def getMibRevision(mibDir, mibFile): mibCompiler = MibCompiler( mibParser, codeGenerator, fileWriter ) mibCompiler.addSources( FileReader(mibDir, recursive=False, ignoreErrors=ignoreErrorsFlag), *getReadersFromUrls(*mibSources) ) try: processed = mibCompiler.compile( mibFile, **dict(noDeps=True, rebuild=True, fuzzyMatching=False, ignoreErrors=ignoreErrorsFlag) ) except error.PySmiError: sys.stderr.write('ERROR: %s\r\n' % sys.exc_info()[1]) sys.exit(EX_SOFTWARE) for canonicalMibName in processed: if (processed[canonicalMibName] == 'compiled' and processed[canonicalMibName].path == 'file://' + os.path.join(mibDir, mibFile)): try: revision = datetime.strptime(processed[canonicalMibName].revision, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') except Exception: revision = datetime.fromtimestamp(0) return canonicalMibName, revision raise error.PySmiError('Can\'t read or parse MIB "%s"' % os.path.join(mibDir, mibFile))
def addMibCompiler(mibBuilder, **kwargs): if kwargs.get('ifNotAdded') and mibBuilder.getMibCompiler(): return compiler = MibCompiler( parserFactory(**smiV1Relaxed)(), PySnmpCodeGen(), PyFileWriter(kwargs.get('destination') or DEFAULT_DEST)) compiler.addSources( *getReadersFromUrls(*kwargs.get('sources') or DEFAULT_SOURCES)) compiler.addSearchers( StubSearcher(*baseMibs)) compiler.addSearchers( *[PyPackageSearcher(x.fullPath()) for x in mibBuilder.getMibSources()]) compiler.addBorrowers( *[PyFileBorrower(x, genTexts=mibBuilder.loadTexts) for x in getReadersFromUrls( *kwargs.get('borrowers') or DEFAULT_BORROWERS, lowcaseMatching=False)]) mibBuilder.setMibCompiler( compiler, kwargs.get('destination') or DEFAULT_DEST)
def getMibRevision(mibDir, mibFile): mibCompiler = MibCompiler(mibParser, codeGenerator, fileWriter) mibCompiler.addSources( FileReader(mibDir, recursive=False, ignoreErrors=ignoreErrorsFlag), *getReadersFromUrls(*mibSources)) try: processed = mibCompiler.compile( mibFile, **dict(noDeps=True, rebuild=True, fuzzyMatching=False, ignoreErrors=ignoreErrorsFlag)) except error.PySmiError: sys.stderr.write('ERROR: %s\r\n' % sys.exc_info()[1]) sys.exit(EX_SOFTWARE) for canonicalMibName in processed: if (processed[canonicalMibName] == 'compiled' and processed[canonicalMibName].path == 'file://' + os.path.join(mibDir, mibFile)): try: revision = datetime.strptime( processed[canonicalMibName].revision, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') except Exception: revision = datetime.fromtimestamp(0) return canonicalMibName, revision raise error.PySmiError('Can\'t read or parse MIB "%s"' % os.path.join(mibDir, mibFile))
def fetch_mib(mib): target_directory = os.path.dirname(pysnmp_mibs.__file__) reader = HttpReader('', 80, '/asn1/@mib@') mibCompiler = MibCompiler(SmiStarParser(), PySnmpCodeGen(), PyFileWriter(target_directory)) mibCompiler.addSources(reader) mibCompiler.compile(mib)
def fetch_mib(mib): import pysnmp_mibs from pysmi.codegen import PySnmpCodeGen from pysmi.compiler import MibCompiler from pysmi.parser import SmiStarParser from pysmi.reader import HttpReader from pysmi.writer import PyFileWriter target_directory = os.path.dirname(pysnmp_mibs.__file__) reader = HttpReader('', 80, '/asn1/@mib@') mibCompiler = MibCompiler(SmiStarParser(), PySnmpCodeGen(), PyFileWriter(target_directory)) mibCompiler.addSources(reader) mibCompiler.compile(mib)
def fetch_mib(mib, source_url): try: from urllib.parse import urlparse except ImportError: from urlparse import urlparse import pysnmp_mibs from pysmi.codegen import PySnmpCodeGen from pysmi.compiler import MibCompiler from pysmi.parser import SmiStarParser from pysmi.reader import HttpReader from pysmi.writer import PyFileWriter target_directory = os.path.dirname(pysnmp_mibs.__file__) parsed_url = urlparse(source_url) reader = HttpReader(parsed_url.netloc, 80, parsed_url.path) mibCompiler = MibCompiler(SmiStarParser(), PySnmpCodeGen(), PyFileWriter(target_directory)) mibCompiler.addSources(reader) mibCompiler.compile(mib)
