def start( self, task, deployment=None, task_args=None, task_args_file=None, tag=None, do_use=False, abort_on_sla_failure=False, ): """Start benchmark task. If both task_args and task_args_file are specified, they will be merged. task_args has a higher priority so it will override values from task_args_file. :param task: Path to the input task file. :param task_args: Input task args (JSON dict). These args are used to render the Jinja2 template in the input task. :param task_args_file: Path to the file with input task args (dict in JSON/YAML). These args are used to render the Jinja2 template in the input task. :param deployment: UUID or name of the deployment :param tag: optional tag for this task :param do_use: if True, the new task will be stored as the default one for future operations :param abort_on_sla_failure: if True, the execution of a benchmark scenario will stop when any SLA check for it fails """ task_instance = api.Task.create(deployment, tag) try: print("Running Rally version", version.version_string()) input_task = self._load_and_validate_task( task, task_args, task_args_file, deployment, task_instance=task_instance ) print( cliutils.make_header( _("Task %(tag)s %(uuid)s: started") % {"uuid": task_instance["uuid"], "tag": task_instance["tag"]} ) ) print("Benchmarking... This can take a while...\n") print("To track task status use:\n") print("\trally task status\n\tor\n\trally task detailed\n") if do_use: self.use(task_instance["uuid"]) api.Task.start(deployment, input_task, task=task_instance, abort_on_sla_failure=abort_on_sla_failure) self.detailed(task_id=task_instance["uuid"]) except (exceptions.InvalidTaskException, FailedToLoadTask) as e: task_instance.set_failed(type(e).__name__, str(e), json.dumps(traceback.format_exc())) print(e, file=sys.stderr) return 1
def test_generate(self, mock_dt, mock_json_dumps): mock_dt.datetime.utcnow.return_value = dt.datetime.utcnow() tasks_results = dummy_data.get_tasks_results() # print reporter = json_exporter.JSONExporter(tasks_results, None) reporter._generate_tasks = mock.MagicMock() self.assertEqual({"print": "json"}, reporter.generate()) results = { "info": {"rally_version": rally_version.version_string(), "generated_at": mock_dt.datetime.strftime.return_value, "format_version": "1.2"}, "tasks": reporter._generate_tasks.return_value } mock_dt.datetime.strftime.assert_called_once_with( mock_dt.datetime.utcnow.return_value, json_exporter.TIMEFORMAT) reporter._generate_tasks.assert_called_once_with() mock_json_dumps.assert_called_once_with(results, sort_keys=False, indent=4) # export to file reporter = json_exporter.JSONExporter(tasks_results, output_destination="path") self.assertEqual({"files": {"path": "json"}, "open": "file://path"}, reporter.generate())
def trends(tasks_results): trends = Trends() for i, scenario in enumerate(_extend_results(tasks_results), 1): trends.add_result(scenario) template = ui_utils.get_template("task/trends.html") return template.render(version=version.version_string(), data=json.dumps(trends.get_data()))
def test_generate(self, mock_dt, mock_json_dumps): mock_dt.datetime.utcnow.return_value = dt.datetime.utcnow() tasks_results = test_html.get_tasks_results() # print reporter = json_exporter.JSONExporter(tasks_results, None) reporter._generate_tasks = mock.MagicMock() self.assertEqual({"print": "json"}, reporter.generate()) results = { "info": {"rally_version": rally_version.version_string(), "generated_at": mock_dt.datetime.strftime.return_value, "format_version": "1.1"}, "tasks": reporter._generate_tasks.return_value } mock_dt.datetime.strftime.assert_called_once_with( mock_dt.datetime.utcnow.return_value, json_exporter.TIMEFORMAT) reporter._generate_tasks.assert_called_once_with() mock_json_dumps.assert_called_once_with(results, sort_keys=False, indent=4) # export to file reporter = json_exporter.JSONExporter(tasks_results, output_destination="path") self.assertEqual({"files": {"path": "json"}, "open": "file://path"}, reporter.generate())
def start(self, api, task_file, deployment=None, task_args=None, task_args_file=None, tags=None, do_use=False, abort_on_sla_failure=False): """Run task. If both task_args and task_args_file are specified, they are going to be merged. task_args has a higher priority so it overrides values from task_args_file. There are 3 kinds of return codes, 0: no error, 1: running error, 2: sla check failed. """ input_task = self._load_and_validate_task(api, task_file, raw_args=task_args, args_file=task_args_file) print("Running Rally version", version.version_string()) return self._start_task(api, deployment, task_config=input_task, tags=tags, do_use=do_use, abort_on_sla_failure=abort_on_sla_failure)
