current_state.from_string(logfile.readline(),riskboard) if not logover: display_current_state(last_action) previous_action = last_action if current_state.current_player != previous_player: turn_number += 1 previous_player = current_state.current_player if not logover and current_state.turn_type == 'GameOver': logover = True if logfile is not None: newline = logfile.readline() print 'GAME OVER: RESULT:' print newline previous_action = None logover = False previous_player = None if __name__ == "__main__": #Set things up then call root.mainloop logfile = open(sys.argv[1]) #This is passed in l1 = logfile.readline() #Board #Set up risk stuff riskboard = risktools.loadBoard('') current_state = risktools.getInitialState(riskboard) #Set up display stuff setupdata() #Call to get things started nextstate(False) root.mainloop()
def play_game(player_names, ai_players, ai_files, stats, verbose=False): #Set up the board board = risktools.loadBoard("") time_left = dict() logname = 'RISKTOURNAMENT' action_limit = 5000 #total between players player_time_limit = 600 #seconds per player #Create the players for name in player_names: #Make new player time_left[name] = player_time_limit #logname = logname + '_' + ai_files[name] + '_' + name ap = risktools.RiskPlayer(name, len(board.players), 0, False) board.add_player(ap) #Get initial game state state = risktools.getInitialState(board) action_count = 0 turn_count = 0 done = False last_player_name = None timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") #Open the logfile logname = logname + '_' + str(stats.games_played) + '_' + timestr + '.log' logfile = open(logname, 'w') logfile.write(board.to_string()) logfile.write('\n') final_string = '' print 'Players order for game: ', player_names #Play the game while not done: if verbose: print '--*TURN', action_count, 'BEGIN*--' print 'CURRENT PLAYER: ', state.players[state.current_player].name print 'TURN-TYPE: ', state.turn_type print 'TIME-LEFT: ', time_left[state.players[ state.current_player].name] #Log the current state logfile.write(state.to_string()) logfile.write('\n') #Get current player current_ai = ai_players[state.players[state.current_player].name] #Make a copy of the state to pass to the other player ai_state = state.copy_state() #Start timer start_action = time.clock() #print 'STATE BEFORE : ', state.print_state() current_player_name = state.players[state.current_player].name error_actions = risktools.getAllowedActions(state) current_action = random.choice(error_actions) #Ask the current player what to do try: current_action = current_ai.getAction( ai_state, time_left[state.players[state.current_player].name]) except: #Catch errors and count this as a loss for the player time_left[current_player_name] = -1.0 print 'There was an error for player: ', current_player_name, ' THEY LOSE!' #print 'ACTION CHOSEN : ', current_action.print_action() if current_player_name != last_player_name: turn_count += 1 last_player_name = current_player_name #Stop timer end_action = time.clock() #Determine time taken and deduct from player's time left action_length = end_action - start_action time_left[current_player_name] = time_left[ current_player_name] - action_length current_time_left = time_left[current_player_name] if verbose: print 'IN ', action_length, ' SECONDS CHOSE ACTION: ', current_action.description( ) #Execute the action on the master game state new_states, new_state_probabilities = risktools.simulateAction( state, current_action) #See if there is randomness in which state we go to next if len(new_states) > 1: #Randomly pick one according to probabilities state = select_state_by_probs(new_states, new_state_probabilities) else: state = new_states[0] logfile.write(current_action.to_string()) logfile.write('\n') if state.turn_type == 'GameOver' or action_count > action_limit or current_time_left < 0: done = True #Get other player name other_player_names = [] for p in player_names: if p != current_player_name: other_player_names.append(p) if state.turn_type == 'GameOver': print 'Game is over.', current_player_name, ' is the winner.' final_string = "RISKRESULT|" + current_player_name + ",1|" for opn in other_player_names: final_string = final_string + opn + ",0|" final_string = final_string + 'Game End'[current_player_name] += 1 stats.wins += 1 if action_count > action_limit: print 'Action limit exceeded. Game ends in a tie' final_string = "RISKRESULT|" + current_player_name + ",0.5|" for opn in other_player_names: final_string = final_string + opn + ",0.5|" final_string = final_string + 'Action Limit Reached'[current_player_name] += ( 1.0 / float(len(other_player_names) + 1)) for opn in other_player_names:[opn] += (1.0 / float(len(other_player_names) + 1)) stats.ties += 1 if current_time_left < 0: print 'Agent time limit exceeded. ', current_player_name, ' loses by time-out.' final_string = "RISKRESULT|" + current_player_name + ",0|" for opn in other_player_names: final_string = final_string + opn + ",1|"[opn] += (1.0 / float(len(other_player_names))) final_string = final_string + 'Time Out' stats.time_outs += 1 action_count = action_count + 1 if verbose: print '--*TURN END*--' #Update stats stats.total_turns += turn_count stats.games_played += 1 final_string = final_string + '|Turn Count = ' + str(turn_count) if verbose: print ' Final State at end of game:' state.print_state() print final_string print 'Game log saved to: ', logname logfile.write(state.to_string()) logfile.write('\n') logfile.write(final_string) logfile.write('\n') logfile.close()
