def connect(self, dburi): if rdflib is None: raise ConnectionError('RDFLib backend is not installed') if dburi == 'memory': self._store = IOMemory() else: raise ConnectionError('Unknown database config: %s' % dburi)
def test_len_with_ctx_excluded1(): iom = IOMemory() iom.add((URIRef(''), URIRef(''), URIRef('')), context='') bds = BundleDependencyStore(iom, excludes=set([''])) assert 0 == bds.__len__('')
def test_includes_triples(): iom = IOMemory() iom.add((URIRef(''), URIRef(''), URIRef('')), context='') bds = BundleDependencyStore(iom) assert 1 == sum(1 for _ in bds.triples((None, None, None)))
def test_excludes_contexts(): iom = IOMemory() iom.add((URIRef(''), URIRef(''), URIRef('')), context='') bds = BundleDependencyStore(iom, excludes=set([''])) assert set([]) == set(bds.contexts())
def __init__(self, configuration=None, identifier=None): IOMemory.__init__(self, configuration, identifier) self.__namespace = OrderedDict() #{} self.__prefix = OrderedDict() #{} # Mappings for encoding RDF nodes using integer keys, to save memory # in the indexes Note that None is always mapped to itself, to make # it easy to test for it in either encoded or unencoded form. #self.__int2obj = {None: None} # maps integer keys to objects #self.__obj2int = {None: None} # maps objects to integer keys self.__int2obj = OrderedDict() self.__int2obj[None] = None self.__obj2int = OrderedDict() self.__obj2int[None] = None # Indexes for each triple part, and a list of contexts for each triple self.__subjectIndex = OrderedDict() #{} # key: sid val: set(enctriples) self.__predicateIndex = OrderedDict() #{} # key: pid val: set(enctriples) self.__objectIndex = OrderedDict() #{} # key: oid val: set(enctriples) self.__tripleContexts = OrderedDict() #{} # key: enctriple val: {cid1: quoted, cid2: quoted ...} #self.__contextTriples = {None: set()} # key: cid val: set(enctriples) self.__contextTriples = OrderedDict() self.__contextTriples[None] = OrderedSet() # all contexts used in store (unencoded) self.__all_contexts = OrderedSet() #set() # default context information for triples self.__defaultContexts = None
class RDFLibTripleStore(BaseBackend): implements(ITripleStore, ISPARQLEndpoint) def __init__(self): super(RDFLibTripleStore, self).__init__() self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._nsmap = {} self._nsobjmap = {} self._querytext = {} def add_pquery(self, qidstring, querytext): self._pqueries[qidstring] = prepareQuery(querytext, initNs=self._nsobjmap) self._querytext[qidstring] = querytext def connect(self, dburi): if rdflib is None: raise ConnectionError('RDFLib backend is not installed') if dburi == 'memory': self._store = IOMemory() else: raise ConnectionError('Unknown database config: %s' % dburi) def disconnect(self): pass def _rdflib_format(self, format): return {'ntriples': 'nt', 'rdfxml': 'xml', 'turtle': 'n3'}[format] def contexts(self): return [ c._Graph__identifier.decode('utf8') for c in self._store.contexts() ] def _get_context(self, context_name): for ctxt in self._store.contexts(): if ctxt._Graph__identifier == context_name: return ctxt def register_prefix(self, prefix, namespace): self._nsmap[prefix] = namespace self._nsobjmap[prefix] = Namespace(namespace) def _parse(self, graph, file, format, base_uri=None): try: graph.parse(file, base_uri, format) except rdflib.exceptions.ParserError, err: # not sure if this ever happens raise TripleStoreError(err) except Exception, err: # each parser throws different errors, # there's an ntriples error, but the rdfxml # parser throws no errors so you end up with # a saxparser exception. # The n3 parser just silently fails # without any traceback raise TripleStoreError(err)
def _init_store(self, ctx): self.ctx = ctx if self._include_stored: self._store_store = RDFContextStore(ctx) else: self._store_store = None if self._memory_store is None: self._memory_store = IOMemory() self._init_store0(ctx)
def convert_gml(self, ttl_output_file, uri_part, specific_part): """ Pelagios conversion GML to TTL @type ttl_output_file: string @param ttl_output_file: Absolute path to TTL output file @type uri_part: string @param uri_part: URI for the region to be displayed (e.g. @type specific_part: string @param specific_part: Specific part that distinguishes the URI from other URIs (e.g. 1994) """ cito_ns = Namespace("") cnt_ns = Namespace("") dcterms_ns = Namespace("") foaf_ns = Namespace("") geo_ns = Namespace("") geosparql_ns = Namespace("") gn_ns = Namespace("") lawd_ns = Namespace("") rdfs_ns = Namespace("") skos_ns = Namespace("") slovenia = URIRef("") store = IOMemory() g = ConjunctiveGraph(store=store) g.bind("cito", cito_ns) g.bind("cnt", cnt_ns) g.bind("dcterms", dcterms_ns) g.bind("foaf", foaf_ns) g.bind("geo", geo_ns) g.bind("geosparql", geosparql_ns) g.bind("gn", gn_ns) g.bind("lawd", lawd_ns) g.bind("rdfs", rdfs_ns) g.bind("skos", skos_ns) graph_slovenian_districts = Graph(store=store, identifier=slovenia) gml_to_wkt = GMLtoWKT(self.gml_file) district_included = {} i = 1 print "Processing GML file: %s" % self.gml_file for district_wkt in gml_to_wkt.get_wkt_linear_ring(): techname = whsp_to_unsc(district_wkt["name"]) print "District %d: %s" % (i, whsp_to_unsc(district_wkt["name"])) if techname not in district_included: district = URIRef("%s#place/%s/%s" % (uri_part, whsp_to_unsc(district_wkt["name"]), specific_part)) graph_slovenian_districts.add((district, RDF.type, lawd_ns.Place)) graph_slovenian_districts.add((district, dcterms_ns['isPartOf'], slovenia)) graph_slovenian_districts.add((district, dcterms_ns['temporal'], Literal(str(district_wkt["year"])))) graph_slovenian_districts.add((district, gn_ns['countryCode'], Literal(u'SI'))) graph_slovenian_districts.add((district, rdfs_ns['label'], Literal(district_wkt["name"], lang=u'si'))) polygons = BNode() graph_slovenian_districts.add((district, geosparql_ns['hasGeometry'], polygons)) g.add((polygons, geosparql_ns['asWKT'], Literal(district_wkt["polygon"]))) district_included[techname] = True i += 1 with open(ttl_output_file, 'w') as f: f.write(g.serialize(format='n3')) f.close()
def create_ontology(self, tr, predicate, subClass, address, booktitle): LDT = Namespace("") ut = Namespace("") usubClass = URIRef("" + subClass.strip() + '#') #LDT.subClass=LDT[subClass] print(ut) print(usubClass) store = IOMemory() sty = LDT[predicate] g = rdflib.Graph(store=store, identifier=LDT) t = ConjunctiveGraph(store=store, identifier=ut) print('Triples in graph before add: ', len(t)) #g.add((LDT,RDF.type,RDFS.Class)) g.add((URIRef(LDT), RDF.type, RDFS.Class)) g.add((URIRef(LDT), RDFS.label, Literal("JFPO"))) g.add((URIRef(LDT), RDFS.comment, Literal('class of all properties'))) for v in self.symbols.values(): if self.if_compoTerm(v) == True: vs = self.splitTerms(v)[0] else: vs = v g.add((LDT[vs], RDF.type, RDF.Property)) g.add((LDT[vs], RDFS.label, Literal('has' + vs))) g.add((LDT[vs], RDFS.comment, Literal(v))) g.add((LDT[vs], RDFS.range, OWL.Class)) g.add((LDT[vs], RDFS.domain, Literal(vs))) g.bind('JFPO', LDT) #g.commit() g.serialize('trtst.rdf', format='turtle') t.add((ut[tr], RDF.type, OWL.Class)) t.add((ut[tr], RDFS.subClassOf, OWL.Thing)) t.add((ut[tr], RDFS.label, Literal(tr))) t.add((ut[tr], DC.title, Literal(booktitle))) t.add((ut[tr], DC.source, Literal(address))) t.add((ut[tr], DC[predicate], URIRef(usubClass))) t.add((ut[tr], LDT[predicate], RDF.Property)) t.add((ut[tr], DC[predicate], URIRef(usubClass))) t.add((ut[tr], DC[predicate], URIRef(usubClass))) relation = 'has' + predicate t.add((ut[tr], LDT.term(predicate), URIRef(usubClass))) t.add((usubClass, RDF.type, OWL.Class)) t.add((usubClass, RDFS.subClassOf, OWL.Thing)) t.add((usubClass, RDFS.subClassOf, URIRef(sty))) t.add((usubClass, RDFS.label, Literal(subClass))) #tc=Graph(store=store,identifier=usubClass) t.bind("dc", "http://") t.bind('JFPO', LDT) t.commit() #print(t.serialize(format='pretty-xml')) t.serialize('test2.owl', format='turtle')
