def get_merged_bin_resolution(res_file, var, low_bin, high_bin): ''' Return mean value of resolutions in fine bins of the merged bin. ''' bin_contents = [] f = File(res_file) res_hist = f.Get('res_r_' + var).Clone() # change scope from file to memory res_hist.SetDirectory(0) f.close() low_bin_n = res_hist.GetXaxis().FindBin(low_bin) high_bin_n = res_hist.GetXaxis().FindBin(high_bin) for bin_i in range(low_bin_n, high_bin_n + 1): bin_content = res_hist.GetBinContent(bin_i) # resolution couldnt be reconstructed (High GeV with low stats) # remove these from list of resolutions if bin_content == 0: continue bin_contents.append(bin_content) # print(bin_contents) res = np.mean(bin_contents) return res
def isValid(self): # file has to exists if not os.path.exists(self.file): input_log.debug('File does not exist: ' + self.file) return False if self.hist_name: with as f: if not f.__contains__(self.hist_name): msg = 'File "{0}" does not contain histogram "{1}"' input_log.debug(msg.format(self.file, self.hist_name)) return False if self.tree_name: with as f: if not f.__contains__(self.tree_name): msg = 'File "{0}" does not contain tree "{1}"' input_log.debug(msg.format(self.file, self.tree_name)) return False tree = f[self.tree_name] branchToCheck = self.branch if '[' in branchToCheck and ']' in branchToCheck: branchToCheck = branchToCheck.split('[')[0] elif 'abs(' in branchToCheck: branchToCheck = branchToCheck.split('(')[-1].split(')')[0] if not tree.has_branch(branchToCheck): msg = 'Tree "{0}" does not contain branch "{1}"' input_log.debug(msg.format(self.tree_name, branchToCheck)) return False return True
def read_timespan(filename): t_file = File(filename, 'read') m = ref_time.match(t_file.get('m_utc_span').GetTitle()) week1, second1, week2, second2 = int(, int(, int(, int( t_file.close() return (week1 * 604800 + second1, week2 * 604800 + second2)
def find_maintenance(filename): aux_file = File(filename, 'read') aux_tree = aux_file.get('t_hk_obox') maintenance_start = False maintenance_list = [] gps_time_list = [] ship_time_list = [] for entry in aux_tree: if entry.obox_is_bad > 0: continue if entry.obox_mode.encode('hex') == '04': if not maintenance_start: maintenance_start = True gps_time_list.append(entry.abs_gps_week * 604800 + entry.abs_gps_second) ship_time_list.append(entry.abs_ship_second) else: if maintenance_start: maintenance_start = False maintenance_list.append( ((ship_time_list[0] + ship_time_list[-1]) / 2, (gps_time_list[0] + gps_time_list[-1]) / 2)) gps_time_list = [] ship_time_list = [] return [(int(x[0]), "%d:%d" % (int(x[1] / 604800), int(x[1] % 604800))) for x in maintenance_list]
def get_histogram_from_file( histogram_path, input_file ): current_btag, found_btag = find_btag(histogram_path) root_file = File( input_file ) get_histogram = root_file.Get if not found_btag or not current_btag in sumations.b_tag_summations.keys(): root_histogram = get_histogram( histogram_path ) if not is_valid_histogram( root_histogram, histogram_path, input_file ): return else: listOfExclusiveBins = sumations.b_tag_summations[current_btag] exclhists = [] for excbin in listOfExclusiveBins: hist = get_histogram( histogram_path.replace( current_btag, excbin ) ) if not is_valid_histogram( hist, histogram_path.replace( current_btag, excbin ), input_file ): return exclhists.append( hist ) root_histogram = exclhists[0].Clone() for hist in exclhists[1:]: root_histogram.Add( hist ) gcd() histogram = None # change from float to double if root_histogram.TYPE == 'F': histogram = root_histogram.empty_clone(type='D') histogram.Add(root_histogram) else: histogram = root_histogram.Clone() root_file.Close() return histogram
def get_merged_bin_resolution(res_file, var, low_bin, high_bin): ''' Return mean value of resolutions in fine bins of the merged bin. ''' bin_contents = [] f = File( res_file ) res_hist = f.Get( 'res_r_'+var ).Clone() # change scope from file to memory res_hist.SetDirectory( 0 ) f.close() low_bin_n = res_hist.GetXaxis().FindBin(low_bin) high_bin_n = res_hist.GetXaxis().FindBin(high_bin) for bin_i in range(low_bin_n, high_bin_n+1): bin_content = res_hist.GetBinContent(bin_i) # resolution couldnt be reconstructed (High GeV with low stats) # remove these from list of resolutions if bin_content == 0 : continue bin_contents.append(bin_content) # print(bin_contents) res = np.mean(bin_contents) return res
def find_orbitstart(filename): LAT_LEN = 500 lat_deque = deque() orbitstart_list = [] ppd_file = File(filename, 'read') ppd_tree = ppd_file.get('t_ppd') ready_flag = True pre_diff = 0.0 cur_diff = 0.0 for entry in ppd_tree: if entry.flag_of_pos != 0x55: continue lat_deque.append( (entry.latitude, entry.ship_time_sec, entry.utc_time_sec)) if len(lat_deque) < LAT_LEN: pre_diff = lat_deque[-1][0] - lat_deque[0][0] continue else: lat_deque.popleft() cur_diff = lat_deque[-1][0] - lat_deque[0][0] if ready_flag and pre_diff < 0 and cur_diff >= 0: orbitstart_list.append(((lat_deque[-1][1] + lat_deque[0][1]) / 2, (lat_deque[-1][2] + lat_deque[0][2]) / 2)) ready_flag = False if not ready_flag and pre_diff > 0 and cur_diff <= 0: ready_flag = True pre_diff = cur_diff return [(int(x[0]), "%d:%d" % (int(x[1] / 604800), int(x[1] % 604800))) for x in orbitstart_list]
def addFileList(self, fileList): if type(fileList) == type(list()): for file in fileList: self.files[file] = File(self.basepath + "/" + file + ".root", "read") if isinstance(fileList, dict): import itertools useList = list( itertools.chain.from_iterable(list(fileList.values()))) for file in useList: try: self.files[file] = File( self.basepath + "/" + file + ".root", "read") except: yesno = input("file %s is not there continue? [y/n]" % (file)) if yesno != "y": import sys sys.exit(1) fileList = { key: value for key, value in list(fileList.items()) if file not in value } self._joinList = fileList self._getGenNumbers() self._addToScaledView()
def write_to_root_files(parsed_hists, parsed_log_hists, output_filename): start = time.time() f = TFile(output_filename[0], "RECREATE") for var in parsed_hists.keys(): index = 0 for mod_hist in parsed_hists[var]: hist = copy.deepcopy(mod_hist.hist()) hist.SetName("{}#{}".format(var, index)) hist.Write() index += 1 f.Close() f = TFile(output_filename[1], "RECREATE") for var in parsed_log_hists.keys(): index = 0 for mod_hist in parsed_log_hists[var]: hist = copy.deepcopy(mod_hist.hist()) hist.SetName("{}#{}".format(var, index)) hist.Write() index += 1 f.Close() end = time.time()
def get_response_histogram(responseFileName, variable, channel): ''' clones the response matrix from file ''' responseFile = File(responseFileName, 'read') folder = '{variable}_{channel}'.format(variable=variable, channel=channel) h_response = responseFile.Get(folder).responseVis_without_fakes.Clone() return asrootpy(h_response)
def setUp(self): f = File('test.root', 'recreate') tree = create_test_tree() h = create_test_hist() h.write() tree.write() f.write() f.Close()
def get_electron_normalisation(met_bin, b_tag): global electron_data_file input_file = File(electron_data_file) histogram_for_estimation = 'TTbarPlusMetAnalysis/EPlusJets/QCD e+jets PFRelIso/BinnedMETAnalysis/Electron_patType1CorrectedPFMet_bin_%s/electron_pfIsolation_03_%s' % ( met_bin, b_tag) input_histogram = input_file.Get(histogram_for_estimation) result = estimate_with_fit_to_relative_isolation(input_histogram) value, error = result['value'], result['error'] return value, error
