def add_lb(cols): (ra, dec) = cols['ra'], cols['dec'] l = np.empty_like(ra) b = np.empty_like(dec) for i in xrange(len(ra)): (l[i], b[i]) = np.degrees(sla_eqgal(*np.radians((ra[i], dec[i])))) cols['l'] = l cols['b'] = b
def raDec2thetaPhi(r, d): ra = r * 15 * math.pi / 180 dec = d * math.pi / 180 l, b = slalib.sla_eqgal(ra, dec) l *= 180 / math.pi b *= 180 / math.pi j = int(b + 91.5) j = 180 if j > 180 else j nl = int(l - 0.5) nl = 359 if l < 0.5 else nl i = (nl / 4) + 1 return i, j
def import_from_sweeps_aux(file, db, tabname, all=False): # import an SDSS run dat = pyfits.getdata(file, 1) table = db.table(tabname) if not all: F1 = F1_BRIGHT | F1_SATURATED | F1_NODEBLEND | F1_EDGE; # these must not be set for an object to qualify F2 = F2_DEBLENDED_AS_MOVING # these must not be set for an object to qualify # Compute which objects pass flag cuts f1 = dat.field('objc_flags') f2 = dat.field('objc_flags2') rs = dat.field('resolve_status') ok = (rs & RS_SURVEY_PRIMARY != 0) & (f1 & F1 == 0) & (f2 & F2 == 0) ok |= all else: ok = np.ones(len(dat.field('resolve_status')), dtype=bool) # Import objects passing some basic quality cuts if any(ok != 0): # Load the data, cutting on flags coldefs = sdss_table_def['schema']['main']['columns'] + sdss_table_def['schema']['survey']['columns'] cols = dict(( (name, dat.field(fitsname)[ok]) for (name, _, fitsname) in coldefs if fitsname != '')) (ext, flux, ivar, calib) = [ dat.field(col)[ok].transpose() for col in ['extinction', 'modelflux', 'modelflux_ivar', 'calib_status'] ] # Compute magnitudes and related quantities for all bands for pos, band in enumerate('ugriz'): (fluxB, ivarB, extB, calibB) = (flux[pos], ivar[pos], ext[pos], calib[pos]) # Compute magnitude from flux fluxB[fluxB <= 0] = 0.001 mag = -2.5 * np.log10(fluxB) + 22.5 magErr = (1.08574 / fluxB) / np.sqrt(ivarB) # Append these to the list of columns for suffix, col in izip(['', 'Err', 'Ext', 'Calib'], [mag, magErr, extB, calibB]): cols[band + suffix] = col # Add computed columns (ra, dec) = cols['ra'], cols['dec'] l = np.empty_like(ra) b = np.empty_like(dec) for i in xrange(len(ra)): (l[i], b[i]) = np.degrees(sla_eqgal(*np.radians((ra[i], dec[i])))) cols['l'] = l cols['b'] = b ids = table.append(cols) else: ids = [] yield (file, len(ids), len(ok))
def transform_celestial(coords, systems): lons, lats = np.radians(coords['lon']), np.radians(coords['lat']) out = Table() out['lon'] = np.zeros(len(coords), dtype='float64') out['lat'] = np.zeros(len(coords), dtype='float64') for ii, (lon, lat) in enumerate(zip(lons, lats)): # First convert to FK5 J2000 in all cases if systems['in'] == 'fk4': lon, lat = slalib.sla_fk45z(lon, lat, 2000.0012775136652) elif systems['in'] == 'icrs': lon, lat = slalib.sla_hfk5z(lon, lat, 2000)[:2] elif systems['in'] == 'galactic': lon, lat = slalib.sla_galeq(lon, lat) elif systems['in'] == 'ecliptic': lon, lat = slalib.sla_ecleq(lon, lat, 51544) # Now convert from FK5 J2000 to out system if systems['out'] == 'fk4': # FK5 -> FK4 at BEPOCH 2000 assuming no proper motion or parallax lon, lat = slalib.sla_fk54z(lon, lat, 2000.0012775136652)[:2] elif systems['out'] == 'icrs': # FK5 -> Hipparcos (i.e. ICRF, which is as close as SLALIB # gets to ICRS) at epoch 2000 and with no proper motion lon, lat = slalib.sla_fk5hz(lon, lat, 2000) elif systems['out'] == 'galactic': # FK5 -> Galactic lon, lat = slalib.sla_eqgal(lon, lat) elif systems['out'] == 'ecliptic': # FK5 -> Ecliptic at TDB (MJD) 51544 (i.e. J2000) lon, lat = slalib.sla_eqecl(lon, lat, 51544) out[ii]['lon'] = np.degrees(lon) out[ii]['lat'] = np.degrees(lat) return out
