def manipulate(T): print("programstarted") T = int(T) rospy.init_node('turtlesim_node', anonymous=True) rate = rospy.Rate(70.0) # 70hz twist = Twist() t0 = rospy.get_time() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): t = rospy.get_time() - t0 if(t>10):#reset the time when t reaches T t0 = rospy.get_time() vx = 12*np.pi*np.cos(4*np.pi*t/T)/T#dx/dt vy = 6*np.pi*np.cos(2*np.pi*t/T)/T#dy/dt us = np.sqrt(np.power(vx,2) + np.power(vy,2)) ax = (-48 * np.pi * np.pi * np.sin(4 * np.pi * t / T)) / (T * T)#d2x/dt2 ay = (-12 * np.pi * np.pi * np.sin(2 * np.pi * t / T)) / (T * T)#d2y/dt2 omega = (vx * ay - vy * ax) / (vx * vx + vy * vy)#angular velocity twist.linear.x = us twist.linear.y = 0.0 twist.linear.z = 0.0 twist.angular.x = 0.0 twist.angular.y = 0.0 twist.angular.z = omega rospy.loginfo(str(twist)) pub.publish(twist) rate.sleep()
def updateAndPublish(self): #first we update the obstacle map start_time = time.time() rospy.loginfo("Updating Obstacle map") self.updateObstacleMap() rospy.loginfo("Publishing Obstacles") self.publishObstacles() rospy.loginfo("Finding Shared-Control Command") start_time = rospy.get_time() curr_cmd = self.curr_cmd #uncomment to choose the algorithm you want to test best_cmd = self.findBasicSafeguardedCmd(curr_cmd) #best_cmd = self.findLimitedDWACmd(curr_cmd) #best_cmd = self.findVFHCmd(curr_cmd) elapsed_time = rospy.get_time() - start_time self.publishTimeTaken(elapsed_time) rospy.loginfo("Publishing Shared-Control Command") self.publishCmd(best_cmd) return
def callback_pose(self, data): if self.pause == False or True: dt = float(rospy.get_time() - self.lastCall_linear_) self.lastcall_linear_ = rospy.get_time() error_x = data.x error_y = data.y error_theta = data.theta print error_theta x_cmd = 0 y_cmd = 0 if error_theta < self.cutoff_angular_: x_cmd = self.pid_linear_x_.update(error_x, dt) y_cmd = self.pid_linear_y_.update(error_y, dt) theta_cmd = self.pid_angular_.update(error_theta, dt) twist = Twist() twist.linear.x = -x_cmd twist.linear.y = -y_cmd twist.angular.z = -theta_cmd self.pub_twist.publish(twist)
def callback(data): global slamPoses global gtPoses global stamps global listener global rmse global lastTime if rospy.get_time() - lastTime < 1: return lastTime = rospy.get_time() t = rospy.Time(data.header.stamp.secs, data.header.stamp.nsecs) try: listener.waitForTransform(fixedFrame, baseFrame, t, rospy.Duration(0.2)) (trans,rot) = listener.lookupTransform(fixedFrame, baseFrame, t) gtPoses.append(Point(trans[0], trans[1], 0)) stamps.append(t.to_sec()) slamPoses.append(data.pose.pose.position) first_xyz = numpy.empty([0,3]) second_xyz = numpy.empty([0,3]) for g in gtPoses: newrow = [g.x,g.y,g.z] first_xyz = numpy.vstack([first_xyz, newrow]) for p in slamPoses: newrow = [p.x,p.y,p.z] second_xyz = numpy.vstack([second_xyz, newrow]) first_xyz = numpy.matrix(first_xyz).transpose() second_xyz = numpy.matrix(second_xyz).transpose() rot,trans,trans_error = evaluate_ate.align(second_xyz, first_xyz) rmse_v = numpy.sqrt(,trans_error) / len(trans_error)) rmse.append(rmse_v) print " added=" + str(len(slamPoses)) + " rmse=" + str(rmse_v) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException), e: print str(e)
def turtlerun(): #T = input('PLease enter the number of T:') pub = rospy.Publisher('/turtlesim1/turtle1/cmd_vel',Twist, queue_size=10) rate = rospy.Rate(50) rospy.wait_for_service('/turtlesim1/turtle1/teleport_absolute') start = rospy.ServiceProxy('/turtlesim1/turtle1/teleport_absolute',TeleportAbsolute) start(5.5,5.5,0.5) T = rospy.get_param("turtlesim1/T") t0 = rospy.get_time() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): now_time = rospy.get_time() t = now_time-t0 x = 3*sin((4*pi*t)/T) y = 3*sin((2*pi*t)/T) dx = 12*pi*cos((4.0*pi*t)/T)/T dy = 6*pi*cos((2.0*pi*t)/T)/T v = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) dx2 = -48*pi*pi*sin((4*pi*t)/T)/(T*T) dy2 = -12*pi*pi*sin((2*pi*t)/T)/(T*T) w = ((dx*dy2)-(dy*dx2)) /((dx*dx) + (dy*dy)) turtlemove = Twist(Vector3(v,0,0),Vector3(0,0,w)) rospy.loginfo(turtlemove) pub.publish(turtlemove) rate.sleep()
def sphero_pos_callback(self, msg): if self.runnable == True: current_pos = [float(msg.x), float(msg.y)] if current_pos[0] < 0 or current_pos[1] < 0: # stop when running out of view cv = Twist() cv.linear.y = 0.0 cv.linear.y = 0.0 cv.linear.z = 0.0 cv.angular.x = 0.0 cv.angular.y = 0.0 cv.angular.z = 0.0 self.cmd_vel_pub.publish(cv) elif self.sphero_target_pos[0] >= 0 and self.sphero_target_pos[1] >= 0: delta_x = self.sphero_target_pos[0] - current_pos[0] delta_y = self.sphero_target_pos[1] - current_pos[1] d_delta_x = 0.0 d_delta_y = 0.0 if self.last_time == None: self.last_time = rospy.get_time() self.last_x = current_pos[0] self.last_y = current_pos[1] else: new_time = rospy.get_time() delta_t = new_time - self.last_time delta_last_x = current_pos[0] - self.last_x delta_last_y = current_pos[1] - self.last_y self.last_time = new_time self.last_x = current_pos[0] self.last_y = current_pos[1] d_delta_last_x = delta_last_x / delta_t d_delta_last_y = delta_last_y / delta_t gain_x = self.Kp * delta_x + self.Kd * d_delta_last_x gain_y = self.Kp * delta_y + self.Kd * d_delta_last_y cv = Twist() if gain_x > 0: cv.linear.x = min(- gain_x , -20.0) elif gain_x < 0: cv.linear.x = max(- gain_x , 20.0) if gain_y > 0: cv.linear.y = max( gain_y, 20.0) elif gain_y < 0: cv.linear.y = min( gain_y, -20.0) cv.linear.z = 0.0 cv.angular.x = 0.0 cv.angular.y = 0.0 cv.angular.z = 0.0 if cv.linear.x != 0.0 and cv.linear.y != 0.0: #print "tar : " + str(self.sphero_target_pos) #print "curr : " + str(current_pos) #print "del : " + str([delta_x, delta_y]) print "d_t : " + str(delta_t) print "d_del : " + str([d_delta_last_x, d_delta_last_y]) print "vel : " + str([cv.linear.x, cv.linear.y]) self.cmd_vel_pub.publish(cv)
def moveTurtle(): rate = rospy.Rate(70.0) # Duration of the command rosply.sleep => 70 was the duration that gave the smoother 8 shape T = input('\nEnter a value for T (1/Hz): ') # for T=5 we should have around 354 msgs for a full lap Pi = math.pi # define the value of PI t0 = rospy.get_time() # get starting time for the script to while not rospy.is_shutdown(): t = rospy.get_time() - t0 # make sure that t always starts 0 instead of getting the computer internal clock vX = (12 * Pi * math.cos(4 * Pi * t / T)) / T # velocity on the X axis vY = (6 * Pi * math.cos(2 * Pi * t / T)) / T # velocity on the Y axis aX = (-48 * Pi * Pi * math.sin(4 * Pi * t / T)) / (T * T) # aceleration on the X axis aY = (-12 * Pi * Pi * math.sin(2 * Pi * t / T)) / (T * T) # aceleration on the Y axis v = math.sqrt(vX * vX + vY * vY) # straight velocity calculation omega = (vX * aY - vY * aX) / (vX * vX + vY * vY) # angular velocity calculation command = Twist() # create a new msg Twist to be published command.linear.x = v # insert the velocity on X (front of the turtle) command.linear.y = 0 command.linear.z = 0 command.angular.x = 0 command.angular.y = 0 command.angular.z = omega # insert angular velocity to steer the turtle pub.publish(command) # publish the command rate.sleep() # sleep for the rate defined at the top of the code
def callLeft(data): #gets time time = rospy.get_time() #reads encoder inputs channelA = GPIO.input("P9_23") channelB = GPIO.input("P9_30") #puts inputs into the quadrature decoder program quadCalcL.update(channelA, channelB, time) #creates messages leftFMSG = JointState() leftRMSG = JointState() header = Header() #appends velocity and position data to the joinstate message #front wheel leftFMSG.header.stamp.secs = rospy.get_time()'front_left_wheel') leftFMSG.position.append(quadCalcL.position) #rear wheel leftRMSG.header.stamp.secs = rospy.get_time()'rear_left_wheel') leftRMSG.position.append(quadCalcL.position) #publishes message pubFL.publish(leftFMSG) pubRL.publish(leftRMSG)
def callRight(data): #gets time time = rospy.get_time() #reads encoder inputs channelA = GPIO.input("P8_17") channelB = GPIO.input("P8_26") #puts inputs into the quadrature decoder program quadCalcR.update(channelA, channelB, time) #creates messages rightFMSG = JointState() rightRMSG = JointState() header = Header() #appends velocity and position data to the joinstate message #front wheel rightFMSG.header.stamp.secs = rospy.get_time()'front_right_wheel') rightFMSG.position.append(quadCalcL.position) #rear wheel rightRMSG.header.stamp.secs = rospy.get_time()'rear_right_wheel') rightRMSG.position.append(quadCalcL.position) #publishes message pubFR.publish(rightFMSG) pubRR.publish(rightRMSG)
def eat(self): have_forks=False while (not(have_forks) and not rospy.is_shutdown()): have_forks=self.philosopher.getForks(num_forks) if self.kikloi<=self.allagi: self.hunger_level_=self.philosopher.recalculateHunger(self.philosopherIState,self.last_hunger_update_,self.hunger_level_) else: self.hunger_level_=self.recalculateHungerConstant(self.philosopherIState,self.hunger_level_,self.constant) #self.hunger_level_=self.philosopher.recalculateHunger(self.philosopherIState,self.last_hunger_update_,self.hunger_level_) self.last_hunger_update_=rospy.get_time() self.philosopherIState="ISTATE_EATING" print "istateeating?", self.philosopherIState duration=randrange(0,(self.max_eating_time_*100)/100) rospy.sleep(duration) print "my state is:", self.philosopherIState if self.kikloi<=self.allagi: self.hunger_level_=self.philosopher.recalculateHunger(self.philosopherIState,self.last_hunger_update_,self.hunger_level_) else: self.hunger_level_=self.recalculateHungerConstant(self.philosopherIState,self.hunger_level_,self.constant) #self.hunger_level_=self.philosopher.recalculateHunger(self.philosopherIState,self.last_hunger_update_,self.hunger_level_) self.last_hunger_update_=rospy.get_time() philosopherIState="ISTATE_WAITING" if have_forks==True: self.philosopher.giveForks(num_forks)
def wait_for(test, timeout=1.0, raise_on_error=True, rate=100, timeout_msg="timeout expired", body=None): """ Waits until some condition evaluates to true. @param test: zero param function to be evaluated @param timeout: max amount of time to wait. negative/inf for indefinitely @param raise_on_error: raise or just return False @param rate: the rate at which to check @param timout_msg: message to supply to the timeout exception @param body: optional function to execute while waiting """ end_time = rospy.get_time() + timeout rate = rospy.Rate(rate) notimeout = (timeout < 0.0) or timeout == float("inf") while not test(): if rospy.is_shutdown(): if raise_on_error: raise OSError(errno.ESHUTDOWN, "ROS Shutdown") return False elif (not notimeout) and (rospy.get_time() >= end_time): if raise_on_error: raise OSError(errno.ETIMEDOUT, timeout_msg) return False if callable(body): body() rate.sleep() return True
def twist_ramp_linear(v_min, v_max, accel): rospy.loginfo('Generating a ramp from %f m/s to %f m/s at %f m/s^2',v_min,v_max, accel) t_step = .05 cmdPub = rospy.Publisher("cmd_vel", Twist) rospy.init_node('twist_ramp') twistMsg = Twist() twistMsg.angular.x = 0 twistMsg.angular.y = 0 twistMsg.angular.z = 0 twistMsg.linear.x = 0 twistMsg.linear.z = 0 if accel > 0: twistMsg.linear.y = v_min else: twistMsg.linear.y = v_max wallTime = rospy.get_time() while not rospy.is_shutdown() and twistMsg.linear.y <= v_max and twistMsg.linear.y >= v_min: rospy.sleep(.05) oldWallTime = wallTime wallTime = rospy.get_time() timeStep = wallTime - oldWallTime cmdPub.publish(twistMsg) twistMsg.linear.y = twistMsg.linear.y + accel * timeStep twistMsg.linear.y = 0 cmdPub.publish(twistMsg)
def update(self): with self._mutex: diag = DiagnosticArray() diag.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() info_update_ok = rospy.get_time() - self._last_info_update < 5.0 / self._batt_info_rate state_update_ok = rospy.get_time() - self._last_state_update < 5.0 / self._batt_state_rate if info_update_ok: self._msg.design_capacity = self._batt_design_capacity self._msg.capacity = self._batt_last_full_capacity else: self._msg.design_capacity = 0.0 self._msg.capacity = 0.0 if info_update_ok and state_update_ok and self._msg.capacity != 0: self._msg.percentage = int(self._msg.charge / self._msg.capacity * 100.0) diag_stat = _laptop_charge_to_diag(self._msg) if not info_update_ok or not state_update_ok: diag_stat.level = DiagnosticStatus.ERROR diag_stat.message = 'Laptop battery data stale' diag.status.append(diag_stat) self._diag_pub.publish(diag) self._power_pub.publish(self._msg)
def move(self, pos, speed, pos2): start = False end = False while abs(self.getpos()-pos)>self.tolerance: if self._as.is_preempt_requested(): rospy.loginfo('%s: Preempted' % self._action_name) self._as.set_preempted() success = False break if self.getpos()>=pos2[0] and self.getpos()<=pos2[1]: if not start: start = [rospy.get_time(),self.getpos()] else: end = [rospy.get_time(),self.getpos()] f = 1 if self.getpos()-pos>0: f=-1 self.intf.set_val(self.conf_out, f*speed) self.intf.set_val(self.conf_out, 0) print start, end return abs(end[1]-start[1])/(end[0]-start[0])