def get_histograms( variable, options ): config = XSectionConfig( 13 ) path_electron = '' path_muon = '' path_combined = '' histogram_name = '' if options.visiblePhaseSpace: histogram_name = 'responseVis_without_fakes' else : histogram_name = 'response_without_fakes' if variable == 'HT': path_electron = 'unfolding_HT_analyser_electron_channel/%s' % histogram_name path_muon = 'unfolding_HT_analyser_muon_channel/%s' % histogram_name path_combined = 'unfolding_HT_analyser_COMBINED_channel/%s' % histogram_name else : path_electron = 'unfolding_%s_analyser_electron_channel_patType1CorrectedPFMet/%s' % ( variable, histogram_name ) path_muon = 'unfolding_%s_analyser_muon_channel_patType1CorrectedPFMet/%s' % ( variable, histogram_name ) path_combined = 'unfolding_%s_analyser_COMBINED_channel_patType1CorrectedPFMet/%s' % ( variable, histogram_name ) histogram_information = [ {'file': config.unfolding_central_raw, 'CoM': 13, 'path':path_electron, 'channel':'electron'}, {'file':config.unfolding_central_raw, 'CoM': 13, 'path':path_muon, 'channel':'muon'}, ] if options.combined: histogram_information = [ {'file': config.unfolding_central_raw, 'CoM': 13, 'path': path_combined, 'channel':'combined'}, ] for histogram in histogram_information: f = File( histogram['file'] ) # scale to lumi # nEvents = f.EventFilter.EventCounter.GetBinContent( 1 ) # number of processed events # config = XSectionConfig( histogram['CoM'] ) # lumiweight = config.ttbar_xsection * config.new_luminosity / nEvents lumiweight = 1 histogram['hist'] = f.Get( histogram['path'] ).Clone() histogram['hist'].Scale( lumiweight ) # change scope from file to memory histogram['hist'].SetDirectory( 0 ) f.close() return histogram_information
def get_histograms(config, variable, args): ''' Return a dictionary of the unfolding histogram informations (inc. hist) ''' path_electron = '' path_muon = '' path_combined = '' histogram_name = 'response_without_fakes' if args.visiblePhaseSpace: histogram_name = 'responseVis_without_fakes' path_electron = '%s_electron/%s' % (variable, histogram_name) path_muon = '%s_muon/%s' % (variable, histogram_name) path_combined = '%s_combined/%s' % (variable, histogram_name) histogram_information = [ { 'file': config.unfolding_central_raw, 'CoM': 13, 'path': path_electron, 'channel': 'electron' }, { 'file': config.unfolding_central_raw, 'CoM': 13, 'path': path_muon, 'channel': 'muon' }, ] if args.combined: histogram_information = [ { 'file': config.unfolding_central_raw, 'CoM': 13, 'path': path_combined, 'channel': 'combined' }, ] for histogram in histogram_information: lumiweight = 1 f = File(histogram['file']) histogram['hist'] = f.Get(histogram['path']).Clone() # scale to current lumi lumiweight = config.luminosity_scale if round(lumiweight, 1) != 1.0: print("Scaling to {}".format(lumiweight)) histogram['hist'].Scale(lumiweight) # change scope from file to memory histogram['hist'].SetDirectory(0) f.close() return histogram_information
def get_histograms( config, variable, args ): ''' Return a dictionary of the unfolding histogram informations (inc. hist) ''' path_electron = '' path_muon = '' path_combined = '' histogram_name = 'response_without_fakes' if args.visiblePhaseSpace: histogram_name = 'responseVis_without_fakes' path_electron = '%s_electron/%s' % ( variable, histogram_name ) path_muon = '%s_muon/%s' % ( variable, histogram_name ) path_combined = '%s_combined/%s' % ( variable, histogram_name ) histogram_information = [ { 'file' : config.unfolding_central_raw, 'CoM' : 13, 'path' : path_electron, 'channel' :'electron' }, { 'file' : config.unfolding_central_raw, 'CoM' : 13, 'path' : path_muon, 'channel' :'muon' }, ] if args.combined: histogram_information = [ { 'file' : config.unfolding_central_raw, 'CoM' : 13, 'path' : path_combined, 'channel' : 'combined' }, ] for histogram in histogram_information: lumiweight = 1 f = File( histogram['file'] ) histogram['hist'] = f.Get( histogram['path'] ).Clone() # scale to current lumi lumiweight = config.luminosity_scale if round(lumiweight, 1) != 1.0: print( "Scaling to {}".format(lumiweight) ) histogram['hist'].Scale( lumiweight ) # change scope from file to memory histogram['hist'].SetDirectory( 0 ) f.close() return histogram_information
def get_histograms( variable ): config_7TeV = XSectionConfig( 7 ) config_8TeV = XSectionConfig( 8 ) path_electron = '' path_muon = '' histogram_name = 'response_without_fakes' if variable == 'MET': path_electron = 'unfolding_MET_analyser_electron_channel_patType1CorrectedPFMet/%s' % histogram_name path_muon = 'unfolding_MET_analyser_muon_channel_patType1CorrectedPFMet/%s' % histogram_name elif variable == 'HT': path_electron = 'unfolding_HT_analyser_electron_channel/%s' % histogram_name path_muon = 'unfolding_HT_analyser_muon_channel/%s' % histogram_name elif variable == 'ST': path_electron = 'unfolding_ST_analyser_electron_channel_patType1CorrectedPFMet/%s' % histogram_name path_muon = 'unfolding_ST_analyser_muon_channel_patType1CorrectedPFMet/%s' % histogram_name elif variable == 'MT': path_electron = 'unfolding_MT_analyser_electron_channel_patType1CorrectedPFMet/%s' % histogram_name path_muon = 'unfolding_MT_analyser_muon_channel_patType1CorrectedPFMet/%s' % histogram_name elif variable == 'WPT': path_electron = 'unfolding_WPT_analyser_electron_channel_patType1CorrectedPFMet/%s' % histogram_name path_muon = 'unfolding_WPT_analyser_muon_channel_patType1CorrectedPFMet/%s' % histogram_name histogram_information = [ {'file': config_7TeV.unfolding_madgraph_raw, 'CoM': 7, 'path':path_electron, 'channel':'electron'}, {'file':config_7TeV.unfolding_madgraph_raw, 'CoM': 7, 'path':path_muon, 'channel':'muon'}, {'file':config_8TeV.unfolding_madgraph_raw, 'CoM': 8, 'path':path_electron, 'channel':'electron'}, {'file':config_8TeV.unfolding_madgraph_raw, 'CoM': 8, 'path':path_muon, 'channel':'muon'}, ] for histogram in histogram_information: f = File( histogram['file'] ) # scale to lumi nEvents = f.EventFilter.EventCounter.GetBinContent( 1 ) # number of processed events config = XSectionConfig( histogram['CoM'] ) lumiweight = config.ttbar_xsection * config.new_luminosity / nEvents histogram['hist'] = f.Get( histogram['path'] ).Clone() histogram['hist'].Scale( lumiweight ) # change scope from file to memory histogram['hist'].SetDirectory( 0 ) f.close() return histogram_information
def can_open_ROOT_file(filename): passesCheck = False try: openFile = File(filename, 'r') if openFile: passesCheck = True openFile.Close() except: print "Could not open ROOT file" return passesCheck
def calculate_resolutions(variable, bin_edges=[], channel='combined', res_to_plot=False): ''' Calculate the resolutions in the bins using the residual method ''' f = File('unfolding/13TeV/unfolding_TTJets_13TeV.root') fineBinEdges_path = '{}_{}/responseVis_without_fakes'.format( variable, channel) fineBinEdges_hist2d = f.Get(fineBinEdges_path).Clone() fineBinEdges_hist1d = asrootpy(fineBinEdges_hist2d.ProjectionX()) fineBinEdges = list(fineBinEdges_hist1d.xedges()) nFineBins = len(fineBinEdges) - 1 tmp_residual_path = '{}_{}/residuals/Residuals_Bin_'.format( variable, channel) # Absolute lepton eta can have multiple fine bins at the same precision as wide bins. Only taking first. if variable == 'abs_lepton_eta': fineBinEdges = [round(entry, 2) for entry in fineBinEdges] # For N Bin edges find resolutions of bins resolutions = [] for i in range(len(bin_edges) - 1): list_of_fine_bins = [] # Find fine bin edges in wide bins for j, fine_bin_edge in enumerate(fineBinEdges): if fine_bin_edge >= bin_edges[i] and fine_bin_edge < bin_edges[ i + 1] and j < nFineBins: list_of_fine_bins.append(j + 1) # Sum the residuals of the fine bins for fine_bin in list_of_fine_bins: if fine_bin == list_of_fine_bins[0]: fineBin_histRes = f.Get(tmp_residual_path + str(fine_bin)).Clone() else: fineBin_histRes_tmp = f.Get(tmp_residual_path + str(fine_bin)).Clone() fineBin_histRes.Add(fineBin_histRes, fineBin_histRes_tmp, 1.0, 1.0) # Get the quantile at 68% = 1 sigma = Resolution interval = np.array([0.]) quantile = np.array([0.68]) fineBin_histRes.GetQuantiles(1, interval, quantile) resolutions.append(round(interval[0], 2)) if res_to_plot: plotting_resolution(variable, channel, fineBin_histRes, round(interval[0], 2), i, bin_edges[i], bin_edges[i + 1]) return resolutions
def root_file_to_hist(input_filename, hist_templates): hists = copy.deepcopy(hist_templates) root_file = TFile(input_filename, "read") for var in hists.keys(): mod_hist = hists[var] hist = root_file.Get(var) mod_hist.replace_hist(hist) return hists
def getHistFromTree(self, bins, xmin, xmax, xtitle, cut, value, tree, weight=None): from rootpy.plotting import Hist import random, string, os self.clearHists() for f in self.files: try: _tree = self.files[f].Get(tree) except AttributeError as e: log_plotlib.warning("No %s in %s" % (tree, f)) log_plotlib.warning( "Will try without %s, and add an empty hist." % f) log_plotlib.warning(e) self.hists[f] = Hist(binns, xmin, xmax) continue self.hists[f] = Hist(bins, xmin, xmax) self.hists[f].GetXaxis().SetTitle(xtitle) try: if weight is None: _tree.Draw(value, selection=cut, hist=self.hists[f]) else: #_tree.Draw(value,selection="(%s)*(%s)"%(cut,weight),hist=self.hists[f]) tmpFileName = ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for i in range(4)) tmpFile = File("/tmp/%s.root" % tmpFileName, "recreate") #sel_tree=_tree.copy_tree(selection=cut) sel_tree = asrootpy(_tree.CopyTree(cut)) ##print weight sel_tree.Draw(value, selection=weight, hist=self.hists[f]) tmpFile.Close() os.remove("/tmp/%s.root" % tmpFileName) except Exception as e:"error:%s" % (e))"file :%s" % (f))"Perhaps try this one:") for i in _tree.glob("*"): raise RuntimeError("Will stop here!") self.hists[f].Scale(self._getWeight(f)) self.hists[f].Sumw2() if self._joinList is not False: self.joinList(self._joinList) for hist in self.hists: if hist in self.hists[hist].decorate(**[hist])
def open_file(self, filename, begin, end): # cut data by utc time, utc_week:utc_second self.t_file_name = basename(filename) self.t_file_in = File(filename, 'read') self.t_tree_ppd = self.t_file_in.get('t_ppd') self.t_tree_ppd.create_buffer() self.utc_time_span = self.t_file_in.get('m_utc_span').GetTitle() m = re.compile( r'(\d+):(\d+)\[\d+\] => (\d+):(\d+)\[\d+\]; \d+/\d+').match( self.utc_time_span) self.first_utc_time_sec = float( * 604800 + float( self.last_utc_time_sec = float( * 604800 + float( if begin != 'begin': m = re.compile(r'(\d+):(\d+)').match(begin) self.begin_utc_time_sec = float( * 604800 + float( if self.begin_utc_time_sec - self.first_utc_time_sec < _MIN_DIFF: print 'WARNING: begin utc time is out of range: ' + str( self.begin_utc_time_sec - self.first_utc_time_sec) return False else: self.begin_utc_time_sec = -1 if end != 'end': m = re.compile(r'(\d+):(\d+)').match(end) self.end_utc_time_sec = float( * 604800 + float( if self.last_utc_time_sec - self.end_utc_time_sec < _MIN_DIFF: print 'WARNING: end utc time is out of range: ' + str( self.last_utc_time_sec - self.end_utc_time_sec) return False else: self.end_utc_time_sec = -1 if self.begin_utc_time_sec > 0 and self.end_utc_time_sec > 0 and self.end_utc_time_sec - self.begin_utc_time_sec < _MIN_DIFF: print 'WARNING: time span between begin and end utc time is too small: ' + str( self.end_utc_time_sec - self.begin_utc_time_sec) return False if self.begin_utc_time_sec > 0: self.begin_entry = self.__find_entry(self.begin_utc_time_sec) if self.begin_entry < 0: print "WARNING: cannot find begin entry." return False else: self.begin_entry = 0 if self.end_utc_time_sec > 0: self.end_entry = self.__find_entry(self.end_utc_time_sec) if self.end_entry < 0: print "WARNING: cannot find end entry." return False else: self.end_entry = self.t_tree_ppd.get_entries() return True
def read_timespan(filename, dat_type): t_file = File(filename, 'read') m = ref_time.match(t_file.get(tnamed_dict[dat_type]).GetTitle()) week1, second1, week2, second2 = int(, int(, int(, int( t_file.close() time_seconds_begin = week1 * 604800 + second1 time_seconds_end = week2 * 604800 + second2 beijing_time_begin = datetime(1980, 1, 6, 0, 0, 0) + timedelta( seconds=time_seconds_begin - leap_seconds_dict[dat_type] + 28800) beijing_time_end = datetime(1980, 1, 6, 0, 0, 0) + timedelta( seconds=time_seconds_end - leap_seconds_dict[dat_type] + 28800) return (beijing_time_begin, beijing_time_end)
def getStystPlot(hist): import os if os.path.exists("syst/"+hist.replace("/","")+"_syst.root"): systFile=File("syst/"+hist.replace("/","")+"_syst.root","read") stysthist=systFile.Get(hist) stysthist.SetDirectory(0) stysthist.SetLineWidth(0) stysthist.SetLineColor(0) else: raise IOError("no syst for %s"%(hist)) if "Phi" in hist: stysthist.Smooth() return stysthist
def convert_unfolding_histograms(file_name, histograms_to_load=['truth', 'fake', 'measured', 'response', 'response_withoutFakes', 'response_without_fakes', 'EventCounter', ]): file_start = Timer() print 'Converting', file_name histograms = {} with File(file_name) as f: for path, _, objects in f.walk(): # keep only unfolding and EventFilter if path.startswith('unfolding_') or path == 'EventFilter': histograms[path] = {} for hist_name in objects: if hist_name in histograms_to_load: hist = f.Get(path + '/' + hist_name).Clone() hist.SetDirectory(0) histograms[path][hist_name] = hist new_histograms = {} # rebin for path, hists in histograms.iteritems(): new_histograms[path] = {} variable = '' if not path == 'EventFilter': variable = path.split('_')[1] for name, hist in hists.iteritems(): if name == 'EventCounter': new_histograms[path][name] = hist.Clone() else: new_hist = hist.rebinned(bin_edges_vis[variable]) if 'TH2' in new_hist.class_name(): new_hist = new_hist.rebinned(bin_edges_vis[variable], axis=1) new_histograms[path][name] = new_hist # save_to_file output = File(file_name.replace('.root', '_asymmetric.root'), 'recreate') for path, hists in new_histograms.iteritems(): directory = output.mkdir(path) for name, hist in hists.iteritems(): if name == 'response_withoutFakes': # fix this name hist.Write('response_without_fakes') else: hist.Write(name) output.close() secs = file_start.elapsed_time() print 'File %s converted in %d seconds' % (file_name, secs)
def parse_to_root_file(input_filename, output_filename, hist_templates): print "Parsing {} to {}".format(input_filename, output_filename) parsed_hists = parse_file(input_filename, copy.deepcopy(hist_templates)) f = TFile(output_filename, "RECREATE") for var in parsed_hists.keys(): mod_hist = parsed_hists[var] hist = copy.deepcopy(mod_hist.hist()) hist.SetName("{}".format(var)) hist.Write() f.Close()
def write_to_root_file(output_filename, parsed_hists): f = TFile(output_filename, "RECREATE") for var in parsed_hists.keys(): index = 0 for mod_hist in parsed_hists[var]: hist = copy.deepcopy(mod_hist.hist()) hist.SetName("{}#{}".format(var, index)) hist.Write() index += 1 f.Close()
def setUp(self): create_test_tree('test.root') # append a histogram with'test.root', 'a+') as f: h = create_test_hist() h.write() f.write()
def addAllFiles(self, tag="", veto=None, regexpr=None, joinName=None): if self.basepath == None: raise RuntimeError( "You must set a basepath to add all files from one directory!") if regexpr is not None: import re, os fileList = [ f for f in os.listdir(self.basepath + "/") if'%s' % (regexpr), f) ] else: import glob fileList = glob.glob(self.basepath + "/*" + tag + "*.root") tmpList = [] for file in fileList: if veto is not None: vetoed = False for v in veto: if v.lower() in file.split("/")[-1].lower(): vetoed = True if vetoed:"vetoed file: %s" % file) continue name = file.split("/")[-1].replace(".root", "") self.files[name] = File(file, "read") tmpList.append(name) self._getGenNumbers() self._addToScaledView() if joinName is not None: if self._joinList is not False: self._joinList[joinName] = tmpList else: self._joinList = OrderedDict() self._joinList[joinName] = tmpList
def cleanFile(filename): testfile = File(filename, 'update') nHistograms = 0 print "Deleting inclusive bin histograms histograms" for folder, emptyThing, histograms in testfile: for histogram in histograms: currentPath = folder + '/' + histogram for btag in btag_bins_inclusive: if btag in histogram: nHistograms += 1 # print 'Deleting:', currentPath testfile.Delete(currentPath + ';*') print 'Deleted', nHistograms, 'histograms' print 'Closing file', filename testfile.Close() print 'Closed file'
def setUp(self): create_test_tree('test.root') # append a histogram with ('test.root', 'a+') as f: h = create_test_hist() h.write() f.write()
def main(): config = XSectionConfig(13) # method = 'RooUnfoldSvd' method = 'RooUnfoldBayes' file_for_unfolding = File(config.unfolding_central, 'read') for channel in ['electron', 'muon', 'combined']: for variable in bin_edges.keys(): tau_value = get_tau_value(config, channel, variable) h_truth, h_measured, h_response, h_fakes = get_unfold_histogram_tuple( inputfile=file_for_unfolding, variable=variable, channel=channel, met_type=config.met_type, centre_of_mass=config.centre_of_mass_energy, ttbar_xsection=config.ttbar_xsection, luminosity=config.luminosity, load_fakes=False, visiblePS=False, ) unfolding = Unfolding(h_truth, h_measured, h_response, h_fakes, method=method, k_value=-1, tau=tau_value) unfolded_data = unfolding.closureTest() plot_closure(h_truth, unfolded_data, variable, channel, config.centre_of_mass_energy, method)
def get_muon_normalisation(met_bin, b_tag): global path_to_files muon_qcd_file = path_to_files + 'central/QCD_Pt-20_MuEnrichedPt-15_5050pb_PFElectron_PFMuon_PF2PATJets_PFMET.root' input_file = File(muon_qcd_file) histogram_for_estimation = 'TTbarPlusMetAnalysis/MuPlusJets/Ref selection/BinnedMETAnalysis/Muon_patType1CorrectedPFMet_bin_%s/muon_AbsEta_%s' % ( met_bin, b_tag) #if not correctly scaled, rescale here # input_histogram = input_file.Get(histogram_for_estimation) scale_factor = 1.21 value = input_histogram.Integral() * scale_factor error = sum([ input_histogram.GetBinError(bin_i) * scale_factor for bin_i in range(1, input_histogram.nbins()) ]) return value, error
def get_histograms_from_trees( trees=[], branch='var', weightBranch='EventWeight', selection='1', files={}, verbose=False, nBins=40, xMin=0, xMax=100, ignoreUnderflow=True, ): histograms = {} nHistograms = 0 # Setup selection and weight string for ttree draw weightAndSelection = '( %s ) * ( %s )' % (weightBranch, selection) for sample, input_file in files.iteritems(): root_file = File(input_file) get_tree = root_file.Get histograms[sample] = {} for tree in trees: tempTree = tree if 'data' in sample and ('Up' in tempTree or 'Down' in tempTree): tempTree = tempTree.replace('_' + tempTree.split('_')[-1], '') currentTree = get_tree(tempTree) root_histogram = Hist(nBins, xMin, xMax) currentTree.Draw(branch, weightAndSelection, hist=root_histogram) if not is_valid_histogram(root_histogram, tree, input_file): return # When a tree is filled with a dummy variable, it will end up in the underflow, so ignore it if ignoreUnderflow: root_histogram.SetBinContent(0, 0) root_histogram.SetBinError(0, 0) gcd() nHistograms += 1 histograms[sample][tree] = root_histogram.Clone() root_file.Close() return histograms
def checkOnMC(unfolding, method): global bins, nbins RooUnfold.SVD_n_toy = 1000 pulls = [] for sub in range(1,9): inputFile2 = File('../data/unfolding_merged_sub%d.root' % sub, 'read') h_data = asrootpy(inputFile2.unfoldingAnalyserElectronChannel.measured.Rebin(nbins, 'measured', bins)) nEvents = inputFile2.EventFilter.EventCounter.GetBinContent(1) lumiweight = 164.5 * 5050 / nEvents # print sub, nEvents h_data.Scale(lumiweight) doUnfoldingSequence(unfolding, h_data, method, '_sub%d' %sub) pull = unfolding.pull_inputErrorOnly() # unfolding.printTable() pulls.append(pull) unfolding.Reset() allpulls = [] for pull in pulls: allpulls.extend(pull) h_allpulls = Hist(100,-30,30) filling = h_allpulls.Fill for entry in allpulls: filling(entry) fit = h_allpulls.Fit('gaus', 'WWS') h_fit = asrootpy(h_allpulls.GetFunction("gaus").GetHistogram()) canvas = Canvas(width=1600, height=1000) canvas.SetLeftMargin(0.15) canvas.SetBottomMargin(0.15) canvas.SetTopMargin(0.10) canvas.SetRightMargin(0.05) h_allpulls.Draw() fit.Draw('same') canvas.SaveAs('plots/Pull_allBins_withFit.png') plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10), dpi=100) rplt.errorbar(h_allpulls, label=r'Pull distribution for all bins', emptybins=False) rplt.hist(h_fit, label=r'fit') plt.xlabel('(unfolded-true)/error', CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel('entries', CMS.y_axis_title) plt.title('Pull distribution for all bins', CMS.title) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) plt.legend(numpoints=1) plt.savefig('plots/Pull_allBins.png') #individual bins for bin_i in range(nbins): h_pull = Hist(100,-30,30) for pull in pulls: h_pull.Fill(pull[bin_i]) plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10), dpi=100) rplt.errorbar(h_pull, label=r'Pull distribution for bin %d' % (bin_i + 1), emptybins=False) plt.xlabel('(unfolded-true)/error', CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel('entries', CMS.y_axis_title) plt.title('Pull distribution for bin %d' % (bin_i + 1), CMS.title) plt.savefig('Pull_bin_%d.png' % (bin_i + 1))
def test_file_open(): fname = 'test_file_open.root' with, 'recreate'): pass with root_open(fname): pass os.unlink(fname)
