def draw_sector(self, end): """draw the sector""" segment = path.path( path.arc(self.xo, self.yo, self.inner_r, self.start_angle, self.end_angle), path.arcn(self.xo, self.yo, self.sector_width + self.inner_r, self.end_angle, self.start_angle), path.closepath()) self.shape_canvas.fill(segment, [self.sector_color]) # draw a delimiting line between sectors line_color = color.gray(0.15) if end and (self.end_angle - self.start_angle) < 0.25: line_color = r = self.inner_r + self.sector_width start_radians = self.start_angle * pi / 180.0 end_radians = self.end_angle * pi / 180.0 x0 = self.inner_r * cos(start_radians) + self.xo y0 = self.inner_r * sin(start_radians) + self.yo x1 = r * cos(start_radians) + self.xo y1 = r * sin(start_radians) + self.yo self.shape_canvas.stroke(path.line(x0, y0, x1, y1), [style.linewidth(0.01), line_color]) x0 = self.inner_r * cos(end_radians) + self.xo y0 = self.inner_r * sin(end_radians) + self.yo x1 = r * cos(end_radians) + self.xo y1 = r * sin(end_radians) + self.yo self.shape_canvas.stroke(path.line(x0, y0, x1, y1), [style.linewidth(0.01), line_color])
def draw_page(c, file, sensori, sensorj, nci, ncj, matrix): """ Generates the contingency table for the peaks :param c: :param file: :param sensori: :param sensorj: :param nci: :param ncj: :return: """ for i in range(nci): im ='/icons/'+""%(file, sensori, i+1)) image_bw = bitmap.image(im.size[0], im.size[1], im.mode, im.tostring()) bitmap_bw = bitmap.bitmap(0, i+1, image_bw, height=0.8) c.insert(bitmap_bw) for i in range(ncj): im ='/icons/'+""%(file, sensorj, i+1)) image_bw = bitmap.image(im.size[0], im.size[1], im.mode, im.tostring()) bitmap_bw = bitmap.bitmap(i+1, 0, image_bw, height=0.8) c.insert(bitmap_bw) grad = np.zeros(matrix.shape) for i in range(matrix.shape[0]): grad[i] = matrix[i]/np.sum(matrix[i]) for i in range(nci): for j in range(ncj): p = path.rect(i+1, j+1, 1, 1) c.stroke(p, [deco.filled([gray(1-grad[i, j])])]) c.text(i+1, j+1, str(int(matrix[i,j])), [text.size(-1),]) c.text(-1, (nci/2)+1, sensori, [text.size(-1)]) c.text((ncj/2)+1, -1, sensorj, [text.size(-1)]) # Margings for better printing c.text(-1.5, (nci/2)+1, " ", [text.size(-1)]) c.text(nci+2, (nci/2)+1, " ", [text.size(-1)]) c.text((ncj/2)+1, -1.5, " ", [text.size(-1)]) c.text((ncj/2)+1, ncj+2, " ", [text.size(-1)])
def draw_page(c, file, sensori, sensorj, nci, ncj, matrix): """ Generates the contingency table for the peaks :param c: :param file: :param sensori: :param sensorj: :param nci: :param ncj: :return: """ for i in range(nci): im = + '/' + +'/Results/icons/' + ""%(file, sensori, i+1)) image_bw = bitmap.image(im.size[0], im.size[1], im.mode, im.tostring()) bitmap_bw = bitmap.bitmap(0, i+1, image_bw, height=0.8) c.insert(bitmap_bw) for i in range(ncj): im = + '/' + +'/Results/icons/' + ""%(file, sensorj, i+1)) image_bw = bitmap.image(im.size[0], im.size[1], im.mode, im.tostring()) bitmap_bw = bitmap.bitmap(i+1, 0, image_bw, height=0.8) c.insert(bitmap_bw) grad = np.zeros(matrix.shape) for i in range(matrix.shape[0]): grad[i] = matrix[i]/np.sum(matrix[i]) for i in range(nci): for j in range(ncj): p = path.rect(i+1, j+1, 1, 1) c.stroke(p, [deco.filled([gray(1-grad[i, j])])]) c.text(i+1, j+1, str(int(matrix[i,j])), [text.size(-1),]) c.text(-1, (nci/2)+1, sensori, [text.size(-1)]) c.text((ncj/2)+1, -1, sensorj, [text.size(-1)]) # Margings for better printing c.text(-1.5, (nci/2)+1, " ", [text.size(-1)]) c.text(nci+2, (nci/2)+1, " ", [text.size(-1)]) c.text((ncj/2)+1, -1.5, " ", [text.size(-1)]) c.text((ncj/2)+1, ncj+2, " ", [text.size(-1)]) quit() from