def __init__(self, id: str) -> None: = IOMemory() self.g = rdflib.Graph( # default ontology self.namespaces = {'owl': ''} self.reversed_namespaces = {} str = id
def graph() -> rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph: store = IOMemory() universe = rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph(store=store) universe.bind("iolanta", "") return universe
def get_all_obs(): query= "SELECT distinct ?a ?c where {\ ?a <> <> . \ ?b <> ?a . \ ?b <> ?c . }" url = ENDPOINT_URL + query + "&output=json" print "Resolving URL..." json = simplejson.load(urllib.urlopen(url)) print "Done!" #f = open("allprop.n3", 'a') store = IOMemory() gpr = Graph(store=store) #Add data to the graph for st in json['results']['bindings']: #f.write('<' + st['a']['value'] + '> <> "' + st['c']['value'] + '" . \n') gpr.add((st['a']['value'], '', st['c']['value'])) suprint st['a']['value'] print "Inserting graph in SPARQL endpoint..." insertGraph(g=gpr, sparql=VIRTUOSO_URL, resourceuri=RESOURCE_URI) print "Done!" print "Finish!"
def properties_rdf_generator(): for prop in properties: observedprop, obsunit, typeofuri, xsdclass, uriprefix = prop.values( )[0] if observedprop: #.../station/ZORRO2/NO2/15022011/10 uri = RESOURCE_URI + 'prop/' + uriprefix #Initialization of graph ssn = Namespace("") dc = Namespace("") owl = Namespace("") store = IOMemory() g = ConjunctiveGraph(store=store) g.bind("ssn", ssn) g.bind("dc", dc) g.bind("owl", owl) cpr = URIRef(uri) gpr = Graph(store=store, identifier=cpr) #Add data to the graph gpr.add((cpr, dc['description'], prop.keys()[0])) if typeofuri == 'Class': gpr.add((cpr, RDF.type, URIRef(observedprop))) else: gpr.add((cpr, owl["sameAs"], URIRef(observedprop))) gpr.add((cpr, RDF.type, ssn['Property'])) #print g.serialize(format="pretty-xml") insertGraph(g=gpr, sparql=VIRTUOSO_URL, resourceuri=RESOURCE_URI)
def render(self, data1, media_type=None, renderer_context=None, format_1=None, binary=False, store=False, named_graph=None): if type(data1) == dict: data1 = [data1] if format_1 is not None: self.format = format_1 cidoc = Namespace("") geo = Namespace("") if not store: store = IOMemory() if named_graph: uri_entities = URIRef(named_graph) else: uri_entities = URIRef(f'{base_uri}/entities#') g = Graph(store, identifier=uri_entities) g.bind('cidoc', cidoc, override=False) g.bind('geo', geo, override=False) g.bind('owl', OWL, override=False) ns = {'cidoc': cidoc, 'geo': geo} if type(data1) == list: for data in data1: g, ent = self.ent_func[data['entity_type']](g, ns, data, drill_down=True) elif type(data1) == str: directory = os.fsencode(data1) for fn in os.listdir(directory): with open(os.path.join(directory, fn), 'rb') as inf: data2 = pickle.load(inf) for data in data2: g, ent = self.ent_func[data['entity_type']]( g, ns, data, drill_down=True) g_prov = Graph( store, identifier=URIRef('')) g_prov.bind('dct', DCTERMS, override=False) g_prov.bind('void', VOID, override=False) g_prov.add((uri_entities, DCTERMS.title, Literal(PROJECT_METADATA['title'], lang=lang))) g_prov.add((uri_entities, DCTERMS.description, Literal(PROJECT_METADATA['description'], lang=lang))) g_prov.add((uri_entities, DCTERMS.creator, Literal(PROJECT_METADATA['author'], lang=lang))) g_prov.add( (uri_entities, DCTERMS.publisher, Literal('ACDH-OeAW', lang=lang))) g_prov.add((uri_entities, DCTERMS.source, URIRef(base_uri))) g_prov.add((uri_entities, DCTERMS.created, Literal(str(, g_prov, g = generateVoID(g, dataset=uri_entities, res=g_prov) g_all = ConjunctiveGraph(store=store) if binary: return g_all, store return g_all.serialize(format=self.format.split('+')[-1]), store
def test_issue682_signing_named_graphs(): ns = Namespace("") mary = BNode() john = URIRef("") cmary=URIRef("") cjohn=URIRef("") store = IOMemory() g = ConjunctiveGraph(store=store) g.bind("love",ns) gmary = Graph(store=store, identifier=cmary) gmary.add((mary, ns['hasName'], Literal("Mary"))) gmary.add((mary, ns['loves'], john)) gjohn = Graph(store=store, identifier=cjohn) gjohn.add((john, ns['hasName'], Literal("John"))) ig = to_isomorphic(g) igmary = to_isomorphic(gmary) assert len(igmary) == len(gmary) assert len(ig) == len(g) assert len(igmary) < len(ig) assert ig.graph_digest() != igmary.graph_digest()
def __init__(self, src=None, name=None): # TODO: What about the 'name' option? How to treat it, in case src # provides a name already? For now use it only if src==None. # type(src) == Collection => copy has its own 'name'? # type(src) == Backend => rename in backend? super(Collection, self).__init__() if isinstance(src, Collection): self._backend = None # TODO: confirm this is correct behaviour and document it. # Means, it is a pure runtime copy with no persistence and no # update from backend. self.update(src) = IOMemory() for graph in if graph.identifier == Literal( self.meta = graph else: self[str(graph.identifier)].meta = graph self.conjunctive_graph = ConjunctiveGraph( elif isinstance(src, CollectionBackend): self._backend = src = None # TODO: check for existence in reload() fails otherwise; # If it turns out, that reload is never required outside of # constructor, that check isn't needed! self._reload() elif src is None: self._backend = None = IOMemory() self.meta = Graph(, identifier=Literal(name)) self.meta.add((DLNS.this, RDF.type, DLNS.Collection)) self.conjunctive_graph = ConjunctiveGraph( else: lgr.error("Unknown source for Collection(): %s" % type(src)) raise TypeError('Unknown source for Collection(): %s' % type(src))
def test_len_some_excludes(): iom = IOMemory() iom.add((URIRef(''), URIRef(''), URIRef('')), context='') iom.add((URIRef(''), URIRef(''), URIRef('')), context='') iom.add((URIRef(''), URIRef(''), URIRef('')), context='') bds = BundleDependencyStore(iom, excludes=set([''])) assert 1 == len(bds)
def __init__(self, src=None, name=None): super(MetaCollection, self).__init__() = name = IOMemory() if isinstance(src, MetaCollection): self.update(src) = # TODO: See Collection: How to treat names in case of a copy? elif isinstance(src, list): for item in src: if isinstance(item, Collection): self[str(] = item elif isinstance(item, CollectionBackend): new_item = Collection(src=item) self[str(] = new_item else: e_msg = "Can't retrieve collection from %s." % type(item) lgr.error(e_msg) raise TypeError(e_msg) elif isinstance(src, dict): for key in src: if isinstance(src[key], Collection): self[key] = src[key] elif isinstance(src[key], CollectionBackend): self[key] = Collection(src=src[key]) else: e_msg = "Can't retrieve collection from %s." % \ type(src[key]) lgr.error(e_msg) raise TypeError(e_msg) elif src is None: pass else: e_msg = "Invalid source type for MetaCollection: %s" % type(src) lgr.error(e_msg) raise TypeError(e_msg) # join the stores: for collection in self: for graph in self[collection].store.contexts(): # TODO: Note: Removed all the copying of the graphs and correcting # their references, since we now always use # 'collection/branch/handle' as key. But: Implementation of # this changed behaviour is not well tested yet. self.conjunctive_graph = ConjunctiveGraph(
def rdflib_graph(self): g = GraphShard._graph_cache.get(self._parsed_memcache_key(), GraphShard._not_found) if g is not GraphShard._not_found: return g g = memcache.get(self._parsed_memcache_key()) if g is not None: GraphShard._graph_cache[self._parsed_memcache_key()] = g return g g = Graph(store = IOMemory()) g.parse(data = self.graph_n3, format='n3') GraphShard._graph_cache[self._parsed_memcache_key()] = g memcache.add(self._parsed_memcache_key(), g, 86400) return g
def test_excludes_all_for_excluded_context(): iom = IOMemory() iom.add((URIRef(''), URIRef(''), URIRef('')), context='') iom.add((URIRef(''), URIRef(''), URIRef('')), context='') bds = BundleDependencyStore(iom, excludes=set([''])) assert 0 == sum(1 for _ in bds.triples((None, None, None), context=''))
def _reload(self): # TODO: When do we need to reload outside of the constructor? # May be override self.update() to additionally reload in case # there is a backend. if not self._backend: # TODO: Error or warning? Depends on when we want to call this one. # By now this should be an error (or even an exception). lgr.error("Missing collection backend.") return # get the handles as instances of class Handle: self.update(self._backend.get_handles()) # get collection level data: collection_data = self._backend.get_collection() # TODO: May be a backend can just pass a newly created store containing # all the needed graphs. Would save us time and space for copy, but # seems to be less flexible in case we find another way to store a set # of named graphs and their conjunctive graph without the need of every # collection to have its own store. # Note: By using store.add() there seems to be no copy at all. # Need to check in detail, how this is stored and whether it still # works as intended. # Note 2: Definitely not a copy and seems to work. Need more queries to # check. # cleanup old store, if exists if is not None: del gc.collect() # create new store for the graphs: = IOMemory() # add collection's own graph: self.meta = collection_data # add handles' graphs: for handle in self:[handle].meta) # reference to the conjunctive graph to be queried: self.conjunctive_graph = ConjunctiveGraph(
def test_triples_contexts(): iom = IOMemory() ctx = '' ctx1 = '' iom.add((URIRef(''), URIRef(''), URIRef('')), context=ctx) iom.add((URIRef(''), URIRef(''), URIRef('')), context=ctx1) bds = BundleDependencyStore(iom) for t, ctxs in bds.triples((None, None, None)): assert set([ctx, ctx1]) == set(ctxs)
def test_triples_choices_excluded(): iom = IOMemory() iom.add((URIRef(''), URIRef(''), URIRef('')), context='') iom.add((URIRef(''), URIRef(''), URIRef('')), context='') bds = BundleDependencyStore(iom, excludes=set([''])) assert set() == set( bds.triples_choices( (None, None, [URIRef(''), URIRef('')])))
def updateObservationProps(stationcod, typeslist): for obstype in typeslist: uri = RESOURCE_URI + 'station/' + stationcod #Initialization of the graph ssn = Namespace("") store = IOMemory() g = ConjunctiveGraph(store=store) g.bind("ssn", ssn) cpr = URIRef(uri) gpr = Graph(store=store, identifier=cpr) #Add data to the graph gpr.add((cpr, RDF.type, ssn['Sensor'])) gpr.add((cpr, ssn['observes'], RESOURCE_URI + 'prop/' + obstype)) #Update RDF print uri + ' | ' + obstype insertGraph(g=gpr, sparql=VIRTUOSO_URL, resourceuri=RESOURCE_URI)
def __init__(self): store = IOMemory() self.g = ConjunctiveGraph(store=store) self.g.bind("lada",ns_lada) self.g.bind('data', ns_data) self.g.bind('cube', ns_cube) self.g.bind('qb', ns_cube) self.g.bind('lcd', ns_lcd) self.g.bind('xsd', ns_xsd) self.g.bind('qb4cc', ns_qb4cc) self.g.bind('skos', ns_skos) self.initNs = { 'lada': ns_lada, 'data': ns_data, 'qb': ns_cube, 'lcd': ns_lcd, 'xsd': ns_xsd, 'qb4cc': ns_qb4cc, 'skos': ns_skos }
def _setup_global_graph(): """Lazy creation of the graph used to store events by events generators, and read by CGI scripts. """ global _store_input global _events_conjunctive_graph if _store_input is None: if _events_conjunctive_graph is not None: raise Exception("_events_conjunctive_graph should be None") if not isinstance(_events_storage_style, tuple): raise Exception("Wrong type for _events_storage_style") if _events_storage_style[0] == "IOMemory": _store_input = IOMemory() _events_conjunctive_graph = rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph( store=_store_input) elif _events_storage_style[0] == "SQLAlchemy": # How to install rdflib-sqlalchemy # pip install rdflib-sqlalchemy # # py -2.7 -m pip install rdflib-sqlalchemy # from glob import glob # ImportError: No module named glob # # py -3.6 -m pip install rdflib-sqlalchemy # OK sqlite_ident = rdflib.URIRef("rdflib_survol") sqlite_path = _events_storage_style[1] # This path might contain environment variables. sqlite_path_expanded = os.path.expandvars(sqlite_path) sqlite_uri = rdflib.Literal(sqlite_path_expanded) _store_input = rdflib.plugin.get( "SQLAlchemy", _events_conjunctive_graph = rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph( _store_input, identifier=sqlite_ident) try: #, create=True) # Open previously created store, or create it if it doesn't exist yet _log_db_access("_setup_global_graph", "O", "1", sqlite_uri) rt =, create=False) except Exception as exc: logging.error("sqlite_uri=%s. Exception=%s", sqlite_uri, exc) logging.error("Trace=%s" % traceback.format_exc()) logging.error("Stack=%s" % traceback.format_stack()) # According to the documentation, it should rather return this value instead of throwing. rt = try: if rt == # There is no underlying SQLAlchemy infrastructure, create it _log_db_access("_setup_global_graph", "C", "2", sqlite_uri), create=True) elif rt != raise Exception("sqlite_uri=%s rt=%d" % (sqlite_uri, rt)) except Exception as exc: raise Exception("sqlite_uri=%s.Exception=%s" % (sqlite_uri, exc)) else: raise Exception("Unknown storage style:" + str(_events_storage_style)) _check_globals("_setup_global_graph") return _events_conjunctive_graph