def epc_motion(self, equi_pt_generator, time_step, arm, arg_list, rapid_call_func=None, control_function=None): stop, ea = equi_pt_generator(*arg_list) t_end = rospy.get_time() while stop == '': if rospy.is_shutdown(): stop = 'rospy shutdown' continue t_end += time_step #self.robot.set_jointangles(arm, ea) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() control_function(arm, *ea) # self.robot.step() this should be within the rapid_call_func for the meka arms. t1 = rospy.get_time() while t1<t_end: if rapid_call_func != None: stop = rapid_call_func(arm) if stop != '': break #self.robot.step() this should be within the rapid_call_func for the meka arms rospy.sleep(0.01) t1 = rospy.get_time() if stop == '': stop, ea = equi_pt_generator(*arg_list) if stop == 'reset timing': stop = '' t_end = rospy.get_time() return stop, ea
def process_odom(self, msg): """ in training mode, save incoming odometry data as training data also publish a marker which should mimic odom """ if self.train: t_const = 1 # incoming angle rate may or may not be in rad/s new_x = msg.pose.pose.position.x # get x from odom new_y = msg.pose.pose.position.y # get y from odom x_diff = new_x - self.x # get deltas y_diff = new_y - self.y dist = sqrt(x_diff ** 2.0 + y_diff ** 2) # calculate distance traveled self.x = new_x # reset old x and y self.y = new_y t_rate = msg.twist.twist.angular.z * t_const # get angle change rate from odom d_time = rospy.get_time() - self.last_time # get change in time self.t = self.t + t_rate * (d_time) # calculate current angle from t_rate and d_time self.last_time = rospy.get_time() # reset last_time t_drive = atan2(y_diff, x_diff) # find angle of travel t_diff = self.t - t_drive # compare travel angle to robot angle if not (pi / 2 > abs(t_diff)): # if they are in approximately opposite directions print "hello" dist = -dist # set direction of travel to backwards x_rate = dist / d_time # calculate forward travel rate self.training_data = [x_rate, t_rate] self.build_message(self.x, self.y, self.t) # make marker to show odom position
def publishWayPoints(xPos, yPos, angle, w_p): print "publishing waypoint" pub = rospy.Publisher("/move_base_simple/goal", PoseStamped) goal = PoseStamped() initTime = rospy.get_time() mapWidth = mapOriginX = int(math.floor( * 20)) mapOriginY = int(math.floor( * 20)) goal.header = g.header goal.header.stamp = goal.pose.position.x = xPos goal.pose.position.y = yPos goal.pose.position.z = 0 quat = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, angle) goal.pose.orientation.x = quat[0] goal.pose.orientation.y = quat[1] goal.pose.orientation.z = quat[2] goal.pose.orientation.w = quat[3] valX = int(math.floor(d.way_points[w_p][0] * 20)) - mapOriginX valY = int(math.floor(d.way_points[w_p][1] * 20)) - mapOriginY r = rospy.Rate(0.7) while math.sqrt(math.pow(g.xPos - d.way_points[w_p][0], 2) + math.pow(g.yPos - d.way_points[w_p][1], 2)) > 0.5: print "d:", math.sqrt(math.pow(g.xPos - d.way_points[w_p][0], 2) + math.pow(g.yPos - d.way_points[w_p][1], 2)) finalTime = rospy.get_time() changeTime = finalTime - initTime if ([(valX * mapWidth) + valY] > g.threshold) or (changeTime > 120): break else: pub.publish(goal)
def updater(self): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # default is True prev_act_en = = True # cricital fault if true or too old if self.critfault_en == True: if self.critfault_state != 0 or self.critfault_next_tout < rospy.get_time(): = False # deadman fault if false or too old if self.deadman_en == True: if self.deadman_state == False or self.deadman_next_tout < rospy.get_time(): = False #print self.deadman_next_tout, rospy.get_time(), self.deadman_state # publish actuation_enable message self.act_en_msg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() self.act_en_pub.publish (self.act_en_msg) if prev_act_en != if == True: rospy.logwarn(rospy.get_name() + ": Enabling actuation") else: rospy.logwarn(rospy.get_name() + ": Disabling actuation") # go back to sleep self.r.sleep()
def updater(self): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if self.hmi_digital_joy_a_up == True and self.hmi_digital_joy_a_up_changed == True: self.hmi_digital_joy_a_up_changed = False rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_name() + ": User skipped waypoint") self.goto_next_wpt() if self.hmi_digital_joy_a_down == True and self.hmi_digital_joy_a_down_changed == True: self.hmi_digital_joy_a_down_changed = False rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_name() + ": User selected previous waypoint") self.goto_previous_wpt() if self.state == self.STATE_NAVIGATE: (self.status, self.linear_vel, self.angular_vel) = self.wptnav.update(rospy.get_time()) if self.status == self.wptnav.UPDATE_ARRIVAL: rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_name() + ": Arrived at waypoint: %s (error %.2fm)" % (self.wpt[self.wptnav.W_ID], self.wptnav.dist)) # activate wait mode if self.wpt[self.wptnav.W_WAIT] >= 0.0: self.wait_after_arrival = self.wpt[self.wptnav.W_WAIT] else: self.wait_after_arrival = self.wpt_def_wait_after_arrival if self.wait_after_arrival > 0.01: self.linear_vel = 0.0 self.angular_vel = 0.0 self.publish_cmd_vel_message() self.publish_implement_message() rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_name() + ": Waiting %.1f seconds" % (self.wait_after_arrival)) self.state = self.STATE_WAIT self.wait_timeout = rospy.get_time() + self.wait_after_arrival else: self.state = self.STATE_NAVIGATE self.goto_next_wpt() else: self.publish_cmd_vel_message() self.publish_implement_message() elif self.state == self.STATE_WAIT: if rospy.get_time() > self.wait_timeout: self.state = self.STATE_NAVIGATE self.goto_next_wpt() else: self.linear_vel = 0.0 self.angular_vel = 0.0 self.publish_cmd_vel_message() self.publish_implement_message() # publish status if self.status_publish_interval != 0: self.status_publish_count += 1 if self.status_publish_count % self.status_publish_interval == 0: self.publish_status_message() # publish pid if self.pid_publish_interval != 0: self.pid_publish_count += 1 if self.pid_publish_count % self.pid_publish_interval == 0: self.publish_pid_message() self.r.sleep()
def activity_callback(self, topic_name=None, state=True, strategy=None): """ ActivitySource uses this callback to set it's state in ActivityTracker ActivityTracker keeps state for all ActivitySources with timestamps. If all states turned False (inactive) with respect to self.timeout then message is emitted If all states turned True (active) then proper message is emitted """ with self._lock: if topic_name not in self.activity_states: self.activity_states[topic_name] = {"state": state, "time": rospy.get_time()} try: try: if self.activity_states[topic_name]['state'] == state: rospy.logdebug("State of %s didnt change" % topic_name) else: self.activity_states[topic_name] = {"state": state, "time": rospy.get_time()} rospy.logdebug("Topic name: %s state changed to %s" % (topic_name, state)) except KeyError: rospy.loginfo("Initializing topic name state: %s" % topic_name) self.activity_states[topic_name] = {"state": state, "time": rospy.get_time()} self._check_states() return True except Exception, e: rospy.logerr("activity_callback for %s failed because %s" % (topic_name, e)) return False
def test_from_disk(): print ('Testing from disk') start_time = rospy.get_time() total = 0 failure = 0 for filename in os.listdir(TEST_PATH): total += 1 rotation_num = int(filename.rsplit('_', 3)[1]) # print ('Label ' + str(LABEL)) # print 'Rotation ' + str(ROTATION) imagee = cv2.imread(TEST_PATH + filename) imagee = cv2.resize(imagee, (128, 128)) found_rot = get_img_rot(imagee) if not abs(rotation_num - found_rot) < 0.5: # print ('Testing ' + str(filename)) failure += 1 # print ('Does not work') # cv2.imshow('Did not work',imagee) # cv2.waitKey(100) # print (found_rot) # print (ROTATION) percentage = 100 * failure / total print ('Failure = ' + str(percentage) + '%') print ('Failures = ' + str(failure)) print('Elapsed Time Testing = ' + str(rospy.get_time() - start_time) + '\n') print ('Done')
def publish_labjack(): topic = 'is_blocked' blocked_pub = rospy.Publisher(topic, Bool, queue_size=100) # Boolean topic = 'motor_angle' angle_pub = rospy.Publisher('motor_angle', Float64, queue_size=10) # Radians connect_pub = rospy.Publisher('is_connected', Bool, queue_size=100) # Boolean r = rospy.Rate(rospy.get_param("labjack_rate")) start_time = rospy.get_time() end_time = rospy.get_time() state = True last_state = True while not rospy.is_shutdown(): state = check_gate_blocked() # Boolean rospy.loginfo("labjack_publisher: The photogate is open: %s", state) blocked_pub.publish(state) now = rospy.get_time() # Float angle = (((now - start_time) / (end_time - start_time)) * 2*pi) % (2*pi) rospy.loginfo("labjack_publisher: The motor is at %f radians from the photogate intersection point", angle) angle_pub.publish(angle) if last_state and not state: start_time = end_time end_time = now last_state = state connect_state = check_connectivity() rospy.loginfo("labjack_publisher: The finger wire is still connected: %s", connect_state) connect_pub.publish(connect_state) r.sleep()
def __init__(self, namespace='', read_compensated=True, timeout=3.0): """ FTSensor constructor. It subscribes to the following topics: - C{ft_sensor/diagnostics}, - C{ft_sensor/raw}, and - C{endpoint_state}. It reports the raw and compensated (if available) FT sensor values. @type namespace: string @param namespace: Override ROS namespace manually. Useful when accessing multiple FT sensors from the same node. @type timeout: double @param timeout: Time to wait for each of the FT sensor's topics to start publishing. """ ns = solve_namespace(namespace) # Set-up subscribers self.rate = read_parameter('%sft_sensor/ft_sensor_controller/publish_rate' % ns, 250.0) self.raw_queue = collections.deque(maxlen=self.queue_len) rospy.Subscriber('%sft_sensor/diagnostics' % ns, DiagnosticArray, self.cb_diagnostics) rospy.Subscriber('%sft_sensor/raw' % ns, WrenchStamped, self.cb_raw) rospy.Subscriber('%sendpoint_state' % ns, EndpointState, self.cb_compensated) initime = rospy.get_time() while not rospy.is_shutdown() and not self.is_raw_alive(): rospy.sleep(0.1) if (rospy.get_time() - initime) > timeout: rospy.logwarn('FTSensor: Cannot read raw wrench') return if read_compensated: initime = rospy.get_time() while not rospy.is_shutdown() and not self.is_compensated_alive(): rospy.sleep(0.1) if (rospy.get_time() - initime) > timeout: rospy.logwarn('FTSensor: Cannot read compensated wrench') return rospy.loginfo('FTSensor successfully initialized')
def laser_callback(self, scan): cmd = self.get_driving_info(scan.ranges[180:900]) #returns a tuple with the speed and angle speed = cmd[0] #information given by the method angle = cmd[1] if (min(scan.ranges[525:555]) < self.safety_threshold): print "Robot suicide RIP" speed = -0.2 elif (self.is_stuck()): #unstuck #speed = -0.7 self.stuck_time = rospy.get_time() self.stuck = True elif (self.stuck): #if it is stuck and the time has not elapsed print 'Is Stuck' if not rospy.get_time() - self.stuck_time < self.stuck_threshold: self.stuck = False self.speeds.append(speed) if(len(self.speeds) > 40): self.speeds.pop(0) msg = AckermannDriveStamped() = speed = angle
def calc_angular(self, yaw): angular_vel = 0. if self.yaw is not None: angular_vel = (yaw - self.yaw)/(rospy.get_time() - self.prev_time) self.yaw = yaw self.prev_time = rospy.get_time() return angular_vel
def talker(rate_T): # set initial position rospy.wait_for_service('turtle1/teleport_absolute') turtle1_teleport = rospy.ServiceProxy('turtle1/teleport_absolute', TeleportAbsolute) turtle1_teleport(5.4444444, 5.4444444,(math.pi)/6.5) pub = rospy.Publisher('/turtle1/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10) velocity = Twist() start_time = rospy.get_time() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): now = rospy.get_time() - start_time x_in = (4*math.pi*now)/rate_T y_in = (2*math.pi*now)/rate_T x_t = 3*math.sin(x_in) x_t_1 = ((12*math.pi)/rate_T) * math.cos(x_in) x_t_2 = -((48*(math.pow(math.pi,2)))/(math.pow(rate_T,2)))*math.sin(x_in) y_t = 3*math.sin(y_in) y_t_1 = ((6*math.pi)/rate_T) * math.cos(y_in) y_t_2 = -((12*(math.pow(math.pi,2)))/(math.pow(rate_T,2)))*math.sin(y_in) cur_angle = math.atan2(y_t,x_t) v_t = math.sqrt(math.pow(x_t_1,2) + math.pow(y_t_1,2)) w_t = ((x_t_1*y_t_2) - (y_t_1*x_t_2))/(math.pow(x_t_1,2) + math.pow(y_t_1,2)) velocity.linear.x = v_t #* math.cos(cur_angle) velocity.angular.z = w_t#cur_angle pub.publish(velocity)
def callback(self, IncomingData): # Method calls that send the XYZ location of the roomba and return xyz acceleration IncomingData = dt = rospy.get_time() - self.old_time self.oldtime = rospy.get_time() if IncomingData[0] == 0: x_vel = IncomingData[3] else: x_vel = self.pid_methods.pid_x(IncomingData[3], dt) if IncomingData[1] == 0: y_vel = IncomingData[4] else: y_vel = self.pid_methods.pid_y(IncomingData[4], dt) if IncomingData[2] == 0: z_vel = IncomingData[5] else: z_vel = self.pid_methods.pid_z(IncomingData[5], dt) # set linear to value self.vel_twist.twist.linear.x = x_vel self.vel_twist.twist.linear.y = y_vel self.vel_twist.twist.linear.z = z_vel # Set angular to zero self.vel_twist.twist.angular.x = 0 self.vel_twist.twist.angular.y = 0 self.vel_twist.twist.angular.z = 0 # logs the xyz accel data rospy.loginfo(self.vel_twist)
