Example #1
def get_cloud_name_from_obj(obj_type, name=None, uuid=None, **kwargs):

    status_code, resp = get(obj_type, name=name, uuid=uuid, **kwargs)
    cloud_ref = resp.get('cloud_ref', None)
    if cloud_ref:
        return get_name_from_ref(cloud_ref, **kwargs)
    return None
Example #2
 def wait_until_n_cluster_nodes_ready_inner():
     rsp = None
         st, rsp = get('cluster/runtime')
     except Exception as ex:
         fail('Cluster api runtime exception: %s' % ex)
     if rsp and st == 200:
         node_states = rsp.get('node_states', [])
         cluster_state = rsp.get('cluster_state', {})
         cl_state = cluster_state.get('state', 'unknown')
         up_nodes = 0
         for node in node_states:
             if node.get('state') == 'CLUSTER_ACTIVE':
                 up_nodes += 1
         if (up_nodes != n):
             logger.debug('Cluster (status:%s) expects %d active nodes '
                          'but contains %d active nodes' %
                          (cl_state, n, up_nodes))
         elif (n == 1 and cl_state == 'CLUSTER_UP_NO_HA'):
             logger.info('Cluster is ready! Cluster state is %s' %
         elif (n == 2 and cl_state == 'CLUSTER_UP_HA_COMPROMISED'):
             logger.info('Cluster is ready! Cluster state is %s' %
         elif (n == 3 and cl_state == 'CLUSTER_UP_HA_ACTIVE'):
             logger.info('Cluster is ready! Cluster state is %s' %
     fail('Cluster runtime response not as expected %s' %
          (rsp if rsp else 'None'))
Example #3
def get_similar_tracks(mbid=None, name=None, artist=None, pages=1):
    # TODO: explain in documentation - pages (total #) vs page
    query_d = {
        "method": "track.getsimilar",
        "api_key": API_KEY,
        "format": "json",
        "limit": 10 * pages
    if mbid is not None:
        query_d["mbid"] = mbid
    elif name is not None and artist is not None:
        query_d["track"] = name
        query_d["artist"] = artist
    # User-agent header should be default
    res = rest.get(API_ROOT, query_d)
    if res["type"] == "HTTPError" or res["type"] == "URLError":
        # returning (status, result); error already sent to console
        return ("Error", [])
    res_dict = json.loads(res["object"].read())
    if "error" in res_dict:
        print build_API_error(res_dict,
        # returning (status, result); error already sent to console
        return ("Error", [])
    return ("OK",
Example #4
def get_artist_top_albums(mbid=None, name=None, pages=1):
    # pages actually functions as a limit multiplier, so pages=2 -> 20 results
    query_d = {
        "method": "artist.gettopalbums",
        "api_key": API_KEY,
        "format": "json",
        "limit": 10,
        "page": pages
    if mbid is not None:
        query_d["mbid"] = mbid
    elif name is not None:
        query_d["artist"] = name
    # User-agent header should be default
    res = rest.get(API_ROOT, query_d)
    if res["type"] == "HTTPError" or res["type"] == "URLError":
        # returning (status, result); error already sent to console
        return ("Error", [])
    res_dict = json.loads(res["object"].read())
    if "error" in res_dict:
        print build_API_error(res_dict,
        # returning (status, result); error already sent to console
        return ("Error", [])
    return ("OK", build_artist_top_item_list(res_dict["topalbums"]["album"]))
Example #5
def check_cloud_state(expected_status='CLOUD_STATE_PLACEMENT_READY', **kwargs):
    cloud_name = kwargs.get('cloud_name', None)
    # config = get_config()
    # ctrl_clouds =  kwargs.get('clouds', config.testbed[config.site_name].cloud)
    asleep(msg='waiting for cloud state', delay=10)
    status_code, resp_json = get('cloud-inventory')
    #resp_json = resp.json()
    #if len(ctrl_clouds) != int(resp_json['count']):
    #    error("Number of Configured Clouds not as Received. Configured=%s Received=%s" %(len(ctrl_clouds), resp_json['count']))
    for cloud_obj in resp_json['results']:
        if cloud_name and cloud_name != cloud_obj['config']['name']:
        if 'error' in cloud_obj['status']:
            error('Received Error in cloud status %s' %
        cloud_status = cloud_obj['status']['state']
        last_reason = cloud_obj['status'].get('reason', '')
        # To handle special? case where cloud is up but about to be reconfigured
        # REVIEW any other reasons that we need to account for?
        if cloud_status != expected_status or 'Pending re-config' in last_reason:
            if cloud_obj['config']['vtype'] == 'CLOUD_AWS':
                asleep("additional delay for AWS cloud", delay=30)
                'Cloud Status is not as expected or reason not null.  Expected=%s Received=%s, reason = %s',
                expected_status, cloud_status, last_reason)
    return True
Example #6
    def get(self):

        criteria =  {
            'symbol': self.symbol,
            'exp_date': self.exp_date
        return rest.get(TABLE_NAME, criteria)
Example #7
 def run(self, exchange, symbol):
     self.load_job(exchange, symbol)
     trd, self.job = rest.get(self.job)
     if self.job['auto_since'] == 'yes' \
                 and len(trd.index) > 0:
         self.job['stmt'] = rest.build_stmt(self.job)
     return trd
Example #8
    def get(self):

        criteria = {
            "symbol": self.symbol,
            "exp_date": self.exp_date,
            "strike": self.strike,
            "call_or_put": self.call_or_put,

        return rest.get(TABLE_NAME, criteria)
Example #9
def wait_for_vcenter_state(cloud_name, exp_states):
    status_code, data = get('vimgrvcenterruntime')
    logger.debug('wait_for_vcenter_state data: %s' % data)
    if data['count'] == 0:
        error('Inventory is not complete')
    state = data['results'][0]['inventory_state']

    if state in exp_states:
        return True
        error('Check for state %s one more time got %s' % (exp_states, state))
Example #10
 def get_node_config_retries(**kwargs):
     config = AviConfig.get_instance()
     mode = config.get_mode()
     rsp = None
         st, rsp = get('cluster', check_status_code=False)
     except Exception as ex:
         fail("get_node_config: sdk-exception %s" % str(ex))
     logger.info('get_node_config: Got cluster nodes %s' % str(rsp))
     if re.search('Authentication credentials were not provided.',
         fail('Controller %s is not running basic auth!', force=True)
     if re.search('Invalid username', str(rsp)):
             'get_node_config: invalid username/password admin/%s.Try admin/admin'
             % config.password)
         config.switch_mode(user='******', password='******')
         st, rsp = get('cluster', check_status_code=False)
         if st != 200:
             fail("Non 200 status code received %s %s" % (st, rsp))
     return rsp['nodes']
Example #11
    def run(self, exchange, symbol, type):

        #|Load job and run "limiter" function to pause in order not to exceed jobs per second rate
        self.load_job(exchange, symbol, type)

        #|Send GET API request and return DataFrame and updated 'job' dictionary
        df, self.job = rest.get(self.job)

        #|Run trade history jobs
        if self.job['type'] == 'trades':
            if self.job['auto_since'] == 'yes' \
                        and len(df.index) > 0:
                self.job['stmt'] = rest.build_stmt(self.job)

        return df
Example #12
    def run(self, exchange, symbol, type):

        #|Load job and run "limiter" function to pause in order not to exceed jobs per second rate
        self.load_job(exchange, symbol, type)

        #|Send GET API request and return DataFrame and updated 'job' dictionary
        df, self.job = rest.get(self.job)

        #|Run trade history jobs
        if self.job['type'] == 'trades':
            if self.job['auto_since'] == 'yes' \
                        and len(df.index) > 0:
                self.job['stmt'] = rest.build_stmt(self.job)

        return df
Example #13
    def getResponse(self, reqURL):
        method calling REST GET request

        :param reqURL: REST resource url
        :type reqURL: string
        :return: dictionary containing returnCode and buffer
        :rtype: dictionary

        if self.verbose:
            print 'Req URL: ', reqURL
        res = rest.get(self.switch_ip, reqURL, self.verbose)
        if isinstance(res["response"], urllib2.URLError):
            return (555, res.reason)
                return (res["response"].status, res["data"])
                return (res["response"].status, res["response"].reason)
    def getResponse(self, reqURL):
        method calling REST GET request

        :param reqURL: REST resource url
        :type reqURL: string
        :return: dictionary containing returnCode and buffer
        :rtype: dictionary

        if self.verbose:
            print 'Req URL: ', reqURL
        res = rest.get(self.switch_ip, reqURL, self.verbose)
        if isinstance(res["response"], urllib2.URLError):
            return (555, res.reason)
                return (res["response"].status, res["data"])
                return (res["response"].status, res["response"].reason)
Example #15
def search(q_type, name, artist=None):
    """ Get 1st search result for album, artist, or track.

        q_type (str): item type - can be 'album', 'artist', or 'track'
        name (str): name of the item
        artist (str, optional): item's artist. REQUIRED IF q_type IS NOT ARTIST

        tuple: first element is a string status ("Error" or "OK"). Second
            element is a dictionary containing the name, type, and URI of the
            item, in addition to the artist (if the item isn't an artist).
            The keys to the fields are "name", "type", "uri", and "artist".
    url = API_ROOT + "/search"
    # auth_hdr = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + ACCESS_TOKEN}
    query_d = {"type": q_type, "limit": 1}
    # Removed "market": "from_token" for testing
    if q_type == "artist":
        q_str = 'artist:"' + name + '"'
    elif q_type == "album":
        if artist is None:
            print "ERROR: spotify.search() not given artist for album search"
            return ("Error", {})
        q_str = 'album:"' + name + '" artist:"' + artist + '"'
    elif q_type == "track":
        if artist is None:
            print "ERROR: spotify.search() not given artist for track search"
            return ("Error", {})
        q_str = 'track:"' + name + '" artist:"' + artist + '"'
        print "ERROR: spotify.search() not given proper q_type"
        return ("Error", {})
    query_d["q"] = q_str
    # resp = rest.get(url, query_d, auth_hdr)
    resp = rest.get(url, query_d)
    if resp["type"] == "HTTPError" or resp["type"] == "URLError":
        # returning (status, result); error already sent to console
        return ("Error", {})
    resp_dict = json.loads(resp["object"].read())
    return ("OK", build_result_dict(q_type, resp_dict[q_type + "s"]["items"]))
Example #16
def getAlbumInfo(mbid=None, name=None, artist=None):
    query_d = {"method": "album.getinfo", "api_key": API_KEY, "format": "json"}
    if mbid is not None:
        query_d["mbid"] = mbid
    elif name is not None and artist is not None:
        query_d["album"] = name
        query_d["artist"] = artist
    # User-agent header should be default
    res = rest.get(API_ROOT, query_d)
    if res["type"] == "HTTPError" or res["type"] == "URLError":
        # returning (status, result); error already sent to console
        return ("Error", {})
    res_dict = json.loads(res["object"].read())
    if "error" in res_dict:
        print build_API_error(res_dict, "getAlbumInfo", mbid=mbid, name=name)
        # returning (status, result); error already sent to console
        return ("Error", {})
    if res_dict["album"]["name"] == "None":
        # Aka API returned default NONE album
        return ("OK", {})
    return ("OK", build_album_info_dict(res_dict["album"]))
Example #17
def getSongInfo(mbid=None, name=None, artist=None):
    query_d = {"method": "track.getinfo", "api_key": API_KEY, "format": "json"}
    if mbid is not None:
        query_d["mbid"] = mbid
    elif name is not None and artist is not None:
        query_d["track"] = name
        query_d["artist"] = artist
    # User-agent header should be default
    res = rest.get(API_ROOT, query_d)
    if res["type"] == "HTTPError" or res["type"] == "URLError":
        # returning (status, result); error already sent to console
        return ("Error", {})
    res_dict = json.loads(res["object"].read())
    if "error" in res_dict:
        print build_API_error(res_dict, "getSongInfo", mbid=mbid, name=name)
        # returning (status, result); error already sent to console
        return ("Error", {})
    if res_dict["track"]["name"] == "None":
        return ("OK", {})
    song_info_dict = build_song_info_dict(res_dict["track"])
    similar_list = get_similar_tracks(mbid, name, artist)
    if similar_list[0] == "OK" and len(similar_list[1]) > 0:
        song_info_dict["similar"] = similar_list
    return ("OK", song_info_dict)
Example #18
def getArtistInfo(mbid=None, name=None):
    # TODO: Add getTopTags, getTopAlbums, and getSimilar
    query_d = {
        "method": "artist.getinfo",
        "api_key": API_KEY,
        "format": "json"
    if mbid is not None:
        query_d["mbid"] = mbid
    elif name is not None:
        query_d["artist"] = name
    # User-agent header should be default
    res = rest.get(API_ROOT, query_d)
    if res["type"] == "HTTPError" or res["type"] == "URLError":
        # returning (status, result); error already sent to console
        return ("Error", {})
    res_dict = json.loads(res["object"].read())
    if "error" in res_dict:
        print build_API_error(res_dict, "getArtistInfo", mbid=mbid, name=name)
        # returning (status, result); error already sent to console
        return ("Error", {})
    if res_dict["artist"]["name"] == "None":
        return ("OK", {})
    return ("OK", build_artist_info_dict(res_dict["artist"]))
Example #19
# load data from local json file
with open('json/apilist.json') as f:
    json_data = json.load(f)

