Example #1
class MetaCollection(dict):
    """A collection of collections.

    This is a dictionary, which's keys are the collections' names.
    Values are Collection instances.

    Like Collections this class collects the named metadata graphs of its items
    in a graph store (and its conjunctive graph), that can be queried.
    Additionally, a MetaCollection can have a name.

    Attributes of a MetaCollection:
    name:               str
    store:              IOMemory
    conjunctive_graph:  ConjunctiveGraph

    def __init__(self, src=None, name=None):
        super(MetaCollection, self).__init__()

        self.name = name
        self.store = IOMemory()

        if isinstance(src, MetaCollection):
            self.name = src.name
            # TODO: See Collection: How to treat names in case of a copy?

        elif isinstance(src, list):
            for item in src:
                if isinstance(item, Collection):
                    self[str(item.name)] = item
                elif isinstance(item, CollectionBackend):
                    new_item = Collection(src=item)
                    self[str(new_item.name)] = new_item
                    e_msg = "Can't retrieve collection from %s." % type(item)
                    raise TypeError(e_msg)

        elif isinstance(src, dict):
            for key in src:
                if isinstance(src[key], Collection):
                    self[key] = src[key]
                elif isinstance(src[key], CollectionBackend):
                    self[key] = Collection(src=src[key])
                    e_msg = "Can't retrieve collection from %s." % \
                    raise TypeError(e_msg)

        elif src is None:
            e_msg = "Invalid source type for MetaCollection: %s" % type(src)
            raise TypeError(e_msg)

        # join the stores:
        for collection in self:
            for graph in self[collection].store.contexts():
                # TODO: Note: Removed all the copying of the graphs and correcting
                # their references, since we now always use
                # 'collection/branch/handle' as key. But: Implementation of
                # this changed behaviour is not well tested yet.

        self.conjunctive_graph = ConjunctiveGraph(store=self.store)

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        if not isinstance(value, Collection):
            raise TypeError("Can't add non-Collection type to MetaCollection.")

        super(MetaCollection, self).__setitem__(key, value)
        for graph in value.store.contexts():

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        # delete the graphs of the collection and its handles:
        for graph in self[key].store.contexts():
        # delete the entry itself:
        super(MetaCollection, self).__delitem__(key)

    def query(self):
        """ Perform query on the meta collection.
        Note: It's self.conjunctive_graph or self.store respectively,
        what is to be queried here.
Example #2
class Collection(dict):
    """A collection of handles.

    Runtime representation of a collection's metadata. This is independent on
    its physical representation and therefore uses any CollectionBackend to set
    and/or retrieve the data.

    A Collection is a dictionary, which's keys are the handles' names.
    The values are Handle instances representing the metadata of these handles.
    Additionally, a Collection has attributes to store data about the
    collection itself:

    Attributes of a collection:
    name:               str
    store:              IOMemory
    meta:               (named) Graph
    conjunctive_graph:  ConjunctiveGraph

    To represent the metadata, Collections use a named graph per handle and an
    additional named graph for collection level metadata. These graphs can be
    queried via the collection's graph store and its corresponding conjunctive

    def __init__(self, src=None, name=None):
        # TODO: What about the 'name' option? How to treat it, in case src
        # provides a name already? For now use it only if src==None.
        # type(src) == Collection => copy has its own 'name'?
        # type(src) == Backend => rename in backend?

        super(Collection, self).__init__()

        if isinstance(src, Collection):
            self._backend = None
            # TODO: confirm this is correct behaviour and document it.
            # Means, it is a pure runtime copy with no persistence and no
            # update from backend.

            self.store = IOMemory()
            for graph in src.store.contexts():
                if graph.identifier == Literal(src.name):
                    self.meta = graph
                    self[str(graph.identifier)].meta = graph

            self.conjunctive_graph = ConjunctiveGraph(store=self.store)

        elif isinstance(src, CollectionBackend):
            self._backend = src
            self.store = None
            # TODO: check for existence in reload() fails otherwise;
            # If it turns out, that reload is never required outside of
            # constructor, that check isn't needed!

        elif src is None:
            self._backend = None
            self.store = IOMemory()
            self.meta = Graph(store=self.store, identifier=Literal(name))
            self.meta.add((DLNS.this, RDF.type, DLNS.Collection))
            self.conjunctive_graph = ConjunctiveGraph(store=self.store)

            lgr.error("Unknown source for Collection(): %s" % type(src))
            raise TypeError('Unknown source for Collection(): %s' % type(src))

    def name(self):
        return str(self.meta.identifier)

    def url(self):
        return self._backend.url

    def __delitem__(self, key):

        lgr.error("__delitem__ called.")
        self_uri = self.meta.value(predicate=RDF.type, object=DLNS.Collection)
        key_uri = self[key].meta.value(predicate=RDF.type, object=DLNS.Handle)
        self.meta.remove((self_uri, DCTERMS.hasPart, key_uri))
        super(Collection, self).__delitem__(key)

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        if not isinstance(value, Handle):
            raise TypeError("Can't add non-Handle object to a collection.")

        super(Collection, self).__setitem__(key, value)
        self_uri = self.meta.value(predicate=RDF.type, object=DLNS.Collection)
        key_uri = self[key].meta.value(predicate=RDF.type, object=DLNS.Handle)
        self.meta.add((self_uri, DCTERMS.hasPart, key_uri))

    def _reload(self):
        # TODO: When do we need to reload outside of the constructor?
        # May be override self.update() to additionally reload in case
        # there is a backend.

        if not self._backend:
            # TODO: Error or warning? Depends on when we want to call this one.
            # By now this should be an error (or even an exception).
            lgr.error("Missing collection backend.")

        # get the handles as instances of class Handle:

        # get collection level data:
        collection_data = self._backend.get_collection()

        # TODO: May be a backend can just pass a newly created store containing
        # all the needed graphs. Would save us time and space for copy, but
        # seems to be less flexible in case we find another way to store a set
        # of named graphs and their conjunctive graph without the need of every
        # collection to have its own store.
        # Note: By using store.add() there seems to be no copy at all.
        # Need to check in detail, how this is stored and whether it still
        # works as intended.
        # Note 2: Definitely not a copy and seems to work. Need more queries to
        # check.

        # cleanup old store, if exists
        if self.store is not None:
            del self.store
        # create new store for the graphs:
        self.store = IOMemory()

        # add collection's own graph:
        self.meta = collection_data

        # add handles' graphs:
        for handle in self:

        # reference to the conjunctive graph to be queried:
        self.conjunctive_graph = ConjunctiveGraph(store=self.store)

    def query(self):
        # Note: As long as we use general SPARQL-Queries, no method is needed,
        # since this is a method of rdflib.Graph/rdflib.Store.
        # But we will need some kind of prepared queries here.
        # Also depends on the implementation of the 'ontology translation layer'

    def commit(self, msg="Collection updated."):

        if not self._backend:
            lgr.error("Missing collection backend.")
            raise RuntimeError("Missing collection backend.")

        self._backend.commit_collection(self, msg)