def main(): global bumper global pub_song, song rospy.sleep(2) # topic subscribed rospy.Subscriber('/mobile_base/events/bumper', BumperEvent, callback_bumper) rospy.Subscriber('/facedetector/faces', Detection, callback_face) rospy.sleep(1) = song.Indiana_Jones pub_song.publish(song) bumper.bumper = 3 # moving loop while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #randomm direction changing duree = 3 + random()*5 time_end = rospy.get_time() + duree while(rospy.get_time() < time_end): scenario() if bumper > 2: print('aleatoire') bumper.bumper = choice([bumper.LEFT, bumper.RIGHT, 3]) rospy.spin()
def execute(self, userdata): #Listen for a point if we don't have one. point_stamped = self.message t_start = rospy.get_time() r = rospy.Rate(10) waitobj = WaitForMessage('/cloud_click_point', geo.PoseStamped) pose_stamped = None while point_stamped == None: try: pose_stamped = waitobj.get_message() if pose_stamped != None: point_stamped = geo.PointStamped() point_stamped.header = pose_stamped.header point_stamped.point = pose_stamped.pose.position r.sleep() except rospy.ROSException, e: pass if self.preempt_requested(): self.service_preempt() return 'preempted' if (self.time_out != None) and ((rospy.get_time() - t_start) > self.time_out): return 'timed_out'
def callback(self, data): self.lock.acquire() = list(pc2py.points(data, ['x', 'y', 'z'])) self.new_cloud = True print rospy.get_time()-self.start, "time in between call backs" self.start = rospy.get_time() self.lock.release()
def __init__(self): rospy.sleep( 5.0 ) #put a leep so it can connect to the force/torque sensor first self._num_grippers = rospy.get_param('~num_grippers', 1) self._comport = rospy.get_param('~comport', '/dev/ttyUSB0') self._baud = rospy.get_param('~baud', '115200') self._prefix = rospy.get_param('~prefix', '') if self._prefix != "" and self._prefix[-1] != "_": self._prefix += "_" self._gripper = Robotiq85Gripper(self._num_grippers, self._comport, self._baud) if not self._gripper.init_success: rospy.logerr("Unable to open commport to %s" % self._comport) return if (self._num_grippers == 1 and not self._prefix): rospy.Subscriber("/gripper/cmd", GripperCmd, self._update_gripper_cmd, queue_size=10) self._gripper_pub = rospy.Publisher('/gripper/stat', GripperStat, queue_size=10) self._gripper_joint_state_pub = rospy.Publisher('/joint_states', JointState, queue_size=10) elif (self._num_grippers == 1 and self._prefix): rospy.logwarn('gripper prefix = {}'.format(self._prefix)) rospy.Subscriber("/" + self._prefix + "gripper/cmd", GripperCmd, self._update_gripper_cmd, queue_size=10) self._gripper_pub = rospy.Publisher("/" + self._prefix + "gripper/stat", GripperStat, queue_size=10) self._gripper_joint_state_pub = rospy.Publisher( "/" + self._prefix + "gripper/joint_states", JointState, queue_size=10) elif (self._num_grippers == 2): rospy.Subscriber("/left_gripper/cmd", GripperCmd, self._update_gripper_cmd, queue_size=10) self._left_gripper_pub = rospy.Publisher('/left_gripper/stat', GripperStat, queue_size=10) self._left_gripper_joint_state_pub = rospy.Publisher( '/left_gripper/joint_states', JointState, queue_size=10) rospy.Subscriber("/right_gripper/cmd", GripperCmd, self._update_right_gripper_cmd, queue_size=10) self._right_gripper_pub = rospy.Publisher('/right_gripper/stat', GripperStat, queue_size=10) self._right_gripper_joint_state_pub = rospy.Publisher( '/right_gripper/joint_states', JointState, queue_size=10) else: rospy.logerr( "Number of grippers not supported (needs to be 1 or 2)") return self._seq = [0] * self._num_grippers self._prev_js_pos = [0.0] * self._num_grippers self._prev_js_time = [rospy.get_time()] * self._num_grippers self._driver_state = 0 self._driver_ready = False success = True for i in range(self._num_grippers): success &= self._gripper.process_stat_cmd(i) if not success: bad_gripper = i if not success: rospy.logerr("Failed to contact gripper %d....ABORTING" % bad_gripper) return self._run_driver()
def update_platform_state(self, msg): self._last_platform_state_message = rospy.get_time() self._base_status_widget.update_platform_state(msg) self._arm_status_widget.update_platform_state(msg) self._drivers_status_widget.update_platform_state(msg)
def get_elapsed(self): elapsed = rospy.get_time() - self._start_time return elapsed
def update(self, launched, running, stale, note): if running and not launched: rospy.logerr( 'Reported impossible state of running and not launched') return 0, '' if stale and running: rospy.logerr('Reported impossible state of running and stale') return 0, '' # Something wrong here, cum seconds not updating d_seconds = 0 if self._was_running and running: d_seconds = rospy.get_time() - self._last_update_time self._cum_seconds += d_seconds alert = 0 # 0 - None, 1 - Notify, 2 - alert msg = '' state = 'Running' if launched and (not running) and stale: state = 'Stale' elif launched and (not running): state = 'Halted' elif not launched: state = 'Stopped' if (not self._was_launched) and launched: alert = 1 msg = "Launched." elif self._was_launched and (not launched): alert = 1 msg = "Shut down." elif self._was_running and (not running): alert = 2 self._num_halts += 1 if stale: msg = "Stale." else: msg = "Stopped." elif (not self._was_running) and running: alert = 1 msg = "Restarted." if alert > 0: self._num_events += 1 # Update cumulative parameters for param in self._test._params: if param.is_rate(): self._cum_data[ param.get_name()] += d_seconds * param.get_value() self._was_running = running self._was_launched = launched self._last_update_time = rospy.get_time() if alert or note != '' or ( running and self._last_log_time - rospy.get_time() > 7200): self.write_csv_row(self._last_update_time, state, msg, note) self._log[rospy.get_time()] = msg + ' ' + note self._last_log_time = self._last_update_time return alert, msg
import rospy from phx_uart_msp_bridge.msg import Diagnostics rospy.init_node('diagnostics_gui_test') ros_publish_diagnostics = rospy.Publisher('/diag_out', Diagnostics, queue_size=1) # initialize 'speed'-limit for endless loop r = rospy.Rate(1) # start endless loop until rospy.is_shutdown() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): m = Diagnostics() m.header.stamp.secs = rospy.get_time() m.val_a0 = 0 m.val_a1 = np.random.normal() m.val_a2 = 1 m.val_b0 = np.sin(time.time()) m.val_b1 = np.random.normal() m.val_b2 = np.cos(time.time()) m.val_c0 = 0 m.val_c1 = np.cos(2. * time.time()) m.val_c2 = 1 ros_publish_diagnostics.publish(m) print 'published diagnostics' r.sleep() # this prevents the node from using 100% CPU
def callback(data): #data.buttons[1] contains button B info (1=pressed, 0=not pressed) global move global speed move = data.buttons[1] #ascii u=117 (for up) and ascii d=100 (for down) if move == 1: #move bin up seconds = rospy.get_time() while (rospy.get_time() - seconds) < 5: #increment speed if speed < 250: speed = speed + 10 elif speed == 250: speed = speed + 5 #write command to arduino writeNumber(117, speed) #sleep for one second rate.sleep() #print for testing purposes print "speed: " + str(speed) print "going up..." #slow motor to halt while speed > 0: #decrement motor if speed > 5: speed = speed - 10 elif speed == 5: speed = 0 #write command to arduino writeNumber(32, speed) #sleep for 2 seconds rate.sleep() rate.sleep() #print for testing print "speed: " + str(speed) print "slowing down..." #move bin down seconds = rospy.get_time() while (rospy.get_time() - seconds) < 5: #increment speed if speed < 250: speed = speed + 10 elif speed == 250: speed = speed + 5 #write command to arduino writeNumber(100, speed) #sleep for one second rate.sleep() #print for testing purposes print "speed: " + str(speed) print "going down..." #slow motor to halt while speed > 0: #decrement speed if speed > 5: speed = speed - 10 elif speed == 5: speed = 0 #write command to arduino writeNumber(32, speed) #sleep for 2 seconds rate.sleep() rate.sleep() #pring for testing purposes print "speed: " + str(speed) print "slowing down..." #reset move move = 0
def main(): global new_image rs_img = rs_process() rospy.init_node('hand_tracking', anonymous=True) rospy.loginfo("Hand Detection Start!") #Marker Publisher Initialize pub = rospy.Publisher('/hand_marker', Marker) hand_mark = MarkerGenerator() hand_mark.type = Marker.SPHERE_LIST hand_mark.scale = [.04] * 3 hand_mark.frame_id = '/camera_color_optical_frame' # hand_mark.frame_id = 'iiwa_link_0' #hand detect args parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-sth', '--scorethreshold', dest='score_thresh', type=float, default=0.2, help='Score threshold for displaying bounding boxes') parser.add_argument('-fps', '--fps', dest='fps', type=int, default=1, help='Show FPS on detection/display visualization') parser.add_argument('-src', '--source', dest='video_source', default=0, help='Device index of the camera.') parser.add_argument('-wd', '--width', dest='width', type=int, default=640, help='Width of the frames in the video stream.') parser.add_argument('-ht', '--height', dest='height', type=int, default=360, help='Height of the frames in the video stream.') parser.add_argument( '-ds', '--display', dest='display', type=int, default=0, help='Display the detected images using OpenCV. This reduces FPS') parser.add_argument('-num-w', '--num-workers', dest='num_workers', type=int, default=4, help='Number of workers.') parser.add_argument('-q-size', '--queue-size', dest='queue_size', type=int, default=5, help='Size of the queue.') args = parser.parse_args() num_hands_detect = 2 im_width, im_height = (args.width, args.height) #time for fps calculation start_time = num_frames = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #get rgb,depth frames for synchronized frames if not new_image: continue im_rgb = rs_image_rgb im_depth = rs_image_depth new_image = False #add check depth_map = cv2.applyColorMap( cv2.convertScaleAbs(rs_image_depth, alpha=0.03), cv2.COLORMAP_JET) cv2.imshow("Depth Image", depth_map) cv2.imshow("Color Image", rs_image_rgb) try: image_np = im_rgb #cv2.cvtColor(im_rgb, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) except: print("Error converting to RGB") # Remove background - Set pixels further than clipping_distance to grey grey_color = 100 depth_image_3d = np.dstack( (im_depth, im_depth, im_depth)) #depth image is 1 channel, color is 3 channels bg_removed = np.where( (depth_image_3d > clipping_distance) | (depth_image_3d <= 0), grey_color, image_np) # img_hsv = cv2.cvtColor(bg_removed, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) # lower_red = np.array([120,150,50]) # upper_red = np.array([255,255,180]) ## Gen lower mask (0-5) and upper mask (175-180) of RED mask1 = cv2.inRange(img_hsv, (0, 50, 20), (5, 255, 255)) mask2 = cv2.inRange(img_hsv, (175, 50, 20), (180, 255, 255)) mask3 = cv2.inRange(img_hsv, (120, 150, 50), (255, 255, 180)) ## Merge the mask and crop the red regions mask = cv2.bitwise_or(mask1, mask3) croped = cv2.bitwise_and(bg_removed, bg_removed, mask=mask) # croped = cv2.cvtColor(croped, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) img_bw = 255 * (cv2.cvtColor(croped, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) > 10).astype('uint8') se1 = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (10, 10)) se2 = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (5, 5)) mask4 = cv2.morphologyEx(img_bw, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, se1) mask4 = cv2.morphologyEx(mask4, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, se2) mask5 = np.dstack([mask4, mask4, mask4]) / 255 gray_croped = croped * mask5 # print(gray_croped.shape) box_index = np.where(gray_croped != 0) #check if the array is empty or not if (np.array(box_index).size == 0): continue # print(box_index) i_min = np.amin(box_index[0]) i_max = np.amax(box_index[0]) j_min = np.amin(box_index[1]) j_max = np.amax(box_index[1]) i_centor = int(i_min + i_max) / 2 j_centor = int(j_min + j_max) / 2 box_img = croped[i_min:i_max, j_min:j_max] print(i_centor, j_centor) ## Display cv2.imshow("mask", mask) # cv2.namedWindow('RealSense', cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) #check if the size is valied or not if (box_img.shape[0] == 0 or box_img.shape[0] == 0 or box_img.shape[0] == 0): continue top = j_min bottom = j_max left = i_min right = i_max align_hand = im_rgb[int(top):int(bottom), int(left):int(right)] align_depth = depth_map[int(top):int(bottom), int(left):int(right)] align_hand_detect = np.hstack((align_hand, align_depth)) if (align_hand_detect.shape[0] > 0 and align_hand_detect.shape[1] > 0): cv2.namedWindow('align hand', cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) cv2.imshow('align hand', align_hand_detect) # cv2.namedWindow("Depth Image", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) # cv2.imshow("Depth Image", im_depth) # cv2.namedWindow("Color Image", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) # cv2.imshow("Color Image", im_rgb), (j_centor, i_centor), radius=7, color=(0, 0, 