# debug.setLogger(debug.Debug('reader', 'compiler')) inputMibs = ['IF-MIB', 'IP-MIB'] srcDirectories = ['/usr/share/snmp/mibs'] httpSources = [('', 80, '/asn1/@mib@')] def printOut(mibName, jsonDoc, cbCtx): print('\n\n# MIB module %s' % mibName) print(jsonDoc) # Initialize compiler infrastructure mibCompiler = MibCompiler(SmiStarParser(), JsonCodeGen(), CallbackWriter(printOut)) # search for source MIBs here mibCompiler.addSources(*[FileReader(x) for x in srcDirectories]) # search for source MIBs at Web sites mibCompiler.addSources(*[HttpReader(*x) for x in httpSources]) # never recompile MIBs with MACROs mibCompiler.addSearchers(StubSearcher(*JsonCodeGen.baseMibs)) # run recursive MIB compilation results = mibCompiler.compile(*inputMibs) print('\n# Results: %s' % ', '.join(['%s:%s' % (x, results[x]) for x in results]))
import sys from pysmi.reader import CallbackReader from pysmi.searcher import StubSearcher from pysmi.writer import CallbackWriter from pysmi.parser import SmiV2Parser from pysmi.codegen import PySnmpCodeGen from pysmi.compiler import MibCompiler inputMibs = ['IF-MIB', 'IP-MIB'] srcDir = '/usr/share/snmp/mibs/' # we will read MIBs from here # Initialize compiler infrastructure mibCompiler = MibCompiler( SmiV2Parser(), PySnmpCodeGen(), # out own callback function stores results in its own way CallbackWriter(lambda m, d, c: sys.stdout.write(d))) # our own callback function serves as a MIB source here mibCompiler.addSources( CallbackReader(lambda m, c: open(srcDir + m + '.txt').read())) # never recompile MIBs with MACROs mibCompiler.addSearchers(StubSearcher(*PySnmpCodeGen.baseMibs)) # run non-recursive MIB compilation results = mibCompiler.compile(*inputMibs, **dict(noDeps=True)) print('Results: %s' % ', '.join(['%s:%s' % (x, results[x]) for x in results]))
def mib2pysnmp2(mib_file, output_dir): """ The 'build-pysnmp-mib' script we previously used is no longer available Latest pysmi has the ability to generate a .py file from .mib automatically :param mib_file: path to the .mib file we want to compile :param output_dir: path to the output directory :return: True if we successfully compile the .mib to a .py """ logger.debug('Compiling mib file: %s', mib_file) # create a mib compiler with output dir mibCompiler = MibCompiler(SmiV2Parser(), PySnmpCodeGen(), PyFileWriter(output_dir)) # add default sources and mib_file's location mibCompiler.addSources(FileReader('/usr/share/mibs/ietf')) mibCompiler.addSources(FileReader('/usr/share/mibs/iana')) mibCompiler.addSources( FileReader(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(mib_file)))) # add searchers mibCompiler.addSearchers(PyFileSearcher(output_dir)) mibCompiler.addSearchers(PyPackageSearcher('pysnmp.mibs')) mibCompiler.addSearchers(StubSearcher(*baseMibs)) # compile, there should be a generated under output_dir mibName = os.path.basename(mib_file).replace('.mib', '') results = mibCompiler.compile(mibName) if results[mibName] == 'compiled' or results[mibName] == 'untouched': return True return False
def storeMib(config, mib, mibdir=None, fetchRemote=False): """ A function to compile, store new mibs Mostly got the code from """ cacheDir = '/tmp/' log.debug("Collecting MIB resources") mibSearchers = defaultMibPackages log.debug("Searches") mibStubs = [x for x in baseMibs if x not in fakeMibs] log.debug("Stubs") mibSources = ["file://{}".format(x) for x in config["mibs"]["locations"]] log.debug("MIB sources from config") if mibdir != None: mibSources.append("file://{}".format(mibdir)) log.debug("MIB source from param") # if "mib" is a path, add it to the sources. if os.path.sep in mib: mibSources.