pyx import canvas, graph, text, color, style, trafo, unit from pyx.graph import axis, key text.set(mode="latex") text.preamble(r"\usepackage{txfonts}") figwidth = 12 gkey = key.key(pos=None, hpos=0.05, vpos=0.8) xaxis = axis.linear(title=r"Time, \(t\)") yaxis = axis.linear(title="Signal", min=-5, max=17) g = graph.graphxy(width=figwidth, x=xaxis, y=yaxis, key=gkey) plotdata = [, y=signal+offset, title=label) for label, signal, offset in (r"\(A(t) = \mathrm{square}(2\pi t/T)\)", A, 2.5), (r"\(B(t) = \mathrm{sawtooth}(\phi + 2 \pi t/T)\)", B, -2.5)] linestyles = [style.linestyle.solid, style.linejoin.round, style.linewidth.Thick, color.gradient.Rainbow, color.transparency(0.5)] plotstyles = [] g.plot(plotdata, plotstyles) g.plot(, y=listX, title="Blah"), plotstyles) g.text(10*unit.x_pt, 0.56*figwidth, r"\textbf{Cross correlation of noisy anharmonic signals}") g.text(10*unit.x_pt, 0.33*figwidth, "Phase shift: input \(\phi = %.2f \,\pi\), recovered \(\phi = %.2f \,\pi\)" % (phase_shift/pi, recovered_phase_shift/pi)) xxaxis = axis.linear(title=r"Time Lag, \(\Delta t\)", min=-1.5, max=1.5) yyaxis = axis.linear(title=r"\(A(t) \star B(t)\)") gg = graph.graphxy(width=0.2*figwidth, x=xxaxis, y=yyaxis) plotstyles = [ + [color.rgb(0.2,0.5,0.2)])] #gg.plot(, y=xcorr), plotstyles) gg.plot(, y=xcorr, title="Blah"), plotstyles) gg.stroke(gg.xgridpath(recovered_time_shift), [style.linewidth.THIck, color.gray(0.5), color.transparency(0.7)]) ggtrafos = [trafo.translate(0.75*figwidth, 0.45*figwidth)] g.insert(gg, ggtrafos) g.writePDFfile("so-xcorr-pyx")
def special(self, s, fontmap): x = self.pos[_POS_H] * self.pyxconv y = -self.pos[_POS_V] * self.pyxconv if self.debug: self.debugfile.write("%d: xxx '%s'\n" % (self.filepos, s)) if not s.startswith("PyX:"): logger.warning("ignoring special '%s'" % s) return # it is in general not safe to continue using the currently active font because # the specials may involve some gsave/grestore operations self.flushtext(fontmap) command, args = s[4:].split()[0], s[4:].split()[1:] if command == "color_begin": if args[0] == "cmyk": c = color.cmyk(float(args[1]), float(args[2]), float(args[3]), float(args[4])) elif args[0] == "gray": c = color.gray(float(args[1])) elif args[0] == "hsb": c = color.hsb(float(args[1]), float(args[2]), float(args[3])) elif args[0] == "rgb": c = color.rgb(float(args[1]), float(args[2]), float(args[3])) elif args[0] == "RGB": c = color.rgb(int(args[1])/255.0, int(args[2])/255.0, int(args[3])/255.0) elif args[0] == "texnamed": try: c = getattr(color.cmyk, args[1]) except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError("unknown TeX color '%s', aborting" % args[1]) elif args[0] == "pyxcolor": # pyx.color.cmyk.PineGreen or # pyx.color.cmyk(0,0,0,0.0) pat = re.compile(r"(pyx\.)?(color\.)?(?P<model>(cmyk)|(rgb)|(grey)|(gray)|(hsb))[\.]?(?P<arg>.*)") sd = pat.match(" ".join(args[1:])) if sd: sd = sd.groupdict() if sd["arg"][0] == "(": numpat = re.compile(r"[+-]?((\d+\.\d*)|(\d*\.\d+)|(\d+))([eE][+-]\d+)?") arg = tuple([float(x[0]) for x in numpat.findall(sd["arg"])]) try: c = getattr(color, sd["model"])(*arg) except TypeError or AttributeError: raise RuntimeError("cannot access PyX color '%s' in TeX, aborting" % " ".join(args[1:])) else: try: c = getattr(getattr(color, sd["model"]), sd["arg"]) except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError("cannot access PyX color '%s' in TeX, aborting" % " ".join(args[1:])) else: raise RuntimeError("cannot access PyX color '%s' in TeX, aborting" % " ".join(args[1:])) else: raise RuntimeError("color model '%s' cannot be handled by PyX, aborting" % args[0]) self.beginsubpage([c]) elif command == "color_end": self.endsubpage() elif command == "rotate_begin": self.beginsubpage([trafo.rotate_pt(float(args[0]), x, y)]) elif command == "rotate_end": self.endsubpage() elif command == "scale_begin": self.beginsubpage([trafo.scale_pt(float(args[0]), float(args[1]), x, y)]) elif command == "scale_end": self.endsubpage() elif command == "epsinclude": # parse arguments argdict = {} for arg in args: name, value = arg.split("=") argdict[name] = value # construct kwargs for epsfile constructor epskwargs = {} epskwargs["filename"] = argdict["file"] epskwargs["bbox"] = bbox.bbox_pt(float(argdict["llx"]), float(argdict["lly"]), float(argdict["urx"]), float(argdict["ury"])) if "width" in argdict: epskwargs["width"] = float(argdict["width"]) * unit.t_pt if "height" in argdict: epskwargs["height"] = float(argdict["height"]) * unit.t_pt if "clip" in argdict: epskwargs["clip"] = int(argdict["clip"]) self.actpage.insert(epsfile.epsfile(x * unit.t_pt, y * unit.t_pt, **epskwargs)) elif command == "marker": if len(args) != 1: raise RuntimeError("marker contains spaces") for c in args[0]: if c not in string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "@": raise RuntimeError("marker contains invalid characters") if args[0] in self.actpage.markers: raise RuntimeError("marker name occurred several times") self.actpage.markers[args[0]] = x * unit.t_pt, y * unit.t_pt else: raise RuntimeError("unknown PyX special '%s', aborting" % command)
def special(self, s, fontmap): x = self.pos[_POS_H] * self.pyxconv y = -self.pos[_POS_V] * self.pyxconv if self.debug: self.debugfile.write("%d: xxx '%s'\n" % (self.filepos, s)) if not s.startswith("PyX:"): logger.warning("ignoring special '%s'" % s) return # it is in general not safe to continue using the currently active font because # the specials may involve some gsave/grestore operations self.flushtext(fontmap) command, args = s[4:].split()[0], s[4:].split()[1:] if command == "color_begin": if args[0] == "cmyk": c = color.cmyk(float(args[1]), float(args[2]), float(args[3]), float(args[4])) elif args[0] == "gray": c = color.gray(float(args[1])) elif args[0] == "hsb": c = color.hsb(float(args[1]), float(args[2]), float(args[3])) elif args[0] == "rgb": c = color.rgb(float(args[1]), float(args[2]), float(args[3])) elif args[0] == "RGB": c = color.rgb( int(args[1]) / 255.0, int(args[2]) / 255.0, int(args[3]) / 255.0) elif args[0] == "texnamed": try: c = getattr(color.cmyk, args[1]) except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError("unknown TeX color '%s', aborting" % args[1]) elif args[0] == "pyxcolor": # pyx.color.cmyk.PineGreen or # pyx.color.cmyk(0,0,0,0.0) pat = re.compile( r"(pyx\.)?(color\.)?(?P<model>(cmyk)|(rgb)|(grey)|(gray)|(hsb))[\.]?(?P<arg>.*)" ) sd = pat.match(" ".join(args[1:])) if sd: sd = sd.groupdict() if sd["arg"][0] == "(": numpat = re.compile( r"[+-]?((\d+\.\d*)|(\d*\.