255), thickness=-1) cv2.imshow("bg_removed", bg_removed) print('crop size: ', box_img.shape) cv2.imshow("croped", box_img) depth_pixel = [i_centor, j_centor] depth_point = rs.rs2_deproject_pixel_to_point( depth_intrin, depth_pixel, im_depth[depth_pixel[0], depth_pixel[1]] * depth_scale) print depth_point hand_mark.counter = 0 t = rospy.get_time() hand_mark.color = [1, 0, 0, 1] m = hand_mark.marker(points=[(depth_point[1], depth_point[0], depth_point[2])]) # rospy.loginfo(m) pub.publish(m) # rate.sleep() if cv2.waitKey(15) & 0xFF == ord('q'): cv2.destroyAllWindows() break continue try: image_np = im_rgb #cv2.cvtColor(im_rgb, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) except: print("Error converting to RGB") # cv2.imshow("source image np", image_np) # actual hand detection boxes, scores = detector_utils.detect_objects(image_np, detection_graph, sess) # draw bounding boxes detector_utils.draw_box_on_image(num_hands_detect, args.score_thresh, scores, boxes, im_width, im_height, image_np) if (scores[0] > args.score_thresh): (left, right, top, bottom) = (boxes[0][1] * im_width, boxes[0][3] * im_width, boxes[0][0] * im_height, boxes[0][2] * im_height) p1 = (int(left), int(top)) p2 = (int(right), int(bottom)) # print p1,p2,int(left),int(top),int(right),int(bottom) image_hand = image_np[int(top):int(bottom), int(left):int(right)] # cv2.namedWindow("hand", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) # cv2.imshow('hand', cv2.cvtColor(image_hand, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)) align_hand = im_rgb[int(top):int(bottom), int(left):int(right)] align_depth = depth_map[int(top):int(bottom), int(left):int(right)] align_hand_detect = np.hstack((align_hand, align_depth)) # cv2.namedWindow('align hand', cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) # cv2.imshow('align hand', align_hand_detect) #skin filtering converted = cv2.cvtColor(align_hand, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) skinMask = cv2.inRange(converted, lower, upper) # apply a series of erosions and dilations to the mask # using an elliptical kernel # kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (11, 11)) # skinMask = cv2.erode(skinMask, kernel, iterations = 2) # skinMask = cv2.dilate(skinMask, kernel, iterations = 2) kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (7, 7)) skinMask = cv2.erode(skinMask, kernel, iterations=1) skinMask = cv2.dilate(skinMask, kernel, iterations=1) # blur the mask to help remove noise, then apply the # mask to the frame skinMask = cv2.GaussianBlur(skinMask, (3, 3), 0) skin = cv2.bitwise_and(align_hand, align_hand, mask=skinMask) depth_pixel = [(int(left) + int(right)) / 2, (int(top) + int(bottom)) / 2] depth_point = rs.rs2_deproject_pixel_to_point( depth_intrin, depth_pixel, im_depth[depth_pixel[1], depth_pixel[0]] * depth_scale) print depth_point hand_mark.counter = 0 t = rospy.get_time() hand_mark.color = [1, 0, 0, 1] m = hand_mark.marker(points=[(depth_point[0], depth_point[1], depth_point[2])]) # rospy.loginfo(m) pub.publish(m) # rate.sleep() # show the skin in the image along with the mask # cv2.imshow("images", np.hstack([align_hand, skin])) #end skin # Calculate Frames per second (FPS) num_frames += 1 elapsed_time = ( - start_time).total_seconds() fps = num_frames / elapsed_time #display window if (args.display > 0): # Display FPS on frame if (args.fps > 0): detector_utils.draw_fps_on_image("FPS : " + str(float(fps)), image_np) cv2.imshow('Single Threaded Detection', cv2.cvtColor(image_np, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)) else: print("frames processed: ", num_frames, "elapsed time: ", elapsed_time, "fps: ", str(int(fps))) if cv2.waitKey(10) & 0xFF == ord('q'): cv2.destroyAllWindows() break
def map_file(self, filename, loops=1): """ Loops through csv file @param filename: the file to play @param loops: number of times to loop values < 0 mean 'infinite' Does not loop indefinitely, but only until the file is read and processed. Reads each line, split up in columns and formats each line into a controller command in the form of name/value pairs. Names come from the column headers first column is the time stamp """ left = baxter_interface.Limb('left') right = baxter_interface.Limb('right') grip_left = baxter_interface.Gripper('left', CHECK_VERSION) grip_right = baxter_interface.Gripper('right', CHECK_VERSION) rate = rospy.Rate(1000) if grip_left.error(): grip_left.reset() if grip_right.error(): grip_right.reset() if (not grip_left.calibrated() and grip_left.type() != 'custom'): grip_left.calibrate() if (not grip_right.calibrated() and grip_right.type() != 'custom'): grip_right.calibrate() print("Playing back: %s" % (filename, )) with open(filename, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() keys = lines[0].rstrip().split(',') l = 0 # If specified, repeat the file playback 'loops' number of times while loops < 1 or l < loops: i = 0 l += 1 print("Moving to start position...") _cmd, lcmd_start, rcmd_start, _raw = self.clean_line( lines[1], keys) left.move_to_joint_positions(lcmd_start) right.move_to_joint_positions(rcmd_start) start_time = rospy.get_time() for values in lines[1:]: i += 1 loopstr = str(loops) if loops > 0 else "forever" sys.stdout.write("\r Record %d of %d, loop %d of %s" % (i, len(lines) - 1, l, loopstr)) sys.stdout.flush() cmd, lcmd, rcmd, values = self.clean_line(values, keys) #command this set of commands until the next frame while (rospy.get_time() - start_time) < values[0]: if rospy.is_shutdown(): print("\n Aborting - ROS shutdown") return False if len(lcmd): left.set_joint_positions(lcmd) if len(rcmd): right.set_joint_positions(rcmd) if ('left_gripper' in cmd and grip_left.type() != 'custom'): grip_left.command_position(cmd['left_gripper']) if ('right_gripper' in cmd and grip_right.type() != 'custom'): grip_right.command_position(cmd['right_gripper']) rate.sleep() print return True
def HBCB(self, data): self.last_HB = rospy.get_time()
def callback(message): #Print the contents of the message to the console print("Message: %s, Sent at: %f, Received at: %f" % (message.message, message.timestamp, rospy.get_time()))
def __init__(self): # 파라미터 설정 self.lin_vel_joy = rospy.get_param('~lin_vel_joy', 0.69) self.ang_vel_joy = rospy.get_param('~ang_vel_joy', 3.67) = rospy.get_param('~camera', 'camera/color/image_raw') self.spin_cycle = rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param('~spin_cycle', 0.05)) self.scale_arrow = rospy.get_param('~scale_arrow', 50) self.scale_cross = rospy.get_param('~scale_cross', 30) # 화면 초기화 os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS'] = "0, 0" pygame.init() self.monitor = pygame.display.Info() self.width = rospy.get_param('~width', int(0.48 * self.monitor.current_w)) self.height = rospy.get_param('~height', int(0.48 * self.monitor.current_h)) self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self.width, self.height)) pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) pygame.display.set_caption("Shared control interface") # 토픽 구독 print(C_YELLO + '\rInterfacer, BCI 서비스 준비중...' + C_END) rospy.Subscriber(, Image, self.visualize) self.color = { 'data': [ (255, 223, 36), # default (255, 223, 36), # M_RIGHT (255, 223, 36), # M_LEFT (255, 223, 36), # M_FORWARD (255, 223, 36), (255, 223, 36), (255, 223, 36), (134, 229, 127) ], # M_MOVE 'time': [rospy.get_time()] * 8 } # 출력 설정 self.publisher_cmd_intuit = rospy.Publisher('interf/cmd/intuit', CmdIntuit, queue_size=1) self.publisher_cmd_assist = rospy.Publisher('interf/cmd/assist', CmdAssist, queue_size=1) self.publisher_nav_cue = rospy.Publisher('interf/nav_cue', NavCue, queue_size=1) self.publisher_cmd_vel = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=1) self.publisher_cmd_joint = rospy.Publisher('cmd_joint', JointState, queue_size=1) # 토픽 구독 self.cmd = CmdIntuit() self.switch_marker = [False, False, False] rospy.Subscriber('interf/cmd/intuit', CmdIntuit, self.update_cmd_intuit) rospy.Subscriber('interf/robot/motion', RobotMotion, self.update_marker_color) rospy.Subscriber('interf/nav_cue', NavCue, self.update_marker_visibility) rospy.Subscriber('joy', Joy, self.joystick) self.path = [] rospy.Subscriber('robot/pose', PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.update_robot_pose) # 서비스 시작 self.publisher_time_start = rospy.Publisher('time/start', Time, queue_size=1) self.publisher_time_end = rospy.Publisher('time/end', Time, queue_size=1) self.time_start = self.the_timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.1), self.timer) self.path_publisher = rospy.Publisher('interf/path', MarkerArray, queue_size=1) self.path_visualizer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.3), self.visualize_path) rospy.Service('interf/nav2cmd', Nav2Cmd, self.nav2cmd) self.key_watcher = rospy.Timer(self.spin_cycle, self.keyboard) print(C_YELLO + '\rInterfacer, BCI 서비스 시작' + C_END) print(C_GREEN + '\rInterfacer, 초기화 완료' + C_END)
#=========================# # Make States Message # #=========================# states = States() states.x = center[0] states.y = center[1] states.z = center[2] states.phi = phi states.theta = theta states.psi = psi = #===================# # Main # #===================# if __name__=='__main__': import sys rospy.init_node('Mocap_State_Estimator') time_past = rospy.get_time() #=====================================# # Set up Publish/Subscribe Loop # #=====================================# sub = rospy.Subscriber('/mocap_data' , Mocap_data, GetMocapData) rospy.spin()
def is_stale(self): return rospy.get_time() - self.update_time > 5
def update_marker_color(self, data): self.color['time'][data.motion] = rospy.get_time() if (data.motion == M_RIGHT) or (data.motion == M_LEFT) or (data.motion == M_FORWARD): self.color['data'][data.motion] = (241, 95, 95)
def move(): rospy.init_node('target_pos_cmd', anonymous=True) rate = rospy.Rate(30) # 30hz # initialize a publisher to send joints' angular position to the robot robot_joint1_pub = rospy.Publisher("/target/x_position_controller/command", Float64, queue_size=10) robot_joint2_pub = rospy.Publisher("/target/y_position_controller/command", Float64, queue_size=10) robot_joint3_pub = rospy.Publisher("/target/z_position_controller/command", Float64, queue_size=10) robot_joint4_pub = rospy.Publisher( "/target2/x2_position_controller/command", Float64, queue_size=10) robot_joint5_pub = rospy.Publisher( "/target2/y2_position_controller/command", Float64, queue_size=10) robot_joint6_pub = rospy.Publisher( "/target2/z2_position_controller/command", Float64, queue_size=10) # publish the trajectory of the box in form of an array self.box_trajectory = rospy.Publisher("/target2/box", Float64MultiArray, queue_size=10) t0 = rospy.get_time() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): cur_time = np.array([rospy.get_time()]) - t0 #y_d = float(6 + np.absolute(1.5* np.sin(cur_time * np.pi/100))) x_d = 2.5 * np.cos(cur_time * np.pi / 15) y_d = 2.5 * np.sin(cur_time * np.pi / 15) z_d = 1 * np.sin(cur_time * np.pi / 15) joint1 = Float64() = 0.5 + x_d joint2 = Float64() = 0 + y_d joint3 = Float64() = 7 + z_d robot_joint1_pub.publish(joint1) robot_joint2_pub.publish(joint2) robot_joint3_pub.publish(joint3) x_d = 2 + 2 * np.cos(cur_time * np.pi / 15) y_d = 2.5 + 1.5 * np.sin(cur_time * np.pi / 15) ################### publish the trajectory of the box in form of an array Question 4.2 target2_trajectory = Float64MultiArray() = np.array(x_d, y_d, 7.5) box_trajectory.publish(target2_trajectory) ################## joint4 = Float64() = x_d joint5 = Float64() = y_d joint6 = Float64() = 7.5 robot_joint4_pub.publish(joint4) robot_joint5_pub.publish(joint5) robot_joint6_pub.publish(joint6) rate.sleep()
def update(self, msg): self.level = msg.level self.message = msg.message self.update_time = rospy.get_time()
pivoting = True else: pivoting = False rospy.Subscriber("/cmd_vel", Twist, cmd_vel_callback) seq = 1 # Cumulative offsets abs_x = 0 abs_y = 0 abs_x_m = 0 abs_y_m = 0 last_time = rospy.get_time() def sensor_reset(): opti_flow_reset.on() sleep(0.020) # reset pulse >10us sleep(0.050) # 35ms from reset to functional def sensor_init(): opti_flow_cs.on() sensor_reset() sleep(0.1) sensor_reset()
def __init__(self, msg): = get_raw_name( self.level = msg.level self.message = msg.message self.update_time = rospy.get_time()