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(mib))) log.debug("MIB source from '{}'".format(mib)) if fetchRemote: mibSources.append('') log.debug("Added remote mib source.")"Using MIB sources: [{}]".format(", ".join(mibSources)))"Using dest: {}".format(config['mibs']['compiled']))"Initialize compiler") try: mibCompiler = MibCompiler( parserFactory(**smiV1Relaxed)(tempdir=cacheDir), PySnmpCodeGen(), PyFileWriter(config['mibs']['compiled']).setOptions( pyCompile=True, pyOptimizationLevel=0)) print(mibSources) except Exception as e: log.error("Exception! {}".format(e)) log.debug("Adding sources to compiler") try: mibCompiler.addSources( *getReadersFromUrls(*mibSources, **dict(fuzzyMatching=True))) mibCompiler.addSearchers(PyFileSearcher(config['mibs']['compiled'])) for mibSearcher in mibSearchers: mibCompiler.addSearchers(PyPackageSearcher(mibSearcher)) mibCompiler.addSearchers(StubSearcher(*mibStubs)) log.debug("Starting compilation of {}".format(mib)) processed = mibCompiler.compile( *[mib], **dict(noDeps=False, rebuild=False, dryRun=False, genTexts=False, ignoreErrors=False)) mibCompiler.buildIndex(processed, dryRun=False, ignoreErrors=False) except smiError.PySmiError as e: log.error("Compilation failed: {}".format(e)) raise exceptions.MibCompileError(e) errors = [(x, processed[x].error) for x in sorted(processed) if processed[x] == 'failed'] compiled = [(x, processed[x].alias) for x in sorted(processed) if processed[x] == 'compiled'] missing = [x for x in sorted(processed) if processed[x] == 'missing'] for mib in compiled:"Compiled {} ({})".format(mib[0], mib[1])) if len(errors) > 0 or len(missing) > 0: for error in errors: log.error("Could not process {} MIB: {}".format( error[0], error[1])) for mis in missing: log.error("Could not find {}".format(mis)) raise exceptions.MibCompileFailed(errors)"Done without errors") print(processed)
from pysmi.borrower.pyfile import PyFileBorrower from pysmi.writer.pyfile import PyFileWriter from pysmi.parser.null import NullParser from pysmi.codegen.null import NullCodeGen from pysmi.compiler import MibCompiler from pysmi import debug #debug.setLogger(debug.Debug('compiler')) inputMibs = ['BORROWED-MIB'] httpBorrowers = [('', 80, '/pysnmp/notexts/@mib@')] dstDirectory = '.pysnmp-mibs' # Initialize compiler infrastructure mibCompiler = MibCompiler(NullParser(), NullCodeGen(), PyFileWriter(dstDirectory)) # check compiled/borrowed MIBs in our own productions mibCompiler.addSearchers(PyFileSearcher(dstDirectory)) # search for precompiled MIBs at Web sites mibCompiler.addBorrowers( *[PyFileBorrower(HttpReader(*x)) for x in httpBorrowers]) # run MIB compilation results = mibCompiler.compile(*inputMibs) print('Results: %s' % ', '.join(['%s:%s' % (x, results[x]) for x in results]))
from pysmi.searcher.stub import StubSearcher from pysmi.writer.callback import CallbackWriter from pysmi.parser.smi import parserFactory from pysmi.codegen.pysnmp import PySnmpCodeGen, baseMibs from pysmi.compiler import MibCompiler # debug.setLogger(debug.Debug('compiler')) inputMibs = ['IF-MIB', 'IP-MIB'] srcDir = '/usr/share/snmp/mibs/' # we will read MIBs from here # Initialize compiler infrastructure mibCompiler = MibCompiler( parserFactory()(), PySnmpCodeGen(), # out own callback function stores results in its own way CallbackWriter(lambda m, d, c: sys.stdout.write(d)) ) # our own callback function serves as a MIB source here mibCompiler.addSources( CallbackReader(lambda m, c: open(srcDir+m+'.txt').read()) ) # never recompile MIBs with MACROs mibCompiler.addSearchers(StubSearcher(*baseMibs)) # run non-recursive MIB compilation results = mibCompiler.compile(*inputMibs, **dict(noDeps=True)) print('Results: %s' % ', '.join(['%s:%s' % (x, results[x]) for x in results]))