""" from rdflib import Namespace, Literal, URIRef from rdflib.graph import Graph, ConjunctiveGraph from rdflib.plugins.memory import IOMemory if __name__ == '__main__': ns = Namespace("" ) #Cogemos el espacio de nombres con el que trabajaremos mary = URIRef( "" ) #Obtenemos la referencia del sujeto con el que vamos a trabajar john = URIRef("") cmary = URIRef("") cjohn = URIRef("") store = IOMemory() #Reservamos memoria para nuestro grafo g = ConjunctiveGraph( store=store ) #Creamos un nuevo grafo de conjuntos donde iremos almacenando los grafos de cada sujeto g.bind("love", ns) #Liga a la etiqueta love el espacio de nombre ns gmary = Graph( store=store, identifier=cmary ) #Creamos un grafo para Mary para asà almanenar sus propiedades gmary.add((mary, ns['hasName'], Literal("Mary"))) gmary.add((mary, ns['loves'], john)) gjohn = Graph(store=store, identifier=cjohn) gjohn.add((john, ns['hasName'], Literal("John"))) #Una vez creados los grafos tanto para Mary como para John Mostraremos el contenido print('#Contenido del grafo de Conjuntos')
class Collection(dict): """A collection of handles. Runtime representation of a collection's metadata. This is independent on its physical representation and therefore uses any CollectionBackend to set and/or retrieve the data. A Collection is a dictionary, which's keys are the handles' names. The values are Handle instances representing the metadata of these handles. Additionally, a Collection has attributes to store data about the collection itself: Attributes of a collection: name: str store: IOMemory meta: (named) Graph conjunctive_graph: ConjunctiveGraph To represent the metadata, Collections use a named graph per handle and an additional named graph for collection level metadata. These graphs can be queried via the collection's graph store and its corresponding conjunctive graph. """ def __init__(self, src=None, name=None): # TODO: What about the 'name' option? How to treat it, in case src # provides a name already? For now use it only if src==None. # type(src) == Collection => copy has its own 'name'? # type(src) == Backend => rename in backend? super(Collection, self).__init__() if isinstance(src, Collection): self._backend = None # TODO: confirm this is correct behaviour and document it. # Means, it is a pure runtime copy with no persistence and no # update from backend. self.update(src) = IOMemory() for graph in if graph.identifier == Literal( self.meta = graph else: self[str(graph.identifier)].meta = graph self.conjunctive_graph = ConjunctiveGraph( elif isinstance(src, CollectionBackend): self._backend = src = None # TODO: check for existence in reload() fails otherwise; # If it turns out, that reload is never required outside of # constructor, that check isn't needed! self._reload() elif src is None: self._backend = None = IOMemory() self.meta = Graph(, identifier=Literal(name)) self.meta.add((DLNS.this, RDF.type, DLNS.Collection)) self.conjunctive_graph = ConjunctiveGraph( else: lgr.error("Unknown source for Collection(): %s" % type(src)) raise TypeError('Unknown source for Collection(): %s' % type(src)) @property def name(self): return str(self.meta.identifier) @property def url(self): return self._backend.url def __delitem__(self, key): lgr.error("__delitem__ called.") self_uri = self.meta.value(predicate=RDF.type, object=DLNS.Collection) key_uri = self[key].meta.value(predicate=RDF.type, object=DLNS.Handle) self.meta.remove((self_uri, DCTERMS.hasPart, key_uri))[key].name) super(Collection, self).__delitem__(key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if not isinstance(value, Handle): raise TypeError("Can't add non-Handle object to a collection.") super(Collection, self).__setitem__(key, value) self_uri = self.meta.value(predicate=RDF.type, object=DLNS.Collection) key_uri = self[key].meta.value(predicate=RDF.type, object=DLNS.Handle) self.meta.add((self_uri, DCTERMS.hasPart, key_uri))[key].meta) def _reload(self): # TODO: When do we need to reload outside of the constructor? # May be override self.update() to additionally reload in case # there is a backend. if not self._backend: # TODO: Error or warning? Depends on when we want to call this one. # By now this should be an error (or even an exception). lgr.error("Missing collection backend.") return # get the handles as instances of class Handle: self.update(self._backend.get_handles()) # get collection level data: collection_data = self._backend.get_collection() # TODO: May be a backend can just pass a newly created store containing # all the needed graphs. Would save us time and space for copy, but # seems to be less flexible in case we find another way to store a set # of named graphs and their conjunctive graph without the need of every # collection to have its own store. # Note: By using store.add() there seems to be no copy at all. # Need to check in detail, how this is stored and whether it still # works as intended. # Note 2: Definitely not a copy and seems to work. Need more queries to # check. # cleanup old store, if exists if is not None: del gc.collect() # create new store for the graphs: = IOMemory() # add collection's own graph: self.meta = collection_data # add handles' graphs: for handle in self:[handle].meta) # reference to the conjunctive graph to be queried: self.conjunctive_graph = ConjunctiveGraph( def query(self): # Note: As long as we use general SPARQL-Queries, no method is needed, # since this is a method of rdflib.Graph/rdflib.Store. # But we will need some kind of prepared queries here. # Also depends on the implementation of the 'ontology translation layer' pass def commit(self, msg="Collection updated."): if not self._backend: lgr.error("Missing collection backend.") raise RuntimeError("Missing collection backend.") self._backend.commit_collection(self, msg)
def __init__(self, ont: Ontology, tbl: DataTable, kr2rml_file: Path) -> None: g = rdflib.Graph(store=IOMemory()) g.parse(location=str(kr2rml_file), format="n3") worksheet_history = list( g.triples( (None, URIRef( "" ), None))) assert len(worksheet_history) == 1 worksheet_history = ujson.loads(worksheet_history[0][-1]) input_columns = list( g.triples(( None, URIRef(""), None))) assert len(input_columns) == 1 input_columns = ujson.loads(input_columns[0][-1]) # construct mapping between kr2rml attribute paths to tbl_attr_paths tbl_attr_paths = tbl.schema.get_attr_paths() n_attr_paths = len(tbl_attr_paths) tbl_attr_paths = { apath.replace("@", ""): apath for apath in tbl_attr_paths } assert len(tbl_attr_paths) == n_attr_paths start_idx = 0 for i, cname in enumerate(input_columns[0]): cpath = Schema.PATH_DELIMITER.join( cname['columnName'] for cname in input_columns[0][i:]) # cname = Schema.PATH_DELIMITERinput_columns[i:]) cname['columnName'] + Schema.PATH_DELIMITER found_attr = False for attr_path in tbl_attr_paths: if (attr_path + Schema.PATH_DELIMITER).startswith(cpath): found_attr = True break if found_attr: start_idx = i break literal_nodes = {} col2col = {} for col in input_columns: attr_path = Schema.PATH_DELIMITER.join( cname['columnName'] for cname in col[start_idx:]) if attr_path not in tbl_attr_paths: attr_path = Schema.PATH_DELIMITER.join( cname['columnName'] for cname in col[start_idx:-1]) if col[-1]['columnName'] == 'Values': assert attr_path in