def motion(rx0=2.0, ry0=2.0, rz0=0.172, ro0=0.0): # ---------------------------------- INITS ---------------------------------------------- # --- init node --- rospy.init_node('hector_motion') # --- cache global vars / constants --- global msg_stop msg_stop = None # --- Service: Calibrate --- calibrate_imu = rospy.ServiceProxy('/hector/raw_imu/calibrate', Empty) calibrate_imu() print('[HEC MOTION] Imu calibrated') # --- Publishers --- pub_motion = rospy.Publisher('/hector/motion', EE4308MsgMotion, latch=True, queue_size=1) msg_motion = EE4308MsgMotion() pub_motion.publish(msg_motion) pub_pose = rospy.Publisher('/hector/motion_pose', PoseStamped, latch=True, queue_size=1) # for rviz msg_pose = PoseStamped() msg_pose.header.frame_id = "map" msg_pose_position = msg_pose.pose.position msg_pose_orientation = msg_pose.pose.orientation # --- Subscribers --- rospy.Subscriber('/hector/ground_truth_to_tf/pose', PoseStamped, subscribe_true, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('/hector/fix', NavSatFix, subscribe_gps, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('/hector/raw_imu', Imu, subscribe_imu, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('/hector/magnetic', Vector3Stamped, subscribe_magnetic, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('/hector/altimeter', Altimeter, subscribe_altimeter, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('/hector/stop', Bool, subscribe_stop, queue_size=1) while (not rbt_true[-1] or not rbt_imu[-1] or not rbt_gps[-1] or not rbt_magnet[-1] or\ rospy.get_time() == 0 or not rbt_alt[-1] or msg_stop is None) and not rospy.is_shutdown(): pass if rospy.is_shutdown(): return print('=== [HEC MOTION] Initialised ===') # ---------------------------------- LOOP ---------------------------------------------- if USE_GROUND_TRUTH: t = rospy.get_time() while not rospy.is_shutdown() and not msg_stop: if rospy.get_time() > t: # publish true motion msg_motion.x = rbt_true[0] msg_motion.y = rbt_true[1] msg_motion.z = rbt_true[2] msg_motion.o = rbt_true[3] pub_motion.publish(msg_motion) # publish results to rviz msg_pose_position.x = msg_motion.x msg_pose_position.y = msg_motion.y msg_pose_position.z = msg_motion.z tmp = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, msg_motion.o) msg_pose_orientation.x = tmp[0] msg_pose_orientation.y = tmp[1] msg_pose_orientation.z = tmp[2] msg_pose_orientation.w = tmp[3] pub_pose.publish(msg_pose) # iterate t += ITERATION_PERIOD else: ########################################################## # --- build sensor functions to calculate conversions --- pass # --- EKF inits --- # always initialise arrays in two dimensions using [[ . ]]: # e.g. X = array([[rx0], [0.]]) # see above for rx0 # e.g. Px = [[0, 0], [0, 0]] pass # --- Loop EKF --- t = rospy.get_time() while not rospy.is_shutdown() and not msg_master.stop: if rospy.get_time() > t: # --- Prediction: from IMU --- # x, y, z, o pass # --- Correction: incorporate measurements from GPS, Baro (altimeter) and Compass --- # separately and when available pass # --- Publish motion --- msg_motion.x = 0 # m msg_motion.y = 0 # m msg_motion.z = 0 # m msg_motion.o = 0 # orientation in z (rad) pub_motion.publish(msg_motion) # publish results to rviz msg_pose_position.x = msg_motion.x msg_pose_position.y = msg_motion.y msg_pose_position.z = msg_motion.z tmp = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, msg_motion.o) msg_pose_orientation.x = tmp[0] msg_pose_orientation.y = tmp[1] msg_pose_orientation.z = tmp[2] msg_pose_orientation.w = tmp[3] pub_pose.publish(msg_pose) # --- Iterate --- et = rospy.get_time() - t t += ITERATION_PERIOD if et > ITERATION_PERIOD: print('[HEC MOTION] {}ms OVERSHOOT'.format(int(et * 1000)))
def get_data(): global seq, abs_x, abs_y, abs_x_m, abs_y_m, last_time seq += 1 m = sensor_read_motion() if m.motion & 0x10: print "Overflow" = m.squal qualityPub.publish(qualityMsg) # if m.squal < 90: # led_lighting.on() # if m.squal > 90: # abs_x += m.dx abs_y += m.dy time_diff = rospy.get_time() - last_time last_time = rospy.get_time() # Convert the counts reading into metres abs_x_m = (float(abs_x) / ADNS3080_COUNTS_PER_METER) abs_y_m = (float(abs_y) / ADNS3080_COUNTS_PER_METER) speed_x_m = (float(m.dx) / ADNS3080_COUNTS_PER_METER) / time_diff speed_y_m = (float(m.dy) / ADNS3080_COUNTS_PER_METER) / time_diff # print str(speed_x_m) + ", " + str(speed_y_m) # print m.squal # Y forward and back msg.header.seq = seq msg.header.stamp = msg.header.frame_id = "odom" msg.child_frame_id = "base_link" pose = Pose() pose.position.x = abs_y_m pose.position.y = abs_x_m pose.position.z = 0 poseC = PoseWithCovariance() poseC.pose = pose poseC.covariance = [-1] * 36 msg.pose = poseC # If we are pivoting the sensor doesnt work properly so don't output anything if pivoting: speed_y_m = 0 twist = Twist() twist.linear.x = speed_y_m twist.linear.y = 0 msg.twist.twist = twist msg.twist.covariance = [0.01] * 36 odomPub.publish(msg) rate.sleep()
def PID(x, y, z, xVel, yVel, zVel, roll, pitch, yaw, f): # Set variables as global to prevent new assignment # P, I and D proportionality constants for position in the xyz axes global kpx, kix, kdx global kpy, kiy, kdy global kpz, kiz, kdz # P, I and D proportionality constants for velocity in the xyz axes global kpvelx, kivelx, kdvelx global kpvely, kively, kdvely global kpvelz, kivelz, kdvelz # P, I and D proportionality constants for roll, pitch and yaw global kproll, kiroll, kdroll global kppitch, kipitch, kdpitch global kpyaw, kiyaw, kdyaw # Errors for Parameters global prevErrorRoll, prevErrorPitch, prevErrorYaw global prevErrorx, prevErrory, prevErrorz global prevErrorVelx, prevErrorVely, prevErrorVelz # P, I and D for position in xyz axes global P_x, I_x, D_x global P_y, I_y, D_y global P_z, I_z, D_z # P, I and D for velocity in the xyz axes global P_velx, I_velx, D_velx global P_vely, I_vely, D_vely global P_velz, I_velz, D_velz # P, I and D for roll, pitch and yaw global P_roll, I_roll, D_roll global P_pitch, I_pitch, D_pitch global P_yaw, I_yaw, D_yaw global setPointRoll, setPointPitch, setPointYaw global setPointx, setPointz, setPointz global flag, sampleTime t = rospy.get_time() currTime = time.time() print(t) ''' kproll = 20 kiroll = 0 kdroll = 89 kppitch = kproll kipitch = kiroll kdpitch = kdroll ''' # PID constants kpyaw = 70 kiyaw = 0 kdyaw = 0 sampleTime = 0 kpx = 70 kix = 0.0002 kdx = 89 kpy = 79 kiy = 0.0002 kdy = 89 #tuned kpz = 1500 kiz = 0 kdz = 0 kpvelx = 100 kivelx = -0.0001 kdvelx = 200 kpvely = 200 kively = -0.0001 kdvely = 100 kpvelz = 25 kivelz = 0 kdvelz = 0 setPointYaw = 0 errYaw = math.degrees(float(yaw)) - setPointYaw setPointx = 0 setPointy = 0 setPointz = 3.275 errx = x - setPointx erry = y - setPointy errz = z - setPointz flag = 0 if flag == 0: # What purpose does this serve? flag was set to 0 just 2 statements back prevTime = 0 prevErrorRoll = 0 prevErrorPitch = 0 prevErrorYaw = 0 prevErrorx = 0 prevErrory = 0 prevErrorz = 0 prevErrorVelx = 0 prevErrorVely = 0 prevErrorVelz = 0 P_roll = 0 P_pitch = 0 P_yaw = 0 P_x = 0 P_y = 0 P_z = 0 P_velx = 0 P_vely = 0 P_velz = 0 I_roll = 0 I_pitch = 0 I_yaw = 0 I_x = 0 I_y = 0 I_z = 0 I_velx = 0 I_vely = 0 I_velz = 0 D_roll = 0 D_pitch = 0 D_yaw = 0 D_x = 0 D_y = 0 D_z = 0 D_velx = 0 D_vely = 0 D_velz = 0 flag = 1 dt = currTime - prevTime if dt >= sampleTime: P_x = computeP(kpx, errx) P_y = computeP(kpy, erry) P_z = computeP(kpz, errz) I_x = computeI(kix, I_x, errx, dt, 600, -600) I_y = computeI(kiy, I_y, erry, dt, 600, -600) I_z = computeI(kiz, I_z, errz, dt, 600, -600) D_x = computeD(kdx, errx, prevErrorx, dt) D_y = computeD(kdy, erry, prevErrory, dt) D_z = computeD(kdy, errz, prevErrorz, dt) P_yaw = computeP(kpyaw, errYaw) I_yaw = computeI(kiyaw, I_yaw, errYaw, dt, 600, -600) D_yaw = computeD(kdyaw, errYaw, prevErrorYaw, dt) #desVelx = -0.1 #P_x + I_x + D_x #desVely = -0.1 #P_y + I_y + D_y ''' #Ignore this, it was for a temporary purpose to plan trajectory in probably the worst way possible! #Horizontal demo 1 if(t<=27): desVelx = -0.1 #P_x + I_x + D_x desVely = -0.1 #P_y + I_y + D_y if(t>27 and t<=28.5): desVelx = -0.6 desVely = -1.9 if(t>28.5 and t<=30): desVelx = -0.6 desVely = 3.5 if(t>30 and t<=40): desVelx = -2.5 desVely = 7 if(t>40): desVelx = +5 desVely = +6 ''' #Horizontal demo 2 if (t <= 34): desVelx = -0.5 #P_x + I_x + D_x desVely = 0.5 #P_y + I_y + D_y if (t > 34 and t <= 35): desVelx = -0.8 desVely = 1.3 if (t > 35 and t <= 36.5): desVelx = -0.8 desVely = -7 if (t > 36.5 and t <= 48): desVelx = -2.7 desVely = -7 if (t > 48): desVelx = 0.0 desVely = 0.0 desVelz = P_z + I_z + D_z newYaw = P_yaw + I_yaw + D_yaw errVelx = xVel - desVelx errVely = yVel - desVely errVelz = zVel - desVelz if (dt >= sampleTime): P_velx = computeP(kpvelx, errVelx) P_vely = computeP(kpvely, errVely) P_velz = computeP(kpvelz, errVelz) I_velx = computeI(kivelx, I_velx, errVelx, dt, 600, -600) I_vely = computeI(kively, I_vely, errVely, dt, 600, -600) I_velz = computeI(kivelz, I_velz, errVelz, dt, 600, -600) D_velx = computeD(kdvelx, errVelx, prevErrorVelx, dt) D_vely = computeD(kdvely, errVely, prevErrorVely, dt) D_velz = computeD(kdvelz, errVelz, prevErrorVelz, dt) newAccx = P_velx + I_velx + D_velx newAccy = P_vely + I_vely + D_vely newThrottle = P_velz + I_velz + D_velz newRoll = -newAccy / 9.8 newPitch = newAccx / 9.8 errRoll = newRoll - roll errYaw = newYaw - yaw errPitch = newPitch - pitch prevTime = currTime prevErrorx = errx prevErrory = erry prevErrorz = errz prevErrorYaw = errYaw prevErrorVelx = errVelx prevErrorVely = errVely prevErrorVelz = errVelz esc_br = 1500 - desVelz + newPitch + 0.5 * newRoll + newYaw esc_fr = 1500 - desVelz - newPitch + 0.5 * newRoll + newYaw esc_fl = 1500 - desVelz - newPitch - 0.5 * newRoll - newYaw esc_bl = 1500 - desVelz + newPitch - 0.5 * newRoll - newYaw esc_r = 1500 - desVelz + newRoll - newYaw esc_l = 1500 - desVelz - newRoll + newYaw ''' Ignore this... esc_br = 1500 - newRoll - newPitch + newYaw + newThrottle esc_bl = 1500 + newRoll - newPitch - newYaw + newThrottle esc_fl = 1500 + newRoll + newPitch - newYaw + newThrottle esc_fr = 1500 - newRoll + newPitch + newYaw + newThrottle esc_r = 1500 - newRoll - newYaw + newThrottle esc_l = 1500 + newRoll + newYaw + newThrottle esc_br = 1500 + newPitch + newRoll + newYaw esc_br = 1500 + newRoll + newPitch + newYaw + newThrottle esc_bl = 1500 - newRoll + newPitch - newYaw + newThrottle esc_fl = 1500 - newRoll - newPitch + newYaw + newThrottle esc_fr = 1500 + newRoll - newPitch - newYaw + newThrottle esc_r = 1500 - newRoll + newPitch - newYaw + newThrottle esc_l = 1500 + newRoll - newPitch + newYaw + newThrottle esc_br = newthrottle + newPitch + newRoll + newYaw esc_fr = newThrottle - newPitch + newRoll + newYaw esc_fl = newThrottle - newPitch - newRoll - newYaw esc_bl = newThrottle + newPitch - newRoll - newYaw esc_r = newThrottle + newRoll - newYaw esc_l = newThrottle - newRoll + newYaw ''' if (esc_br > 2000): esc_br = 2000 if (esc_bl > 2000): esc_bl = 2000 if (esc_fr > 2000): esc_fr = 2000 if (esc_fl > 2000): esc_fl = 2000 if (esc_r > 2000): esc_r = 2000 if (esc_l > 2000): esc_l = 2000 if (esc_br < 1100): esc_br = 1100 if (esc_bl < 1100): esc_bl = 1100 if (esc_fr < 1100): esc_fr = 1100 if (esc_fl < 1100): esc_fl = 1100 if (esc_r < 1100): esc_r = 1100 if (esc_l < 1100): esc_l = 1100 br_motor_vel = ((esc_br - 1500) / 25) + 50 bl_motor_vel = ((esc_bl - 1500) / 25) + 50 fr_motor_vel = ((esc_fr - 1500) / 25) + 50 fl_motor_vel = ((esc_fl - 1500) / 25) + 50 r_motor_vel = ((esc_r - 1500) / 25) + 50 l_motor_vel = ((esc_l - 1500) / 25) + 50 = [ fr_motor_vel, -fl_motor_vel, l_motor_vel, -bl_motor_vel, br_motor_vel, -r_motor_vel ] return f, errRoll, errPitch, errYaw, errx, erry, errz
def running(self): receive_object_pose = PoseStamped() receive_object_pose.header.frame_id = 'base_link' if self.goal.context_aware: # > Pick context-dependent receive object position: policy_parameter_a = self.receive_object_position_policy_parameters[ 0][0] policy_parameter_A = self.receive_object_position_policy_parameters[ 0][1] if self.goal.posture_type == 'standing': context_vector = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.4]) elif self.goal.posture_type == 'seated': context_vector = np.array([0.5, 0.0, 0.0]) elif self.goal.posture_type == 'lying': context_vector = np.array([0.0, 0.7, 0.0]) # Sample upper-level policy (with no exploration) for object reception position; # by calculating the mean of the linear-Gaussian model, given context vector s receive_object_position = np.squeeze( policy_parameter_a + receive_object_pose.pose.position.x = receive_object_position[0] receive_object_pose.pose.position.y = receive_object_position[1] receive_object_pose.pose.position.z = receive_object_position[2] else: # Pick context-independent object reception position receive_object_pose.pose.position.x = 0.5 receive_object_pose.pose.position.y = 0.078 receive_object_pose.pose.position.z = 0.8 receive_object_pose.pose.orientation.x = 0.000 receive_object_pose.pose.orientation.y = 0.000 receive_object_pose.pose.orientation.z = 0.000 receive_object_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.000 self.goal.person_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose( "base_link", self.goal.person_pose) distance_to_person = np.sqrt(self.goal.person_pose.pose.position.x**2 + self.goal.person_pose.pose.position.y**2) if distance_to_person > self.person_dist_threshold: move_to_person_goal = MoveBaseGoal() move_to_person_goal.goal_type = MoveBaseGoal.POSE move_to_person_goal.pose.header.frame_id = self.goal.person_pose.header.frame_id move_to_person_goal.pose.pose.position.x = self.goal.person_pose.pose.position.x - 0.3 move_to_person_goal.pose.pose.position.y = self.goal.person_pose.pose.position.y - 0.3 rospy.loginfo('[receive_object] Moving to person...') self.move_base_client.send_goal(move_to_person_goal) # we try moving towards the person before receiving the object; # the person should be close by, so we move for a short time # since the robot will either reach the person in that time, # or will stop as close to the person as possible self.move_base_client.wait_for_result(rospy.Duration(10.)) self.move_base_client.cancel_goal() # Start with arm in neutral position: rospy.loginfo('[receive_object] Moving arm to neutral position...') self.