def convert(coords, systems): if not set(systems.values()).issubset(SUPPORTED_SYSTEMS): return None lons, lats = np.radians(coords['lon']), np.radians(coords['lat']) for ii, (lon, lat) in enumerate(zip(lons, lats)): # First convert to FK5 J2000 in all cases if systems['in'] == 'fk4': lon, lat = slalib.sla_fk45z(lon, lat, 2000.0012775136652) elif systems['in'] == 'icrs': lon, lat = slalib.sla_hfk5z(lon, lat, 2000)[:2] elif systems['in'] == 'galactic': lon, lat = slalib.sla_galeq(lon, lat) elif systems['in'] == 'ecliptic': lon, lat = slalib.sla_ecleq(lon, lat, 51544) # Now convert from FK5 J2000 to out system if systems['out'] == 'fk4': # FK5 -> FK4 at BEPOCH 2000 assuming no proper motion or parallax lon, lat = slalib.sla_fk54z (lon, lat, 2000.0012775136652)[:2] elif systems['out'] == 'icrs': # FK5 -> Hipparcos (i.e. ICRF, which is as close as SLALIB # gets to ICRS) at epoch 2000 and with no proper motion lon, lat = slalib.sla_fk5hz(lon, lat, 2000) elif systems['out'] == 'galactic': # FK5 -> Galactic lon, lat = slalib.sla_eqgal(lon, lat) elif systems['out'] == 'ecliptic': # FK5 -> Ecliptic at TDB (MJD) 51544 (i.e. J2000) lon, lat = slalib.sla_eqecl(lon, lat, 51544) lons[ii], lats[ii] = lon, lat return dict(lon=np.degrees(lons), lat=np.degrees(lats))
def import_from_dvo_aux(file, cat): # Load object data dat, hdr = pyfits.getdata(file, 1, header=1) cols = dict(( (name, dat.field(fitsname)) for (name, _, fitsname) in astromCols if fitsname != '')) # Load magnitudes (they're stored in groups of 5 rows) mag = pyfits.getdata(file[:-1]+'s', 1) magRawCols = [ mag.field(fitsname) for fitsname, _, _ in magData ]; photoData = [ col[band::5] for band in xrange(5) for col in magRawCols ] assert len(photoData) == len(photoCols) for i, (col, _, _) in enumerate(photoCols): cols[col] = photoData[i] #idx = np.arange(len(cols['cat_id'])) #i = idx.argsort( #ra = np.sort(cols['ra']); dra = np.diff(ra) #dec = np.sort(cols['dec']); ddec = np.diff(dec) #assert (abs(dra) + abs(ddec) > 1.e-14).all(), str(sorted(dra)[:10]) + '\n' + str(sorted(ddec)[:10]) #assert len(np.unique1d(cols['obj_id'])) == len(cols['obj_id']) #assert len(np.unique1d(cols['ext_id'])) == len(cols['ext_id']) #assert len(np.unique1d(cols['cat_id'])) == len(cols['cat_id']) #print '' #for i, col in enumerate(magRawCols): # print magData[i][0],'=',col[10:15] #for col, _, _ in photoCols: # print col,'=',cols[col][2] #exit() # Add computed columns (ra, dec) = cols['ra'], cols['dec'] l = np.empty_like(ra) b = np.empty_like(dec) for i in xrange(len(ra)): (l[i], b[i]) = np.degrees(sla_eqgal(*np.radians((ra[i], dec[i])))) cols['l'] = l cols['b'] = b # Add the ID of the file the object came from fn = '/'.join(file.split('/')[-2:]) assert(len(fn) < 20) cols['file_id'] = np.empty(len(l), dtype='a20') cols['file_id'][:] = fn # Add some blobs (this is mostly for testing) cols['hdr'] = np.empty(len(l), dtype=np.object_) cols['hdr'][:] = str(hdr) # BLOB checksum (for debugging) cols['cksum'] = np.empty(len(l), dtype='a32') cols['cksum'][:] = hashlib.md5(str(hdr)).hexdigest() # Add some array data cols['imageid'] = np.empty(len(l), dtype='64i8') cols['imageid'][:] = np.arange(len(l)*64, dtype='i8').reshape((len(l), 64)) # Add a blob array s = np.array([ str(i) for i in np.random.random_integers(0, 100, 64) ]) cols['blobarr'] = np.empty(len(l), dtype='64O') cols['blobarr'][:] = s[ np.random.random_integers(0, 63, len(l)*64) ].reshape((len(l), 64)) # sanity check for (name, _, _) in astromCols + photoCols: assert name in cols or name in ['id', 'cached'], name ids = cat.append(cols) return (file, len(ids), len(ids))
