def calculate_resolutions(variable, bin_edges=[], channel='combined', res_to_plot=False): ''' Calculate the resolutions in the bins using the residual method ''' f = File('unfolding/13TeV/unfolding_TTJets_13TeV.root') fineBinEdges_path = '{}_{}/responseVis_without_fakes'.format( variable, channel) fineBinEdges_hist2d = f.Get(fineBinEdges_path).Clone() fineBinEdges_hist1d = asrootpy(fineBinEdges_hist2d.ProjectionX()) fineBinEdges = list(fineBinEdges_hist1d.xedges()) nFineBins = len(fineBinEdges) - 1 tmp_residual_path = '{}_{}/residuals/Residuals_Bin_'.format( variable, channel) # Absolute lepton eta can have multiple fine bins at the same precision as wide bins. Only taking first. if variable == 'abs_lepton_eta': fineBinEdges = [round(entry, 2) for entry in fineBinEdges] # For N Bin edges find resolutions of bins resolutions = [] for i in range(len(bin_edges) - 1): list_of_fine_bins = [] # Find fine bin edges in wide bins for j, fine_bin_edge in enumerate(fineBinEdges): if fine_bin_edge >= bin_edges[i] and fine_bin_edge < bin_edges[ i + 1] and j < nFineBins: list_of_fine_bins.append(j + 1) # Sum the residuals of the fine bins for fine_bin in list_of_fine_bins: if fine_bin == list_of_fine_bins[0]: fineBin_histRes = f.Get(tmp_residual_path + str(fine_bin)).Clone() else: fineBin_histRes_tmp = f.Get(tmp_residual_path + str(fine_bin)).Clone() fineBin_histRes.Add(fineBin_histRes, fineBin_histRes_tmp, 1.0, 1.0) # Get the quantile at 68% = 1 sigma = Resolution interval = np.array([0.]) quantile = np.array([0.68]) fineBin_histRes.GetQuantiles(1, interval, quantile) resolutions.append(round(interval[0], 2)) if res_to_plot: plotting_resolution(variable, channel, fineBin_histRes, round(interval[0], 2), i, bin_edges[i], bin_edges[i + 1]) return resolutions
def parallelTreeWorker(item): import random, string, os filename, _tree, value, cut, _hist, weight, f = item rfile = File(filename) tree = rfile.Get(_tree) tree = asrootpy(tree) _hist = asrootpy(_hist) try: if weight is None: tree.Draw(value, selection=cut, hist=_hist) else: #_tree.Draw(value,selection="(%s)*(%s)"%(cut,weight),hist=self.hists[f]) tmpFileName = ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for i in range(4)) tmpFile = File("/tmp/%s.root" % tmpFileName, "recreate") #sel_tree=_tree.copy_tree(selection=cut) sel_tree = asrootpy(tree.CopyTree(cut)) ##print weight sel_tree.Draw(value, selection=weight, hist=_hist) tmpFile.Close() os.remove("/tmp/%s.root" % tmpFileName) except Exception as e: print(tree, value, cut, _hist, weight, f)"error:%s" % (e))"file :%s" % (f))"Perhaps try this one:") for i in tree.glob("*"): raise RuntimeError("Will stop here!") rfile.Close() del (tree) return (_hist, f)
def get_merged_bin_resolution(res_file, var, low_bin, high_bin): ''' Return mean value of resolutions in fine bins of the merged bin. ''' bin_contents = [] f = File(res_file) res_hist = f.Get('res_r_' + var).Clone() # change scope from file to memory res_hist.SetDirectory(0) f.close() low_bin_n = res_hist.GetXaxis().FindBin(low_bin) high_bin_n = res_hist.GetXaxis().FindBin(high_bin) for bin_i in range(low_bin_n, high_bin_n + 1): bin_content = res_hist.GetBinContent(bin_i) # resolution couldnt be reconstructed (High GeV with low stats) # remove these from list of resolutions if bin_content == 0: continue bin_contents.append(bin_content) # print(bin_contents) res = np.mean(bin_contents) return res
def get_response_histogram(responseFileName, variable, channel): ''' clones the response matrix from file ''' responseFile = File(responseFileName, 'read') folder = '{variable}_{channel}'.format(variable=variable, channel=channel) h_response = responseFile.Get(folder).responseVis_without_fakes.Clone() return asrootpy(h_response)