__move_arm(MoveArmGoal.NAMED_TARGET, self.init_config_name) # Move to chosen receive_object position, along appropriate trajectory: rospy.loginfo('[receive_object] Receiving object...') self.__move_arm(MoveArmGoal.END_EFFECTOR_POSE, receive_object_pose) if not self.goal.reception_detection: # Naive object release strategy: rospy.loginfo( '[receive_object] Waiting before releasing object...') rospy.sleep(5.) # Release the object: rospy.loginfo('[receive_object] Opening the gripper...') # Since no detection is used here, the object is released and we always set the reception to True. self.object_reception_detected = True else: # Force sensing object release strategy: rospy.sleep(1.) rospy.loginfo( '[receive_object] Waiting for object to be received...') rospy.Subscriber(self.force_sensor_topic, WrenchStamped, self.force_sensor_cb) self.object_reception_detected = False self.cumsum_z = 0. start_time = rospy.get_time() while (rospy.get_time() - start_time) < 50 and not self.object_reception_detected: self.detect_object_reception() rospy.sleep(0.1) # If a pull is detected, release the object: if self.object_reception_detected: rospy.loginfo( '[receive_object] Closing the gripper to receive the object...' ) self.gripper.close() else: rospy.loginfo( '[receive_object] Not waiting anymore since no reception was detected' ) # Return to a neutral arm position: rospy.loginfo('[receive_object] Moving back to neutral position...') self.__move_arm(MoveArmGoal.NAMED_TARGET, self.init_config_name) if self.object_reception_detected: self.result = self.set_result(True) else: self.result = self.set_result(False) return FTSMTransitions.DONE
def main(): rospy.init_node("PID_controller_test") Rate = rospy.Rate(200) # 类实例化 udp = from_udp('left') endpoint_pose_init = udp.controller.limb.endpoint_pose() endpoint_pose = endpoint_pose_init['position'] pose_init = udp.controller.limb.joint_angles() print pose_init joint_goal_init = udp.controller.limb.joint_angles() joint_angles_goal_list = [ [0.938, 1.491, 2.167, -1.348, 1.393, -0.466, -0.586], [0.939, 1.491, 2.169, -1.349, 1.393, -0.464, -0.586], [0.939, 1.492, 2.174, -1.35, 1.395, -0.458, -0.586], [0.94, 1.493, 2.18, -1.351, 1.397, -0.45, -0.586], [0.941, 1.493, 2.188, -1.353, 1.4, -0.44, -0.587], [0.943, 1.494, 2.196, -1.354, 1.402, -0.429, -0.587], [0.945, 1.494, 2.202, -1.355, 1.404, -0.418, -0.587], [0.947, 1.493, 2.209, -1.357, 1.405, -0.408, -0.587], [0.949, 1.493, 2.215, -1.358, 1.407, -0.397, -0.587], [0.95, 1.492, 2.222, -1.359, 1.408, -0.386, -0.587], [0.951, 1.492, 2.23, -1.36, 1.41, -0.375, -0.586], [0.952, 1.492, 2.24, -1.361, 1.413, -0.362, -0.586], [0.952, 1.493, 2.251, -1.363, 1.416, -0.35, -0.586], [0.952, 1.493, 2.263, -1.365, 1.42, -0.336, -0.586], [0.951, 1.494, 2.275, -1.367, 1.423, -0.323, -0.586], [0.951, 1.494, 2.287, -1.369, 1.427, -0.308, -0.586], [0.952, 1.494, 2.298, -1.371, 1.431, -0.294, -0.586], [0.953, 1.494, 2.309, -1.373, 1.434, -0.279, -0.586], [0.954, 1.493, 2.32, -1.375, 1.437, -0.264, -0.586], [0.955, 1.493, 2.331, -1.377, 1.441, -0.249, -0.586], [0.956, 1.493, 2.341, -1.379, 1.444, -0.234, -0.586], [0.957, 1.493, 2.352, -1.381, 1.448, -0.218, -0.586], [0.958, 1.493, 2.363, -1.383, 1.451, -0.203, -0.586], [0.959, 1.494, 2.374, -1.385, 1.455, -0.187, -0.586], [0.96, 1.494, 2.385, -1.387, 1.458, -0.172, -0.586], [0.961, 1.494, 2.396, -1.389, 1.462, -0.156, -0.586], [0.962, 1.494, 2.407, -1.391, 1.465, -0.14, -0.586], [0.963, 1.494, 2.418, -1.393, 1.469, -0.124, -0.587], [0.964, 1.494, 2.43, -1.395, 1.472, -0.108, -0.587], [0.966, 1.494, 2.441, -1.398, 1.475, -0.092, -0.587], [0.966, 1.493, 2.452, -1.4, 1.479, -0.076, -0.587], [0.967, 1.493, 2.463, -1.402, 1.482, -0.06, -0.587], [0.968, 1.493, 2.474, -1.404, 1.486, -0.044, -0.587], [0.968, 1.493, 2.484, -1.406, 1.489, -0.028, -0.587], [0.968, 1.494, 2.495, -1.409, 1.493, -0.012, -0.587], [0.969, 1.494, 2.506, -1.411, 1.496, 0.005, -0.587], [0.97, 1.494, 2.517, -1.413, 1.499, 0.021, -0.587], [0.971, 1.494, 2.529, -1.415, 1.503, 0.037, -0.587], [0.972, 1.494, 2.54, -1.418, 1.506, 0.053, -0.587], [0.973, 1.495, 2.552, -1.42, 1.509, 0.069, -0.587], [0.974, 1.494, 2.563, -1.422, 1.512, 0.085, -0.588], [0.975, 1.494, 2.574, -1.424, 1.515, 0.1, -0.588], [0.976, 1.494, 2.584, -1.426, 1.518, 0.115, -0.588], [0.977, 1.494, 2.593, -1.427, 1.521, 0.13, -0.588], [0.978, 1.494, 2.603, -1.429, 1.524, 0.143, -0.588], [0.978, 1.495, 2.612, -1.431, 1.527, 0.156, -0.588], [0.979, 1.497, 2.621, -1.433, 1.529, 0.169, -0.588], [0.98, 1.498, 2.629, -1.434, 1.532, 0.18, -0.588], [0.98, 1.5, 2.637, -1.436, 1.534, 0.191, -0.588], [0.981, 1.502, 2.643, -1.438, 1.536, 0.202, -0.588], [0.981, 1.503, 2.649, -1.439, 1.539, 0.211, -0.588], [0.981, 1.503, 2.654, -1.441, 1.541, 0.22, -0.588], [0.981, 1.502, 2.658, -1.442, 1.543, 0.229, -0.588], [0.982, 1.5, 2.661, -1.443, 1.545, 0.237, -0.588], [0.982, 1.498, 2.663, -1.443, 1.546, 0.244, -0.588], [0.982, 1.496, 2.666, -1.444, 1.548, 0.25, -0.588], [0.982, 1.493, 2.669, -1.444, 1.549, 0.256, -0.588], [0.982, 1.491, 2.672, -1.445, 1.55, 0.26, -0.588], [0.982, 1.488, 2.675, -1.445, 1.55, 0.264, -0.588], [0.982, 1.486, 2.677, -1.446, 1.551, 0.268, -0.588], [0.983, 1.485, 2.68, -1.446, 1.552, 0.271, -0.588], [0.983, 1.485, 2.683, -1.447, 1.552, 0.273, -0.587], [0.983, 1.485, 2.685, -1.448, 1.553, 0.276, -0.587], [0.983, 1.486, 2.687, -1.448, 1.554, 0.278, -0.587], [0.983, 1.486, 2.689, -1.449, 1.554, 0.28, -0.587], [0.984, 1.487, 2.69, -1.45, 1.555, 0.282, -0.587], [0.984, 1.487, 2.691, -1.451, 1.556, 0.283, -0.587], [0.984, 1.486, 2.691, -1.451, 1.556, 0.285, -0.587], [0.984, 1.485, 2.691, -1.452, 1.557, 0.286, -0.587], [0.984, 1.485, 2.691, -1.452, 1.557, 0.287, -0.587], [0.984, 1.484, 2.691, -1.453, 1.558, 0.288, -0.588], [0.985, 1.484, 2.692, -1.454, 1.558, 0.289, -0.588], [0.985, 1.485, 2.692, -1.454, 1.559, 0.29, -0.588], [0.985, 1.485, 2.692, -1.455, 1.559, 0.29, -0.588], [0.985, 1.486, 2.693, -1.455, 1.559, 0.291, -0.588], [0.985, 1.486, 2.693, -1.455, 1.56, 0.291, -0.588], [0.985, 1.486, 2.693, -1.455, 1.56, 0.291, -0.587], [0.985, 1.486, 2.693, -1.455, 1.56, 0.291, -0.587], [0.985, 1.485, 2.693, -1.455, 1.56, 0.291, -0.587], [0.985, 1.485, 2.693, -1.455, 1.56, 0.291, -0.587], [0.985, 1.485, 2.693, -1.455, 1.56, 0.291, -0.587], [0.985, 1.485, 2.693, -1.455, 1.561, 0.291, -0.587], [0.985, 1.485, 2.693, -1.456, 1.562, 0.291, -0.587], [0.985, 1.485, 2.693, -1.456, 1.562, 0.291, -0.587], [0.984, 1.486, 2.693, -1.456, 1.563, 0.291, -0.587], [0.984, 1.486, 2.693, -1.456, 1.563, 0.291, -0.588], [0.984, 1.485, 2.693, -1.456, 1.563, 0.291, -0.587], [0.985, 1.485, 2.693, -1.456, 1.562, 0.291, -0.587], [0.985, 1.484, 2.693, -1.455, 1.56, 0.291, -0.587], [0.985, 1.485, 2.693, -1.454, 1.562, 0.291, -0.587], [0.986, 1.485, 2.693, -1.453, 1.562, 0.292, -0.586], [0.986, 1.485, 2.693, -1.451, 1.562, 0.292, -0.587], [0.987, 1.485, 2.693, -1.456, 1.562, 0.292, -0.587], [0.988, 1.485, 2.693, -1.456, 1.562, 0.293, -0.587], [0.989, 1.485, 2.693, -1.456, 1.562, 0.294, -0.587], [0.991, 1.485, 2.693, -1.456, 1.562, 0.295, -0.587], [0.993, 1.485, 2.693, -1.456, 1.562, 0.296, -0.587], [0.995, 1.485, 2.692, -1.456, 1.562, 0.297, -0.587], [0.997, 1.485, 2.692, -1.456, 1.562, 0.299, -0.587], [1.0, 1.485, 2.692, -1.456, 1.562, 0.3, -0.587], [1.003, 1.485, 2.692, -1.456, 1.562, 0.302, -0.587] ] joint_vel_goal_list = [ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.016, 0.023, 0.172, -0.036, 0.06, 0.206, -0.0], [0.033, 0.036, 0.293, -0.06, 0.1, 0.363, -0.0], [0.05, 0.038, 0.365, -0.074, 0.12, 0.471, -0.01], [0.069, 0.029, 0.388, -0.078, 0.121, 0.53, -0.0], [0.088, 0.009, 0.36, -0.07, 0.1, 0.54, -0.0], [0.101, -0.012, 0.322, -0.059, 0.077, 0.53, 0.0], [0.103, -0.023, 0.311, -0.053, 0.067, 0.53, 0.004], [0.094, -0.025, 0.328, -0.053, 0.07, 0.541, 0.0], [0.073, -0.018, 0.374, -0.057, 0.086, 0.561, 0.0], [0.041, -0.001, 0.447, -0.066, 0.116, 0.591, 0.0], [0.009, 0.016, 0.522, -0.076, 0.148, 0.624, 0.0], [-0.009, 0.026, 0.575, -0.086, 0.17, 0.654, 0.0], [-0.015, 0.027, 0.603, -0.093, 0.184, 0.679, 0.003], [-0.007, 0.021, 0.608, -0.1, 0.188, 0.701, 0.0], [0.013, 0.007, 0.59, -0.105, 0.184, 0.719, -0.0], [0.036, -0.008, 0.564, -0.108, 0.176, 0.734, -0.0], [0.052, -0.016, 0.544, -0.11, 0.171, 0.746, -0.005], [0.061, -0.018, 0.532, -0.109, 0.169, 0.755, -0.005], [0.062, -0.014, 0.527, -0.106, 0.169, 0.762, -0.004], [0.056, -0.003, 0.529, -0.101, 0.173, 0.765, -0.002], [0.048, 0.009, 0.535, -0.097, 0.176, 0.768, 0.0], [0.043, 0.015, 0.541, -0.094, 0.178, 0.771, 0.001], [0.042, 0.017, 0.548, -0.094, 0.178, 0.776, 0.001], [0.045, 0.014, 0.554, -0.095, 0.176, 0.782, 0.0], [0.051, 0.005, 0.562, -0.099, 0.173, 0.789, -0.002], [0.057, -0.004, 0.567, -0.104, 0.169, 0.796, -0.004], [0.059, -0.009, 0.568, -0.107, 0.167, 0.801, -0.0], [0.056, -0.012, 0.566, -0.109, 0.167, 0.804, -0.0], [0.05, -0.011, 0.559, -0.11, 0.168, 0.805, -0.004], [0.039, -0.007, 0.548, -0.11, 0.17, 0.805, -0.002], [0.028, -0.002, 0.539, -0.11, 0.173, 0.804, 0.0], [0.023, 0.003, 0.535, -0.11, 0.174, 0.804, 0.001], [0.022, 0.006, 0.537, -0.111, 0.174, 0.806, 0.001], [0.026, 0.009, 0.545, -0.113, 0.172, 0.808, 0.0], [0.035, 0.012, 0.559, -0.114, 0.169, 0.813, -0.003], [0.045, 0.013, 0.571, -0.116, 0.165, 0.815, -0.006], [0.051, 0.011, 0.576, -0.115, 0.162, 0.813, -0.0], [0.054, 0.008, 0.573, -0.112, 0.159, 0.806, -0.0], [0.055, 0.002, 0.562, -0.106, 0.157, 0.794, -0.0], [0.052, -0.005, 0.543, -0.099, 0.155, 0.777, -0.01], [0.047, -0.01, 0.52, -0.092, 0.152, 0.756, -0.0], [0.043, -0.006, 0.499, -0.087, 0.149, 0.732, -0.009], [0.04, 0.006, 0.48, -0.085, 0.145, 0.703, -0.007], [0.037, 0.027, 0.462, -0.085, 0.139, 0.67, -0.006], [0.035, 0.056, 0.446, -0.087, 0.132, 0.633, -0.004], [0.032, 0.081, 0.427, -0.089, 0.126, 0.596, -0.002], [0.029, 0.091, 0.398, -0.089, 0.12, 0.561, 0.0], [0.026, 0.084, 0.361, -0.085, 0.115, 0.529, 0.001], [0.021, 0.062, 0.315, -0.079, 0.112, 0.5, 0.002], [0.016, 0.023, 0.261, -0.069, 0.109, 0.473, 0.003], [0.011, -0.02, 0.208, -0.059, 0.106, 0.445, 0.004], [0.008, -0.056, 0.169, -0.049, 0.099, 0.414, 0.004], [0.005, -0.086, 0.144, -0.041, 0.09, 0.378, 0.004], [0.004, -0.109, 0.132, -0.034, 0.078, 0.337, 0.004], [0.005, -0.126, 0.134, -0.027, 0.063, 0.293, 0.004], [0.006, -0.133, 0.141, -0.022, 0.048, 0.249, 0.004], [0.007, -0.127, 0.145, -0.02, 0.038, 0.213, 0.004], [0.008, -0.11, 0.145, -0.021, 0.031, 0.182, 0.004], [0.009, -0.08, 0.142, -0.024, 0.029, 0.159, 0.004], [0.011, -0.039, 0.136, -0.03, 0.031, 0.141, 0.005], [0.012, 0.001, 0.126, -0.036, 0.034, 0.128, 0.005], [0.012, 0.026, 0.112, -0.04, 0.036, 0.116, 0.005], [0.012, 0.034, 0.094, -0.041, 0.036, 0.105, 0.004], [0.011, 0.026, 0.073, -0.04, 0.035, 0.095, 0.002], [0.01, 0.003, 0.048, -0.037, 0.032, 0.086, 0.0], [0.009, -0.023, 0.025, -0.033, 0.029, 0.077, -0.003], [0.008, -0.036, 0.009, -0.031, 0.027, 0.069, -0.004], [0.007, -0.039, 0.001, -0.029, 0.025, 0.061, -0.005], [0.006, -0.029, -0.001, -0.028, 0.025, 0.053, -0.005], [0.005, -0.008, 0.005, -0.029, 0.024, 0.045, -0.004], [0.005, 0.014, 0.013, -0.029, 0.024, 0.037, -0.002], [0.004, 0.027, 0.017, -0.027, 0.022, 0.03, -0.001], [0.003, 0.029, 0.019, -0.023, 0.019, 0.023, 0.001], [0.003, 0.023, 0.018, -0.017, 0.014, 0.016, 0.002], [0.002, 0.006, 0.013, -0.009, 0.009, 0.01, 0.004], [0.002, -0.012, 0.008, -0.002, 0.004, 0.005, 0.005], [0.001, -0.021, 0.004, 0.002, 0.003, 0.001, 0.005], [0.0, -0.023, 0.001, 0.003, 0.006, -0.003, 0.004], [-0.002, -0.018, 0.0, 0.001, 0.012, -0.005, 0.002], [-0.003, -0.004, 0.0, -0.003, 0.021, -0.005, -0.001], [-0.005, 0.01, 0.0, -0.008, 0.029, -0.005, -0.004], [-0.005, 0.017, 0.0, -0.011, 0.031, -0.005, -0.005], [-0.004, 0.018, 0.0, -0.01, 0.026, -0.004, -0.005], [-0.003, 0.012, 0.0, -0.006, 0.016, -0.002, -0.003], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -0.0, 0.0, 0.009, -0.0, 0.003, 0.005], [0.0, -0.0, -0.001, 0.0, -0.0, 0.006, 0.0], [0.0, -0.0, -0.001, 0.0, -0.0, 0.01, 0.02], [0.0, -0.0, -0.002, 0.0, -0.0, 0.0, 0.03], [0.0, -0.0, -0.002, 0.0, -0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -0.0, -0.0, 0.0, -0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -0.0, -0.0, 0.0, -0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -0.0, -0.0, 0.0, -0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -0.0, -0.0, 0.0, -0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -0.0, -0.007, 0.0, -0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -0.0, -0.0, 0.0, -0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -0.0, -0.01, 0.0, -0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -0.0, -0.0, 0.0, -0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -0.0, -0.0, 0.0, -0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -0.0, -0.0, 0.0, -0.0, 