vals = {} for system in 'FK4', 'Ecliptic', 'Galactic', 'ICRS': vals[system] = [np.zeros_like(ra_j2000_fk5), np.zeros_like(dec_j2000_fk5)] for ii, (raj, decj) in enumerate(zip(ra_j2000_fk5, dec_j2000_fk5)): # FK5 -> FK4 at BEPOCH 2000.0 assuming no proper motion or parallax r1950, d1950, dr1950, dd1950 = S.sla_fk54z(raj, decj, 2000.0) vals['FK4'][0][ii], vals['FK4'][1][ii] = r1950, d1950 # FK5 -> Ecliptic at TDB (MJD) 51544.0 (i.e. J2000) dl, db = S.sla_eqecl(raj, decj, 51544.0) vals['Ecliptic'][0][ii], vals['Ecliptic'][1][ii] = dl, db # FK5 -> Galactic dl, db = S.sla_eqgal(raj, decj) vals['Galactic'][0][ii], vals['Galactic'][1][ii] = dl, db # FK5 -> Hipparcos (i.e. ICRF, which is as close as SLALIB # gets to ICRS) at epoch 2000.0 and with no proper motion rh, dh = S.sla_fk5hz(raj, decj, 2000.0) vals['ICRS'][0][ii], vals['ICRS'][1][ii] = rh, dh glon = vals['Galactic'][0] glat = vals['Galactic'][1] np.savetxt('coords_galactic.txt', zip(np.degrees(glon), np.degrees(glat)), fmt="%20.15f") ra_fk4 = vals['FK4'][0] dec_fk4 = vals['FK4'][1]
def import_from_catalogs_aux(file, det_table, exp_table, djm, all=False): # read SExtractor catalog file # print >>sys.stderr, file try: hdus = except IOError: yield (file, 0, 1, 0) else: dat = hdus[1].data hdr_det = hdus[1].header hdr_exp = hdus[2].header hdus.close() # delete PV coefficients from the header for i in np.arange(17): del hdr_exp["PV1_" + str(i)] del hdr_exp["PV2_" + str(i)] # test WCS of this image try: wcs = pywcs.WCS(hdr_exp) except: yield (file, 0, 4, 0) else: # import header data into exposures table try: coldefs = ( exp_table_def["schema"]["main"]["columns"] + exp_table_def["schema"]["image_quality"]["columns"] ) exp_cols = dict( (name, np.array([hdr_exp.get(fitsname)]).astype(coltype)) for (name, coltype, fitsname, _) in coldefs if fitsname != "" ) coldefs = exp_table_def["schema"]["abs_photo"]["columns"] exp_cols.update( dict( (name, np.array([0]).astype(coltype)) for (name, coltype, fitsname, _) in coldefs if fitsname != "" ) ) exp_cols.update( dict( (name, np.array([hdr_exp.get(fitsname)]).astype(coltype)) for (name, coltype, fitsname, _) in coldefs if (fitsname != "") & (hdr_exp.has_key(fitsname)) ) ) except TypeError: yield (file, 0, 2, 0) else: # find the RA and Dec for the center of this exposure pixcrd = np.array([[1024, 2048]], np.float_) sky = wcs.all_pix2sky(pixcrd, 1) exp_cols["ra"] = np.array([sky[0][0]]) exp_cols["dec"] = np.array([sky[0][1]]) (l, b) = np.degrees(sla_eqgal(*np.radians((exp_cols["ra"].squeeze(), exp_cols["dec"].squeeze())))) exp_cols["l"] = np.array([l]) exp_cols["b"] = np.array([b]) exp_cols["mjd_import"] = np.array([djm]).astype("u4") exp_cols["mumax_med"] = np.array([-99.99]).astype("f4") exp_cols["mumax_rms"] = np.array([-99.99]).astype("f4") exp_cols["n_bright"] = np.array([0]).astype("i2") # Import sources into detection table coldefs = det_table_def["schema"]["main"]["columns"] try: if conversion_to_int == 1: det_cols = dict( ( (name, np.around(dat.field(fitsname) * factor).astype(coltype[-2:])) for (name, _, coltype, factor, fitsname, _) in coldefs if fitsname != "" and factor > 1 ) ) det_cols.update( dict( ( (name, (dat.field(fitsname) * factor).astype(coltype[-2:])) for (name, _, coltype, factor, fitsname, _) in coldefs if fitsname != "" and factor == 1 ) ) ) else: det_cols = dict( ( (name, dat.field(fitsname).astype(coltype[-2:])) for (name, coltype, _, _, fitsname, _) in coldefs if fitsname != "" ) ) except TypeError: yield (file, 0, 3, 0) else: det_cols["mjd"] = (np.zeros(len(det_cols["ra"])) + hdr_exp["OBSMJD"]).astype("f8") det_cols["fid"] = (np.zeros(len(det_cols["ra"])) + hdr_exp["DBFID"]).astype("u1") # det_cols['mjd_import'] = (np.zeros(len(det_cols['ra'])) + djm).astype('u2') det_cols["mag_abs"] = (np.zeros(len(det_cols["ra"])) + 32000).astype("u2") # if there is Eran's absolute photometry... if exp_cols["apbsrms"] > 0: det_cols["mag_abs"] = ( np.round( ( dat.field("MAG_AUTO") + 2.5 * np.log10(hdr_exp["AEXPTIME"]) + hdr_exp["APPAR01"] + hdr_exp["APPAR03"] * hdr_exp["AIRMASS"] + hdr_exp["APPAR05"] * (hdr_exp["OBSJD"] - hdr_exp["APMEDJD"]) + hdr_exp["APPAR06"] * (hdr_exp["OBSJD"] - hdr_exp["APMEDJD"]) ** 2 + hdr_exp["APPAR07"] * (dat.field("X_IMAGE") - 1024.0) / 2048.0 + hdr_exp["APPAR08"] * (dat.field("Y_IMAGE") - 2048.0) / 4096.0 + hdr_exp["APPAR09"] * ((dat.field("Y_IMAGE") - 2048.0) / 4096.0) ** 2 + hdr_exp["APPAR10"] * ((dat.field("Y_IMAGE") - 2048.0) / 4096.0) ** 3 + hdr_exp["APPAR11"] * (dat.field("X_IMAGE") - 1024.0) / 2048.0 * (dat.field("Y_IMAGE") - 2048.0) / 4096.0 ) * 1000.0 ) .clip(min=5000, max=32000) .astype("u2") ) # use bright stars to correct for seeing # import header data into exposures table try: coldefs = ( exp_table_def["schema"]["main"]["columns"] + exp_table_def["schema"]["image_quality"]["columns"] ) exp_cols = dict( (name, np.array([hdr_exp.get(fitsname)]).astype(coltype)) for (name, coltype, fitsname, _) in coldefs if fitsname != "" ) coldefs = exp_table_def["schema"]["abs_photo"]["columns"] exp_cols.update( dict( (name, np.array([0]).astype(coltype)) for (name, coltype, fitsname, _) in coldefs if fitsname != "" ) ) exp_cols.update( dict( (name, np.array([hdr_exp.get(fitsname)]).astype(coltype)) for (name, coltype, fitsname, _) in coldefs if (fitsname != "") & (hdr_exp.has_key(fitsname)) ) ) except TypeError: yield (file, 0, 2, 0) else: # find the RA and Dec for the center of this exposure pixcrd = np.array([[1024, 2048]], np.float_) sky = wcs.all_pix2sky(pixcrd, 1) exp_cols["ra"] = np.array([sky[0][0]]) exp_cols["dec"] = np.array([sky[0][1]]) (l, b) = np.degrees(sla_eqgal(*np.radians((exp_cols["ra"].squeeze(), exp_cols["dec"].squeeze())))) exp_cols["l"] = np.array([l]) exp_cols["b"] = np.array([b]) exp_cols["mjd_import"] = np.array([djm]).astype("u4") exp_cols["mumax_med"] = np.array([-99.99]).astype("f4") exp_cols["mumax_rms"] = np.array([-99.99]).astype("f4") exp_cols["n_bright"] = np.array([0]).astype("i2") # Import sources into detection table coldefs = det_table_def["schema"]["main"]["columns"] try: if conversion_to_int == 1: det_cols = dict( ( (name, np.around(dat.field(fitsname) * factor).astype(coltype[-2:])) for (name, _, coltype, factor, fitsname, _) in coldefs if fitsname != "" and factor > 1 ) ) det_cols.update( dict( ( (name, (dat.field(fitsname) * factor).astype(coltype[-2:])) for (name, _, coltype, factor, fitsname, _) in coldefs if fitsname != "" and factor == 1 ) ) ) else: det_cols = dict( ( (name, dat.field(fitsname).astype(coltype[-2:])) for (name, coltype, _, _, fitsname, _) in coldefs if fitsname != "" ) ) except TypeError: yield (file, 0, 3, 0) else: det_cols["mjd"] = (np.zeros(len(det_cols["ra"])) + hdr_exp["OBSMJD"]).astype("f8") det_cols["fid"] = (np.zeros(len(det_cols["ra"])) + hdr_exp["DBFID"]).astype("u1") # det_cols['mjd_import'] = (np.zeros(len(det_cols['ra'])) + djm).astype('u2') det_cols["mag_abs"] = (np.zeros(len(det_cols["ra"])) + 32000).astype("u2") # if there is Eran's absolute photometry... if exp_cols["apbsrms"] > 0: det_cols["mag_abs"] = ( np.round( ( dat.field("MAG_AUTO") + 2.5 * np.log10(hdr_exp["AEXPTIME"]) + hdr_exp["APPAR01"] + hdr_exp["APPAR03"] * hdr_exp["AIRMASS"] + hdr_exp["APPAR05"] * (hdr_exp["OBSJD"] - hdr_exp["APMEDJD"]) + hdr_exp["APPAR06"] * (hdr_exp["OBSJD"] - hdr_exp["APMEDJD"]) ** 2 + hdr_exp["APPAR07"] * (dat.field("X_IMAGE") - 1024.0) / 2048.0 + hdr_exp["APPAR08"] * (dat.field("Y_IMAGE") - 2048.0) / 4096.0 + hdr_exp["APPAR09"] * ((dat.field("Y_IMAGE") - 2048.0) / 4096.0) ** 2 + hdr_exp["APPAR10"] * ((dat.field("Y_IMAGE") - 2048.0) / 4096.0) ** 3 + hdr_exp["APPAR11"] * (dat.field("X_IMAGE") - 1024.0) / 2048.0 * (dat.field("Y_IMAGE") - 2048.0) / 4096.0 ) * 1000.0 ) .clip(min=5000, max=32000) .astype("u2") ) # use bright stars to correct for seeing