tbl_attr_paths elif col[-1]['columnName'] == 'content': attr_path += Schema.PATH_DELIMITER + "#text" assert attr_path in tbl_attr_paths else: raise ValueError( f"Invalid column type: {col[-1]['columnName']}") col2col[Schema.PATH_DELIMITER.join( cname['columnName'] for cname in col)] = tbl_attr_paths[attr_path] assert len(set( col2col.values())) == len(input_columns), "No duplication" # extracting commands commands = [] for command in worksheet_history: if command['commandName'] == "SubmitPythonTransformationCommand": cmd_start_col = command['inputParameters'][0] cmd_input_parent_col = Schema.PATH_DELIMITER.join( [col['columnName'] for col in cmd_start_col['value'][:-1]]) cmd_input_col = command['inputParameters'][-2] cmd_output_col = command['inputParameters'][-1] if command['inputParameters'][-3]['name'] == 'isJSONOutput': cmd_code = command['inputParameters'][-5] default_error_value = command['inputParameters'][-4] assert command['inputParameters'][-3]['value'] == "false" else: default_error_value = command['inputParameters'][-3] cmd_code = command['inputParameters'][-4] assert cmd_input_col['name'] == "inputColumns" and cmd_output_col[ "name"] == "outputColumns" and cmd_code[ 'name'] == 'transformationCode' and default_error_value[ 'name'] == 'errorDefaultValue' cmd_input_cols = [[ cname['columnName'] for cname in o['value'] ] for o in ujson.loads(cmd_input_col['value'])] karma_input_attr_paths = [ col2col[Schema.PATH_DELIMITER.join(cmd_input_col)] for cmd_input_col in cmd_input_cols ] # update col2col because of new columns new_attr_name = ujson.loads( cmd_output_col['value'])[0]['value'][-1]['columnName'] new_attr_path = new_attr_name if cmd_input_parent_col == "" else ( cmd_input_parent_col + Schema.PATH_DELIMITER + new_attr_name) cmd_output_col = Schema.PATH_DELIMITER.join( cname['columnName'] for cname in ujson.loads( cmd_output_col['value'])[0]['value']) col2col[cmd_output_col] = new_attr_path cmd_code = cmd_code['value'].replace("return ", "__return__ = ") input_attr_paths = [] for match in reversed( list(re.finditer("getValue\(([^)]+)\)", cmd_code))): start, end = match.span(1) field = cmd_code[start:end].replace("'", "").replace( '"""', "").replace('"', '') # it seems that Karma use last column name, we need to recover full name # using the provided input first for cmd_input_col, input_attr_path in zip( cmd_input_cols, karma_input_attr_paths): if field == cmd_input_col[-1]: field = input_attr_path break else: # otherwise construct from the start columns full_field = field if cmd_input_parent_col == "" else ( cmd_input_parent_col + Schema.PATH_DELIMITER + field) field = col2col[full_field] cmd_code = cmd_code[:start] + f'"{field}"' + cmd_code[end:] input_attr_paths.append(field) default_error_value = default_error_value['value'] commands.append( PyTransformNewColumnCmd(input_attr_paths, new_attr_name, cmd_code, default_error_value)) elif command["commandName"] == "SetSemanticTypeCommand" or command[ "commandName"] == "SetMetaPropertyCommand": cmd_input_col = command['inputParameters'][-2] if command["inputParameters"][-5][ 'name'] == 'SemanticTypesArray': cmd_stype = command['inputParameters'][-5] else: cmd_stype = command['inputParameters'][-6] if cmd_stype['name'] == 'SemanticTypesArray': assert cmd_input_col['name'] == "inputColumns" and len( cmd_stype['value'] ) == 1 and cmd_stype['value'][0]['isPrimary'] cmd_input_col = col2col[Schema.PATH_DELIMITER.join( cname['columnName'] for cname in ujson.loads( cmd_input_col['value'])[0]['value'])] cmd_stype = cmd_stype['value'][0] commands.append( SetSemanticTypeCmd( cmd_input_col, domain=ont.simplify_uri(cmd_stype['DomainUri']), type=ont.simplify_uri(cmd_stype['FullType']), node_id=ont.simplify_uri( cmd_stype['DomainId'].replace(" (add)", "")))) else: cmd_stype_domain = command['inputParameters'][-7] cmd_stype_id = command['inputParameters'][-6] assert cmd_input_col['name'] == "inputColumns" and cmd_stype_domain['name'] == 'metaPropertyUri' \ and cmd_stype_id['name'] == 'metaPropertyId' cmd_input_col = col2col[Schema.PATH_DELIMITER.join( cname['columnName'] for cname in ujson.loads( cmd_input_col['value'])[0]['value'])] commands.append( SetSemanticTypeCmd( cmd_input_col, domain=ont.simplify_uri(cmd_stype_domain['value']), type="karma:classLink", node_id=ont.simplify_uri(cmd_stype_id['value']))) elif command['commandName'] == 'UnassignSemanticTypeCommand': cmd_input_col = command['inputParameters'][-2] assert cmd_input_col['name'] == "inputColumns" cmd_input_col = col2col[Schema.PATH_DELIMITER.join( cname['columnName'] for cname in ujson.loads( cmd_input_col['value'])[0]['value'])] delete_cmds = [] for i, cmd in enumerate(commands): if isinstance(cmd, SetSemanticTypeCmd ) and cmd.input_attr_path == cmd_input_col: delete_cmds.append(i) for i in reversed(delete_cmds): commands.pop(i) elif command["commandName"] == "ChangeInternalNodeLinksCommand": cmd_edges = command['inputParameters'][-3] assert cmd_edges['name'] == 'newEdges' # cmd_initial_edges = command['inputParameters'][-4] # if cmd_initial_edges['name'] == 'initialEdges' and len(cmd_initial_edges['value']) > 0: # delete_cmds = [] # for cmd_edge in cmd_initial_edges['value']: # edge_lbl = ont.simplify_uri(cmd_edge['edgeId']) # source_id = ont.simplify_uri(cmd_edge['edgeSourceId']) # # if cmd_edge['edgeTargetId'] in literal_nodes: # for i, cmd in enumerate(commands): # if isinstance(cmd, SetSemanticTypeCmd) and cmd.type == edge_lbl and cmd.node_id == source_id: # delete_cmds.append(i) # else: # target_id = ont.simplify_uri(cmd_edge['edgeTargetId']) # for i, cmd in enumerate(commands): # if isinstance(cmd, SetInternalLinkCmd) and cmd.link_lbl == edge_lbl and cmd.target_id == target_id and cmd.source_id == source_id: # delete_cmds.append(i) # # for idx in sorted(delete_cmds, reverse=True): # commands.pop(idx) for cmd_edge in cmd_edges['value']: source_uri = cmd_edge.get('edgeSourceUri', None) target_uri = cmd_edge.get('edgeTargetUri', None) if source_uri is not None and source_uri != cmd_edge[ 'edgeSourceId']: source_uri = ont.simplify_uri(source_uri) else: source_uri = None if target_uri is not None and target_uri != cmd_edge[ 'edgeTargetId']: target_uri = ont.simplify_uri(target_uri) else: target_uri = None if cmd_edge['edgeTargetId'] in literal_nodes: # convert this command to SetSemanticType commands.append( SetSemanticTypeCmd( literal_nodes[cmd_edge['edgeTargetId']], domain=ont.simplify_uri(source_uri), type=ont.simplify_uri(cmd_edge['edgeId']), node_id=ont.simplify_uri( cmd_edge['edgeSourceId']))) else: commands.append( SetInternalLinkCmd( ont.simplify_uri(cmd_edge['edgeSourceId']), ont.simplify_uri(cmd_edge['edgeTargetId']), ont.simplify_uri(cmd_edge['edgeId']), source_uri, target_uri)) elif command['commandName'] == "AddLinkCommand": cmd_edges = command['inputParameters'][-3] assert cmd_edges['name'] == 'edge' cmd_edge = cmd_edges['value'] source_uri = cmd_edge.get('edgeSourceUri', None) target_uri = cmd_edge.get('edgeTargetUri', None) if source_uri is not None: source_uri = ont.simplify_uri(source_uri) else: source_uri = None if cmd_edge['edgeTargetId'] in literal_nodes: # convert this command to SetSemanticType commands.append( SetSemanticTypeCmd( literal_nodes[cmd_edge['edgeTargetId']], domain=ont.simplify_uri(source_uri), type=ont.simplify_uri(cmd_edge['edgeId']), node_id=ont.simplify_uri( cmd_edge['edgeSourceId']))) else: if target_uri is not None: target_uri = ont.simplify_uri(target_uri) else: target_uri = None commands.append( SetInternalLinkCmd( ont.simplify_uri(cmd_edge['edgeSourceId']), ont.simplify_uri(cmd_edge['edgeTargetId']), ont.simplify_uri(cmd_edge['edgeId']), source_uri, target_uri)) elif command['commandName'] == 'DeleteLinkCommand': cmd_edge = command['inputParameters'][-3] assert cmd_edge['name'] == 'edge' cmd_edge = cmd_edge['value'] for i, cmd in enumerate(commands): if isinstance(cmd, SetInternalLinkCmd): if cmd.source_id == cmd_edge[ 'edgeSourceId'] and cmd.target_id == cmd_edge[ 'edgeTargetId'] and cmd.link_lbl == ont.simplify_uri( cmd_edge['edgeId']): commands.pop(i) break elif command["commandName"] == "AddLiteralNodeCommand": cmd_literal_value = command["inputParameters"][0] assert cmd_literal_value['name'] == 'literalValue' cmd_literal_value = cmd_literal_value['value'] # they may re-use literal_values, let's user fix it manually if cmd_literal_value.startswith("http"): new_attr_path = f"literal:{ont.simplify_uri(cmd_literal_value)}" else: new_attr_path = f"literal:{cmd_literal_value}" if cmd_literal_value + "1" not in literal_nodes: new_attr_path += ":1" literal_nodes[cmd_literal_value + "1"] = new_attr_path elif cmd_literal_value + "2" not in literal_nodes: new_attr_path += ":2" literal_nodes[cmd_literal_value + "2"] = new_attr_path elif cmd_literal_value + "3" not in literal_nodes: new_attr_path += ":3" literal_nodes[cmd_literal_value + "3"] = new_attr_path else: assert False col2col[new_attr_path] = new_attr_path commands.append( AddLiteralColumnCmd(new_attr_path, cmd_literal_value)) elif command["commandName"] == "OperateSelectionCommand": # no way to see it in the KARMA UI continue elif command["commandName"] == "OrganizeColumnsCommand": continue elif command["commandName"] == "SetWorksheetPropertiesCommand": # this command doesn't affect the model continue # elif command["commandName"] == "UnfoldCommand": # cmd_input_col = command["inputParameters"][-2] # cmd_output_col = command["inputParameters"][-1] # assert cmd_input_col['name'] == "inputColumns" and cmd_output_col['name'] == 'outputColumns' # cmd_input_cols = [ # [cname['columnName'] for cname in o['value']] for o in ujson.loads(cmd_input_col['value']) # ] # input_attr_paths = [col2col[Schema.PATH_DELIMITER.join(cmd_input_col)] for cmd_input_col in cmd_input_cols] # cmd_output_cols = [ # [cname['columnName'] for cname in o['value']] for o in ujson.loads(cmd_output_col['value']) # ] # # output_attr_paths = [] # # update columns mapping # for cmd_output_col in cmd_output_cols: # attr_path = Schema.PATH_DELIMITER.join(cmd_output_col[start_idx:]) # col2col[Schema.PATH_DELIMITER.join(cmd_output_col)] = attr_path # output_attr_paths.append(attr_path) # # commands.append(UnrollCmd(input_attr_paths, output_attr_paths)) # elif command["commandName"] == "GlueCommand": # cmd_input_col = command["inputParameters"][-2] # cmd_output_col = command["inputParameters"][-1] else: assert False, "Source: %s. Doesn't handle command %s" % (, command["commandName"]) # fixing conflict modeling command conflicts = defaultdict(lambda: []) for i, cmd in enumerate(commands): if isinstance(cmd, SetSemanticTypeCmd): conflicts[cmd.input_attr_path].append((i, cmd)) if isinstance(cmd, SetInternalLinkCmd): conflicts[(cmd.source_id, cmd.target_id)].append((i, cmd)) delete_commands = [] for cmds in conflicts.values(): if len(cmds) > 1: display_warn = False for idx, cmd in cmds[1:]: if cmd != cmds[0][1]: if not display_warn: display_warn = True KR2RML.logger.warning( "Table: %s. Conflict between command: \n\t+ %s \n\t+ %s",, cmds[0][1], cmd) else: print("\t+", cmd) # only keep final commands for idx, cmd in cmds[:-1]: delete_commands.append(idx) if isinstance(cmds[0][1], SetInternalLinkCmd): # need to update source_uri & target_uri first (for duplicate commands, source_uri, target_uri = None) key = (cmds[-1][1].source_id, cmds[-1][1].link_lbl, cmds[-1][1].target_id) for idx, cmd in cmds[:-1]: if (cmd.source_id, cmd.link_lbl, cmd.target_id) == key: cmds[-1][1].source_uri = cmd.source_uri cmds[-1][1].target_uri = cmd.target_uri break delete_commands.sort(reverse=True) for idx in delete_commands: commands.pop(idx) super().__init__(commands)
from rdflib import Dataset, Literal, URIRef, Namespace from rdflib import ConjunctiveGraph, Graph, BNode from rdflib.plugins.memory import IOMemory from rdflib.namespace import DC, FOAF, OWL attrs = Namespace('') default_ctx = URIRef('') store = IOMemory() store.bind('attrs', attrs) bn = URIRef('mailto:[email protected]') ig = Graph(store, identifier=default_ctx) # ig.bind('attr', attrs) # ig.add((bn, attrs.label, Literal('Test of the thing'))) # context = {'x': types} # print('-' * 72) # print(g.serialize(format='turtle', indent=2)) other_ctx = URIRef('urn:f****d') xg = Graph(store, identifier=other_ctx) # g.default_context = Graph(identifier=URIRef('')) # g.bind('types', types) # xg.add((bn, attrs.label, Literal('Test of the thing'))) a = URIRef('') xg.add((a, DC.title, Literal('Test value'))) b = URIRef('')
def get_store(): store = IOMemory() for alias, ns in NAMESPACES.items(): store.bind(alias, ns) return store
class MetaCollection(dict): """A collection of collections. This is a dictionary, which's keys are the collections' names. Values are Collection instances. Like Collections this class collects the named metadata graphs of its items in a graph store (and its conjunctive graph), that can be queried. Additionally, a MetaCollection can have a name. Attributes of a MetaCollection: name: str store: IOMemory conjunctive_graph: ConjunctiveGraph """ def __init__(self, src=None, name=None): super(MetaCollection, self).__init__() = name = IOMemory() if isinstance(src, MetaCollection): self.update(src) = # TODO: See Collection: How to treat names in case of a copy? elif isinstance(src, list): for item in src: if isinstance(item, Collection): self[str(] = item elif isinstance(item, CollectionBackend): new_item = Collection(src=item) self[str(] = new_item else: e_msg = "Can't retrieve collection from %s." % type(item) lgr.error(e_msg) raise TypeError(e_msg) elif isinstance(src, dict): for key in src: if isinstance(src[key], Collection): self[key] = src[key] elif isinstance(src[key], CollectionBackend): self[key] = Collection(src=src[key]) else: e_msg = "Can't retrieve collection from %s." % \ type(src[key]) lgr.error(e_msg) raise TypeError(e_msg) elif src is None: pass else: e_msg = "Invalid source type for MetaCollection: %s" % type(src) lgr.error(e_msg) raise TypeError(e_msg) # join the stores: for collection in self: for graph in self[collection].store.contexts(): # TODO: Note: Removed all the copying of the graphs and correcting # their references, since we now always use # 'collection/branch/handle' as key. But: Implementation of # this changed behaviour is not well tested yet. self.conjunctive_graph = ConjunctiveGraph( def __setitem__(self, key, value): if not isinstance(value, Collection): raise TypeError("Can't add non-Collection type to MetaCollection.") super(MetaCollection, self).__setitem__(key, value) for graph in def __delitem__(self, key): # delete the graphs of the collection and its handles: for graph in self[key].store.contexts(): # delete the entry itself: super(MetaCollection, self).__delitem__(key) def query(self): """ Perform query on the meta collection. Note: It's self.conjunctive_graph or respectively, what is to be queried here. """ pass