\d+)|(\d+))([eE][+-]\d+)?" ) arg = tuple( [float(x[0]) for x in numpat.findall(sd["arg"])]) try: c = getattr(color, sd["model"])(*arg) except TypeError or AttributeError: raise RuntimeError( "cannot access PyX color '%s' in TeX, aborting" % " ".join(args[1:])) else: try: c = getattr(getattr(color, sd["model"]), sd["arg"]) except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError( "cannot access PyX color '%s' in TeX, aborting" % " ".join(args[1:])) else: raise RuntimeError( "cannot access PyX color '%s' in TeX, aborting" % " ".join(args[1:])) else: raise RuntimeError( "color model '%s' cannot be handled by PyX, aborting" % args[0]) self.beginsubpage([c]) elif command == "color_end": self.endsubpage() elif command == "rotate_begin": self.beginsubpage([trafo.rotate_pt(float(args[0]), x, y)]) elif command == "rotate_end": self.endsubpage() elif command == "scale_begin": self.beginsubpage( [trafo.scale_pt(float(args[0]), float(args[1]), x, y)]) elif command == "scale_end": self.endsubpage() elif command == "epsinclude": # parse arguments argdict = {} for arg in args: name, value = arg.split("=") argdict[name] = value # construct kwargs for epsfile constructor epskwargs = {} epskwargs["filename"] = argdict["file"] epskwargs["bbox"] = bbox.bbox_pt(float(argdict["llx"]), float(argdict["lly"]), float(argdict["urx"]), float(argdict["ury"])) if "width" in argdict: epskwargs["width"] = float(argdict["width"]) * unit.t_pt if "height" in argdict: epskwargs["height"] = float(argdict["height"]) * unit.t_pt if "clip" in argdict: epskwargs["clip"] = int(argdict["clip"]) self.actpage.insert( epsfile.epsfile(x * unit.t_pt, y * unit.t_pt, **epskwargs)) elif command == "marker": if len(args) != 1: raise RuntimeError("marker contains spaces") for c in args[0]: if c not in string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "@": raise RuntimeError("marker contains invalid characters") if args[0] in self.actpage.markers: raise RuntimeError("marker name occurred several times") self.actpage.markers[args[0]] = x * unit.t_pt, y * unit.t_pt else: raise RuntimeError("unknown PyX special '%s', aborting" % command)
def plot_scores(self, fname, binsize=10000, show_lads=False, show_dips=False, show_means=False, show_partitions=False): """Plot a PDF of score data with optional indicators of partitions, " partition means, LADs, and DIPs.""" # Make sure that the PYX module is available try: from pyx import canvas, path, document, color, text, style except ImportError: self.logger.warn("The package pyx must be installed to plot data") return None # Make sure desired data is present if self.focus != 'binned': if ( is None or numpy.nanmin(['score']) == 0): self.logger.warn("Requested data is not available for " "plotting") return None elif (self.binned is None or numpy.nanmin(self.binned['score']) == 0): self.logger.warn("Requested binned data is not available for " "plotting") return None"Plotting data") # Determine which data to use if self.focus == 'binned': data = self.binned chr_indices = self.bin_indices else: data = chr_indices = self.chr_indices # Plot each chromosome on its own page pages = [] for i in range(self.chroms.shape[0]): valid = numpy.where( numpy.logical_not( numpy.isnan( data['score'][chr_indices[i]:chr_indices[i + 1]])))[0] valid += chr_indices[i] # Skip chromosomes without valid data if valid.shape[0] == 0: continue mids = (data['coords'][valid, 0] + data['coords'][valid, 1]) // 2 if binsize > 0: # Bin data to the resolution requested start = (mids[0] // binsize) * binsize stop = (mids[-1] // binsize + 1) * binsize indices = (mids - start) // binsize counts = numpy.bincount(indices) Ys = numpy.bincount( indices, weights=data['score'][valid]) / numpy.maximum( 1, counts) mids = (start + numpy.arange( (stop - start) // binsize) * binsize + binsize / 2) valid = numpy.where(counts > 0)[0] Ys = Ys[valid] mids = mids[valid] coords = numpy.zeros((Ys.shape[0], 2), dtype=numpy.float64) coords[:, 0] = start + valid * binsize coords[:, 1] = start + valid * binsize + binsize else: Ys = data['score'][valid] start = data['coords'][valid, 0] stop = data['coords'][valid[-1], 1] coords = data['coords'][valid, :].astype(numpy.float64) c = canvas.canvas() width = (stop - start) / 5000000. height = 5. maxscore = numpy.amax(numpy.abs(Ys)) if show_means and self.partitions is not None: where = numpy.where(self.partitions['chr'] == i)[0] maxscore = max( maxscore, numpy.amax(numpy.abs(self.partitions['score'][where]))) Ys /= maxscore Ys *= height * 0.5 Xs = (mids - start) / float(stop - start) * width coords -= start coords /= (stop - start) coords *= width lpath = path.path(path.moveto(0, 0)) for j in range(valid.shape[0]): if j == 0 or valid[j] - valid[j - 1] > 1: lpath.append(path.lineto(coords[j, 0], 0)) lpath.append(path.lineto(Xs[j], Ys[j])) if j == Xs.shape[0] - 1 or valid[j + 1] - valid[j] > 1: lpath.append(path.lineto(coords[j, 1], 0)) lpath.append(path.lineto(width, 0)) lpath.append(path.closepath()) # add lads if requests and already determined if show_lads and self.LADs is not None: where = numpy.where(self.LADs['chr'] == i)[0] if where.shape[0] == 0: continue for j in where: X0 = ((self.LADs['coords'][j, 0] - start) / float(stop - start) * width) X1 = ((self.LADs['coords'][j, 1] - start) / float(stop - start) * width) c.fill(path.rect(X0, -height / 2, X1 - X0, height), [color.gray(0.85)]) # add dips if requests and already determined if show_dips and self.DIPs is not None: print(self.DIPs.shape) where = numpy.where(self.DIPs['chr'] == i)[0] if where.shape[0] == 0: continue for j in where: X0 = ((self.DIPs['coords'][j, 0] - start) / float(stop - start) * width) X1 = ((self.DIPs['coords'][j, 1] - start) / float(stop - start) * width) c.fill(path.rect(X0, -height / 2, X1 - X0, height), []) # add signal track c.fill(lpath) c.stroke(path.line(0, -height / 2, width, -height / 2)) # add partition mean line if requested and already determined if show_means and self.partitions is not None: where = numpy.where(self.partitions['chr'] == i)[0] coords = ((self.partitions['coords'][where, :] - start) / float(stop - start) * width) Ys = ((self.partitions['score'][where] / maxscore) * height * 0.5) lpath = path.path(path.moveto(0, 0)) for j in range(Ys.shape[0]): if j == 0 or coords[j, 0] != coords[j - 1, 1]: lpath.append(path.lineto(coords[j, 0], 0)) lpath.append(path.lineto(coords[j, 0], Ys[j])) lpath.append(path.lineto(coords[j, 1], Ys[j])) if (j == Ys.shape[0] - 1 or coords[j, 1] != coords[j + 1, 0]): lpath.append(path.lineto(coords[j, 1], 0)) lpath.append(path.lineto(width, 0)) c.stroke(lpath, [, style.linewidth.THIN, color.transparency(0.5) ]) # add partition lines if requested and already determined if show_partitions and self.partitions is not None: where = numpy.where(self.partitions['chr'] == i)[0] coords = ((self.partitions['coords'][where, :] - start) / float(stop - start) * width) for j in range(coords.shape[0] - 1): c.stroke( path.line(coords[j, 1], -height * 0.5, coords[j, 1], height * 0.5), [style.linewidth.THin]) if coords[j, 1] != coords[j + 1, 0]: c.stroke( path.line(coords[j + 1, 0], -height * 0.5, coords[j + 1, 0], height * 0.5), [style.linewidth.THin]) # add coordinates for j in range(int(numpy.ceil(start / 10000000.)), int(numpy.floor(stop / 10000000.) + 1)): X = (j * 10000000. - start) / (stop - start) * width c.stroke(path.line(X, -height / 2, X, -height / 2 - 0.2)) c.text(X, -height / 2 - 0.25, "%i Mb" % (j * 10), [,]) c.text(width * 0.5, -height / 2 - 0.6, "%s" % self.chroms[i].replace('_', ' '), [,]) pages.append( doc = document.document(pages) doc.writePDFfile(fname)