(rel)) #Check if PID exists if os.path.exists(self.pidfile): #Is this correct? msg = "PID-file already exists. Maybe the script is already running?" self.logger.exception(msg) sys.exit(msg) #Start wsgi stuff config = os.path.join(self.buildoutpath, sys.argv[1]) config = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(config)) = loadapp('config:%s' % config, name='MadeToMeasure') self.root, self.closer = get_root( print 'Worker initialized' #write pid self._write_pid_file()
def __init__(self, id): """ Initialize worker. id will be part of the pid-file. """ #FIXME: There must be a smarter way to handle PID-files. I'm no console scripting expert :) /Robin = id #Buildout path me = sys.argv[0] me = os.path.abspath(me) self.buildoutpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(me)) if len(sys.argv) < 2: sys.exit("Must specify paster.ini file to run") #setup logging self._setup_log() #PID file name rel = os.path.join(self.buildoutpath, 'var', '' % self.pidfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(rel)) #Check if PID exists if os.path.exists(self.pidfile): #Is this correct? msg = "PID-file already exists. Maybe the script is already running?" self.logger.exception(msg) sys.exit(msg) #Start wsgi stuff config = os.path.join(self.buildoutpath, sys.argv[1]) = loadapp('config:%s' % config, name='VoteIT') self.root, self.closer = get_root( print 'Worker initialized' #write pid self._write_pid_file()
def run(root=root): closer = lambda: None # unit test if options.run_draino: draino_args = ['draino', '-vvv', '-p', '%s/Maildir' % maildir_root, maildir_root] if options.dry_run: draino_args.insert(1, '--dry-run') draino = Draino(draino_args) if root is None: root, closer = get_root(app) #else: unit test set_subsystem('mailin') if options.run_draino: runner = factory(root, maildir_root, options) runner() p_jar = getattr(root, '_p_jar', None) if p_jar is not None: # Attempt to fix memory leak p_jar.db().cacheMinimize() closer()
def set_acms_for_app_root(event): """Set/update :term:`acm`s for the root object of the pyramid application. :param event: this function should be used as a subscriber for the :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IApplicationCreated` event. That way everytime the application starts the root `acm` is updated. The `root_acm` (:func:`root_acm_asset`) is extended by the :term:`acm` returned by the :class:`adhocracy_core.authorization.IRootACMExtension` adapter. In addition all permissions are granted the god user. """ root, closer = get_root( acl = [god_all_permission_ace] acl += _get_root_extension_acl(root, acl += _get_root_base_acl() old_acl = get_acl(root) if old_acl == acl: return _set_acl(root, acl, transaction.commit() closer()
def get_site_root(args, name): return get_root(get_site(args, name).site())
def _callFUT(self, app, request=None): from pyramid.scripting import get_root return get_root(app, request)
def run(): set_subsystem('digest') root, closer = get_root(app) alerts.send_digests(root) closer()
def get_instance_root(name): instance = get_instance(app, name) if instance is None: args.parser.error("Unknown Karl instance: %s" % name) return get_root(instance.instance())
def main(argv=sys.argv): config = None if len(argv) > 1: config = sys.argv[1] if not config: # we assume that the console script lives in the 'bin' dir of a # sandbox or buildout, and that the .ini file lives in the 'etc' # directory of the sandbox or buildout me = sys.argv[0] me = os.path.abspath(me) sandbox = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(me)) config = os.path.join(sandbox, "marlton.ini") exe = sys.executable sandbox = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(exe))) app = get_app(config, name="website") app_root, closer = get_root(app) catalog = find_catalog(app_root) for address in list(catalog.document_map.address_to_docid.keys()): if address.startswith("external:") or address.startswith("sphinx:"): docid = catalog.document_map.address_to_docid[address] catalog.unindex_doc(docid) catalog.document_map.remove_address(address) settings = get_current_registry().settings docroot = settings["sphinx_docroot"] roots = settings["sphinx_roots"] oldcwd = os.getcwd() for root in roots: package_dir = roots[root]["package_dir"] docs_subpath = roots[root]["docs_subpath"] url_prefix = roots[root]["url_prefix"] virtual_home = os.path.join(docroot, root) os.system("%s/bin/virtualenv --no-site-packages %s" % (sys.prefix, virtual_home)) os.system("%s/bin/easy_install Sphinx" % virtual_home) os.system("%s/bin/easy_install docutils" % virtual_home) os.system("%s/bin/easy_install repoze.sphinx.autointerface" % virtual_home) try: os.chdir(package_dir) os.system("%s/bin/python develop" % virtual_home) finally: os.chdir(oldcwd) docs_source = os.path.join(package_dir, docs_subpath) os.system( "%s/bin/sphinx-build -b html -d %s/doctrees " "%s %s/html" % (virtual_home, virtual_home, docs_source, virtual_home) ) os.system( "%s/bin/sphinx-build -b text -d %s/doctrees " "%s %s/text" % (virtual_home, virtual_home, docs_source, virtual_home) ) textpath = "%s/text/" % virtual_home gen = os.walk(textpath) for path, directories, files in gen: relpath = path[len(textpath) :] for filename in files: if filename.endswith(".txt"): text = open(os.path.join(path, filename)).read() text = text.decode("utf-8") ob = SphinxDocument(text) filename_no_ext = filename[:-4] path_info = os.path.join(relpath, filename_no_ext) address = "sphinx:%s/%s.html" % (url_prefix, path_info) docid = catalog.document_map.add(address) catalog.index_doc(docid, ob) data = {"title": filename_no_ext, "type": "Documentation", "text": text} catalog.document_map.add_metadata(docid, data) transaction.commit()
def run(): set_subsystem('digest') root, closer = get_root(app) alerts.send_digests(root, options.frequency) closer()