bright = np.where((det_cols["mag_abs"] > 14000) & (det_cols["mag_abs"] < 17000)) if len(bright[0]) > 0: sg = dat.field("MU_MAX") - dat.field("MAG_AUTO") mumax_med = np.median(sg[bright]) mumax_rms = 0.741 * (np.percentile(sg[bright], 75) - np.percentile(sg[bright], 25)) exp_cols["mumax_med"] = np.array([mumax_med]).astype("f4") exp_cols["mumax_rms"] = np.array([mumax_rms]).astype("f4") exp_cols["n_bright"] = np.array([len(bright[0])]).astype("i2") (exp_id,) = exp_table.append(exp_cols) det_cols["exp_id"] = (np.zeros(len(det_cols["ra"])) + hdr_exp["DBPID"]).astype("u8") det_cols["exp_id"][:] = exp_id ids = det_table.append(det_cols) yield (file, len(ids), 0, exp_id)
vals = {} for system in 'FK4', 'Ecliptic', 'Galactic', 'ICRS': vals[system] = [np.zeros_like(ra_j2000_fk5), np.zeros_like(dec_j2000_fk5)] for ii, (raj, decj) in enumerate(zip(ra_j2000_fk5, dec_j2000_fk5)): # FK5 -> FK4 at BEPOCH 2000.0 assuming no proper motion or parallax r1950, d1950, dr1950, dd1950 = S.sla_fk54z (raj, decj, 2000.0) vals['FK4'][0][ii],vals['FK4'][1][ii] = r1950, d1950 # FK5 -> Ecliptic at TDB (MJD) 51544.0 (i.e. J2000) dl, db = S.sla_eqecl(raj, decj, 51544.0) vals['Ecliptic'][0][ii],vals['Ecliptic'][1][ii] = dl, db # FK5 -> Galactic dl, db = S.sla_eqgal(raj, decj) vals['Galactic'][0][ii],vals['Galactic'][1][ii] = dl, db # FK5 -> Hipparcos (i.e. ICRF, which is as close as SLALIB # gets to ICRS) at epoch 2000.0 and with no proper motion rh, dh = S.sla_fk5hz(raj, decj, 2000.0) vals['ICRS'][0][ii],vals['ICRS'][1][ii] = rh, dh glon = vals['Galactic'][0] glat = vals['Galactic'][1] np.savetxt('coords_galactic.txt', zip(np.degrees(glon), np.degrees(glat)), fmt="%20.15f") ra_fk4 = vals['FK4'][0] dec_fk4 = vals['FK4'][1]
def get_vobs(self, mjdtmp, xtmp, ytmp, mode, offx, offy, dcos, offmode): mode = mode.lower() offmode = offmode.lower() ### for 'coord == horizontal' skip try: mode = self.coord_dict[mode] except: xxtmp = xtmp yytmp = ytmp try: offmode = self.coord_dict[offmode] except: xxtmp = xtmp yytmp = ytmp if mode == 1: #j2000 if offmode == 0 or offmode == 1: #same or j2000 yytmp = ytmp + offy if dcos == 0: xxtmp = xtmp + offx else: xxtmp = xtmp + offx / math.cos(yytmp) elif offmode == 2: #b1950 ret = slalib.sla_fk54z(xtmp, ytmp, 2000) xtmp_b = ret[0] ytmp_b = ret[1] ytmp_b += offy if dcos == 0: xtmp_b += offx else: xtmp_b += offx / math.cos(ytmp_b) ret_1 = slalib.sla_fk45z(xtmp_b, ytmp_b, 1950) xxtmp = ret_1[0] yytmp = ret_1[1] elif offmode == 3: #lb,galactic,gal ret = slalib.sla_eqgal(xtmp, ytmp) xtmp_g = ret[0] ytmp_g = ret[1] ytmp_g += offy if dcos == 0: xtmp_g += offx else: xtmp_g += offx / math.cos(ytmp_g) ret_1 = slalib.sla_galeq(xtmp_g, ytmp_g) xxtmp = ret_1[0] yytmp = ret_1[1] if mode == 2: #b1950 if offmode == 1: #j2000 ret = slalib.sla_fk45z(xtmp, ytmp, 1950) xtmp_j = ret[0] ytmp_j = ret[1] yytmp = ytmp_j + offy if dcos == 0: xxtmp = xtmp_j + offx else: xxtmp = xtmp_j + offx / math.cos(ytmp_j) elif offmode == 2 or offmode == 0: #b1950 ytmp += offy if dcos == 0: xtmp += offx else: xtmp += offx / math.cos(ytmp) ret = slalib.sla_fk45z(xtmp, ytmp, 1950) xxtmp = ret[0] yytmp = ret[1] elif offmode == 3: #lb,galactic,gal ret = slalib.sla_eg50(xtmp, ytmp) xtmp_g = ret[0] ytmp_g = ret[1] ytmp_g += offy if dcos == 0: xtmp_g += offx else: xtmp_g += offx / math.cos(ytmp_g) ret = slalib.sla_galeq(xtmp_g, ytmp_g) xxtmp = ret[0] yytmp = ret[1] if mode == 3: #lb,galactic,gal if offmode == 1: #j2000 ret_2 = slalib.sla_galeq(xtmp, ytmp) xtmp_j = ret_2[0] ytmp_j = ret_2[1] yytmp = ytmp_j + offy if dcos == 0: xxtmp = xtmp_j + offx else: xxtmp = xtmp_j + offx / math.cos(ytmp_j) elif offmode == 2: #b1950 ret = slalib.sla_ge50(xtmp, ytmp) xtmp_b = ret[0] ytmp_b = ret[1] ytmp_b += offy if dcos == 0: xtmp_b += offx else: xtmp_b += offx / math.cos(ytmp_b) ret = slalib.sla_fk45z(xtmp_b, ytmp_b, 1950) xxtmp = ret[0] yytmp = ret[1] elif offmode == 0 or offmode == 3: #gal,lb,galactic ytmp += offy if dcos == 0: xtmp += offx else: xtmp += offx / math.cos(ytmp) ret = slalib.sla_galeq(xtmp, ytmp) xxtmp = ret[0] yytmp = ret[1] vobs = self.calc_vobs(mjdtmp + 2400000.5, xxtmp, yytmp) #print('vobs',vobs,type(vobs)) return vobs