def writer(mib_name, json_doc, context): data = json.loads(json_doc) for k,v in data.items(): DATA[v.get('oid')] = v.get('name') DATA[v.get('name')] = v.get('oid') for inputMib in inputMibs: print(inputMib) try: mibCompiler = MibCompiler( SmiStarParser(), JsonCodeGen(), CallbackWriter(writer) ) # search for source MIBs here mibCompiler.addSources(*[FileReader(x) for x in srcDirectories]) # search for source MIBs at Web sites #mibCompiler.addSources(*[HttpReader(*x) for x in httpSources]) # never recompile MIBs with MACROs #mibCompiler.addSearchers(StubSearcher(*JsonCodeGen.baseMibs)) # run recursive MIB compilation results = mibCompiler.compile(inputMib) except Exception as e:
Generate texts in MIBs: %s Try various filenames while searching for MIB module: %s """ % (', '.join(sorted(mibSources)), ', '.join( sorted([x[0] for x in mibBorrowers if x[1] == genMibTextsFlag])), ', '.join(mibSearchers), dstDirectory, ', '.join(sorted(mibStubs)), ', '.join(sorted(inputMibs)), dstFormat, cacheDirectory or 'not used', nodepsFlag and 'no' or 'yes', rebuildFlag and 'yes' or 'no', dryrunFlag and 'yes' or 'no', pyCompileFlag and 'yes' or 'no', pyOptimizationLevel, ignoreErrorsFlag and 'yes' or 'no', buildIndexFlag and 'yes' or 'no', genMibTextsFlag and 'yes' or 'no', doFuzzyMatchingFlag and 'yes' or 'no')) # Initialize compiler infrastructure mibCompiler = MibCompiler( parserFactory(**smiV1Relaxed)(tempdir=cacheDirectory), NetSnmpCodeGen(), PyFileWriter(dstDirectory).setOptions( pyCompile=pyCompileFlag, pyOptimizationLevel=pyOptimizationLevel)) try: mibCompiler.addSources(*getReadersFromUrls( *mibSources, **dict(fuzzyMatching=doFuzzyMatchingFlag))) mibCompiler.addSearchers(PyFileSearcher(dstDirectory)) for mibSearcher in mibSearchers: mibCompiler.addSearchers(PyPackageSearcher(mibSearcher)) mibCompiler.addSearchers(StubSearcher(*mibStubs)) mibCompiler.addBorrowers(*[ PyFileBorrower(x[1], genTexts=mibBorrowers[x[0]][1])
from pysmi.parser.dialect import smiV1Relaxed from pysmi.codegen.pysnmp import PySnmpCodeGen, baseMibs from pysmi.compiler import MibCompiler from pysmi import debug #debug.setLogger(debug.Debug('borrower', 'reader', 'searcher')) inputMibs = ['BORROWED-MIB'] httpSources = [('', 80, '/asn1/@mib@')] httpBorrowers = [('', 80, '/pysnmp/notexts/@mib@')] dstDirectory = '.pysnmp-mibs' # Initialize compiler infrastructure mibCompiler = MibCompiler( parserFactory(**smiV1Relaxed)(), PySnmpCodeGen(), PyFileWriter(dstDirectory)) # search for source MIBs at Web sites mibCompiler.addSources(*[HttpReader(*x) for x in httpSources]) # never recompile MIBs with MACROs mibCompiler.addSearchers(StubSearcher(*baseMibs)) # check compiled/borrowed MIBs in our own productions mibCompiler.addSearchers(PyFileSearcher(dstDirectory)) # search for compiled MIBs at Web sites if source is not available or broken mibCompiler.addBorrowers(*[ PyFileBorrower(HttpReader(*x)).setOptions(genTexts=False) for x in httpBorrowers
from pysmi.parser.smi import parserFactory from pysmi.parser.dialect import smiV1Relaxed from pysmi.codegen.pysnmp import PySnmpCodeGen, defaultMibPackages, baseMibs from pysmi.compiler import MibCompiler from pysmi import debug #debug.setLogger(debug.Debug('reader', 'compiler')) inputMibs = [ 'IF-MIB', 'IP-MIB' ] srcDirectories = [ '/usr/share/snmp/mibs' ] dstDirectory = '.pysnmp-mibs' # Initialize compiler infrastructure mibCompiler = MibCompiler(parserFactory(**smiV1Relaxed)(), PySnmpCodeGen(), PyFileWriter(dstDirectory)) # search for source MIBs here mibCompiler.addSources(*[ FileReader(x) for x in srcDirectories ]) # check compiled MIBs in our own productions mibCompiler.addSearchers(PyFileSearcher(dstDirectory)) # ...and at default PySNMP MIBs packages mibCompiler.addSearchers(*[ PyPackageSearcher(x) for x in defaultMibPackages ]) # never recompile MIBs with MACROs mibCompiler.addSearchers(StubSearcher(*baseMibs)) # run [possibly recursive] MIB compilation results = mibCompiler.compile(*inputMibs) #, rebuild=True, genTexts=True)
