def _plot1D_numpy(self, data, bins, weights=None, option='', **kwargs): """ ... """ # Check(s) if bins is None: warning( "You need to specify 'bins' when plotting a numpy-type input.") return if len(data) != len(bins) and len(bins) < 2: warning("Number of bins {} is not accepted".format(len(bins))) return # Fill histogram if len(data) == len(bins): # Assuming 'data' and 'bins' are sets of (x,y)-points h = ROOT.TGraph(len(bins), np.array(bins, dtype=np.float), np.array(data, dtype=np.float)) else: h = ROOT.TH1F('h_{:d}'.format(int(time.time() * 1E+06)), "", len(bins) - 1, np.array(bins, dtype=np.float)) if len(data) == len(bins) - 1: # Assuming 'data' are bin values array2hist(data, h) else: # Assuming 'data' are values to be filled fill_hist(h, data, weights=weights) pass pass # Plot histogram return self._plot1D(h, option, **kwargs)
def main(): args = get_args() urhfile = rrfile = ROOT.TFile.Open(args.outfile, "RECREATE") regions = args.regions if regions == ["_all"]: regions = DEFAULT_REGIONS for region in regions: keepers = get_keepers(urhfile, region, print(f"{region}:\t {keepers}") for k in urhfile.keys(): key = k.decode('utf-8') if ";" in key: key = key.split(";")[0] if region in key: urhist = urhfile.get(key) count = urhist.values sumw2 = urhist.variances countkeep = np.zeros((keepers.shape[0] + 2)) sumw2keep = np.zeros((keepers.shape[0] + 2)) countkeep[1:-1] = count[keepers] sumw2keep[1:-1] = sumw2[keepers] rrhist = ROOT.TH1D(key, key, len(keepers), 0, 1) array2hist(countkeep, rrhist, np.sqrt(sumw2keep)) rrhist.Write("", ROOT.TObject.kOverwrite) rrhist.SetDirectory(0) rrfile.Close()
def toRoot(self, name, labels = "", xRescale = 1, yRescale = 1): # If there's a second dimension, create a TH2. if self.heights.ndim == 2: histogram = root.TH2F( name, labels, len(self.xCenters), self.xEdges[0] * xRescale, self.xEdges[-1] * xRescale, len(self.yCenters), self.yEdges[0] * yRescale, self.yEdges[-1] * yRescale ) # If there's no second dimension, create a TH1. else: histogram = root.TH1F( name, labels, len(self.xCenters), self.xEdges[0] * xRescale, self.xEdges[-1] * xRescale ) # Copy the bin contents and update the number of entries. rnp.array2hist(self.heights, histogram) histogram.ResetStats() return histogram
def __init__(self, working_points, functions, efficiency_map): efficiency_array = hist2array(efficiency_map) working_points_indices = find_closest(working_points, efficiency_array) self.function_index_map = efficiency_map.empty_clone() array2hist(working_points_indices, self.function_index_map) self.indices = working_points_indices self.functions = functions self.dim = len(efficiency_array.shape)
def fold_hist(hist, fold): tmp = hist name = tmp.GetName() tmp.SetName('tmp') hist = ROOT.TH1D(name, '', len(fold), 0., float(len(fold))) hist.Sumw2() indices = np.array(fold) arr = np.sum(rnp.hist2array(tmp, copy=False)[indices], axis=1) tmp.Delete() rnp.array2hist(arr, hist) return hist
def numpy_to_TH2(np_arr,name,th3): ''' converts 2D-numpy array with info of original TH3 into a TH2D histogram. ''' np_arr_clean = np.where(np_arr<0,0,np_arr) from root_numpy import array2hist # The x bins here are hard coded just to make them comparable to annas old plots. # th2 = ROOT.TH2D(name,name,90,th3.xlow,-1,th3.ynumbins,th3.ylow,th3.yhigh) # array2hist(np_arr_clean[:-10,:],th2) th2 = ROOT.TH2D(name,name,th3.xnumbins,np.append(th3.bins[0][:-1,0],th3.bins[0][-1]),th3.ynumbins,np.append(th3.bins[1][:-1,0],th3.bins[1][-1])) array2hist(np_arr_clean,th2) return th2
def matrix_to_hist2d( value_matrix, x_edges, y_edges ): ''' numpy matrix of values and bin edges -> Hist2D ''' from root_numpy import array2hist rootpy_hist = Hist2D( x_edges, y_edges, type = 'D' ) array2hist(value_matrix, rootpy_hist) # set_bin_value = rootpy_hist.SetBinContent # for x in range(0, len(x_edges)-1): # for y in range(0, len(y_edges)-1): # set_bin_value( x+1, y+1, value_matrix.item(y, x) ) return rootpy_hist
def convert_to_th1d(in_map, errors=False): assert isinstance(in_map, Map) name = assert len(in_map.shape) == 1 n_bins = in_map.shape[0] edges = in_map.binning.bin_edges[0].m th1d = TH1D(name, name, n_bins, edges) array2hist(unp.nominal_values(in_map.hist), th1d) if errors: map_errors = unp.std_devs(in_map.hist) for idx in xrange(n_bins): th1d.SetBinError(idx+1, map_errors[idx]) return th1d
def convert_to_th2d(in_map, errors=False): assert isinstance(in_map, Map) name = n_bins = in_map.shape assert len(n_bins) == 2 nbins_a, nbins_b = n_bins edges_a, edges_b = [b.m for b in in_map.binning.bin_edges] th2d = TH2D(name, name, nbins_a, edges_a, nbins_b, edges_b) array2hist(unp.nominal_values(in_map.hist), th2d) if errors: map_errors = unp.std_devs(in_map.hist) for x_idx, y_idx in product(*map(range, n_bins)): th2d.SetBinError(x_idx+1, y_idx+1, map_errors[x_idx][y_idx]) return th2d