def write_histogram(var, hname, weight, samples, sn, sampn, cuts, cuts_antiiso, outdir, channel, coupling, binning=None, plot_range=None, asymmetry=None, mtmetcut=None): weight_str = weight samp = samples[sampn] outfile = File(outdir + "/%s_%s.root" % (sampn,hname), "RECREATE") if sn=="DATA": weight_str = "1" if var == "eta_lj": var = "abs("+var+")" qcd_extra = None #This is a really ugly way of adding the QCD shape variation, but works. Restructure the whole thing in the future if "iso__down" in hname: if var == "abs(eta_lj)": cuts_antiiso = str(Cuts.eta_fit_antiiso_down(channel)) qcd_extra = str(Cuts.eta_fit_antiiso(channel)) #hack for now else: for x in str(cuts_antiiso).split("&&"): if "mva" in x: cut = x cut = cut.replace("(","").replace(")","") cuts_antiiso = str(Cuts.mva_antiiso_down(channel, mva_var=var)) + " && ("+cut+")" qcd_extra = str(Cuts.mva_antiiso(channel, mva_var=var)) + " && ("+cut+")" #hack for now elif "iso__up" in hname: if var == "abs(eta_lj)": cuts_antiiso = str(Cuts.eta_fit_antiiso_up(channel)) qcd_extra = str(Cuts.eta_fit_antiiso(channel)) #hack for now else: for x in str(cuts_antiiso).split("&&"): if "mva" in x: cut = x cut = cut.replace("(","").replace(")","") cuts_antiiso = str(Cuts.mva_antiiso_up(channel, mva_var=var)) + " && ("+cut+")" qcd_extra = str(Cuts.mva_antiiso(channel, mva_var=var)) + " && ("+cut+")" #hack for now hist = create_histogram_for_fit(sn, samp, weight_str, cuts, cuts_antiiso, channel, coupling, var, binning=binning, plot_range=plot_range, asymmetry=asymmetry, qcd_extra=qcd_extra, mtmetcut=mtmetcut) #Must cd after histogram creation #Write histogram to file"Writing histogram %s to file %s" % (hist.GetName(), outfile.GetPath()))"%i entries, %.2f events" % (hist.GetEntries(), hist.Integral())) hist.SetName(hname) hist.SetDirectory(outfile) #hist.Write() #Double write? outfile.Write() outfile.Close()
def get_histograms(variable, options): config = XSectionConfig(13) path_electron = "" path_muon = "" path_combined = "" histogram_name = "" if options.visiblePhaseSpace: histogram_name = "responseVis_without_fakes" else: histogram_name = "response_without_fakes" path_electron = "%s_electron/%s" % (variable, histogram_name) path_muon = "%s_muon/%s" % (variable, histogram_name) path_combined = "%s_combined/%s" % (variable, histogram_name) histogram_information = [ {"file": config.unfolding_central_raw, "CoM": 13, "path": path_electron, "channel": "electron"}, {"file": config.unfolding_central_raw, "CoM": 13, "path": path_muon, "channel": "muon"}, ] if options.combined: histogram_information = [ {"file": config.unfolding_central_raw, "CoM": 13, "path": path_combined, "channel": "combined"} ] for histogram in histogram_information: f = File(histogram["file"]) # scale to lumi # nEvents = f.EventFilter.EventCounter.GetBinContent( 1 ) # number of processed events # config = XSectionConfig( histogram['CoM'] ) # lumiweight = config.ttbar_xsection * config.new_luminosity / nEvents lumiweight = 1 histogram["hist"] = f.Get(histogram["path"]).Clone() histogram["hist"].Scale(lumiweight) # change scope from file to memory histogram["hist"].SetDirectory(0) f.close() return histogram_information
def load_theta_format(inf, styles=None): from plots.common.sample_style import Styling if not styles: styles = {} hists = SystematicHistCollection() fi = File(inf) #rate_sfs = load_fit_results("final_fit/results/%s.txt" % fit_results[channel]) for root, dirs, items in fi.walk(): for it in items: hn = hname_decode(it) variable, sample, syst, systdir = hn["var"], hn["sample"], hn["type"], hn["dir"] k = os.path.join(root, it) try: it = fi.Get(k).Clone() except: raise Exception("Could not copy object %s" % k) #Skip anything not a histogram if not isinstance(it, ROOT.TH1F): continue if sample == "DATA": sample = sample.lower() if sample.lower() != "data": sty = styles.get(sample.lower(), sample) try: Styling.mc_style(it, sty) except: logger.debug("Could not style histogram from sample: %s" % sample) else: Styling.data_style(it) hists[variable][syst][systdir][sample]= it #hists = hists.as_dict() fi.Close() return hists
def unfold_results( results, category, channel, k_value, h_truth, h_measured, h_response, h_fakes, method ): global variable, path_to_JSON, options h_data = value_error_tuplelist_to_hist( results, bin_edges[variable] ) unfolding = Unfolding( h_truth, h_measured, h_response, h_fakes, method = method, k_value = k_value ) # turning off the unfolding errors for systematic samples if not category == 'central': unfoldCfg.Hreco = 0 else: unfoldCfg.Hreco = options.Hreco h_unfolded_data = unfolding.unfold( h_data ) if options.write_unfolding_objects: # export the D and SV distributions SVD_path = path_to_JSON + '/unfolding_objects/' + channel + '/kv_' + str( k_value ) + '/' make_folder_if_not_exists( SVD_path ) if method == 'TSVDUnfold': SVDdist = File( SVD_path + method + '_SVDdistributions_' + category + '.root', 'recreate' ) directory = SVDdist.mkdir( 'SVDdist' ) unfolding.unfoldObject.GetD().Write() unfolding.unfoldObject.GetSV().Write() # unfolding.unfoldObject.GetUnfoldCovMatrix(data_covariance_matrix(h_data), unfoldCfg.SVD_n_toy).Write() SVDdist.Close() else: SVDdist = File( SVD_path + method + '_SVDdistributions_Hreco' + str( unfoldCfg.Hreco ) + '_' + category + '.root', 'recreate' ) directory = SVDdist.mkdir( 'SVDdist' ) unfolding.unfoldObject.Impl().GetD().Write() unfolding.unfoldObject.Impl().GetSV().Write() h_truth.Write() h_measured.Write() h_response.Write() # unfolding.unfoldObject.Impl().GetUnfoldCovMatrix(data_covariance_matrix(h_data), unfoldCfg.SVD_n_toy).Write() SVDdist.Close() # export the whole unfolding object if it doesn't exist if method == 'TSVDUnfold': unfolding_object_file_name = SVD_path + method + '_unfoldingObject_' + category + '.root' else: unfolding_object_file_name = SVD_path + method + '_unfoldingObject_Hreco' + str( unfoldCfg.Hreco ) + '_' + category + '.root' if not os.path.isfile( unfolding_object_file_name ): unfoldingObjectFile = File( unfolding_object_file_name, 'recreate' ) directory = unfoldingObjectFile.mkdir( 'unfoldingObject' ) if method == 'TSVDUnfold': unfolding.unfoldObject.Write() else: unfolding.unfoldObject.Impl().Write() unfoldingObjectFile.Close() del unfolding return hist_to_value_error_tuplelist( h_unfolded_data )
def create_test_tree(filename='test.root'): with (filename, 'recreate') as f: tree = Tree("test") tree.create_branches( {'x': 'F', 'y': 'F', 'z': 'F', 'i': 'I', 'EventWeight': "F"}) for i in xrange(10000): tree.x = gauss(.5, 1.) tree.y = gauss(.3, 2.) tree.z = gauss(13., 42.) tree.i = i tree.EventWeight = 1. tree.fill() f.write()
def get_histogram_from_tree(**kwargs): branch = kwargs.pop('branch') weight_branches = kwargs.pop('weight_branches') weight_branch = ' * '.join(weight_branches) rul.debug('Weight branch expression: "{0}"'.format(weight_branch)) branches = [branch] branches.extend(weight_branches) selection_branches = [] if kwargs.has_key('selection_branches'): selection_branches = kwargs.pop('selection_branches') branches.extend(selection_branches) input_file = kwargs.pop('input_file') tree = kwargs.pop('tree') selection = kwargs.pop('selection') weight_and_selection = '( {0} ) * ( {1} )'.format(weight_branch, selection) if kwargs.has_key('n_bins'): hist = Hist(kwargs['n_bins'], kwargs['x_min'], kwargs['x_max'], type = 'D') if kwargs.has_key('bin_edges'): hist = Hist(kwargs['bin_edges'], type = 'D') with as f: t = f[tree] branchesToActivate = [] for b in branches: if '[' in b and ']' in b: branchesToActivate.append( b.split('[')[0] ) elif 'abs(' in b: branchesToActivate.append( b.split('(')[-1].split(')')[0] ) elif '*' in b: branchesToAdd = b.split('*') for branch in branchesToAdd: branchesToActivate.append( branch.replace('(','').replace(')','').replace(' ','')) else : branchesToActivate.append(b) rul.debug('Activating branches: {0}'.format(branchesToActivate)) t.activate(branchesToActivate, exclusive = True) t.Draw(branch, selection = weight_and_selection, hist = hist) return hist
