Example #1
def create_nsteps_map(redserv=None,
    """ after all playthroughs have been save to redis, index number of steps <-> game names """
    if redserv is None:
        _rj = Client(host='localhost', port=6379, decode_responses=True)
        _rj = redserv

    if nsteps_map_key == REDIS_GATA_NSTEPS_MAP:
        redisbasekey = REDIS_GATA_PLAYTHROUGHS
    elif nsteps_map_key == REDIS_FTWC_NSTEPS_MAP:
        redisbasekey = REDIS_FTWC_PLAYTHROUGHS
        assert False, "Unknown Redis nsteps_map_key " + nsteps_map_key

    for key in _rj.keys(nsteps_index_key + "*"):
        print("Will delete:", key)

    for setkey in gameset_keys:
        game_names_ = _rj.smembers(setkey)
        for _gn in game_names_:
            nsteps = retrieve_playthrough_nsteps(_gn,
            if nsteps > 0:
                print(nsteps, _gn)
                _rj.hset(nsteps_map_key, _gn, nsteps)
                _rj.sadd(f"{nsteps_index_key}{nsteps}", _gn)

    print(len(_rj.keys(nsteps_index_key + "*")), _rj.hlen(nsteps_map_key))
    total = 0
    sort_list = []
    for key in _rj.keys(nsteps_index_key + "*"):
        nsteps = int(key.split(':')[-1])
        num_games = _rj.scard(key)
        total += num_games
        sort_list.append((nsteps, num_games, key))
        # print(key,  "has", num_games, "game names")
    for nsteps, num_games, setkey in sort_list:
        print(f"[{nsteps}]\t {num_games}\t {setkey}")
    if redserv is None:
Example #2
 def get_answers(self, rj: RedisClient, clear: bool = True) -> List[Answer]:
     Get all answers the frontend has received.
     if not clear:
         raise NotImplementedError
     key = f"alg-{self.ident}-answers"
     if key in rj.keys():
         pipe = rj.pipeline()
         pipe.jsonget(key, Path("."))
         pipe.jsonset(key, Path("."), [])
         answers, success = pipe.execute()
         return answers
     return []
Example #3
def create_skills_map(redserv=None,
    """ after all game names have been added to redis, we map skills to game names"""
    if redserv is None:
        _rj = Client(host='localhost', port=6379, decode_responses=True)
        _rj = redserv
    skills_index = {}  # maps skillname to a set of game names
    all_mapped_skills = set()  # all game names that are in the skills map
    for setkey in gameset_keys:
        game_names = _rj.smembers(setkey)
        print(f"{setkey} has {len(game_names)} members")

        for g in game_names:
            gid, sklist = split_gamename(g)
            # print(g, gid, sklist)
            for skill in sklist:
                if skill not in skills_index:
                    skills_index[skill] = set()

                _rj.sadd(skillsmap_key + skill, g)

    # print(len(skills_index), skills_index.keys())
    # for key in skills_index.keys():
    #     print(key, len(skills_index[key]))
    #     all_mapped_skills = all_mapped_skills.union(skills_index[key])

    skillsmap_keys = _rj.keys(skillsmap_key + "*")

    for k in skillsmap_keys:
        print(k, _rj.scard(k))
        all_mapped_skills = all_mapped_skills.union(_rj.smembers(k))

        f"TOTAL # of game files for which skills have been mapped: {len(all_mapped_skills)}"
    if redserv is None:
class ReJson:
    """Facade for ReJson"""
    def __init__(self, host: str, port: Union[str, int]) -> None:
        """Instantiate a connection to ReJson.

        :param host: The hostname/ip of the Redis instance.
        :type host: str
        :param port: The port of the Redis instance.
        :type port: int
        self._client = Client(host=host, port=port, decode_responses=True)

    def keys(self) -> Json:
        """Get all keys"""
        return self._client.keys()

    def post(self, key: str, obj: Json) -> None:
        """Post a new Json object to the store.

        :param key: The key to store the Json at.
        :type key: str
        :param obj: What to store.
        :type obj: Json
        self._client.jsonset(key, Path.rootPath(), obj)

    def get(self, key: str) -> Json:

        :param key: The key that the Json object was stored at.
        :type key: str
        :return: The Json stored at `key`.
        :rtype: Json
        return self._client.jsonget(key, Path.rootPath())

    def update(self, key: str, path: str, value: Json) -> None:

        :param key: The key that the Json object was stored at.
        :type key: str
        :param path: A period seperated string of keys to traverse the Json.
        :type path: str
        :param value: The new value.
        :type value: Json
        self._client.jsonset(key, Path(f".{path}"), value)

    def append(self, key: str, path: str, *values: Json) -> None:
        """Append to some array within a Json obejct.

        :param key: The key that the Json object was stored at.
        :type key: str
        :param path: A period seperated string of keys to traverse the Json.
        :type path: str
        self._client.jsonarrappend(key, Path(f".{path}"), *values)

    def pop(self, key: str, path: str) -> Json:
        """Pop from from array within a Json object.