def hist2root(h, name=None, title=''): """ Convert your histograms to a root histogram.. if you really want to Args: h: array with the histogram h=(y_values, bin_edges, (patches=optional)) name: Name for the root histogram, optional title: Title for the root histogram, optional Returns: TH1F or TH2F depending on the input array Examples: >>> data = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] >>> h = b2plot.hist(data) >>> from b2plot.helpers import hist2root >>> root_hist = hist2root(h) """ import root_numpy import random import ROOT y_values = h[0] name = "".join(random.choice("fck_root_wtf") for _ in range(5)) if name is None else name if len(h) > 3: rh = ROOT.TH2F(name, title, len(h[1]) - 1, h[1], len(h[2]) - 1, h[2]) else: rh = ROOT.TH1F(name, title, len(h[1]) - 1, h[1]) return root_numpy.array2hist(y_values, rh)
def get_cdf (h): """ Returns the cumulative distribution of `hist`. """ # Prepare array(s) y = root_numpy.hist2array(h) # Compute CDF cdf = np.cumsum(y) # Convert to ROOT.TH1F hcdf = h.Clone("%s_CDF" % h.GetName()) root_numpy.array2hist(cdf, hcdf) return hcdf
def main(args, options): if len(args) < 1: print('syntax: python3 <his file> [options]') sys.exit(1) his_files = args[0:] print("Will convert HIS files: ", his_files) for his_file in his_files: print("\t===> Converting HIS file: ", his_file) stem, _ = os.path.splitext(his_file) his = openHIS(his_file) outname = stem + '.root' if not options.outfile else options.outfile rf = ROOT.TFile(outname, 'recreate') runN = stem.split('run')[-1] run = runN if len(runN) else 'XXXX' for idx, section in enumerate(his): if options.maxEntries > -1 and idx >= options.maxEntries: break print("transferring image ", idx) (nx, ny) = section.shape title = stem + ('_%04d' % idx) postfix = 'run{run}_ev{ev}'.format(run=run, ev=idx) title = 'pic_{pfx}'.format(pfx=postfix) h2 = ROOT.TH2S(title, title, nx, 0, nx, ny, 0, ny) h2.GetXaxis().SetTitle('x') h2.GetYaxis().SetTitle('y') _ = array2hist(np.fliplr(np.transpose(section)), h2) h2.Write() rf.Close()
def get_css_fns(shapeval, omega, originalHist, name): """ ... """ # Compute $F_{CSS}( x | \alpha, \Omega_{D} )$ Fcss = originalHist.Clone("Fcss_%s_%.2f_%.2f_clone" % (name, omega, shapeval)) alpha = shapeval x = np.array( map(Fcss.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter, range(1, Fcss.GetNbinsX() + 1))) y = np.power(alpha / omega, alpha) / gamma(x) * np.power( x, alpha - 1) * np.exp(-alpha * x / omega) root_numpy.array2hist(y, Fcss) # Now, let's do some convolving! jssVar_conv = get_convolution(originalHist, Fcss) normalise(jssVar_conv) normalise(originalHist) # Make the CDFs jssVar_CDF = get_cdf(originalHist) jssVar_conv_CDF = get_cdf(jssVar_conv) # Let F = CDF of original function and G = CDF of convolution # Then, our map shoud be G^{-1}(F(X)) ( page 3) fxvals = jssVar_CDF.GetXaxis().GetXbins() fyvals = [] ginvxvals = [] ginvyvals = jssVar_CDF.GetXaxis().GetXbins() for i in range(1, jssVar_CDF.GetNbinsX() + 1): fyvals += [jssVar_CDF.GetBinContent(i)] ginvxvals += [jssVar_conv_CDF.GetBinContent(i)] pass # Cumulative distribution of jssVar for low mass bin F = ROOT.TGraph(len(fxvals), np.array(fxvals), np.array(fyvals)) Ginv = ROOT.TGraph(len(ginvxvals), np.array(ginvxvals), np.array(ginvyvals)) return F, Ginv
def Interpolate(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Replace zero valued data points by interpolating between all non-zero data point of the grid if no arguments are given. Otherwise the standard :func:`ROOT.TH2.Interpolate` functionality is used. In the former case the :py:mod:`scipy`'s :func:`interpolate.griddata` function is used. :param \*args: See :py:mod:`ROOT` documentation of :func:`ROOT.TH2.Interpolate` :param \**kwargs: see below :Keyword Arguments: * **method** (``str``) -- method of interpolation (default: 'cubic') * **nearest**: return the value at the data point closest to the point of interpolation * **linear**: tessellate the input point set to n-dimensional simplices, and interpolate linearly on each simplex * **cubic**: return the value determined from a piecewise cubic, continuously differentiable and approximately curvature-minimizing polynomial surface """ if len(args) == 0: # method = kwargs.pop("method", "cubic") array = rnp.hist2array(self, include_overflow=True) array[array == 0] = np.nan x = np.arange(0, array.shape[1]) y = np.arange(0, array.shape[0]) array = xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y) x1 = xx[~array.mask] y1 = yy[~array.mask] newarr = array[~array.mask] GD1 = interpolate.griddata( (x1, y1), newarr.ravel(), (xx, yy), method=method, fill_value=0.0 ) rnp.array2hist(GD1, self) else: super(Histo2D, self).Interpolate(*args)
def get_convolution (h, Fcss): """ Returns the convolution of `h` and `Fcss`. """ # Check(s) N = Fcss.GetNbinsX() assert N == h.GetNbinsX() # Prepare array(s) f1 = root_numpy.hist2array(h) f2 = root_numpy.hist2array(Fcss) # Perform convolution conv = np.convolve(f1, f2)[:N] # Convert to ROOT.TH1F hconv = h.Clone("%s_conv" % h.GetName()) root_numpy.array2hist(conv, hconv) return hconv
