def render_slots(self, name, request): """ name can be: left, right, upper """ rst_content, rst_path = self._get_slot_info(name) if rst_content != '': return rst2html(rst_content, rst_path, self, request) else: return ''
def render_slots(self, name, request): """ name can be: left, right, upper """ rst_content, rst_path = self._get_slot_info(name) if rst_content != "": return rst2html(rst_content, rst_path, self, request) else: return ""
def render_html(self, request): data = self.get_body() lstrip_data = data.lstrip() if self.__name__.endswith('.rst'): # 判断文件内容是否为html if lstrip_data and lstrip_data[0] == '<': return data # 不显示的标题区域,标题在zpt里面独立处理了 ospath = self.ospath return rst2html(data, str(ospath), self, request) elif self.__name__.endswith('.md'): return ''.join(markdown.Markdown().convert(data.decode('utf8'))) return data
def render_html(self, request): data = self.get_body() lstrip_data = data.lstrip() if self.__name__.endswith(".rst"): # 判断文件内容是否为html if lstrip_data and lstrip_data[0] == "<": return data # 不显示的标题区域,标题在zpt里面独立处理了 ospath = self.ospath return rst2html(data, str(ospath), self, request) elif self.__name__.endswith(".md"): return "".join(markdown.Markdown().convert(data.decode("utf8"))) return data
def render_html(self, request): data = self.get_body() lstrip_data = data.lstrip() if self.__name__.endswith('.rst'): # 判断文件内容是否为html if lstrip_data and lstrip_data[0] == '<': return data # 不显示的标题区域,标题在zpt里面独立处理了 ospath = self.ospath return rst2html(data, str(ospath), self, request) elif self.__name__.endswith('.md'): return ''.join(markdown.Markdown().convert(data.decode('utf8'))) elif self.__name__.endswith('.html'): return data
def readme(reponame): repo = Repository(reponame) try: tree = repo[].tree blob = repo[tree['README.rst'].oid] data ='utf-8', errors='ignore') readme = utils.rst2html(data) except KeyError: try: tree = repo[].tree blob = repo[tree[''].oid] data ='utf-8', errors='ignore') readme = markdown(data) except: readme = "No README.rst or found" return render_template("readme.html", repo = repo, readme = readme)
def run(self): node_list = [] self.assert_has_content() try: parser = rst.tableparser.GridTableParser() tbl = parser.parse(self.content) except: try: parser = rst.tableparser.SimpleTableParser() tbl = parser.parse(self.content) except: tbl = None text = '' if tbl: # parser.parse() returns a list of three items # # 1. A list of column widths # 2. A list of head rows # 3. A list of body rows colspecs = tbl[0] headrows = tbl[1] # tbl[1][i] is the ith column head bodyrows = tbl[2] # Each row contains a list of cells # # Each cell is either # # - None (for a cell unused because of another cell's span), or # - A tuple with four items: # # 1. The number of extra rows used by the cell in a vertical span # 2. The number of extra columns used by the cell in a horizontal span # 3. The line offset of the first line of the cell contents # 4. The cell contents --- a list of lines of text divid = '' if 'label' in self.options.keys(): label = nodes.make_id(self.options['label']) divid = ' id="tbl:{0}"'.format(label) caption = '' if self.arguments: # use as caption caption = rst2html(self.arguments[0], inline=True) colspec = len(tbl[0]) * 'c' if 'cols' in self.options.keys(): colspec = self.options['cols'] align = {'l': 'left', 'c': 'center', 'r': 'right'} text = '' text += '<div{} class="docutils-extensions tbl">\n'.format(divid) text += '<table>\n' for tag, rows in [('th', tbl[1]), ('td', tbl[2])]: for row in rows: text += '<tr>\n' for cell in row: if cell: rowspan = '' if cell[0]: rowspan = ' rowspan="{}"'.format(cell[0] + 1) colspan = '' if cell[1]: colspan = ' colspan="{}"'.format(cell[1] + 1) cellalign = align[colspec[row.index(cell)]] celltext = rst2html('\n'.join(cell[3]), inline=True) text += '<{}{}{} style="text-align:{}">\n'.format( tag, rowspan, colspan, cellalign) text += '{}\n'.format(celltext) text += '</{}>\n'.format(tag) text += '</tr>\n' if caption: text += '<caption>{}</caption>\n'.format(caption) text += '</table>\n' text += '</div>\n' node = nodes.raw(text=text, format='html', **self.options) node_list += [node] # Create latex node text = '' if tbl: label = '' if 'label' in self.options.keys(): label = nodes.make_id(self.options['label']) caption = '' if self.arguments: # use as caption caption = rst2latex(self.arguments[0]) colspec = len(colspecs) * 'c' if 'cols' in self.options.keys(): colspec = self.options['cols'] text += '\\renewcommand{\\arraystretch}{1.5}\n' text += '\\renewcommand{\\tabcolsep}{0.2cm}\n' text += '\\begin{center}\n' if label: text += '\\label{{tbl:{0}}}\n'.format(label) text += '\\begin{{tabular}}{{{0}}}\n'.format(colspec) text += '\\hline\n' if headrows: for row in headrows: celltext = [] for cell in row: if cell: celltext += [rst2latex('\n'.join(cell[3]))] else: celltext += [''] text += ' & '.join(celltext) + ' \\\\\n' text += '\\hline\n' for row in bodyrows: celltext = [] for cell in row: if cell: celltext.append(rst2latex('\n'.join(cell[3]))) else: celltext.append('') text += ' & '.join(celltext) + ' \\\\\n' text += '\\hline\n' text += '\\end{tabular}\n' if caption: text += '\\captionof{{table}}{{{0}}}\n'.format(caption) text += '\\end{center}\n' node = nodes.raw(text=text, format='latex', **self.options) node_list += [node] return node_list
def run(self): # Parse directive data self.assert_has_content() content = '\n'.join(self.content) # .replace('\\\\','\\') caption = '' if self.arguments: # use as caption caption = self.arguments[0] option_choices = ['default', 'none', 'bullets'] numbering = self.options.get('numbering', option_choices[0]) try: list_start = int(numbering) except: list_start = 1 if numbering not in option_choices: numbering == option_choices[0] if numbering == 'none': numbering = '' option_choices = ['show', 'toggle', 'hide'] answers = self.options.get('answers', option_choices[0]) if answers not in option_choices: answers = option_choices[0] option_choices = ['toggle', 'hide', 'show'] solutions = self.options.get('solutions', option_choices[0]) if solutions not in option_choices: solutions = option_choices[0] option_choices = ['simple', 'compact'] print_style = self.options.get('print-style', option_choices[0]) if print_style not in option_choices: print_style = option_choices[0] # Begin output node_list = [] for load in [yaml.load, json.loads]: try: problem_set = load(content) except: problem_set = [] if problem_set: break # HTML writer specifics start... if problem_set: text = '' if caption: text += '<h4>{}</h4>\n'.format(rst2html(caption, inline=True)) if numbering: if numbering == 'bullets': text += '<ul class="inside-list">\n' else: # ERROR: not sure why this markup does not seem to catch for list_start > 1 ... text += '<ol start="{:02}" class="inside-list">\n'.format( list_start) n = list_start - 1 for problem in problem_set: n += 1 q, a, s = self.unpack(problem, format='html') toggle_id = '{:09}'.format(random.randrange(0, 1e9)) if numbering: text += '<li>\n' if answers == 'toggle': text += '<input class="toggler" type="button" rel="a{}" value="Show Answer" onclick="buttonToggle(this,\'Show Answer\',\'Hide Answer\')">\n'.format( toggle_id) text += '<p>{}</p>\n'.format(q) if answers == 'show': text += '<p id="a{}">\n'.format(toggle_id) if