        :param key: The key that the Json object was stored at.
        :type key: str
        :param path: A period seperated string of keys to traverse the Json.
        :type path: str
        :return: The Json value popped from the array.
        :rtype: Json
        return self._client.jsonarrpop(key, f".{path}")

    def remove(self, key: str, path: str, value: Json) -> None:
        """Remove something from some array within a Json object.
        :param key: The key that the Json object was stored at.
        :type key: str
        :param path: A period seperated string of keys to travers the Json.
        :type path: str
        :param value: The value to remove from the array.
        :type value: Json
        index = self._client.jsonarrindex(key, f".{path}", value)
        self._client.jsondel(key, f"{path}[{index}]")
Example #5
from datetime import datetime
from pprint import pprint
from rejson import Client, Path

rj = Client(host='localhost', port=6379, decode_responses=True)

# Get single key:value pair
pprint(rj.jsonget("redis_club_urls:item73", Path.rootPath()))

# Convert timestamp from iso to datetime
timestamp = rj.jsonget("redis_club_urls:item73",
timestamp = datetime.fromisoformat(timestamp)

# Get all keys

# Get all values matching pattern from keys
for key in rj.scan_iter("redis_club_urls:item:*"):
    print(rj.jsonget(key, Path('.club_page')))

# Add all values matching pattern to new key
for key in rj.scan_iter("redis_club_urls:item:*"):
    val = rj.jsonget(key, Path('.club_page'))
    rj.sadd('all_urls', val)
Example #6
class JobsAPI(Resource):
    def __init__(self):
        self.redis = Client(host='', port=6379, decode_responses=True)

    def get(self, **kwargs):
        if kwargs.get('job_id'):
            job_id = kwargs.get('job_id')
            if self.redis.exists(job_id):
                parser = reqparse.RequestParser()

                if request.url_rule.rule == '/jobs/<string:job_id>/next':
                    args = parser.parse_args(strict=True)
                    if self.redis.jsonget(job_id, Path('.items')):
                        ttl = args.get('expired_duration')
                        items = self.redis.jsonget(job_id, Path('.items'))
                        for item in items:
                            if not self.redis.exists(f'hold_{item}'):
                                    'SET', f'hold_{item}', job_id)
                                    'EXPIRE', f'hold_{item}', ttl)
                                return output_json(
                                        'status': 'ok',
                                        'job_id': job_id,
                                        'ttl': ttl,
                                        'index': items.index(item),
                                        'item': item
                                    }, 200)
                    return output_json(
                            'status': 'error',
                            'job_id': job_id,
                            'description': 'Items list is empty.'
                        }, 400)

                if request.url_rule.rule == '/jobs/<string:job_id>/items':
                                        choices=('true', 'false'))
                    args = parser.parse_args(strict=True)
                    items = self.redis.jsonget(job_id, Path('.items'))
                    done_items = self.redis.jsonget(job_id, Path('.done'))
                    if args.get('active') == 'true':
                        active_items = []
                        for item in items:
                            if not self.redis.exists(f'hold_{item}') and \
                                    items.index(item) not in done_items:
                        return output_json(
                                'status': 'ok',
                                'job_id': job_id,
                                'items': active_items
                            }, 200)
                    return output_json(
                            'status': 'ok',
                            'job_id': job_id,
                            'items': items + done_items
                        }, 200)
                return output_json(
                        'status': 'error',
                        'job_id': job_id,
                        'description': 'The job is not in the queue.'
                    }, 400)

        return output_json(
                'status': 'ok',
                'jobs': [i for i in self.redis.keys() if i[:5] != 'hold_']
            }, 200)

    def post(self, **kwargs):
        if request.url_rule.rule == '/jobs/<string:job_id>/items/<int:item_index>/done':
            job_id = kwargs.get('job_id')
            item_index = kwargs.get('item_index')
            done_item = self.redis.jsonget(job_id, Path('.items'))[item_index]
            if item_index in self.redis.jsonget(job_id, Path('.done')):
                return output_json(
                        'status': 'error',
                        'description': 'The item already was marked as done.',
                        'job_id': job_id,
                        'index': item_index,
                        'item': done_item
                    }, 400)
            self.redis.jsonarrappend(job_id, Path('.done'), item_index)
            return output_json(
                    'status': 'ok',
                    'description': 'The item is marked as done.',
                    'job_id': job_id,
                    'index': item_index,
                    'item': done_item
                }, 200)

        if request.url_rule.rule == '/jobs/<string:job_id>/items/<int:item_index>/error':
            job_id = kwargs.get('job_id')
            item_index = kwargs.get('item_index')
            error_item = self.redis.jsonget(job_id, Path('.items'))[item_index]
            if item_index in self.redis.jsonget(job_id, Path('.error')):
                return output_json(
                        'status': 'error',
                        'description': 'The item already was marked as error.',
                        'job_id': job_id,
                        'index': item_index,
                        'item': error_item
                    }, 400)
            self.redis.jsonarrappend(job_id, Path('.error'), item_index)
            return output_json(
                    'status': 'ok',
                    'description': 'The item is marked as error.',
                    'job_id': job_id,
                    'index': item_index,
                    'item': error_item
                }, 200)

        if isinstance(request.json, list) and request.json:
            job_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

            data = {'items': request.json, 'done': [], 'error': []}

            if self.redis.jsonset(job_id, Path.rootPath(), data):
                return output_json(
                        'status': 'ok',
                        'description': 'Job is added to queue.',
                        'job_id': job_id
                    }, 201)
            return output_json(
                    'status': 'error',
                    'description': 'Wrong request!'
                }, 400)

    def delete(self, job_id):
        if self.redis.exists(job_id):
            return output_json(
                    'status': 'ok',
                    'description': 'Job is deleted.'
                }, 200)
            return output_json(
                    'status': 'error',
                    'description': 'The job is not in the queue.'
                }, 400)