def check_array2hist(hist): shape = np.array([hist.GetNbinsX(), hist.GetNbinsY(), hist.GetNbinsZ()]) shape = shape[:hist.GetDimension()] arr = RNG.randint(0, 10, size=shape) rnp.array2hist(arr, hist) arr_hist = rnp.hist2array(hist) assert_array_equal(arr_hist, arr) shape_overflow = shape + 2 arr_overflow = RNG.randint(0, 10, size=shape_overflow) hist_overflow = hist.Clone() hist_overflow.Reset() rnp.array2hist(arr_overflow, hist_overflow) arr_hist_overflow = rnp.hist2array(hist_overflow, include_overflow=True) assert_array_equal(arr_hist_overflow, arr_overflow) if len(shape) == 1: return # overflow not specified on all axes arr_overflow2 = arr_overflow[1:-1] hist_overflow2 = hist.Clone() hist_overflow2.Reset() rnp.array2hist(arr_overflow2, hist_overflow2) arr_hist_overflow2 = rnp.hist2array(hist_overflow2, include_overflow=True) assert_array_equal(arr_hist_overflow2[1:-1], arr_overflow2)
def generate_noise(options): t0 = time.time() Nclone = options.nimages run_count = str( infolder = "" infile = "histograms" outfolder = "/" ecdf_filename = options.filename outfile = ROOT.TFile(outfolder + '/' + infile + '_Run' + run_count + '.root', 'RECREATE') #OUTPUT NAME print('[Generating simulated images]') imgs = generateNoiseImage(ecdf_filename, Nclone) nX = np.shape(imgs)[1] nY = np.shape(imgs)[2] print('[Generating ROOT file]') for entry in range(0, Nclone): #RUNNING ON ENTRIES final_imgs = ROOT.TH2F('pic_run' + str(run_count) + '_ev' + str(entry), '', nX, 0, (nX - 1), nY, 0, (nY - 1)) total = imgs[entry, :, :] array2hist(total, final_imgs) final_imgs.Write() print('[Run %d with %d images complete]' % (int(run_count), Nclone)) #run_count+=1 outfile.Close() t1 = time.time() print('Generation took %.2f seconds' % (t1 - t0)) return
def check_array2hist(hist): shape = np.array([hist.GetNbinsX(), hist.GetNbinsY(), hist.GetNbinsZ()]) shape = shape[:hist.GetDimension()] arr = RNG.randint(0, 10, size=shape) rnp.array2hist(arr, hist) arr_hist = rnp.hist2array(hist) assert_array_equal(arr_hist, arr) # Check behaviour if errors are supplied errors = arr * 0.1 _hist = hist.Clone() _hist.Reset() rnp.array2hist(arr, _hist, errors=errors) arr_hist = rnp.hist2array(_hist) assert_array_equal(arr_hist, arr) if hist.GetDimension() == 1: errors_from_hist = np.array([_hist.GetBinError(ix) for ix in range(1, _hist.GetNbinsX() + 1)]) if hist.GetDimension() == 2: errors_from_hist = np.array([[_hist.GetBinError(ix, iy) for iy in range(1, _hist.GetNbinsY() + 1)] for ix in range(1, _hist.GetNbinsX() + 1)]) if hist.GetDimension() == 3: errors_from_hist = np.array([[[_hist.GetBinError(ix, iy, iz) for iz in range(1, _hist.GetNbinsZ() + 1)] for iy in range(1, _hist.GetNbinsY() + 1)] for ix in range(1, _hist.GetNbinsX() + 1)]) assert_array_equal(errors, errors_from_hist) shape_overflow = shape + 2 arr_overflow = RNG.randint(0, 10, size=shape_overflow) hist_overflow = hist.Clone() hist_overflow.Reset() rnp.array2hist(arr_overflow, hist_overflow) arr_hist_overflow = rnp.hist2array(hist_overflow, include_overflow=True) assert_array_equal(arr_hist_overflow, arr_overflow) if len(shape) == 1: return # overflow not specified on all axes arr_overflow2 = arr_overflow[1:-1] hist_overflow2 = hist.Clone() hist_overflow2.Reset() rnp.array2hist(arr_overflow2, hist_overflow2) arr_hist_overflow2 = rnp.hist2array(hist_overflow2, include_overflow=True) assert_array_equal(arr_hist_overflow2[1:-1], arr_overflow2)
def save(self, output): # Save the transform and all axis units in NumPy format. np.savez(output, transform=self.signal[self.physical], **{ axis: self.axes[axis][self.physical] for axis in self.axes.keys() }) # Create a ROOT histogram for the frequency distribution. histogram = root.TH1F("transform", ";Frequency (kHz);Arbitrary Units", len(self.frequency), self.frequency[0] - self.df / 2, self.frequency[-1] + self.df / 2) # Copy the signal into the histogram. rnp.array2hist(self.signal, histogram) # Save the histogram. name = output.split(".")[0] outFile = root.TFile(f"{name}.root", "RECREATE") histogram.Write() outFile.Close()
def read_h5_write_root(fileH5, fileROOT, option='recreate', htype='i'): print("file h5 =", fileH5) image = read_image_h5(fileH5) tf = ROOT.TFile.Open(fileROOT, option) (nx, ny) = image.shape title = os.path.basename(fileH5).split('.')[0] title = title.replace('-', '_') h2 = ROOT.TH2I(title, title, nx, 0, nx, ny, 0, ny) if htype == 'i' else ROOT.TH2F( title, title, nx, 0, nx, ny, 0, ny) h2.GetXaxis().SetTitle('x') h2.GetYaxis().SetTitle('y') _ = array2hist(image, h2) h2.Write() tf.Close() return
def ruttalo(his_file): stem, _ = os.path.splitext(his_file) his = openHIS(his_file) outname = stem + '.root' rf = ROOT.TFile(outname, 'recreate') runN = stem.split('run')[-1] run = runN if len(runN) else 'XXXX' for idx, section in enumerate(his): if idx % 5 == 0: print("transferring image ", idx) (nx, ny) = section.shape title = stem + ('_%04d' % idx) postfix = 'run{run}_ev{ev}'.format(run=run, ev=idx) title = 'pic_{pfx}'.format(pfx=postfix) h2 = ROOT.TH2S(title, title, nx, 0, nx, ny, 0, ny) h2.GetXaxis().SetTitle('x') h2.GetYaxis().SetTitle('y') _ = array2hist(np.fliplr(np.transpose(section)), h2) h2.Write() rf.Close() return outname, run