0.0, 0.0], ] point_sum = len(joint_angles_goal_list) point_now = 0 joint_angles_now = pose_init joint_angles_now_list = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) joint_velocities_now = udp.controller.limb.joint_velocities() joint_velocities_now_list = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) z1 = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) z2 = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) alpha = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) dy_tau = udp.controller.limb.joint_efforts() cur_time = rospy.get_time() pre_time = cur_time Time = 10 count = 1500 ratio = count / Time step_size = Time / count output_size = 100 out_ratio = count / output_size '''作图用''' '''关节空间''' joint_effort_display = np.zeros((7, output_size + 1), dtype=float) joint_actual_pose_display = np.zeros((7, output_size + 1), dtype=float) joint_req_pose_display = np.zeros((7, output_size + 1), dtype=float) tout = np.zeros((7, output_size + 1), dtype=float) '''输出用计数''' a = 0 cur_time = rospy.get_time() pre_time = cur_time # temp = 0 # for key in joint_angles_goal[0]: # joint_angles_goal_list[temp] = joint_angles_goal[0][key] # temp += 1 for i in range(0, count): if not rospy.is_shutdown(): '''得到角度''' joint_angles_now = udp.controller.limb.joint_angles() temp = 0 for key in joint_angles_now: joint_angles_now_list[temp] = joint_angles_now[key] temp = temp + 1 '''得到速度''' joint_velocities_now = udp.controller.limb.joint_velocities() temp = 0 for key in joint_velocities_now: joint_velocities_now_list[temp] = joint_velocities_now[key] temp = temp + 1 '''计算出当前应该的目标点''' if point_now < point_sum: if i % 6 == 0: point_now = point_now + 1 # if point_now < point_sum: # if abs(joint_angles_goal_list[point_now][0] - joint_angles_now_list[0]) < 0.1 and \ # abs(joint_angles_goal_list[point_now][1] - joint_angles_now_list[1]) < 0.1 and\ # abs(joint_angles_goal_list[point_now][2] - joint_angles_now_list[2]) < 0.1 and\ # abs(joint_angles_goal_list[point_now][6] - joint_angles_now_list[6]) < 0.1: # point_now = point_now + 1 dy_tau = udp.controller.torquecommand( joint_angles_goal_list[point_now - 1]) '''计算z1''' # for aaa in range(0, 7): # z1[aaa] = joint_angles_now_list[aaa] - joint_angles_goal_list[point_now-1][aaa] # # '''计算alpha''' # for aaa in range(0, 7): # alpha[aaa] = -udp.controller.torController[aaa].get_kp() * z1[aaa] + joint_vel_goal_list[point_now-1][aaa] # # '''计算z2''' # for aaa in range(0, 7): # z2[aaa] = joint_velocities_now_list[aaa] - alpha[aaa] # udp.trans_z2_list[aaa] = z2[aaa] # # # print z2 # '''得到通信计算的值''' # temp = 0 # for key in dy_tau: # dy_tau[key] = -z1[temp] - udp.controller.torController[temp].get_kd() * z2[temp] + udp.real_thread_result[temp] # temp = temp + 1 #print dy_tau # if key == "right_s0" or key == "right_s1" or key == "right_e0" or key == "right_e1": # if dy_tau[key] > 20: # dy_tau[key] = 20 # elif dy_tau[key] < -20: # dy_tau[key] = -20 # else: # pass # else: # if dy_tau[key] > 12: # dy_tau[key] = 12 # elif dy_tau[key] < -12: # dy_tau[key] = -12 # else: # pass if dy_tau['left_s0'] > 5: dy_tau['left_s0'] = 5 elif dy_tau['left_s0'] < -5: dy_tau['left_s0'] = -4 else: pass if a == 0: temp = 0 start_time = rospy.get_time() get_pose = udp.controller.limb.joint_angles() for key in get_pose: joint_actual_pose_display[temp, a] = get_pose[key] joint_effort_display[temp, a] = dy_tau[key] #joint_effort_display[temp,a] = tau[(0,temp)] joint_req_pose_display[temp, a] = joint_angles_goal_list[ point_now - 1][temp] tout[temp, a] = 0 temp = temp + 1 a = a + 1 print point_now # print dy_tau udp.controller.limb.set_joint_torques(dy_tau) #udp.controller.limb.move_to_joint_positions(joint_angles_goal) '''作图用''' if i % out_ratio == 0: display_cur_time = rospy.get_time() '''关节角度 ''' temp = 0 get_pose = udp.controller.limb.joint_angles() for key in get_pose: joint_actual_pose_display[temp, a] = get_pose[key] joint_effort_display[temp, a] = dy_tau[key] # joint_effort_display[temp,a] = tau[(0,temp)] joint_req_pose_display[temp, a] = joint_angles_goal_list[ point_now - 1][temp] tout[temp, a] = float(display_cur_time - start_time) temp = temp + 1 a = a + 1 Rate.sleep() rospy.on_shutdown(udp.controller.shutdown_close) udp.thread_stop = True udp.controller.limb.exit_control_mode() udp.controller.limb.move_to_neutral() #tout = np.linspace(0, 10, output_size+1) '''关节空间''' fig1 = plt.figure(1) plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) plt.title("joint_w0") plt.plot(tout[0].T, joint_actual_pose_display[0], linewidth=3, color="red", label="actual value") plt.plot(tout[0].T, joint_req_pose_display[0], linewidth=3, color="green", label="desired value") plt.plot(tout[0].T, joint_req_pose_display[0] - joint_actual_pose_display[0], linewidth=3, color="blue", label="error value") plt.xlabel("time/s") plt.ylabel("angle/rad") plt.legend(loc='best') fig2 = plt.figure(2) plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) plt.title("joint_w1") plt.plot(tout[1].T, joint_actual_pose_display[1], linewidth=3, color="red", label="actual value") plt.plot(tout[1].T, joint_req_pose_display[1], linewidth=3, color="green", label="desired value") plt.plot(tout[0].T, joint_req_pose_display[1] - joint_actual_pose_display[1], linewidth=3, color="blue", label="error value") plt.xlabel("time/s") plt.ylabel("angle/rad") plt.legend(loc='best') fig3 = plt.figure(3) plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) plt.title("joint_w2") plt.plot(tout[2].T, joint_actual_pose_display[2], linewidth=3, color="red", label="actual value") plt.plot(tout[2].T, joint_req_pose_display[2], linewidth=3, color="green", label="desired value") plt.plot(tout[0].T, joint_req_pose_display[2] - joint_actual_pose_display[2], linewidth=3, color="blue", label="error value") plt.xlabel("time/s") plt.ylabel("angle/rad") plt.legend(loc='best') fig4 = plt.figure(4) plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) plt.title("joint_e0") plt.plot(tout[3].T, joint_actual_pose_display[3], linewidth=3, color="red", label="actual value") plt.plot(tout[3].T, joint_req_pose_display[3], linewidth=3, color="green", label="desired value") plt.plot(tout[0].T, joint_req_pose_display[3] - joint_actual_pose_display[3], linewidth=3, color="blue", label="error value") plt.xlabel("time/s") plt.ylabel("angle/rad") plt.legend(loc='best') fig5 = plt.figure(5) plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) plt.title("joint_e1") plt.plot(tout[4].T, joint_actual_pose_display[4], linewidth=3, color="red", label="actual value") plt.plot(tout[4].T, joint_req_pose_display[4], linewidth=3, color="green", label="desired value") plt.plot(tout[0].T, joint_req_pose_display[4] - joint_actual_pose_display[4], linewidth=3, color="blue", label="error value") plt.xlabel("time/s") plt.ylabel("angle/rad") plt.legend(loc='best') fig6 = plt.figure(6) plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) plt.title("joint_s0") plt.plot(tout[5].T, joint_actual_pose_display[5], linewidth=3, color="red", label="actual value") plt.plot(tout[5].T, joint_req_pose_display[5], linewidth=3, color="green", label="desired value") plt.plot(tout[0].T, joint_req_pose_display[5] - joint_actual_pose_display[5], linewidth=3, color="blue", label="error value") plt.xlabel("time/s") plt.ylabel("angle/rad") plt.legend(loc='best') fig7 = plt.figure(7) plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) plt.title("joint_s1") plt.plot(tout[6].T, joint_actual_pose_display[6], linewidth=3, color="red", label="actual value") plt.plot(tout[6].T, joint_req_pose_display[6], linewidth=3, color="green", label="desired value") plt.plot(tout[0].T, joint_req_pose_display[6] - joint_actual_pose_display[6], linewidth=3, color="blue", label="error value") plt.xlabel("time/s") plt.ylabel("angle/rad") plt.legend(loc='best') fig8 = plt.figure(8) plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) plt.title("torques") plt.plot(tout[0].T, joint_effort_display[0], linewidth=3, label='joint_w0') plt.plot(tout[0].T, joint_effort_display[1], linewidth=3, label='joint_w1') plt.plot(tout[0].T, joint_effort_display[2], linewidth=3, label='joint_w2') plt.plot(tout[0].T, joint_effort_display[3], linewidth=3, label='joint_e0') plt.plot(tout[0].T, joint_effort_display[4], linewidth=3, label='joint_e1') plt.plot(tout[0].T, joint_effort_display[5], linewidth=3, label='joint_s0') plt.plot(tout[0].T, joint_effort_display[6], linewidth=3, label='joint_s1') plt.xlabel("time/s") plt.ylabel("torque/Nm") plt.legend(loc='best', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.7)) fig8.savefig('123456.png', transparent=True)
# Callback for dynamic reconfigure requests def reconfig_callback(config, level): global imu_yaw_calibration rospy.loginfo("""Reconfigure request for yaw_calibration: %d""" %(config['yaw_calibration'])) #if imu_yaw_calibration != config('yaw_calibration'): imu_yaw_calibration = config['yaw_calibration'] rospy.loginfo("Set imu_yaw_calibration to %d" % (imu_yaw_calibration)) return config rospy.init_node("razor_node") #We only care about the most recent measurement, i.e. queue_size=1 pub = rospy.Publisher('imu/razor', Imu, queue_size=1) srv = Server(imuConfig, reconfig_callback) # define dynamic_reconfigure callback diag_pub = rospy.Publisher('diagnostics', DiagnosticArray, queue_size=1) diag_pub_time = rospy.get_time(); imuMsg = Imu() # Orientation covariance estimation: # Observed orientation noise: 0.3 degrees in x, y, 0.6 degrees in z # Magnetometer linearity: 0.1% of full scale (+/- 2 gauss) => 4 milligauss # Earth's magnetic field strength is ~0.5 gauss, so magnetometer nonlinearity could # cause ~0.8% yaw error (4mgauss/0.5 gauss = 0.008) => 2.8 degrees, or 0.050 radians # i.e. variance in yaw: 0.0025 # Accelerometer non-linearity: 0.2% of 4G => 0.008G. This could cause # static roll/pitch error of 0.8%, owing to gravity orientation sensing # error => 2.8 degrees, or 0.05 radians. i.e. variance in roll/pitch: 0.0025 # so set all covariances the same. imuMsg.orientation_covariance = [ 0.0025 , 0 , 0,
#!/usr/bin/env python import rospy from std_msgs.msg import String rospy.init_node('talker') pub = rospy.Publisher('chatter', String, queue_size=10) rate = rospy.Rate(10) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): hello_str = String() = "hello world %s" % rospy.get_time() pub.publish(hello_str) rate.sleep()
def run(self): ''' Runs ROS node - computes PID algorithms for cascade attitude control. ''' while (rospy.get_time() == 0) and (not rospy.is_shutdown()): print 'Waiting for clock server to start' print 'Received first clock message' while (not self.start_flag) and (not rospy.is_shutdown()): print "Waiting for the first measurement." rospy.sleep(0.5) print "Starting attitude control." self.t_old = clock_old = self.clock #self.t_old = self.count = 0 self.loop_count = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #self.ros_rate.sleep() while (not self.start_flag) and (not rospy.is_shutdown()): print "Waiting for the first measurement." rospy.sleep(0.5) rospy.sleep(1.0 / float(self.rate)) self.euler_sp_filt.x = simple_filters.filterPT1( self.euler_sp_old.x, self.euler_sp.x, self.roll_reference_prefilter_T, self.Ts, self.roll_reference_prefilter_K) self.euler_sp_filt.y = simple_filters.filterPT1( self.euler_sp_old.y, self.euler_sp.y, self.pitch_reference_prefilter_T, self.Ts, self.pitch_reference_prefilter_K) self.euler_sp_filt.z = self.euler_sp.z #self.euler_sp.z = simple_filters.filterPT1(self.euler_sp_old.z, self.euler_sp.z, 0.2, self.Ts, 1.0) self.euler_sp_old = copy.deepcopy(self.euler_sp_filt) clock_now = self.clock dt_clk = (clock_now.clock - clock_old.clock).to_sec() clock_old = clock_now if dt_clk > (1.0 / self.rate + 0.005): self.count += 1 print self.count, ' - ', dt_clk if dt_clk < (1.0 / self.rate - 0.005): self.count += 1 print self.count, ' - ', dt_clk if dt_clk < 0.005: dt_clk = 0.01 # Roll roll_rate_sv = self.pid_roll.compute(self.euler_sp_filt.x, self.euler_mv.x, dt_clk) # roll rate pid compute roll_rate_output = self.pid_roll_rate.compute( roll_rate_sv, self.euler_rate_mv.x, dt_clk) + self.roll_rate_output_trim # Pitch pitch_rate_sv = self.pid_pitch.compute(self.euler_sp_filt.y, self.euler_mv.y, dt_clk) # pitch rate pid compute pitch_rate_output = self.pid_pitch_rate.compute( pitch_rate_sv, self.euler_rate_mv.y, dt_clk) + self.pitch_rate_output_trim # Yaw yaw_rate_sv = self.pid_yaw.compute(self.euler_sp_filt.z, self.euler_mv.z, dt_clk) # yaw rate pid compute yaw_rate_output = self.pid_yaw_rate.compute( yaw_rate_sv, self.euler_rate_mv.z, dt_clk) # VPC stuff vpc_roll_output = -self.pid_vpc_roll.compute( 0.0, roll_rate_output, dt_clk) # Due to some wiring errors we set output to +, should be - vpc_pitch_output = -self.pid_vpc_pitch.compute( 0.0, pitch_rate_output, dt_clk) # Publish attitude attitude_output = Float64MultiArray() = [roll_rate_output, pitch_rate_output, \ yaw_rate_output, vpc_roll_output, vpc_pitch_output] self.attitude_pub.publish(attitude_output) # Publish PID data - could be usefule for tuning self.pub_pid_roll.publish(self.pid_roll.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_roll_rate.publish(self.pid_roll_rate.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_pitch.publish(self.pid_pitch.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_pitch_rate.publish(self.pid_pitch_rate.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_yaw.publish(self.pid_yaw.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_yaw_rate.publish(self.pid_yaw_rate.create_msg()) # Publish VPC pid data self.pub_pid_vpc_roll.publish(self.pid_vpc_roll.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_vpc_pitch.publish(self.pid_vpc_pitch.create_msg())