solutions == 'toggle': text += '<input class="toggler" type="button" rel="s{}" value="Show Solution" onclick="buttonToggle(this,\'Show Solution\',\'Hide Solution\')">\n'.format( toggle_id) text += '<i>Answer:</i> {}\n'.format(a) text += '</p>\n' elif answers == 'toggle': text += '<div id="a{}" class="togglee">\n'.format( toggle_id) if solutions == 'toggle': text += '<input class="toggler" type="button" rel="s{}" value="Show Solution" onclick="buttonToggle(this,\'Show Solution\',\'Hide Solution\')">\n'.format( toggle_id) text += '<i>Answer:</i> {}\n'.format(a) text += '</div>\n' if solutions == 'show': text += '<div id="s{}" class="solution" style="display:block">\n'.format( toggle_id) text += '<p>{}</p>\n'.format(s) text += '</div>\n' elif solutions == 'toggle': text += '<div id="s{}" class="solution togglee">\n'.format( toggle_id) text += '<p>{}</p>\n'.format(s) text += '</div>\n' if numbering: text += '</li>\n' if numbering: if numbering == 'bullets': text += '</ul>\n' else: text += '</ol>\n' else: text = '<pre>Malformed input\n\n{}</pre>'.format(content) node = nodes.raw(text=text, format='html', **self.options) node_list += [node] # LaTeX writer specifics text = '' if problem_set: if caption: text += '\\subsubsection*{{{}}}\n\n'.format(rst2latex(caption)) n = list_start - 1 for problem in problem_set: n += 1 q, a, s = self.unpack(problem, format='latex') if print_style == 'simple': text += '\\textbf{{{0}.}}\n'.format(n) text += '\\quad \n{0}\n'.format(q) if answers in ['show', 'toggle']: text += '\\par \\textbf{{Answer:}} {0}\n'.format(a) if solutions in ['show', 'toggle']: text += '\\par \\textbf{{Solution:}}\n\\par {0}\n'.format( s) text += '\n' else: text += '\\addtolength\\textwidth{-\\adjwidth}' text += '\\textbf{{{0}.}}\n'.format(n) if answers in ['show', 'toggle']: text += '\\marginpar{{\\footnotesize\\sf {0}}}\n'.format( a) text += '\\quad \n{0}\n'.format(q) if answers in ['show', 'toggle' ] and solutions in ['show', 'toggle']: text += '\\par \\textbf{{Solution:}}\n\\par {0}\n'.format( s) text += '\n' else: text += '\\emph{Malformed input}\n' text += '\\begin{verbatim}\n' text += '{}\n'.format(content) text += '\\end{verbatim}\n' text += '\n' node = nodes.raw(text=text, format='latex', **self.options) node_list += [node] return node_list
def run(self): node_list = [] text = '' try: scale = float(self.options['scale']) except: scale = 1.00 if 'image' in self.options: image_name = self.options['image'] if '://' in image_name: image_path = '' image_url = image_name else: image_path = os.path.join(WIKI_IMAGE_PATH, image_name) image_url = '/'.join([WIKI_IMAGE_URL, image_name]) if not os.path.exists(image_path): print '* ERROR: Missing: ' + image_path text += '<p class="warning">' text += 'Missing image : {}'.format(image_name) text += '</p>\n'.format(image_name) else: # Unlike a normal image, our reference will come from the content... self.assert_has_content() content = '\n'.join(self.content).replace('\\\\', '\\') image_hash = hashlib.md5(content.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() if 'template' in self.options: type, template = self.options['template'].split('-') else: type = 'latex' template = 'preview' if template == 'animation': image_name = '{}.mp4'.format(image_hash) else: image_name = '{}.png'.format(image_hash) image_path = os.path.join(WIKI_IMAGE_PATH, SYSGEN_FOLDER, image_name) image_url = '/'.join([WIKI_IMAGE_URL, SYSGEN_FOLDER, image_name]) if not os.path.exists(image_path): self.build_image(image_path, content, type, template) if not os.path.exists(image_path): print '* ERROR: Missing: ' + image_path text += '<div class="warning">\n' text += '<h4>File generation error:</h4>\n' text += '<pre><code>' text += '\n'.join(self.content) + '\n' text += '</code></pre>\n' text += '</div>\n\n' if not text: if 'label' in self.options.keys(): label = nodes.make_id(self.options['label']) else: label = nodes.make_id(image_name) text += '<div id="fig:{0}" class="docutils-extensions fig">\n'.format( label) text += '<a href="{0}">\n'.format(image_url) try: if image_path: i = x = int(scale * i.size[0]) y = int(scale * i.size[1]) text += '<img width="{1}px" height="{2}"px src="{0}">\n'.format( image_url, x, y) else: text += '<img src="{0}">\n'.format(image_url) except: ext = os.path.basename(image_path).rsplit('.')[1] if ext == 'mp4': cmd = [FFMPEG_CMD, '-i', image_path] p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() m ='Stream.*Video.*, (\d+)x(\d+)', err) if m: x = int(scale * float( y = int(scale * float( text += '<video width="{1}px" height="{2}px" controls><source src="{0}" type="video/mp4"></video>\n'.format( image_url, x, y) else: text += '<video controls><source src="{0}" type="video/mp4"></video>\n'.format( image_url) text += '</a>\n' if self.arguments: text += rst2html(self.arguments[0]) text += '</div>\n' node = nodes.raw(text=text, format='html', **self.options) node_list += [node] # LaTeX writer specifics start (offset is ignored for HTML writer) if self.arguments: caption = rst2latex(self.arguments[0]) caption = r'\captionof{figure}{%s}' % caption else: caption = '' if 'label' in self.options.keys(): label = nodes.make_id(self.options['label']) label = r'\label{fig:%s}' % label else: label = '' if 'image' in self.options.keys(): image = self.options['image'] if str(image).rsplit('.', 1)[1] in ['png', 'jpg', 'gif', 'pdf']: if not os.path.exists(image_path): print 'Could not locate "%s"' % image_path latex_path = get_latex_path(image_path) figtext = r'\includegraphics[scale=%s]{%s}' figtext = figtext % (scale, latex_path) if not label: label = nodes.make_id(image) label = r'\label{fig:%s}' % label else: figtext = image else: # Note the `everymath` statement below. This switches the default behavior of # inline math to display style. For *figures* I am constantly enforcing display # mode, so this seems like a better default for my purpose. Use `textstyle` to # get the regular behavior, e.g., "\textstyle \int x dx = \frac{1}{2} x^2" figtext = '\n\\everymath{\\displaystyle}\n' figtext += '\n'.join(self.content) figtext += '\n\\everymath{\\textstyle}\n' text = FIG_TEMPLATE['default'] % { 'caption': caption, 'label': label, 'figtext': figtext, } node = nodes.raw(text=text, format='latex', **self.options) node_list += [node] return node_list
def run(self): # Parse directive data self.assert_has_content() content = '\n'.join(self.content) # .replace('\\\\','\\') caption = '' if self.arguments: # use as caption caption = self.arguments[0] option_choices = ['default','none','bullets'] numbering = self.options.get('numbering', option_choices[0]) try: list_start = int(numbering) except: list_start = 1 if numbering not in option_choices: numbering == option_choices[0] if numbering == 'none': numbering = '' option_choices = ['show','toggle','hide'] answers = self.options.get('answers', option_choices[0]) if answers not in option_choices: answers = option_choices[0] option_choices = ['toggle','hide','show'] solutions = self.options.get('solutions', option_choices[0]) if solutions not in option_choices: solutions = option_choices[0] option_choices = ['simple','compact'] print_style = self.options.get('print-style', option_choices[0]) if print_style not in option_choices: print_style = option_choices[0] # Begin