def remap_rignot(inFileName, meshFileName, meshName, outFileName, mappingDirectory='.', method='conserve', renormalizationThreshold=None, inVarName='melt_actual', mpiTasks=1): # {{{ """ Remap the Rignot et al. (2013) melt rates at 1 km resolution to an MPAS mesh Parameters ---------- inFileName : str The original Rignot et al. (2013) melt rates meshFileName : str The MPAS mesh meshName : str The name of the mesh (e.g. oEC60to30wISC), used in the name of the mapping file outFileName : str The melt rates interpolated to the MPAS mesh with ocean sensible heat fluxes added on (assuming insulating ice) mappingDirectory : str The directory where the mapping file should be stored (if it is to be computed) or where it already exists (if not) method : {'bilinear', 'neareststod', 'conserve'}, optional The method of interpolation used, see documentation for `ESMF_RegridWeightGen` for details. renormalizationThreshold : float, optional The minimum weight of a denstination cell after remapping, below which it is masked out, or ``None`` for no renormalization and masking. inVarName : {'melt_actual', 'melt_steadystate'} Whether to use the melt rate for the time period covered in Rignot et al. (2013) with observed thinning/thickening or the melt rates that would be required if ice shelves were in steady state. mpiTasks : int, optional The number of MPI tasks to use to compute the mapping file """ ds = xr.open_dataset(inFileName) lx = np.abs(1e-3 * (ds.xaxis.values[-1] - ds.xaxis.values[0])) ly = np.abs(1e-3 * (ds.yaxis.values[-1] - ds.yaxis.values[0])) inGridName = '{}x{}km_1.0km_Antarctic_stereo'.format(lx, ly) projection = pyproj.Proj('+proj=stere +lat_ts=-71.0 +lat_0=-90 +lon_0=0.0 ' '+k_0=1.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +ellps=WGS84') inDescriptor =, inFileName, xVarName='xaxis', yVarName='yaxis', meshName=inGridName) # convert to the units and variable names expected in MPAS-O rho_fw = 1000. s_per_yr = 365. * 24. * 60. * 60. latent_heat_of_fusion = 3.337e5 ds['prescribedLandIceFreshwaterFlux'] = ds[inVarName] * rho_fw / s_per_yr ds['prescribedLandIceHeatFlux'] = (latent_heat_of_fusion * ds['prescribedLandIceFreshwaterFlux']) ds = ds.drop_vars(['melt_actual', 'melt_steadystate', 'lon', 'lat']) outDescriptor = MpasMeshDescriptor(meshFileName, meshName) mappingFileName = '{}/map_{}_to_{}.nc'.format(mappingDirectory, inGridName, meshName) remapper = Remapper(inDescriptor, outDescriptor, mappingFileName) remapper.build_mapping_file(method=method, mpiTasks=mpiTasks) dsRemap = remapper.remap(ds, renormalizationThreshold=renormalizationThreshold) for field in [ 'prescribedLandIceFreshwaterFlux', 'prescribedLandIceHeatFlux' ]: # zero out the field where it's currently NaN dsRemap[field] = dsRemap[field].where(dsRemap[field].nonnull(), 0.) dsRemap.attrs['history'] = ' '.join(sys.argv) write_netcdf(dsRemap, outFileName) # }}}
inGridName = 'oQU240' # replace with the path to the desired mesh or restart file # As an example, use: # inGridFileName = '' inDescriptor = MpasMeshDescriptor(inGridFileName, inGridName) # modify the size and resolution of the Antarctic grid as desired outDescriptor = get_polar_descriptor(Lx=6000., Ly=6000., dx=10., dy=10., projection='antarctic') outGridName = outDescriptor.meshName mappingFileName = 'map_{}_to_{}'.format(inGridName, outGridName) remapper = Remapper(inDescriptor, outDescriptor, mappingFileName) # conservative remapping with 4 MPI tasks (using mpirun) remapper.build_mapping_file(method='conserve', mpiTasks=4) outFileName = 'temp_{}.nc'.format(outGridName) ds = xarray.open_dataset(inGridFileName) dsOut = xarray.Dataset() dsOut['temperature'] = ds['temperature'] dsOut = remapper.remap(dsOut) dsOut.to_netcdf(outFileName)