def generateMeditionRDF(medition, typeofobs, typeofuri, obsunit, stationcod, dateday, uriprefix): ''' <?xml version="1.0"?> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:ssn="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:obs="" xmlns:dul="" xmlns:owl="" > <ssn:Observation rdf:about=""> <ssn:observedProperty rdf:resource="obs:property"/> <ssn:observationResult rdf:resource="obs:sensoroutput"/> <ssn:observedBy rdf:resource=""/> <dc:date>1997-07-16T19:20+01:00</dc:date> </ssn:Observation> <ssn:Property rdf:about="obs:property> <owl:sameAs rdf:resource=" URI a NASA Instance " /> OR <rdf:type rdf:resource=" URI a NASA Class " /> </ssn:Property> <ssn:SensorOutput rdf:about="obs:sensoroutput"> <ssn:hasValue rdf:resource="obs:outputvalue"/> </ssn:SensorOutput> <ssn:ObservationValue rdf:about="obs:outputvalue"> <dul:isClassifiedBy rdf:resource=" URI a Celsius, Farenheit, Microgramo/metro..."/> <ssn:hasQuantityValue rdf:datatype="xsd:float">0.98</ssn:hasQuantityValue> </ssn:ObservationValue> </rdf:RDF> ''' #.../station/ZORRO2/NO2/15022011/10 uri = RESOURCE_URI + 'station/' + stationcod + "/" + uriprefix + dateday.strftime( '/%d%m%Y/%H') #Initialization of graph ssn = Namespace("") dc = Namespace("") xsd = Namespace("") dul = Namespace("") owl = Namespace("") obs = Namespace(uri + "#") store = IOMemory() g = ConjunctiveGraph(store=store) g.bind("ssn", ssn) g.bind("dc", dc) g.bind("xsd", xsd) g.bind("dul", dul) g.bind("owl", owl) g.bind("obs", obs) cpr = URIRef(uri) gpr = Graph(store=store, identifier=cpr) #Add data to the graph gpr.add((cpr, RDF.type, ssn['Observation'])) gpr.add((cpr, ssn['observationResult'], obs["sensoroutput"])) gpr.add((cpr, ssn['observedProperty'], URIRef(RESOURCE_URI + 'prop/' + uriprefix))) gpr.add((cpr, ssn['observedBy'], URIRef(RESOURCE_URI + 'station/' + stationcod))) gpr.add((cpr, dc['date'], Literal(dateday.isoformat()))) #SUBGRAPH1 (sensoroutput) cpr1 = obs["sensoroutput"] gpr.add((cpr1, RDF.type, ssn['SensorOutput'])) gpr.add((cpr1, ssn['hasValue'], obs["outputvalue"])) #SUBGRAPH2 (outputvalue) cpr2 = obs["outputvalue"] gpr.add((cpr2, RDF.type, ssn['ObservationValue'])) gpr.add((cpr2, dul['isClassifiedBy'], URIRef(obsunit))) gpr.add((cpr2, ssn['hasQuantityValue'], Literal(medition))) #Create RDF file if OBS_PATH: print gpr.serialize(format='pretty-xml') filename = "Med_" + dateday.strftime('%d_%m_%Y') + '.nt' f = open(OBS_PATH + filename, 'a') f.write(gpr.serialize(format='nt')) #'pretty-xml')) f.close() else: print "Inserting " + uri + "..." insertGraph(g=gpr, sparql=VIRTUOSO_URL, resourceuri=RESOURCE_URI) print "OK"
def DoTheTestMemory(): ns = Namespace("") # AssertionError: ConjunctiveGraph must be backed by a context aware store. mary = URIRef("") john = URIRef("") cmary = URIRef("") cjohn = URIRef("") # my_store = Memory() store_input = IOMemory() gconjunctive = ConjunctiveGraph(store=store_input) gconjunctive.bind("love", ns) # add a graph for Mary's facts to the Conjunctive Graph gmary = Graph(store=store_input, identifier=cmary) # Mary's graph only contains the URI of the person she love, not his cute name gmary.add((mary, ns["hasName"], Literal("Mary"))) gmary.add((mary, ns["loves"], john)) # add a graph for John's facts to the Conjunctive Graph gjohn = Graph(store=store_input, identifier=cjohn) # John's graph contains his cute name gjohn.add((john, ns["hasCuteName"], Literal("Johnny Boy"))) # enumerate contexts print("Input contexts") for c in gconjunctive.contexts(): print("-- %s " % c) # separate graphs if False: print("===================") print("GJOHN") print(gjohn.serialize(format="n3").decode("utf-8")) print("===================") print("GMARY") print(gmary.serialize(format="n3").decode("utf-8")) print("===================") # full graph print("===================") print("GCONJUNCTIVE NATIVE") print(gconjunctive.serialize(format="n3").decode("utf-8")) # query the conjunction of all graphs xx = None for x in gconjunctive[mary:ns.loves / ns.hasCuteName]: xx = x print("Q: Who does Mary love?") print("A: Mary loves {}".format(xx)) # Ensuite, on sauve un seul sous-graphe, puis on le recharge et le resultat doit etre le meme. gjohn.serialize(destination='gjohn_copy.xml', format='xml') gmary.serialize(destination='gmary_copy.xml', format='xml') gjohn_copy = Graph() gjohn_copy.parse('gjohn_copy.xml', format='xml') gmary_copy = Graph() gmary_copy.parse('gmary_copy.xml', format='xml') if True: print("===================") print("GJOHN") print(gjohn_copy.serialize(format="n3").decode("utf-8")) print("===================") print("GMARY") print(gmary_copy.serialize(format="n3").decode("utf-8")) print("===================") print("===================") print("GCONJUNCTIVE WITH QUADS") print(list(gconjunctive.quads(None))) print("===================") gconjunctive.serialize(destination='gconjunctive_copy.xml', format='xml') gconjunctive_copy = ConjunctiveGraph() gconjunctive_copy.parse('gconjunctive_copy.xml', format='xml') print("===================") print("GCONJUNCTIVE AS CONJUNCTIVE") print(gconjunctive_copy.serialize(format="n3").decode("utf-8")) print("Output contexts") for c in gconjunctive_copy.contexts(): print("-- %s " % c) print("===================") gconjunctive_graph_copy = Graph() gconjunctive_graph_copy.parse('gconjunctive_copy.xml', format='xml') print("===================") print("GCONJUNCTIVE AS GRAPH") print(gconjunctive_graph_copy.serialize(format="n3").decode("utf-8")) #print("Output contexts") #for c in gconjunctive_graph_copy.contexts(): # print("-- %s " % c) print("===================")
?country factbook:area_land ?area_land . ?country factbook:area_water ?area_water . ?country factbook:background ?background . ?country factbook:capital_timedifference ?capital_timedifference . ?country factbook:currency_code ?currency . ?country factbook:climate ?climate . ?country factbook:birthrate ?birthrate . ?country factbook:deathrate ?deathrate . ?country factbook:population_total ?population . ?country factbook:landboundary ?landboundary . }""" sparql.setQuery(construct_query) sparql.setReturnFormat(RDF) # creating the RDF store and graph memory_store = IOMemory() graph_id = URIRef('') g = Graph(store=memory_store, identifier=graph_id) rdflib.plugin.register('sparql', rdflib.query.Processor, 'rdfextras.sparql.processor', 'Processor') rdflib.plugin.register('sparql', rdflib.query.Result, 'rdfextras.sparql.query', 'SPARQLQueryResult') # merging results and saving the store g = sparql.query().convert() g.parse("result_basic.owl") # the graph will be saved as full_example.owl. You can open the file with Protege to inspect it. g.serialize("result_bonus.owl", "xml")