def import_from_catalogs_aux(file, det_table, exp_table, djm, all=False): # read SExtractor catalog file # print >>sys.stderr, file try: hdus = except IOError: yield (file, 0, 1, 0) else: dat = hdus[1].data hdr_det = hdus[1].header hdr_exp = hdus[2].header hdus.close() # delete PV coefficients from the header for i in np.arange(17): del hdr_exp['PV1_'+str(i)] del hdr_exp['PV2_'+str(i)] # test WCS of this image try: wcs = pywcs.WCS(hdr_exp) # find the RA and Dec for the center of this exposure pixcrd = np.array([[1024,2048]], np.float_) sky = wcs.all_pix2sky(pixcrd, 1) except: yield (file, 0, 4, 0) else: # test if astrometry is good pixcrd = [[i,0] for i in np.arange(2048)]+[[i,4095] for i in np.arange(2048)]+[[0,i] for i in np.arange(4096)]+[[2047,i] for i in np.arange(4096)] n_pixel = len(pixcrd) hdr_exp['CRVAL1']=20 hdr_exp['CRVAL2']=0 hdr_exp['CRPIX1']=1024 hdr_exp['CRPIX2']=2048 wcs = pywcs.WCS(hdr_exp) test_sky = wcs.all_pix2sky(pixcrd, 0) # bad = np.where((test_sky[:,0] < 19.7) + (test_sky[:,0] > 20.3) + (test_sky[:,1] < -0.58) + (test_sky[:,1] > 0.58)) # 5sigma cut bad = np.where((test_sky[:,0] < 19.7095) + (test_sky[:,0] > 20.2902) + (test_sky[:,1] < -0.5783) + (test_sky[:,1] > 0.5782)) # 3sigma cut bad_pixels = len(bad[0]) ratio = 1.0*bad_pixels/n_pixel # print file, ratio, min(sky[:,0]), max(sky[:,0]), min(sky[:,1]), max(sky[:,1]) # import header data into exposures table try: coldefs = exp_table_def['schema']['main']['columns'] + exp_table_def['schema']['image_quality']['columns'] exp_cols = dict( (name, np.array([hdr_exp.get(fitsname)]).astype(coltype)) for (name, coltype, fitsname, _) in coldefs if fitsname != '') coldefs = exp_table_def['schema']['abs_photo']['columns'] exp_cols.update(dict( (name, np.array([0]).astype(coltype)) for (name, coltype, fitsname, _) in coldefs if fitsname != '')) exp_cols.update(dict( (name, np.array([hdr_exp.get(fitsname)]).astype(coltype)) for (name, coltype, fitsname, _) in coldefs if (fitsname != '') & (hdr_exp.has_key(fitsname)))) except TypeError: yield (file, 0, 2, 0) else: exp_cols['ra'] = np.array([sky[0][0]]) exp_cols['dec'] = np.array([sky[0][1]]) (l, b) = np.degrees(sla_eqgal(*np.radians((exp_cols['ra'].squeeze(), exp_cols['dec'].squeeze())))) exp_cols['l'] = np.array([l]) exp_cols['b'] = np.array([b]) exp_cols['bad_astro'] = np.array([ratio]).astype('f4') exp_cols['mjd_import'] = np.array([djm]).astype('u4') exp_cols['mumax_med'] = np.array([-99.99]).astype('f4') exp_cols['mumax_rms'] = np.array([-99.99]).astype('f4') exp_cols['n_bright'] = np.array([0]).astype('i2') # Import sources into detection table coldefs = det_table_def['schema']['main']['columns'] try: if (conversion_to_int == 1): det_cols = dict(( (name, np.around(dat.field(fitsname)*factor).astype(coltype[-2:])) for (name, _, coltype, factor, fitsname, _) in coldefs if fitsname != '' and factor > 1)) det_cols.update(dict(( (name, dat.field(fitsname).astype(coltype[-2:])) for (name, _, coltype, factor, fitsname, _) in coldefs if fitsname != '' and factor == 1))) else: det_cols = dict(( (name, dat.field(fitsname).astype(coltype[-2:])) for (name, coltype, _, _, fitsname, _) in coldefs if fitsname != '')) except TypeError: yield (file, 0, 3, 0) else: det_cols['mjd'] = (np.zeros(len(det_cols['ra'])) + hdr_exp['OBSMJD']).astype('f8') det_cols['fid'] = (np.zeros(len(det_cols['ra'])) + hdr_exp['DBFID']).astype('u1') # det_cols['mjd_import'] = (np.zeros(len(det_cols['ra'])) + djm).astype('u2') det_cols['mag_abs'] = (np.zeros(len(det_cols['ra'])) + 32000).astype('u2') # if there is Eran's absolute photometry... if exp_cols['apbsrms'] > 0: det_cols['mag_abs'] = np.round((dat.field('MAG_AUTO') + 2.5*np.log10(hdr_exp['AEXPTIME'])+ hdr_exp['APPAR01'] + hdr_exp['APPAR03']*hdr_exp['AIRMASS'] + hdr_exp['APPAR05']*(hdr_exp['OBSJD'] - hdr_exp['APMEDJD']) + hdr_exp['APPAR06']*(hdr_exp['OBSJD'] - hdr_exp['APMEDJD'])**2 + hdr_exp['APPAR07']*(dat.field('X_IMAGE') - 1024.)/2048. + hdr_exp['APPAR08']*(dat.field('Y_IMAGE') - 2048.)/4096. + hdr_exp['APPAR09']*((dat.field('Y_IMAGE') - 2048.)/4096.)**2 + hdr_exp['APPAR10']*((dat.field('Y_IMAGE') - 2048.)/4096.)**3 + hdr_exp['APPAR11']*(dat.field('X_IMAGE') - 1024.)/2048. * (dat.field('Y_IMAGE') - 2048.)/4096.)*1000.).clip(min=5000, max=32000).astype('u2') # use bright stars to correct for seeing bright = np.where( (det_cols['mag_abs'] > 14000) & (det_cols['mag_abs'] < 17000) ) if len(bright[0]) > 0: sg = dat.field('MU_MAX') - dat.field('MAG_AUTO') mumax_med = np.median(sg[bright]) mumax_rms = 0.741*(np.percentile(sg[bright],75) - np.percentile(sg[bright],25)) exp_cols['mumax_med'] = np.array([mumax_med]).astype('f4') exp_cols['mumax_rms'] = np.array([mumax_rms]).astype('f4') exp_cols['n_bright'] = np.array([len(bright[0])]).astype('i2') (exp_id,) = exp_table.append(exp_cols) det_cols['exp_id'] = (np.zeros(len(det_cols['ra'])) + hdr_exp['DBPID']).astype('u8') det_cols['exp_id'][:] = exp_id ids = det_table.append(det_cols) yield (file, len(ids), 0, exp_id)
def read(self, parfilenm): self.FILE = parfilenm pf = open(parfilenm) for line in pf.readlines(): # Convert any 'D-' or 'D+' to 'E-' or 'E+' line = line.replace("D-", "E-") line = line.replace("D+", "E+") try: splitline = line.split() key = splitline[0] if key in str_keys: setattr(self, key, splitline[1]) elif key in float_keys: try: setattr(self, key, float(splitline[1])) except ValueError: pass if len( splitline ) == 3: # Some parfiles don't have flags, but do have errors if splitline[2] not in ['0', '1']: setattr(self, key + '_ERR', float(splitline[2])) if len(splitline) == 4: setattr(self, key + '_ERR', float(splitline[3])) except: print '' # Read PSR name if hasattr(self, 'PSR'): setattr(self, 'PSR', self.PSR) if hasattr(self, 'PSRJ'): setattr(self, 'PSRJ', self.PSRJ) # Deal with Ecliptic coords if (hasattr(self, 'BETA') and hasattr(self, 'LAMBDA')): self.use_eclip = True setattr(self, 'ELAT', self.BETA) setattr(self, 'ELONG', self.LAMBDA) if (slalib and hasattr(self, 'ELAT') and hasattr(self, 'ELONG')): self.use_eclip = True if hasattr(self, 'POSEPOCH'): epoch = self.POSEPOCH else: epoch = self.PEPOCH ra_rad, dec_rad = sla_ecleq(self.ELONG * pu.DEGTORAD, self.ELAT * pu.DEGTORAD, epoch) rstr = pu.coord_to_string(*pu.rad_to_hms(ra_rad)) dstr = pu.coord_to_string(*pu.rad_to_dms(dec_rad)) setattr(self, 'RAJ', rstr) setattr(self, 'DECJ', dstr) if hasattr(self, 'RAJ'): setattr(self, 'RA_RAD', pu.ra_to_rad(self.RAJ)) if hasattr(self, 'DECJ'): setattr(self, 'DEC_RAD', pu.dec_to_rad(self.DECJ)) # Compute the Galactic coords if (slalib and hasattr(self, 'RA_RAD') and hasattr(self, 'DEC_RAD')): l, b = sla_eqgal(self.RA_RAD, self.DEC_RAD) setattr(self, 'GLONG', l * pu.RADTODEG) setattr(self, 'GLAT', b * pu.RADTODEG) # Compute the Ecliptic coords if (slalib and hasattr(self, 'RA_RAD') and hasattr(self, 'DEC_RAD')): if hasattr(self, 'POSEPOCH'): epoch = self.POSEPOCH else: epoch = self.PEPOCH elon, elat = sla_eqecl(self.RA_RAD, self.DEC_RAD, epoch) setattr(self, 'ELONG', elon * pu.RADTODEG) setattr(self, 'ELAT', elat * pu.RADTODEG) if hasattr(self, 'P'): setattr(self, 