result =''' SELECT `stations`.`id` AS `id`, `stations`.`name` AS `name`, `stations`.`name_alt` AS `name_alt`, `stations`.`region` AS `region`, `stations`.`country` AS `country`, `stations`.`national_id` AS `national_id`, CAST(`stations`.`wmo` AS CHAR(5)) AS `wmo`, `stations`.`icao` AS `icao`, `stations`.`iata` AS `iata`, `stations`.`latitude` AS `latitude`, `stations`.`longitude` AS `longitude`, `stations`.`altitude` AS `altitude`, `stations`.`tz` as `timezone`, `stations`.`history` as `history`, MIN(`inventory_hourly`.`start`) AS "hourly_start", MAX(`inventory_hourly`.`end`) AS "hourly_end", MIN(`inventory_daily`.`start`) AS "daily_start", MAX(`inventory_daily`.`end`) AS "daily_end" FROM `stations` LEFT JOIN ( SELECT `station`, `start`, `end` FROM `inventory` WHERE `mode` = "H" ) AS `inventory_hourly` ON `stations`.`id` = `inventory_hourly`.`station` LEFT JOIN ( SELECT `station`, `start`, `end` FROM `inventory` WHERE `mode` = "D" ) AS `inventory_daily` ON `stations`.`id` = `inventory_daily`.`station` GROUP BY `stations`.`id` ''')
exit() else: task.set_var(f'station_counter_{MODE}', counter + STATIONS_PER_CYCLE) # DataFrame which holds all data df_full = None for station_file in stations: try: # Get national weather station ID national_id = str(station_file[-13:-8]) if MODE == 'recent' else str( station_file[-32:-27]) station = f"SELECT `id` FROM `stations` WHERE `national_id` LIKE '{national_id}'" ).iloc[0][0] # DataFrame which holds data for one weather station df_station = None # Go through all parameters for parameter in PARAMETERS: try: remote_file = find_file(ftp, parameter['dir'], national_id) if remote_file is not None: hash = hashlib.md5(remote_file.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
result = f''' SET STATEMENT max_statement_time=60 FOR SELECT `date`, SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(`tavg` ORDER BY `priority`), ",", 1) AS `tavg`, SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(`tmin` ORDER BY `priority`), ",", 1) AS `tmin`, SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(`tmax` ORDER BY `priority`), ",", 1) AS `tmax`, SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(`prcp` ORDER BY `priority`), ",", 1) AS `prcp`, SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(`snow` ORDER BY `priority`), ",", 1) AS `snow`, SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(`wdir` ORDER BY `priority`), ",", 1) AS `wdir`, SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(`wspd` ORDER BY `priority`), ",", 1) AS `wspd`, SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(`wpgt` ORDER BY `priority`), ",", 1) AS `wpgt`, SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(`pres` ORDER BY `priority`), ",", 1) AS `pres`, SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(`tsun` ORDER BY `priority`), ",", 1) AS `tsun` FROM ( (SELECT `date`, `tavg`, `tmin`, `tmax`, `prcp`, `snow`, NULL AS `wdir`, `wspd`, `wpgt`, `pres`, `tsun`, "A" AS `priority` FROM `daily_national` WHERE `station` = :station ) UNION ALL (SELECT `date`, `tavg`, `tmin`, `tmax`, `prcp`, `snow`, `wdir`, `wspd`, `wpgt`, NULL AS `pres`, `tsun`, "A" AS `priority` FROM `daily_ghcn` WHERE `station` = :station ) UNION ALL (SELECT DATE(CONVERT_TZ(`hourly_national`.