def generate(self): test_cases = [] t = self.tasks_results[0] created_at = dt.datetime.strptime(t["created_at"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") updated_at = dt.datetime.strptime(t["updated_at"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") testsuite_data = { "id": t["uuid"], "name": "heketi-rally-cases", "tests": 0, "errors": "0", "skipped": "0", "failures": 0, "time": "%.2f" % (updated_at - created_at).total_seconds(), "timestamp": t["created_at"], } for test_suite in self.tasks_results: for subtask in test_suite["subtasks"]: for workload in subtask["workloads"]: test_case = { "time": "%.2f" % workload["full_duration"], "name": subtask["title"], "classname": workload["name"], "timestamp": workload["created_at"], } if not workload["pass_sla"]: testsuite_data["failures"] += 1 test_case["failure"] = "\n".join([ s["detail"] for s in workload["sla_results"]["sla"] if not s["success"] ]) test_cases.append(test_case) testsuite_data["tests"] = str(len(test_cases)) testsuite_data["failures"] = str(testsuite_data["failures"]) testsuite = ET.Element("testsuite", testsuite_data) testsuite.append( ET.Comment( "Report is generated by Rally %s at %s" % (version.version_string(), dt.datetime.utcnow().strftime( consts.TimeFormat.ISO8601)))) for test_case in test_cases: failure = test_case.pop("failure", None) test_case = ET.SubElement(testsuite, "testcase", test_case) if failure: ET.SubElement(test_case, "failure").text = failure utils.prettify_xml(testsuite) raw_report = ET.tostring(testsuite, encoding="utf-8").decode("utf-8") if self.output_destination: return { "files": { self.output_destination: raw_report }, "open": "file://" + os.path.abspath(self.output_destination), } else: return {"print": raw_report}
def generate(self): root = ET.Element("testsuites") root.append(ET.Comment("Report is generated by Rally %s at %s" % ( version.version_string(), dt.datetime.utcnow().strftime(consts.TimeFormat.ISO8601)))) for t in self.tasks_results: created_at = dt.datetime.strptime(t["created_at"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") updated_at = dt.datetime.strptime(t["updated_at"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") task = { "id": t["uuid"], "tests": 0, "errors": "0", "skipped": "0", "failures": 0, "time": "%.2f" % (updated_at - created_at).total_seconds(), "timestamp": t["created_at"], } test_cases = [] for workload in itertools.chain( *[s["workloads"] for s in t["subtasks"]]): class_name, name = workload["name"].split(".", 1) test_case = { "id": workload["uuid"], "time": "%.2f" % workload["full_duration"], "name": name, "classname": class_name, "timestamp": workload["created_at"] } if not workload["pass_sla"]: task["failures"] += 1 test_case["failure"] = "\n".join( [s["detail"] for s in workload["sla_results"]["sla"] if not s["success"]]) test_cases.append(test_case) task["tests"] = str(len(test_cases)) task["failures"] = str(task["failures"]) testsuite = ET.SubElement(root, "testsuite", task) for test_case in test_cases: failure = test_case.pop("failure", None) test_case = ET.SubElement(testsuite, "testcase", test_case) if failure: ET.SubElement(test_case, "failure").text = failure utils.prettify_xml(root) raw_report = ET.tostring(root, encoding="utf-8").decode("utf-8") if self.output_destination: return {"files": {self.output_destination: raw_report}, "open": "file://" + os.path.abspath( self.output_destination)} else: return {"print": raw_report}
def _print_version(): from rally.common import version print("Rally version: %s" % version.version_string()) packages = version.plugins_versions() if packages: print("\nInstalled Plugins:") print("\n".join("\t%s: %s" % p for p in sorted(packages.items())))
def __init__(self): self._root = ET.Element("testsuites") self._test_suites = [] self._root.append( ET.Comment( "Report is generated by Rally %s at %s" % (version.version_string(), dt.datetime.utcnow().isoformat())))
def plot(tasks_results, include_libs=False): extended_results = _extend_results(tasks_results) template = ui_utils.get_template("task/report.html") source, data = _process_tasks(extended_results) return template.render(version=version.version_string(), source=json.dumps(source), data=json.dumps(data), include_libs=include_libs)
def trends(tasks): trends = Trends() for task in tasks: for workload in itertools.chain( *[s["workloads"] for s in task["subtasks"]]): trends.add_result(task["uuid"], workload) template = ui_utils.get_template("task/trends.html") return template.render(version=version.version_string(), data=json.dumps(trends.get_data()))
def trends(tasks): trends = Trends() for task in tasks: for workload in itertools.chain( *[s["workloads"] for s in task["subtasks"]]): trends.add_result(workload) template = ui_utils.get_template("task/trends.html") return template.render(version=version.version_string(), data=json.dumps(trends.get_data()))