def _remap(config, modelFolder): res = get_res(config) hres = get_horiz_res(config) modelName = config.get('model', 'name') inFileNames = {} outFileNames = {} bothExist = True for fieldName in ['temperature', 'salinity']: inFileNames[fieldName] = \ '{}/{}_{}'.format(modelFolder, modelName, fieldName) outFileNames[fieldName] = \ '{}/{}_{}_{}.nc'.format(modelFolder, modelName, fieldName, res) if not os.path.exists(outFileNames[fieldName]): bothExist = False if bothExist: return print(' Remapping to {} grid...'.format(res)) for fieldName in inFileNames: inFileName = inFileNames[fieldName] outFileName = outFileNames[fieldName] if os.path.exists(outFileName): continue outGridFileName = 'ismip6/{}'.format(hres) print(' {}'.format(outFileName)) progressDir = '{}/progress_remap_{}'.format(modelFolder, fieldName) try: os.makedirs(progressDir) except OSError: pass ds = xarray.open_dataset(inFileName) if len(ds.lon.dims) == 1: inDescriptor =, latVarName='lat', lonVarName='lon') else: assert (len(ds.lon.dims) == 2) inDescriptor =, latVarName='lat', lonVarName='lon') inDescriptor.regional = True outDescriptor = get_polar_descriptor_from_file(outGridFileName, projection='antarctic') mappingFileName = '{}/map_{}_to_{}.nc'.format(modelName.lower(), inDescriptor.meshName, outDescriptor.meshName) remapper = Remapper(inDescriptor, outDescriptor, mappingFileName) remapper.build_mapping_file(method='bilinear') ds = ds.drop_vars(['lat', 'lon']) nt = ds.sizes['time'] widgets = [ ' ', progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar(), ' ', progressbar.ETA() ] print(f' remapping: {fieldName}') bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=nt).start() for tIndex in range(nt): progressFileName = '{}/{}_t_{}.nc'.format(progressDir, modelName, tIndex) if os.path.exists(progressFileName): bar.update(tIndex + 1) continue dsIn = ds.isel(time=tIndex) dsOut = remapper.remap(dsIn, renormalizationThreshold=0.1) dsOut = dsOut.transpose('z', 'y', 'x') for attrName in ['units', 'standard_name', 'long_name']: if attrName in ds[fieldName].attrs: dsOut[fieldName].attrs[attrName] = \ ds[fieldName].attrs[attrName] dsOut.z.attrs = ds.z.attrs dsOut.to_netcdf(progressFileName) bar.update(tIndex + 1) bar.finish() dsOut = xarray.open_mfdataset('{}/{}_t_*.nc'.format( progressDir, modelName), combine='nested', concat_dim='time') dsOut['z_bnds'] = ds.z_bnds dsOut.to_netcdf(outFileName)
Ly = int((y[-1] - y[0]) / 1000.) inMeshName = '{}x{}km_{}km_Antarctic_stereo'.format(Lx, Ly, dx) projection = get_antarctic_stereographic_projection() inDescriptor = ProjectionGridDescriptor.create(projection, x, y, inMeshName) outRes = args.resolution * 1e3 nxOut = int((x[-1] - x[0]) / outRes + 0.5) + 1 nyOut = int((y[-1] - y[0]) / outRes + 0.5) + 1 xOut = x[0] + outRes * numpy.arange(nxOut) yOut = y[0] + outRes * numpy.arange(nyOut) outMeshName = '{}x{}km_{}km_Antarctic_stereo'.format(Lx, Ly, args.resolution) outDescriptor = ProjectionGridDescriptor.create(projection, xOut, yOut, outMeshName) mappingFileName = 'map_{}_to_{}_{}.nc'.format(inMeshName, outMeshName, args.method) remapper = Remapper(inDescriptor, outDescriptor, mappingFileName) remapper.build_mapping_file(method=args.method, mpiTasks=args.mpiTasks) dsOut = remapper.remap(dsIn, renormalizationThreshold=0.01) dsOut.to_netcdf(args.outFileName)