def get_electron_normalisation(met_bin, b_tag): global electron_data_file input_file = File(electron_data_file) histogram_for_estimation = 'TTbarPlusMetAnalysis/EPlusJets/QCD e+jets PFRelIso/BinnedMETAnalysis/Electron_patType1CorrectedPFMet_bin_%s/electron_pfIsolation_03_%s' % ( met_bin, b_tag) input_histogram = input_file.Get(histogram_for_estimation) result = estimate_with_fit_to_relative_isolation(input_histogram) value, error = result['value'], result['error'] return value, error
def get_histograms( variable, options ): config = XSectionConfig( 13 ) path_electron = '' path_muon = '' path_combined = '' histogram_name = '' if options.visiblePhaseSpace: histogram_name = 'responseVis_without_fakes' else : histogram_name = 'response_without_fakes' if variable == 'HT': path_electron = 'unfolding_HT_analyser_electron_channel/%s' % histogram_name path_muon = 'unfolding_HT_analyser_muon_channel/%s' % histogram_name path_combined = 'unfolding_HT_analyser_COMBINED_channel/%s' % histogram_name else : path_electron = 'unfolding_%s_analyser_electron_channel_patType1CorrectedPFMet/%s' % ( variable, histogram_name ) path_muon = 'unfolding_%s_analyser_muon_channel_patType1CorrectedPFMet/%s' % ( variable, histogram_name ) path_combined = 'unfolding_%s_analyser_COMBINED_channel_patType1CorrectedPFMet/%s' % ( variable, histogram_name ) histogram_information = [ {'file': config.unfolding_central_raw, 'CoM': 13, 'path':path_electron, 'channel':'electron'}, {'file':config.unfolding_central_raw, 'CoM': 13, 'path':path_muon, 'channel':'muon'}, ] if options.combined: histogram_information = [ {'file': config.unfolding_central_raw, 'CoM': 13, 'path': path_combined, 'channel':'combined'}, ] for histogram in histogram_information: f = File( histogram['file'] ) # scale to lumi # nEvents = f.EventFilter.EventCounter.GetBinContent( 1 ) # number of processed events # config = XSectionConfig( histogram['CoM'] ) # lumiweight = config.ttbar_xsection * config.new_luminosity / nEvents lumiweight = 1 histogram['hist'] = f.Get( histogram['path'] ).Clone() histogram['hist'].Scale( lumiweight ) # change scope from file to memory histogram['hist'].SetDirectory( 0 ) f.close() return histogram_information
def get_histograms(config, variable, args): ''' Return a dictionary of the unfolding histogram informations (inc. hist) ''' path_electron = '' path_muon = '' path_combined = '' histogram_name = 'response_without_fakes' if args.visiblePhaseSpace: histogram_name = 'responseVis_without_fakes' path_electron = '%s_electron/%s' % (variable, histogram_name) path_muon = '%s_muon/%s' % (variable, histogram_name) path_combined = '%s_combined/%s' % (variable, histogram_name) histogram_information = [ { 'file': config.unfolding_central_raw, 'CoM': 13, 'path': path_electron, 'channel': 'electron' }, { 'file': config.unfolding_central_raw, 'CoM': 13, 'path': path_muon, 'channel': 'muon' }, ] if args.combined: histogram_information = [ { 'file': config.unfolding_central_raw, 'CoM': 13, 'path': path_combined, 'channel': 'combined' }, ] for histogram in histogram_information: lumiweight = 1 f = File(histogram['file']) histogram['hist'] = f.Get(histogram['path']).Clone() # scale to current lumi lumiweight = config.luminosity_scale if round(lumiweight, 1) != 1.0: print("Scaling to {}".format(lumiweight)) histogram['hist'].Scale(lumiweight) # change scope from file to memory histogram['hist'].SetDirectory(0) f.close() return histogram_information
def root_file_to_hist(input_filename, hist_templates): hists = copy.deepcopy(hist_templates) root_file = TFile(input_filename, "read") for var in hists.keys(): mod_hist = hists[var] hist = root_file.Get(var) mod_hist.replace_hist(hist) return hists
def getStystPlot(hist): import os if os.path.exists("syst/"+hist.replace("/","")+"_syst.root"): systFile=File("syst/"+hist.replace("/","")+"_syst.root","read") stysthist=systFile.Get(hist) stysthist.SetDirectory(0) stysthist.SetLineWidth(0) stysthist.SetLineColor(0) else: raise IOError("no syst for %s"%(hist)) if "Phi" in hist: stysthist.Smooth() return stysthist