`time`, "UTC", :timezone)) AS `date`, IF(count(`hourly_national`.`temp`)<24, NULL, ROUND(AVG(`hourly_national`.`temp`),1)) AS `tavg`, IF(count(`hourly_national`.`temp`)<24, NULL, MIN(`hourly_national`.`temp`)) AS `tmin`, IF(count(`hourly_national`.`temp`)<24, NULL, MAX(`hourly_national`.`temp`)) AS `tmax`, IF(count(`hourly_national`.`prcp`)<24, NULL, SUM(`hourly_national`.`prcp`)) AS `prcp`, NULL AS `snow`, IF(count(`hourly_national`.`wdir`)<24, NULL, ROUND(AVG(`hourly_national`.`wdir`),1)) AS `wdir`, IF(count(`hourly_national`.`wspd`)<24, NULL, ROUND(AVG(`hourly_national`.`wspd`),1)) AS `wspd`, NULL AS `wpgt`, IF(count(`hourly_national`.`pres`)<24, NULL, ROUND(AVG(`hourly_national`.`pres`),1)) AS `pres`, NULL AS `tsun`, "B" AS `priority` FROM `hourly_national` WHERE `hourly_national`.`station` = :station GROUP BY `station`, `date` ) UNION ALL (SELECT DATE(CONVERT_TZ(`hourly_isd`.`time`, "UTC", :timezone)) AS `date`, IF(count(`hourly_isd`.`temp`)<24, NULL, ROUND(AVG(`hourly_isd`.`temp`),1)) AS `tavg`, IF(count(`hourly_isd`.`temp`)<24, NULL, MIN(`hourly_isd`.`temp`)) AS `tmin`, IF(count(`hourly_isd`.`temp`)<24, NULL, MAX(`hourly_isd`.`temp`)) AS `tmax`, IF(count(`hourly_isd`.`prcp`)<24, NULL, SUM(`hourly_isd`.`prcp`)) AS `prcp`, NULL AS `snow`, IF(count(`hourly_isd`.`wdir`)<24, NULL, ROUND(AVG(`hourly_isd`.`wdir`),1)) AS `wdir`, IF(count(`hourly_isd`.`wspd`)<24, NULL, ROUND(AVG(`hourly_isd`.`wspd`),1)) AS `wspd`, NULL AS `wpgt`, IF(count(`hourly_isd`.`pres`)<24, NULL, ROUND(AVG(`hourly_isd`.`pres`),1)) AS `pres`, NULL AS `tsun`, "B" AS `priority` FROM `hourly_isd` WHERE `hourly_isd`.`station` = :station GROUP BY `station`, `date` ) UNION ALL (SELECT DATE(CONVERT_TZ(`hourly_synop`.`time`, "UTC", :timezone)) AS `date`, IF(count(`hourly_synop`.`temp`)<24, NULL, ROUND(AVG(`hourly_synop`.`temp`),1)) AS `tavg`, IF(count(`hourly_synop`.`temp`)<24, NULL, MIN(`hourly_synop`.`temp`)) AS `tmin`, IF(count(`hourly_synop`.`temp`)<24, NULL, MAX(`hourly_synop`.`temp`)) AS `tmax`, IF(count(`hourly_synop`.`prcp`)<24, NULL, SUM(`hourly_synop`.`prcp`)) AS `prcp`, IF(count(`hourly_synop`.`snow`)<24, NULL, MAX(`hourly_synop`.`snow`)) AS `snow`, IF(count(`hourly_synop`.`wdir`)<24, NULL, ROUND(AVG(`hourly_synop`.`wdir`),1)) AS `wdir`, IF(count(`hourly_synop`.`wspd`)<24, NULL, ROUND(AVG(`hourly_synop`.`wspd`),1)) AS `wspd`, IF(count(`hourly_synop`.`wpgt`)<24, NULL, MAX(`wpgt`)) AS `wpgt`, IF(count(`hourly_synop`.`pres`)<24, NULL, ROUND(AVG(`hourly_synop`.`pres`),1)) AS `pres`, NULL AS `tsun`, "C" AS `priority` FROM `hourly_synop` WHERE `hourly_synop`.`station` = :station GROUP BY `station`, `date` ) UNION ALL (SELECT DATE(CONVERT_TZ(`hourly_metar`.`time`, "UTC", :timezone)) AS `date`, IF(count(`hourly_metar`.`temp`)<24, NULL, ROUND(AVG(`hourly_metar`.`temp`),1)) AS `tavg`, IF(count(`hourly_metar`.`temp`)<24, NULL, MIN(`hourly_metar`.`temp`)) AS `tmin`, IF(count(`hourly_metar`.`temp`)<24, NULL, MAX(`hourly_metar`.`temp`)) AS `tmax`, NULL AS `prcp`, NULL AS `snow`, IF(count(`hourly_metar`.`wdir`)<24, NULL, ROUND(AVG(`hourly_metar`.`wdir`),1)) AS `wdir`, IF(count(`hourly_metar`.`wspd`)<24, NULL, ROUND(AVG(`hourly_metar`.