def plot_hist(prefit_list, fit_b_list, fit_s_list, hist_name): print("Processing {}".format(hist_name)) print(prefit_list) print(fit_b_list) print(fit_s_list) canvas = pyr.TCanvas("canvas", "Histogram", 1800, 800) mountainrange_prefit = pyr.TH1F("mountainrange_prefit", hist_name, len(prefit_list), 0, len(prefit_list)) mountainrange_fit_b = pyr.TH1F("mountainrange_fit_b", hist_name, len(fit_b_list), 0, len(fit_b_list)) mountainrange_fit_s = pyr.TH1F("mountainrange_fit_s", hist_name, len(fit_s_list), 0, len(fit_s_list)) root_numpy.array2hist(prefit_list, mountainrange_prefit) root_numpy.array2hist(fit_b_list, mountainrange_fit_b) root_numpy.array2hist(fit_s_list, mountainrange_fit_s) max_boundary = max([max(prefit_list), max(fit_b_list), max(fit_s_list)])*10. min_boundary = min([min(prefit_list), min(fit_b_list), min(fit_s_list)])/10. if min_boundary == 0: min_boundary = 1e-7 mountainrange_prefit.Draw("HIST") mountainrange_fit_b.Draw("HIST SAME") mountainrange_fit_s.Draw("HIST SAME") mountainrange_prefit.SetLineColor(pyr.kBlack) mountainrange_fit_b.SetLineColor(pyr.kRed) mountainrange_fit_s.SetLineColor(pyr.kOrange) mountainrange_prefit.SetStats(0) mountainrange_fit_b.SetStats(0) mountainrange_fit_s.SetStats(0) mountainrange_prefit.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Histogram bins") pyr.gPad.SetLogy(True) mountainrange_prefit.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(min_boundary, max_boundary) mountainrange_fit_b.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(min_boundary, max_boundary) mountainrange_fit_s.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(min_boundary, max_boundary) legend = pyr.TLegend(0.8, 0.8, 0.9, 0.9) legend.AddEntry(mountainrange_prefit, "prefit") legend.AddEntry(mountainrange_fit_b, "fit_b") legend.AddEntry(mountainrange_fit_s, "fit_s") legend.Draw() canvas.SaveAs("fitDiagnostics_plots_{}/{}.pdf".format(args.cardname, hist_name)) canvas.SaveAs("fitDiagnostics_plots_{}/{}.png".format(args.cardname, hist_name))
_rhists = [] for _, title in productions: rhist = histograms[title].Clone('ratio_' + histograms[title].GetName()) _rhists.append(rhist) rhist.Divide(htotal) rstack.Add(rhist) rstack.Draw('SAME HIST') uncert = htotal.Clone('uncert') atotal = rnp.hist2array(htotal, copy=False) err2s = rnp.array(uncert.GetSumw2(), copy=False) err2s[1:-1] /= np.square(atotal) rnp.array2hist(np.ones_like(atotal), uncert) uncert.Draw('SAME E2') ratiopad.SetTicky(1) ratiopad.Update() if args.config in ['fiducial', 'prefit']: canvas.raxes[0].SetTitle('fractions') rframe.SetMinimum(0.) rframe.SetMaximum(1.) elif args.config == 'postfit': altrhist = althtotal.Clone('altrhist') altrhist.SetTitle('')
def FileToHist(self, maxfilesize=100000, pt_cuts=[]): pt_cut_min = float(pt_cuts[0]) pt_cut_max = float(pt_cuts[1]) ptcut = str(int(pt_cut_min)) + "_" + str(int(pt_cut_max)) self.LoadNormalization() os.system("mkdir -p " + self.pathPlots + "/histos/") for Sample in self.SamplesNames: SubSample = self.Samples_dict[Sample][0] for others in ["", "_others"]: f = ROOT.TFile.Open( self.pathPlots + "/histos/" + Sample + others + "_" + self.ptrange + "_ptcut_" + ptcut + ".root", "RECREATE") savename = self.NHBDict[Sample][SubSample].outdir.replace( "/Vars/", "/Inputs/") + "TopJet" + others + self.NHBDict[ Sample][SubSample].FileExt.replace( "index", self.ptrange + "_*").replace( SubSample, Sample) filenameTemplate = sorted(glob(savename)) savename = savename.replace("TopJet", "/histos/TopJet") nElements = 0 Objs = {"Jet": [], "PF": [], "Image": []} for fn in filenameTemplate: if nElements >= maxfilesize: break TopJet = np.load(fn) if len(TopJet) <= 0: continue nElements += len(TopJet) PT_mask = (TopJet[:, self.SubSetVars["Jet"]["jetpt"][1]] > pt_cut_min) * ( TopJet[:, self.SubSetVars["Jet"]["jetpt"][1]] < pt_cut_max) Objs["Jet"].append(TopJet[PT_mask]) Objs["PF"].append( np.load(fn.replace("TopJet", "PFParticles"))[PT_mask]) Objs["Image"].append( np.load(fn.replace("TopJet", "Image"))[PT_mask]) for Obj in self.ObjNames: if len(Objs[Obj]) <= 0: continue isImage = Obj == "Image" Objs[Obj] = np.concatenate(Objs[Obj]) if len(Objs[Obj]) <= 0: continue if Obj == "PF": Objs[Obj] = np.concatenate(Objs[Obj], axis=0) for VarName in self.SubSetVars[Obj]: index = self.SubSetVars[Obj][VarName][1] min, max, bin = self.SetRanges(VarName) h_ = ROOT.TH1F( VarName, "; " + VarName + "; A.U.", bin, min, max) if not isImage else ROOT.TH2F( "Image_" + VarName, "; #eta; #phi", self.n_eta, -self.Radius, self.Radius, self.n_phi, -self.Radius, self.Radius) fill_hist( h_, Objs[Obj][:, index]) if not isImage else array2hist( np.sum(Objs[Obj][:, index, :, :], axis=0), h_) h_.Write() if Obj != "Jet": continue min = self.ApplyNormalization2(min, VarName) max = self.ApplyNormalization2(max, VarName) self.ApplyNormalization(Objs[Obj][:, index], VarName) h_ = ROOT.TH1F( VarName + "_norm", "; " + VarName + "; A.U.", bin, min, max) if not isImage else ROOT.TH2F( "Image_" + VarName + "_norm", "; #eta; #phi", self.n_eta, -self.Radius, self.Radius, self.n_phi, -self.Radius, self.Radius) fill_hist( h_, Objs[Obj][:, index]) if not isImage else array2hist( np.sum(Objs[Obj][:, index, :, :], axis=0), h_) h_.Write() f.Close()
