def fetch_user_email(l, r): # @UnusedVariable if len(r) != 1: logger.warn("user [%s] not found" % username) return "" if isinstance(attr, list): return dict([(x, r[0][1][x]) for x in attr if x in r[0][1]]) elif attr in r[0][1]: if isinstance(r[0][1][attr], list): return [decode_s(x) for x in r[0][1][attr]] else: return decode_s(r[0][1][attr]) return None
def _hash_password(self, password): # At this point the password should be unicode. We converted it into # system encoding. password_b = encode_s(password) import sha hasher = hasher.update(password_b) return decode_s(hasher.hexdigest())
def index(self, path_b=b"", **kwargs): assert isinstance(path_b, str) _logger.debug("repo settings [%s]", decode_s(path_b, 'replace')) # Check user permissions try: repo_obj = self.validate_user_path(path_b)[0] except librdiff.FileError as e: _logger.exception("invalid user path [%s]", decode_s(path_b, 'replace')) return self._compile_error_template(unicode(e)) # Check if any action to process. params = {} action = kwargs.get('action') if action: try: if action == "delete": params.update(self._handle_delete(repo_obj, **kwargs)) elif action == "set_encoding": params.update(self._handle_set_encoding(repo_obj, **kwargs)) else:"unknown action: %s", action) raise cherrypy.NotFound("Unknown action") except ValueError as e: params['error'] = unicode(e) except HTTPRedirect as e: # Re-raise HTTPRedirect exception. raise e except Exception as e: _logger.warn("unknown error processing action", exc_info=True) params['error'] = _("Unknown error") # Get page data. try: params.update(self._get_parms_for_page(repo_obj)) except librdiff.FileError: _logger.exception("can't create page params") return self._compile_error_template(unicode(e)) # Generate page. return self._compile_template("settings.html", **params)
def check_crendential(l, r): # Check results if len(r) != 1: logger.debug("user [%s] not found in LDAP" % username) return None # Bind using the user credentials. Throws an exception in case of # error. l.simple_bind_s(r[0][0], encode_s(password)) l.unbind_s()"user [%s] found in LDAP" % username) # Return the username return decode_s(r[0][1][self.attribute][0])
def _cp_dispatch(self, vpath): """ Used to dispatch `/prefs/<panelid>` The `panelid` make reference to a plugin panel. """ # Notice vpath contains bytes. if len(vpath) > 0: # /the/full/path/ path = [] while len(vpath) > 0: path.append(decode_s(unquote_url(vpath.pop(0)))) cherrypy.request.params['panelid'] = "/".join(path) return self return vpath
def _execute(self, username, function): assert isinstance(username, unicode) """Reusable method to run LDAP operation.""" # try STARTLS if configured if self.tls: ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, ldap.OPT_X_TLS_NEVER) # Check LDAP credential only. l = ldap.initialize(self.uri) # Set v2 or v3 if self.version == 2: l.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION2 else: l.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3 try: # Bind to the LDAP server logger.debug("binding to ldap server {}".format(self.uri)) l.simple_bind_s(self.bind_dn, self.bind_password) # Search the LDAP server search_filter = "(&{}({}={}))".format( self.filter, self.attribute, username) logger.debug("search ldap server: {}/{}?{}?{}?{}".format( self.uri, self.base_dn, self.attribute, self.scope, search_filter)) r = l.search_s(encode_s(self.base_dn), self.scope, encode_s(search_filter)) # Execute operation return function(l, r) except ldap.LDAPError as e: l.unbind_s() logger.warn('ldap error', exc_info=1) if isinstance(e.message, dict) and 'desc' in e.message: raise RdiffError(decode_s(e.message['desc'])) raise RdiffError(unicode(repr(e)))