`wspd`),1)) AS `wspd`, NULL AS `wpgt`, IF(count(`hourly_metar`.`pres`)<24, NULL, ROUND(AVG(`hourly_metar`.`pres`),1)) AS `pres`, NULL AS `tsun`, "D" AS `priority` FROM `hourly_metar` WHERE `hourly_metar`.`station` = :station GROUP BY `station`, `date` ) {f""" UNION ALL (SELECT DATE(CONVERT_TZ(`hourly_model`.`time`, "UTC", :timezone)) AS `date`, IF(count(`hourly_model`.`temp`)<24, NULL, ROUND(AVG(`hourly_model`.`temp`),1)) AS `tavg`, IF(count(`hourly_model`.`temp`)<24, NULL, MIN(`hourly_model`.`temp`)) AS `tmin`, IF(count(`hourly_model`.`temp`)<24, NULL, MAX(`hourly_model`.`temp`)) AS `tmax`, IF(count(`hourly_model`.`prcp`)<24, NULL, SUM(`hourly_model`.`prcp`)) AS `prcp`, NULL AS `snow`, IF(count(`hourly_model`.`wdir`)<24, NULL, ROUND(AVG(`hourly_model`.`wdir`),1)) AS `wdir`, IF(count(`hourly_model`.`wspd`)<24, NULL, ROUND(AVG(`hourly_model`.`wspd`),1)) AS `wspd`, IF(count(`hourly_model`.`wpgt`)<24, NULL, MAX(`hourly_model`.`wpgt`)) AS `wpgt`, IF(count(`hourly_model`.`pres`)<24, NULL, ROUND(AVG(`hourly_model`.`pres`),1)) AS `pres`, NULL AS `tsun`, "E" AS `priority` FROM `hourly_model` WHERE `hourly_model`.`station` = :station GROUP BY `station`, `date` ) """ if SCOPE == 'full' else ''} ) AS `daily_derived` WHERE `tavg` IS NOT NULL OR `tmin` IS NOT NULL OR `tmax` IS NOT NULL OR `prcp` IS NOT NULL GROUP BY `date` ORDER BY `date` ''', { 'station': station[0], 'timezone': station[1] })
'PO': 27, 'SQ': 27, 'FC': 27, 'SS': 27, 'DS': 27 } return condicodes.get(str(code), None) except BaseException: return None # Get ICAO stations stations = """SELECT `id`, `icao` FROM `stations` WHERE `icao` IS NOT NULL""") stations = stations.set_index('icao') # Get cycle cycle = ( - timedelta(hours=2)).strftime('%H') # Create request for JSON file url = f"{cycle}Z.TXT" req = request.Request(url) # Get METAR strings with request.urlopen(req) as raw: file = data = []
result = f''' SET STATEMENT max_statement_time=90 FOR SELECT DATE(MIN(`time`)) AS `date`, DATE_FORMAT(MIN(`time`), '%H') AS `hour`, SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(`temp` ORDER BY `priority`), ',', 1) AS `temp`, SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(`dwpt` ORDER BY `priority`), ',', 1) AS `dwpt`, SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(`rhum` ORDER BY `priority`), ',', 1) AS `rhum`, SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(`prcp` ORDER BY `priority`), ',', 1) AS `prcp`, SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(`snow` ORDER BY `priority`), ',', 1) AS `snow`, SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(`wdir` ORDER BY `priority`), ',', 1) AS `wdir`, SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(`wspd` ORDER BY `priority`), ',', 1) AS `wspd`, SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(`wpgt` ORDER BY `priority`), ',', 1) AS `wpgt`, SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(`pres` ORDER BY `priority`), ',', 1) AS `pres`, SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(`tsun` ORDER BY `priority`), ',', 1) AS `tsun`, SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(`coco` ORDER BY `priority`), ',', 1) AS `coco` FROM ( (SELECT `time`, `temp`, ROUND((243.04*(LN(`rhum`/100)+((17.625*`temp`)/(243.04+`temp`)))/(17.625-LN(`rhum`/100)-((17.625*`temp`)/(243.04+`temp`)))),1) AS `dwpt`, `rhum`, `prcp`, NULL AS `snow`, `wdir`, `wspd`, NULL AS `wpgt`, `pres`, `tsun`, NULL AS `coco`, 'A' AS `priority` FROM `hourly_national` WHERE `station` = :station {f'AND `time` BETWEEN "{start_year}-01-01 00:00:00" AND "{end_year}-12-31 23:59:59"' if MODE == 'recent' else ''} ) UNION ALL (SELECT `time`, `temp`, ROUND((243.04*(LN(`rhum`/100)+((17.625*`temp`)/(243.04+`temp`)))/(17.625-LN(`rhum`/100)-((17.625*`temp`)/(243.04+`temp`)))),1) AS `dwpt`, `rhum`, `prcp`, NULL AS `snow`, `wdir`, `wspd`, NULL AS `wpgt`, `pres`, NULL AS `tsun`, NULL AS `coco`, 'A' AS `priority` FROM `hourly_isd` WHERE `station` = :station {f'AND `time` BETWEEN "{start_year}-01-01 00:00:00" AND "{end_year}-12-31 23:59:59"' if MODE == 'recent' else ''} ) UNION ALL (SELECT `time`, `temp`, ROUND((243.04*(LN(`rhum`/100)+((17.625*`temp`)/(243.04+`temp`)))/(17.625-LN(`rhum`/100)-((17.625*`temp`)/(243.04+`temp`)))),1) AS `dwpt`, `rhum`, `prcp`, `snow`, `wdir`, `wspd`, `wpgt`, `pres`, `tsun`, `coco`, 'B' AS `priority` FROM `hourly_synop` WHERE `station` = :station {f'AND `time` BETWEEN "{start_year}-01-01 00:00:00" AND "{end_year}-12-31 23:59:59"' if MODE == 'recent' else ''} ) UNION ALL (SELECT `time`, `temp`, ROUND((243.04*(LN(`rhum`/100)+((17.625*`temp`)/(243.04+`temp`)))/(17.625-LN(`rhum`/100)-((17.625*`temp`)/(243.04+`temp`)))),1) AS `dwpt`, `rhum`, NULL AS `prcp`, NULL AS `snow`, `wdir`, `wspd`, NULL AS `wpgt`, `pres`, NULL AS `tsun`, `coco`, 'C' AS `priority` FROM `hourly_metar` WHERE `station` = :station {f'AND `time` BETWEEN "{start_year}-01-01 00:00:00" AND "{end_year}-12-31 23:59:59"' if MODE == 'recent' else ''} ) {f""" UNION ALL (SELECT `time`, `temp`, ROUND((243.04*(LN(`rhum`/100)+((17.625*`temp`)/(243.04+`temp`)))/(17.625-LN(`rhum`/100)-((17.625*`temp`)/(243.04+`temp`)))),1) AS `dwpt`, `rhum`, `prcp`, NULL AS `snow`, `wdir`, `wspd`, `wpgt`, `pres`, NULL AS `tsun`, `coco`, 'D' AS `priority` FROM `hourly_model` WHERE `station` = :station {f'AND `time` BETWEEN "{start_year}-01-01 00:00:00" AND "{end_year}-12-31 23:59:59"' if MODE == 'recent' else ''} ) """ if SCOPE == 'full' else ''} ) AS `hourly_derived` GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(`time`, '%Y %m %d %H') ORDER BY `time` ''', {'station': station[0]})
exit() else: task.set_var(f'station_counter_{MODE}', counter + STATIONS_PER_CYCLE) # DataFrame which holds all data df_full = None for remote_file in files: try: # Get national weather station ID national_id = str(remote_file[-13:-8]) if MODE == 'recent' else str( remote_file[-32:-27]) station_df = f"SELECT `id`, `altitude` FROM `stations` WHERE `national_id` LIKE '{national_id}'" ) station = station_df.iloc[0][0] altitude = station_df.iloc[0][1] hash = hashlib.md5(remote_file.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() local_file = os.path.dirname(__file__) + os.sep + hash ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + remote_file, open(local_file, 'wb').write) # Unzip file zipped = ZipFile(local_file, 'r') filelist = zipped.namelist() raw = None for file in filelist: if file[:7] == 'produkt': raw = BytesIO(, 'r').read())