def start(self, api, task_file, deployment=None, task_args=None, task_args_file=None, tags=None, do_use=False, abort_on_sla_failure=False): """Start benchmark task. If both task_args and task_args_file are specified, they will be merged. task_args has a higher priority so it will override values from task_args_file. :param task_file: Path to the input task file. :param task_args: Input task args (JSON dict). These args are used to render the Jinja2 template in the input task. :param task_args_file: Path to the file with input task args (dict in JSON/YAML). These args are used to render the Jinja2 template in the input task. :param deployment: UUID or name of the deployment :param tags: optional tag for this task :param do_use: if True, the new task will be stored as the default one for future operations :param abort_on_sla_failure: if True, the execution of a benchmark scenario will stop when any SLA check for it fails """ input_task = self._load_and_validate_task(api, task_file, raw_args=task_args, args_file=task_args_file) print("Running Rally version", version.version_string()) try: task_instance = api.task.create(deployment=deployment, tags=tags) tags = "[tags: '%s']" % "', '".join(tags) if tags else "" print(cliutils.make_header( _("Task %(tags)s %(uuid)s: started") % {"uuid": task_instance["uuid"], "tags": tags})) print("Benchmarking... This can take a while...\n") print("To track task status use:\n") print("\trally task status\n\tor\n\trally task detailed\n") if do_use: self.use(api, task_instance["uuid"]) api.task.start(deployment=deployment, config=input_task, task=task_instance["uuid"], abort_on_sla_failure=abort_on_sla_failure) except exceptions.DeploymentNotFinishedStatus as e: print(_("Cannot start a task on unfinished deployment: %s") % e) return 1 self.detailed(api, task_id=task_instance["uuid"])
def start(self, api, task_file, deployment=None, task_args=None, task_args_file=None, tags=None, do_use=False, abort_on_sla_failure=False): """Run task. If both task_args and task_args_file are specified, they are going to be merged. task_args has a higher priority so it overrides values from task_args_file. There are 3 kinds of return codes, 0: no error, 1: running error, 2: sla check failed. """ input_task = self._load_and_validate_task(api, task_file, raw_args=task_args, args_file=task_args_file) print("Running Rally version", version.version_string()) try: task_instance = api.task.create(deployment=deployment, tags=tags) tags = "[tags: '%s']" % "', '".join(tags) if tags else "" print( cliutils.make_header("Task %(tags)s %(uuid)s: started" % { "uuid": task_instance["uuid"], "tags": tags })) print("Running Task... This can take a while...\n") print("To track task status use:\n") print("\trally task status\n\tor\n\trally task detailed\n") if do_use: self.use(api, task_instance["uuid"]) api.task.start(deployment=deployment, config=input_task, task=task_instance["uuid"], abort_on_sla_failure=abort_on_sla_failure) except exceptions.DeploymentNotFinishedStatus as e: print("Cannot start a task on unfinished deployment: %s" % e) return 1 if self._detailed(api, task_id=task_instance["uuid"]): return 2 return 0
def generate(self): results = {"info": {"rally_version": rally_version.version_string(), "generated_at": dt.datetime.strftime( timeutils.utcnow(), TIMEFORMAT), "format_version": "1"}, "tasks": self._generate_tasks()} results = json.dumps(results, sort_keys=False, indent=4) if self.output_destination: return {"files": {self.output_destination: results}, "open": "file://" + self.output_destination} else: return {"print": results}
def plot(tasks_results, include_libs=False): source = _make_source(tasks_results) tasks = [] subtasks = [] workloads = [] for task in tasks_results: tasks.append(task) for subtask in tasks[-1]["subtasks"]: workloads.extend(subtask.pop("workloads")) subtasks.extend(tasks[-1].pop("subtasks")) template = ui_utils.get_template("task/report.html") data = _process_workloads(workloads) return template.render(version=version.version_string(), source=json.dumps(source), data=json.dumps(data), include_libs=include_libs)