def main(options, args): config = XSectionConfig(options.CoM) variables = ['MET', 'HT', 'ST', 'WPT'] channels = ['electron', 'muon', 'combined'] m_file = 'normalised_xsection_patType1CorrectedPFMet.txt' m_with_errors_file = 'normalised_xsection_patType1CorrectedPFMet_with_errors.txt' path_template = args[0] output_file = 'measurement_{0}TeV.root'.format(options.CoM) f = File(output_file, 'recreate') for channel in channels: d = f.mkdir(channel) for variable in variables: dv = d.mkdir(variable) if channel == 'combined': path = path_template.format(variable=variable, channel=channel, centre_of_mass_energy=options.CoM) else: kv = channel + \ '/kv{0}/'.format(config.k_values[channel][variable]) path = path_template.format(variable=variable, channel=kv, centre_of_mass_energy=options.CoM) m = read_data_from_JSON(path + '/' + m_file) m_with_errors = read_data_from_JSON( path + '/' + m_with_errors_file) for name, result in m.items(): h = make_histogram(result, bin_edges_full[variable]) h.SetName(name) h.write() for name, result in m_with_errors.items(): if not 'TTJet' in name: continue h = make_histogram(result, bin_edges_full[variable]) h.SetName(name + '_with_syst') h.write() dv.write() d.write() f.write() f.close()
def get_histogram_from_tree(**kwargs): branch = kwargs.pop("branch") weight_branches = kwargs.pop("weight_branches") weight_branch = " * ".join(weight_branches) rul.debug('Weight branch expression: "{0}"'.format(weight_branch)) branches = [branch] branches.extend(weight_branches) selection_branches = [] if kwargs.has_key("selection_branches"): selection_branches = kwargs.pop("selection_branches") branches.extend(selection_branches) input_file = kwargs.pop("input_file") tree = kwargs.pop("tree") selection = kwargs.pop("selection") weight_and_selection = "( {0} ) * ( {1} )".format(weight_branch, selection) if kwargs.has_key("n_bins"): hist = Hist(kwargs["n_bins"], kwargs["x_min"], kwargs["x_max"], type="D") if kwargs.has_key("bin_edges"): hist = Hist(kwargs["bin_edges"], type="D") with as f: t = f[tree] branchesToActivate = [] for b in branches: if "[" in b and "]" in b: branchesToActivate.append(b.split("[")[0]) elif "abs(" in b: branchesToActivate.append(b.split("(")[-1].split(")")[0]) elif "*" in b: branchesToAdd = b.split("*") for branch in branchesToAdd: branchesToActivate.append(branch.replace("(", "").replace(")", "").replace(" ", "")) else: branchesToActivate.append(b) rul.debug("Activating branches: {0}".format(branchesToActivate)) t.activate(branchesToActivate, exclusive=True) t.Draw(branch, selection=weight_and_selection, hist=hist) return hist
bins = array('d', [0, 25, 45, 70, 100, 1000]) nbins = len(bins) - 1 parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-n", "--n_toy_mc", dest="n_toy_mc", default=100, help="number of toy MC to create") parser.add_option("-i", "--input", dest="input_file", default='/storage/TopQuarkGroup/unfolding/unfolding_merged_sub1.root', help="input file for templates") parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="output_file", default='../data/unfolding_toy_mc.root', help="output file for toy MC") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # define output file output = File(options.output_file, 'recreate') for channel in ['electron', 'muon']: # get histograms h_truth, h_measured, h_fakes, h_response_AsymBins, h_reco_truth, h_truth_selected = read_and_scale_histograms(channel) directory = output.mkdir(channel) mkdir = directory.mkdir cd = # generate toy MC for i in range(1, options.n_toy_mc + 1): mkdir('toy_%d' % i) cd('toy_%d' % i) # should the numbering be transferred to the histograms? if i % 100 == 0: print 'Done %d toy MC' % i new_histograms = get_new_set_of_histograms(h_truth, h_measured, h_fakes, h_response_AsymBins, h_reco_truth, h_truth_selected) for hist in new_histograms:
def write_histos_to_file(hists, outdir, syst=""): filename = outdir+"/"+generate_file_name(False, syst) if len(syst)>0: filename = filename.replace("/lqeta","") #filename += ".root" outfile = File(filename, "recreate") #rint "writing to file", filename for category in hists: factor = 1.0 total_hist=hists[category][0].Clone() total_hist.Reset("ICE") #total_hist.Sumw2() total_hist.SetNameTitle(category,category) #print "CAT",category for bin in range(1, total_hist.GetNbinsX()+1): zero_error = 0. zero_integral = 0. nonzero_error = 0. bin_sum = 0. max_zero_error = 0. zero_errors = {} zero_errors[category] = [] for hist in hists[category]: #print "hist", hist.GetBinContent(bin), hist.GetBinError(bin)**2 zero_errors[category].append(sys.float_info.max) if hist.Integral()>0: #factor = hist.Integral()/(math.sqrt(hist.GetEntries()) * total_hist.GetNbinsX()) #print "fact", factor,hist.Integral(), hist.GetEntries() for bin1 in range(1, hist.GetNbinsX()+1): if hist.GetBinContent(bin1) > 0 and hist.GetBinError(bin1) < zero_errors[category][-1]: zero_errors[category][-1] = hist.GetBinError(bin1)**2 #print "error", min_nonzero_error else: zero_errors[category][-1] = 0. if zero_errors[category][-1] > 10000: #rint "ZERO error NOT ASSIGNED" #or bin1 in range(1, hist.GetNbinsX()+1): # print bin1, hist.GetBinContent(bin1), hist.GetBinError(bin1) zero_errors[category][-1] = 0. if hist.GetBinContent(bin) < 0.00001: #zero_error += factor**2 * hist.Integral() #zero_error += min_nonzero_error**2 zero_integral += hist.Integral() else: bin_sum += hist.GetBinContent(bin) nonzero_error += hist.GetBinError(bin)**2 zero_errors[category][-1] = 0. #for bin1 in range(1, hist.GetNbinsX()+1): # print hist.GetBinContent(bin1), math.sqrt(hist.GetBinError(bin1)) #rint bin, hist.GetName(), hist.GetBinContent(bin), hist.GetBinError(bin), zero_errors[category][-1] #print "...hist", hist.GetBinContent(bin), hist.GetBinError(bin)**2 total_hist.SetBinContent(bin, bin_sum) zero_error = 0. for err in zero_errors[category]: if err > zero_error: zero_error = err #rint "ZERO error:", bin, math.sqrt(zero_error) total_error = math.sqrt(nonzero_error + zero_error) #rint math.sqrt(nonzero_error), math.sqrt(zero_error), total_error total_hist.SetBinError(bin, total_error) #print category, "bin", bin, "content", bin_sum, "error", total_error #print category, "bin", bin, "weight", total_error**2/bin_sum total_hist.Write() """for category in hists: #Imitate hadd #factor = 1.0 total_hist=hists[category][0].Clone() total_hist.Reset("ICE") print "cat", category total_hist.SetNameTitle(category,category) total_hist.Sumw2() for hist in hists[category]: print "hist", hist, hist.GetName() factor = 1.0 if hist.GetEntries()>0: factor = hist.Integral()/hist.GetEntries() for bin in range(1, total_hist.GetNbinsX()+1): if hist.GetBinError(bin) < factor: hist.SetBinError(bin, factor) #total_hist.SetBinContent(bin, total_hist.GetBinContent(bin) + hist.GetBinContent(bin)) #total_hist.SetBinError(bin, total_hist.GetBinError(bin) + hist.GetBinError(bin)) total_hist.Add(hist) total_hist.Write()""" outfile.Write() outfile.Close()