from rdflib import Namespace, Literal, URIRef from rdflib.graph import Graph, ConjunctiveGraph from rdflib.plugins.memory import IOMemory if __name__ == '__main__': ns = Namespace("") mary = URIRef("") john = URIRef("") cmary = URIRef("") cjohn = URIRef("") store = IOMemory() g = ConjunctiveGraph(store=store) g.bind("love", ns) gmary = Graph(store=store, identifier=cmary) gmary.add((mary, ns['hasName'], Literal("Mary"))) gmary.add((mary, ns['loves'], john)) gjohn = Graph(store=store, identifier=cjohn) gjohn.add((john, ns['hasName'], Literal("John"))) #enumerate contexts for c in g.contexts(): print("-- %s " % c)
class ContextStore(Store): context_aware = True def __init__(self, context=None, include_stored=False, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- context : PyOpenWorm.context.Context context """ super(ContextStore, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._memory_store = None self._include_stored = include_stored if context is not None: self._init_store(context) def open(self, configuration, create=False): if self.ctx is not None: return VALID_STORE else: return NO_STORE def _init_store(self, ctx): self.ctx = ctx if self._include_stored: self._store_store = RDFContextStore(ctx) else: self._store_store = None if self._memory_store is None: self._memory_store = IOMemory() self._init_store0(ctx) def _init_store0(self, ctx, seen=None): if seen is None: seen = set() ctxid = ctx.identifier if ctxid in seen: return seen.add(ctxid) self._memory_store.addN( (s, p, o, ctxid) for s, p, o in ctx.contents_triples() if not (isinstance(s, Variable) or isinstance(p, Variable) or isinstance(o, Variable))) for cctx in ctx.imports: self._init_store0(cctx, seen) def close(self, commit_pending_transaction=False): self.ctx = None self._memory_store = None # RDF APIs def add(self, triple, context, quoted=False): raise NotImplementedError("This is a query-only store") def addN(self, quads): raise NotImplementedError("This is a query-only store") def remove(self, triple, context=None): raise NotImplementedError("This is a query-only store") def triples(self, triple_pattern, context=None): if self._memory_store is None: raise ContextStoreException("Database has not been opened") context = getattr(context, 'identifier', context) context_triples = [] if self._store_store is not None: context_triples.append( self._store_store.triples(triple_pattern, context)) return chain(self._memory_store.triples(triple_pattern, context), *context_triples) def __len__(self, context=None): """ Number of statements in the store. This should only account for non- quoted (asserted) statements if the context is not specified, otherwise it should return the number of statements in the formula or context given. :param context: a graph instance to query or None """ if self._memory_store is None: raise ContextStoreException("Database has not been opened") if self._store_store is None: return len(self._memory_store) else: # We don't know which triples may overlap, so we can't return an accurate count without doing something # expensive, so we just give up raise NotImplementedError() def contexts(self, triple=None): """ Generator over all contexts in the graph. If triple is specified, a generator over all contexts the triple is in. if store is graph_aware, may also return empty contexts :returns: a generator over Nodes """ if self._memory_store is None: raise ContextStoreException("Database has not been opened") seen = set() rest = () if self._store_store is not None: rest = self._store_store.contexts(triple) for ctx in chain(self._memory_store.contexts(triple), rest): if ctx in seen: continue seen.add(ctx) yield ctx
class ContextStore(Store): context_aware = True def __init__(self, context=None, include_stored=False, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- context : PyOpenWorm.context.Context context """ super(ContextStore, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._memory_store = None self._include_stored = include_stored if context is not None: self._init_store(context) def open(self, configuration, create=False): from .context import Contexts ctx = Contexts.get(configuration) if ctx is not None: self._init_store(ctx) return VALID_STORE else: return NO_STORE def _init_store(self, ctx): self.ctx = ctx if self._include_stored: self._store_store = RDFContextStore(ctx) else: self._store_store = None if self._memory_store is None: self._memory_store = IOMemory() self._init_store0(ctx) def _init_store0(self, ctx, seen=None): if seen is None: seen = set() ctxid = ctx.identifier if ctxid in seen: return seen.add(ctxid) self._memory_store.addN((s, p, o, ctxid) for s, p, o in ctx.contents_triples() if not (isinstance(s, Variable) or isinstance(p, Variable) or isinstance(o, Variable))) for cctx in ctx.imports: self._init_store0(cctx, seen) def close(self, commit_pending_transaction=False): self.ctx = None self._memory_store = None # RDF APIs def add(self, triple, context, quoted=False): raise NotImplementedError("This is a query-only store") def addN(self, quads): raise NotImplementedError("This is a query-only store") def remove(self, triple, context=None): raise NotImplementedError("This is a query-only store") def triples(self, triple_pattern, context=None): context = getattr(context, 'identifier', context) if self._memory_store is None: raise Exception("Database has not been opened") context_triples = [] if self._store_store is not None: context_triples.append(self._store_store.triples(triple_pattern, context)) return chain(self._memory_store.triples(triple_pattern, context), *context_triples) def __len__(self, context=None): """ Number of statements in the store. This should only account for non- quoted (asserted) statements if the context is not specified, otherwise it should return the number of statements in the formula or context given. :param context: a graph instance to query or None """ if self._memory_store is None: raise Exception("Database has not been opened") if self._store_store is None: return len(self._memory_store) else: # We don't know which triples may overlap, so we can't return an accurate count without doing something # expensive, so we just give up raise NotImplementedError() def contexts(self, triple=None): """ Generator over all contexts in the graph. If triple is specified, a generator over all contexts the triple is in. if store is graph_aware, may also return empty contexts :returns: a generator over Nodes """ if self._memory_store is None: raise Exception("Database has not been opened") seen = set() rest = () if self._store_store is not None: rest = self._store_store.contexts(triple) for ctx in chain(self._memory_store.contexts(triple), rest): if ctx in seen: continue seen.add(ctx) yield ctx