'P0', self.P) if hasattr(self, 'P0'): setattr(self, 'F0', 1.0 / self.P0) if hasattr(self, 'F0'): setattr(self, 'P0', 1.0 / self.F0) if hasattr(self, 'F1'): setattr(self, 'P1', -self.F1 / (self.F0 * self.F0)) if hasattr(self, 'FB0'): setattr(self, 'PB', (1.0 / self.FB0) / 86400.0) if hasattr(self, 'P0_ERR'): if hasattr(self, 'P1_ERR'): f, ferr, fd, fderr = pu.pferrs(self.P0, self.P0_ERR, self.P1, self.P1_ERR) setattr(self, 'F0_ERR', ferr) setattr(self, 'F1', fd) setattr(self, 'F1_ERR', fderr) else: f, fd, = pu.p_to_f(self.P0, self.P1) setattr(self, 'F0_ERR', self.P0_ERR / (self.P0 * self.P0)) setattr(self, 'F1', fd) if hasattr(self, 'F0_ERR'): if hasattr(self, 'F1_ERR'): p, perr, pd, pderr = pu.pferrs(self.F0, self.F0_ERR, self.F1, self.F1_ERR) setattr(self, 'P0_ERR', perr) setattr(self, 'P1', pd) setattr(self, 'P1_ERR', pderr) else: p, pd, = pu.p_to_f(self.F0, self.F1) setattr(self, 'P0_ERR', self.F0_ERR / (self.F0 * self.F0)) setattr(self, 'P1', pd) if hasattr(self, 'DM'): setattr(self, 'DM', self.DM) if hasattr(self, 'EPS1') and hasattr(self, 'EPS2'): self.use_ell = True ecc = math.sqrt(self.EPS1 * self.EPS1 + self.EPS2 * self.EPS2) omega = math.atan2(self.EPS1, self.EPS2) setattr(self, 'ECC', ecc) setattr(self, 'OM', omega) if hasattr(self, 'PB') and hasattr(self, 'A1') and not hasattr(self, 'ECC'): setattr(self, 'ECC', 0.0) pf.close()
def get_vobs(self, mjdtmp, xtmp, ytmp, mode, offx, offy, dcos, offmode): mode = mode.lower() offmode = offmode.lower() ### for 'coord == horizontal' skip try : mode = self.coord_dict[mode] except: xxtmp = xtmp yytmp = ytmp try: offmode = self.coord_dict[offmode] except: xxtmp = xtmp yytmp = ytmp if mode == 1:#j2000 if offmode == 0 or offmode == 1:#same or j2000 yytmp = ytmp+offy if dcos == 0 : xxtmp = xtmp+offx else : xxtmp = xtmp+offx/math.cos(yytmp) elif offmode == 2:#b1950 ret = slalib.sla_fk54z(xtmp, ytmp, 2000) xtmp_b = ret[0] ytmp_b = ret[1] ytmp_b += offy if dcos == 0 : xtmp_b += offx else : xtmp_b += offx/math.cos(ytmp_b) ret_1 = slalib.sla_fk45z(xtmp_b, ytmp_b,1950) xxtmp = ret_1[0] yytmp = ret_1[1] elif offmode == 3:#lb,galactic,gal ret = slalib.sla_eqgal(xtmp,ytmp) xtmp_g = ret[0] ytmp_g = ret[1] ytmp_g += offy if dcos == 0 : xtmp_g += offx else : xtmp_g += offx/math.cos(ytmp_g) ret_1 = slalib.sla_galeq(xtmp_g, ytmp_g) xxtmp = ret_1[0] yytmp = ret_1[1] if mode == 2:#b1950 if offmode == 1:#j2000 ret = slalib.sla_fk45z(xtmp, ytmp, 1950) xtmp_j = ret[0] ytmp_j = ret[1] yytmp = ytmp_j+offy if dcos == 0 : xxtmp = xtmp_j+offx else : xxtmp = xtmp_j+offx/math.cos(ytmp_j) elif offmode == 2 or offmode ==0:#b1950 ytmp += offy if dcos == 0 : xtmp += offx else: xtmp += offx/math.cos(ytmp) ret = slalib.sla_fk45z(xtmp, ytmp, 1950) xxtmp = ret[0] yytmp = ret[1] elif offmode == 3:#lb,galactic,gal ret = slalib.sla_eg50(xtmp,ytmp) xtmp_g = ret[0] ytmp_g = ret[1] ytmp_g += offy if dcos == 0 : xtmp_g += offx else : xtmp_g += offx/math.cos(ytmp_g) ret = slalib.sla_galeq(xtmp_g, ytmp_g) xxtmp = ret[0] yytmp = ret[1] if mode == 3:#lb,galactic,gal if offmode == 1:#j2000 ret_2 = slalib.sla_galeq(xtmp, ytmp) xtmp_j = ret_2[0] ytmp_j = ret_2[1] yytmp = ytmp_j+offy if dcos == 0 : xxtmp = xtmp_j+offx else : xxtmp = xtmp_j+offx/math.cos(ytmp_j) elif offmode == 2:#b1950 ret = slalib.sla_ge50(xtmp,ytmp) xtmp_b = ret[0] ytmp_b = ret[1] ytmp_b += offy if dcos == 0 : xtmp_b += offx else : xtmp_b += offx/math.cos(ytmp_b) ret = slalib.sla_fk45z(xtmp_b, ytmp_b, 1950) xxtmp = ret[0] yytmp = ret[1] elif offmode == 0 or offmode == 3:#gal,lb,galactic ytmp += offy if dcos == 0 : xtmp += offx else : xtmp += offx/math.cos(ytmp) ret = slalib.sla_galeq(xtmp, ytmp) xxtmp = ret[0] yytmp = ret[1] vobs = self.calc_vobs(mjdtmp+2400000.5, xxtmp, yytmp) #print('vobs',vobs,type(vobs)) return vobs