Example #1
def test_deep_remove():
    l = [[[0], 1], 2]
    l = deep_remove(l, 1)
    assert_equal(l, [[[0]], 2])

    # Harder case...
    l = [[[[0, 1, 2]], [3, 4], [5], [6, 7]]]
    l = deep_remove(l, 0, 5)
    assert l == [[[[1, 2]], [3, 4], [], [6, 7]]]
Example #2
def test_deep_remove():
    l = [[[0], 1], 2]
    l = deep_remove(l, 1)
    assert_equal(l, [[[0]], 2])

    # Harder case...
    l = [[[[0, 1, 2]], [3, 4], [5], [6, 7]]]
    l = deep_remove(l, 0, 5)
    assert l == [[[[1, 2]], [3, 4], [], [6, 7]]]
Example #3
def tensor_contract(qobj, *pairs):
    """Contracts a qobj along one or more index pairs.
    Note that this uses dense representations and thus
    should *not* be used for very large Qobjs.


    pairs : tuple
        One or more tuples ``(i, j)`` indicating that the
        ``i`` and ``j`` dimensions of the original qobj
        should be contracted.


    cqobj : Qobj
        The original Qobj with all named index pairs contracted

    # Record and label the original dims.
    dims = qobj.dims
    dims_idxs = enumerate_flat(dims)
    tensor_dims = dims_to_tensor_shape(dims)

    # Convert to dense first, since sparse won't support the reshaping we need.
    qtens = qobj.data.toarray()

    # Reshape by the flattened dims.
    qtens = qtens.reshape(tensor_dims)

    # Contract out the indices from the flattened object.
    # Note that we need to feed pairs through dims_idxs_to_tensor_idxs
    # to ensure that we are contracting the right indices.
    qtens = _tensor_contract_dense(qtens,
                                   *dims_idxs_to_tensor_idxs(dims, pairs))

    # Remove the contracted indexes from dims so we know how to
    # reshape back.
    # This concerns dims, and not the tensor indices, so we need
    # to make sure to use the original dims indices and not the ones
    # generated by dims_to_* functions.
    contracted_idxs = deep_remove(dims_idxs, *flatten(list(map(list, pairs))))
    contracted_dims = unflatten(flatten(dims), contracted_idxs)

    # We don't need to check for tensor idxs versus dims idxs here,
    # as column- versus row-stacking will never move an index for the
    # vectorized operator spaces all the way from the left to the right.
    l_mtx_dims, r_mtx_dims = map(np.product, map(flatten, contracted_dims))

    # Reshape back into a 2D matrix.
    qmtx = qtens.reshape((l_mtx_dims, r_mtx_dims))

    # Return back as a qobj.
    return Qobj(qmtx, dims=contracted_dims, superrep=qobj.superrep)
Example #4
def tensor_contract(qobj, *pairs):
    """Contracts a qobj along one or more index pairs.
    Note that this uses dense representations and thus
    should *not* be used for very large Qobjs.


    pairs : tuple
        One or more tuples ``(i, j)`` indicating that the
        ``i`` and ``j`` dimensions of the original qobj
        should be contracted.


    cqobj : Qobj
        The original Qobj with all named index pairs contracted

    # Record and label the original dims.
    dims = qobj.dims
    dims_idxs = enumerate_flat(dims)
    tensor_dims = dims_to_tensor_shape(dims)

    # Convert to dense first, since sparse won't support the reshaping we need.
    qtens = qobj.data.toarray()

    # Reshape by the flattened dims.
    qtens = qtens.reshape(tensor_dims)

    # Contract out the indices from the flattened object.
    # Note that we need to feed pairs through dims_idxs_to_tensor_idxs
    # to ensure that we are contracting the right indices.
    qtens = _tensor_contract_dense(qtens, *dims_idxs_to_tensor_idxs(dims, pairs))

    # Remove the contracted indexes from dims so we know how to
    # reshape back.
    # This concerns dims, and not the tensor indices, so we need
    # to make sure to use the original dims indices and not the ones
    # generated by dims_to_* functions.
    contracted_idxs = deep_remove(dims_idxs, *flatten(list(map(list, pairs))))
    contracted_dims = unflatten(flatten(dims), contracted_idxs)

    # We don't need to check for tensor idxs versus dims idxs here,
    # as column- versus row-stacking will never move an index for the
    # vectorized operator spaces all the way from the left to the right.
    l_mtx_dims, r_mtx_dims = map(np.product, map(flatten, contracted_dims))

    # Reshape back into a 2D matrix.
    qmtx = qtens.reshape((l_mtx_dims, r_mtx_dims))

    # Return back as a qobj.
    return Qobj(qmtx, dims=contracted_dims, superrep=qobj.superrep)
Example #5
def test_deep_remove(base, to_remove, expected):
    assert deep_remove(base, *to_remove) == expected