output node_list = [] for load in [yaml.load, json.loads]: try: problem_set = load(content) except: problem_set = [] if problem_set: break # HTML writer specifics start... if problem_set: text = '' if caption: text += '<h4>{}</h4>\n'.format(rst2html(caption, inline=True)) if numbering: if numbering == 'bullets': text += '<ul class="inside-list">\n' else: # ERROR: not sure why this markup does not seem to catch for list_start > 1 ... text += '<ol start="{:02}" class="inside-list">\n'.format(list_start) n = list_start - 1 for problem in problem_set: n += 1 q, a, s = self.unpack(problem, format='html') toggle_id = '{:09}'.format(random.randrange(0,1e9)) if numbering: text += '<li>\n' if answers == 'toggle': text += '<input class="toggler" type="button" rel="a{}" value="Show Answer" onclick="buttonToggle(this,\'Show Answer\',\'Hide Answer\')">\n'.format(toggle_id) text += '<p>{}</p>\n'.format(q) if answers == 'show': text += '<p id="a{}">\n'.format(toggle_id) if solutions == 'toggle': text += '<input class="toggler" type="button" rel="s{}" value="Show Solution" onclick="buttonToggle(this,\'Show Solution\',\'Hide Solution\')">\n'.format(toggle_id) text += '<i>Answer:</i> {}\n'.format(a) text += '</p>\n' elif answers == 'toggle': text += '<div id="a{}" class="togglee">\n'.format(toggle_id) if solutions == 'toggle': text += '<input class="toggler" type="button" rel="s{}" value="Show Solution" onclick="buttonToggle(this,\'Show Solution\',\'Hide Solution\')">\n'.format(toggle_id) text += '<i>Answer:</i> {}\n'.format(a) text += '</div>\n' if solutions == 'show': text += '<div id="s{}" class="solution" style="display:block">\n'.format(toggle_id) text += '<p>{}</p>\n'.format(s) text += '</div>\n' elif solutions == 'toggle': text += '<div id="s{}" class="solution togglee">\n'.format(toggle_id) text += '<p>{}</p>\n'.format(s) text += '</div>\n' if numbering: text += '</li>\n' if numbering: if numbering == 'bullets': text += '</ul>\n' else: text += '</ol>\n' else: text = '<pre>Malformed input\n\n{}</pre>'.format(content) node = nodes.raw(text=text, format='html', **self.options) node_list += [node] # LaTeX writer specifics text = '' if problem_set: if caption: text += '\\subsubsection*{{{}}}\n\n'.format(rst2latex(caption)) n = list_start - 1 for problem in problem_set: n += 1 q, a, s = self.unpack(problem, format='latex') if print_style == 'simple': text += '\\textbf{{{0}.}}\n'.format(n) text += '\\quad \n{0}\n'.format(q) if answers in ['show','toggle']: text += '\\par \\textbf{{Answer:}} {0}\n'.format(a) if solutions in ['show','toggle']: text += '\\par \\textbf{{Solution:}}\n\\par {0}\n'.format(s) text += '\n' else: text += '\\addtolength\\textwidth{-\\adjwidth}' text += '\\textbf{{{0}.}}\n'.format(n) if answers in ['show','toggle']: text += '\\marginpar{{\\footnotesize\\sf {0}}}\n'.format(a) text += '\\quad \n{0}\n'.format(q) if answers in ['show','toggle'] and solutions in ['show','toggle']: text += '\\par \\textbf{{Solution:}}\n\\par {0}\n'.format(s) text += '\n' else: text += '\\emph{Malformed input}\n' text += '\\begin{verbatim}\n' text += '{}\n'.format(content) text += '\\end{verbatim}\n' text += '\n' node = nodes.raw(text=text, format='latex', **self.options) node_list += [node] return node_list