def plotstack(stacks, signals, uncerts, gobss, irow): ymax = 0. rmin = 0. rmax = 0. for icol in range(ncol): gobs = gobss[icol] uncert = uncerts[icol] signal = signals[icol] obsmax = max(gobs.GetY()[ip] + gobs.GetErrorYhigh(ip) for ip in range(gobs.GetN())) uncmax = max( uncert.GetBinContent(ix) + uncert.GetBinError(ix) for ix in range(1, uncert.GetNbinsX() + 1)) ymax = max(ymax, obsmax, uncmax) obsarray = rnp.array(ROOT.TArrayD(gobs.GetN(), gobs.GetY())) bkg = rnp.hist2array(uncert) bkg -= rnp.hist2array(signal, copy=False) obsarray -= bkg mm = obsarray.min() - gobs.GetErrorYlow(np.argmin(obsarray)) while rmin > mm * 1.1: rmin -= 2. mm = obsarray.max() + gobs.GetErrorYhigh(np.argmax(obsarray)) while rmax < mm * 1.1: rmax += 2. if int(rmax) % 10 == 0: # just to avoid axis label clashes rmax -= 1. canvas.yaxes[irow].SetNdivisions(405) canvas.yaxes[irow].SetTitle('events / GeV') canvas.raxes[irow].SetNdivisions(204) for icol in range(ncol): stack = stacks[icol] signal = signals[icol] uncert = uncerts[icol] gobs = gobss[icol] frame = uncert.Clone('frame') _temporaries.append(frame) frame.SetTitle('') frame.Reset() frame.SetTickLength(0.05, 'X') frame.SetTickLength(0.03, 'Y') frame.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(canvas.xaxis.GetNdiv()) frame.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.) frame.GetXaxis().SetTitle('') frame.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(canvas.yaxes[irow].GetNdiv()) frame.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.) frame.SetMinimum(0.) frame.SetMaximum(ymax * 1.4) distpad = * ncol + icol) * 2 + 1) distpad.SetLogy(False) distpad.SetTicky(1) frame.Draw('HIST') stack.Draw('SAME HIST') uncert.Draw('SAME E2') gobs.Draw('PZ') distpad.Update() runcert = uncert.Clone('runcert') _temporaries.append(runcert) bkg = rnp.hist2array(runcert) bkg -= rnp.hist2array(signal, copy=False) obsarray = rnp.array(ROOT.TArrayD(gobs.GetN(), gobs.GetY())) obsarray -= bkg robs = gobs.Clone('robs') _temporaries.append(robs) for ip in range(gobs.GetN()): robs.SetPoint(ip, gobs.GetX()[ip], obsarray[ip]) rnp.array2hist(np.zeros_like(bkg), runcert) rframe = frame.Clone('rframe') _temporaries.append(rframe) rframe.GetXaxis().SetTickLength(0.15) rframe.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(canvas.raxes[irow].GetNdiv()) rframe.SetMinimum(rmin) rframe.SetMaximum(rmax) ratiopad = * ncol + icol) * 2 + 2) ratiopad.SetLogy(False) ratiopad.SetGridy(False) ratiopad.SetTicky(1) rframe.Draw('HIST') runcert.Draw('SAME E2') zero.DrawLine(rframe.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), 0., rframe.GetXaxis().GetXmax(), 0.) signal.Draw('HIST SAME') robs.Draw('PZ') ratiopad.Update()
def main(args): # Initialise args, cfg = initialise(args) # Load data data, _, _ = load_data(args.input + 'data.h5', train=True) msk_sig = data['signal'] == 1 msk_bkg = ~msk_sig # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #### #### # Initialise Keras backend #### initialise_backend(args) #### #### # Neural network-specific initialisation of the configuration dict #### initialise_config(args, cfg) #### #### # Keras import(s) #### from keras.models import load_model #### #### # NN #### from run.adversarial.common import add_nn #### with Profile("NN"): #### classifier = load_model('models/adversarial/classifier/full/classifier.h5') #### add_nn(data, classifier, 'NN') #### pass # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Fill measured profile profile_meas, _ = fill_profile(data[msk_bkg]) # Add k-NN variable knnfeat = 'knn' add_knn(data, newfeat=knnfeat, path='models/knn/knn_{}_{}.pkl.gz'.format(VAR, EFF)) # Loading KNN classifier knn = loadclf('models/knn/knn_{:s}_{:.0f}.pkl.gz'.format(VAR, EFF)) # Filling fitted profile with Profile("Filling fitted profile"): rebin = 8 edges, centres = dict(), dict() for ax, var in zip(['x', 'y'], [VARX, VARY]): # Short-hands vbins, vmin, vmax = AXIS[var] # Re-binned bin edges @TODO: Make standardised right away? edges[ax] = np.interp( np.linspace(0, vbins, vbins * rebin + 1, endpoint=True), range(vbins + 1), np.linspace(vmin, vmax, vbins + 1, endpoint=True)) # Re-binned bin centres centres[ax] = edges[ax][:-1] + 0.5 * np.diff(edges[ax]) pass # Get predictions evaluated at re-binned bin centres g = dict() g['x'], g['y'] = np.meshgrid(centres['x'], centres['y']) g['x'], g['y'] = standardise(g['x'], g['y']) X = np.vstack((g['x'].flatten(), g['y'].flatten())).T fit = knn.predict(X).reshape(g['x'].shape).T # Fill ROOT "profile" profile_fit = ROOT.TH2F('profile_fit', "", len(edges['x']) - 1, edges['x'].flatten('C'), len(edges['y']) - 1, edges['y'].flatten('C')) root_numpy.array2hist(fit, profile_fit) pass # Plotting with Profile("Plotting"): for fit in [False, True]: # Select correct profile profile = profile_fit if fit else profile_meas # Plot plot(profile, fit) pass pass # Plotting local selection efficiencies for D2-kNN < 0 # -- Compute signal efficiency for sig, msk in zip([True, False], [msk_sig, msk_bkg]): if sig: rgbs = [(247 / 255., 251 / 255., 255 / 255.), (222 / 255., 235 / 255., 247 / 255.), (198 / 255., 219 / 255., 239 / 255.), (158 / 255., 202 / 255., 225 / 255.), (107 / 255., 174 / 255., 214 / 255.), (66 / 255., 146 / 255., 198 / 255.), (33 / 255., 113 / 255., 181 / 255.), (8 / 255., 81 / 255., 156 / 255.), (8 / 255., 48 / 255., 107 / 255.)] red, green, blue = map(np.array, zip(*rgbs)) nb_cols = len(rgbs) stops = np.linspace(0, 1, nb_cols, endpoint=True) else: rgbs = [(255 / 255., 51 / 255., 4 / 255.), (247 / 255., 251 / 