Example #1
def generatePolydivisibles( _base ):
    base = int( _base )
    result = list( range( 1, base ) )
    newItems = list( range( 1, base ) )

    for i in newItems:
        yield i

    while newItems:
        newCandidates = [ ]

        while newItems:
            item = newItems.pop( 0 )
            digits = splitNumber( item, base )

            place = len( digits ) + 1

            if place % base == 0:
                newDigits = [ 0 ]
            elif base > 2 and isDivisible( base, 2 ):
                if place % ( base / 2 ) == 0:
                    newDigits = [ 0, base / 2 ]
                elif place % 2 == 0:
                    newDigits = list( range( 0, base, 2 ) )
                    newDigits = list( range( 0, base ) )
                newDigits = list( range( 0, base ) )

            newCandidateBase = fmul( item, base )

            for digit in newDigits:
                testMe = fadd( newCandidateBase, digit )

                if isDivisible( testMe, place ):
                    newCandidates.append( testMe )
                    yield testMe

        newItems = newCandidates

        newCandidates = [ ]
Example #2
def isPolydivisible( n ):
    if real_int( n ) < 0:
        raise ValueError( 'non-negative, real integer expected' )

    strValue = getMPFIntegerAsString( n )

    # a couple of cheats
    if ( len( strValue ) > 4 ) and ( strValue[ 4 ] not in [ '5', '0' ] ):
        return 0

    if ( len( strValue ) > 9 ) and ( strValue[ 9 ] != '0' ):
        return 0

    for i in range( len( strValue ), 1, -1 ):
        current = mpmathify( strValue[ : i ] )

        if not isDivisible( current, i ):
            return 0

    return 1
Example #3
def isHarshadNumber( n, k ):
    digits = getBaseNDigits( real_int( n ), k )
    return 1 if isDivisible( n, fsum( digits ) ) else 0