def find_mcus_by_core(self): self.cpuid = self._stlink.get_debugreg32(PyStlink.CPUID_REG) if self.cpuid == 0: raise stlinkex.StlinkException('Not connected to CPU') self._dbg.verbose("CPUID: %08x" % self.cpuid) partno = 0xfff & (self.cpuid >> 4) for mcu_core in stm32devices.DEVICES: if mcu_core['part_no'] == partno: self._mcus_by_core = mcu_core return raise stlinkex.StlinkException('PART_NO: 0x%03x is not supported' % partno)
def find_mcus_by_devid(self): idcode = self._stlink.get_debugreg32(self._mcus_by_core['idcode_reg']) self._dbg.verbose("IDCODE: %08x" % idcode) devid = 0xfff & idcode for mcu_devid in self._mcus_by_core['devices']: if mcu_devid['dev_id'] == devid: self._mcus_by_devid = mcu_devid return raise stlinkex.StlinkException('DEV_ID: 0x%03x is not supported' % devid)
def find_mcus_by_flash_size(self): self._flash_size = self._stlink.get_debugreg16( self._mcus_by_devid['flash_size_reg']) self._mcus = [] for mcu in self._mcus_by_devid['devices']: if mcu['flash_size'] == self._flash_size: self._mcus.append(mcu) if not self._mcus: raise stlinkex.StlinkException( 'Connected CPU with DEV_ID: 0x%03x and FLASH size: %dKB is not supported' % (self._mcus_by_devid['dev_id'], self._flash_size))
def fix_cpu_type(self, cpu_type): cpu_type = cpu_type.upper() # now support only STM32 if cpu_type.startswith('STM32'): # change character on 10 position to 'x' where is package size code if len(cpu_type) > 9: cpu_type = list(cpu_type) cpu_type[9] = 'x' cpu_type = ''.join(cpu_type) return cpu_type raise stlinkex.StlinkException('"%s" is not STM32 family' % cpu_type)
def read_file(self, filename): if filename.endswith('.srec'): srec = srec.Srec() srec.encode_file(filename) size = sum([len(i[1]) for i in srec.buffers])"Loaded %d Bytes from %s file" % (size, filename)) return srec.buffers with open(filename, 'rb') as f: data = list("Loaded %d Bytes from %s file" % (len(data), filename)) return [(None, data)] raise stlinkex.StlinkException("Error reading file")
def filter_detected_cpu(self, expected_cpus): cpus = [] for detected_cpu in self._mcus: for expected_cpu in expected_cpus: expected_cpu = self.fix_cpu_type(expected_cpu) if detected_cpu['type'].startswith(expected_cpu): cpus.append(detected_cpu) break if not cpus: raise stlinkex.StlinkException( 'Connected CPU is not %s but detected is %s %s' % ( ','.join(expected_cpus), 'one of' if len(self._mcus) > 1 else '', ','.join([cpu['type'] for cpu in self._mcus]), )) self._mcus = cpus
def cmd_write(self, params): mem = self.read_file(params[-1]) params = params[:-1] if len(mem) == 1 and mem[0][0] is None: data = mem[0][1] if len(params) != 1: raise stlinkex.StlinkExceptionBadParam('Address is not set') if params[0] == 'sram': addr = self._driver.SRAM_START if len(data) > self._sram_size * 1024: raise stlinkex.StlinkExceptionBadParam( 'Data are bigger than SRAM') else: addr = int(params[0], 0) self._driver.set_mem(addr, data) return True if params: raise stlinkex.StlinkException('Address for write is set by file') for addr, data in mem: self._driver.set_mem(addr, data)
def detect_cpu(self, expected_cpus, unmount=False): self._connector = stlinkusb.StlinkUsbConnector(dbg=self._dbg) if unmount: self._connector.unmount_discovery() self._stlink = stlinkv2.Stlink(self._connector, dbg=self._dbg)"DEVICE: ST-Link/%s" % self._stlink.ver_str)"SUPPLY: %.2fV" % self._stlink.target_voltage) self._dbg.verbose("COREID: %08x" % self._stlink.coreid) if self._stlink.coreid == 0: raise stlinkex.StlinkException('Not connected to CPU') self.find_mcus_by_core()"CORE: %s" % self._mcus_by_core['core']) self.find_mcus_by_devid() self.find_mcus_by_flash_size() if expected_cpus: # filter detected MCUs by selected MCU type self.filter_detected_cpu(expected_cpus)"MCU: %s" % '/'.join([mcu['type'] for mcu in self._mcus]))"FLASH: %dKB" % self._flash_size) self.find_sram_eeprom_size() self.load_driver() return [self._stlink.coreid]