255., 255 / 255.), (222 / 255., 235 / 255., 247 / 255.), (198 / 255., 219 / 255., 239 / 255.), (158 / 255., 202 / 255., 225 / 255.), (107 / 255., 174 / 255., 214 / 255.), (66 / 255., 146 / 255., 198 / 255.), (33 / 255., 113 / 255., 181 / 255.), (8 / 255., 81 / 255., 156 / 255.), (8 / 255., 48 / 255., 107 / 255.)] red, green, blue = map(np.array, zip(*rgbs)) nb_cols = len(rgbs) stops = np.array([0] + list( np.linspace(0, 1, nb_cols - 1, endpoint=True) * (1. - EFF / 100.) + EFF / 100.)) pass ROOT.TColor.CreateGradientColorTable(nb_cols, stops, red, green, blue, NB_CONTOUR) # Define arrays shape = (AXIS[VARX][0], AXIS[VARY][0]) bins = [ np.linspace(AXIS[var][1], AXIS[var][2], AXIS[var][0] + 1, endpoint=True) for var in VARS ] x, y, z = (np.zeros(shape) for _ in range(3)) # Create `profile` histogram profile = ROOT.TH2F('profile', "", len(bins[0]) - 1, bins[0].flatten('C'), len(bins[1]) - 1, bins[1].flatten('C')) # Compute inclusive efficiency in bins of `VARY` effs = list() for edges in zip(bins[1][:-1], bins[1][1:]): msk_bin = (data[VARY] > edges[0]) & (data[VARY] < edges[1]) msk_pass = data[knnfeat] < 0 num = data.loc[msk & msk_bin & msk_pass, 'weight_test'].values.sum() den = data.loc[msk & msk_bin, 'weight_test'].values.sum() effs.append(num / den) pass # Fill profile for i, j in itertools.product(*map(range, shape)): # Bin edges in x and y edges = [bin[idx:idx + 2] for idx, bin in zip([i, j], bins)] # Masks msks = [(data[var] > edges[dim][0]) & (data[var] <= edges[dim][1]) for dim, var in enumerate(VARS)] msk_bin = reduce(lambda x, y: x & y, msks) data_ = data[msk & msk_bin] # Set non-zero bin content if np.sum(msk & msk_bin): msk_pass = data_[knnfeat] < 0 num = data.loc[msk & msk_bin & msk_pass, 'weight_test'].values.sum() den = data.loc[msk & msk_bin, 'weight_test'].values.sum() eff = num / den profile.SetBinContent(i + 1, j + 1, eff) pass pass c = rp.canvas(batch=True) pad = c.pads()[0]._bare() pad.SetRightMargin(0.20) pad.SetLeftMargin(0.15) pad.SetTopMargin(0.10) # Styling profile.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Large-#it{R} jet " + latex(VARX, ROOT=True) + " = log(m^{2}/p_{T}^{2})") profile.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Large-#it{R} jet " + latex(VARY, ROOT=True) + " [GeV]") profile.GetZaxis().SetTitle("Selection efficiency for %s^{(%s%%)}" % (latex(VAR, ROOT=True), EFF)) profile.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(505) profile.GetZaxis().SetNdivisions(505) profile.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4) profile.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.8) profile.GetZaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.3) zrange = (0., 1.) if zrange: profile.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(*zrange) pass profile.SetContour(NB_CONTOUR) # Draw profile.Draw('COLZ') # Decorations c.text(qualifier=QUALIFIER, ymax=0.92, xmin=0.15) c.text(["#sqrt{s} = 13 TeV", "#it{W} jets" if sig else "Multijets"], ATLAS=False) # -- Efficiencies xaxis = profile.GetXaxis() yaxis = profile.GetYaxis() tlatex = ROOT.TLatex() tlatex.SetTextColor(ROOT.kGray + 2) tlatex.SetTextSize(0.023) tlatex.SetTextFont(42) tlatex.SetTextAlign(32) xt = xaxis.GetBinLowEdge(xaxis.GetNbins()) for eff, ibin in zip(effs, range(1, yaxis.GetNbins() + 1)): yt = yaxis.GetBinCenter(ibin) tlatex.DrawLatex( xt, yt, "%s%.1f%%" % ("#bar{#varepsilon}^{rel}_{%s} = " % ('sig' if sig else 'bkg') if ibin == 1 else '', eff * 100.)) pass # -- Bounds BOUNDS[0].DrawCopy("SAME") BOUNDS[1].DrawCopy("SAME") c.latex("m > 50 GeV", -4.5, BOUNDS[0].Eval(-4.5) + 30, align=21, angle=-37, textsize=13, textcolor=ROOT.kGray + 3) c.latex("m < 300 GeV", -2.5, BOUNDS[1].Eval(-2.5) - 30, align=23, angle=-57, textsize=13, textcolor=ROOT.kGray + 3) # Save mkdir('figures/knn/')'figures/knn/knn_eff_{}_{:s}_{:.0f}.pdf'.format( 'sig' if sig else 'bkg', VAR, EFF)) pass return
def plotstack(stack, signal, uncert, gobs, ivert): uncert.SetTickLength(0., 'X') uncert.SetTickLength(0., 'Y') uncert.SetFillColor(ROOT.kBlack) uncert.SetFillStyle(3003) uncert.SetLineWidth(0) uncert.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(120) uncert.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(110) distpad = * 2 + 1) distpad.SetLogy(False) frame = uncert.Clone('frame') _temporaries.append(frame) frame.SetTitle('') frame.Reset() frame.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.) frame.GetXaxis().SetTitle('') obsmax = max(gobs.GetY()[ip] + gobs.GetErrorYhigh(ip) for ip in range(gobs.GetN())) frame.SetMinimum(0.) frame.SetMaximum(max(obsmax, uncert.GetMaximum()) * 1.4) frame.Draw('HIST') stack.Draw('SAME HIST') uncert.Draw('SAME E2') gobs.Draw('PZ') distpad.Update() ratiopad = * 2 + 2) ratiopad.SetGridy(False) runcert = uncert.Clone('runcert') _temporaries.append(runcert) runcert.SetTitle('') bkg = rnp.hist2array(runcert) bkg -= rnp.hist2array(signal, copy=False) obsarray = rnp.array(ROOT.TArrayD(gobs.GetN(), gobs.GetY())) obsarray -= bkg robs = gobs.Clone('robs') _temporaries.append(robs) for ip in range(gobs.GetN()): robs.SetPoint(ip, gobs.GetX()[ip], obsarray[ip]) rnp.array2hist(np.zeros_like(bkg), runcert) runcert.SetTickLength(0., 'X') runcert.SetTickLength(0., 'Y') runcert.