def start(self, api, task_file, deployment=None, task_args=None, task_args_file=None, tags=None, do_use=False, abort_on_sla_failure=False): """Run task. If both task_args and task_args_file are specified, they are going to be merged. task_args has a higher priority so it overrides values from task_args_file. There are 3 kinds of return codes, 0: no error, 1: running error, 2: sla check failed. """ input_task = self._load_and_validate_task(api, task_file, raw_args=task_args, args_file=task_args_file) print("Running Rally version", version.version_string()) try: task_instance = api.task.create(deployment=deployment, tags=tags) tags = "[tags: '%s']" % "', '".join(tags) if tags else "" print(cliutils.make_header( "Task %(tags)s %(uuid)s: started" % {"uuid": task_instance["uuid"], "tags": tags})) print("Running Task... This can take a while...\n") print("To track task status use:\n") print("\trally task status\n\tor\n\trally task detailed\n") if do_use: self.use(api, task_instance["uuid"]) api.task.start(deployment=deployment, config=input_task, task=task_instance["uuid"], abort_on_sla_failure=abort_on_sla_failure) except exceptions.DeploymentNotFinishedStatus as e: print("Cannot start a task on unfinished deployment: %s" % e) return 1 if self._detailed(api, task_id=task_instance["uuid"]): return 2 return 0
def main(): if len(sys.argv) == 1: with open(xrally_docs_tools.PLUGINS_FILE) as f: plugins = json.loads( requested_version = utils.Tag.parse( [p["versions"][1] for p in plugins if p["name"] == "rally"][0]) actual_version = utils.Tag.parse(version.version_string()) if requested_version != actual_version: print("Requested Rally version (%s) from plugins.json is not " "equal to the release which you have installed (%s)." "Try to recreate virtual environment with " "`tox -r -e update_cli`." % (requested_version, actual_version)) return 1 collected_data = discover_cli() else: if os.path.exists(CLI_SOURCE): with open(CLI_SOURCE) as f: collected_data = json.loads( else: collected_data = discover_cli() generate_page(collected_data["categories"])
def generate(self): results = { "info": { "rally_version": rally_version.version_string(), "generated_at": dt.datetime.strftime(timeutils.utcnow(), TIMEFORMAT), "format_version": self.REVISION }, "tasks": self._generate_tasks() } results = json.dumps(results, sort_keys=False, indent=4) if self.output_destination: return { "files": { self.output_destination: results }, "open": "file://" + self.output_destination } else: return {"print": results}
def discover_cli(): categories = [] parser = Parser() raw_categories = copy.copy(rally_cli_main.categories) cliutils._add_command_parsers(raw_categories, parser) for cg in sorted(raw_categories.keys()): if cg == "deployment": # oops. let's skip it continue cparser = parser.parsers[cg]["parser"] # NOTE(andreykurilin): we are re-using `_add_command_parsers` # method from `rally.cli.cliutils`, but, since it was designed # to print help message, generated description for categories # contains specification for all sub-commands. We don't need # information about sub-commands at this point, so let's skip # "generated description" and take it directly from category # class. description = cparser.defaults["command_object"].__doc__ commands = [] for command in sorted(cparser.subparser.parsers.keys()): subparser = cparser.subparser.parsers[command] arguments = [] defaults = utils.get_defaults( subparser["parser"].defaults["action_fn"]) for args, kwargs in subparser["parser"].arguments: # for future changes... # :param args: a single command argument which can represented # by several names(for example, --uuid and --task-id) in cli # :type args: tuple # :param kwargs: description of argument. Have next format: # {"dest": "action_kwarg_<name of keyword argument in code>", # "help": "just a description of argument" # "metavar": "[optional] metavar of argument." # "Example: argument '--file'; metavar 'path' ", # "type": "[optional] class object of argument's type", # "required": "[optional] boolean value"} # :type kwargs: dict argument = { "dest": kwargs.get("dest").replace("action_kwarg_", ""), "args": args, "metavar": kwargs.get("metavar"), "description": kwargs.get("help", ""), } action = kwargs.get("action") if not action: arg_type = kwargs.get("type") if arg_type: argument["type"] = arg_type.__name__ skip_default = argument["dest"] in ("deployment", "env", "task_id", "verification") if not skip_default and argument["dest"] in defaults: argument["defaults"] = defaults[argument["dest"]] arguments.append(argument) commands.append({ "name": "rally %s %s" % (cg, command), "command": command, "description": subparser["description"], "arguments": arguments }) categories.append({ "name": cg, "description": description, "commands": commands }) data = {"categories": categories, "rally": version.version_string()} with open(CLI_SOURCE, "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4)) return data