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys from os.path import basename from import File from rootpy.tree import Tree if len(sys.argv) < 3: print 'Usage: ' + basename(sys.argv[0]) + ' <decoded_data.root> <rate_file.root>' exit(1) t_file_out = File(sys.argv[2], 'recreate') t_rate = [] for idx in xrange(25): tree = Tree('t_rate_ct_%02d' % (idx + 1), 'rate of module CT_%02d' % (idx + 1)) tree.create_branches({'time_sec': 'D', 'cnts_ps': 'F[64]'}) t_rate.append(tree) t_file_in = File(sys.argv[1], 'read') t_modules = t_file_in.get('t_modules') t_modules.activate(['is_bad', 'ct_num', 'trigger_bit', 'time_second'], True) #t_modules.create_buffer() #### read and fill data ##### counts = [] for idx in xrange(25): counts.append([0] * 64) first_flag = [True] * 25 pre_time = [0] * 25 for i,entry in enumerate(t_modules):
def add_qcd_yield_unc(outdir, var, channel, mva, mtmetcut): from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, join onlyfiles = [ f for f in listdir(outdir) if isfile(join(outdir,f)) ] hists = dict() integrals = dict() for fname in onlyfiles: #print "filename", fname f = File(outdir+"/"+fname) for root, dirs, items in f.walk(): for name in items: h = f.Get(join(root, name)) h.SetDirectory(0) """if fname.endswith("DATA.root"): hists_data.append(h) continue elif fname.startswith("Single"): hists_qcd.append(h) continue""" if not name in hists: hists[name] = [] integrals[name] = 0. hists[name].append((fname, h)) integrals[name] += h.Integral() #hists[name].SetTitle(name) f.Close() variations = [("other", "QCD_fraction__down"), ("other", "QCD_fraction__up") , ("other", "s_chan_fraction__down"), ("other", "s_chan_fraction__up") , ("other", "tW_chan_fraction__up"), ("other", "tW_chan_fraction__down") , ("wzjets", "Dibosons_fraction__up"), ("wzjets", "Dibosons_fraction__down") , ("wzjets", "DYJets_fraction__up"), ("wzjets", "DYJets_fraction__down") ] hists_var = {} for (var_component, var) in variations: #print var for name in hists: if name.endswith(var_component): new_integral = 0 integral = integrals[name] integral_orig = integral #print "start", integral, integral_orig if not name+"__"+var in hists_var: hists_var[name+"__"+var] = [] for (fname,hist_orig) in hists[name]: if check_starts(var, fname): hist = hist_orig.Clone() integral_orig = integral_orig - hist.Integral() if var.endswith("down"): scale = 0.5 if var.startswith("QCD"): scale = 0.0 elif var.endswith("up"): scale = 1.5 if var.startswith("QCD"): scale = 2.0 hist.Scale(scale) integral = integral - hist.Integral() #print fname, hist.Integral() #print "sub", integral, integral_orig new_integral += hist.Integral() hist.SetNameTitle(hist.GetName()+"__"+var, hist.GetTitle()+"__"+var) hists_var[name+"__"+var].append(hist) for (fname, hist_orig) in hists[name]: if not check_starts(var, fname): hist = hist_orig.Clone() if integral_orig>0: #print "SF", integral/integral_orig hist.Scale(integral/integral_orig) #print fname, hist.Integral() new_integral += hist.Integral() hist.SetNameTitle(hist.GetName()+"__"+var, hist.GetTitle()+"__"+var) hists_var[name+"__"+var].append(hist) #for (fname,hist) in hists[name]: #print "new int", new_integral #for (fname,hist) in hists[name]: # print fname, hist.Integral() elif not name.endswith("DATA") and len(name.split("__"))==2: #only add unc for nominal if not name+"__"+var in hists_var: hists_var[name+"__"+var] = [] for (fname, hist_orig) in hists[name]: hist = hist_orig.Clone() hist.SetNameTitle(hist.GetName()+"__"+var, hist.GetTitle()+"__"+var) hists_var[name+"__"+var].append(hist) return hists_var
import sys from os.path import basename from import File from rootpy.tree import Tree from rootpy.matrix import Matrix if len(sys.argv) < 4: print "USAGE: " + basename(sys.argv[0]) + " <time_win_mat.root> <decoded_file.root> <merged_file.root>" exit(1) time_win_filename = sys.argv[1] decoded_data_filename = sys.argv[2] merged_filename = sys.argv[3] t_file_time_win = File(time_win_filename, "read") begin_time_mat = t_file_time_win.get("begin_time_mat") end_time_mat = t_file_time_win.get("end_time_mat") max_count_mat = t_file_time_win.get("max_count_mat") t_file_time_win.close() t_file_merged_out = File(merged_filename, "recreate") t_beam_event_tree = Tree("t_beam_event", "Beam Event Data") t_beam_event_tree.create_branches({ 'type': 'I', 'trig_accepted': 'B[25]', 'time_aligned': 'B[25]', 'pkt_count': 'I', 'lost_count': 'I', 'trigger_bit': 'B[1600]', 'trigger_n': 'I',
''' Created on 11 Mar 2015 @author: kreczko ''' from import File from rootpy.plotting import Hist from rootpy import asrootpy rootpy_hist = Hist( 100, 0, 100, type = 'F' ) rootpy_hist.SetName('hist') test_file = File('test.root', 'RECREATE') test_file.mkdir("test")'test') rootpy_hist.Write() test_file.Write() test_file.Close() read_file = File('test.root') folder = read_file.Get('test') hist = folder.hist print hist.TYPE read_file.Close() hist = None read_file = File('test.root') hist = read_file.Get('test/hist')
histograms[1][idx].Draw('hist same') ratio_histograms[idx].SetFillColor(kBlack) ratio_histograms[idx].Scale(1000.0/ratio_histograms[idx].Integral()) for nbin in range(1, ratio_histograms[idx].GetNbinsX() + 1): ratio_histograms[idx].SetBinContent(nbin, ratio_histograms[idx].GetBinContent(nbin) + 80.0) ratio_histograms[idx].Draw('e3 same') legend = TLegend(0.75, 0.3, 0.85, 0.5) legend.SetLineColor(0) legend.SetFillStyle(0) legend.AddEntry(histograms[0][idx], 'DsK', 'l') legend.AddEntry(histograms[1][idx], 'Ds#pi', 'l') legend.AddEntry(ratio_histograms[idx], 'ratio', 'l') legend.Draw() gPad.Update() else: ratio_histograms[idx].Draw('e1') if doPrint and (idx == 0 or idx > 6): canvas0.Print('plots/DsK_ratio_'+str(idx)+'_'+str(zoom)+'.png') canvas0.Print('plots/DsK_ratio_'+str(idx)+'_'+str(zoom)+'.pdf') canvas.Update() if not zoom: dfile = File('data/raw_ratios.root', 'recreate') for hist in ratio_histograms: dfile.WriteTObject(hist) dfile.Close() if doPrint: canvas.Print('plots/DsK_ratio_grid_'+str(zoom)+'.png') canvas.Print('plots/DsK_ratio_grid_'+str(zoom)+'.pdf')
def test_file_open(): fname = 'delete_me.root' with, 'recreate'): pass os.unlink(fname)
def save_to_root_file(histograms, file_name): output = File(file_name, "recreate") for histogram in histograms: histogram.Write() output.close()