def image_callback(self, msg): self.image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(msg,desired_encoding='bgr8') self.ROI = self.image[226:256, 0:876] left_frame = self.image[160:305, 109:329] right_frame = self.image[160:305, 547:767] ''' ********** Optical Flow 初始帧 *********** ''' if self.initialize_flag == False: # 左画面 self.prev_gray_left = cv2.cvtColor(left_frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) self.prev_left = cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack(self.prev_gray_left, mask = None, **self.feature_params) # 右画面 self.prev_gray_right = cv2.cvtColor(right_frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) self.prev_right = cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack(self.prev_gray_right, mask = None, **self.feature_params) # 长条画面 self.prev_gray_ROI = cv2.cvtColor(self.ROI, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) self.prev_point = cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack(self.prev_gray_ROI, mask = None, **self.feature_params) self.initialize_flag = True ''' *********** Optical Flow 追踪帧 ************ ''' else: # 左画面 self.prev_gray_left, self.prev_left, self.LY, self.LX = ml.direction_detect(left_frame, \ self.prev_gray_left, self.prev_left, self.feature_params, self.lk_params, self.color) # 右画面 self.prev_gray_right, self.prev_right, self.RY, self.RX = ml.direction_detect(right_frame, \ self.prev_gray_right, self.prev_right, self.feature_params, self.lk_params, self.color) # 长条画面 self.prev_gray_ROI, self.prev_point, temp = ml.GetLength(self.ROI, self.prev_gray_ROI, \ self.prev_point, self.feature_params, self.lk_params, self.color) # 计算光流夹角 if self.LY != 0 and self.LX != 0 and self.RY != 0 and self.RX != 0: Lx =, self.Left_kf_x.predict())[0] self.Left_kf_x.update(self.LX) Ly =, self.Left_kf_y.predict())[0] self.Left_kf_y.update(self.LY) Rx =, self.Right_kf_x.predict())[0] self.Right_kf_x.update(self.RX) Ry =, self.Right_kf_y.predict())[0] self.Right_kf_y.update(self.RY) self.Left_Angle = ml.angular([Ly, Lx]) self.Right_Angle = ml.angular([Ry, Rx]) # 获得前进方向 self.RotateFlag (1:右, 2:左, 3:前, 4:后) self.RotateFlag = ml.GetDirectionOfTravel(self.Left_Angle, self.Right_Angle) '''******************** 跳过转弯检测的初始5帧 ******************** ''' if self.dir_flag <= 5: self.now_d, self.pre_d, self.pre_d_sub = self.RotateFlag, self.RotateFlag, self.RotateFlag self.dir_flag += 1 else: # 当前判断和上一阶段不同 if self.pre_d != self.RotateFlag: # 当前判断和上一帧不同 if self.pre_d_sub != self.RotateFlag: self.count = 0 # 当前判断和上一帧相同 else: self.count += 1 self.pre_d_sub = self.RotateFlag # 当前判断和上一阶段相同 else: self.count = 0 if self.now_d == 1 or self.now_d == 2: self.TempOfImg[self.OfImgNum] = self.image self.OfImgNum += 1 '''******************** 再次滤波 连续出现5次相同的变化 ********************''' if self.count >= 5: # 计算和前一节点的时间间隔 if self.now_d != 3: self.UnionTimeStart = rospy.get_time() self.UnionTimeInterval = self.UnionTimeStart - self.UnionTimeEnd self.UnionTimeEnd = rospy.get_time() self.now_d = self.RotateFlag if self.now_d == 3: self.cornor_direction = self.pre_d self.SaveFlagOf = 1 self.count = 0 # 把这一阶段的结果赋值 self.pre_d = self.now_d # 计算角度 + 整合方向 返回的 self.angle 即相机旋转的角度 self.OF_sum, self.DirectionNow, self.Direction, self.__angle_flag, self.angle = ml.GetRotateAng(self.now_d, \ self.OF_sum, temp, self.__angle_flag, self.angle) # 开启时,保存图像等信息 if self.SaveFlagOf == 1: self.FileNum, self.TempOfImg, self.OfCount, self.SaveFlagOf, self.OFImgSet, self.Obj, self.MovePartten, self.UnionTimeInterval \ = ml.SaveDirectionImg(self.FileNum, \ self.angle, self.cornor_direction, self.UnionTimeInterval, self.TempOfImg, self.OfCount, self.SaveFlagOf) self.OfImgNum = 0 ''' self.OFImgSet: 图像集合 self.Obj: 此处物体类型 self.MovePartten: 此处运动方式 self.UnionTimeTnterval: 距离上一个节点的时间间隔 ''' # 开始发布消息 self.ImgNum_pub.publish(len(self.OFImgSet)) for i in range(1, len(self.OFImgSet)+1): self.image_pub.publish(self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(self.OFImgSet[i], "bgr8")) self.OBJ_Info_pub.publish(self.Obj) self.MovePartten_info_pub.publish(self.MovePartten) self.Interval_pub.publish(int(self.UnionTimeInterval))
def commucate(self): while not self.thread_stop: self._cur_time = rospy.get_time() dt = self._cur_time - self._pre_time '''需要传递的角度''' self.angles = self.limb.joint_angles() temp = 0 for key in self.angles: self.trans_angles_list[temp] = self.angles[key] temp = temp + 1 self.real_trans_angles_list[0] = self.trans_angles_list[0] self.real_trans_angles_list[1] = self.trans_angles_list[1] self.real_trans_angles_list[2] = self.trans_angles_list[5] self.real_trans_angles_list[3] = self.trans_angles_list[6] self.real_trans_angles_list[4] = self.trans_angles_list[2] self.real_trans_angles_list[5] = self.trans_angles_list[3] self.real_trans_angles_list[6] = self.trans_angles_list[4] # print self.real_trans_angles_list for i in range(0, 7): self.real_trans_angles_list[ i] = self.real_trans_angles_list[i] * 1000.0 + 32768.0 '''需要传递的速度''' self.velocities = self.limb.joint_velocities() temp = 0 for key in self.velocities: self.trans_velocities_list[temp] = self.velocities[key] temp = temp + 1 self.real_trans_velocities_list[0] = self.trans_velocities_list[0] self.real_trans_velocities_list[1] = self.trans_velocities_list[1] self.real_trans_velocities_list[2] = self.trans_velocities_list[5] self.real_trans_velocities_list[3] = self.trans_velocities_list[6] self.real_trans_velocities_list[4] = self.trans_velocities_list[2] self.real_trans_velocities_list[5] = self.trans_velocities_list[3] self.real_trans_velocities_list[6] = self.trans_velocities_list[4] # print self.real_trans_velocities_list for i in range(0, 7): self.real_trans_velocities_list[ i] = self.real_trans_velocities_list[i] * 1000.0 + 32768.0 '''需要传递的z2''' self.real_z2_alphas_list[0] = self.trans_z2_list[0] self.real_z2_alphas_list[1] = self.trans_z2_list[1] self.real_z2_alphas_list[2] = self.trans_z2_list[5] self.real_z2_alphas_list[3] = self.trans_z2_list[6] self.real_z2_alphas_list[4] = self.trans_z2_list[2] self.real_z2_alphas_list[5] = self.trans_z2_list[3] self.real_z2_alphas_list[6] = self.trans_z2_list[4] for i in range(0, 7): self.real_z2_alphas_list[ i] = self.real_z2_alphas_list[i] * 1000.0 + 32768.0 self.msg = struct.pack("H", self.start) self.msg += struct.pack( "7H", self.real_trans_angles_list[0], self.real_trans_angles_list[1], self.real_trans_angles_list[2], self.real_trans_angles_list[3], self.real_trans_angles_list[4], self.real_trans_angles_list[5], self.real_trans_angles_list[6]) self.msg += struct.pack("7H", self.real_trans_velocities_list[0], self.real_trans_velocities_list[1], self.real_trans_velocities_list[2], self.real_trans_velocities_list[3], self.real_trans_velocities_list[4], self.real_trans_velocities_list[5], self.real_trans_velocities_list[6]) self.msg += struct.pack( "7H", self.real_z2_alphas_list[0], self.real_z2_alphas_list[1], self.real_z2_alphas_list[2], self.real_z2_alphas_list[3], self.real_z2_alphas_list[4], self.real_z2_alphas_list[5], self.real_z2_alphas_list[6]) self.s.sendto(self.msg, ('', 8001)) data, addr = self.s.recvfrom(1024) for i in range(0, 7): self.thread_result[i] = ( (ord(data[2 * i]) * 256 + ord(data[2 * i + 1])) - 32768.0) / 1000.0 self.real_thread_result[0] = self.thread_result[0] self.real_thread_result[1] = self.thread_result[1] self.real_thread_result[2] = self.thread_result[4] self.real_thread_result[3] = self.thread_result[5] self.real_thread_result[4] = self.thread_result[6] self.real_thread_result[5] = self.thread_result[2] self.real_thread_result[6] = self.thread_result[3] # print "self.real_thread_result" #print self.real_thread_result for i in range(0, 7): self.pre_alphas[i] = self.cur_alphas[i] self._pre_time = self._cur_time self.Rate.sleep()
def __init__(self): # 共用时间 self.UnionTimeEnd = rospy.get_time() self.UnionTimeStart = 0 self.UnionTimeInterval = 0 # Landmark 初始变量 self.bridge = cv_bridge.CvBridge() self.BBinfo = rospy.Subscriber("darknet_ros/bounding_boxes", BoundingBoxes, self.callback_boundingbox) self.img = rospy.Subscriber('/image_changed', Image, self.image_callback) self.image_pub = rospy.Publisher('/image_node', Image) self.OBJ_Info_pub = rospy.Publisher('/node_info_obj', String) self.MovePartten_info_pub = rospy.Publisher('/node_info_mp', String) self.Interval_pub = rospy.Publisher('/node_info_inter', Int32) self.ImgNum_pub = rospy.Publisher('/img_num', Int32) self.SetYoloTime = 1 self.YoloTimeEnd = 0 self.YoloTimeInterval = 0 self.StartTime = rospy.get_time() self.Start_flag = 0 self.TrashDict = {} self.IndicDict = {} self.TempImgDict = {} self.ImgCount = 0 self.ImgNum = 0 self.FileNum = 0 self.OBJNameListFlag = 1 self.TempObjNum = [] self.DictNum = [] # Optical Flow 初始变量 self.feature_params = dict(maxCorners = 300, qualityLevel = 0.2, minDistance = 5, blockSize = 7) self.lk_params = dict(winSize = (15,15), maxLevel = 2, criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT, 10, 0.03)) self.initialize_flag = False self.color = (0, 255, 0) self.LX, self.LY, self.RX, self.RY = 0, 0, 0, 0 self.dt = 1.0/600 self.F = np.array([[1, self.dt], [0, 1]]) self.H = np.array([1, 0]).reshape(1, 2) self.Q = np.array([[0.05, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]]) self.R = np.array([0.5]).reshape(1, 1) self.Left_kf_x = ml.KalmanFilter(F = self.F, H = self.H, Q = self.Q, R = self.R) self.Left_kf_y = ml.KalmanFilter(F = self.F, H = self.H, Q = self.Q, R = self.R) self.Right_kf_x = ml.KalmanFilter(F = self.F, H = self.H, Q = self.Q, R = self.R) self.Right_kf_y = ml.KalmanFilter(F = self.F, H = self.H, Q = self.Q, R = self.R) self.__angle_flag = 0 self.dir_flag = 1 self.count = 0 self.pre_text = 'forward' self.Direction = 'forward' self.DirectionNow = 'forward' self.cornor_direction = 'forward' self.TempOfImg = {} self.OfImgNum = 0 self.SaveFlagOf = 0 self.OfCount = 0 self.angle = 0 self.OF_sum = 0 self.OFImgSet = {} self.DictImgSURF = {} # 追加的sb实验 self.IndicatorLeft = {} self.IndicatorRight = {} self.TrashLeft = {} self.TrashRight = {}
def callback_boundingbox(self, message): if self.Start_flag == 0: self.StartInterval = rospy.get_time() - self.StartTime if self.StartInterval > 5: self.Start_flag = 1 else: num = len(message.bounding_boxes) OBJNameList = [] self.YoloTimeStart = rospy.get_time() self.YoloTimeInterval = self.YoloTimeStart - self.YoloTimeEnd # 满足时间条件时,判断是否为真节点,根据结果保存图像 if self.YoloTimeInterval >= self.SetYoloTime: self.TrashLeft, self.TrashRight, self.IndicatorLeft, self.IndicatorRight, self.TempImgDict, self.ImgNum, self.TempObjNum, self.ImgCount, self.FileNum, \ LMset, Obj, nowd, SendFlag = ml.CheckSaveOrPass(self.ImgCount, self.TrashLeft, self.TrashRight, self.IndicatorLeft, self.IndicatorRight, \ self.ImgNum, self.TempObjNum, self.TempImgDict, self.FileNum, self.now_d) if SendFlag == 1: # 计算和前一节点的时间间隔 self.UnionTimeStart = rospy.get_time() self.UnionTimeInterval = self.UnionTimeStart - self.UnionTimeEnd self.UnionTimeEnd = rospy.get_time() # 初始节点时间距离归0 if self.FileNum == 1: self.UnionTimeInterval = 0 ''' LMset: 图像集合 Obj: 此处物体类型 nowd: 此处运动方式 self.UnionTimeTnterval: 距离上一个节点的时间间隔 ''' # 发布消息 self.ImgNum_pub.publish(len(LMset)) for i in range(1, len(LMset)+1): self.image_pub.publish(self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(LMset[i], "bgr8")) self.OBJ_Info_pub.publish(Obj) self.MovePartten_info_pub.publish(ml.DirTransform(nowd)) self.Interval_pub.publish(int(self.UnionTimeInterval)) # 还是同一节点 for i in range(num): # 获取物体名 OBJName = message.bounding_boxes[i].Class # 获取物体坐标 x = (message.bounding_boxes[i].xmax + message.bounding_boxes[i].xmin) y = (message.bounding_boxes[i].ymax + message.bounding_boxes[i].ymin) coordinate = [x/2, y/2] # 位置筛选 if coordinate[1] > 110 and coordinate[1] < 360: if coordinate[0] > 100 and coordinate[0] < 328: OBJNameList.append(OBJName + '+Left') self.DictNum = num self.TempObjNum.append(self.DictNum) elif coordinate[0] > 548 and coordinate[0] < 776: OBJNameList.append(OBJName + '+Right') self.DictNum = num self.TempObjNum.append(self.DictNum) # 如果次帧为空列表,跳出循环 if OBJNameList == []: self.OBJNameListFlag = 0 break # 读取这一次列表中物体的个数 LTrashNum, RTrashNum, LIndicatorNum, RIndicatorNum = ml.NumCount(OBJNameList) self.TrashLeft, self.TrashRight, self.IndicatorLeft, self.IndicatorRight = ml.UpdateDict\ ([LTrashNum, RTrashNum, LIndicatorNum, RIndicatorNum], self.TrashLeft, self.TrashRight, self.IndicatorLeft, self.IndicatorRight) self.OBJNameListFlag = 1 if self.OBJNameListFlag == 1: self.TempImgDict[self.ImgNum] = (self.DictNum, self.image) self.YoloTimeEnd = rospy.get_time() self.ImgNum += 1 self.ImgCount += 1