def run(argv, categories): parser = lambda subparsers: _add_command_parsers(categories, subparsers) category_opt = cfg.SubCommandOpt("category", title="Command categories", help="Available categories", handler=parser) CONF.register_cli_opt(category_opt) help_msg = ("Additional custom plugin locations. Multiple files or " "directories may be specified. All plugins in the specified" " directories and subdirectories will be imported. Plugins in" " /opt/rally/plugins and ~/.rally/plugins will always be " "imported.") CONF.register_cli_opt(cfg.ListOpt("plugin-paths", default=os.environ.get( "RALLY_PLUGIN_PATHS"), help=help_msg)) try: CONF(argv[1:], project="rally", version=version.version_string(), default_config_files=find_config_files(CONFIG_SEARCH_PATHS)) logging.setup("rally") if not CONF.get("log_config_append"): # The below two lines are to disable noise from request module. The # standard way should be we make such lots of settings on the root # rally. However current oslo codes doesn't support such interface. # So I choose to use a 'hacking' way to avoid INFO logs from # request module where user didn't give specific log configuration. # And we could remove this hacking after oslo.log has such # interface. LOG.debug("INFO logs from urllib3 and requests module are hide.") requests_log = logging.getLogger("requests").logger requests_log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) urllib3_log = logging.getLogger("urllib3").logger urllib3_log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) # NOTE(wtakase): This is for suppressing boto error logging. LOG.debug("ERROR log from boto module is hide.") boto_log = logging.getLogger("boto").logger boto_log.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) except cfg.ConfigFilesNotFoundError: cfgfile = CONF.config_file[-1] if CONF.config_file else None if cfgfile and not os.access(cfgfile, os.R_OK): st = os.stat(cfgfile) print(_("Could not read %s. Re-running with sudo") % cfgfile) try: os.execvp("sudo", ["sudo", "-u", "#%s" % st.st_uid] + sys.argv) except Exception: print(_("sudo failed, continuing as if nothing happened")) print(_("Please re-run %s as root.") % argv[0]) return(2) if == "version": print(version.version_string()) return(0) if == "bash-completion": print(_generate_bash_completion_script()) return(0) fn = CONF.category.action_fn fn_args = [encodeutils.safe_decode(arg) for arg in CONF.category.action_args] fn_kwargs = {} for k in CONF.category.action_kwargs: v = getattr(CONF.category, "action_kwarg_" + k) if v is None: continue if isinstance(v, six.string_types): v = encodeutils.safe_decode(v) fn_kwargs[k] = v # call the action with the remaining arguments # check arguments try: validate_args(fn, *fn_args, **fn_kwargs) except MissingArgs as e: # NOTE(mikal): this isn't the most helpful error message ever. It is # long, and tells you a lot of things you probably don't want to know # if you just got a single arg wrong. print(fn.__doc__) CONF.print_help() print("Missing arguments:") for missing in e.missing: for arg in fn.args: if arg[1].get("dest", "").endswith(missing): print(" " + arg[0][0]) break return(1) try: for path in CONF.plugin_paths or []: discover.load_plugins(path) validate_deprecated_args(argv, fn) if getattr(fn, "_suppress_warnings", False): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") ret = fn(*fn_args, **fn_kwargs) else: ret = fn(*fn_args, **fn_kwargs) return(ret) except (IOError, TypeError, ValueError, exceptions.DeploymentNotFound, exceptions.TaskNotFound, jsonschema.ValidationError) as e: if logging.is_debug(): LOG.exception(e) print(e) return 1 except sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError as e: if logging.is_debug(): LOG.exception(e) print(e) print("Looks like Rally can't connect to its DB.") print("Make a sure that connection string in rally.conf is proper:") print(CONF.database.connection) return 1 except Exception: print(_("Command failed, please check log for more info")) raise
def generate(self): root = ET.Element("testsuites") root.append( ET.Comment("Report is generated by Rally %s at %s" % (version.version_string(), dt.datetime.utcnow().strftime(TIME_FORMAT)))) for v in self.verifications: verification = ET.SubElement( root, "testsuite", { "id": v.uuid, "time": str(v.tests_duration), "tests": str(v.tests_count), "errors": "0", "skipped": str(v.skipped), "failures": str(v.failures + v.unexpected_success), "timestamp": v.created_at.strftime(TIME_FORMAT) }) tests = sorted(v.tests.values(), key=lambda t: (t.get("timestamp", ""), t["name"])) for result in tests: class_name, name = result["name"].rsplit(".", 1) test_case = { "time": result["duration"], "name": name, "classname": class_name } test_id = [ tag[3:] for tag in result.get("tags", []) if tag.startswith("id-") ] if test_id: test_case["id"] = test_id[0] if "timestamp" in result: test_case["timestamp"] = result["timestamp"] test_case_element = ET.SubElement(verification, "testcase", test_case) if result["status"] == "success": # nothing to