# https://c9x.me/x86/html/file_module_x86_id_147.html
def jmp(state, inst):
    parts = inst.split(' ')
    op = parts[0]
    dst = int(parts[1], 16)
    # Faking this since we don't really care for the examples we have
    state.eip == dst
    return state

if __name__ == "__main__":
    s = Solver()
    state = Registers()

    state.eip = 0x1234
    state = jmp(state, 'jmp 0x41414141')
    s.add(state.eip == 0x41414141)
    print('eip = 0x1234, jmp 0x41414141, eip == 0x41414141?')
    check = s.check()
    print("eip == {}".format(state.eip))
    s = Solver()
    state = Registers()
    state.eip = 0x41414141
    state = jmp(state, 'jmp 0x42424242')
    s.add(state.eip == 0x41414141)
    check = s.check()
    print('eip = 0x41414141, jmp 0x42424242, eip == 0x41414141?')
    if check == sat: