Example #1
def catboard_blinky_host(clock, led, uart_tx, uart_rx):
    The LEDs are controlled from the RPi over the UART
    to the FPGA.

    glbl = Global(clock, None)
    ledreg = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])

    # create the timer tick instance
    tick_inst = glbl_timer_ticks(glbl, include_seconds=True)

    # create the interfaces to the UART
    fbustx = FIFOBus(width=8, size=4)
    fbusrx = FIFOBus(width=8, size=4)
    uart_fifo = FIFOBus(width=8, size=4)

    # create the memmap (CSR) interface
    memmap = Barebone(glbl, data_width=32, address_width=32)

    # create the UART instance.
    uart_inst = uartlite(glbl, uart_fifo,
    #map uart_fifo to separate readpath and writepath
    assign_rw = uart_fifo.assign_read_write_paths(fbusrx,fbustx)

    # create the packet command instance
    cmd_inst = command_bridge(glbl, fbusrx, fbustx, memmap)

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=None)
    def beh_led_control():
        memmap.done.next = not (memmap.write or memmap.read)
        if memmap.write and memmap.mem_addr == 0x20:
            ledreg.next = memmap.write_data

    def beh_led_read():
        if memmap.read and memmap.mem_addr == 0x20:
            memmap.read_data.next = ledreg
            memmap.read_data.next = 0

    # blink one of the LEDs
    tone = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=None)
    def beh_assign():
        if glbl.tick_sec:
            tone.next = (~tone) & 0x1
        led.next = ledreg | tone[5:] 
    return (tick_inst, uart_inst, cmd_inst, assign_rw,
            beh_led_control, beh_led_read, beh_assign)
Example #2
def icestick_blinky_host(clock, led, pmod, uart_tx, uart_rx,
                         uart_dtr, uart_rts):
    This example is similar to the other examples in this directory but
    the LEDs are controlled externally via command packets sent from a
    host via the UART on the icestick.


    glbl = Global(clock, None)
    ledreg = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])

    # create the timer tick instance
    tick_inst = glbl_timer_ticks(glbl, include_seconds=True)

    # create the interfaces to the UART
    fbustx = FIFOBus(width=8, size=4)
    fbusrx = FIFOBus(width=8, size=4)
    uart_fifo = FIFOBus(width=8, size=4)

    # create the memmap (CSR) interface
    memmap = Barebone(glbl, data_width=32, address_width=32)

    # create the UART instance.
    uart_inst = uartlite(glbl, uart_fifo, uart_rx, uart_tx)
    #map uart_fifo to separate readpath and writepath
    assign_rw = uart_fifo.assign_read_write_paths(fbusrx,fbustx)
    # create the packet command instance
    cmd_inst = command_bridge(glbl, fbusrx, fbustx, memmap)

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=None)
    def beh_led_control():
        memmap.done.next = not (memmap.write or memmap.read)
        if memmap.write and memmap.mem_addr == 0x20:
            ledreg.next = memmap.write_data

    def beh_led_read():
        if memmap.read and memmap.mem_addr == 0x20:
            memmap.read_data.next = ledreg
            memmap.read_data.next = 0

    # blink one of the LEDs
    tone = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=None)
    def beh_assign():
        if glbl.tick_sec:
            tone.next = (~tone) & 0x1
        led.next = ledreg | tone[5:] 
        pmod.next = 0

    # @todo: PMOD OLED memmap control

    return (tick_inst, uart_inst, assign_rw, cmd_inst, 
            beh_led_control, beh_led_read, beh_assign)