different; each bit is 0 if the corresponding bits are the same."""
        new_val = getattr(state, lhs) ^ getattr(state, rhs)
        new_val = getattr(state, lhs) ^ int(rhs, 16)
    setattr(state, lhs, new_val)
    """The OF and CF flags are cleared; the SF, ZF, and PF flags are set according to the result. 
	The state of the AF flag is undefined."""
    state.of = False
    state.cf = False
    zf_state = If(getattr(state, lhs) == 0, True, False)
    state.zf = zf_state
    state.eip += 1
    return state

if __name__ == "__main__":
    examples = ['xor eax, eax', 'xor ebx, 0x8', 'xor ebx, ecx']
    for example in examples:
        s = Solver()
        regs = Registers()
        regs.ebx = 4
        regs = xor(regs, example)
        s.add(regs.ebx == 12)
        print("ebx = 4, {}, ebx == 12?".format(example))
        if s.check() == sat:
            print('ebx can be 12!')
            print("ebx can't be 12")