exec filecode in gai.__dict__ filecode.close() ai_file = os.path.basename(sys.argv[i]) ai_file = ai_file[0:-3] logname = logname + '_' + ai_file + '_' + sys.argv[i+1] #Make new player ai_players[sys.argv[i+1]] = gai time_left[sys.argv[i+1]] = player_time_limit ap = risktools.RiskPlayer(sys.argv[i+1], len(board.players), 0, False) board.add_player(ap) #Get initial game state state = risktools.getInitialState(board) action_count = 0 done = False timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") #Open the logfile logname = logname + '_' + timestr + '.log' logfile = open(logname, 'w') logfile.write(board.to_string()) logfile.write('\n') final_string = ''
def play_game(player_names, ai_players, ai_files, stats, verbose=False): #Set up the board board = risktools.loadBoard("") time_left = dict() logname = 'RISKTOURNAMENT' action_limit = 5000 #total between players player_time_limit = 600 #seconds per player #Create the players for name in player_names: #Make new player time_left[name] = player_time_limit #logname = logname + '_' + ai_files[name] + '_' + name ap = risktools.RiskPlayer(name, len(board.players), 0, False) board.add_player(ap) #Get initial game state state = risktools.getInitialState(board) action_count = 0 turn_count = 0 done = False last_player_name = None timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") #Open the logfile logname = logname + '_' + str(stats.games_played) + '_' + timestr + '.log' logfile = open(logname, 'w') logfile.write(board.to_string()) logfile.write('\n') final_string = '' print 'Players order for game: ', player_names #Play the game while not done: if verbose: print '--*TURN', action_count, 'BEGIN*--' print 'CURRENT PLAYER: ', state.players[state.current_player].name print 'TURN-TYPE: ', state.turn_type print 'TIME-LEFT: ', time_left[state.players[state.current_player].name] #Log the current state logfile.write(state.to_string()) logfile.write('\n') #Get current player current_ai = ai_players[state.players[state.current_player].name] #Make a copy of the state to pass to the other player ai_state = state.copy_state() #Start timer start_action = time.clock() #print 'STATE BEFORE : ', state.print_state() current_player_name = state.players[state.current_player].name error_actions = risktools.getAllowedActions(state) current_action = random.choice(error_actions) #Ask the current player what to do try: current_action = current_ai.getAction(ai_state, time_left[state.players[state.current_player].name]) except: #Catch errors and count this as a loss for the player time_left[current_player_name] = -1.0 print 'There was an error for player: ', current_player_name, ' THEY LOSE!' #print 'ACTION CHOSEN : ', current_action.print_action() if current_player_name != last_player_name: turn_count += 1 last_player_name = current_player_name #Stop timer end_action = time.clock() #Determine time taken and deduct from player's time left action_length = end_action - start_action time_left[current_player_name] = time_left[current_player_name] - action_length current_time_left = time_left[current_player_name] if verbose: print 'IN ', action_length, ' SECONDS CHOSE ACTION: ', current_action.description() #Execute the action on the master game state new_states, new_state_probabilities = risktools.simulateAction(state, current_action) #See if there is randomness in which state we go to next if len(new_states) > 1: #Randomly pick one according to probabilities state = select_state_by_probs(new_states, new_state_probabilities) else: state = new_states[0] logfile.write(current_action.to_string()) logfile.write('\n') if state.turn_type == 'GameOver' or action_count > action_limit or current_time_left < 0: done = True #Get other player name other_player_names = [] for p in player_names: if p != current_player_name: other_player_names.append(p) if state.turn_type == 'GameOver': print 'Game is over.', current_player_name, ' is the winner.' final_string = "RISKRESULT|" + current_player_name + ",1|" for opn in other_player_names: final_string = final_string + opn + ",0|" final_string = final_string + 'Game End'[current_player_name] += 1 stats.wins += 1 if action_count > action_limit: print 'Action limit exceeded. Game ends in a tie' final_string = "RISKRESULT|" + current_player_name + ",0.5|" for opn in other_player_names: final_string = final_string + opn + ",0.5|" final_string = final_string + 'Action Limit Reached'[current_player_name] += (1.0 / float(len(other_player_names) + 1)) for opn in other_player_names:[opn] += (1.0 / float(len(other_player_names) + 1)) stats.ties += 1 if current_time_left < 0: print 'Agent time limit exceeded. ', current_player_name, ' loses by time-out.' final_string = "RISKRESULT|" + current_player_name + ",0|" for opn in other_player_names: final_string = final_string + opn + ",1|"[opn] += (1.0 / float(len(other_player_names))) final_string = final_string + 'Time Out' stats.time_outs += 1 action_count = action_count + 1 if verbose: print '--*TURN END*--' #Update stats stats.total_turns += turn_count stats.games_played += 1 final_string = final_string + '|Turn Count = ' + str(turn_count) if verbose: print ' Final State at end of game:' state.print_state() print final_string print 'Game log saved to: ', logname logfile.write(state.to_string()) logfile.write('\n') logfile.write(final_string) logfile.write('\n') logfile.close()