def __init__(self, robot, entity, area, waittime=2.0):
        """ Constructor
        :param robot: robot object
        :param entity: EdEntityDesignator with the area to look at
        :param area: string with the area to look at
        :param waittime: (optional) waittime (in seconds) between giving a head target and returning
        ds.check_type(entity, EntityInfo)

        State.__init__(self, locals(), outcomes=['succeeded', 'failed'])
    def __init__(self, robot, entity, area, waittime=2.0):
        """ Constructor
        :param robot: robot object
        :param entity: EdEntityDesignator with the area to look at
        :param area: string with the area to look at
        :param waittime: (optional) waittime (in seconds) between giving a head target and returning
        ds.check_type(entity, EntityInfo)

        State.__init__(self, locals(), outcomes=['succeeded', 'failed'])
    def __init__(self, robot, entity, keep_following=False, waittime=0.0):
        ds.check_type(entity, EntityInfo)

        State.__init__(self, locals(), outcomes=['succeeded', 'failed'])
 def __init__(self, robot):
     State.__init__(self, locals(), outcomes=["done"])
 def __init__(self, robot, initial_pose, use_entry_points = False):
     State.__init__(self, locals(), outcomes=["no_goal" , "found", "not_found", "all_unreachable"])
 def __init__(self, robot, timeout=None):
     State.__init__(self, locals(), outcomes=["open", "closed"])
     self.distances = [] #TODO Loy: Keeping all of these is quite ugly. Would a ring buffer or collections.deque suffice?
     self.door_open = Event()
Example #7
 def __init__(self, robot):
     State.__init__(self, locals(), outcomes=["done"])
Example #8
 def __init__(self, robot, initial_pose, use_entry_points = False):
     State.__init__(self, locals(), outcomes=["no_goal" , "found", "not_found", "all_unreachable"])
Example #9
 def __init__(self, robot, timeout=None):
     State.__init__(self, locals(), outcomes=["open", "closed"])
     self.distances = [] #TODO Loy: Keeping all of these is quite ugly. Would a ring buffer or collections.deque suffice?
     self.door_open = Event()
    def __init__(self, robot, entity, keep_following=False, waittime=0.0):
        ds.check_type(entity, EntityInfo)

        State.__init__(self, locals(), outcomes=['succeeded', 'failed'])