#debug.setLogger(debug.Debug('borrower', 'reader', 'searcher')) inputMibs = [ 'BORROWED-MIB' ] httpSources = [ ('', 80, '/asn1/@mib@') ] httpBorrowers = [ ('', 80, '/pysnmp/notexts/@mib@') ] dstDirectory = '.pysnmp-mibs' # Initialize compiler infrastructure mibCompiler = MibCompiler( parserFactory(**smiV1Relaxed)(), PySnmpCodeGen(), PyFileWriter(dstDirectory) ) # search for source MIBs at Web sites mibCompiler.addSources(*[ HttpReader(*x) for x in httpSources ]) # never recompile MIBs with MACROs mibCompiler.addSearchers(StubSearcher(*baseMibs)) # check compiled/borrowed MIBs in our own productions mibCompiler.addSearchers(PyFileSearcher(dstDirectory)) # search for compiled MIBs at Web sites if source is not available or broken mibCompiler.addBorrowers(*[ PyFileBorrower(HttpReader(*x)).setOptions(genTexts=False) for x in httpBorrowers ]) # run non-recursive MIB compilation
from pysmi.parser.smi import parserFactory from pysmi.parser.dialect import smiV1Relaxed from pysmi.codegen.pysnmp import PySnmpCodeGen, defaultMibPackages, baseMibs from pysmi.compiler import MibCompiler from pysmi import debug #debug.setLogger(debug.Debug('reader', 'compiler')) inputMibs = ['IF-MIB', 'IP-MIB'] srcDirectories = ['/usr/share/snmp/mibs'] dstDirectory = '.pysnmp-mibs' # Initialize compiler infrastructure mibCompiler = MibCompiler( parserFactory(**smiV1Relaxed)(), PySnmpCodeGen(), PyFileWriter(dstDirectory)) # search for source MIBs here mibCompiler.addSources(*[FileReader(x) for x in srcDirectories]) # check compiled MIBs in our own productions mibCompiler.addSearchers(PyFileSearcher(dstDirectory)) # ...and at default PySNMP MIBs packages mibCompiler.addSearchers(*[PyPackageSearcher(x) for x in defaultMibPackages]) # never recompile MIBs with MACROs mibCompiler.addSearchers(StubSearcher(*baseMibs)) # run [possibly recursive] MIB compilation results = mibCompiler.compile(*inputMibs) #, rebuild=True, genTexts=True)
def generate_traps_db(mib_sources, output_dir, output_file, output_format, no_descr, debug, mib_files): """Generate yaml or json formatted documents containing various information about traps. These files can be used by the Datadog Agent to enrich trap data. This command is intended for "Network Devices Monitoring" users who need to enrich traps that are not automatically supported by Datadog. The expected workflow is as such:\n 1- Identify a type of device that is sending traps that Datadog does not already recognize.\n 2- Fetch all the MIBs that Datadog does not support.\n 3- Run `ddev meta snmp generate-traps-db -o ./output_dir/ /path/to/my/mib1 /path/to/my/mib2`\n You'll need to install pysmi manually beforehand. """ from pysmi.codegen import JsonCodeGen from pysmi.compiler import MibCompiler from pysmi.parser import SmiV1CompatParser from pysmi.reader import getReadersFromUrls from pysmi.searcher import AnyFileSearcher from pysmi.writer import FileWriter if debug: set_debug() from pysmi import debug debug.setLogger(debug.Debug('all')) # Defaulting to mib_sources = [mib_sources] if mib_sources else [MIB_SOURCE_URL] if output_file: allowed_extensions = ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS_BY_FORMAT[output_format] if not any(output_file.endswith(x) for x in allowed_extensions): abort("Output file {} does not end with an allowed extension '{}'". format(output_file, ", ".join(allowed_extensions))) if output_dir and output_file: abort( "Do not set both --output-dir and --output-file at the same time.") elif not output_file and not output_dir: abort("Need to set one of --output-dir or --output-file") with TempDir('ddev_mibs') as compiled_mibs_sources: compiled_mibs_sources = os.path.abspath(compiled_mibs_sources) echo_info("Writing intermediate compiled MIBs to {}".format( compiled_mibs_sources)) mibs_sources_dir = os.path.join(compiled_mibs_sources, 'mibs_sources') if not os.path.isdir(mibs_sources_dir): os.mkdir(mibs_sources_dir) mib_sources = (sorted( set([ os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(x)) for x in mib_files if os.path.sep in x ])) + mib_sources) mib_files = [os.path.basename(x) for x in mib_files] searchers = [ AnyFileSearcher(compiled_mibs_sources).setOptions(exts=['.json']) ] code_generator = JsonCodeGen() file_writer = FileWriter(compiled_mibs_sources).setOptions( suffix='.json') mib_compiler = MibCompiler(SmiV1CompatParser(tempdir=''), code_generator, file_writer) mib_compiler.addSources( *getReadersFromUrls(*mib_sources, **dict(fuzzyMatching=True))) mib_compiler.addSearchers(*searchers) compiled_mibs, compiled_dependencies_mibs = compile_and_report_status( mib_files, mib_compiler) # Move all the parent MIBs that had to be compiled but were not requested in the command to a subfolder. for mib_file_name in compiled_dependencies_mibs: os.replace( os.path.join(compiled_mibs_sources, mib_file_name + '.json'), os.path.join(mibs_sources_dir, mib_file_name + '.json'), ) # Only generate trap_db with `mib_files` unless explicitly asked. Used to ignore other files that may be # present "compiled_mibs_sources" compiled_mibs = [ os.path.join(compiled_mibs_sources, x + '.json') for x in compiled_mibs ] # Generate the trap database based on the compiled MIBs. trap_db_per_mib = generate_trap_db(compiled_mibs, mibs_sources_dir, no_descr) use_json = output_format == "json" if output_file: # Compact representation, only one file write_compact_trap_db(trap_db_per_mib, output_file, use_json=use_json) echo_success("Wrote trap data to {}".format( os.path.abspath(output_file))) else: # Expanded representation, one file per MIB. write_trap_db_per_mib(trap_db_per_mib, output_dir, use_json=use_json) echo_success("Wrote trap data to {}".format( os.path.abspath(output_dir)))
inputMibs = ['IF-MIB', 'IP-MIB'] srcDirectories = ['/usr/share/snmp/mibs'] httpSources = [ ('', 80, '/asn1/@mib@') ] def printOut(mibName, jsonDoc, cbCtx): print('\n\n# MIB module %s' % mibName) print(jsonDoc) # Initialize compiler infrastructure mibCompiler = MibCompiler( SmiStarParser(), JsonCodeGen(), CallbackWriter(printOut) ) # search for source MIBs here mibCompiler.addSources(*[FileReader(x) for x in srcDirectories]) # search for source MIBs at Web sites mibCompiler.addSources(*[HttpReader(*x) for x in httpSources]) # never recompile MIBs with MACROs mibCompiler.addSearchers(StubSearcher(*JsonCodeGen.baseMibs)) # run recursive MIB compilation results = mibCompiler.compile(*inputMibs) print('\n# Results: %s' % ', '.join(['%s:%s' % (x, results[x]) for x in results]))
from pysmi import debug #debug.setLogger(debug.Debug('all')) inputMibs = [ 'IF-MIB', 'IP-MIB' ] httpSources = [ ('', 80, '/asn1/@mib@') ] ftpSources = [ ('', '/pub/mibs/v2/@mib@') ] dstDirectory = '.pysnmp-mibs' # Initialize compiler infrastructure mibCompiler = MibCompiler( parserFactory(**smiV1Relaxed)(), PySnmpCodeGen(), PyFileWriter(dstDirectory) ) # search for source MIBs at Web and FTP sites mibCompiler.addSources(*[ HttpReader(*x) for x in httpSources ]) mibCompiler.addSources(*[ FtpReader(*x) for x in ftpSources ]) # never recompile MIBs with MACROs mibCompiler.addSearchers(StubSearcher(*baseMibs)) # run non-recursive MIB compilation results = mibCompiler.compile(*inputMibs, **dict(noDeps=True)) print('Results: %s' % ', '.join(['%s:%s' % (x, results[x]) for x in results]))