# print(apilist)
# print(apilist["urls"][0]["name"])
# Pretty Printing JSON string back
# print(json.dumps(apilist, indent = 4, sort_keys=True))

# loop json data
for myapilist in json_data:
    # print(myapilist)
    # for each api
    for api in json_data[myapilist]:

        # get api url
        url = api["url"]

        # for each of the verbs
        for verbs in api["verbs"]:

            # get the parameters if any
            name = verbs["name"]
            verbs = verbs["params"]
            print(name, verbs)

            # test if params null
            if verbs is None:
                print('verbs is None')
Example #20
def get_se_vm(se_name=None, se_uuid=None, state=None, **kwargs):
    """ Helps to the SE VM Object """

    mgmt_addr_type = kwargs.get('mgmt_addr_type', 'V4')
    if se_name or se_uuid:
        status_code, resp = get('serviceengine', name=se_name, uuid=se_uuid)
        resp = [resp]
        status_code, resp = get('serviceengine')
        if not resp:
            logger.debug('No SEs found')
            return []
        resp = resp['results']
    vms = []
    for each_se in resp:
        stc, res = get('serviceengine', uuid=each_se['uuid'], path='runtime')
        if state and state != res["oper_status"]["state"]:
            logger.debug("SE found but not in expected state")
        se_kwargs = {}
        #Get IP
        ip = ""
        if 'vnic_networks' not in each_se['mgmt_vnic']:
            name = each_se['name']
            oper_state = res['oper_status']['state']
                'Cannot retrieve mgmt details for SE name=%s oper_state=%s',
                name, oper_state)
        for vnic in each_se['mgmt_vnic']['vnic_networks']:
            if vnic['mode'] in ['DHCP', "STATIC"]:
                if mgmt_addr_type == vnic['ip']['ip_addr']['type']:
                    ip = vnic['ip']['ip_addr']['addr']
        if not ip:
            fail("Could not retrieve Management IP of Se")
        name = each_se['name']
        #Get Deployment
        if each_se['container_mode']:
            deployment = 'docker'
            se_kwargs['user'] = '******'
            deployment = 'vm'
        #Get Platform
        cloud_ref = each_se['cloud_ref']
        url_parsed = urlparse(cloud_ref)
        cloud_uuid = url_parsed.path.split('/')[-1]
        status_code, cloud_details = get('cloud', uuid=cloud_uuid)
        vtype = cloud_details['vtype']
        if vtype == 'CLOUD_VCENTER':
            platform = 'vcenter'
        elif vtype == 'CLOUD_OPENSTACK':
            platform = 'openstack'
        elif vtype == 'CLOUD_AWS':
            platform = 'aws'
        elif vtype == 'CLOUD_MESOS':
            platform = 'mesos'
        elif vtype == 'CLOUD_LINUXSERVER':
            if 'ipam_provider_ref' in cloud_details:
                ipam_ref = cloud_details['ipam_provider_ref']
                url_parsed = urlparse(ipam_ref)
                ipam_uuid = url_parsed.path.split('/')[-1]
                status_code, ipam_details = get('ipamdnsproviderprofile',
                if ipam_details['type'] == 'IPAMDNS_TYPE_AZURE':
                    platform = 'azure'
                elif ipam_details['type'] == 'IPAMDNS_TYPE_GCP':
                    platform = 'gcp'
                platform = 'baremetal'
            platform = None
    return vms
Example #21
def delete_all_sensors(api):
    sensors = get(api + "/sensors")
    for k, v in ((k, v) for k, v in sensors.iteritems() if v["manufacturername"] == "ErikGroeneveld"):
        print "Deleting sensor", k
        delete(api + "/sensors/%s" % k)
Example #22
def get_rules(API):
    return get(LOCAL_HUE_API + "/rules")
Example #23
def get(url, pk, *args, **kwargs):
    return json.loads(rest.get(url, klass, pk))
Example #24
 def info(self):
     return get(self.url())
Example #25
def albumSearch(name, page=1):
    """Search for an album by album name.