add pass elif result["status"] == "uxsuccess": # NOTE(andreykurilin): junit doesn't support uxsuccess # status, so let's display it like "fail" with proper # comment. failure = ET.SubElement(test_case_element, "failure") failure.text = ("It is an unexpected success. The test " "should fail due to: %s" % result.get("reason", "Unknown reason")) elif result["status"] == "fail": failure = ET.SubElement(test_case_element, "failure") failure.text = result.get("traceback", None) elif result["status"] == "xfail": # NOTE(andreykurilin): junit doesn't support xfail status, # so let's display it like "success" with proper comment test_case_element.append( ET.Comment("It is an expected failure due to: %s" % result.get("reason", "Unknown reason"))) trace = result.get("traceback", None) if trace: test_case_element.append( ET.Comment("Traceback:\n%s" % trace)) elif result["status"] == "skip": skipped = ET.SubElement(test_case_element, "skipped") skipped.text = result.get("reason", "Unknown reason") else: # wtf is it?! we should add validation of results... pass self._prettify_xml(root) raw_report = ET.tostring(root, encoding="utf-8").decode("utf-8") if self.output_destination: return { "files": { self.output_destination: raw_report }, "open": self.output_destination } else: return {"print": raw_report}
def generate(self): root = ET.Element("testsuites") root.append(ET.Comment("Report is generated by Rally %s at %s" % ( version.version_string(), dt.datetime.utcnow().strftime(TIME_FORMAT)))) for v in self.verifications: verification = ET.SubElement(root, "testsuite", { "id": v.uuid, "time": str(v.tests_duration), "tests": str(v.tests_count), "errors": "0", "skipped": str(v.skipped), "failures": str(v.failures + v.unexpected_success), "timestamp": v.created_at.strftime(TIME_FORMAT) }) tests = sorted(v.tests.values(), key=lambda t: (t.get("timestamp", ""), t["name"])) for result in tests: class_name, name = result["name"].rsplit(".", 1) test_case = { "time": result["duration"], "name": name, "classname": class_name } test_id = [tag[3:] for tag in result.get("tags", []) if tag.startswith("id-")] if test_id: test_case["id"] = test_id[0] if "timestamp" in result: test_case["timestamp"] = result["timestamp"] test_case_element = ET.SubElement(verification, "testcase", test_case) if result["status"] == "success": # nothing to add pass elif result["status"] == "uxsuccess": # NOTE(andreykurilin): junit doesn't support uxsuccess # status, so let's display it like "fail" with proper # comment. failure = ET.SubElement(test_case_element, "failure") failure.text = ("It is an unexpected success. The test " "should fail due to: %s" % result.get("reason", "Unknown reason")) elif result["status"] == "fail": failure = ET.SubElement(test_case_element, "failure") failure.text = result.get("traceback", None) elif result["status"] == "xfail": # NOTE(andreykurilin): junit doesn't support xfail status, # so let's display it like "success" with proper comment test_case_element.append(ET.Comment( "It is an expected failure due to: %s" % result.get("reason", "Unknown reason"))) trace = result.get("traceback", None) if trace: test_case_element.append(ET.Comment( "Traceback:\n%s" % trace)) elif result["status"] == "skip": skipped = ET.SubElement(test_case_element, "skipped") skipped.text = result.get("reason", "Unknown reason") else: # wtf is it?! we should add validation of results... pass utils.prettify_xml(root) raw_report = ET.tostring(root, encoding="utf-8").decode("utf-8") if self.output_destination: return {"files": {self.output_destination: raw_report}, "open": self.output_destination} else: return {"print": raw_report}
def init_rally_config(self): CONF([], project="rally", version=version.version_string())
def init_rally_config(self): CONF([], project='rally', version=version.version_string())
def start(self, api, task, deployment=None, task_args=None, task_args_file=None, tag=None, do_use=False, abort_on_sla_failure=False, os_profile=None): """Start benchmark task. If both task_args and task_args_file are specified, they will be merged. task_args has a higher priority so it will override values from task_args_file. :param task: Path to the input task file. :param task_args: Input task args (JSON dict). These args are used to render the Jinja2 template in the input task. :param task_args_file: Path to the file with input task args (dict in JSON/YAML). These args are used to render the Jinja2 template in the input task. :param deployment: UUID or name of the deployment :param tag: optional tag for this task :param do_use: if True, the new task will be stored as the default one for future operations :param abort_on_sla_failure: if True, the execution of a benchmark scenario will stop when any SLA check for it fails :param os_profile: use a secret key to sign trace information """ try: if os_profile is not None: osprofiler_profiler.init(os_profile) task_instance = api.task.create(deployment, tag) print("Running Rally version", version.version_string()) input_task = self._load_and_validate_task( api, task, task_args, task_args_file, deployment, task_instance=task_instance) print( cliutils.make_header( _("Task %(tag)s %(uuid)s: started") % { "uuid": task_instance["uuid"], "tag": task_instance["tag"] })) print("Benchmarking... This can take a while...