rebuildFlag and 'yes' or 'no', dryrunFlag and 'yes' or 'no', writeMibsFlag and 'yes' or 'no', dstFormat == 'pysnmp' and pyCompileFlag and 'yes' or 'no', dstFormat == 'pysnmp' and pyOptimizationLevel and 'yes' or 'no', ignoreErrorsFlag and 'yes' or 'no', buildIndexFlag and 'yes' or 'no', genMibTextsFlag and 'yes' or 'no', keepTextsLayout and 'yes' or 'no', doFuzzyMatchingFlag and 'yes' or 'no')) # Initialize compiler infrastructure mibCompiler = MibCompiler( SmiV1CompatParser(tempdir=cacheDirectory), codeGenerator, fileWriter ) try: mibCompiler.addSources( *getReadersFromUrls( *mibSources, **dict(fuzzyMatching=doFuzzyMatchingFlag) ) ) mibCompiler.addSearchers(*searchers) mibCompiler.addBorrowers(*borrowers) processed = mibCompiler.compile(
from pysmi.reader import HttpReader from pysmi.searcher import StubSearcher from pysmi.writer import CallbackWriter from pysmi.parser import SmiStarParser from pysmi.codegen import JsonCodeGen from pysmi.compiler import MibCompiler inputMibs = ['IF-MIB', 'IP-MIB'] httpSources = [('', 80, '/asn1/@mib@')] # store compiled MIBs by calling this function def store_mibs(mibName, jsonDoc, cbCtx): print('# MIB module %s' % mibName) print(jsonDoc) mibCompiler = MibCompiler(SmiStarParser(), JsonCodeGen(), CallbackWriter(store_mibs)) # pull ASN.1 MIBs over HTTP mibCompiler.addSources(*[HttpReader(*x) for x in httpSources]) # never recompile MIBs with ASN.1 MACROs mibCompiler.addSearchers(StubSearcher(*JsonCodeGen.baseMibs)) status = mibCompiler.compile(*inputMibs) print(status)
def mib2pysnmp(mib_file, output_dir): """ The 'build-pysnmp-mib' script we previously used is no longer available Latest pysmi has the ability to generate a .py file from .mib automatically :param mib_file: path to the .mib file we want to compile :param output_dir: path to the output directory :return: True if we successfully compile the .mib to a .py """ logger.debug('Compiling mib file: %s', mib_file) # create a mib compiler with output dir mibCompiler = MibCompiler(SmiV2Parser(), PySnmpCodeGen(), PyFileWriter(output_dir)) # add sources from where we fetch dependencies mibCompiler.addSources(HttpReader('', 80, '/asn1/@mib@')) mibCompiler.addSources( FileReader(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(mib_file)))) # add searchers mibCompiler.addSearchers(PyFileSearcher(output_dir)) mibCompiler.addSearchers(PyPackageSearcher('pysnmp.mibs')) mibCompiler.addSearchers(StubSearcher(*baseMibs)) # compile, there should be a generated under output_dir mibName = os.path.basename(mib_file).replace('.mib', '') results = mibCompiler.compile(mibName) if results[mibName] == 'compiled' or results[mibName] == 'untouched': return True return False
from pysmi.reader.httpclient import HttpReader from pysmi.searcher.pyfile import PyFileSearcher from pysmi.borrower.pyfile import PyFileBorrower from pysmi.writer.pyfile import PyFileWriter from pysmi.parser.null import NullParser from pysmi.codegen.null import NullCodeGen from pysmi.compiler import MibCompiler from pysmi import debug # debug.setLogger(debug.Debug('compiler')) inputMibs = ["BORROWED-MIB"] httpBorrowers = [("", 80, "/pysnmp/notexts/@mib@")] dstDirectory = ".pysnmp-mibs" # Initialize compiler infrastructure mibCompiler = MibCompiler(NullParser(), NullCodeGen(), PyFileWriter(dstDirectory)) # check compiled/borrowed MIBs in our own productions mibCompiler.addSearchers(PyFileSearcher(dstDirectory)) # search for precompiled MIBs at Web sites mibCompiler.addBorrowers(*[PyFileBorrower(HttpReader(*x)) for x in httpBorrowers]) # run MIB compilation results = mibCompiler.compile(*inputMibs) print("Results: %s" % ", ".join(["%s:%s" % (x, results[x]) for x in results]))