def root_file_to_hist(input_filename, hist_templates, is_this_data): hists = copy.deepcopy(hist_templates) root_file = TFile(input_filename, "read") for var in hists.keys(): index = 0 # if var in ['hardest_pT', 'uncor_hardest_pT', 'hardest_eta']: # if var not in ['uncor_hardest_pT']: if is_this_data: for mod_hist in hists[var]: hist_name = "{}#{}".format(var, index) # Get hist from ROOT file. hist = root_file.Get(hist_name) mod_hist.replace_hist(hist) index += 1 else: if var != 'uncor_hardest_pT': for mod_hist in hists[var]: hist_name = "{}#{}".format(var, index) # Get hist from ROOT file. hist = root_file.Get(hist_name) mod_hist.replace_hist(hist) index += 1 return hists
def get_muon_normalisation(met_bin, b_tag): global path_to_files muon_qcd_file = path_to_files + 'central/QCD_Pt-20_MuEnrichedPt-15_5050pb_PFElectron_PFMuon_PF2PATJets_PFMET.root' input_file = File(muon_qcd_file) histogram_for_estimation = 'TTbarPlusMetAnalysis/MuPlusJets/Ref selection/BinnedMETAnalysis/Muon_patType1CorrectedPFMet_bin_%s/muon_AbsEta_%s' % ( met_bin, b_tag) #if not correctly scaled, rescale here # input_histogram = input_file.Get(histogram_for_estimation) scale_factor = 1.21 value = input_histogram.Integral() * scale_factor error = sum([ input_histogram.GetBinError(bin_i) * scale_factor for bin_i in range(1, input_histogram.nbins()) ]) return value, error
def get_electron_absolute_eta_templates(b_tag): global electron_data_file, met_bins data = File(electron_data_file) hist_template = 'TTbarPlusMetAnalysis/EPlusJets/QCDConversions/BinnedMETAnalysis/Electron_patType1CorrectedPFMet_bin_%s/electron_AbsEta_0btag' histograms = [] for met_bin in met_bins: histogram = data.Get(hist_template % met_bin).Clone( 'qcd_template_absolute_eta_MET_bin_%s_%s' % (met_bin, b_tag)) histogram.Sumw2() #rebin to 0.2 bin width current_bin_width = histogram.xwidth( 1) # assume all bins have the same size rebin = int(0.2 / current_bin_width) if rebin > 1: histogram.Rebin(rebin) n_events = histogram.Integral() if not n_events == 0: histogram.Scale(1 / n_events) histograms.append(histogram) return histograms
def root_file_to_hist(input_filename, hist_templates): hists = copy.deepcopy(hist_templates) root_file = TFile(input_filename, "read") for var in hists.keys(): index = 0 for mod_hist in hists[var]: hist_name = "{}#{}".format(var, index) # Get hist from ROOT file. hist = root_file.Get(hist_name) mod_hist.replace_hist(hist) index += 1 return hists
@author: kreczko ''' from import File from rootpy.plotting import Hist from rootpy import asrootpy rootpy_hist = Hist(100, 0, 100, type='F') rootpy_hist.SetName('hist') test_file = File('test.root', 'RECREATE') test_file.mkdir("test")'test') rootpy_hist.Write() test_file.Write() test_file.Close() read_file = File('test.root') folder = read_file.Get('test') hist = folder.hist print hist.TYPE read_file.Close() hist = None read_file = File('test.root') hist = read_file.Get('test/hist') hist1 = hist.empty_clone(type='D') print hist1.TYPE read_file.Close()
import glob from collections import OrderedDict from ROOT import TFile data = File("Data.root") mcfiles = ("DYJetsToLL.root", "W+Jets.root", "tbar{t}.root", "VV.root", "SingleTop.root") #mcfiles.remove("Tau.root") mcfiles = [File(i) for i in mcfiles] outputHists = OrderedDict() dirs = set() for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in data.walk(): for filename in filenames: print dirpath h_data = data.Get(path.join(dirpath, filename)) h_mc = h_data.empty_clone() for f in mcfiles: h = f.Get(path.join(dirpath, filename)) h_mc += h h_data -= h_mc outputHists[dirpath, filename] = h_data dirs.add(dirpath) output_file = root_open("nicolas_lowdpTandOS_QCDsubresult_051920.root", "NEW") for d in dirs: output_file.mkdir(d) for dirpath, filename in outputHists:
runLumis = None with open(jsonFile) as j: runLumis = json.load(j) fullRunLumi = [] for run in runLumis: for lumiRange in runLumis[run]: for lumi in range(lumiRange[0], lumiRange[1] + 1): fullRunLumi.append([int(run), lumi]) return fullRunLumi inputFile = File( '/hdfs/TopQuarkGroup/run2/ntuples/v22/SingleMuonFullDCS/SingleMuon.root') treeName = 'nTupleTree/tree' tree = inputFile.Get(treeName) jsonForFiltering = '/users/ec6821/lumiScripts/lcr2/lcr2/good_list.txt' json = readJson(jsonForFiltering) newFile = File('SingleMuonFiltered.root', 'RECREATE') newFile.mkdir('nTupleTree')'nTupleTree') newTree = tree.CloneTree(0) print 'Number of events in tree : ', tree.GetEntries() for event in tree: run = event.__getattr__('Event.Run') lumi = event.__getattr__('Event.LumiSection')
'QCDStudy/PFIsolation_3jets_WithMETCutAndAsymJetCuts_0btag': 1528. / 0.48, 'QCDStudy/PFIsolation_3jets_WithMETCutAndAsymJetCuts_1orMoreBtag': 491. / 0.67, 'QCDStudy/PFIsolation_WithMETCutAndAsymJetCuts_DR03_0btag': 1398. / 0.61, 'QCDStudy/PFIsolation_WithMETCutAndAsymJetCuts_DR03_1btag': 504. / 0.79, 'QCDStudy/PFIsolation_WithMETCutAndAsymJetCuts_DR03_2orMoreBtags': 210 / 0.73 } QCD_rate_estimation.relative_isolation_bias = 0.0 results = {} for histogram_for_estimation in histograms_for_estimation: input_histogram = input_file.Get(histogram_for_estimation) result = estimate_with_fit_to_relative_isolation(input_histogram) results[histogram_for_estimation] = result #QCD normalised to lumi input_histogram_qcd = File(histogram_files['QCD']).Get( histogram_for_estimation.replace('_DR03_', '_')) input_histogram_qcd.Scale((1.0 * lumi) / 1959.75) input_histogram_qcd.Rebin(10) nQCD = input_histogram_qcd.GetBinContent(1) # print nQCD # nQCD = qcd_expected[histogram_for_estimation] fQCD = '---' if not nQCD == 0: fQCD = (result['value']) / nQCD print histogram_for_estimation, ':', result['value'], '+-', result[ 'error'], 'QCD: ', nQCD, ',f_QCD:', fQCD
help="set path to save tables") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() input_path = options.path output_folder = options.output_plots_folder output_pickle_folder = './pickle_files/' channel = 'electron' centre_of_mass = 7 make_folder_if_not_exists(output_folder) make_folder_if_not_exists(output_pickle_folder) output_formats = ['pdf'] data_histFile = input_path + '/2011/SingleElectron_2011_RunAB_had_leg.root' data_input_file = File(data_histFile) data_tree = data_input_file.Get('rootTupleTreeEPlusJets/ePlusJetsTree') reco_leptons_collection = 'selectedPatElectronsLoosePFlow' reco_jet_collection = 'cleanedJetsPFlowEPlusJets' trigger_object_lepton = 'TriggerObjectElectronIsoLeg' trigger_jet_collection = 'TriggerObjectHadronPFIsoLeg' print 'Number of events in data tree: ', data_tree.GetEntries() n_lepton_leg_events = 0 for event in data_tree: run_number = event.__getattr__('Event.Run') if run_number >= 160404 and run_number <= 165633: trigger_name = 'HLT_Ele25_CaloIdVT_TrkIdT_CentralTriJet30'
set_root_defaults() measurement_config = XSectionConfig(13) # # caching of variables for shorter access files_for_pdfs = { 'PDFWeights_%d' % (index - 9): File(measurement_config.unfolding_pdfweights[index]) for index in range(9, 109) } files_central = File(measurement_config.unfolding_powheg_pythia8) path_to_unfolding = 'abs_lepton_eta_combined' i = 0 canvas = TCanvas("CanvasRef", "CanvasTitle", 800, 600) folder = files_central.Get(path_to_unfolding) h_truth = asrootpy(folder.truthVis.Clone()) h_measured = asrootpy(folder.measuredVis_without_fakes.Clone()) h_measured.Draw() for k, f in files_for_pdfs.iteritems(): folder = f.Get(path_to_unfolding) # folder = inputfile.Get( '%s_%s' % ( variable, channel ) ) h_truth = asrootpy(folder.truthVis.Clone()) h_measured = asrootpy(folder.measuredVis_without_fakes.Clone()) h_measured.SetMarkerSize(0) h_measured.Draw("same") folder = files_central.Get(path_to_unfolding) h_truth = asrootpy(folder.truthVis.Clone())