\n") print("To track task status use:\n") print("\trally task status\n\tor\n\trally task detailed\n") if do_use: self.use(api, task_instance["uuid"]) api.task.start(deployment, input_task, task=task_instance, abort_on_sla_failure=abort_on_sla_failure) self.detailed(api, task_id=task_instance["uuid"]) if os_profile is not None: print( "Display trace with command:\n" "osprofiler trace show --html", osprofiler_profiler.get().get_base_id()) except exceptions.DeploymentNotFinishedStatus as e: print(_("Cannot start a task on unfinished deployment: %s") % e) return 1 except (exceptions.InvalidTaskException, FailedToLoadTask) as e: task_instance.set_validation_failed({ "etype": type(e).__name__, "msg": str(e), "trace": json.dumps(traceback.format_exc()) }) print(e, file=sys.stderr) return (1)
def test_version_string(self, mock_version_info): mock_sv = mock.Mock() mock_sv.debian_string.return_value = "foo_version" mock_version_info.semantic_version.return_value = mock_sv self.assertEqual("foo_version", version.version_string())
def __init__(self, config_file=None, config_args=None, rally_endpoint=None, plugin_paths=None, skip_db_check=False): """Initialize Rally API instance :param config_file: Path to rally configuration file. If None, default path will be selected :type config_file: str :param config_args: Arguments for initialization current configuration :type config_args: list :param rally_endpoint: [Restricted]Rally endpoint connection string. :type rally_endpoint: str :param plugin_paths: Additional custom plugin locations :type plugin_paths: list :param skip_db_check: Allows to skip db revision check :type skip_db_check: bool """ if rally_endpoint: raise NotImplementedError( _LE("Sorry, but Rally-as-a-Service is " "not ready yet.")) try: config_files = ([config_file] if config_file else self._default_config_file()) CONF(config_args or [], project="rally", version=rally_version.version_string(), default_config_files=config_files) logging.setup("rally") if not CONF.get("log_config_append"): # The below two lines are to disable noise from request module. # The standard way should be we make such lots of settings on # the root rally. However current oslo codes doesn't support # such interface. So I choose to use a 'hacking' way to avoid # INFO logs from request module where user didn't give specific # log configuration. And we could remove this hacking after # oslo.log has such interface. LOG.debug( "INFO logs from urllib3 and requests module are hide.") requests_log = logging.getLogger("requests").logger requests_log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) urllib3_log = logging.getLogger("urllib3").logger urllib3_log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) LOG.debug("urllib3 insecure warnings are hidden.") for warning in ("InsecurePlatformWarning", "SNIMissingWarning", "InsecureRequestWarning"): warning_cls = getattr(urllib3.exceptions, warning, None) if warning_cls is not None: urllib3.disable_warnings(warning_cls) # NOTE(wtakase): This is for suppressing boto error logging. LOG.debug("ERROR log from boto module is hide.") boto_log = logging.getLogger("boto").logger boto_log.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) # Set alembic log level to ERROR alembic_log = logging.getLogger("alembic").logger alembic_log.setLevel(logging.ERROR) except cfg.ConfigFilesNotFoundError as e: cfg_files = e.config_files raise exceptions.RallyException( _LE("Failed to read configuration file(s): %s") % cfg_files) # Check that db is upgraded to the latest revision if not skip_db_check: self.check_db_revision() # Load plugins plugin_paths = plugin_paths or [] if "plugin_paths" in CONF: plugin_paths.extend(CONF.get("plugin_paths") or []) for path in plugin_paths: discover.load_plugins(path) # NOTE(andreykurilin): There is no reason to auto-discover API's. We # have only 4 classes, so let's do it in good old way - hardcode them:) self._deployment = _Deployment self._task = _Task self._verifier = _Verifier self._verification = _Verification