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.) runcert.GetXaxis().SetTitle('') runcert.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.) runcert.GetYaxis().SetTitle('') runcert.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(502) runcert.Draw('E2') zero = ROOT.TLine(runcert.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), 0., runcert.GetXaxis().GetXmax(), 0.) _temporaries.append(zero) zero.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) zero.SetLineWidth(1) zero.SetLineStyle(ROOT.kSolid) zero.Draw() signal.Draw('HIST SAME') robs.Draw('PZ') rmin = 0. while rmin > obsarray.min() * 1.1: rmin -= 10. rmax = 0. while rmax < obsarray.max() * 1.1: rmax += 10. runcert.SetMaximum(rmax) runcert.SetMinimum(rmin) ratiopad.Update()
parameters.variables.ieta = 'abs(ieta)' = 'et_raw' = 'ntt' parameters.variables.rho = 'rho' parameters.variables.iso = 'iso' ## Steps parameters.steps.train_workingpoints = True parameters.steps.fit_ntt_vs_rho = True parameters.steps.test_workingpoints = True parameters.steps.do_compression = True ## eta-pt efficiency shape parameters.eta_pt_optimization.eta_optimization = 'none' efficiencies_low_array = np.array([0.80,0.80,0.80,0.80,0.80,0.75,0.80, 0.85]) efficiencies_high_array = np.array([0.92,0.95,0.95,0.95,0.95,0.95,0.95, 0.95]) eta_binning = [0.5, 3.5, 6.5, 9.5, 13.5, 18.5, 22.5, 25.5, 28.5] efficiencies_low = Hist(eta_binning) efficiencies_high = Hist(eta_binning) array2hist(efficiencies_low_array, efficiencies_low) array2hist(efficiencies_high_array, efficiencies_high) parameters.eta_pt_optimization.eta_pt_efficiency_shapes = \ double_slope_relaxation_vs_pt(efficiencies_low,\ efficiencies_high,\ threshold_low=56.,\ threshold_high=80.,\ eff_min=0.5,\ max_et=120.) ## LUT Compression parameters.compression.eta = [0,5,6,9,10,12,13,14,17,18,19,20,23,24,25,26,32] = [0,18,20,22,28,32,37,42,52,63,73,81,87,91,111,151,256] = [0,6,11,16,21,26,31,36,41,46,51,56,61,66,71,76,81,86,91,96,101,106,111,116,121,126,131,136,141,146,151,156,256]
def optimize_background_rejection_vs_ieta(effs, isolations, signalfile, signaltree, backgroundfile, backgroundtree, inputnames=['abs(ieta)','ntt'], targetname='iso', cut='et>10'): ieta_binning = [0.5, 3.5, 6.5, 9.5, 13.5, 18.5, 24.5, 27.5] # Compute signal efficiencies ninputs = len(inputnames) branches = copy.deepcopy(inputnames) branches.append(targetname) data = root2array(signalfile, treename=signaltree, branches=branches, selection=cut) data = data.view((np.float64, len(data.dtype.names))) inputs = data[:, range(ninputs)].astype(np.float32) targets = data[:, [ninputs]].astype(np.float32).ravel() xs = data[:, [0]].astype(np.float32).ravel() # fill signal ieta histogram and normalize to 1 histo_signal = Hist(ieta_binning) fill_hist(histo_signal, xs) #histo_signal.Scale(1./histo_signal.integral(overflow=True)) # signal_efficiencies is a 2D array # The first dimension corresponds to different ieta values # The second dimension corresponds to different working points signal_efficiencies = [graph2array(efficiency.efficiency_graph(pass_function=(lambda x:np.less(x[1],iso.predict(x[0]))), function_inputs=(inputs,targets), xs=xs, bins=ieta_binning))[:,[1]].ravel() for iso in isolations] signal_efficiencies = np.column_stack(signal_efficiencies) # Compute background efficiencies ninputs = len(inputnames) branches = copy.deepcopy(inputnames) branches.append(targetname) data = root2array(backgroundfile, treename=backgroundtree, branches=branches, selection=cut) data = data.view((np.float64, len(data.dtype.names))) inputs = data[:, range(ninputs)].astype(np.float32) targets = data[:, [ninputs]].astype(np.float32).ravel() xs = data[:, [0]].astype(np.float32).ravel() # fill background ieta histogram and normalize to 1 histo_background = Hist(ieta_binning) fill_hist(histo_background, xs) #histo_background.Scale(1./histo_background.integral(overflow=True)) # background_efficiencies is a 2D array # The first dimension corresponds to different ieta values # The second dimension corresponds to different working points background_efficiencies = [graph2array(efficiency.efficiency_graph(pass_function=(lambda x:np.less(x[1],iso.predict(x[0]))), function_inputs=(inputs,targets), xs=xs, bins=ieta_binning))[:,[1]].ravel() for iso in isolations] background_efficiencies = np.column_stack(background_efficiencies) signal_efficiencies_diff_graphs = [] background_efficiencies_diff_graphs = [] optimal_points_graphs = [] optimal_points = [] # compute best working point for each ieta (loop on ieta) for i,(signal_effs,background_effs) in enumerate(zip(signal_efficiencies, background_efficiencies)): # Compute the probability of signal in this ieta bin for the different efficiency points # It is assumed that the cut is applied only in this bin, all the other bins keep the same number of entries n_i = histo_signal[i+1].value n_tot = histo_signal.integral(overflow=True) proba_signal = np.array([n_i*eff/(n_tot-n_i*(1.-eff)) for eff in signal_effs]) # Same as above, but for background n_i = histo_background[i+1].value n_tot = histo_background.integral(overflow=True) proba_background = np.array([n_i*eff/(n_tot-n_i*(1.