    Employs the lastFm album.search endpoint to provide a formatted list of
    albums related to the query, ordered by relevance. Returns a complex

        name (str): name of the album
        page (int, optional): page of results to be retrieved, in increments of
            30 results. Defaults to 1.

        tuple: a complex object, whose first element is a status set to 'Error'
            or 'OK', depending on the success of the operation.

        The second element of the tuple is a list of dictionaries, where each
        dictionary corresponds to one result. If the list is empty, no results
        were found for the given query.

        Each dictionary contains the 'name' and 'mbid' properties.
        If the result included images, an image url will be given as 'image',
        and the image size will be provided as 'image_size'. Images can be of
        size 'medium', 'large', or 'small', in that order of preference. If no
        image was found, the 'image' key will not be present in
        the result dict.

        If an error occurs during the request, the status (first) element of
        the returned tuple will be "Error", and a detailed error message will
        be logged in the console.

        The returned object structure is as follows::

            ("<OK | ERROR>", [
                        "name":"<ALBUM NAME>", "mbid":"<MBID>",
                        "image":"<IMAGE URL>", "image_size":"<IMAGE SIZE>"
                        "name":"<ALBUM NAME>", "mbid":"<MBID>"
    query_d = {
        "method": "album.search",
        "album": name,
        "api_key": API_KEY,
        "format": "json",
        "page": page,
        "limit": 30
    # User-agent header should be default
    res = rest.get(API_ROOT, query_d)
    if res["type"] == "HTTPError" or res["type"] == "URLError":
        # returning (status, result); error already sent to console
        return ("Error", [])
    res_dict = json.loads(res["object"].read())
    if "error" in res_dict:
        print build_API_error(res_dict, "albumSearch", name=name)
        # returning (status, result); error already sent to console
        return ("Error", [])
    results_list = []
    for album in res_dict["results"]["albummatches"]["album"]:
        if album["mbid"] != "":
    return ("OK", results_list)
Example #26
 def getChronometerByName(self, name):
     "This gets a Chronometer by name and returns a json"
     url = self.restApiUrl + '/name?name=' + name
     response = get(url)
     return response
Example #27
import rest

## test creating and deleting a service
print rest.delete('localhost', '/myservice', 8080)
print rest.get('localhost', '/myservice', 8080)
print rest.put('localhost', '/myservice', 8080)
print rest.get('localhost', '/myservice', 8080)
print rest.delete('localhost', '/myservice', 8080)
Example #28
import rest

## test creating and deleting a service
print rest.delete('localhost','/myservice', 8080)
print rest.get('localhost','/myservice', 8080)
print rest.put('localhost', '/myservice', 8080)
print rest.get('localhost','/myservice', 8080)
print rest.delete('localhost','/myservice', 8080)
Example #29
 def read(self):
     return get(self.url())
Example #30
def configure_cluster_vip(ipaddr):
    st, rsp = get('cluster')
    virtual_ip = {"addr": ipaddr, "type": 1}
    rsp['virtual_ip'] = {"addr": ipaddr, "type": 1}
    st, rsp = put('cluster', data=json.dumps(rsp))
Example #31
 def getBeaconByNumber(self, number):
     "This gets a Beacon by number and returns a json"
     url = self.restApiUrl + '/number/' + str(number)
     response = get(url)
     return response
Example #32
def get(url, pk, *args, **kwargs):
    return json.loads(rest.get(url, klass, pk))
Example #33
def remove_cluster_vip():
    st, rsp = get('cluster')
    st, rsp = put('cluster', data=json.dumps(rsp))