def run(self): node_list = [] text = '' try: scale = float(self.options['scale']) except: scale = 1.00 if 'image' in self.options: image_name = self.options['image'] if '://' in image_name: image_path = '' image_url = image_name else: image_path = os.path.join(WIKI_IMAGE_PATH, image_name) image_url = '/'.join([WIKI_IMAGE_URL, image_name]) if not os.path.exists(image_path): print '* ERROR: Missing: ' + image_path text += '<p class="warning">' text += 'Missing image : {}'.format(image_name) text += '</p>\n'.format(image_name) else: # Unlike a normal image, our reference will come from the content... self.assert_has_content() content = '\n'.join(self.content).replace('\\\\','\\') image_hash = hashlib.md5(content.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() if 'template' in self.options: type, template = self.options['template'].split('-') else: type = 'latex' template = 'preview' if template == 'animation': image_name = '{}.mp4'.format(image_hash) else: image_name = '{}.png'.format(image_hash) image_path = os.path.join(WIKI_IMAGE_PATH, SYSGEN_FOLDER, image_name) image_url = '/'.join([WIKI_IMAGE_URL, SYSGEN_FOLDER, image_name]) if not os.path.exists(image_path): self.build_image(image_path, content, type, template) if not os.path.exists(image_path): print '* ERROR: Missing: ' + image_path text += '<div class="warning">\n' text += '<h4>File generation error:</h4>\n' text += '<pre><code>' text += '\n'.join(self.content) + '\n' text += '</code></pre>\n' text += '</div>\n\n' if not text: if 'label' in self.options.keys(): label = nodes.make_id(self.options['label']) else: label = nodes.make_id(image_name) text += '<div id="fig:{0}" class="docutils-extensions fig">\n'.format(label) text += '<a href="{0}">\n'.format(image_url) try: if image_path: i = x = int(scale * i.size[0]) y = int(scale * i.size[1]) text += '<img width="{1}px" height="{2}"px src="{0}">\n'.format(image_url, x, y) else: text += '<img src="{0}">\n'.format(image_url) except: ext = os.path.basename(image_path).rsplit('.')[1] if ext == 'mp4': cmd = [FFMPEG_CMD, '-i', image_path] p = Popen(cmd,stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() m ='Stream.*Video.*, (\d+)x(\d+)', err) if m: x = int(scale * float( y = int(scale * float( text += '<video width="{1}px" height="{2}px" controls><source src="{0}" type="video/mp4"></video>\n'.format(image_url, x, y) else: text += '<video controls><source src="{0}" type="video/mp4"></video>\n'.format(image_url) text += '</a>\n' if self.arguments: text += rst2html(self.arguments[0]) text += '</div>\n' node = nodes.raw(text=text, format='html', **self.options) node_list += [node] # LaTeX writer specifics start (offset is ignored for HTML writer) if self.arguments: caption = rst2latex(self.arguments[0]) caption = r'\captionof{figure}{%s}' % caption else: caption = '' if 'label' in self.options.keys(): label = nodes.make_id(self.options['label']) label = r'\label{fig:%s}' % label else: label = '' if 'image' in self.options.keys(): image = self.options['image'] if str(image).rsplit('.',1)[1] in ['png','jpg','gif','pdf']: if not os.path.exists(image_path): print 'Could not locate "%s"' % image_path latex_path = get_latex_path(image_path) figtext = r'\includegraphics[scale=%s]{%s}' figtext = figtext % (scale, latex_path) if not label: label = nodes.make_id(image) label = r'\label{fig:%s}' % label else: figtext = image else: # Note the `everymath` statement below. This switches the default behavior of # inline math to display style. For *figures* I am constantly enforcing display # mode, so this seems like a better default for my purpose. Use `textstyle` to # get the regular behavior, e.g., "\textstyle \int x dx = \frac{1}{2} x^2" figtext = '\n\\everymath{\\displaystyle}\n' figtext += '\n'.join(self.content) figtext += '\n\\everymath{\\textstyle}\n' text = FIG_TEMPLATE['default'] % { 'caption' : caption, 'label' : label, 'figtext' : figtext, } node = nodes.raw(text=text, format='latex', **self.options) node_list += [node] return node_list