""" from pysmi.reader import FileReader from pysmi.searcher import PyFileSearcher, PyPackageSearcher, StubSearcher from pysmi.writer import PyFileWriter from pysmi.parser import SmiStarParser from pysmi.codegen import PySnmpCodeGen from pysmi.compiler import MibCompiler inputMibs = ['MIKROTIK-MIB'] srcDirectories = ['.mikrotik-mibs'] dstDirectory = '.pysnmp-mibs' # Initialize compiler infrastructure mibCompiler = MibCompiler(SmiStarParser(), PySnmpCodeGen(), PyFileWriter(dstDirectory)) # search for source MIBs here mibCompiler.addSources(*[FileReader(x) for x in srcDirectories]) # check compiled MIBs in our own productions mibCompiler.addSearchers(PyFileSearcher(dstDirectory)) # ...and at default PySNMP MIBs packages mibCompiler.addSearchers( *[PyPackageSearcher(x) for x in PySnmpCodeGen.defaultMibPackages]) # never recompile MIBs with MACROs mibCompiler.addSearchers(StubSearcher(*PySnmpCodeGen.baseMibs)) # run [possibly recursive] MIB compilation results = mibCompiler.compile(*inputMibs) # , rebuild=True, genTexts=True)
from pysmi.reader import FtpReader from pysmi.reader import FileReader from pysmi.searcher import StubSearcher from pysmi.writer import PyFileWriter from pysmi.parser import SmiStarParser from pysmi.codegen import PySnmpCodeGen from pysmi.compiler import MibCompiler inputMibs = ['IF-MIB', 'BRIDGE-MIB', 'LUXL-POE-MIB', 'LUXL-SMI', 'LUXL-TC'] httpSources = [('', 80, '/asn1/@mib@')] ftpSources = [('', '/pub/mibs/v2/@mib@')] srcDirectories = [('./LUXL_MIBs_ALL')] dstDirectory = './lib/python3.7/site-packages/pysnmp/smi/mibs/' # Initialize compiler infrastructure mibCompiler = MibCompiler(SmiStarParser(), PySnmpCodeGen(), PyFileWriter(dstDirectory)) # search for source MIBs at Web and FTP sites mibCompiler.addSources(*[HttpReader(*x) for x in httpSources]) mibCompiler.addSources(*[FtpReader(*x) for x in ftpSources]) mibCompiler.addSources(*[FileReader(x) for x in srcDirectories]) # never recompile MIBs with MACROs mibCompiler.addSearchers(StubSearcher(*PySnmpCodeGen.baseMibs)) # run non-recursive MIB compilation results = mibCompiler.compile(*inputMibs, **dict(noDeps=True)) print('Results: %s' % ', '.join(['%s:%s' % (x, results[x]) for x in results]))
nodepsFlag and 'no' or 'yes', rebuildFlag and 'yes' or 'no', dryrunFlag and 'yes' or 'no', pyCompileFlag and 'yes' or 'no', pyOptimizationLevel, ignoreErrorsFlag and 'yes' or 'no', buildIndexFlag and 'yes' or 'no', genMibTextsFlag and 'yes' or 'no', doFuzzyMatchingFlag and 'yes' or 'no')) # Initialize compiler infrastructure mibCompiler = MibCompiler( parserFactory(**smiV1Relaxed)(tempdir=cacheDirectory), NetSnmpCodeGen(), PyFileWriter(dstDirectory).setOptions( pyCompile=pyCompileFlag, pyOptimizationLevel=pyOptimizationLevel ) ) try: mibCompiler.addSources( *getReadersFromUrls( *mibSources, **dict(fuzzyMatching=doFuzzyMatchingFlag) ) ) mibCompiler.addSearchers(PyFileSearcher(dstDirectory)) for mibSearcher in mibSearchers: mibCompiler.addSearchers(PyPackageSearcher(mibSearcher))
nodepsFlag and 'no' or 'yes', rebuildFlag and 'yes' or 'no', dryrunFlag and 'yes' or 'no', pyCompileFlag and 'yes' or 'no', pyOptimizationLevel, ignoreErrorsFlag and 'yes' or 'no', buildIndexFlag and 'yes' or 'no', genMibTextsFlag and 'yes' or 'no', doFuzzyMatchingFlag and 'yes' or 'no')) # Initialize compiler infrastructure writer = CFileWriter(dstDirectory) mibCompiler = MibCompiler(parserFactory(**smiV1Relaxed)(tempdir=cacheDirectory), NetSnmpCodeGen(writer,**dict(mappingFile=mappingFile, clangFormatPath=clangFormatPath, jsonTables=jsonTables,scalarMapping=scalarMapping)), writer) try: mibCompiler.addSources(*getReadersFromUrls(*mibSources, **dict(fuzzyMatching=doFuzzyMatchingFlag))) mibCompiler.addSearchers(PyFileSearcher(dstDirectory)) for mibSearcher in mibSearchers: mibCompiler.addSearchers(PyPackageSearcher(mibSearcher)) mibCompiler.addSearchers(StubSearcher(*mibStubs)) mibCompiler.addBorrowers(*[ PyFileBorrower(x[1], genTexts=mibBorrowers[x[0]][1]) for x in enumerate(getReadersFromUrls(*[m[0] for m in mibBorrowers], **dict(lowcaseMatching=False))) ])