def add_histos(outdir, var, channel, mva, mtmetcut): from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, join onlyfiles = [ f for f in listdir(outdir) if isfile(join(outdir,f)) ] hists = dict() hists_data = [] hists_qcd = [] for fname in onlyfiles: f = File(outdir+"/"+fname) for root, dirs, items in f.walk(): for name in items: h = f.Get(join(root, name)) if fname.endswith("DATA.root"): hists_data.append(h) continue elif fname.startswith("Single"): hists_qcd.append(h) continue if not name in hists: hists[name] = [] if h.GetEntries()>0: print fname, "factor", h.Integral()/math.sqrt(h.GetEntries()) for bin in range(1, h.GetNbinsX()+1): print bin, h.GetBinContent(bin), h.GetBinError(bin) hists[name].append(h) #hists[name].SetTitle(name) hist_data = hists_data[0] for i in range(1, len(hists_data)): hist_data.Add(hists_data[i]) hist_qcd = hists_qcd[0] print "data", "factor", hist_data.Integral()/math.sqrt(hist_data.GetEntries()) for i in range(1, len(hists_qcd)): print "add", i hist_qcd.Add(hists_qcd[i]) print "QCD", "factor", hist_qcd.Integral()/math.sqrt(hist_qcd.GetEntries()) for bin in range(1, hist_data.GetNbinsX()+1): hist_data.SetBinError(bin, math.sqrt(hist_data.GetBinContent(bin))) hist_qcd.SetBinError(bin, math.sqrt(hist_qcd.GetBinContent(bin))) print bin, hist_qcd.GetBinContent(bin), hist_qcd.GetBinError(bin) hist_qcd.Scale(get_qcd_scale_factor(var, channel, mva, mtmetcut)) for bin in range(1, hist_data.GetNbinsX()+1): print bin, hist_qcd.GetBinContent(bin), hist_qcd.GetBinError(bin) hists[hist_data.GetName()] = [hist_data] print hist_qcd.GetName() hists[hist_qcd.GetName()].append(hist_qcd) outfile = File(outdir+"/"+generate_file_name(False), "recreate") for category in hists: factor = 1.0 total_hist=hists[category][0].Clone() total_hist.Reset("ICE") #total_hist.Sumw2() total_hist.SetNameTitle(category,category) print category for bin in range(1, total_hist.GetNbinsX()+1): zero_error = 0. zero_integral = 0. nonzero_error = 0. bin_sum = 0. #max_zero_error = 0. for hist in hists[category]: print "hist", hist.GetBinContent(bin), hist.GetBinError(bin)**2 if hist.GetEntries()>0: #factor = hist.Integral()/math.sqrt(hist.GetEntries()) #print "fact", factor,hist.Integral(), hist.GetEntries() min_nonzero_error = sys.float_info.max for bin1 in range(1, hist.GetNbinsX()+1): if hist.GetBinContent(bin1) > 0 and hist.GetBinError(bin1) < min_nonzero_error: min_nonzero_error = hist.GetBinError(bin1) print "error", min_nonzero_error else: min_nonzero_error = 0. if hist.GetBinContent(bin) < 0.00001: #zero_error += factor**2 * hist.Integral() zero_error += min_nonzero_error**2 zero_integral += hist.Integral() else: bin_sum += hist.GetBinContent(bin) nonzero_error += hist.GetBinError(bin)**2 #print "...hist", hist.GetBinContent(bin), hist.GetBinError(bin)**2 total_hist.SetBinContent(bin, bin_sum) if zero_integral > 0: #total_error = math.sqrt(nonzero_error + zero_error / zero_integral) total_error = math.sqrt(nonzero_error + zero_error) else: total_error = math.sqrt(nonzero_error) total_hist.SetBinError(bin, total_error) print category, "bin", bin, "content", bin_sum, "error", total_error print category, "bin", bin, "weight", total_error**2/bin_sum total_hist.Write() """for category in hists: #Imitate hadd #factor = 1.0 total_hist=hists[category][0].Clone() total_hist.Reset("ICE") print "cat", category total_hist.SetNameTitle(category,category) total_hist.Sumw2() for hist in hists[category]: print "hist", hist, hist.GetName() factor = 1.0 if hist.GetEntries()>0: factor = hist.Integral()/hist.GetEntries() for bin in range(1, total_hist.GetNbinsX()+1): if hist.GetBinError(bin) < factor: hist.SetBinError(bin, factor) #total_hist.SetBinContent(bin, total_hist.GetBinContent(bin) + hist.GetBinContent(bin)) #total_hist.SetBinError(bin, total_hist.GetBinError(bin) + hist.GetBinError(bin)) total_hist.Add(hist) total_hist.Write()""" outfile.Write() outfile.Close()
#!/usr/bin/env python import argparse import csv from rootpy import ROOT from import File from rootpy.tree import Tree from conv_fun import * parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert platform parameters data from CSV file to ROOT file') parser.add_argument("filename", help = "CSV file of platform parameters data") parser.add_argument("-o", dest = "outfile", help = "ROOT file to store platform parameters data", default = "TG2_PPD_file.root") args = parser.parse_args() t_file_out = File(args.outfile, "recreate") t_tree_ppd = Tree("t_ppd", "platform parameters data") t_tree_ppd.create_branches({ "pitch_angle" : "D" , "yaw_angle" : "D" , "roll_angle" : "D" , "pitch_angle_v" : "D" , "yaw_angle_v" : "D" , "roll_angle_v" : "D" , "orbit_agl_v" : "D" , "longitude" : "D" , "latitude" : "D" , "geocentric_d" : "D" , "ship_time_sec" : "D" , "utc_time_sec" : "D" , "utc_time_str" : "C[32]" , "flag_of_pos" : "I" ,
from import File if __name__=="__main__": fi1 = "efficiency.root" fi2 = "efficiency_working.root" fi1 = File(fi1) fi2 = File(fi2) for root, dirs, items in fi1.walk(): for it in items: it1 = fi1.Get("/".join([root,it])) it2 = fi2.Get("/".join([root,it])) print it1, it2 i = 0 ov1 = it1.overflow() ov2 = it2.overflow() un1 = it1.underflow() un2 = it2.underflow() if ov1+ov2>0 and abs(ov1-ov2)/(ov1+ov2): s += "ooo" if un1+un2>0 and abs(un1-un2)/(un1+un2): s += "uuu" print ov1, ov2, un1, un2 for a, b, c, d in zip(list(it1.y()), list(it2.y()), list(it1.yerravg()), list(it2.yerravg()), ): s = "" x1=0 x2=0
def main(): set_root_defaults() # prevent directory ownership of ROOT histograms (python does the garbage collection) TH1F.AddDirectory( False ) parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option( "-n", "--n_toy_mc", dest = "n_toy_mc", default = 300, help = "number of toy MC to create", type = int ) parser.add_option( "-o", "--output", dest = "output_folder", default = 'data/toy_mc/', help = "output folder for toy MC" ) parser.add_option( "-v", "--variable", dest = "variable", default = 'MET', help = "set the variable to analyse (MET, HT, ST, MT, WPT)" ) parser.add_option( "-m", "--metType", dest = "metType", default = 'type1', help = "set MET type for analysis of MET, ST or MT" ) parser.add_option( "-c", "--centre-of-mass-energy", dest = "CoM", default = 8, help = "set the centre of mass energy for analysis. Default = 8 [TeV]", type = int ) parser.add_option( '-V', '--verbose', dest = "verbose", action = "store_true", help = "Print the event number, reco and gen variable value" ) ( options, _ ) = parser.parse_args() measurement_config = XSectionConfig( options.CoM ) centre_of_mass = options.CoM ttbar_xsection = measurement_config.ttbar_xsection variable = options.variable met_type = measurement_config.translate_options[options.metType] n_toy_mc = options.n_toy_mc make_folder_if_not_exists( options.output_folder ) # get histograms input_file_hists = File( measurement_config.unfolding_madgraph ) # define output file out_file_template = '%s/toy_mc_%s_N_%d_%dTeV.root' out_file_name = out_file_template % (options.output_folder, variable, n_toy_mc, centre_of_mass) output = File( out_file_name, 'recreate' ) for channel in ['electron', 'muon']: # first get the weights h_truth, h_measured, h_response, _ = get_unfold_histogram_tuple( input_file_hists, variable, channel, met_type, centre_of_mass, ttbar_xsection, load_fakes = False ) # create directories directory = output.mkdir( channel ) mkdir = directory.mkdir cd = cd() # generate toy MC for i in range( 1, n_toy_mc + 1 ): mkdir( 'toy_%d' % i ) cd( 'toy_%d' % i ) # create histograms # add tuples (truth, measured, response) of histograms truth = generate_toy_MC_from_distribution(h_truth) measured = generate_toy_MC_from_distribution(h_measured) response = generate_toy_MC_from_2Ddistribution(h_response) truth.SetName('truth') measured.SetName('measured') response.SetName('response') truth.Write() measured.Write() response.Write() output.Write() output.Close()