def start(self, task, deployment=None, task_args=None, task_args_file=None, tag=None, do_use=False, abort_on_sla_failure=False): """Start benchmark task. If both task_args and task_args_file are specified, they will be merged. task_args has a higher priority so it will override values from task_args_file. :param task: Path to the input task file. :param task_args: Input task args (JSON dict). These args are used to render the Jinja2 template in the input task. :param task_args_file: Path to the file with input task args (dict in JSON/YAML). These args are used to render the Jinja2 template in the input task. :param deployment: UUID or name of the deployment :param tag: optional tag for this task :param do_use: if True, the new task will be stored as the default one for future operations :param abort_on_sla_failure: if True, the execution of a benchmark scenario will stop when any SLA check for it fails """ task_instance = api.Task.create(deployment, tag) try: print("Running Rally version", version.version_string()) input_task = self._load_and_validate_task( task, task_args, task_args_file, deployment, task_instance=task_instance) print( cliutils.make_header( _("Task %(tag)s %(uuid)s: started") % { "uuid": task_instance["uuid"], "tag": task_instance["tag"] })) print("Benchmarking... This can take a while...\n") print("To track task status use:\n") print("\trally task status\n\tor\n\trally task detailed\n") if do_use: self.use(task_instance["uuid"]) api.Task.start(deployment, input_task, task=task_instance, abort_on_sla_failure=abort_on_sla_failure) self.detailed(task_id=task_instance["uuid"]) except (exceptions.InvalidTaskException, FailedToLoadTask) as e: task_instance.set_failed( type(e).__name__, str(e), json.dumps(traceback.format_exc())) print(e, file=sys.stderr) return (1)
def run(argv, categories): parser = lambda subparsers: _add_command_parsers(categories, subparsers) category_opt = cfg.SubCommandOpt("category", title="Command categories", help="Available categories", handler=parser) CONF.register_cli_opt(category_opt) try: CONF(argv[1:], project="rally", version=version.version_string()) logging.setup("rally") if not CONF.get("log_config_append"): # The below two lines are to disable noise from request module. The # standard way should be we make such lots of settings on the root # rally. However current oslo codes doesn't support such interface. # So I choose to use a 'hacking' way to avoid INFO logs from # request module where user didn't give specific log configuration. # And we could remove this hacking after oslo.log has such # interface. LOG.debug("INFO logs from urllib3 and requests module are hide.") requests_log = logging.getLogger("requests").logger requests_log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) urllib3_log = logging.getLogger("urllib3").logger urllib3_log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) except cfg.ConfigFilesNotFoundError: cfgfile = CONF.config_file[-1] if CONF.config_file else None if cfgfile and not os.access(cfgfile, os.R_OK): st = os.stat(cfgfile) print(_("Could not read %s. Re-running with sudo") % cfgfile) try: os.execvp("sudo", ["sudo", "-u", "#%s" % st.st_uid] + sys.argv) except Exception: print(_("sudo failed, continuing as if nothing happened")) print(_("Please re-run %s as root.") % argv[0]) return (2) if == "version": print(version.version_string()) return (0) if == "bash-completion": print(_generate_bash_completion_script()) return (0) fn = CONF.category.action_fn fn_args = [arg.decode("utf-8") for arg in CONF.category.action_args] fn_kwargs = {} for k in CONF.category.action_kwargs: v = getattr(CONF.category, "action_kwarg_" + k) if v is None: continue if isinstance(v, six.string_types): v = v.decode("utf-8") fn_kwargs[k] = v # call the action with the remaining arguments # check arguments try: validate_args(fn, *fn_args, **fn_kwargs) except MissingArgs as e: # NOTE(mikal): this isn't the most helpful error message ever. It is # long, and tells you a lot of things you probably don't want to know # if you just got a single arg wrong. print(fn.__doc__) CONF.print_help() print("Missing arguments:") for missing in e.missing: for arg in fn.args: if arg[1].get("dest", "").endswith(missing): print(" " + arg[0][0]) break return (1) try: utils.load_plugins("/opt/rally/plugins/") utils.load_plugins(os.path.expanduser("~/.rally/plugins/")) validate_deprecated_args(argv, fn) if getattr(fn, "_suppress_warnings", False): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") ret = fn(*fn_args, **fn_kwargs) else: ret = fn(*fn_args, **fn_kwargs) return (ret) except (IOError, TypeError, ValueError, exceptions.DeploymentNotFound, exceptions.TaskNotFound, jsonschema.ValidationError) as e: if logging.is_debug(): LOG.exception(e) print(e) return 1 except Exception: print(_("Command failed, please check log for more info")) raise