skip = 0 if counter is None else int(counter) # Get MOSMIX stations try: stations = pd.read_csv(MOSMIX_PATH, dtype='str', skiprows=skip, nrows=STATIONS_PER_CYCLE, names=['id', 'mosmix']) except pd.errors.EmptyDataError: stations = None pass # Update counter if stations is None or len(stations.index) < STATIONS_PER_CYCLE: task.set_var('station_counter', 0) exit() else: task.set_var('station_counter', skip + STATIONS_PER_CYCLE) # DataFrame which holds all data df_full = None # Import data for each weather station for station in stations.to_dict(orient='records'): try: # Load KMZ data from DWD server url = f"{station['mosmix']}/kml/MOSMIX_L_LATEST_{station['mosmix']}.kmz" filename = os.path.dirname(__file__) + os.sep + station['id'] + '.kmz'
# Get counter value counter = task.get_var(f'station_counter_{MODE}') counter = int(counter) if counter is not None else 0 skip = 3 if counter is None else 3 + counter # Get all files in directory try: endpos = STATIONS_PER_CYCLE + skip stations = ftp.nlst()[skip:endpos] except BaseException: stations = None pass # Update counter if stations is None or len(stations) < STATIONS_PER_CYCLE: task.set_var(f'station_counter_{MODE}', 0) exit() else: task.set_var(f'station_counter_{MODE}', counter + STATIONS_PER_CYCLE) # DataFrame which holds all data df_full = None for station_file in stations: try: # Get national weather station ID national_id = str(station_file[-13:-8]) if MODE == 'recent' else str( station_file[-32:-27]) station =
# Get ISD Lite stations try: stations = pd.read_csv(USAF_WBAN_PATH, dtype='str', skiprows=skip, nrows=STATIONS_PER_CYCLE, names=['id', 'usaf', 'wban']) except pd.errors.EmptyDataError: stations = None pass # Update counter if stations is None or len(stations.index) < STATIONS_PER_CYCLE: # Reset counter task.set_var('station_counter_' + MODE, 0) # Reset year if MODE == 'historical': if year >= CURRENT_YEAR - 2: task.set_var('year', 1901) else: task.set_var('year', year + 1) exit() else: task.set_var('station_counter_' + MODE, skip + STATIONS_PER_CYCLE) # Connect to NOAA FTP Server ftp = FTP('') ftp.login() # Get list of years