-eff)) for eff in background_effs]) signal_efficiencies_diff_graph, background_efficiencies_diff_graph, optimal_points_graph, optimal_point = find_best_working_point(effs, signal_effs, background_effs, proba_signal, proba_background) signal_efficiencies_diff_graph.SetName('efficiencies_signal_ieta_{}'.format(i)) background_efficiencies_diff_graph.SetName('efficiencies_background_ieta_{}'.format(i)) optimal_points_graph.SetName('signal_background_optimal_points_ieta_{}'.format(i)) signal_efficiencies_diff_graphs.append(signal_efficiencies_diff_graph) background_efficiencies_diff_graphs.append(background_efficiencies_diff_graph) optimal_points_graphs.append(optimal_points_graph) optimal_points.append(optimal_point) optimal_points_histo = Hist(ieta_binning) array2hist(optimal_points, optimal_points_histo) return signal_efficiencies_diff_graphs, background_efficiencies_diff_graphs, optimal_points_graphs, optimal_points_histo
.format(args.slot, oh, args.mapping)) else: chanOrStripLabel = "Readout Strip" (histArray, edges) = rp.hist2array( vfatLatHists2D[args.slot][oh][vfat], return_edges=True) remappedArray = np.zeros(histArray.shape) xMax = histArray.shape[0] yMax = histArray.shape[1] for lat in range(0, xMax): for vfatCH in range(0, yMax): strip = dictMapping[ args.slot][oh][vfat]['Strip'][vfatCH] remappedArray[lat][strip] = histArray[lat][vfatCH] pass pass vfatLatHists2D[args.slot][oh][vfat] = rp.array2hist( remappedArray, vfatLatHists2D[args.slot][oh][vfat]) pass pass # Set Style vfatHitMulti[args.slot][oh][vfat].SetTitle("VFAT{0}".format(vfat)) vfatHitMulti[args.slot][oh][vfat].GetXaxis().SetTitle( "Hit Multiplicity per Event") vfatHitMulti[args.slot][oh][vfat].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( 1e-1, 129) vfatHitMulti[args.slot][oh][vfat].GetYaxis().SetTitle("N") vfatHitMulti[args.slot][oh][vfat].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser( 1e-1, 1e8) # Set Style vfatLatHists[args.slot][oh][vfat].SetTitle("VFAT{0}".format(vfat))
if args.ratio: max_boundary = 10. min_boundary = 0.00001 else: max_boundary = max([ max(hist_central_array[np.nonzero(hist_central_array)]), max(hist_upper_array[np.nonzero(hist_upper_array)]), max(hist_lower_array[np.nonzero(hist_lower_array)]) ]) * 10. min_boundary = min([ min(hist_central_array[np.nonzero(hist_central_array)]), min(hist_upper_array[np.nonzero(hist_upper_array)]), min(hist_lower_array[np.nonzero(hist_lower_array)]) ]) / 10. root_numpy.array2hist(hist_central_array, mountainrange_central) root_numpy.array2hist(hist_upper_array, mountainrange_upper) root_numpy.array2hist(hist_lower_array, mountainrange_lower) #mountainrange_central = root_numpy.array2hist(hist_central_array) #mountainrange_upper = root_numpy.array2hist(hist_upper_array) #mountainrange_lower = root_numpy.array2hist(hist_lower_array) #root_numpy.array2hist(hist_central_array, mountainrange_central_ratio) #root_numpy.array2hist(hist_upper_array, mountainrange_upper_ratio) #root_numpy.array2hist(hist_lower_array, mountainrange_lower_ratio) if args.ratio: mountainrange_upper.Divide(mountainrange_central) mountainrange_lower.Divide(mountainrange_central) mountainrange_central.Divide(mountainrange_central) if debug: print("Drawing mountainrange")
parameters.variables.iso = 'iso' ## Steps parameters.steps.train_workingpoints = True parameters.steps.fit_ntt_vs_rho = True parameters.steps.test_workingpoints = True parameters.steps.do_compression = True ## eta-pt efficiency shape parameters.eta_pt_optimization.eta_optimization = 'none' efficiencies_low_array = np.array( [0.80, 0.80, 0.80, 0.80, 0.80, 0.75, 0.80, 0.85]) efficiencies_high_array = np.array( [0.92, 0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 0.95]) eta_binning = [0.5, 3.5, 6.5, 9.5, 13.5, 18.5, 22.5, 25.5, 28.5] efficiencies_low = Hist(eta_binning) efficiencies_high = Hist(eta_binning) array2hist(efficiencies_low_array, efficiencies_low) array2hist(efficiencies_high_array, efficiencies_high) parameters.eta_pt_optimization.eta_pt_efficiency_shapes = \ double_slope_relaxation_vs_pt(efficiencies_low,\ efficiencies_high,\ threshold_low=56.,\ threshold_high=80.,\ eff_min=0.5,\ max_et=120.) ## LUT Compression parameters.compression.eta = [ 0, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 32 ] = [ 0, 18, 20, 22, 28, 32, 37, 42, 52, 63, 73, 81, 87, 91, 111, 151, 256 ]
# ### Plot jet images # In[ ]: from ROOT import gStyle, kLightTemperature, kBlackBody, kCool, kColorPrintableOnGrey , kPastel , kViridis from IPython.display import Image print("Number of jet images: ", len(jet_images)) sum_images = np.sum(jet_images, axis=0) h_title = "Jet Image, "+str(pt_low)+" < p_{T} < "+str(pt_high)+" GeV" h = TH2D( "h_jet_image", h_title, n_bins, ji_x_range[0], ji_x_range[1], n_bins, ji_y_range[0], ji_y_range[1]) rtnp.array2hist(sum_images, h) #Plot using root gStyle.SetOptStat(0) # gStyle.SetPalette(kPastel) # gStyle.SetPalette(kCool) gStyle.SetPalette(kColorPrintableOnGrey) c = TCanvas("c", "c", 800, 600) c.SetLogz() #h.SetAxisRange(1, 100000, "Z") h.GetXaxis().SetTitle("#eta") h.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#phi") h.Draw("colz")